Statesman, Salem. Ore. Fri, May 55, "X (Sec 1)45 Senators Ask kss Envoy to Q.N. Recalled By JOHN CHADWICK WASHINGTON iff - Senate in OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY 12:15 TO 9 P. M. r OTHER DAYS 9:30 A. M. TO 5:30 P. M. vestigator urged th state de lartment today to , thro out of his country Arkady Sobolev, chief Soviet delegate to the United Na- 10ns, ana one ni rep suDorai " nw iK)77S 'u'fo l ro ! V Air1 U ll Lr r, U 'ZJJ '-' ' w The Senate Internal Security iuhcommitte made the reauest in iccusing Sobolev'f staff of using 'coercton.'fore and duress" in an (fort to, induce nine Russian sail- jrs to Teturn to their Communist homeland alter obtaining asylum in this country. Five of the sailors suddenly left N'pw York br nlan ADril 7. under Soviet escort Dispatches from Russia quoted them as saying they went home voluntarily. Four as sociates who remain here said they were coerced. Rebuke Givea The subcommitte rebuked the state department and the immigra tion service, saying they failed to tae effective action to protect the youthful sailors from being whisked out of the country. It said there were no "realistic efiorts" to learn whether duress was used on the sailors and that unjustified concessions were made "in response to Soviet pressures and truculence.' Secret testimony made public by the subcommittee as part of its roDort disclosed eovernment offi cials learwd of the seamen's inv ijt ndinu return to Russia the night before but concluded there was no evidence then to warrant blocking their departure. Granted Aylum The five seamen were among nine crewmen of the Soviet tanker Tuapse who were granted asylum in this country last October after their ship, bound for Red China with a load of iet fuel, was caD- tured by Chinese Nationalists on Formosa. In recent hearings, the subcom mittee heard testimony from the four crewmen still here and from others indicating that the five who "redefected" to the Soviet Union were kidnaped by Soviet agents. The ctihrnmmittee ureed the ex pulsion of Sobolev and Konstantin Kkimov, first secertary of the So- viel 1!N delegation. Under the azreement establish- in; UN headquarters in New York ciiv the United States reserves the right to take action against ! any official who engages in ac tivities " outside his official ca ! nurilv " i invnkinff that orovision. this government on April 25 expelled : from the United States two lower rmlrino member of the Soviet I N delegation whose activities on behalf of the five seamen were termed "particularly objection- in rha uml nnle the State de partment protested Sobolev'i con- i duct but did not qemano. ois r-cau. S Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge ! ir chisf II S. riVlccate to the UN. I has advised Sen. Eastland (D- Miss), the subcommittee chair- ,, 'ihat hp has filed orotcsts with' the UN secretary-general. Lodge was urged to continue press ing the matter. The report recommended that the state department keep the in cident of seamen in mind in con nection with what it termed "the forthcoming Soviet campaign to seat Red China in the United Na tions and gain lor her diplomatic r.u.minitinn " it said Chinese Com munist envoys here would be a menace "to the large Chinese American communities in the Unit- ,t Qtatnc " The subcommittee made public) testimony taken secretly from a state department official and an immigration service officer, nei ther of them named on the course decided upon when it was learned the seamen were about to redefect. No Direct Evidence Th state department official said "we were told by various author that there was no direct evi dence" of coercion or duress ' which could be used for criminal action." The state department official said each of the seamen was inier viewed separately at the airport. Subcommittee counsel Robert Morris, questioning the immigra tion officer, said the land lord of two of the seamen who lived in Paterson, N. J., had testified that two Soviet UN officials had ap peared at their house on the night of April 5 ana leu me nen "'" ing with the seamen. Signs of Violence He recalled the landlord's testi mony that the seamen's room was in "wild disarray," that a bloody shirt and undershirt were found, and that there were other' evi dences of violence. "Was that information available to the immigration authorities?" Morris asked. "It was not, sir," the officer replied. 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