The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 24, 1956, Page 16, Image 16

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    lfl-(Sec, II) Statesman, Salem, Ore.. Thnrs.', May 24, 56 '
rii v
Cherry Fruit Fly Battle Time Nears
Fam Etftar. Ta SUtesaua
While tt'i to early t fo pin
ninf for them, it time to get
ready to combat the cherry fruit
fir, D. L. Rasmusseo, Marion
County'! horticulturist ia the coun
ty extension offices. ,
Rasmussen tells that two cherry
fruit fly emergence cages in the
Cherry Hill Orchard east of Saiera
are now out. There are also cages
in other orchards in the Willamette
Valley and aH of these are being
watched closely by the entomology
department at Oregon State Col
lege to determine the official spray
time for the fly control.
Until the flies hive emergd
from the soil, it is too early to
spray. As soon' as they emerge,
the spray notices will be mailed
out, given over radio stations and
in the newspapers, in hopes that
every owner of a cherry tree will
be reached. The law requires that
all cherry tree owners, whether
in ' commercial orchards or in
home gardens, spray for the fruit
Bay Da at New
Lead arsenate, methoxychlor,
and rotenone are the recommend
ed insecticides for the 1956 cherry
fruit fly control. Lead arsenate
or methoxychlor wftl be used by
Skilled Hands Plus Machinery Equals Fa$t Planting
t 'I v,..'
ii -V l ; v 7 V'V -
.., t : -;v
most growers raising cherries for
processing." Methoxychlor and ro
tenone will be used by the few
growers who sell fresh cherries.
Whichever class you are in, have
at hand the proper dust or spray
and be ready to apply as soon as
the notices are issued.
Recommended spray and dust
formulas will be mailed to cherry
growers in a few days. If anyone
desiring this information is not
on the county agent s list, notify
Spittle Bug
ShowUp in
Valley Fields
Spittle bugs have been ob
served in county strawberry
fields snd growers are advised
to check their fields for evidence
of white spittle masses' which
cover the bugs..
In the Willamette Valley, the
spittle bugs have been known to
Farm Calendar
May fa Mario County Spring
Jersey Show, State Fairgrounds,
1:30 a.m. w
May M Polk County Fat Lamb
Show, Rickreall.
May M Lane County Lamb and
Wool Show, Eutene Pioneer Park.
Mar H Linn County Hereford
Association Field day, Dolph Fair, Woodburn.
Reeves Pioneer Hereford Ranch,
10 a m.
County Fair,
Aig. zJ-tt-Yamhill County Fair,
Af. M-M-Polk
Sept. 1-1 Oregon State Fair,
Sept. IMS Pendleton Round-up.
Sept. iO-rt North Marion County
May r-Pacific Seedmens IJ . , ,1 .1 Wo
Association, Multnomah Hotel, XI I 111 U TT til 113
to as much as I June t Linn County Fat Lamb; A rrnilict TViri
n in vi.M np 1 hni S-in I J-CllllSl, 1UU
cause a one-nail
one ton reduction in yield per Show, Scio
his office, and your name will be , acre on strawberries. : , June 2 Clackamas County Lamb
placed oii it. For those in Polk Immature spittle bugs suck the Show, Canby.
County, write to the offices at juices out of the leaves and fruit J"" t Willamette Valley Guern
Dallas.' In Marion County the of-! spurs, thus causing them to be- sey Show, State Fairgrounds,
. i ,i ... c i .nmA Ain-iA ,ii,t.j cm
HOT e III urc llCiiuivuw - w ... u ..u.,..u. - .'.. nri. P,M M.rinn rmmtu
In past years growers have ob- Juae - Annual tunvinuunurr-
tained good control from, of State Grange, Junior High suburban extension agent. This
1 per cent Parathion. or 4 per School. Pendleton. j short clipping starves the roots
cent Malathion at the rate of o' Je 7-8-Eastern Oregon Live- and weakens the grass making it
n.,nrt. m . .rr. Th. stork Show. I'nion. lmore susceptible to invasion by
lem. McMinnville offices take
care of Yamhill and Albany of
fice! of Linn County. Clackamas
County agents' offices are at Ore
gon City.
Next Week
The third walnut blight spray
notice has also been released.
Low Clipping
Most lawns are clipped too short,
acre. These also si now, tnion. M
Strawberry growers should Show, Turner.
