800 Rnl Esute 106 Hornet Fee Sole LARGE FAMILY HOME VTRY fine English style horn n Cross Street, 4 Mdromni I baths, large living room H i. HNnti dining room. large kitchen eV nook, den er music room, fireplace, oil furnace, full bummt. lovely i lawn, underground sprinkler, lovely wooded picnic irti Nhi irhntil and recreation i park. Va one. Will taka emaller house In M I trad. ! WALNUT PARK t BEDROOMS, radiant hot . ter hat. fireplace, wall to (wad carpeting, tstra attic atorage. lnrf living room, dining room, covered patio, private back yard. Located .' on N. Jltt (treat. Walking dis 1 tanct to hospital or Mate of I lire buildings. 114 SUA will ' finance FHA or conventional. Abrams & Skinner 411 MASONIC BUILDING Real Estate Insurance Mnrtcaia Loans Office Mill Eves: 14709 or 37314 Large Family Room LIVING ROOM Kxil: two ftre I places; wide entrance hall; 3 big bedrma.; large double gar age, ii is norm ana n is new with lU iq. ft. Price 114.W0. F.xrellent terms to right party Call Walt DaPuy. 4-03J1. Three Bedrooms riREPLACE. 21 6x13 living rm nice kitchen, roomy hedrms . forced air heat with new lawn and shrubs. 2 block to school. 1 block to bus with all cilv conveniences 7 nionth.s old and onlv 111.500 FHA terns with ,120(1 down Call Walt DePuy 4-0322. $500.00 Down I BEDROOMS .1 years old. In aide cltv. Balance on Aasv terms. Call Fred Head 1-7856 4043 No. River lid, off Ph. 4-(M8t 3 BEDROOM LARGE LOT, SUBURBAN Comfortable ranch type home with spacious L shaped living room. 10x22 kitchen, firepl , 2 large bdrms A- knotty pine finished 3rd bdrm. or den. Covered front porch with Iron railing. 78x176 fenced lot with very linest garden soil. Bus by door, 2 blocks to shopping Ar school. Choose your own colors-owner will paint house to suit new huver. $11,500. Call ZF.NE CROWF. Home 2-5475 Office 4-3384. If no answer 3-91156. 1890 FAIRGROUNDS RD. Large 2 bdrma. Living room, dining room, good Kitchen, utility. Big corner lot. $8500. $500 down. Excellent J-bdrmi . living room, dining room, fine kitchen, auto oil heat, wonderful cor ner lot. $11, M0. New 3 bdrma , living room, din ing, kitchen nook, double ga rage, auto oil heat, 2 sets plumbing, $13,B50. New 3 bdrms. living It dining room. 2 fireplaces, fine kit chen St family room. 1 mi plumbing, dble. garage. $14.- j 50. New 3 hdrms , large living room, fireplace, dining room. very fine kitchen, 2 sets of plumbing, auto oil heat, dhle garage, line location, $22,500. PHONE 3-8620 OSCAR SEDERSTR0M DEL KUBLER Eve. 2-5218 2-2811 McKILLOP REAL ESTATE 3096 Liberty Rd., Sajem JI ST $11,900 For this spacious home In East morrland Exceptionally well bull' Call Mrs. Leavens, eve. 1-4735 LET'S TRADE Nu e small 2-bdrm , 88 acres, ncai. clean, fruit, berries, lawn. ood well North. For 2 or .1-hdim Close in Call McFarlane. Eves. 4-8818. L. E. Klumpp, Rltr. 30.'5 Portland Rd. Ph. 2 7642. 4-fi!5 A GOOD LOOKING HOUSE and with family room, too, Just barely finished. 3 bdrmi . ftnprous nath. 2 firtplacft, birch kitchen, 2-cr garage, well family room with pinrl lng. large utility with bath This is on a flood top o' the htll lot with a rouple of trer and a pared trpet $14 Wit Eve John Van Osdol 3-7343 Office 4-7977. East Salem Bif 3-bdrm. ranch stvle home. I'j years old, dhle flaraRr, birch kitchen, large utilit v, 79x150 fenced lot. Good bui location. $14,750. led Morrison REALTOR Hfl M llioh v;i Ph 4 70"7 " '' '"s" Bl- 1 " MI ST SEL1I5 ACRES 2-hdrm mntifm Immr, him fruit, in acres hoMom. p.ivir.e make offer down payment or trade. STAR REALTY 53.10 S. Pacific Hiway. 2-2051 For Entertaining OR home for food sized family Very large living Ar dining room, plus 4 bdrms full bsmt. Hdwd. floors, firepl. Close to Bush school. 113,000 ART MADSKN, RLTR. 1328 State 3-MM. 3-8403 byTbuilder NEW 3 hdrm nome neai h Salem schools Si perk 2-7071 BY OWNER Will trade equity in house 324'! SunnyMde ltd for trailer house Balance en home $4,000 al frit i-io See anytime or Ph. 2-09.3:1. HIGHLAND St Vincents dlst owner leaving assume C. I loan on attractive new 2 bdrm home bricked patio beautiful yd. It shrubs 2279 N. 4th. FOR SALE: Mod. I bdrm. home, lot lM'xM', walnuts at cher ries. Just outside city limits. Buy equity Ac take over loan at 4i Interest Ph. 4-4309. 