Cfifly New BsrSeff WELCOME TO SALEM I ROBBERT REPORTED Mr. and Mn. E. D. Cook. Mill P. A. Farrow, State Hotel, re City, told police Tuesday that a I ported Tuesday that he had been garage at the house into which they are moving at 250 Culver Lane had been broken into and a window and a stepladder broken. MAKE A PROFITABLE DECI SION now to enroll in a special training school. Means better pay, a better future and added security for you and yours! See the 61S classification in the Want Ads. (adv) TOOL SHED BURGLARIZED ! Theft of an eight-pound sledge CHARGED FOR WEAPON and several door knobs from a tool 1 Manuel Hernandez, 823 N. Lib shed in the 200 block Hood Street erty St. was charged Tuesday was reported to police by E. E. ' with vagrancy and carrying a Batterman. A window was reported concealed weapon, police said, removed from the shed and several The weapon was a knife with a tools left outside, police said. three and three-quarter inch Make this a date Salem Saddle Club Horse Show, State Fair Grounds, Sat. li Sun., May 26 k 27. Children free if accompanied by parents. (adv) MOWER STOLEN Theft of a power mower from his home early Tuesday morning was reported to state police by William L. Bergin, 2180 Vaughn Ave. He estimated value at $115, police said. For a roof that never needs re placing of for Revolutionary new asphalt shingles see Mathis Bros., 2061 State. Ph. 4-6831. (adv. I CONTROL BOARD MEET OFF This week's meeting of the Stale Board of Control, originally sched uled for Tuesday, was postponed until later in the week because of the absence of Gov. Elmo Smith who is in Boise, Ida., attending a conference. Gov. Smith was ex pected In return to his desk Thurs day morning. Finest garbage disposer now only $89 95 at Judson's, 279 N. Cnm'l. i adv i GEOLOGICAL MEET SET Joseph Van Cleve will be main speaker at a meeting of the Salem Geological Society Thurs day, 8 p.m., in Ctllins Hall on the Willamette University cam- j ed him with drawing a bank check pus. Speech topic is listed as "A with insufficient funds. Bail was Tourist's View of the Geology of set at $1,000 for Roy David Drie Acadia National Park in Maine." j ver. Route 1, Box 218, Aurora, by Colored slides will illustrate the 1 District Judge Edward O. Stadter lecture. Jr. The charge involves a $275 Modernize Your Bath With Puralile. Metal Wall Tile. 1219 So Com I. Ph. 4-5W2. 'adv BRAKE FLUID IN EYE Jim Fox, 18. of 320 Chemawa Rd., treated Tuesday after noon for brake fluid in his eye, reportedly the result of a mishap while repairing his car, first aid men said. Nita McMUlin, formerly with Love- , all-Miller, is now located at the Tuesday night that she had a Camellia Beauty Salon in Keizer i kneecap fracture but was "rest Ph. 4-8575. 'adv. ' ing comfortably." Deeper moisture, Younger look! ! i f is Helena Rubinstein's new SKIN DEW No other beauty Irratnirnt in ill" world gives dry, ttpngitivr skin: Deep-moisturizing )et greaseless lubri rants so you ran wear all day under make-up, all night without mess! Invisible film to protect the natural mois ture way don deep inside your skin. t Activated "ferments lactiques" Irnnren trated milk ferments) to maintain the healthy arid skin balance that protects sgainst surfare blemishes and flaking. iDrf '' Now Helena Rubinstein creates kin Dew, the result of years of working with her laboratory chemists and doctors in Paris. Skin Dew, a fabu lous creamy-dew, forms an invisible film which protects the inner moisture of deep skin layers and maintains the healthy acid balance of the outer skin. Overnight your skin will look younger, dewier, healthier. A drop of Skin Dew before make-up keeps you glowing all day. DonTt settle for partial effectiveness in your beauty care start giving your complexion its Dew tonight! 2 oz., 3.00; 4 oz., 5.00; 8 oz., 8.50. pB1 CAPITAL DRUG STORE 40S State St., Corner of liberty Wl GIVE SSrfC GREEN STAMPS robbed of $3 at knife point in an apartment in the 800 block Lib- erty Street, police said. NOTICE For a roof that never needs re placing or for Revolutionary new asphalt shingles see Mathis Bros., 2061 State. Ph. 4-6831. (adv) I It Is cool as cucumber at Nohl I gren's Restaurant. Air conditioned j for your comfort. adv.) ; blade, police said. Dental plates repaired while you wait at Painless Parker Dentist. 