Tigers9 Ray Boone in Dust After Collision in w ' I . 2r'y ilemSe J 4 US Rflaiy et tat Hap Senators Tilt crj)reijonjtate8Mn With Lewiston ows to Raiir C- "'v..: fccVv-"V , y. X i " '.i 's-Ji r - '' , , LEWISTON (SprciaD Thf Sa- Spmtors ind Lewiston Brnncs were rained out of their chei- statesman, Salfiii, Ore., Thurs., May 24, 5b (bee. 11)-1L men jNonnwrsi la-uc "" . - . game here Wednesday night, as thundcrshowers moved into this area and made play impossihle. The teams hope to make up the rainout Thursday nieht, via a idoublcheader. Lewiston leads the eurrent aer ies 20 after winning 9 8 anil 16 3 games Monday and Tuesday nights. The series is scheduled to end Thursday, after which the Senators move on to Spokane for four weekend games with the In dians. Salem returns home next Monday to open a scries with the Eugene Emeralds. ; Both Have Streaks ! Lewiston is working on a six game winning streak, while Salem has now lost six in A's Pull Up; Yanks Victor By THE ASSOCIATED PRSSI Kansas City's Athletics finally pulled out of the American League cellar Wednesday but had to go to extreme! to do it defeating Wash ington 7-6 in 17 innings. The A's three times scrambled from behind in the 4-hour, 5-min- j jy nf change.' ' - -- :Ute marainon, scoring me accia-: i nnfflrii: Talks ing run on a wild pitcn by ta-j Thrrp ha hn unofficial talk row. The , fc"-TJJKl milo Pascual, Washington's fifth .ho,., ih. no.ihi!itv nf adnntinff PCC Officials Eye Charges By Uke Alum By JACK HEWIN.1 VICTORIA, B.C. t - In n atmosphere of calm after the storm, the Pacific Coast Con ference ended its 5-day., penalty dispensing session here Wednes day after indicating it' may hold a special meeting to consider ac cusations of improper payments to University of Southern California athletes. Dr. Glenn Seaborg, the . PCC spokesman from the University of California, said in a parting key note, in reply to a question about possible revision q( the confer ence's athletic code; "The code is always being im proved. We are considering more seriously than usual the possibil- Senators expect to he consider ably strengthened this weekend, as both second baseman Mel Krause and outfielder Jack Dunn likely will join the club in Spokane. Manager Hugh Luby of the Sol ods also has lines out for addi tional player help for his club, northwest i.KAr.tr. hut ha mentioned no names or w L P''1 pitcner. ! a more liberal interpretation of iew lorKS lanxees were oam the code or to go in the opposite in business with a 17-hit attai-Jt ; direction toward the stricter pol that made up for shabby pitch- icios of thp Ivy LegUf . These un- itik mm iHi.miK hi hih' """"'i official discussions have come conneciinns. i nc orni"" kh un , Kucpnf W L Prt. IS 8 SM Wfmlch 111 13 .435 14 S :i6 SALEM 7 14 3.TI In . fit... Mama urinntntf ctr.alr at ITn.ritv U Q AOU Snnkana S IS .250 ' 'Zft-ter .-,r--'-' -"Xms -v.-' " .( , - v . o the season but then "sdl mult.: At ijfwMnn. 1 tr. !." Z?" -Al- ' li , , I Iost fiKnt in f' Afler Salem, ra.n at Eut.n. 1. Yakima 8; i. litoZ'yiV ..-.tVfi"..'- . . . ' I. .. '. I 'ning two games from Lewiston at i Spok.n.