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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1956)
'T'i ! . 1 8 f S t ? ... If i 1 ' f ri i t I! 20-(Sec.II) Statesman, Salem. Ore, FrL, May 25,' toA1nnlMv Sohnn Valley News Statesman Ntwi $rvlc Bolivia Calls IFamily From 1 . , Iiilmu Naw Itnttc ' ?S ROSED ALE Mr. and Mrs. ! Forrest Cam mack and children. i' HariU and Edwin, are acheduled K to leava in early October for X Bolivia, South America, to pend 5 two years helpinf at the Friends MiaaJon Farm and Bible School. Cammack will work with his -trot' Paul, who la bow man Sager oi the farm, for one year In then will take over while hia J brc4her and family return to the Cm States for l furlough. Mri. Caro- mack wtfl lave cnarge ot missionary children's acbooL M Donald Jones wilt take are of the Cammack'i farm in Rosedale pouring their absence. He will ho C. .1. .-!... ..J f...M th. v5 September, and had worked for tnem several years oeiore enter' inf the service two yean ago. feQ Prinrpx&pg mm m m 'VWWV QSeekCroicn ! ALBANY Nine princesses ,' 2-rtrom four mid-valley towns are i Mln the running for queen of the f 195 Albany Timber Carnival. Thev ire Jo Ann Brown. Jef &ferson; Regis Herbert Corvallia; 'Twyla Cone. Lebanon; and Karen !! Anderson. Sandra Harger, Pat fc Perry, Sandl Powers, Irene Det- f,ter and Tarbert, all ot Albany. ' l The candidatea will sell bnttona fito the Jayree-sponMred Timber fl-Carnival. . The win be frowned queen on July 1 ; ' ii i . ii '. pT. Foster, pO, DaUas, S-Heart Victim ' j,j ; - lutf nua Ntn Imkt Ci DALLAS Services for Charles Jl'Thurman Foster, 40, resident of Dallas Route 1 for the past five i '.'years, will be at 1:30 p.m. Satur-r-jday at the Bollman Chapel Inter- ! turner will be at Dallas Cemetery. E ' K Foster died Tuesday at Tigard I C-tfollowing a heart attack while en- . 'route to the Veterans' Hospital in 1 $ '. Portland lor n routine physical 5 ' iheck. Ha wu born March U, 1918 1 C't Gulp, Ark.r and wu married ! K-flept. l, mi. Dallas to Lillian !ulllngtoa.- who survivea. : A veteran erf World. War B. ke , ,.d lived in Arkansaa and New . -.Mexico before moving to Dallas ia ; 4; Ji. He wss employed ra a (arm n tha Dallas area, , ? ?. surviving a aaauion to ma wue s;-at Dallas arc four children, PrK- -jiila, Tommy and Rita, all Dallas, J.'nd Rosemary in Arkansaa; par Xnts, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Foa ;-or; six sisters and seven brothers. ; . . . . 38 Gra'duatc iit Hubbard .. fcj : ; 'aUtMima Ntwi Ctrvtee ' V HUBBARD Twenty-oight rraduatea received diplomas at ; ;Hubbsrd Grade School commence rnent exercise Wednesday eve-I-Hing. ... ., ... :,,.... Karen Jones, daughter ot Mr. Vend Mrs. Howard Jones, received vine Hubbard Woman's club award Kfor outstanding girl, and Judy Let SNenmaier, daughter of Mr. and vJWrs. H. Lettenmaier, received the C-f-TA scholarship award. Mn. E. C. Diller played the pro S!essional and recesaioaaL The Ith yH& (th graders and the chorus Mang. : Dr. C. A. Howard ot Monmouth. 