125 N. Liberty, Salem. (Adv.)' Unsightly facial hair removed safely, permanently. P r i c e's Beauty Salon. Ph. 3-5859. (Adv.) FOREHEAD GASHED Molly Lou Strong, two, was taken to Salem Memorial Hospi- tal lor treatment oi a lorcneaa gash received in a fall against a Krader that had ben used in the faculty members of the Salem dis door Tuesday morning at home, aroa runc(j thc existing oil job trict were honored at a Tuesday 1280 N. C3rd St., first aidmen that had been naid for hv residents, nishl hanntiet at the Hotel Marion. said. Fur storage at Lachelle's assures your furs the quality care they i your fur, the quality care they need in refrige.ated vaults. 1348; Ferry. Ph. 3-6814. (adv.) EYELID CUT ON STICK Danny Dean, five, was treated by first aidmen for an eyelid cut reportedly received in a fall on a stick Tuesdav morning at home, 2280 E. Hoyt St. Rummage Sale, Sat. nptn 9 to 6. Mon. through 975 Market. (adv.) FARMER ARRESTED Sheriff's deputies Tuesday ar rested an Aurora farmer on a Yreka, Calif., warrant that charg- check, drputies said. Are you contemplating re-styling yiiur iir-:" Consult Ben Wittner ,.t Lachelle's, 1318 Ferry. 'adv.) to plaintiff and property settle WOMAN FALLS ON STAIRS ment confirmed. Mrs. David R. Jones. 59. of 1165 Mary Bethel vs Melvin Bethel: rhemeketa St.. was taken to Salem Complaint lor separate mainten- General Hospital by Willamette Ambulance shortly after 6 p.m. i Tuesdav following a fall on stairs at home. Hospital attendants said late , 1 w s " '01 County Court Agenda Busy With Backlog Marion County Court members Tuesday handled a backlog of serv ice requests Tuesday following last week's postponement of court hear ings because of budget sessions and the primary election. Most of Tuesday's requests were referred to the county engineer's office for further investigation. They in cluded: A petition signed by Dan Fisher, Salem Route 4, Box 746, requesting that county road 813 be named "Dawna Avenue." A letter from Earl J. Burke, 3960 Auburn Road, Salem, asking the court to investigate the South ern Pacific railroad crossing on McGilcrist Street. Burke said that the four-track crossing is danger ous because parked railroad cars often block a driver's view when crossing from the west. A road marker to designate the j churcn wa, requestcd placed at Road and Churchdale Avenue. Mrs. Ervin Ward, 5850 Angle r c .. i ...i i i .... ,u . Yu ,' . i . Driv( betwen NorthWood Drive and Hampton Lane, east of Salem. Mrs. Ward said a county road i lwo contracts were awarded to Warren Northwest, Ind.. Portland, (a ui.rxnl.r IU. nA,,nt.. ...Itk ...k.l , p facing certain Salem suburban area streets and a section of Sil verton Road, based on bids opened during Monday's court session. County Engineer John Anderson was authorized to rent a medium sized base rock roller for use on counlv road projects until one could be purchased. Thc county now has one larce and one small roller, which are not enough to complete the re-paving jobs now planned. Anderson said. Public IKccortls CIRCUIT COURT I Shirley Catron vs John M. Cat ron: Complaint for divorce charges cruel and inhuman treatment; 1 plaintiff seeks property settlement. M.irncd Sept 10, 1955. at Salem. Arleta (i Johnson vs Henry E. Jolinson: Divorce decree awarded ance charges cruel and inhuman treatment; plaintitt seeks custody of and $100 monthly support for two cmidren, $100 monttuy support, and payment of doctor and hospital bills for unborn child. Married April 21, 1951, at Silverton. State Industrial Accident Com mission vs Donald Floyd Crockett: Civil suit based on alleged indebt edness of defendant by reason of niring wommcn linger -ine norn men's Compensation Law; plaintiff seeks $1,063. PROBATE COl'RT Kstate of John R. Nelson, de- ceased: Order sets June 25 as date for hearing estate's final account. 