-Wenaicr. rain. w . . i, i Salem, the Snlons tften went on pacific coast leagte DETROIT, Mich. Ray Boone of the Detroit Tigers appears to be tagging Gil MrDougald out actually is jnpjr current six game losing wi.pn w LPrt getting to his feet after colliding with the New York Yankees shortstop who stepped into the base palh jn u At 25 is io s rco si 22 m ... . . am, .J A ml.. w! I. , I mil ar.lllnef lh. n lAfalllf 1 IR .6011 rrllnQ IH Z.I as Boone was neing lorceo ai seeono nere nronrauay. ouiy nimi nni .owaiu ma. in . . ! Sacrmo 21 18 ,5.18 Hlywd 18 22 .450 Radio Station KSLM will broad- Sn Dto 22 22 soo Vncver is 28 M4 . . .. . .l. mi .... Wedneadav results: At Portland , cast ooin games 01 me inursnay Ho!lyBood 5. Lo! Angelea 10. San Salem - Lewiston aouDiencaaer, starting at eight o'clock. The pre game "Dugout Dope" program will go on at 7:45 o'clock. 1.1-5 and retain their 2 'j-game AL lead. Second-place Cleveland kept the pace as Herb Score won his fifth in a 6-3 decision over Boston. The defeat sent the Red Sox m games behind the Indians and trimmed their edge over fourth place Chicago to l'i games as the White Sox beat Baltimore 3-2. Rain Halts Two Games Rain postponed Milwaukce-at- amid the furore over the severe penalties against the University of California at Los Angeles and the University of Washington for aid to athletes from outside sources. .The closing hours of the ses sion Wednesday afternoon were devoted largely to minor matters. The accusations against South ern California were made earlier Wednesday in Los Angeles by a ball away too tale to double Harvey Keann. Umpire Is Red Flaherty. Yankees woa 13-5. (AP H'irepaolo) Annual YM Sport Show Set Tonight The annual Salem YMf A a 1 r .. . - -t 1 .. "'it' . ' , ' A , clk. and rents the thing to .nijjht a the V 1 r f Christian .np , , , wak arnund hurch, starting at 6:30 0 clock. ,h(, S(;c avoot ..After , It is open to the public and tick- income Ux on jt an(1 ets may be secured either at the k ,he baerios charged," YMCA today or at the church to- -rjn5 (h(1 prn ,t ne had , n'Rnt- ' i gadget on it to keep its renters Ted Ogdahl, football and track lrom hooking or slicing he'd get coach at Willamette University rich quick . . . One of the top will act as roastmaster for the standouts on Johnny Dalke's banquet, and Roy Harjan, prcsi-1 champion Parrish Grays junior dent of the YMCA board iA di-!high baseball team this spring rectors will handle the presen- was a husky little guy named tations i Tommy Edwards, outfielder. That JKtS rwhohare'rriKO t llffi "l.10.-?.? TH. hX: he'd be the happiest Thi that li Btiniiv Mason's recent victory in the Oregon Open was worth! much more than the $500 check he got. He also brought home one of those snazzy, electric-powered "caddies which is worth almost Ihrce times the amount of his Carter Loses To Summerlin fc-.WOl.i 'WUi-wawia- ; . Iajte.-fcafc'.','iili 11 11 im aii ia 11 mi DETROIT ' .Johnny Sum merlin of Detroit started and fin- Dieio 9: at Sacramento 10. San Fran cisco 3; at Vancouver 10, Seattle 0. AMERICAN LEAGl'E W L Prt W L Pot. N. York 23 11.67A Baltimor 19 18.455 Clevelnd 19 12 .613 Detroit 13 18 .419 Boston 17 13 .567 Kn City 12 19 J87 Chicago 13 13.900 Washgtn 13 20.379 Wednesday results: At Chicago 3. Baltimore 2: at Kansas City 7. Wash ington S (17 Innings!: t Detroit 9. Nrw York 13; at Cleveland 6. Bos ton 3. ITf.A ohimnua Hp rhnrffnH Brooklyn and Cincinnati-at-New $71 5 was pa)a illegally to (0 York in the National Lcagne. us( athetcs over a two-year pe- 1 he A s, now a nau-game ahead of the Senators, came out of the first inning with a 3-2 lead, but had to rally for two in the ninth to tie it at S-all. Washing ton broke the knot with one in the 17th, but Jim Finigan homered to tie it again in the bottom half and set up Pascual's errant toss as the clincher. Longest Game It was the longest game in the AL since April 27 last season. The Senators were hooked up in that too losing - 6-5 Cleveland in NATION!. I.RAGUE W L Pet W I. Prt MiiwKpf 4 a ft.fo misngn in 1.1 :w one, ,-, n 10 Dhu,H.i o io ni ! 