'iredent of the state board of Iducation, described a "Top Flight American" as guest speak iVr. The clasa was presented by Scarify Branlgar, the clasa will Weed by Stephen Fisher and diplo CrM presented by Charles Byers. Group Secks Park si Stataamaii Nfwi Sr-rvlra 'm m WOt' a, .UTS VIIJ VUUIILIl ,:Jent a sympathetic ear Wednesday fright to SS residents who want a C-tity park In their south Albany :jjistrfct- The group asked City Council f,'Mp In trying to make a la.MO I'.jlown payment on property for the ; ark. The option expire this week. ALBANY The C t rnnnp I Jh group of citizens has $1,831 nd asked the city council to pro vide the balance. lV. II . a-, ine council agrera w iry and ork th park Into the city bud- ffiadleyBirthi STAYTON To Mr. and Mrs. i-Ttnhri T. ! Wart C . J-jon, May 22, at Santum Memorial jJtti! r-J"'". Hospital I-I BTt VrHTflN-Tn Wu mA u,. . a - aaaxu an s as. !;Jlcnry Holland (Lucille Bensn). M Sublimity, a daughter, Hay S. 9 OU "Cl tU" ' j;i Known to Relieve fiAcid lhd.aes.ion Judge Sloper to Crown St. Paul Queen Tonight ttalMau Hews earrtre ST. PAUL-Clreult Judge Val iloper of Salem will crown Jin- ire Miller of HUwautie as queen of the 21st annual St. Paul Rodeo at the traditional coronation dance ia the City ball here Fri day night. Miss Killer, an lS-year-old freshman at the University of Portland and a talented horse woman, will be crowned Queen Janice I, and will rule over the four-day rodeo July 1 to 4. Her crown will be a handsome som brero and her scepter, a quirt to bo presented by her predeces sor, Nsdine Danlelson of Banks. The Buckarettes, 21-girl drill team from St Paul High School, will form an honor guard for the newly crowned, queen and her princesses, Judy Setmster of Salem and i Hasina Kuehne of Carlton. The Buckarettes will also pre sent an exhibition drill. Dave hoss, Salem, will serve aa master of ceremonies for the coronation. " Pollc Rural Levy Carries 3-1 ' lliti M Mewi arrlr DALLAS The Polk County rural school district levy has been ap proved by a margin of about three to one, it waa announced this week by F. C Green, secretary of the county rural school board. This marks th second succes sive year that th levy has been approved. Green said It was the first time the levy has passed two years m a row. Final tally on the vote wu J19 yea and 153 no. Seventeen Individ ual districts voted for the lew and seven voted against H. The total levy amounts to $362.87 with I123.7M being in excess of the ( per cent limitation. OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY 13:15 TO P.M. OTHIR DAYI 9:30 A.M. TO S:30 P.M. a CDCC STOM-SIDI PAtKINO rKCC por ov 1,000 cam . Queen Helen -Problem Skin Sett TOrimtHI truir HOOI Reg, $1 Tuuy Deodorant Cream or Stick ' 50' Toiimut trair nooa Rfg. $5 DermeticM Fluid Facial Kit 3 TOIKTBU1 sraiiT nooa Reg. $10 John Robert Powert Yiacel Beauty Preparation 5" El TOIllTSIil ITIIIT HOOI R. $1 Du Pnrc Floral Soap, 59c R. $4.95 Men'i club hair brush, natural bristles Rej. $1 Rath sprays, handy for shampooing Rjj. $f.65 Clearosil pimple and acne treatment hi-r Heublf ent i Chentilly body t -piUS IH Three in Gsntennial Gass luunui MACLEAY-Graduation of the held Wednesday night at the school. It waa an especially aignlficant occasion for the three graduatea. Patricia Hudec, Sharon Kronbuegel and Marilyn Martin, aa thin year ia the 100th anniversary of the school. The address by David Duns way, discribed put activities of Mac leay as the first schol ot Ameri can settlers in Oregon.