ft II Willamette Carole Pfaff JTo Head Cap And Gown By FLOSSY HODGE Statesman CerretaMdeat i Newly-appointed officers of Cap and Gown, senior women's honor ary are Carole Pfaff of Portland, president; Joyce Ambler of Port- land, vice president; Marilyn flan thorn of Portland, corresponding secretary; Lou Ann Mergler of Mt. .Vernon, Wash., recording sec retary; Sally Jones of Parkland. fWash., treasurer; Ann Not son of $ Portland, historian; and Marilyn jlsaalc of Salem, Marge Wood of. fBurlingame, Calif., and Flossy Jlndge of Portland, projects com inittee. I New members of Cap and Gown fwill usher at Baccalaureate in I their first official duties. New pro jects will include the possibility of I Mortar, Board installing a chapter vu iiiv lampus. Miss Edwards U Slag ; Soprano Michelle Edwards, jun ior music education major from Salem, will present her first Wil lamette recital Tuesday in the Music Recital Hall. She is a voice student of Clorinda Topping, and serves as a soloist at St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Salem. At Alpha Chi Omega's annual senior banquet, awards were pre- seniea to several of the chapter s most outstanding members. The lyrebird awards for those in each class making the most outstanding contribution to the house went to Martha Eagleson o( Tigard. Jresh- 5 man; Mary nckett of Sacramento I and Bev Reinhardt of Canby, ! sophomores; Patty Hostetler of Canby, junior; and Charlene Miner 1 nl San Mateo, Calif., senior. Mar I ian Rutledge of Beaverton was I honored as the senior with Ihe highest accumulative grade point average, while Barbara Freitag f of Yakima received the award for I the greatest improvement in grades. I Smiths are Honored I The faculty literally "rolled in the aisles", according to Mrs. I Maurice Brennan, retiring presi I dent of the Faculty Wives club. J The event was the annual formal i faculty banquet held last Friday I evening. A surprise skit, which I honored President and Mrs. G. " Herbert Smita. was presented en I titled "The Making of a Presi 5. dent," by Mrs. Edwin Butler. 4 According to Ihe script, "endow- ment" was our president's first J word. The wedding scene was an other favorite of the groom. It seems that the minister, best man, f and Dr. Smith the bridegroom 3 were absent. The organist re ' peated the church music several I times. Finally the- bride's father : looked into the matter and dis- covered the missing members of the wedding party busy extinguish ing i Are in the rear of the church, Part Welcomes Newcomers WEST STAYTON -A family gathering at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Nye was held Sunday to welcome to Oregon Mr. Nye's par ents. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Nye. of Seymour, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Nye plan to make their home part time with their son, Ray, and part time with their son, Arthur, and daugh ter, Mrs. Forrest Jonson, both of whom reside at Tenino, Washing ton, near Olympia. All but three of the grandchildren and seven of the great-grandchildren, most of whom they had never seen, were present to welcome them on their arrival. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Eu gene Ileuberger, Ralph, Robert and Donald, of Sublimity, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Nye, Carol Anne and Kuthie, of Milwaukie. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Clipfell. Dennis, Sharon. Martin, Patricia and Doris, of Lyons and Mr. and Mrs. James Nye, Gary, Jimmie and Virgil Lee. Co-Rec Gub Danre i The Co-Rec club of the YWCA has scheduled an informal dance for Friday evening at I o'clock to be held at Eddie's on the Dallas Salem Highway. All unmarried men and women are welcome to attend. Transportation will be available to the dance from the YWCA at 7:45 and I p.m. Lodge Sees Pictures Mrs. Luciea LeCompte, noble grand, showed pictures of her trip to California at the Salem Rebe kab Lodge meeting Monday night Mrs. LeCompte and Mrs. Gregory Schmidt, vice-grand, surprised the members by serving refreshments following the meeting. Thq Three Links Club will meet Friday after noon at 1 p.m. Surprise Party Fetes Visitor WALLACE ROAD Miss Arline Sholseth was complimented with a surprise party at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Sholseth, on the Wallace Road wihle here on a two day visit from Bremerton. -. Guests were the Altrusa club, of which Miss Sholseth is past president. Kappa Delta alumni and many other friends. Miss Sholseth has a position as a pharmacist in Bremerton. Two million pilgrims year visit the shrine of Lourdes in France. In 1954, only 200 Americans died from diphtheria. Joint Dinner Meeting A joint meeting of Chemeketa and Salem Toaitmistress clubs will be held this evening at the Golden Pheasant at t p.m. Host esses will be Mrs. Reginald Vin cent and Mrs. James Tindall. Toastmistress for the evening will j be Miss Alberta Shoemakc. Table ! topics will be in charge of Mrs. I Sarah Tennis. Speakers will be Mrs. A. t. CTImin, Mrs. Louis Neuman, Mrs. Charles Weigal and Mrs. - Mary McCulley. General evalualor will be Miss Myrtle WeatherhoH and Mrs. Helena Hansen. Limestone is the accumulation of skeletons of marine animals. Twice as many people are ill during March as during July. OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY 12:15 TO 9 P. M. - OTHER DAYS 9:30 A. M. TO 5:30 P. M. I i vv ' 3'Wt;-' x. X . . The most precious (and fun to present) gifts you can give baby are the ones you crochet or embroider yourself. Viiit Meier & Frank's and' see our new se lection of yarns and stamped styles for baby. Free instructions, mimeographed patterns and, of course, expert advice. Reg, 69 Fleisher's Baby Yarns , .4.1- " V , vl ' Soft, washable; jsink, blue, green, yellow, white. All wool or Pompadour, 1 -oz. 59 .SV. st jjaa 0jm eQ( Reg. 89c Stamped Kimonss Reg. SI. 19 Stamped Wrapping Blankets 2,1 mmsm LI 69 3.95 Reg. $1.19 Stamped Wrapping Blankets Reg. $5 95 Stamped crib cover, acetate crepe or fine sheeting Reg. 39c oi King Cole yarn (limit 10) 10 Reg. $1.59 Splnnerin SUverglow, 4-ply wool tl 1Q with 7 "Pompadour" rayon trim, 4-os. vltl7 Reg. $1.49 soft, fluffy Companion Knitting tl 1(1 Worsted, oz. skein 9lly FREE STORE-SIDE PARKING FOR OVER 1,000 CARS ART NEEDLEWORK SECOND FLOOR Statesman, Salem, Ore'.,' Fri., May 25, '56 (Secllj-19 Tht Bst Place to Shop ... Afttr All Tho LIFE SAVERS . bD by Klrklfnil lloll) X w, . : 4 V W,1 OUR SUIT THAT WINS FRIENDS, influence, figures! In cool ; linen-like fabric that's crease-resistant . . , superbly tailored, yet priced within your budget. Take your pick of a wide range of delectable Spring colors. Size$ JO-1 ft. eusi uvfu Cow..foa camdib ' ' AND FABULOUS FRIDAY ARAN STORE HOURS: MONDAY AND FRIDAY 9:30 TO 9:00 ALL OTHER WEEK DAYS 9:30 TO 5:30 , '',.'. -' ' . Good Quality Bargains! ; Odds, Broken Size Lots, n: a.: i i s.- The' Best Place to Shop . . . After All viwummueu mC, Beginning Friday Morning at 9:30 I' l! Mattress Pads Hats For Vacation 1 '2 Hats for that vacation you've planned! Assorted straws with matching bags! Choice of many novelties. Reg. $1.50 to $10 95. Nylon-Acetate Slips $159 Beautifully tailored, cut on the straight for good fitting . . . these are nylon and ace tate. Sizes 32 to 38. All white. Shop early Uir these. Store opens at 9:30. Double Bed Single Bed $2 $! Quitted mattress pads. Held in place by elastic corner bands. Fine quality through out. Downstairs. Revere Vi Qt. Sauce Pan $069 Revere one and one-half quart sauce pans in regular Revere quality. (This is the popular size.) Downstairs. Reg. $3.95. 