12-(Sec. II) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Thun, May 24, '56 College Coach Ethic Chief Urges Action Dl'RHAM, N.C. UP BUI Murray of Duks. chairman of the college football coaches ethic commttt. Mid Wednedy recrultins; sbuses rrs likt "playtai poker with marked cards" and urfcd wllef e to put their football noute in traer. "If we don't" the serious, bald- Inf Southerner added In an inter ie. "we ll find our bouses col 'ansing around our heads. We ll ave no more than 50 team play jig football" Uitcuuing the Pacific Coast Con ference's action on UCLA and du riolinary action taken against such bigtime football powers ai Ohie State, Oklahoma. Texas AIM. Washington. Auburn and Miami Fla.). Murray Mid: "1 am dad to tee action on Ihii problem by the NCAA and the v.Hmn fnnfmwee but we have only scratched the surface. The mett won't be cleared until we tackle it at a university as well a a conference level. laJet-Taale Deals "No one can tell me that these under-the-table deals aren't being carried en without the knowledge of the university administrations. These administrations should seek out the person responsible and fire hint on the spot. "This may go as high as the college president who condone and seeks to cower up such then- anigan. If the head man Is re- sponsible, the board of trustee should put him on the head-chop- ninf block. '.. Murray, whose committee It concerned mainly with conduct of coaches, said that the coaches gen erally are responsible in an In direct way but normally tne onus lie elsewhere. Meadows Entries First race. qtr. horeea. Bum S00. sll . r4 C, as ytrdfc 1. Irith O Dh, Jl Herr .. 1 t timer Lchfkln, B Zolltntcr . 125 j, twuy Cat. R Ehlm , l" 4. In. I. McDowtll 1 1M I. Torrejr's Cudt, 1. Bo( 1S (. Lm. A. Ounan 125 t. Mim Domo, G. DIo . . ... 1J0 t. Cuml rUnH. t. amothn 125 Second net. qtr. harm, pun two. til mm. tmm B. xse ymv 1. Chubhy'i Buck. t. Iuflt ..... IZT 1 )tm Wmtm, R. Woodi 120 1 lorrel Sammy, B Zolllar 110 4. Bank Roll, S. MrDowvll 120 I. O. r. Hurricane. T. Bmothara 120 I. Klekapoa Klamath, A. Duncan 120 1. Botoln Dala, W. Phillip 120 (.Jot Lahekln, H. Herr 11.1 FriOVESr. in I TMrd rare, claim, pun ttot, I y a Ii up, (S10U0I, t fur.t i Burniru, 8. ateDSreU1""" 114 -1. HaaUMroaa, B. Zollingn 4. Trap ahootar, t. Lambart I. Bonny Gold. G. Dva 4. Vlnal Powy, L Gifford 1. Chief Felly, P. Hidalgo s. Amorto. C. Glbern t. Tour Servant, G. Dixon 1 Lvrna Jr.. L. Know lea fourth rue. claim, pur 1100, 4c up. itlJWOi. ( fur.: - 1. Veil Van. P. Hld.lfo ., L Mailt Wick. L. Knnwlea . Prank Wallet. I MrDoweU 4. Lit Tim, r. Lambert ..... I. Sir Lou, O. Fierce . Ability, ft. Cavallara 1. Be Clay, B. Hopkins ..... , Pacolma Devil, C. Glbaon .. . Early Hurler, B. Zollinger . Id. NUmellor, g. Miller flUi rare: 111 . 1M ,. 120 11 IM US US 111 . 120 120 I. Alton. F. Lambert , . ..129 I. Easier Time, B. Eolllneer US I. Helen's Ovpy, a. McDowell . lit 4. Amplifier, D. Boman US I. Unbroken, 3. Boa US . Crocs the Line, D. Pierre . II 1. Steppln Jewel, W. Phllllpa 111 I. Mr. Soto. F. Smothers . ... US t. Ari a Parmet. P. HidaKo .. 115 10. Speech leu, 0, Simon la US in ., in . 