1 Kstate of Clara Manning, de- ceased: Order approves estate's final account, discharges executrix and names beneficiary. Kstate of Charles W. Pelker. de- ceased: Order admits will to pro- bate and appoints administrator and appraisors. DISTRICT COL'RT '.ance Junior Jillson. 30. Port land, fined $200 after pleading guilty to charge of driving while intoxicated. Ruby Lee Clark. 42. Portland, found innocent of a charge of driv ing while intoxicated; $200 bail bond ordered returned. APPLICA- MARRIAGE LICENSE TIONS August Vincent Harris, 21, farmer. Brooks, and Bettv Lucille Looney, 20, typist. Brooks. The U.S. aircralt carrier Sara toga has enough power for 100 pas senger locomotives. when nurse says sF ' w v w then the shoe iS OK! Miller Foot Defender Shoe You'll find it here . . . choice of snow- white elk ihai's just .asoftand .4!J nd comfortable as any nurse's shoe could be ... or in soft kid. Both have sensible low rubber heels. Designed with your comfort in mind. Talk about Barefoot Freedom - here it i! NATURAL-FIT Salem's Orthopedic Shoe Store 105 N. High Phono 3 3554 Honored ' ! '')! f 1 - f S J 'i f.i ' : J , ' J 1 Dr. Walter Snyder, retiring city schml superinteadeat, wh was honored at a Tuesday light ban quet at the Hotel Marlon. Dr. Snyder, 2 Others Feted At Banquet Dr. Walter Snyder, retiring city school superintendent, and two The affair, jointly sponsored by the Salem Classroom Teachers Association and the School Admin istration Association, drew some 250 school officials and personnel. Honored besides Dr. Snyder were Mrs. Mary Lovett, Liberty School teacher who retires this year after . "" "'5- "u G,,!e5' Richmond Schoo prmcp al and Prpslicnt of hf .Natlonl Kle- nunlar "v .... High Tribute Paid Dr. Snyder, who leaves to take a poit at Oregon College of Educa tion after four years as the city's school chief, was paid high tribute by various officials. He received a gift certificate of shrubs and flow ers to be used to landscape his new home at Monmouth. Rex Putnam, state director of public instruction said of Dr. Snyder: "He is one of the most effective practical practioners I have know in the profession. . . He is not an "ivy tower" man." Putnam pointed out that through Salem is losing him, Dr. Snyder's work will still be fell around the sta:e in his new position at OCE. where he will direct elementary teaching training. Scott Pays Tribute Tributes also came from Harry Scott, chairman of the Salem School Board; Charles Schmidt, assistant superintendent; Neil Brown, speaking on behalf of school administrative ranks; and Richard Hodges, president of the Salem Classroom Teachers Association. The retiring superintendent ex pressed thanks for faithful service of his associates and school pr- sonne) and als0 sajd hf rf gretted leaving the Salem position Tributes for Mrs. Lovett and Miss Gilles came from Putnam, Schmidt and Dr. Snyder. Mrs. Lovett. whose 13 years of teaching were spent at Liberty School, received a retire- ment pin. Miss Gilles was recogniz- ed for her achievement in rising to the top of the National Principals' Association. p,- Snvder filled an unexpected roe uhen ne lc jn as substitute bass jn a barbr shop quartet that providC(j musical entertainment. Warden Gladden Nearly Well After Heart Treatment State peniteifliary warden Clar- ence Gladden, stricken with a heart attack several weeks ago. is making rapid progress toward complete recovery, his physician said Tuesday. He was expected to resume his duties on a part-time basis with in two weeks. He is now at his home alter more than a month in a hospital. Also in Red, Benedic tine, Brown. $1550 lnhr periodical visits to your chiropodist h r.w iv Rash of Car Prowls Noted In Salem Area A, rash of car prowls and ac cessory thefts were reported in Salem Tuesday morning. Loot in five thefts reported to city , police included hubcaps, rims, t spotlight, fishing tackle and credit and registration cards. A sixth, in which a jacket, porta ble spotlight and a set of socket wrenches, total