17 innings. The National League ished strong to w in a unanimous Bmkivn in 12 S7i Chicago 8 is '..im had a 17-inning game three weeks fast moving, free swinging 10- wrdnesd.iv re-uiis: At Brookivn-1 aeo with New York defeating Chi-1 , L .,-J I , U.... Vn.l,.fi..l " " rouna decision nrre neoncsuny , v c. caeo 6-5 ... .. .. - . ... i cinnali. rain: at Pittsburgh 8. St. s-K" night over Haroici laner 01 un- UlllI 0. a, Philadelphia 4. Chicago s. den, N J. Summerlin weighed 194 i mil. Im Ika nniml., U..... L. AiA i L. n7. ..mi.e VMrA rri h ' '"Will.!'. XIUW lie UIU ,rdi m ...c ""r" "-'" want young Tommy to be a ball- grams, according to physical di- payer, Thfi kjd wgntcd , , rcctcr Dale Dykman. catcher like his illustrious pop Also, two special awards are to was, but is left handed. So it was he made, to the "Coy ol the, cither pitch, play first base or Year." and to the orrson selected go into the outfield. He chose the as having contributed the most latter and did very well at it for the champion Grays . . . The vnlunteci service to the YMCA. j Northwest Sports organization which operates all 3Uto racing for Winners of these two awards the Portland Speedway and Jantzen Beach tracks is bringing an will be announced for the first oinciat inaslak program to the Speedway next Sunday afternoon ROB GREGG He failed physical i and Carter 195. The bout, nationally televised, was billed as another in a series of elimination events to find a suc cessor to the heavyweight title va- ' cated by the retired champion, ; Rocky jlarciano. 1 Carter, losing only his second ! fight in 22 decisions, had only two days of boxing in preparing for the fight. But he made the favored Detroiter extend himself for a good finish to get the decision. Scoring Tallied Referee Lou Jallos scored it 98 91, Judge Bill Appleton 96-90 and Judge Al Goodman 90-96. all for Summerlin. The Associated Press had it 97-92 for Summerlin. Summerlin, the nation's fifth ranked heavyweight, won his 30th PCC Grid Helmets To Have Numbers VICTORIA, B.C. WU-ICs going to be easier to identify football players in Pacific Coast Confer ence games next fall. The coaches, in session here, got approval from the faculty di rectors of the conference to put numbers on the helmets. The identifying numbers will be three inches high on both sides of the headgear. The Yankees, knocked off a six- game winning streak Tuesday by the Tigers, got rid of starter Billy Hoeft in a five-run second inning and then packed it way against Detroit bonus baby Jim Brady as (Continued next page) Totlay' Pitchers NATIONAL LEAGt'R ' Brooklyn St Philadelphia (N)- Oryadale 4 1-1 1 vs. Roberta (4-4), (Only fame scheduled.) AMERICAN LEAGUE New York at Detroit Turley (J-l) vs. Maas 0-3 1 . (Only game scheduled.) Evideaee forwarded The alumnus, J. Miller Leavy, told a news conference he had for warded the documentary evidence to conference officials. Here for the spring meeting of the circuit, conference President Emmett Moore and Commission er Victor O. Schmidt said they had not yet received