114 11 . US m , ll IIS 1 1 1 Sixth rare, claim, purs so, lyo. '.. ,. , .t up. l S9e-l eoo, i, ur.i tS,l:,Ld ,or Dr.n'llJn,u-. . I. Pint Rail. L. Vnitr IOT I ,,, I. Sllmar, B. Searcy 1 Lycos Lady, G. Dye 4. Postmark, O. Pierre I. Carta Snow, B. Zolllnier ., t. Ml Challenge, B. Hopkins 1. Ida's Eagle. L. Knowlea I. Little Baton. R. Cavallara ln7 112 1 115 1 ,110 107 107 S Little aury, I, Gifford 112 1 Seventh race, alw., aurse l?00. o a. up, fur.: 1. Cyrua, I Clifford 1 Shuttles Mite. Q. Dixon . 1. Aratal. T Lambert 4. II Tore Way, B Zollinger t Jesrnaon. E. Miller I. Gary John, Simonli 12 123 i; . Bltuii, S. McDowell Ilahth rare, claim, puree SWifl, 3 o 41 uo. 1(1.191. one mile 1. Shy Count, D. Pierce I. feuriln' Frank. T Smotheri S. Gold Reserve, i. Bnn 4. Cahfornian, B. Zolllnier 5. Proud Prince, P. Lambert 1 K Ration, C. Glbwm 1. Blue Mink. C. Gilford S. Recur. G. Dixon Ninth rare, claim, purie t0o, 1 y o It up. isanoi, one mile: 1. Holy's Boy, G. Slmonls 1. Haktrlne. D. Pterce . 1. Penny Bueter, R. Seanv . , 4. Count Abe, R. Cavallaro . I. Our Land, 1. Boa I. Weeatrh Chief. L. Knowlea 1 No Photo, A, Sherman I. Lott Heather, P. HidaKo . Pint Paae. 1.. Unrer 10. Audacioua Kin. B. 7.nlllner Swim Coach Leaves Job PORTLAND i - Ty Stein bach, swimming coach at the Aere Club of Oregon for seven year, reported Wednesday he will leave to become manager of the McMinnvllle municipal swimming pool Oct. 1. He ssid he would be engaged In - setting up a program until the new pool opens Jan. I. He also will work with Linfield College swimmers. 8teinbech came to the Aero Club from Jantten Beach where he was swimming instructor. This is the Official Pensbr Remedy Store for Marlon County. You will find these preparation or highest qualtly and guaran teed to bo exactly for what they aro sold and represent ed to be. Schiefer's : Drug Store 13S N. Commercial bOpon Pally 7 JO AM-t P.M. Sunday f A. M. e 4 r. m. Beavers Win Thrilling Tilt Ba.nli Smarki Long Grand Slam (Coatlaard freai preceding safe) Basinski. having a bad night at ; thortstop. was the goat in Holly- j wood's four-run second inning. He committed three errors in that frame to give the Stars four un- earned runs. He erased the mis- cues and won the fans' forgive ness with his bases-loaded drive Into the left field bleachers, one of the league best home run targets. Singles by Paul Pettit. Joe Duhem and Dick Smith, combined with Basinski's three errors, gave r k 1 Hollywood Its first four. The Stars O Villi A VH T( added another unearned run teyOAUU imtVCUU the third when Ed Mickelsnn j muffed Pettit s grounder. He scored later on an infield out. Portland got two runs back In the eighth when catcher Sam Cal- derone, pinch hitting for relief tered in basketball, football and pitcher Dick Wiibel, drove one ,' baseball fur two years at South over the left field wall with Ron j Salem High, was last night sward Bottler on base. led the Vsrsity S Club's annual Ralaler Lkked VANCOUVER, BC. The Vancouver Mounties, registering Hauk as the climax of the V arsity their fir.t shutout of the season's Club's Sports Award Bmquet behind the five-hit pitching of Jim j at the school. McDonald and Al Curtis, Wednes-l Neal Scheidel, now a freshman day night defeated the Seattle Rai- it Stanford University, won the nier 10-0 to even tnetr rive-game , Pacific Coast League baseball series it two wins each. George Metkovich led the Van couver assault with 4-for-4 includ ing a borne run and a double. 