value $30, was taken, was reported to the Mar ion County Sheriffs office by C. P. Helgenson, 1458 Strong Rd. The fishing tackle, spotlight and registration card were re - ported lost by Joe de Guire, 2995 Cooke St.. from a car parked at m ... . ' Ijtrvil tv nic, iviu vni.o m vawu card and several small articles were taken from the glove com partment of a car parked at her address. Dale Sheridan, 1177 Court St., said a hubcap was stolen last week and another Monday night terim committee showed it would from a car at his home. Velva ) require from $6,000,000 to $7,000, Bergevin, Portland, reported loss ooo to provide adequate sewage of a hubcap from a car parked : facilities in arem now considered near Salem Memorial Hospital. I the most critical. Ann Demke, Turner, reported loss of headlight rims from ' rt T? O 1 new station wagon near Salem Jt 10111 alCIsI (ieneral Hospital Police said another car prowl and an apparent attempt to re - move hubcaps from a car parked in his driveway was reported by ! Harold Yderstad, 1545 Plaza St., 1 West Salem. 2 From Salem Given OSC Scholarships . CORVALLIS-Susan Lea Dil- of S lem "were wo of 17 Oregon Cherkp- Coos Ba 2nd vice Prwi" SUU . collie student, whoT Arline H.ckins, Salem, re ceived OSC Mothers' club schol- .cordinij secretary; Jeanne Schauer, arships of $195 Portland, corresponding secretary; The scholarship funds are rals- Robert Williams, Portland, treas ed by various local OSC Mothers' urer. Members at large of the club units throughout the state executive board are Harold Bax and are presented annually at Iter, Roseburg; Geraldine McDon Mothers' weekend to deserving aid, Medford; and Elery Jones, college students. Kmpn- Miss Dillabough, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bryce L. Dillabough of 1104 Boone Road, Salem, is a freshman majoring in home eco- nnm:. ncr ci.;..m, .. ne lulling ai iin . uu ilia ii, flwu 'i Mr. and Mrs. Sam Schirman of Rt. 2. Box 456. Salem, is also a freshman and is majoring in agri- culture at OSC. Church Council Hears Red Tape Slows Refugees Government red tape is slowing jsors have given the legal assur-j violation. His sentence to the Ore the arrival of refugees from abroad ances necessary to bring over gon prison was for a larceny by to this Country, reports Dr. Mark ; some 107,000 refugees. bailee conviction. A. Talney, executive secretary ofi Processing of refueees is so com- California authorities are schedul- the Oregon Council of Churches, i plicated that the refugees are being I ,0 Plck h!m UP ab0l,t Jun But many churches have come j cleared very slowly, said the speak-' An extradition order has al forth to sponsor refugees on their Pr during the Monday night conn- ready been signed by Govenor arrival in me u.a., ne ioia inejCil meeting In first Methodist!1'"110 aaiem council oi Lnunnes ai a, meeting in wnicn ur. manes uer-; thick. Willamette professor, elected president. j Three Salem churches reported now in the process of helping re-j settle refugee families in Salem soon are Jason Lee Methodist, ; Kirst Conereeational and First Methodist. I program chairman; Mrs. J. Kd- Doty, Cresanl City, Calif., a son Only 1.327 Arrive j gar Purdy, First Methodist, Tuesday, May 22, at Salem Mem- Dr. Talney said the Refugee Act ! recording secretary, and Paul Hoi- orial Hospital, which expires at the end of thisiloway. First Christian Church. vear allowed 209,000 refugees to! treasurer. Second vice president by SMITH To Mr. and Mrs. War come to this country, hut so far j virtue of her office is Mrs. Sidney ren Smith, 67u Bliler Street, a only S.327 have arrived even VanDykc. president of U n i t e d daughter. Tuesday, May 22, at though churches and other spon-i Church Women. Salem General Hospital. FASHION MODELING Every Wednesday at 11:15 and 1:00 Luncheon Suggestions for Wed.. May 23 fd Fresh Vegetable Soup 1'REAMF.f) CHICKEN IN Buttered Carrots BAKED HAM WITH PINEAPPLE SAICE Whipped Potatoes CREAMED SHKIMP OVER. BROW NED RICE WITH PEAS Ambrosia Salad DEVILED ECC. with NIPPY CHEESE SAI CE. en Casserole