The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 24, 1956, Page 7, Image 7

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    Valley News
Stattiman Nwi Svrvict
Nov Pastor
At Stayton
Wallace Road Fire District
Election Scheduled June 25
atat.imaa New trrvlr.
DALLAS A June 25 date was set Wednesday for an election to
dVlermina whether a proposed Wallace-Sheridun-Orihard Heights Rural
Fire Protection District will be created. .
, The date was set by the Polk County Court which announced that
voting will be conducted from I a.m. to I p.m. on that date at Brush
College Store. ; ;
hive directors will be elected at
the same lime, to serve if estab
lishment of the district is ap
proved. Petitions of several can
didates are being circulated in the
area involved.
Wallace Road Center
The proposed district centers
along Wallace Road, starting at
the Orchard Heights Road junction
and proceeding north to the north
east corner of Rogers homesteads.
On the east side of Wallace Road,
the proposed district is bounded on
the north by River Bend Road,
on the east by the old channel
of the Willamette River, and on
the south bv a line runtime due
east from the Junction of Wallace Pos graduate work
and Orchard Heights Roads. Na7.arene College
West Boundary -
The west boundary of the dis
trict jags along property lines and
generally embraces land from one
fourth to one-half mile west of
Wallace Road.
Precise boundaries of the pro
posed district are listed in a notice
that was to be posted Wednesday
at Brush College Store.
Following a May 2 hearing at
Dallas, approximately 200 acres of
farmland was withdrawn from the
district as originally proposed.
Valley Schools Report Graduation Plans
. SUtrima Newi grrvkt
STAYTON - The Rev. David
Dranpr nf Alhnnv hs armntpH (hp
pastorate of the Naiarene Church j nou"te ,wards nd,';
of Stayton.
The Rev. Mr. Draper hat a B.A.
degree in Theology from Northwest
Nazarene. College, Nampa. Idaho.
He has been the chaplin in a mil
itary academy at Pasadena, Calif,
for the past two years while doing
in Pasadena
! Miss Iiis Draperf the pastor's
sister, will keep house for him.
Manager to
Leave Bank
At Sheridan
Services Held
A. G. LaBonte
llateiman Ni lervlr.
SHERIDAN Services for Al
exander Gus LaBonte, 59, were
held here Wednesday. Interment
was at Evergreen Memorial Park,
LaBonte was born in Oregon
June 26, 1896. He attended
schools at Grand Ronrle and
served in World War 1 In 1918
he h s married to Miss Edna Mil
ler at McMinnville He was en-!-,)
in the lumber industry
all his life and was a member
of the American Legion in Sher
idan. He died May 19 at his
home at 770 W. Main St.
Survivors include the widow,
Edna, Sheridan; three daugh
ters, Mrs. Rav Green, Bakers
field, Calif.; Mrs. Wayne Fogel,
Seaside, and Mrs. Henry Fuller,
McMinnville: two sons, Victor of
Sheridan and Eugene of McMinn
ville, and seven grandchildren.
St. tinman Ni lervlre
SHERIDAN - Beryl C. Swails,
mannger of the I'. S National
Bank's Sheridan branch since it
was established in 1949, will
leave June 1 to become mana
ger of the U. S National branch
at Astoria.
Jack M. Maitland of Portland.
will become new manager here i
effective June 1.
Swails joined the U. S. Na
tional in 1937 and has been with
the bank here since that time
except for two years with the
National Bank examiners. Dur
ing the time Swails has managed
the Sheridan branch, loans have
doubled and deposits have
shown a substantial increase and
I. S. Nation. I erected a new
$100,000 building in Sheridan
Both Mr. and Mrs. Swails have
ben active in civic affairs dur
ing their residence in Sheridan.
Diplomas Due
38 Seniors at
Gervais High
Itateiaua News Service
GERVAIS-Craduation exercises
for 38 seniors at Gervais Union
High School will be held at I p.m.
Friday in the school gymnasium.
Kenneth Schumaker. president of
Behenke-Walker Business College,
Portland, will speak.
Others on the program will be
the Rev. Ernest Tremblay. Saluta
torian Carol Reiling. Valedictorian
Grace Jungwirth and Miss Janet
Palmer, who will play the processional.
Mipi. ram l. Keiiing win an-
nd E. J. Jung
wirth, schoolboard chairman, will
present diplomas.
Those graduating were listed by
the schol as Carl Bruce Barner,
Loretta Birn, Wayne Brower, Nan
cy Burford, Don Burgess, Alan
Coupcr, Earl Cuff, Ronald Cuts
forth, Larry Felton. Kathryn FiU
Gerald. Edward Foley, Robert
Fossholm, Rottarrt F -nkhouser Jr.
Odie Hall. Bonnie Hillyer. Bev
erly Hupp. Grace Jungwirth. Ralph
Klenki, LeRoy Kuschnick. Ken
neth Leith, N'adeen Lucas, Jerome
Manning. Darrell McCall, Joseph
Michalek, Michael O'Connor, Carol
Monte Reznicsek, Phyllis Schaap,
Stanley Schmidt, Richard Scholz.
