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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1956)
' wt fn lS-(S?c. II) Statesman, Dramas Will Be Given, fen Saturday Th tprinf es,ion of the Chil dren' Creative Theater will c!o with program of playi on Sat urday, May X in the aocial room of the First Congregational church. The creative drama will be given In the morning between 10:30 and U o'clock for parent and the in terested public without charge. The theater, iponsorod by the Sa lem Branch, American Auoclation of University Women and directed by Mrs. Murco Ringnalda, I fin ishing; it fourth year of uch pro gram. '- Th children will present their own version of a clam lemon. TUrn. ..ill J. 1 Day in the rirrt Grade." Jane Sprague will be the teacher and the director of "Little Red Riding Hood" and "The Three Bear." Her pupil wffl be Nancy Sprague, Sancha Duniwsy, y, Teddy DcLooze, Theresa Bennet and Terry Troth. The older group will dramatize leson from the fourth grade Pamela Linden will act a teacher and director of "Hansel and Gre tel." In her clan will be Jim Heath, Connie Page, Sharon Hann, Sandra Hann, Jane Sprague, Tee na Linden. Lynne Eyerley and Yvetta Troth. The entire membership will take . . . ... . .. ... part in "The Birthday Party" with Sharon Hann a mother and San cha Duniway and Sandra Hann as the hoctesse. A pirppat play. "Minnie Mouse and Donald Duck at the Bottom of the Sea.'' will climax thi, celebration. Pamela Linden and Teena Linden will be puppeteer with Jim Heath a, helper. ' Those Interested In summer eioi) for the theater may con tact Mr. RingnaMa after the per iormance it her home. CAl'SEWAT FINISHED HONG KONG W The Chinese Communist uy they have finished a 114-mile causeway from the mainland to th heavily fortified bland port of Amoy on the aouth eaat coast Thi will make eaa lef for the Red to bring up am munition tor the ihelling of the Chinese NationalUU on .nearby Quemoy Island. f r -4 -.,- I . . (yir.-- I Salem, Ore., Fri, May 25, To Prqside Orra B. Col and AAr. f QlrmrA ftPMnA rAtat r - Grand Court, Order of Am- ranth, who will preside at' a meeting in Salem Monday meeimg in aim mwnu.y for the purpose of organiz - 1 ing a new court. Blithe SDirit . . ' PlnvArf Tftfllnnt r,Ueu '""a"1 A KInrtk Hiflh t " jj" Pentacle Theatre member will William beeentonightatl:15onthetageichjdrfni the imbether child- of North Salem High School in the ren hospital, the Albertina-Kerf revival of one of their .uccessful Baby Home and the Red Cross are comedie. Noel Coward', "Blithe "! Principal philanthropic project, Spirit". Proceeds from the produc tion will be handed over to the speech department o( the h l g h lnool for necessary equipment. ' ft.. c uk. i n. uieq sMinin piays vnaim vun- grown steaouy ana progressively, dimine, the bewildered and har- At the present time there are 30 rassed husband, who i uddenly ; court in Oregon, confronted with the ghost of his The order of the Amaranth i wife, Fran Gholson, while his ec-an international organization with end wife, Sue Juba. completely I courU in Ireland, Scotland. Eng unaware of her presence, is under and, New Zealand, Australia. On the impression her husband i go- tario. Quebec. British Cnliimhi. ing mad. Madam Arcati. the en-j imuiasuc medium wno creaies mis situation I played by Shiela Laue. Mr. and Mrs. Bradmnn, friend of ana uiraine woreiana, wne me the maid is played by Joy Brown. Member of the stage crew and speech department of th school have been busily constructing set,, arranging for special effect, and celling ticket for the performance. Tht actors, who have all been teen by Salem audience' in Pentacle production, are finding a great many