8Ua Smear Real SACRAMENTO, Calif. I The,,,urm' v"f i Sacramento Solon lost seven of ! thil U.t .inhl lima hut tnrnnH on ban rranctsco Wednesday night and smeared the Seals 10-3 in a Pacific Coast League game. ucuiKT Juan j nu tfanc ford hit two-run homers to make D!.lu toko Pttchlm chore easy for Cloyd Boyer. Aagel. Nip Padre. LOS ANGELES UB George Frees singled home Steve Bilko with two down In the ninth Wednes day to give Los Angeles a 10-9; D.!tU t.- K.l,ll ,! . "v.i.i. vwn mt over San Diego. The victory I snapped a five-game Angel los- In streak eUywee (I) . () Peril BHOA SHOA Bmer.rf 1111 Safell.rf till Smith. m 1114 Mrqez If 410 Mirkl.lb 114 1 Brkak.rf 41 MeJai.rf S I 0 Mklan.lb 4 1 15 0 Allie.3b 4 1 YongJb 1 1 S ( Petit, lb 117 1 Banei.lb 110 1 Dhem.K 1110 Sunikl.M 4 11 W Halle (III Bnller.e toll Namjo.p 411 Ornell.p I 0 0 0 ODnel.p I I I I a-Mrlmn 110 0 Waihel o 0 0 0 0 b-Cldron 110 0 R Hall.p 0 0 0 0 Totala M 714 11 ToUla 30 7 27 15 a None out when wlnnlne run HllPMl " .... ..""iw i uu jui in mn. Hollywood 0410O0 0O05 Portland F Bailnxl 4 oho ooo M4- Ml keion. smith. RBI Duhem, Smith 1, W. Hall, Cal- I derone 1. Baalnakl 4. IB-Duhem. . . . Smith. HR Calderdne. Baslnnkl. DPIeiv tdii'lc iv nvr -Smith. Maeroakl and Pettit: Alhe. Blx ' nM As Mareroakl and Pettit; tlamnakl. liYoun and Mlckelaon: Bammki land Mlckrlmn. Left-HoIIvwimhI 7. m Portlsnd 4. BB. nff-Naranio 4. Dir. lismell 3. SO, by Narenjo 1, Darnell 1 122 R-r.R-Naran)o 1-4. Darnell -o. O'- Donnelt 4-1 Hlt. off Darnell 7 In i i: Wnbei o in 2; Naranin m s pivn. j I. n', '.f!: ,H V'5 !, 1-.1: L O Donrell 1-1 V "Smith n nail Sterner and Mutart. T--21I A 1.457 I Yes, you may be missing your best auto insurance value! Compare and you'll find AlUtate's rate are usually lm,r than those of most other leading companies Yet you can rely on the company founded by Sears for sound protec tion, prompt, friendly agent servittt and fast, fair claim settlement. You can't buy fccffrr, why pay more? See how much you can aave with your Allstate Agent! 198 S. Commercial Phon 4-6861 550 N. Capitol St. v!l a" Wre In fee t teen Mt WlBmaMKlnnaWiniM. 4 Ce. IM aMre Sum at. I'--., fTheyTl Do It Every wuiT rr is who wis uawfl lAAriDur i art i turn uo. wvee. I OLDER THAU MRS. BOWl TELL ME IXACfcY VVUERB METHUSf UM-TMEV VtXl WEOT JUST BER9RK THIS J WJHXa o wl THC ft .iiArw..iakii 1 KUrTUVaUaW lKTfo T' ft NilrKcriBU ii I Y.4 I II I " 'ai-icni V Jones Wins By AL I.IGHTXER Stateimaa Sports Editor Dale Jones, the 6-foot, 4-inch ill around athlete who has let- placque as "Athlete of the Year The presentation was made by Saxon Athletic Director Harold awaru ia jr New club officer for the 1957 season were also announced by outgoing President Bill McDon ald, who acted as master of cere monies for last night's affair. The new chiefs are Jim Robinson, president; Jim Rawlings, vice pre- VMurw ,nQ n"ei' ler"nl at IT1T 1 1. 1 . A . Ti, ,.; V. .vewiiri lire uuaidi..uul ' DU0Am? ger, Dick Ballanytne and Don Kmnev ave athletic awards as . . . , . ; 'ollow dur"" ,be eVenlng :.... t,. .,.i. i TENNIS: Allen Boxer Juiin Blown, i J.rrv t.i lelon Fred liewell. Hon i ... u, i i.... hasen. Bill Jain. led Marr. clay! Neuell Lan l'nvne Hi Hlchler. Ri.v Klaneehv. Rimer Stewart. Him. Wulf. GOI.r: Jim Allen. Larry Event. Gotdun llantan. Jim Heltiel. Jim Koethlin. Bill Sihlltt Flank Shaler JAYVLE BASEBALL Tom Boenm-' " J"r "runnel e. ane Dron. Biuce Burrell. Al t.edl. mil Harrl eon. Jim Johnaon. Bob Kimble. Bob.11"? 