Toast Points CHEF'S SALAD with ( hone of Dressing Hot Roll and Butter Milk, Il"t Ice ( ream or Shcrbrl CHERKY ROOM SPECIALTIES (iREEN CODDESS CRAB SALAD iTosserl Creens and Freh Ciah with Lipman's C.reen (inddr Dressing. Tomato, Celerv and Olive (iarnih SPECIAL KRL'IT SALAD PLATE LUNCHEON (Pineapple, Oranges, Grapefruit, Peach, Pear and Cottage ( herse with Lipman's Fruit Salad Dressing I (Melon and Fresh Fruit I'sed in Season) DEVILED FRESH CRAB IMPERIAL I Prepared toOrrieri French Fried Potatoes Tossed (ireen Vegetable Salad MONTAGUE SANDWICH i (Sliced Breast of Turkey. Ham and Cheese S-andwirh. Dipped in I Egg Batter and Fried to a Golden Brown, Served with Combination I I Vegetable Salad) OPEN FACED BEEF SANDW ICH on Toasted Bun li V PARK FREE Sewer Problem Said Worst in Fringe Areas Fringe and suburban areas prob ably present the most serious problems so far as sewage dis posal facilities are concerned members of the local government Interim committee of the 19.55 Leg islature 'indicated at a meeting Tuesday in the Capitol. Ormond R. Bean, Portland, com mittee chairman, presided at the session. The part the state should play in coping with the sanitation prob lem as discussed at some length. It previously was suggested that Li, t the state revolving fund for pur - $T.t ZTX?r ," - - - - i" V.". ' c... .., . . " .u, ,L. Tmiaht bel00?; iU ,h,e Judge, according WeU to consider giving county courts additional bonding powers, Bean said thc time apparently had not arrived when metropolitan areas should be given too much control over fringe areas. He indi cated this would gradually develop. A memorandum before the in' ilf-witf-wl f. ' J.JllA,llAI HI Blind Council Two Salem persons have been elected to offices by the Oregon Council of the Blind. The council voiea to awara a piaque to me,em of safety in , businMJ Oregon Lions Auxiliary for meri- here mos, work injurjes .,. torious service to the blind. . Named president at the council's j : annual meeting last Saturday in Portland was Robert Schauer, j Portland. Fred Krepcla, Salem, olher ew o(fjcm fnclude Eric The plaque was awarded to the , i ivitirv in r.oni. ,: , -, ( ,h ,... iin nf ii tnnnnrf nf tho rA . , . ' th ,,TfVan t( , c . . ,, Blind. Presen- , , K"li Won of the award will be made I ' 'be auxiliary's annual meeting in Portland on June 10. church New President The new president. Dr. Derthick, succeeds Dr. Brace Knapp. Other new officers elected for the coming year are the Rev. Louis White, Knight Memorial Congrega- tional Church, vice president and Qiemi ft oom a .20 Large DAILY EYPHEES TOAST TIMBAI.K COMPLETE SHOPPER'S DESSERTS Chocolate Marshmallow Meringue Pie, Apple Spire l-oaf with Butter Cream Saure, Old Fashioned Shortcake, Whipped Cream. ( up ( ustard ountain Blackberries and many other w famous recip pes. FOR VOI R DIMM; I'lT'.ASl'KE MUSIC FROM llli: BEAlTlFf L WI R1.H7KR OlUi.W Two Houri-with purchast Cattle, Lamb Shows Planned Saturday By I.n.I.IE L. MADSEN Farm Editor, The Statesman Polk and Marion counties have busy day ahead for them on Saturday with the annual Polk County Spring Market Lamb and Wool Show set for the county fair grounds at Rickreall, and the an nual Marion County Jersey Cattle Show set for the state fairgrounds at Salem. Some 75 head of purebred Jer- maxim at Avrkftw4 at thai lift r a r a sat v v li i a nsv awi w ,.,.., K.,rf , . k... fctl Judgin. is no. expected to start until 9:30. Lester Colcbrook, now at Rivercrest Farm. Sher - to Herbert Coleman. Woodburn president of the sponsoring Marion County Club, and Rex Ross, Mt. Angel, show chairman, Oregon Safety Work Praised The state of Oregon, along with Washington and Ohio, received specia recognition for its success- ful safety programs at the pre si-i aeni s conference on occupational satety ana tne convention oi me national employ the physically hadicapped at Washington, D. C. This was the information brought back Tuesday by William A. Cal lahan, chairman of the state in dustrial accident commission, who attended the sessions. He said spec ial