- - Lag School The first school wss held in the borne of David Waldo in 1844 and in 1838 Macleay built a log school and became an official school dis trict with a muck wider boundary than It now hu. Other numbers on titer program included the invocation by Tom Burton; class history, Marilyn Martin; wills, Pstricia Hudec; prophecy, Sharon Kronbuegel Diplomas were presented Dy Harry Martin. Jr., retiring school board chairman, Martina Honored Martin, born and raised In this community, has been school- board member for the past iz years. He nu recently peen ap pointed manager tor Jacksrn County by the U. S. Department of Agriculture ASC office with headquarters in MedforeL Mr. and Mrs. Martin, Larry, Marilyn and Marjean shared hon ors with the graduates at the re ception. They were presented with a gift for their new home. Assisting in serving were, Mrs. 1 Wilbur Miller, Mrs. W. J. Noland.j snd Mrs. Carl Moore I The annual school picnic will be held at the school Sunday at 1 p.m. Albany Gty Engineer Going to Pendleton luunua Strvlri ALBANY City Engineer Gerlad Ulet leaves Albany Friday for a similar position at Pendel ton where he was lured by a higher salary. He came here three years ago from Eugene where he was assistant city engineer. LIKE TO LIVE IN CALIFORNIA? land lor list of ONE HUNDRED San FranciKO 8r aw companiM with ffvt hundrad wnployMt m woes, lilt ihowi nam, addriw and kind ef bmtfMM. Stud ONI DOUAt ($1.00) to .rU kUNlNT IMMOYMINT, MM StMd- City, Caitfamia. $10 Charlei Antell Mako-up Sett 5 Reg. $1 Jaquet Saton Hygenieque Soap box of 2 bars 69 TOUITIIft STREfT riOOR Reg. $5 Nipt Perfume Tent Kit 2' TOILiTKlIS ITREIT HOOt Reg. $2.35 Roger & Gallrt Blue Carnation Soap and Cologne Set 1.50 ft tOllETltf STRUT rtOOR powder 4 craam deodorant, TOKnun itwiT nooe TOILETRIES - STREET FLOOR ftrflJlintAa Haws tfrvlce eighth trade at Macleay School was Club to Buy Projector at Middle Grove SUInua Ntw Srlrt MIDDLE GROVE Mrs. Mar jorie Allen ot Pringle School faculty prewnted the "projection method" of reading at the Par ents Club meeting here Monday night. As a result, the club voted to purchase a projector for that purpose as a project for the com ing year. Charles Schmidt, assistant su perintendent of Sslem schools, explained the school budget which will be voted on Friday. Mrs. Vernon Glsss, Parent Council representative, reported on the recreational program of Salem schools since 1844. . Mrs. R. Gordon Scott. 4-H club chairman, reported that 12 mem bers hsd carried through the year's work with favorable re sults. Room prize went to Minn Kath- erine Brandt's fourth grade. New officers installed by Ern- lest Crum were: President, Les ter Purcell; vice-president-treasurer, Mrs. Earl Mslm; secretary, Mrs. Kenneth Parker. Mrs. Gordon Scott and Mary W'esely were presented gifta. Measles were reported preva lent in the district Miss Lois Burton, first-grade teacher, is one of the victims. i ''tea J 3115 Reg. $2 Dorothy Gray Hot Weather Colognet Reg. $2.50. Helena Ruhenttein Color'tone Shampoo 1.50 Reg. $1 Harriet Hub bard Ayer Deodorant Cream or Stick 50 TOILETRIES STREET FLOOR Reg. $2 Du Pare Bubbling Bath Oil TOILETRIES STREET FLOOR 2 for $1 $3.18 33c , , i , t 1 1 . . . . . $1.49 both for lfT ratlSM 520 1 Milk PnlOfKffl TOILETRIES STREET FIOOI TOILETRIES STREET FLOOR Jefferson Budget Riae Slightly, Hearing Slated' ' (UUaawa Ntwi Mrrt JEFFERSON The budget for the city of Jefferson for 1036-97 waa released this week. Total estimated expenditures are $2o 338 or 8272 more than last year. The estimated receipts, 114,303 are the aame as last year. The amount to be raised by