difference between tonight' production and those produced at the Pentacle barn. The tize of the auditorium, (eating capacity and proscenium itage are just I "0 ' rr m lis A''''--tw-:.t.v' v j if ", .,,, . , . , .. ,4 Urn Amaranths To. Organize New Court Plan for organizing a new court of me uraer me Amaramn wiu be discussed at a meeting Monday evening. May 28 at I o'clock in the past honored queen Mis Sharon Keizer Grange Hall, located on the Bourne Bethel 33; Junior prin Ct.emawa Road. jces Mis Jtn Drakely, Bethel i Thi meeting will be presided over by Mr. William C. Pritchard of Portland, grand royal matron, land Orra B. Cole of Cannon Beach. and royal patron. Assisting with ' Ik rrn0nuntk im Un - Jim! i Wi ron. Am.rin(h Jel 20 Beaverton on June 2, Beth- "f"""; ,n m,t ntV. 1 el 43 at the Scottish Rite Temple Um!,ed, , M!'!June 1. Bethel 48 on June ( at Mn, fraenuty, their wives. Wld- he cJ,.tih Rita Temole were - moth iulMm .iiern 'h'JScom11 Hl" TemP,e- were hatr-sislers-and grand daughters, Persons living In the bnlem-Kuzer r.rea. who can met these , quail- fication. are invited to participate m thi organizational meeting. Ad- ditionfll information can be ob- tamed from Mr. Manning. The purposes of the order of the Amaranth is the advancement of womanhood, charitable and social, in Dreffnn HI VICfUIl. ... The order of the Amaranth has been organized in Oregon since wo wjtn Ionic court No. 1 at Port- an(j tnd since that time ha .... . . Alaska, Philippine Island,. Hawaii ; and more than 3 states of the vnleii States with a membership in ncea of too ooo Neighbor of Woodcraft will meet for a social gathering Friday night at the Salem Woman's Club at I p.m. The guards will sponsor a cake walk and the interested pub lic is invited to attend. tome of the adjustment being made by the group. Ticket may (till be purchased b Meier & Frank', and Stevens k Son. Late comers will also-be able to buy tickets at the door. wt k w4 : i. """si' Wm1 : Queen Presides At Last Bethel Meeting Monday Honored aueen Miu Nancy Week presided at the lint meet- in of Bethel 35. Jnb'i Daiitrh- ten, Monday at the Scottish Rite .Temple. Honored were iunior : Mih Sally Tonu, Grand Rep- . w'v'ric m w "mD'; M V.1 " m ! "u:'n ' - 1 ur.nanuiw w ocinw . . . nra(... . . . "k-'J, tnr rteMolavi will he D,3 uSJiHii. Sill i jn,ul,ed , (orm,, crosi ceremonieg 0 June , 4t 7:30 p m. i ,K. ..i.t, . T.mi. " TV In"nul. "ul "u,u j meeting June 4 and the June 18 ,nd Df lh.t , Th line otltem, queen Ml" JncLk' '?rJ!l!!' SKZS.1: princes Miss J an uraneiy, guiue :. IJ.. D .k.l Ul.a Linda Emmerton presented their gurdin, Mrs. Norman Fletcher, with a degree and a Job's Daugh ter' Bible. An Invitation to . . . MASTER MASONS Their Wives. Widow,, Mother,, Daughter,, Sisters, Half Sister,, and Grand Daughter, to attend the Organizational Meeting For the purpose of organizing a Court of the Order of the Amaranth in the Salem Keizer area. Monday, May 28, 1956 - 8 P.M. Keixer Grange Hall (on Chomawa Road) Turn west at eKizer school at the Newberg-SL Paul-Salem highway, go one-quarter mile west toward river. Hall on right. Additional information Call Mrs. James Manning Phone 4-3271 THIS BRAND NEW, 10.1 Cu. Ft. Model CAN BE YOURS WITH NO MONEY DOWN AND YOU PAY AS LITTLE AS 1 On Our Convenient Meter-Ice Plan OUR GOLD TAG PRICE ( FREE PARKING-FREE Mrs. Carlson Will Head ; Auxiliary Election of officers and dele gate to the atate convention highlighted the meeting of the West Salem Lion, Auxiliary .Tuesday night at the home of Mr. Seward Kellicut. New officer are Mr. Wllace Carlson, president; Mr. B. R. Osborn, vice preiident; Mrs. Chester McCain, secretary; and Mrs. Dale Taylor, treasurer. Del egate to the