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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1956)
4 Cntty News Cyfieffs SCOOTER DRIVER GULTY Fred Herchel Russell, Sutherlin, pleaded guilty Wednesday to charge ot driving wnne imoxicaiea and his case was continued to i Monday for sentencing Russell was i arrested by state police while driV' ing his motor scooter on the Pa cilic Highway north of Salem. Make this a date Salem Saddle Club Horse Show, State Fair Grounds, Sat. tt Sun., May 26 It 27. Children free i( accompanied by parents. ladv) YOLTH BOt'ND OVER Seventeen year-old Jerry I-cRoy Tauscher. Portland, was bound over to the Marion County Grand .lury Wednesday on a charge o larceny of an auto. The youth waived preliminary hearing on the charge in Marion County District Court. Rummage sale over. C.reenbaum's. Friday May 25, Open 9 5. (adv.) dimxai iirh iusa su.,ni. . h f nH?n! ., h. speedy finding Its the one proved way to recover what xou've lost. Call 46811. (adv.) THREE PERMITS ISSl ED Building permits were issued Wednesday to Lawrence Brown, to wreck a one-story house at 0 First St ; W. h. Stolk, to build a one-story house and carport at 555 N 18th St.. $8750; Kliiaheth CARS SLIGHTLY DAMAGED K. Kandle. to rerool a one-story , Two cars received minor dam house at 245 N 25th St. $100. i ase about 12 55 p.m. Wednesdav Water pumps repaired, make. Jurison s, Ph 3 4141. Any (adv.) Public Records PROBATE COt'RT Estate of Joseph F. Scherhring deceased: Order approves linai account, discharges executor and closes estate. Application of Frank Cuinta: Public notice ordered on applica-' lion or change ol name ' rrank Ou.nta to Frank JP" : Junta. ! Estate of Wallace L. Barnes, de- ceased Order admits will he pro- hate, estate estimated at $1,000. i CIRCl IT COI RT State xs Raymond Horn: Prelim inary examination set May 28 at 10 am. nn charge of non-support; re leased on own recognizance. State vs Viola Mildred Rogers: Order extends UT May 29 the time fur observation at Oregon Slate Hospital. Roy Luke and Emma Luke vs Earl D. Jenison and Louella Jcni son: Complaint seeks decree re storing real property and setting aside deed. Elmer Ballard vs State Highway Commission: Order dismisses ac tion with prejudic. Justin Harvey Clark vs W. Gor don Allen and John B. Truhan; Order enjoins defendants from Iransfering assets and Fderal Communications Commission li cense on KGAE. Thelma Teter vs Merle F. Teter: Complaint for divorce charges cruel and inhuman treatment, seeks restoration of former name of Thelma E. Ross and title to real property and household ef fects. Married at Vancouver, Wash , May 5. 1945 Barbara Ferris vs James Ferris: Decree of divorce awarded to nlaintiff with custody of minor! child and $5 a month support money for same. Karen Rae Bohanan vs Roy EcT ward Bohanan: Decree of divorce awarded to plaintiff with custody of three minor children and $40 a month support money for each. Donna M. Turner vs Ralph E. Turner: Decree of divorce award ed to plaintiff and maiden name of Donna M. Wright jestored. DISTRICT COt'RT Fred Herciiei Russell. Sutherlin, pleaded guilty tu charge of driv ing while intoxicated, continued to May 2K for sentencing. Donald Ruger. 3855 Sunnyview Ave. pleaded innocent to charge of assault and battery, bail ordered reduced from $500 to $25. David James Nonncman, Wood burn, charged with buying stolen property, preliminary hearing set for May 25. Jerry LeRoy Tauscher, Portland, charged with grand larceny, waived preliminary hearing and bound over to grand jury; bail con tinued at $1,500 Marvin Lehnherr, 2!f5 S. Cottage St.. charged with obtain ing money by false pretenses, waived preliminary hearing and bound over to grand jury; bail continued at $1,000. MI NK IPAL ( Ol RT Karl Clarcmx Onieg, 1470 Mc Coy St., fined $250 and driver's license suspended on a charge of driving while intoxicated. Manuel Hernandez, 827 Liberty St., posted $250 bail on a charge of carrying a dangerous weapon. PRICELESS COMFORT Anyone