taxes is 88,033 as compared to 83,760 last year. A hearing with the city council and budget committee la scheduled for Monday, June 11, at ( p.m., in the city hall. Members on the budget com mittee include Ada McKee. sec retary: Charles Borst, Howsrd Broxson. Oliver Stephenson, Jas per Turnidge, Marvin Hutchings, Lee Wells, O. A. Hall, Ed Ricks, Guy Babcock and Gilbert Looney. Stayton Man's Condition Still Termed Critical Slataaaaa Ntwi Strrlra STAYTON - The condition of Ronald Woods, critically injured in an auto accident in Nebraska about 10 days ago, remains "about the same," according to his fa ther, the Rev. Clyde Woods of Stayton. who has just returned from his son's bedside. Ronald has not regained consciousness. According to the Rev. Mr. Woods, his son is in fitzsimmons Army Hospital, Denver, Colo. The moth er and young wife and child of the injured man are. at his bed side. Crime costs th United States IS billion dollars a year, according to one estimate. You Are Invited to Visit Our 'CHARM HOUSE' A Cap Cod cottage furnished with the warmth and friendli ness ot early American maple at its best Where you may shop at your leisure with free decorating help, if desired. Our "Charm House" has juft been completely redecorated. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING INC. 47 Court Ph. 3 -Mil Open Mon. t FrL Til I Reg . $1 Shulton Deert Flower Cream Deodorant ttawn-'TSS TOILETRIES ITREIT FLOOR 50 Reg. $1.25 Ogilvie Sittert Cream Set 89' TOILETRIES STRUT FLOOR Reg. $1.85 10-Packet FUmer Seeds & Markers 39 Reg. $3.50 Barbara Gould Cleansing Cream, 14-oz. jar 1.75" TOILETRIES STRUT FLOOR Reg. $3.75 Blanr hard's Cologne and Dusting Potcder 2.50" TOILETRIES STRUT FLOOR trtali mm )llJBjawaJsaik'ij 13! Folding Chair All-Weather Saran Fabric Harmony Houw 5.88 lightwaight tubular aluminum chair fold m a aingla motxyi. tubbar cappad front laga far goad balanca. jscfz& reg. $3 Primrose House Chiffon cleansing cream 1.50 Deep cleansing, leaves your skin velvety soft. $5 economy size, now $2.50 Reg. $1 Primrose House Hi Sheen Shampoo reg. 69 rubber gloves Sturdy, iong-wearing hands when you do nn r i r r n Ann r m n n r oho New Tub Chairs British Hong kfbng Import 30-in. h,gh 4.88 For indoor or outdoor lorvica with wev.n rattan oaal taati and backi, olid rattan frarsa. Utinfortad. fffll 550 mm Reg. now 50c' 33 rubber gloves. Protect your household tasks. -jjkssjjsji n m . tanow (1. 6 Foot Outdoor TABLE CEtJCH SET Specially Priced! Table) and bench made with 2 Inch plank top construction. Red wood oil stain finish for preservation. Bolt on lags for aasy storag. Knock-down 2x4 inch Iggs. E . Vr m( . . Iii i mi f ml J Butterfly Chair Folds Quickly for Storage 5 88 Harmony Houta A modarn, functional chair for out door um or in dan or living room, alack '! rod frama, duck fabric 1 colon. reg. $1 Wrislefs lanolin soap Famous quality soap, skin soft and smooth. price! reg. $2.50 purse-size travel mirrors Big savings on these to take one along on trips. 10 i iiltii Economy Lawn Swing Warm Weather Beauty Spaci.1 ... 39.88 Angla iron frama with ttripad canvaa canopy and iwing covar. Sa.t la haavily paddad for cvmfortabla tarv ka. Othar twinga i7.M and 7 SI. (1. m m m N. Capitol 3-9191 79 bag of 12 bars rich In lanolin to keep your Stock up now ot this thrifty handy mirrors. You'll want your vacation or weekend KM mm TOHJTRIIS strut nooa