attention was given the prob IT fi . I rjX-lOIlVlCl UDmitS 10 Extradition A former Oregon state prison inmate who had been fighting ex tradition to California filed notice in Marion County Circuit Court Tuesday that he was giving up the battle and was ready for extradi- Il0,n- , JJ . . . In a letter addressed to Circuit J juwpn r eiion nnipn n. Judge Joseph Felton Ralph H i l f7ii r I l. it i Manchester said, "1 would like to be called betore 0x .n ,hi day (Tuesday i to serve notice in open corpus proceedings, and ask that time be set for the California authorities to take and receive me." Manchester was attempting to be freed on a writ of habeas corpus, contending that California no long er had authority over him. He is wanted in California for parole Births DOTY-To Mr. and Mrs. David .23 --95 ! L 1.15 f y .95 I ir u. 85 loo I 'x j J l-M j , 1.10 ' i Molded Jello Salad Cole Slaw LUNCH Cole Slaw Coffee or Tea . .5 of $1.00 Statesman, Salem, Ore., Wed., May .23, ,56 .(Sec I)-5 Highlighting the animals at the show is expected to be Rossmere Supreme Crown, grand champion at last year's state fair Jersey show. This four-year-old is owned by Mickelson and Son, Woodburn. Some curiosity has also been ex pressed as to whether the heifer that was junior champion at last year's shows, would show up as well in the cow rlassei this spring. This is Rossmere Crowning Slip- , rwI nurniwl kit Wm ani Uoa D n , vn nu WJ lit I . fill VI 4111 a JlCJs. ' M.dd.e Grave Serve, fa. Kour-H and Future Farmer cattle wj he judged durine the first , hours, and the champion showman will also be picked before noon, when Middle Grove clubs serve a lunch. Plans were all completed Tues day for the Polk County event of which Hugh Muller is chairman. This show is being sponsored by the Polk County Livestock Associ ation and some 300 head of lambs are expected to compete. Muller said Tuesday that every sheep pro ducer in Polk County is encour- hj ,amb, ,( ,he ,ambi mM th , marke, classifications .they will be p.oupo1 ,d wW th fgir. p-0,m(j,v , Mulrr a)so id that ,ne live. stock association has received fi nancial assistance from chambers of commerce and business organi zations in the county which b to be used as premium moneys in Various classes. Special awards offered by the Willamette Valley Purebred Ram and Ewe Sale organization, include $12.50 cash premiums for the grand champion single market lamb, and the grand champion pen of market Iambs. Lambs U be Sold Lambs are to be received at thc fairgrounds beginning at 7 a. m. and must be in place by a.m. Special classes have been arranged for adult exhibitors, as well ai 4 H club and FFA members show ing in Individual classes. - As this is strictly a market lamb show. Muller stated Tuesday, M ram lambs or awe lambs that are to be kept for breeding are eligi ble for entry. Douglas Chambers, Salem, will judge the lambs and place the com mercial grade on the lambs in nrrW that tfv ran h trrfMintvl m for sale. At 1 n.m. Um lamba w II be sold on a bid basis. Buyers are expected to be present from both Salem and Portland as wcl as else where. Judging is expected to be com pleted by noon. Lunch will be serv ed on the grounds by the Mt. Pls- gah Farmers Union, and following this there will be a discussion of the grading of wool, headed by a representative of the Pacific Wool Growers, Portland. j. . 1 i-cv UPo it ILSH This 4-ln. 2.95 Value All PURPOSE PAINT BRUSH MADE OF GENUINE DuPONT TYNEX NYION BRISUI FOR ONLY WHEN PURCHASING A GALLON OR MORE OF ANY FISHER-THORSEN OUTSIDE VARNISH or ENAMEL OPEN Monday and Friday Nights 'Til 9 236 N. Commertial 141 Alice Avenue i WBITI 8E1VIOS TODAY . Funeral services for Joseph k. White. 130 Stoneway Dr, wk died Monday at tht ago of II, will be I p.m. today la Howell Edwards chapel, the Xv. Georgl. Swift officiating. : fNMffflffl . . Cwemcnfl U V; f thiIAST . J Y AiTUMKIIta v I i'iuniiMMi I ''.". I , V ' 'OtSnVATKM ,? V WTUMwcwai j;;! ,For tkkitt, rcstnationt it ; furthef Wormitkm, iddmi union pacific WE GIVI PENNY SAVER STAMPS ; :.!" .-? 1 ihiff irti