state convention in Portland next month include Mr. Robert Covert, Mr. Dean Tucker and Mr. Dale Taylor. Installation of new ' officer will be held in June at the Gold en Pheasant with a joint meet In of the Lions Club. Mr. Rich ard Smith will be the installing chnirman. Mrs. Tucker reported on the state board meeting held in Portland and Mr. Covert tpld of plana for the Institute for Par ent of Blind Children to be held in Salem next week. Auxiliary member working on the project are Mrs. C. A. Rust, Mr. Dean Tucker, Mr. Robert Smith, Mrs. Wallace Carlson and Mr,. B. R. Osborn. Some Currier and lve prints which sold for six cent, each in the late 19th century now bring $1 000 each from collector,. PLAN GENUINE 1956 Day Mrs. Ridings to Head Unit Tbe Oak Hill Home Extension unit held Ita last meeting of tbe year at the home of Mr. D. A. Riding. After luncheon wa served urn the patio, an installation cere mony wa performed. The new officer are: presi- dent, Mr. D. A. Ridings; vice president, Mr. Richard Don; sec-' retary, Mr. George Kreitiberg; and treasurer, Mr. Kenneth Lim jbocke. Guests present were Mr. .Wal ter Olsen and Mr. Cecil Chancellor. &or 2nnrir:s OPEN TILL 9:00 P.M. THIS WEEK I If you do not haw transportation call 2-5281 and we will comt and get you . . . IS PIANO "The Valley' Finett Piano Store" 1280 State Street DELIVERY A Training Session Training for the adult leaders, who will help direct the program of the Girl Scout Day Camp June IMS at Camp Crestwood, will be held Monday evening. May 2t. 7 to t p.m. at the home of Mr. Ray Stringham, 120 W.Judaon. A second session', also, indoor will be held Thursday, May 31 at the String bam borne. The final and outdoor session will be held at Camp Crest wood on June I from 10 a.m. to i p.m. Additional leaden are needed and Interested person are asked to call Mr. Clifford Hill Under controlled heat and light condition, hand-reared grouse and quail will produce egg in winter. REPEATED . FOR A SECOND WEEK Due to Tremendous Responte Hurry on over) We're holding OPEN HOUSE and we're all waiting for you. It's your, turn to ait down and try the Hammond Chord Organ. And after you've had the fun of playing . . .we Hum fret gift recording lor you. HURRY and bring a friend. Tim hi Ch.rd Org CtmMMti" m KGAI S:30 f vary IvMinf r COMPANY Salem Supreme Session Willamette Shrine, Order of White Shrine of Jerusalem met at the Masonic temple Monday eve ning. Presiding were France Lightner, worthy high priestess. and John Christonsen, watchman of Shepherd. Guest welcomed were Mr. and Mr. Fred Hunt of Judea Shrine, Centralis, Washington; and Mr. and Mr. David Phelps, watchman ef shepherd and worthy high priestess f Friendship Shrine. Sa lem. Mrs. Frances Lightner and Mr. Ethel Ross reported on the trip to the Supreme session. Jorsage were presented to all SATURDAY - MAY 26 Salem Fuchsia Show and Sale PATIO SHOP, SECOND FLOOR See Our Newest Super Automatic WASHER NO MONEY DOWN ON OUR CONVENIENT METER-ICE PLAN OUR GOLD TAG PRICE Reports Given Imnthpn nrpunt nd a cifl WO given Mr,. Byron Herrick a the oldest mother present. Special Mother's day music wa played by Mr. Ronald Craven. Decoration were by Mr. Ruth Von Dahl and Mr. Al Rasmussen. Refreshments were served by a committee headed by Mr. and Mr,. Stanley Brown. Mr,. Howard Ramp. Mr. George A. Ramp, Mr. and Mrs. Junes Booth. Florence Brown, Mr. Ethel Cox. Mrs. Alice Palmer of Albany. Mrs. Dorothy Darlington, Mrs. Bertha Newton and Mrs. Edith Wilkinson. Charcoal is almost pure carbon. X i C PER DAY SMS V -. ;'s 4 i'L' (a liUimm YALLET'S LEADING APPLIANCE 4 HOME FURNISHERS 1 1 SALEM - OREGON CITY J Open Mon. & Fri. Nights 'til 9 P.M. 260 State St. Ph. 3-9148