&-(Sec.I) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Wed., May 23, "50 Bolous Laimcli $432 Million Postal Rate Increase k Br FRANK CORMIER Iditional revenue year would be ! WASHINGTON lvTbe House produced by the committee ap htv Office Committee Tuesday proved increases, approved a $432,200,000 Increase ia'Serka Early Arti U raiet wnicn secretary w roe Secretcry of the Treasury Hum- easury - Humphrey - say ' may phrey, urging early action on the ell the difference between a bal nromuil. told the committee Lt Cicea ana an unoaianceo icoerai i month: V' ' ' J "Failure to enact this bill, on The committee voted behind i aimple arithmetic, closed door to boost the present jwouId to , mKtX purpose eli Sjeent letter rate to four cent and I mjMle the very thin 400 mUlion tike the air matt charge from jdollarwrplus which the Presidents nti an ounct to T cent. j.BOiry budget message en- vionsed for fiscal 1957." The Administration already has said that this estimated surplus likely would be offset by higher military spending in the bookkep- ing year that begins July 1. Larger Thaa Rrqaests Approved increases in second class rates were even larger than the Administration requested. Pres ident Eisenhower asked for a 30 per cent boost. But the committee voted for progressive increases over a five-year period that would average about 75 per cent at the end at that time. Sections of newspapers and magazines devoted to advertising would be subject to an increase of about 120 per cent while the rate for reading matter would go ur about 30 per cent. Publishers have long been required to report the percentage of advertising in each issue sent through the mails. The second class increases would apply to items addressed for de-! livery outside the county of publi cation. The minimum charge would be upped from k cent to H cent per item. The increase In third clasa rates would be 30 per cent, the figure proposed by the Administration. In another action, the committee adopted a policy statement calling on the treasury to reimburse the Post Office Deoartment for it mih. lie service activities. Under this system, Conrress would from time to time define the department's public services. Senate OKelis Wapinitia Bill WASHINGTON (1 -Congres sional action was completed Mon day on a bill to authorize! construction of the Juniper Div- ision of the Wapinitia Federal! Reclamation Project in Oregon. ; The Senate passed and sent toj the While House a bill authorizing! the Reclamation Bureau to build I the 1353.000 Wasco Dam which would add water to 2, lot present irrigated acres In Juniper Flat, Wasco County. Husbanff of Missing Socialite Reported Seen LOS ANGELES IB-L. Ewlng Scott, husband of a missing so cialite, and himself the object of a widespread search, has been re- The sand of Bermuda's beaches is pink-tinted ground coral. TRADITION GOES ON NEW YORK I When David Verplank f Chehalis, Wash., grad uates from Columbia University June 5, he will be carrying on a family tradition nearly 200 years old. In 1758, Samuel Verplanck, an ancestor of David's, received the first diploma ever awarded by Col umbia, or King's College as it was then known. Since then' II descen dants have won a total of 23 Col umbia degrees. ported seen at Bishop, 300 miles north of here. Joiui Preku, Bishop's police chief, informed the sheriff office here Monday that a man answering Scott's description had been regis tered for three days at a motel there, while his car was being repaired. Scott disappeared May 1. The man answering his description was said to have stayed at Bishop May 2. 1 and 4. Bishop is on the main highway between Los Angeles and Reno. Mrs. Evelyn T. Scott vanished under mysterious circumstances a year ago. Scott, who steadfastly denied knowledge of her where abouts, was indicted by the county grand jury on grand' theft and forgery charge in connection with administration of her estate. Ha forefeited $25,000 bail last week when he failed to appear to plead to these charges. Judaism, Christianity and Islam all originated in the Middle East. (kid has estimated the higher let' tar rate would cost the average Zdmitv 11 tn 11 rents a month. J-Bigger Increase were approved Qr second class mail cruelty Magazines and newspaper and r third das advertising matter. t Rejected was an Eisenhower Administration proposal that rate fctting authority be transferred from Congress to a postal rate ftnmmtisinn The committee reportedly voted It-I for the postal rate biu, wnicn Ipparently ha drawn increasing auDDOrt since it was advanced by the Administration early in the session. . (creesei Rates However, some Congress mem Icrs have held out (light hope for increased postal rates in this e'ec turn year, and the measure has lot been listed by House leaders - Is "must" JegisIatioiL . : The Administration' big argu ment has been that the boosts are seeded to offset the Post Office Department operating d f I e 1 1, pw running nearly 500 million dollars a year. An estimated $432,200,400 in ad- piary Says fJorgcntliau Blocked W i 4 . ' " . WASHINGTON I -The Senate internal security subcommittee Jlonday made public document stowing that former' Treasury Secretary Morgenthau blocked a reported move by Harry Dexter Whit and V. Fank Co to stop the delivery in.1945 of 200 million dollars ir. gold promised the Chi fi Nationalists, '. . - ? Previously unpublished portions & Morgenthau'i 90-m;Uion word dairy are being put into the com millet's record in conjunction with testimony pertaining to charges of espionage concerning the two former Morgenthau aides. , CTht subcommittee has described ' WU, now dead, a a communist tW ' Co ha denied to the commit ua that h over spied but has re fused to say whether he ever has been a communist. ,Th subcommittee mad pubic at protest Morgenthau voiced in a 104) staff meeting that this coun try was not giving the Chinese Na tionalists "anything that they real ly need to help them in the way 7 fighting.". : iThis was a stenographic record leg of lb staff meeting con tained In his voluminous diary M which Morgenthau vetoed a re (ruled move by White and Coe to Mock the delivery of 200 million in nld that bad been promised the Rationalists. 