1 lu Law. Gary Mellinger. Mike Bath Tom Serine, Fred Swearinger, Harlan Woolndie. VABSITY BASKBALL: Ron Baker. Bob Beale, Roger tarda. Bud Chap- pene, Jrrry Loon, uary uellman John Cvana. Darvl Fine, John Fred ertck, Jerone UoerUen. Huer Me- oen, Liiff johnaon, uaie jonea, Hob ert Allen Smith. Dale Wulf John Harvey, Frank Moevel, Joel Mathiai. JAYVEE TRACK Dave Auitln. Elvit Bilker. Bob Bavne. David Bell. Steve Berilund, Paul Boal. Darrell Church, Jim En(er. Gary Gregnr. Chuck Hammerlad. Duve Howells. Art Krugrr. Foliar Martin. Dave Newman Bill Rector, Roy Selleri. John Salladav. Stu Smith. Merlvn Stlcklev, Jerry Thompion, Lowell William!. VARSITY TRACK: t.oren Blaro. Keith Burrli Ted Foxley, Jack French. Boh Gate. Ken I.oianbill Bill i McDonald. Dave Merchant Dan mann, Brad Kruecer Jim Ra linn, i mnore. ..arrymirnoi.v .will Jim Bohin-on. jack Scott, Bob Ster- j rett. Bob Crer WILMINGTON. De . lyf-Wilh new turf course available, Dela ware Park now ha six individual tracks. There is the main dirt iracK, ine new grass lavout. a brush steeplechase course, a hur- dl'" ,llrs'- training track and ... i..u- L. ti . m.iiuuiing course in- side the training track. Phone 3-9191 lien Hi,., JLELSTTATTE Ikt mvm. maaaNiMleM ewteliieioannteweNropewanrtT m ia.a eme te ie-i.wo. m. i Time J -.- hh I in S CAvm ic wh4t NSW Church Softball Title Go Tonight First Baptist and First El'B will meet tonight to decide the senior church Softball league championship in Salrm. Yester day. First Baptist downed First EL'B, 5-1. behind the four hitter of Gordon Turner and home run of Dave Baker. In junior league action yester day, Highland Friends walloped Emmanuel Baptist. 2fi-l. In the junior league today. Emmanuel Baptist will meet First Baptist. Meadows Results Trirk fait. rint rc sso virdt. m of ftMUTkiS. Not;,,; zufeiti ssn. 4n: kick mem (bomi (.10. Qulnielli $2720; tlmt 11.7. Second no. J'i furlongs, i up pur S800. Brrv i Honor fZolllnri ;Z .! i- n Z . i ,n ,nn 4 M no- i.ur, R,d (Unr, loso Quinlrlla fll W, time 1:0 4. Third race, furlonn. 3 up. puna SSH). Bnotcr Price (Zolllnaeri 4 00 9 til Mil- Cninh VfalH llmnlh.ru .u; jjo;' utile Umpa isearcyj 4.so uimella io 70: time 1:114. fourth race. 5', furlons. 4 up. purie S6O0. T4ff iDvei 3 SO, J SO. 2 30; Quickfeet iSiniuiu.i S 40. 2 lu: She Alio Ula (.Ollinreri i iu. wuiniena IK 70: time I Ml. m''"h "7'r' ""l '"Vi maidens. ure Kmo. Forenn Uelt lllnferp 10.30. 2 90. 2 SO: Red Hani (Zollinger) 2 40. 2 50. Terminal ipierrei 17.50. Quimella 15 70; time 11:. Sixth race, I firl(.ni. 1 un. purne $010. Ski Pole Dixon i 4 SO. 2 70 IW: Sid P. iGilfordi 4 10. 3 SO: Clear- away i Hidalgo) 3 20. yulnlella 1J Seventh race. 8l. furlona. 3 tip. purie 1000. Sahrlna iPrnulvi M 40. 9 SO. 3 80; Thrifty l McDowell l 7 90. 3 20; Bon Ton iKnowlei) 2 00. Quln lella 470; time l:H.i. Eighth race, six furlongi. three up. pvra 8U. General K i Pierre i IS 40, II 00, 7 IV): Wacky Be iHldalfni 22 50. S70: Head Tease, iKnowleij 150 Quiniella 1192.30; time 1:11.1. Ninth race, one mile, three up, purie $400. Pam Nita iZollinferi 5 20 3 10, 2 50; Sonoma Sickle iWalihl .ISO. 1 HO; Bipplinf Sea iCavallaro) 1.30 Quinlella 11150; time 1.10 4. Attendance 1.141; handle SWT.7S3. 