the informa tion. The conference statement Wednesday said: "It is the intention of the con (Continued on next page) Beavers Win Thrilling Tilt PORTLAND, Ore. Wl - Veteran Eddie Basinskl slammed a home run with the bases loaded in the last of the ninth inning to Rive the Portland Beavers thrilling 6-5 victory over the Hollywood Stars here Wednesday night. The Portland win evened their Pacific Coast League series at one game each. (Continued aext page) time during tonight's spread. ;and it will amount to the biggest racing card in Oregon's history. 1 "neaeavyweiKm. won nis .mn tL w rurL, rL-,1, ..'But what is more important to the local speed fan is the fact that Profossiona fight. He has lost 1 lie 1 11 ai v 111 uunii im . ... located at Streets. Cottage are Marion the same outfit is working on a return match for the finale of the four an(1 drawn tvice- Mate fair at Lone Oak track in September. That would be some thing . . . H op lienlh 'nfy' Hopefuls From Our Area Speaking of the auto racers, drivers from this area who had hoped to do big things in this year's Indianapolis "500" are having their woes. Len Sutton has already had two bad spills in the tuneups, and the last one left him so cut and battered that he quite likely will not be fit to drive in the classic next week. Barefoot Bob Gregg was all set for his try, until he had to pass the rigid physical examination for drivers. He failed because he cannot turn his head to the left far enough. A broken neck suffered some time ago left the blond heavyweight with limited use of his neck. And we're told that Shorty Templeman, the former midget and big ear driving champ of the Northwest has broken training so often that his mount nas oeen taken trom mm. amkricav leagik tf L.iL r . L i- r f . t I Yl. T -f AR iiiiwevcr. omn 000 i. nrisue in iiranm ras mm ojih luuiri in Mantle. NY Seattle, both with numerous Hollywood Bowl appearances behind Maxwell, uh them, are still in the field at Indianapolis, and may be driving in the big one . . . But the victory for Summerlin : was not too impressive. Carter. 22. took Summerlin's best punches i and in the middle rounds had his opponent backing off. Carter took the bout only last Friday as a re placement for Chicago's Bob Sat terfield, who withdrew because of , an elbow injury. Carter is ranked I seventh in the division. j Major League Leaders Shriners Set Grid Banquet The Salem Shrine Club's an nual banquet, honoring those bovs from the Salem area who are to participate in the 19561 Shrine Football Games at Port-j land and Pendletrn, is to be held tonight, starting at 6:30 o'clock, at the Senator Hotel. The affair is open to the male public, and tickets mav be pur chased at the hotel. WickHind's Sporting Goods Store and Stev ens lc Son Jewelers The Shrine Club inaugurated 1 the banquet last yeai, limiting it to players from the Salem schools. This year boys from nearby cities are also invited, on the invitational list. Those to be honored tonight are Dale Jones and LaMoyne Mapes of South Salem, Larry Reisterer of Sublimity. Nr.rm ,,....., .... n.t,n r c. P,,,i i;m n. KLGf-.Nh - The Yakima hnrn.. and Tee I P.rpmmer nf ''rars edged r.ugenc 0111 01 nrsi was rained oui wconesnay ano inr national l.r..