Can Afford NATURAL GAS IS CLEAN SAFE THRIFTY For Free Estimates Call M535 Salem Hitting I Shtt Mttil Co. TWO RECEIVED INJURIES Two persona were slightly in jured in a collision at Cottage and Hood Streets about 12:47 p.m. Wednesday, police reported. Police said llelcne Hansen, 1820 N. Cot- tage St., driver of one of the cars, received a skinned right leg and arm. Harold Hanson, a passenger I in a car driven by Bruce Howe, i 4050 Silverton Rd., injured his' right knee, police said. Unsightly facial hair removed safely, permanently. Price's Boaurf Salon. Ph. 3-5859. (Adv.) , Dental plates repaired while youNor!h nd Wwt S8,r,m rfM- wait at Painless Parker Dentist. 123 N. Liberty, Salem. (Adv.) WOMAN RECOVERING Mrs. Kdith Cunningham .Mlcrson St., was reported "much better'' at Salem Memorial Hos pital Wednesday evening. Mrs. Cunningham was taken to the hos pital by Willamette Ambulance i- - , .cj . ,, about 1:40 p.m. I , v u It is cool as a cucumber at Nohl-1 gren's Restaurant. Air conditioned for 'our cnmforl 'advJ f ur gtorage at Lachelle's assures j0Ur furs lne qUal ity care they np-in refriire.alrd vaults 1.14'b'i Ferry. Ph. 3-6814. (adv.) in a collision at Nebraska and Gar-i net Streets, city police said of-i ficers listed the drivers as Charles : Woock Jr.. 19115 Evergreen Ave,: and Kenneth Taylor, 2075 Stortz Ave. Itummai'e Sale, Sat. open 9 to 6. laav.j STOLEN CAR REPORTED Daisey McGrananan. 3430 N commercial St.. said her 1949 auto- mobile was stolen about 9 a.m. I "eanesaay, saiem police reported. contertlp,atin(, fM( your fun? Consult Ben Wittner , at Lachelle's. 13 Ferry, .adv.)1 Rummage sale at Jason church. Jefferson & Winter Sts. Thurs. it Fri. 8 a m. to 4 p m (adv.) BOY RECEIVES (TT A 10-year-old boy received a minor cut on the back of his hiad about 4 p m. Wednesday, the re- suit of a thrown stone, citv first aidmen reported. Thev listed him as Joey Biegler, 920 Jefferson St. Automatic water heaters at low er cost. Judson's, 279 N. Com'l. j MOORE-To Mr. and Mrs Rob (adv i ert E Moore. 1725 N. 19th St., a BREAK-IN ATTEMPTED Lester E. Condra. 1480 N. 5th St., reported an attempt to nrv a padlock and hasp from a shed Pense, 4473 Country Lane, a i Some 35 years ago Kells organ door at the rear of his home Wed- daughter, Wednesday. May 23, at izod and has since directed a se nesday morning, Police said. Salem Memorial Hospital. ' ries aj naturalization classes for WHWsrr- &mm0r Men's B0ST0NIANS and MANSFIELD Values to 19 95 Salem Power Firm Seeks River Line A permit to construct an over head electrical transmission line across the Willamette River Is srfught by Salem Electric, 633 N. Front St. Application was marie to U.S. Army 'Engineers district office in Portland, Jack Frisbie, manager of the power firm, said Wednesday the new line is planned to improve I service to customers.. The firm ha, ,omc j.nno customers in the The new line would cross the river at the foot of Stark Street. If permitted it would extend I service from the Bonneville out 1505 'pt 'he Cherry Avenue sector. Frisbie said his firm services about 600 customers in North Salem and vicinilv. Approximate ly 1,400 in' the West Salem area get service from the Bonneville ,,,h.latinn nn naii. n.,i Salem Electric currently has two lines erasing the river on tnf ym jnt center Street bridges A hearing on the appli ration for a third line is set for ' n ' engineers district office abou' ne middle of June, Police Refusal Of Check Brines I Imihln TVmtliln "u,,lt n """'I of Salem police to ac- pP' ni" cnrcK ln Payment for t raffic fine caused a Rogue River) man double unhappiness Wednes Mm. through day mornin.' 975 Market. Police said Dclbert Iv McKen- zie. nogue mver Koyle 1. was charged with disorderly conduct for a remark officers reoorted he made after his check was ones- tioned. He had agreed to cash his check and return later with the money, police said, and made the remark as he departed. He left the building with two charges against him, police re ported. Births MERRICK - To Mr. and Mrs. Norman Merrick. Salem Route 1, Box 345. a daughter, Wednesday, Ma' l Salem General Hospi tal. il.