17 Bobo, Sugar Notch Record LOS ANGELES lP-The Susarl Rav Robinson-Bob Olson middle- Rneni-...... , ,:u. t... weight championship fight last week produced Bross Bate receipts of $23.1.331, a California record. figures were a little higher than ' the school's conference roprescnta- Hollywood Legion Stadium of- estimates announced last Saturday the after 30 years The resolu ficials finished auditing the books The previous California gate tion lauds him for his long term this week. record $190,750 was set last year, i of service and leadership 1 FREE STORE-SIDE PARKING FOR OVER 1,000 CARS II . ill' w I i. 1 t r M regular 995.90 Wxl? 2-ROOM FAMILY TENT $69.95 Save $24.95 onjhis spacious tent that can easily accomodate 5 cots. Features: no center pole, fine water-repellent green drill, full 7'a ft center Height. Plenty of ventilation provided by zippered plastic trim door and windows m rear and side. Rope sewn in bottom hem for extr strength. Metal stake loops. Approxi mately 1'30 iquar feet. Mail and phone ordert. Plus thipning cart to tifm outside mtt rcgulat truck delicCTit rnutr. SPORTS .;!tl' V By Jimmy Hatloj IHIiMMriOR TVWUST BI3DOM 60T MLO- T4IM3 THty Wt4DEnV6lXL BOUGHT W4NTEO HIM TO 1 W4STU4T TMlSB4CU5n ti rr used to WELCOME, Bej5rTl?-8UT4 GENEKAL. GP4MT OHB COSTS A WI0LI BJC- Listening to the str4wboss blow mis ROOF WHEM NOAM'S ARK SPRINGS A LEAK-" TUAMt NO 4 TIP Of WfJ4 mm 'u at r v 4ttl MLA6AMA 4 f , SGC Ladies Greet Guests Salem Women's Golf Associa tion held a gueet day yesterday t Salem Golf Course with play Ih.sed on low net and low gross in each class of action. Twenty guests were present from sur rounding courses and Portland. Guest winners were Mrs. Frank Fik. formerly of Salem Golf Course and now of Columbia Edgewater of Portland, with a gross 81; and Mrs. Hal wood- worth and Mrs. Manton J. Spear, Portland, with net 77s. Winners in action among the SGC ladies were Mrs. Tom Hill with a gross 84 and Mrs. Charles McDevitt with a net 77 in the championship flight; Class A win- ners were Mrs. Jerry Blum, low gros, 0 91, and Mrs. Chester Loe, net 79; Class B Mrs. Glenn Stev- enson, low gross 01 to, anu airs, Ralph Hamilton, net 73. i Liass c airs, uonaia loomo, gross 90. and Mrs. Homer Gou- ii - t. net 75: Class D Mn. L. C. Berry, gross 117, and Mrs. Wil liam Hammond, net 75. Nine-holer club winners were Mis. Kenneth Powers, gross 51, and Mrs. Sid Levene, net 35. Meanwhile, next Wednesday be ing Memorial Day the ladies will take a holiday but will return to action the following Wednesday ,v :... .. . to start the miniature and eclec tic tourneys. Meadoict Selectiom: 1. Mm Domo Fancy Lehakin. Furry at 2. Robin Dale. Nellie Domo. C T Hurricane. 3. l.yros Jr , Heatherosa, Amorin 4. Life Time. Early Hurlev. Ability . ratter Time, Aaain. Art PTn?L. .... e.. v. " nan, , . Jury. 7. Bifiin. Cyrui, Aratal Mink " a. Lott Heather. Audanoui Km, V.klnirT ranrnrnian-lU. B.ce 1 : Californian-Slh Race. POSSIBILITY Ability LONGSHOT 4th Bace. Television and radio richts hroucht an additional $100,000 Net! B ?ENEW4L 1 f iOinra'aWI m in vm SIB - in mi N .... tnM ... ... L- - u receipts were $202.3.54 W KachjSnfl tnanks In irotessor Hugh (. fighter's share was $!W,7Mi 47. The I fan OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY 12:15 TO 9 P.M. OTHER DAYS 9:30 A.M. TO 5 30 