(;i E Chrmawa, Gerald S ro n p. nick n';K'(' 'n ,nc Northwest League two plan a dnubloheader Thursday Crook and Lloyd lioss nf MjM baseball race Wednesday night night. RppillKkl SI I.. Citv Ted Hubbard Harold Wil- with an -l victory here. Yakima Hcrm Lewis, richtfielder. led Walb, I'liu'eh cox, Wallace Wood and Del ('as- now is r half game out in front teel (?f Amity and Ennis Hawk- and Kugene is in second place, ins nf Jefferson. ! Bernie Donaldson is chairman r .i 11s it 1 for the event and Al Lightner 3iml)UII IHirier E Fearless Feiring (The Tire Doctor) SEZ: Even at Slow Speeds Emergencies Con Happen and When Your Tires Are Smooth a Skid in an Emergency Can Mean Death. Although there is little amusement in the recent athletic spank ings passed out by the Coast Conference brass, we Imagine the USC (Can't oa page U, col. 1.) . Bears Top Ems, 8-1, Lead NWL Standings R ft .14 114 M 51 2fl HI 19 30 24 82 15 .'111 Ml 11 22 41 31 128 19 4.1 2!) 12S 21 42 26 S7 12 29 22 S3 7 28 30 111 8 3S 31 105 17 34 Prt .3118 .370 Vermin. Buslon Bcrrs N Y Kuenn. Detroit Goodman. B's'n l.ollar, Ch'go Kell. Bait Runnels. Wash. Wertz, Cleve. Home Runs: Mantle, New York 16: Berra. New York 12; Bauer. New York 9: Gernert. Boston 8; Maxwell. Detroit 1: Lopez. Kansas City 7; Slevers, Washington 7. Runs Batted In: Mantle. New York 36: Berra. New York 31; Simpson, Kansas City 27: lipez, Kansas City 21; Bauer. New York 22: Lemon. ; Washington 22; Stvers, Washington The Spokane - Wenatchee game 22. Don't Depend on Smooth Tires -Get Rid of Them During Our EMERGENCY SALE! BRAND NEW MUST will be "emcee." Both Shrine games, for the benefit of Shrine Hospital for Crippled Children, are to be played in August. 55 ; Taken by Death SPOKANE 1 Howell. AO. a Henry (Harry) former major p. t. 41m .nil :i8!) .334 .;i.i.l .113 .32!) ..'120 ,314 .313 .313 II: ra;h II; Jahlonskt. Cin- G AB R II 31 11 2.1 47 27 '12 2" 3d 28 r,4 15 31 .12 127 24 45 32 116 25 41 27 102 10 34 25 85 7 28 2fl 7 9 .11 :UI 1115 20 3.1 27 ! 18 31 22 83 13 26 SOLD AT ONCE for lack of storage space! Skits9 Daughter Plans Wedding C0RVALLIS lane Ann Gill, daughter of the Oregon State Col lege basketball coach, Slats Gill, will be married this summer to .lack Stephenson. Iheir engagement was an- ll.n Vnlrn, unricinn r.nnwl i,-,th """" "I" "H"" 1 Moon Si I a six-run outburst in the seventh snuirr. 1, k n inning. Kleven Yakima plovers 1 srm. si 1. went to the plate in that inning, ! neii cVirti and the runs scored on five hits. : Re?sr. BVn nno Fimono orrnr oi-H Ihroo ' Aaron. Mllw'kee walks. Lewis drove in two runs ; Jp,"", that inning. innnall : Bover. St Louis 9: Banks. The Rpnra twd off on I.eRov ! Chaco : Rnhinson. Cmdnnnatl 8; I . . . 1 . . , , Klusewski. Cincinnati 8; Thomas. j Han, who absorbed his second loss . Pittsburgh 8. I ncainst no victories. It was the n n.,. i. t - t.....i -v. league baseball player who secofj wjn without a loss for 32; Bover. st. umi .in- jan'ionski, claimed to he one of the first Charles Drummond. Yakima right- ."i, 21; Moon IV. "spitball" pitchers, died in a hos- handor He struck out 12 and Louu 21 waiKea seven ann w-.nerei oniv WE UN I STORE THEM SO . . . WE'RE SEIUNG AT lOW-tOW PRICES! loot? (EEFJEIMdL pilal here Tuesday Howell, a retired mining en gineer, , said he played with Balti more under John McGraw, be Eugene nounced Tuesday night. Miss Gill and Stephenson are seniors at OSC. Stephenson is a three-year letterman on the base ball team. Softball Meeting Set Industrial and City League soft ball m.nnaecrs will meet tonight :it the School Administration Offici al 7.30 pm. It