Nadean S t e g e r, Patricia Tesch.
Norman Thomas, Pegtfy Thomas.
Donald Thompson, Gary Williams,
Donald York. Paul Zellner.
Salem Man
To Address
OCE Grads
Mari-Linii School
To Graduate 20
From 8th Grade
Itafeeniaa Newi Srrvlre
LYONS Graduation is slated for
suinman Ntwi ferric. 20 at Mnrt-Linn School in Lyons
MONMOUTH Commencement when eighth graders will receive
exercises will be conducted at certificates of graduation on June
uregon college or Education on
Exercises at
Lake Labish
Set Tonight
1 at 8 p.m.
Those graduating
lUlfinui Newt Srrvlre
LAKE LABISH Graduation
exercises at Lake l.ahish School
will be held at ( p m. Thursday.
are Nydane Shirley Graham will give the
rriday, June 1, at 2 pm
Campbell hall auditorium.
Guest speaker will be Bernard
Mainwaring, Salem, member of
the Oregon State Board of High
er Education, whose topic will be, llaruld Billington, Mike Gruson, ! Songs by the combined grades
As You commence a .New Jacn uoooeu, ucraiu vjoacnie.icn
Life" He will be introduced bv.neth Kanoft, Melvin Mcirose, Billy
Dr. R. E. Lieuallen, college pres-! Nash. Dominic Quinter, Ronnie
ident. ! Spellmeyer. Bernard Vollin and
R. E. Kleinsorge, Silverton. , Roy Biliington.
Carr, Bonnie Cruson, Jannita Kun-' welcome. Joyce Iladden the clas
kle, Ruth Phillips, Diane Sihwindt, ' history, Robert Itodewald the class
Dee Ann Sexton, Irene Turner, j prophecy and Dennis Winn the
Patsy Waaner, Bernetta Wilson, , class will.
jac uovw'u, uciaiu uuKiue.nrn- wm open the event, lollowed by a
, skit by eighth graders. David llel
; ton and Michael will present musi
I cal numbers.
Perryilale High Pupils
Elect School leaders
ttateamaa Niwt Ben ire
PERRYDALE - Student body
election for Perrydale High School
resulted in Rudy Gingerich being
named president for l5-57. Other
officers are Raymond DeJong, vice
president; Marilyn Lute, sec
retary; Roy Chapin, treasurer;
Ralph Chapin, parlimentarian;
Ruby Rempel, annual editor; Dar
lene Stapelton, annual business
manager; Mary Barth, paper edit
or; Nancy Dauenhauer, paper bus
iness manager; Glen Gonshorow
ski. athletic manager; and yell
leaders, Mary Barth, Darlrne
Stapelton and Ana Nazarenus,
Statesman, Salem, Ore., Thtirs., May 24, "58 (Sec.
Albany Approves
School Budget
lutiimaa Nt Srrvlre
ALBANY Patrons of Albany
School District 8 approved a
$717,430 budget Tuesday. The
budget provides for salary in
creases for most teachers in the
school system.
A proposal to provide the
school district with a new tax
base will be voted on here June
18. The nex ta xbase would elim
inate the need for annual school
budget elections, school officials
! reported.
SHERIDAN - PTA officeri In
stall' , at Monday meeting wen
president. Winer Melonuk: first
vice-president, Mrs. A. G. Laven
der; second vice-president, Johnny
Marceaux; secretary, Mr. Mil
bert Delker, and treasurer, Mr.
Alvin Nisly.
Cool Comfort
For Burning Feet
Lei trt-Mtat wit. MOM kwM
lru.l,.wte ewUelte. ereaej
is lit Mvthin rUf A t
MftMUIII ttlTnf MllOMM
Mlay. Ml let-Mi! ''
Ml Imi. to.
Capital School
League Students
Elect Officers
president of Oregon State Board
of Higher Education, will extend
greetings. The graduating class
of 1906 will also be recognized.
Jack D. Morton, registrar, will
present the graduates, and Dr.
Lieuallen will confer the B. S.
and M.S. degrees.
Fly Parks, Lebanon, will sing iinm n.w srrrtet
two soprano solos. She will be Tl'RNKR-Officers for a newly
accompanied by Denise Murray organized Capital Conference corn
Redden, associate professor of rnitlce were elected at an organi
music. zational mooting held Tuesday at
The invocation will be given Cascade High School.
oy ine Kev. Hoy H. Campbell,
pastor of t h e First Baptist
Church, Monmouth.
President of the committee is
Jim I'hrhammer, Cascade. Chosen
:o serve with him are vice-presi
dent, Tom Crabtree, Stayton, and
SnVertOll Teacher i secretary - treasurer! J e a n e 1 1 e
Townsena, cascaae.
Speaker for Nine
At Central Howell
At Valley Hospitals
DALLAS To Mr. and Mrs. Gene ,
i I.acey, Dallas, a son May 22 at
j Dallas Hospital.
j To Mr. and Mrs. rficholas R
'Palanuk. (Irand vRonrlo. a son
May 22 at Bartell Hospital.