P.M. II HEADQUARTERS-STREET - 'Ji: ',i?ijiniU;''ijtlili)itt -A PCC Officials Eye Charges By Uke Alum (Continued from preceding page) fcrence to give prompt attention, at a special meeting If necessary, to the case of any member insti tution concerning which the con ference, through its own investi gation, the investigation of the in dividual institution or any other source, may come into possession of adequate information Indicat ing a serious institutional violation and to handle any such case with in the established procedural framework of the conference which has been used in the con sideration of the University of Washington and UCLA cases." No Attempt Made There was no attempt to con sider the charges at this meet ins The regular winter session "was set lor Dec. 2 at Beverly Hills. Calif. Dr Glenn Seaborg. the PCC spokesman, said earlier the con ference "had no inkling" that a private investigation had been made into the Southern California sports program. With a smiling comment that "this may not be headline ma terial." Dr. Seaborg reported the conference was tightening en trance requirements for athletes at the nine member schools. He said the conference was mak ing a "C" average in senior high school a prerequisite to athletic eligibility. Incoming Athletes Affected Because some states represent ed in the nine-member conference nave laws regarding college en 1 trance requirements, the ruling will allect only out-of-state stu- dents in Oregon. Washington and j Idaho for the present It will rov-. er all incoming athletes at Cal- j ifornia member schools imrnedi-1 ately and will be made conference- j wide if feasible. j Students affected by the rule , can become eligible by attaining I a "C" average for one vear at College This would keep a schol-. astically ineligible freshman out! of comoetititon until he estab- iished the "C average. F.th.il .Hvi.' thPv ran .tart ,.. .' tnev can start varsitv nrsrtire a rinv e.irlv on Ane 11tfor nio- ture-takine. issuing of equipment and medical examinations It was merely a formalizing of a rule which has been in operation as a special dispensation for two years. Freshman football games will be handled in the Mure by five official, instead of fotir The con ference said it regards the frosh g.imes as a training ground for referees. Final Actions Take The faculty representatives took these other final actions Wednes dav afternoon Named Bernard Hammerbeck. conference publicity man. as as- sistant to Commissioner Victor 0 Schmidt. I Gave member schools permis- ! sion to join the Pacific Coast In- tercollegiate Wrestling Assn. in an exception to the rule against af- ,llif,t'0n W"h 0lher thletlC ri izations Raised travel fees for football and basketball officials tn 17 cents a mile one way from the present 15 cents. The officials get their full travel pay for the one-way trip rather than on a round-trip basis Adopted a resolution of praise WlllPtt of I SC. who is retiring as FLOOR SP0RT5MAN5 PIGEST FREEING A CAR STUCK IN SAND All VOftrSMCN who Sit cmp MATIN TRAILS SHOULD KNOW THCM TIPS IMP y tUKT-PtW-ERMCM WITH MACH SUeetES. LtT OUT 't Oe THE NORMAL air mvsvm or cap's tmes. (examplei rniw.a normal, HEOUCE TO II LES.) WHEELS KVE SPUN DEEP N THE SAND, shovel or scoop rr prom the FRONT OP EACH TIRE TO PORM A GENTLE SLOPE UP TO LEVEL GROUND. THEN