will be the last chance for any team to come into the leagues and it is imperative that all managers attend. Plans will be made for the open ing night Jamboret June i. St. Louis Americans and the old Brooklyn team in 1898. in the sixth inning when he walked GIRLS WANTED FOR SOFTBALL in Kugene's lone run Any girl interested in playing on 'nlfin.n Otn AAA CAt 0 119 Q 0ii"!c coftKoll liiqm lo ronrac.nl i,aiviiiia vi, . vw wi u i e." a.... ium ... iiiinu, I r. . nnn nn. r.l. -I IJ . . .igene ii-hi mil uisi i a i , oaicm miuuiu ii-puri iiiuigiu m Drummond and Neal; Han, Mc-I Leslie Field at 6:30 p.m. Girls Glothlin iii, Marten i9) and from high school age up are be Gauthier. ling sought. PCL Line Scores San D.ego - 201 104 010 9 IS 0 Los Anfeles 020 300 302 10 ll 0 Hosklns. Peete Il2i. Harrlnitton (6i. F.rautt i9i and St Claire. Astrnth l8i. Droit Pierettl 'Si. Perkouiki 7 . Hlllman (8l. Anderson I9 and Han nnh. Si-aiiip nun iioo nod n s n Van. -Oliver 1 10 6n: lv 10 13 I Fran-hia. Judson '4i anil OrtelR; McDonald. Curtis iSi and Fdwards. San Franciwo 000 210 000- 3 7 1 Sacramento 201 320 02x-10 15 1 H. G. Smith. Thomas Mi. Slack 1 4. Henry (i and Sullivan; Boytr and Baich. ATTENTION SPORTSMEN HERE'S YOUR HIDEAWAY I have a number of I 2 and bedroom houses and cabins lo ir rated on the North Santiam at Idanha. All are modern, some have knotty pine interiors and fireplaces . . . Ideal for fish ermen or week-end homes. Some with river frontage. Priced from $111.50 to S45O0. Low down payments and easy monthly terms. Contact Mr. Fajan at Colbith Land Co. Pboie 4-4494 or call eve. at 4 8193. NO PAYMENTS s JUNE 30tn SAF-T-niLERS U.OOi 14 '470 II OTur citec Aitn cniirtn PAY Vz June Vz July Aug. " .r.,MW.Hr. TUBELESS and TUBE-TYPE BLACK and WHITE SIDEWALLS! Only a Few Days of Sole Left Open Every Nite 'Til 9 Feiring General Tire Service 710 Stote St. (Across From Elks Lodge) Ph. 2-2459 Compltttt Assortment ... Everything You Need for Swimming Fun! GIANT GREEN RUBBER SWIM FINS IS ...... 3" MASKS Round From I GOGGLES ... 98 SNORKELS us 98 SPORT SHIRTS . ........ . i.th$l83 19 4 c ff USCO APPROVED ADULT LIFE JACKETS I w s 1 Chlldron'i Jackott $2.83 )) MEN'S AND WOMEN'S SUN GLASSES All Site . . . Stylei . . . Shopot . . . end Colors . . . Including tho Croxy Mixtd-tip Mirrored Ones. BEST PRICES IN TOWN NATCH! CLOSING OUT-1 GROUP SUN GLASSES k lonkrupt Stock ir Polaroid, Etc. if Your Choice roc 10-INCH OSCILLATING ELECTRIC FAUS M6. $(o59 GARDEN HOSE S Yr. Guarantee 4 Tube 25 Ft 5PKIKXIER SOAKER lever H05E $28 $29 Gturaiiteed leg. 151 g FISH GET'ER ll I SPINNING OUTFIT 1 l'i Ft Solid Gliu ta iii .Jf M Spinning Rod Rf. 4.95 ll if All MrUl GnarintKd C V II ft ll ff Topper Spin Reel Reg. I.54? OOU M if 104 Ynl J Vl m Sib. Tert Line Reg. 55e ........ .. U Hinch-Weii 9x9 UMBRELLA TENT Complete with floor, center pole, stake and tcreee door. c Reg. $788 4195 LJ Folding (AMP CHAIRS Hardwood frame, rolorful canvai teata. $149 REG. 1.98 .... I 3-lb. Wool Kids SLEEPING BAG Wafer RepeUant' Cover, Zipper. teg. Ml 14.95 U Folding CAMP STOOLS Hardwood frame, colorful canvas trail. REG. 1.30 .... 89 CAMPING EQUIPMENT RENTALS k TrnU Sleeping Bagi Stovei Lanterai Make Rrservatlom One Week la Advance We Now Have EASY CREDIT TERMS! en Tentt, Sleeping Bag, boat, Camp Outfit OPEN SUNDAY 9 to 6 DAILY 9 to 9 COME IN AND BROWSE AROUND IN OREGON'S FANCIEST SURPLUS JOINT N. l apilol kPT ICl Phone 4 5007