To Mr and Mrs David Krocker.
Dallas Route I. a daughter May
20 at Dallas Hospital.
To Mr and Mrs. William Harvey,1
Annual M eel i
T .IT 1
uue ai unionvaie
Statesman News Srrvlre
I'N ION VALE Annual congrega
tional meeting and election of of
ficers will be held at t nionvale
Evangelical I'nited Brethren
inurcn sunnay ai i p m. loiinwing CorvaMis Routr 3 a daughter May
a no-host dinner at noon. There 16 at Dallas n0sp,tal.
will be no evening service. The
congregation will attend the bac- To Mr. and Mrs. Donald Reed,
ralaureate service in Dayton for Dallas, a daughter May, 21 at
Dayton High School graduates. Dallas Hospital
1 5 Complete
8th Grade at
West Stayton
SUttimin Nrwi Srrvln
WEST STAYTON-Kighth-grade
graduation ceremonies for IS
eighth graders at West Stayton
took place Wednesday night. The
program started with a proces
sional, led by Patricia Whitley.
Shann Hilton, Timmy Reed and
.lim'ne Nye, first and second
graders, accompanied by Mrs
M.rv Ki'llo'-T at the piano.
The invoe-iion wa given by th
Rev Kennth Abbott of Stavton
Methodist Church. The salutatory
address was by Sharon Choate.
Gerald Melcher gave the class
history. The class prophecy was
by Patricia Hudson.
The class will was read by
Charlotte Dowers, and Carta Lee
recited the class poem. The vale
dictory speech was given by Jerry
Speaker was the Rev. Clyde
Woods of Stayton Baptist Church,
Mrs Mary Avers, principal, pre
sented awards to the graduation
class. Diplomas were presented by
Chct Downer, schoolboard chair
man The acceptance speech was
!)' Joyce Stinson.
Receiving riinlomas were Sharon
Choate. Charlotte Dowers. Judy
Fultz. Rose Graves, Patricia Hud
son. Parbara Jordon. Wendell Kue
dell, Carla Lee, Jerry Manesco,
Gerald Melcher, I.avrda Spears,
Joyce Slinsnn. Bruce Coleman.
Donald Walling and Austin Mc-Graw.
Ililciman Nrwt trrvlc I
grade graduation exercises for
nine pupils at Central Howell
School will be held at 8 p.m. Mon
day. William Irons, Silverton I'nion
High School teacher, will give the
address, drover Lichty, school
board chairman, will present dipli
mas, and Clarence Simmons
will give the invocation..
The graduates are Alta Hale, ITVTi
Ned Kellcy, Eva Wyatt, Carol
Strand, Rebecca Summers, Dar
lene Roth, Stanley Steffen, Jerry
Schurter and Carol Richard.
Pupils will get. their report cards
on Thursday, May 31, the last day
of schoo1.'
The annual school picnic to
which r rcs;drnl of Central How
e" and Rnrh Cnl'c.'p are invited,
will be held Saturday. May 26 A
basket dinner at noon and baseball
games in the afternoon are
Five member schools of the con
ference were represented at the
organizational meeting including
Cascade. Stayton, North Marion,
Serra and Woodburn'high schools.
Other members are Silverton,
Gervais and ML, Angel.
The rommittae was formed to
work out muluel oroblems of the
high school athletic conference
lEarm Exchange
JTOudents Due in
Mid-Valley Area
SUtfimin Nfwt ttrvtrt
SILVERTON A 22 year-old
student from the Philippine Is
lands, Fidel Nisperos, is sched
uled to arrive in Silvertin next
week to snend pTl of k!"1 sum
mr ,'t t'"' PH Bve home.
Nispcos lives on a farm where
main crops are rice. corn, sugar
and fruit trees. He will come
here under the International
Farm Youth Exchange program.
Clear Lake School
Picnic Due Friday
Itmtrunan Nfwi Srrvire
CLEAR LAKE The school pic
nic will be held Friday on the i change.
LEBANON A Lebanon farm
family is getting set to entertain
a young chap from Scotland who
will spend lime here learning
Oregon farm methods under the
International Farm Youth Ex-
school grounds. Before and after
the basket lunch there will be
races for the children and a ball
game. The table committee in
cludes Mesdames Louis Adams,
Jack Chapin, Fred Cubhison, John
Norton, George Landrith, E. C.
McCandlish and .James Whelah.
He is Alexander Blackhall, 23.
due soon at the farm home of
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Wheeler.
Although Korea's water birds are
like those of western North Amer
ica, her land birds are related to
those of Europe.
m come
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.William Duffus. ' schoolboard
chairman, will present diplomas to
(our graduates, and the Rev. How
ard Harmon will deliver the grad
uation speech.
A school picnic is scheduled at
1 pm. Sunday at the school.
WH.LAMINA-.lohn Wanless. for
mer chief of police, has taken the
job of Neighborhood Counselor lor
lour Scout units in Willamina.
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