: iv:
Weevil Dustinc
: Price Reduced
From Last Year
- ."V ' '
check with their cannery field' June -Linn-Benton All-Breed
However, while grafted Franquette ; representative for recommenda-! Dairy Show, Linn County Fair-
and Mayette orcnaras on me vai- iions lor controlling this insect.
ley floor should be sprayed now,
orchards situated in the foothills
above the valley floor will not be
ready for the third spray until
the last of this week or early
One of the fungicides recom
mended for Drevious walnut blight i tk iil- r,,i ,,oi; , r,,n
. spsays should be used for the third tive has announced that the cost tion Withycombe Hall, OSC.
application. Growers following a for spraying with one pound actual June S.1-J1 10th All-Arabian
dust program can use the same dot for control of hairy vetch Horse Show, State Fairgrounds,
special dust mixture used previ- and Austrian pea weevil will be June SS-30 7th annual Northwest
ously. Dusting should continue $155 per acre. fertilizer conference, Chinook Hotel,
at weekly intervals until at least This is a reduction of 30 per Yakima,
four and possibly six, dusts have acre from the 1955 contract price,1 July 1-4 Molalla Buckeroo.
been applied. Extra dusting is , according to W. E. Shenk, ceopera- July 15 Angus Field Day, Haw-
necessary during rainy weather.
Mixed lawns containing primar
ily bent grass and fescues should
Inspection Fees
Reduced 5 Cents
i never be clipped shorter than V
! inrhfsfi Pvrpntinn tn thi rnlt tc
K.uuiius, w.ju a m. a.u"J. once each year jn tnP pary sprjng
June 10 Milking Shorthorn when the mower should be lowered
Breeders annual spring meeting t0 i jnth njgn to remove anv un-
and picnic C. J. Jorgenson & Sons sightly matted growth. After this
Farm. Jefferson. is done the mower should be reset
June 11-22-4-H summer school, to cut 1V2 inch
Corvallis. , ! The leaf is the food factory for
junr i-io nmma, iiirriing "if- .thp n ant. and when this fartorv
is not allowed to develop and pro
duce, starvation of the plant oc
curs. Plants weakened by consistent
close clipping tend to become shal
low rooted and susceptible to
drought injury, weeds also have j
an easier time getting started in i
a weakened turt since competition
. 4--y. ' ViC 4 I Knickerbocker trace!
-v " ; Jj0" 'o large livestock
' . -a , Jhis past year. Thes
ami it rl
TImm bar voawa eUlai that they are skittX laborer wbea M eoawt
te patting grass tato this alaater. To atakt saeH they have ta take
the retted grass piaaU tram lae aoies la trams at tfeem. til u auats
lata the aslet la the alaater trra where they are carried farta the
ataatiac a slay ea ta Jeasea Brothers farm aa Hawed Prairie west of
Salens. Thirty acre are I be Bloated this week te bring the total Jen
am Mae tTaas acreage aa ta aearly M. Oa the tractar b Paal Jeasea
Jr. The vemea ar Irtai left ta right: Mr. G. E. Baker. Flora Palmer,
graaad. Taey hare averaged all acre, rather thaa the asaal fear f iLeaa McClella aad Narmaa Vit all af Leaaasa. (Statesman phata)
Apples, Pears
Need Prompt
Weather condition the past
week have been right to (tart
codling moth flight ii the Willam
ette Valley, county agent are re
porting. . -
Many varieties of apple and
pears have reached the stage of
development where the calyx
spray will be necessary if codling
moth control is to be completed.
S. C. Jones, entomologist at
Oregon State College, recommends
the use of either two pounds of so
per cent wet table DDT or three
pounds of lead, arsenate to 100
gallons of. water. Thorough cov
erage is important.
Jones also suggests If spider
mites are a problem that the addi
tion af one pound of 25 per cent
wettable parathion, or one pound
of PN-30O, or two pounds of 25
Kf cent wettable malathion, may
.added to the DDT or lead ar
senate spray to control these or
chard pests.
Pear psylla is common to the
valley, and growers are also re
minded that the EPW malathion
or parathion will control this.
Applications Due for Seed Inspections
Nearly all other crops have dead
lines falling due on June 1, the
county agent points out.
Applications for certification are
live rhnirman Khpnk akn emnhq. thnrn Farms llilkhnrn
sires that all fiinH remainina aftpr .lulv ?fi OSC nurehrpd '5 lessened
exDenses are naid will be ref.inriprf livestock sale. OSC. 1 o m. 1 Regular mowing is also import-
on a per acre basis to those part- Julv Oregon State Jersey ant if s'ron8 healthy turf is to,
icipating in the cooperative Cattle Club picnic. be maintained. Grass allowed to j
Ace Flying Service. Salem, has July 31-Aug. 4 Santiam Bean Kw too long becomes coarse and ,
Livstock brand inspection fees teen awarded the contract for ap- Festival. Staylon. siemmy, nue regular tupping,
will be reduced five cents effec- plications of the DDT spray ma- Aug. 4 Willamette Valley Ram keeps the green leaves nearer the I
tive July 1. M. E. Knickerbocker. Sale. Albany, 10 a.m. i surface for a more attractive
animal division chief for the state 1 Tne entrol season is expected to Aug. 15-1 Clackamas County lawn. Grass should be allowed
department of agriculture, sjd start around June 1. Golden Jubilee Fair, Canby. ; to grow about 1 inch between cut-1
Wednesday. The new ice will be
20 cents a head.
