i . 1 1 tf I i Kabobs, Casseroles Popular for Summertime Dining . Outdoor Menus Are Just As Good Inside s . x sit ' ' ' ' ' K v""""' V v.- y A-- i';.Vr. r a i Pimiento-stuffed green olives are served kabob-style for supper. Add colorful touch 1o cab bage slaw with paprika-coated pineapple chunks. Baked beans and crusty bread complete the menu. Pineapple, Ham In Main Dish With Pancakes Ham-Filled Pineapple Pancakes appear as a simple but satisfying dish that starts with cooked or left-over or boiled bam. Tuck it inside tender pancakes apiced with flecks of golden pineapple and bake it in a cheese sauce. It's showy dish that uses left-overs with a flair of imagination, can be prepared early and baked just before serving. HAM FILLED PINEAPPLE PANCAKES 1 small onion, minced 1 tablespoon butter or margarine 1 can 3 oz) chopped mushrooms 1 cups finely chopped or ground bam 2 eggs 1 cup milk 1 cup flour 4 teaspoon salt ',t cup crushed, well-drained pineapple butter or margarine for frying 1 can cream of chicken soup j cup milk cup grated cheddar cheese Saute onion in butter or mar garine until tender, add drained mushrooms and chopped ham and blend well. Set aside while making pancakes. Beat eggs until frothy and stir in milk. Beat in flour and salt until smooth. Add well-drained crushed pineapple. Heat a small (7-inch) frying pan, add a small amount of butter and pour abouj S tablespoons of batter into pan. Tip pan so that batter covers evenly and fry until brown, turn, brown second side slightly. Re move from pan and turn pancake over so that the side which was cooked last is up. Spoon 'i cup of the ham mixture down the center of pancake and roll up. Continue frying and filling until batter is used. Arrange pancakes in a single layer in a shallow baking pan. Stir soup until smooth, blend in milk and pour over pancakes. Sprinkle top yith cheese. Bake in a moderate oven 350 F.) for 30 minutes. Makes 8 to 10 filled cakes. If pancakes are to be filled and then baked later, pour soup over just before baking. Variation: Cooked or canned chicken may be substituted for ham called for in above recipe. WITH JUICE Good go-along for tomato Juice: SWEET COVER Add chopped raisins and walnuts Cream soft cheddar cheese it i to part of that 7-minute frosting comes in a roll) with butter and H homemade or packaged) and use add finely chopped shrimp, onion ts a filling for layer cake. The powder and chili sauce or catchup. I rest of the frosting goes over the Spread over toast and broil. I top and aides of the cake. By MAXINE BUR EN Statetmai Wemaa's .Ediier Witfa springtime here and more of tame just around the corner, many families count outdoor meals most important of the day. Usually it'i supper, and these earlier days when eve nings chill up considerably, some outdoorish meals will have to be served In the shelter of the bouse or at least under the patio roof. Many meals planned now-days, however, are adaptable to servinz either out doors or in. Pictured on this frt;VyrJ page we have two distinct kinds of summer menu the broiler meal and tne menu planned around a casserole dish. Our kabobs are a bit different than the ordi nary, because the olives are an important in gredient, not just an accompaniment. These are equally good prepared over the coals or under the broiler. Serve cabbage slaw with pineapple chunks, canned baked beans, and French bread. OLIVE SUPPER . KABOBS V pound ground beef chuck l teaspoon garlic salt S tablespoons finely-chopped onion Salt and popper to taste 12 large pimiento-stuffed green olives 2 frankfurters, cut in half crosswise 1 medium-sized tomato, cut in fourths 4 smalwhole onions, cooked 1 clove garlic, cut In half 2 tablespoons butter or margarine, melted Combine beef, garlic salt, chopped onions and salt and pepper. Mix well and shape into 