1-5 Girls' Jackets $99 Sizes 10, 12, 14 years . . . pnplin jackets with zipper front and bar-tacked pockets. In rose, pink, gold, orange. Downstairs. From Holland Droste's Chocolate Apples . 25 ... . . . v k . . , Delicious milk chocolates from Holland! Each chocolate apple has 20 separate' slices. Mild bltter-swcH-. . . a haunting taste! Reg. $1.10. , . L i Playtex Girdles $149 Close-out of discontinued styles in this fa mous girdle and pantie girdle. Values to $7.95. : . m Women's Nylon Panties Prs. In while and pastels $100 I Bath Mat Sets $2?8 Fjlter-Fry Splatter Shields IT women's nylon II brief style panties in sizes 5, 6, 7. 2nd floor. Three piece viscose nylrn bathroom set Non-skid treated back. Quirk wash and dry quality. Pink, blue, green. Reg. $425. Downstairs. 11 i i These Kilter-Fry spla.ttcr shields come in the large size and fits most fry pans. All aluminum mesh. Downstairs. Reg. $1.10. x I' Girls' T-Shirts 79' Girl's T-shirts for smart outdoor wear. As sorted colors. Little girl's sizes 1 to 6x. Reg. $1 98. Downstairs. Candy Chews 59' u Cellophane wrapid randy chews In many different flavors. Shop Miller s for finest candies. Main, floor. Girdles and Pantie Girdles Notions . . . Odds-Ends $ 5" 79 Barbecue Carts... $ 10 99 Large group of both pantie and reg. style girdles in famous brsnds. Broken sizes . . . discontinued numbers. Values to $12.50. Garment bags . . . embossed plastic table cloths . . . assorted aprons. Values up to $1.89! Notion Dept., Main floor. Shop early! tsl Chrome plated barbecue carts with extra large firebox on utility table with casters. Downstairs. Reg. $14 95. Women's Famous Brand Cotton Skirts $399 Famous name! Sailcloth and poplin fine woven cotton it plain and stripes. Conti nental effects. Navy, green, melon, orange, etc. Skirt sizes 10 to lfi. Reg to S7 95. 2nd floor. Boys' Sweaters $99 New! Wonderful! Protective Skin , Lorinn for Reg. $4 95 sweaters in wool or orlon Red, navy blue, brown. Sues 3 to 14 years. Downstairs v j A $p5 si if A miracle beauty discovery! protective skin lotion is what now for the summer sun Plus tax. This new you need Jt4Hf, e:qMtij:'jwtajSjaeat we WyffqpMf Remnants I () t ? Rayon, acetate, wool, cotton remnants at half price! Lengths for skirts, shirts snd children's clothes. 4-Ply Wool Yarn 39 Skein Barbecue Carts. . . $777 99 Famous Play Togs Odds-Ends lOO" Virgin wot1 sweater yarn in 4 ply Pre-shrunk. Wide range of colors. Conven ient pull-out skeins. Knit your sweaters and sox now and save. Downstairs. Barbecue rarts with large fire bin and heavy wire grid. Grey enamel hammertone finish. Regular $9 95. Choose now and save! Odds of famous plav Ugs line! Shorts . . halters . caps cum merbunds, etc. Skipper, red, beige and white. Scattered sizes 10 to 18. Sailcloth and poplins. 2nd floor. Reg. to $4.95. 0 r 1 Slightly Used Admiral T.V. Radio-Phonograph $19995 Try Miller's for a good deal in Television' This slightly used 21 inch TV. combined with radio and phonograph is BIG BUY for someone. Only one . . . hurry! Down stairs. Nylon Stretch, and I Men s Argyle Socks prs. for $100 I Specially spun soft cotton x for year around wear' Argyle and other wanted pat terns Irregulars from regular $1.00 qual ity Also stretches. Sizes 104 to 12. Main i floor. ,'i t 9 J 3 s ' i ' : .y ' f I 3