Knickerbocker traced the reduc-
past year. These created a
brand inspection fee surplus, he
explained. As a result, the fee re
duction was approved in -a recent
meeting of the Livestock Advisory
Committee and the department of
ficials. He added that livestock move
ments showed a definite decline In
the first quarter oi this year.
Berry Canes
Bow Heads
Under Attack
Limberneck "diaeac" l. ,.A.
"" iiiauv
its appearance again in blackcap
plantings in Clackamai fnnntv ..
well as a few other spots ia 'the
muamette valley.
Actually the cause of the disor
der is the larva of an Insect rather
than a disease.
Limberneck is the common name
for the injury caused by the larva
of the raspberry cane maggot,
since the upper part of the new
canes droop over after the larva
start working. At the point where
the cane bends, a bluish ring can
generally be seen where the mag
got girdles the cane.
It has been observed that the
death of the cane above the girdle
is necessary for the survival of
the maggot. If the cane survives,
the maggot is usually killed due
to the rapid growth of the cane,
which crushes the maggot.
The adult dies emerge during
late April and lav their tmnii
white eggs in grooves or protected
places on the tips of the young
canes. The eggs hatch in about
four days. The young larva bur
row down the center of the young
shoots for a short distance, then
tunnel outward and girdle the cane.
r rom here they continue on down
the path of the cane to near the
ground level where the maggots
transform and remain until the
following spring.
Very seldom do the flies attack
all the new canes of any one
No insecticidal control measures
have been worked out for this pest.
It is suggested that infested canes
be cut off at the ground level as
soon as noted, and burned im
mediately. tings. If this rule is followed.
Rudd says clippings should be left
on the lawn. They will form a
mulch which helps prevent evap
oration from the soil and adds
beneficial organic matter to the
Proper mowing saves water, fer
tilizer, weed spray, and is one of
the most important lawn mainten
ance practices.
Applications for seed certification ling inspection of both Kenland and
ar due on several Marion County ! Pennscott clover fields is also be-
teed crops, Hollu Ottaway report-tag completed in the county,
ed Wednesday. Although Merion bluegrass ap-
vrinwn cwvrr lieiai art Deing ; piicauoni are not flue until June' , Lt . L . ir A nu;i wAti MMi i.
inspected at the present time andil. field inspections at this time of,,V4l,able " xteM,on lTA TtS yoToc a.ek
the inspections must be completed year reveal off-type plants and offices, Marion County Courthouse, I ,t , it store. Today at
prior to the final blossoming. Seed- prevailing weed problems. ' Salem. Perry's Drag Store.
Use T-4-L for 3 to 5 days.
Watch the old tainted skin slough
oil leaving healthy, hardy skin.
For thaUiappy feeling of health
Enjoy Normal Regularity
...without laxatives!
Bay tin sue nower lal
a do ampltU jcbl
. or sow.
' Em a today, f
Vcllsy Farm Store
DeUcious tiUTRO-LIFE
Bread is Gentle, NATURAL Aid!
Now the flavorful bread you enjoy
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BREAD has been proved a valuable
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salts no irritating roughage. is not
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bines healthful natural ingredients
nourishing wheat, finely-milled bran
and pyre fig concentrate to provide
the gentle action of smooth, non
irritating bulk . . . nature's ow n way
to maintain healthy intestinal tone!
Tour FamflT Bread!
NUTRO-LIFE BREAD is wholesome.
- . t ir- . . i
simply by eating this entirely new trwrngeousiaerveiun piace
kind of bread with every meal! . of oth" htd' f! 'PP"""1
entire family will enjoy the richly re
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BREAD . . . and gain the priceless
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the safe, sure, natural way! '
No Discomfort-No
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tains no drugs no purgative
Say k aat ymw grm$ aaW
PHONE 3-4201
Here's the Season's top savings!
Riverside Deluxe Wards finest
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Words Riverside Deluxe same rugged quality
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Wards Riverside Deluxe Tubeless
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Wards Riversid Deluxe tubeless, has all the
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Plus excise tax and your trade-in tire
All Deluxe Tire On Sal
Plus xcls lax and yew trode-ln Hrt
' All Deluxe Tire On Sal
393! SlfrtrtM Itf. : : . Mm