EASE CAR FORWARO WITHOUT SPINNINA WHEELS ANO DON'T STOP UNTIL VOtRE SAFE LY AWAX THIS LOW PRESSURE WONT INJURE TIRES IP VOU 60 SLOWLY DIRECT TO A SERVICE STATION. NASCAR Meet ! Ready Sunday T0HTLAND (Special) The finest in stock car rscing will come to the Pacific Northwest Sunday, with the running of a NASCAR-sanctioned Grand Na tional stock car championship event at Portland Speedway. The sanction has been granted to Promoter Paul Ail of Northwest Sports, Inr , of Portland. The rice will be a 100-miler over the half-mile paved surface of Portland Speedwiy and will mark the first appearance of the famed Grand National cir cuit's star drivers and fleet late model cars. One of the largest fields to go to the post in iny race event this season is expected to com pete for a total purse of $4, 600.00. including cash awards from major industries like Cham pion Spark Plug. PurOlator and others. The pilots also will be gunning for the priced points in the NASCAR standings which lead to national championship rating. With the Grand National stop pine at speedwavs in Kureka, Calif , on May 30 snd Merced, Calif, on June 3, virtually all the top Vet Coast drivers are expected to be on hand. Bowlins Scores CAPITOL I.ANr Rich Staudtiter led Javnon'i Men'i Store to the Capitol Major Leaue rhiimpionshlp Wednesday niht when he ahot KM tln.t Marion Hotel. Staudifer fired ame ot 1RS-1M-1II He wai barked up by Dirk Phipui with 61 and l m bv Boh Ran Tone Prtidente with 1-15 and Walt Gurdner with 51.1 completed the Jar ion ecorin. It wai itrictry no con tent ai Oie wtnnen ahot 1 911 scratch to 1.991 (or the runnerfup. ( ON gJ l """"" " sr g ft (todayi Dallas Golf Go Starts Today; Stars on Hand DALLAS, Tex. I The 130,000 Dalla Centennial Open, first half of a $100,000 golf extravaganza here the next two weeks, start Thursday and there were more favorites than hole on the haz ardous Preston Hollow course. Yanks, Tribe Post Victories Score AtWi 5th Win; Nats, A's in Marathon (Cvatlaaetl (rem preeedlag page) Hank Bauer three-run nomer set off a ix-run fifth. There were M walks and seven error in the game with the Yank contributing nine passes and three error. Boston picked up all three runs at Cleveland in the eighth inning without a hit. Score lasued half of his eight walks for one run and reliefer Don Mossl then walked In another and gave up a third marker on a sacrifice fly before retiring the aide. Wildnes also marked the Chicago-Baltimore game. The White Sox scored their big runs on bases-loaded walks In the fourth inning by reliefer Ray Moore. Bob Friend, with only two day of rest, shut out the St. Louis Cardinals tvo as Pittsburgh moved within a half-game of fourth place Brooklyn and only 1 games out of first. The Chicago Cubs broke a three-game losing streak, beating Philadelphia 5-4 The Cards managed only a half dozen single off Friend, who won his seventh against two defeats. Dale I.ong hammered his 11th home run over the 436-foot mark on the center field fence and Hank Foiles swatted a two-run homer, i Willard Schmidt was the loser. j Monte Irvin and Harry Chiti hit home runs for the Cubs off Harv ey Haddix to overhaul a 4-0 Phila delphia lead in the eighth inning, j Both were bases-empty blasts. Vito Valentinetti won his first in relief; Sixty Trojan Lads Accused I.OS ANGELES in More