'Th entry, dated May 13, 1945, described Morgenthau as order lag them to call back a memo randum they ' bad prepared for transmission to the White Hpuse, advising the President to declare that China should "withdraw for the time being her request for Immediate heavy shipment of old." 1 . 1 i ;,;' ke Vacation n Colorado lot Favored (WASHINGTON - The Pres Oent'i personal physician Maj. Goo. Howard M. Snyder said Jlonday he "would not be in lav t" of President Eisenhower va- OaUoning in Colorado this sum- tier. , THa Prosirlnnl aufforoit h.rt lltack In the high altitude city of Denver last September. However, Hiyder added that no one in cluding Eisenhower had men- nnpfd to him the possibilitv nf Colorado vacation for the Presi frn'. th's year. Dr.' Paul Dudley While, Boston Ijart specialist who was ch'rf consultant during the President's recovery, said at the time of the Stack he did not think the alti bde was a factor. Snydtf said Monday that some . ooctors think high altitude is fcid, and some don't." Tne altitude at Denver, where (he President has vacationed for the last four years, is about 5.000 :leet. DEAD JAPS SOUGHT TOKVO I - An official govern- 'ipent part will leave by ship ne:;t anonth for islands in the South Pa cific to collect the remains of 80.- 10 Japanese soldiers killed in y arid War II. FISHING PIRATES EYED - m vil I UI nay j department is considering using pghl plane ana neucopiers 10 rii.i flihtntf nlrates from Mexi co' water. Mexico claims author-' ,tty aver water nine mile from yhorc liberty vtreet - court trctpc WEDNESDAY IS THE LAST DAY! 10 FREE Z.-fC GUtH STAMPS GIVEN FOR EACH BOOK (LIMIT 5) YOU BRING TO OUR GREEN STAMP DEPARTMENT, THIRD FLOOR. EACH BOOK MUST CONTAIN AT LEAST TWO PAGES AND NOT MORE THAN 39 PAGES OF STAMPS. SORRY ... NO MAIL, PHONE OR CCD's. OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY 9:30 A.M. TO 9 P.M. OTHER DAYS 9:30 TO 5:30 r1 !frrvviv; A 1EW LOW PRICES.' . Act Now! Quantity Is Limited GENERAL ELECTRIC NO. WA 450, FULLY AUTOMATIC Reg. $199.95 G-E's famous activator washing action gets clothes really clean . . . quickly, gently! And the larger wash basket holds up to 50 more clothes. Equipped with flexible controls that permit you to stop, skip, extend or re peat any phase of the cycle. Plus a full 5 -year warranty on the transmission. Order your washer from Roberts! BIG TRADES K Your old appliance is worth a generous trade-in allowance at Roberts! Limited quantity ... No phone or CO D. orders. f NO DOWN PAYMENT on our approved credit 24 months to pay APPLIANCES, DOWNSTAIRS HinisilaSi . lave Nearly 40 at Roberts on this handv, big. lVi-qt. Sauce Pan WE GIVE AND REDEEM Zi: green stamps ECS5 w TRIMMER TVPE Iff .95 No Down Paymant on our Approved Credit. Pay at littla as $J rno. Full 18-inch cutting blade with Pi h p. Clinton 2-cycle engine! Easy to handle, trims right up to trees, walls, fences on either right or left side. One-piece unbreakable heavy gauge stamped steel chassis; oilite bronze bearings; wheels with semi-pneumatic fires; adjustable cutting height. Included at this price: leaf mulcher attachment. ROBERTS CHANGES THE CALENDAR1 Red Latter Day Is usually th last Wednesday of th month but due to Memorial Day, next weak, we arc on weak Hyl special mmm FAMOUS MAKER'S FIRST QUALITY AT SAVINGS AS MUCH "AS 0 Tripla stitching 9 Highly-polished Grass hardware 0 Scratch-proof 0 Strong Philippine mahogany cas 0 Matched satin linings L uggage of distinction for people going places this summer! Light as a breeze to carry . . . washable, scuff resistant plastic covers . . . bound the long way around for good looks, added wear! Fashion-minded colors: brown with green binding! Reg. 15.50 788 14" Vanity Reg. 31.95 1 ASS 29" Pullman I H Reg. 36.50 1 Q88 24" Jumbo Wardrobe I O Rag. 39.00 Q88 29" Fortnight I Rag. 28 .50 1 A 18" Hat Box IH Raj. 16.95 COSMETIC CASE Reg. 15.00 18" OVERNITER Reg. 15.00 21" WEEKENDER Reg. 19.50 21" WEEKENDER Rag. 25.00 PULLMAN Rag. 30.00 WARDROBE 'All luggf plv tax Roberts' luggag, Downstair OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY 9:30 A.M. to 9 P.M. Housewares-Downstairs-Court Street REG? 3.49 MAGNETIC CAN OPENER 99 Wall Typa 5-Yar Guarantee I REG. 2.50 DESCAWARE SAUCE PAN m 49 flam Color-CasriroJi Qt. -z I - REG. 29.95 45-PC. DINNERWARE SET 88 Ovan Proof Cinnamon Stick Pattern lT REG. 2.95 8-PC. UBBY TUMBLER SET 1 39 10-01. Heavy Bottom .. I REG. 19.95 G.E. FRY PAN 11 - inch Siia Thtrmastat Control 1" REG. 1 9.95 G.E. ELECTRIC TOASTER TO77 Deluxo Model-Pop up Style -.- I REG. 4.60 4-PC. PLACE SETTING MELMAC 099 Unbreakable Melmac Dinnarware Asst. Colors. Jm Downstairs Court Street