4 balls. Arrange olives, beef balls, frank furters, tomato and whole onions on skewers. Combine garlic and butter or margarine; cook 3 minutes. Brush on kabobs. Broil 't inches from source of heat 10 minutes, or until meat malls are 'browned on all sides. Makes 4 servings. Our casserole too is a bit unusual. Suggested by the makers of new instant mashed potatoes, it naturally includes them. The potatoes (which come in shreds) are put into the mixture right from the box, which gives them their interesting texture. You can use other potatoes at a substitute. BAKED EGGS AND POTATO At GRATIN 1 3 tablespoons butter or margarine 3 tablespoons flour 2li cupt milk I teaspoon salt Dash of pepper 1 teaspoon grated onion v cup chopped parsley - . cup grated sharp Cheddar cheese 6 hard-cooked eggs 1 package packaged mashed potatoes Melt butter in taucepan. Add flour and stir until blended. Add milk gradually, stirring 'constantly. Add seasonings, onion, and parsley. Cook and stir over medium heat until sauce Is smooth and thickened; then add grated cheese. Slice eggs. Pour a small amount of tauce in a l'.-i quart casserole. Then arrange layers of potatoes, sliced Cggs, and sauce ( alternately, using potatoes; for the toy layer. Bake in a moderate oven i375 degree( for IS minutes. Makes 4 aervingt. MIL Toffee Cookies Rich Recipe Here's an interesting cookie to add to your list. TOFFEE BUTTER COOKIES 1 cup butter 1 cup brown sugar 1 egg 1 teaspoon vanilla 2 cups sifted flour 8 (5c) plain milk chocolate -ban . cup chopped nuts (pecans, English walnuts, cashews, etc.) Cream butter and sugar. Beat well, add egg. Beat until light, add vanilla. Add flour and blend thoroughly. Spread on 11" by 17" jelly roll pan. Bake in moderate oven, 3S0 degrees, for IS to 20 minutes. Place eigth five cent milk chocolate bars on top of hot cake. Spread and sprinkle with chop ped nuts. Will make from 72 to 80 cookies. I It t "xA II I 111 VC-'.-V II I I III . i v -v mm H018' K dfflfflfy K j COLD DRINKS LI in POTATO OTPS! Theae big golden potato chip go better than anything at picnics and outdoor barbecues! Nalley'a Chip aje ttOGER to satisfy "open-air' appetites. Crisper to atay criap without getting soggy in barbecue saucea and salads. Tastier to give you the easy eatin' pleasure of extra special chips salted just right. Get Nalley'a Chips have a pic nic! Take 'em -home in the big family size aluminum foil bag that keeps 'em fresh at all outdoors! Mad for each other... Nalley't Potato Chips and... SALADS SANDWICHES I 4 4 Cracklin' Crisp mi Fresh! Made in nrt' Orecon plant and Distributed fmh daily by McCune Saks Co. i ..1 : I T V littsmu, Ultm. Ore, fri, Hiy 25. 1926 6C III) 2J d a w' f "4 , , , . r j. 4 . J L' Baked Eggs Au Gratin, a fine surhmertimt dish, gets Its Interesting flavor from the Instant mashed potatoes used directly from me poj. oui i on in iiuiuo, oui iruiiy on we lop, in oin alio inciuaei neru-cooKeQ eyg. . - !, i i 1 1 i . i el nn7 in in xa mu I ?r VALUE Hi ill .-if l FR with 5 red 'n blue Swift Quality Seals from 5 cartons of AttSlnJHIlT Jumbo XizeToivel Dries twin as many dishes twice as fasti New fabric blend, fort-free e NatiMflllv tVtrriste wollrt Fll M imlis leitfl, 20 Inches wiee e Gees! Hwekieelnfl Seal ef Aparml m tewel J ffir J 4 You'll find a sal llkt this on every Altsweet package. Save 5 seals, send them In slong with the certificate on the packag. or the certificate below, for your mc Kendall Dish Towel. For jprndint ftovorinf. cookinf THE MARGARINE WITH THE DELICATE, NATURAL FLAVOR! FREE TOWEL CERTIFICATE 1 AHsweet free TeweU Jti OS,CMie 77, Illinois l ncloid t tlvt (SI rt 'n blu Swlt Quillty Stl from fiv (51 crtnni ef A!)(Wt Mrirlnt. hint ttnd m en UJ iunt Kndll OitX Towtl. (P1IAII rtMT) aaorM. ilra 1 mki Hi fctof liurt tmt hMll m Itmly. (OH mm Mi K IMS) H