-mWit.T Wednesriav M.iv M at Snlem General Hosnit.M PENCE To Mr. and Mrs. Dale bviSLJLIUUVJu mm . CL- CnrhinnC fit Reductions up to Up to the minim hearts High heels, little Heels, rics. Dress Shoes Reg. 14.95 to 24.95 lu""-7T'-&- . ,Amtnience. a .-.!'.. ... 2r : - - Friday until Community Service Noted ' i.,:'.vk''V'' Claude Krllt, (left), Salem eemmnalty worker, was suraritea' Wed nesday noon with the anaaal "Oalden Deeds Award" given ta him by Salem Exchange Clab. Maklaf the aresealaUoa Is Mart Ceuntjr Circuit Judge Geerge Dancaa. (Statesman Phott) Golden Deeds Award Goes to Claude Kells For "outstanding c o m m u nity service and many years of un selfish effort," Claude Kelts was selected Wednesday for the Salem Exchange Club's "Golden Deeds" award. Kells, a long-time Salem resi dent and active in many civic and other enterprises, was handed the award at the Exchange Club's noon luncheon by Marion County Circuit Judge George Duncan. Judge Duncan described Kells as a man who has participated in many community betterment ac tivities. Kells Is now recording secretary of Salem United Fund. As general secretary of the Sa lem YMCA Kells directed the drive to build the present YMCA building in 1926. He organized a local public employment service before state and federal officials took over. Playground Work He led the movement for city playgrounds under YMCA sponsor ship and helped organize Salem Philharmonic and junior symphony orchestras. An early officer of the Salem Ministerial Association he helped organize that group as well as the Salem Council of Churches. An early advocate of youth camping program he was lnstru- i mental in leasing land from the state for the YMCA Camp Silver Creek. . . . UUIIM dgia flat,. Bareback,, halters, Cosed pumps, sandal,, a we Casuals & Flats Reg. 8.95 to 14.95 9 p.m. for your ,nopp"a Jr- v.:: v. foreign-born resident studying for their citizenship papers, J.0O0 New Cltliens "During that time." said Judge Duncan, "about 3,000 persons have 'eraduated' from these courses and all have passed their naturaliza lion tests with flying colors." In accepting the award Kells said he did not feel his commun ity activities, especially in the field of naturalization, constituted any "sacrifice." "I have had a great deal of satisfaction and a lot of fun. I learned a long time, ago the great est remunerations in life are not always found in a pay envelope." The Good Deeds award Is pre sented annually by Exchange members to someone In the com munity who, they feel, has "quiet ly and without fanfare benefited the community. Someone who us ually escapes recognition by in most other awards." Kov Whiteaker Services Today Graveside funeral services for Roy Whiteaker, who died Saturday at a Salem hotel, will be held at 3 p.m. today at Fir Crest Ceme tery in Independence, Ore. Survivors include bis widow, El la, Toledo. Ore.; a sister, Mn. Ernest Tripp, Independence; a niece, Mrs. John Reed, Salem. wrr - "i - 466 Public Service Forum Slated On Saturday The fourth annual Public Service Forum, designed to encourage thei' ' 0"" ?" "J" " diKHMjpp of Public Admimstra."Vle ,,,e, h,h( :, live Problems, will be held Sat-1 ,1'900 0n0 mfn,al P"1 urday at the Statehouse I Selection of this site for the hos- Sam R Haley. Public Service P"aI" ate Forum president, will welcome the Board of Con,ro1 ,evrral ks visitors, with Kenneth C. Toile- a' naar, president of the Oregon The Emergency Board, und-r Chapter, American Society for thf '" mus' approve th site Public Administration, giving the Mnt construction can start, keynote address. i The hospital originally was ap- "The Battle for Program Sur-1 Pr0Vfd,blVh.' ,WS vival" wiU be discussed by Robert i Gf Utciim nd 1955 U ' H. Johnson, director. Slate Depart-1 ment of. Finance and Administra tion. Other speakers will include Mrs. Ronald K. Campbell, presi dent of the Oregon League of Vot ers; State