than 60 I'niversity o( Southern Califor nia athletes Wednesday were pic tured a beneliciaries of $71,233, doled otit over a two-year period ; from a secret fund. A I (LA alumnus said the fundi was founded by three ls Angeles i Superior Court judges, and pro-; vided the athletes with money in excess of Pacific Coast Confer ence regulations. j The accusation was made by J. Miller Leavy, who insisted he was, making the charges as an interest-, ed alumnus of the Trojans' cross-j town rival. UCLA, but not a a member ol the L'CLA athletic ad-1 visory board. SAV1 SEE SEARS FOR NEW TUBELESSTIRE TAKEOFFS 'Tire taken tff new car anal replaced witk ALLSTATE tufeelei But the straight hitter - and that would mean fellow Uke Ben Hogan, Tommy Bolt, Doug Ford, Jimmy Demaret, and Gene Lit-tier-was given the best chance. Chipping and putting also wert major Items (or this l.llt-yard courts with close out-of -bound, numerou traps and rolling green. Hogan probably Is the moit prominent selection fnr tha mum first money because he I to ac curate oft um tee and to tha green and because he li now put ting well. Mike Souchak. who ha ma mors tournaments this year than any one else -three - also Is f iven a food rhanre aiui si 1 Dow Finsterwald, who lead the money winners for the year with IIJ.MI.M. Tennis Meet Extends Round Second round in the senior fL vision of the Salem Jayces tennis tourney was extended one mors day yesterday by meet officials after several matches failed to b played in the allotted time. A number of matehei Dlayed vesterdav however In th senior and junior divisions and results are below. Meanwhile, meeting tonight in the extended second round of senior activity will be Glen Durham vi. Richard Bishop; Jerry Carleton vs. Gary Calaba; Jerry Hagen- vs. Kent Jaquith; Allen McCormick vs. Nick Moravec; Roy Stangeby vs. Larry Stein. Senior division results Wednes day Jacobson over Wulf, 8-2, 1: iticnter over Ladd. M. 6-4: Scoggin over Parker. 8-0. 8-0; Cummings over Osko, 8-1, 6-1; tsucnanan over Boyer, 8-1, 73; Stewart over Brown, 63, 7 5; Johnson over Payne, 84, 6-0; Newell over Wilson, 86, 2-6, 6 3; Weaver over Birrell. S-2; Boys division Jacobson over Caskins, 6-2, 0-2; Davis over SeiU, 62, 7-S; Davis over Stewart, 6-4, 7-3; Sheldon over Ramsdell, (W), 6 0; Wulf over Hamilton, 6-1, 6-1. Needles, winner of the rich Flam ingo at Hialeah, is the first son of Ponder, winner of the 1949 Ken lucky Derbv. How She Shops "Cash and Carry" Without Painful Backache Naceine katkache, headache, er aiiMcula aekej aaa paM mmr eaeaeea wltkam-eaer. Im.mKXtoMl uawtaer 6mr teaar rtraej e at rata. Aa4 folka he eat aa4 4riak aawtoeqr Mmatiaiea nSer nil kl44( Irritatiea) .itt that renkea, MieoalaruMe fatltaat. If yea art anejrafcki ae4 eeraeal huaaaa af tkw dkmeferta, Dean'l tVk Wua kh kr tkeweaia ratierinf akn,krtaeirMlM ine IT eft to eaae kUdder IrrHatioa. and ky IhelrailMdigrrtkaetioatkmirkthtkiditer - kiadina U iaerraM tae eatai ot Um IS ilea of lidncr takea. . . Se If laiBiaff kaikaeka BMaea roe feel draaaod owt. aiMraMe, witk rattleaa, ! Ira n ajataeeet mt. try Deaare Nla. rt He aM kaper retttr eiJUIaaa aaea aware ee aver M roan. Aak for ee. laria, eaoaoaar M aad aaet aaaea. Get Daea a Mia adr Vx Regular 4.95 44 All Sizes Regular 6.95 344 All Sixes aBBBJBSSMBSBBSBaBBS Regular 8.95 4 44 All Sizes