Sen. Rudie Wilhelm Jr , Multnomah County; James B. Dan inels, executive secretary, State Employes Association; H. C. Saa feld, director, State Department of Veterans Affairs, and Dean Charles T. Duncan, School of Jour nalism, University of Oregon. The luncheon is slated for noon followed by a business session. A. Freeman Holmer. Professor of Po litical science, Willamette Univer sity, will discuss "Strategy and Tactics." A panel discussion will follow. The Oregon Chapter, American Society for Public Administration, is made up of members from All levels of government, college and university instructors of Public : Administration, and atudenti of Public Instruction. Public Administration. 4-H Group Seats Officers Mrs. C. V. Ward was installed as president of the Salem 4-H As sociation this week. Other Installations during the evening affair at the home of Mrs. V. C. Boge Jr.: F. P. Larson, vice president; Mrs. P. E. Holloway, secretary; Francis Wondcrly, trea surer. Honored with corsages were Mrs John Carr, retiring secretary, and Mrs. J. A. Herbcr, retiring president. Miss Jane Irving, coun ty extension agent, also received a corsage. Mrs. Dale Mallicoat conducted the installations. I HmUht O0 TAJ LET BOTTU f4 Slippers Reg. 3.45 to 8.00 and Up STATE ST. State Board to Study Mental Hospital Site The State Emergency Board has V".to.'" "l?" Man Bound to Grand Jury A Salem man was bound over to the Marion County grand jury Wednesday in district court after waiving a preliminary hearing on a charge of obtaining money under false pretense. Police listed the man as Marvin Lee Lehnherr. 21M S Cottage. He was arrested on a Marion County District Court warrant. Police said the charge stems from bad checks reportedly passed in the Willam ette Valley. CABD OF THANKS Your kind expressions of sym pathy and the many acta of kindness shown in the recent Iota of our son an gratefully ac knowledged and deeply appreci ated. Mr. ii Mrs. J. B. Hammerton. - 1 ' " ; . ' rfRArv something WJ MEW! Medarn and Practical lawn, Patia and Ranch Ftncai On Display In Fall Use It , Dick Meyer Lumber Co. On Display 1 Bays a Week Brht Over hi Tear Lelsva TIsm and lea! Free Estimate! 14 Met, H Pay Na Psrklaf Prehlea Dick Meyer Lumber Co. (t Watts torta tt Vndenasa Ow Bhwk Esst an Una) rata Mm - J, nd fab the latest colors, leathers a and Up Statesman, Salem, Ore., Thurs., May 24, '58 (Sec 15 ' Ulature authorized an appropria tion of approximately t6.33S.000 for work on the first unit. It is proposed to construct the hospital over a period of three bienniumi. The first unit will contain 500 beds and the completed hospital 1500 beds. Also slated for discussion at the meeting will be construction of a multiple-purpose building and pa tients' cottage at Fairview Home. Bids for these buildings will be opened by the Board of Control June 1. Dr. Irvin Hill, Fairview Home superintendent, said com pletion of these buildings' would teiW to relieve somewhat condi tions at the institution. There U now a waiting list of more than ISO. The Mental Hospital, under the law. must be located within a radius of the Portland poetofflce. The West Wilsonville site complies with this requirement. There are nine owner of the site which includes approximately SOS acres. Final negotiations involving ad justment of the price and removal of timber from the property art now in progress under the direc tion of William Ryan. Board of Control secretary. miLauAv. f . .. ; v?x S: rl If CARD OF THANIS With deepest fratituda we e tend this word of thanks for the many kind acts of lympattty by thoughtful friends. These kind nessei have sincerely beei ap predated. Anna Van Buren Floy MrElfreah I Dr. H. C. Van Buret tNOW DANA'S EOOTEXY SPECIAL DAYS ONLY THURS. FRI. SAT. OPEN MONDAY AND -FRIDAY NIGHTS TIL li BOOTERY Capitol Shopping Center SACK YOUR SAIEM "SENATORS" QUALITY - )Nylon$: i , Summer 8hadea Jr- I . Dark Seami , W ' I M Gauge -Y v I II Dealer ' 1' Rt. 1.1 j SPECIAL j I STRETCH I NYLONS I tad SEAMLESS jov99c