1 F""TWSy'wl''ll'f "''i 800 Real Entate " 806 Houmi For Sal 806 Hornet Ut Sola 1t06 Hon For Sola 1 mnniin nrftT mum TUC unMCCCI I TDCi i otlnn o btol DUyo " V3i 122 N. CHURCH 5T. THONE 4-3311 DON'T HESITATE I Or you'll be too late to fet In on thti buy of the week. 3 bdrm. Lge. liv. rm Din. rm. Near irkooll shopping, transp. 1200 eq. ft offered at I7O00 Call Mr. Sword. Eve Ph. 1-1041. NEW & LOVELY 3 bdrmr on one floor. Lf. liv. rm. Sp. din. rm. plus brkftt. nk Lovely flrepiact P, bath. Dbie irafte. Pitio. Nir tchool. Well constructed home. Loads of extras to mike it so enjovable. Priced t 17K Call K G 'Dan' Isaak. Eve. Ph. 4-9953. EXCLUSIVELY YOURS A' beautiful new home with family rm. 3 bdrms l1 baths. 2 lovely fireplaces Tiled bath. Among fine new homes. Lge lot. Brand new Offered at 15,500 call Walt Jones. Eve. Ph. 4-7131. BUSINESS BLDG. Welt located In rood town. H bid oecupied and renting at $75 per mo Other half un occupied. Proapectlve new largo lovernment Installation will boom area. Full priet $S000 Call Mr. Woodcock. Eva. Ph. 2-7106. LICENSED ALSO IN WASHINGTON AND IDAHO AL ISAAK & CO., REALTORS Evenings 4-3020. 4-7832. 3-46Z3. 2-irMI. 4-S131. 4-OTJ3 , If no answer. Dial 4-2241 RAWLINS REALTY MORTGAGE LOANS FOR BUYING 5 or y-irr VIEW LOT One of the finest views in the Salem area. Ideal for davltght hsml. home Restricted p.re of nice homes, cily water and paved street 108140-ft. Price $.1,200. We hae other view lots at various prices. To see call Dean Klarr, Eve. 2-7090. ACRES CLOSE IN Good location on paved road Has 3-bdrm. home, small barn. Raise vour own meat and berries for your locker This 5 acres will make good subdivision In the near future Owner moving to California. Priced at $13,830. Call Henry Fund to see. Eve. 4-1720. ACRE WITH 3-BrHf HOMF-Located in nty limits, dble. garage with nice work shop Zone 3. Close to trans. Asking $9,750 Maka offer, immediate poss. For appoint, to see cafi Dale Bayburn. Eve. -2-2045. NICELY ARRANGED 3-BDRM HOME With fireplace on extra large lot with familv'frult. garden and shrubs within 3 blocks of Momingside school. F H A appraised at $10,500. To sea call R. E. Gillespie, Eve. 4-o!)44. $500 DOWN ON THIS REDECORATED 4-BDRM HOME Nice flcket fence, small chicken house Pilced to sell only $6,950. mmed. poss. To sec call Chet Rawlins, Eve. 3-6236. RAWLINS REALTY 605 CHEMEKETA STREET Office Phone 4-6875 WEDNESDAY TRADE DAY AT NELSONS A $7800 HOME TO TRADE ON A LARGFft HOME UP TO $11 000 Close to hospital, srhool, bus bv door, this neat home will make someone a good trade. finished upstairs, fireplace. Owner wants home North with 1 bdrms. Call Dorothy Deal. Eve. 4-8632. A $8,450 HOME TO TRADE FOR A J-BDRM HOME SOUTH on large lot or small acreage This 4-hdrm home is close to shopping, bus Ac school. Has Inside utility, oil furn , hdwd floors. Has 2 bdrms upstairs. 2 on main floor. $8,450. A good family home. CaU Clyde roulk. Eve. 2-3826. ,A $9 500 HOME TO TRADE FOR LARGER HOME NORTH In Englewood Dist. This nest 2-bdrm home with attractive nen. has fireplace, separate dining room 12x14. Utility room, oil furnkce. Deep lot. Drapes Included. Will you trade witi them? Call Echo Yeattr. Eva. 3 owner will trade for Salem property or contract Cement bldg., plastered, oil furnace. Has 2-room apt. in addition to leases. Call Edith Anderson. NELSON & NELSON, REALTORS 1560 S COMMERCIAL Ph 2-366$ KEN ITS OLD. BUT OH THE ROOM Strictly low-buriRet Can be remodeled Inta a comfortable home. 3 bdrms . living room, dining room large kitchen, big lot Price only $5 950 Good easy terms Call Stearns Cusning eve. 2-5048 HAVE A NICE 2-bdrm. home wflreplare. separate dining room, full bsmt. all hdwd. floors. Close to 17th Cenlrr for only $8,950 wtermi Call Mr. Keene eve 2-6076. SUPER DELUXE- New 3-edrm. room, lovelv dhle. fireplace dble plumb, dble faraae really like this. Call Mr. Klsglns eve. 1-5IP4. DAYLIGHT BSMT HOME-Desifned for frannus living Spa cious rooms. Lovelv view. Built-in appliances, ? full baths. dble larate. 15x2J parly room, $:i 200 Good terms or trade eve 4-03l COUNTRY ATMOSPHERE 7-room modern home barn, house, aaraae. , cron to buver. 22 plus acres in H Prairie Dlst. Mlfht trade. MORTGAGE LOANS, CONSTRUCTION FINANCING C. V. KEN! & CO. REALTORS 4M N. CHURCH RE NEW 3 BEDROOM TRADE Builder may take vour smaller, rheaprr home in trade on this new home Nire view lot, snuth Dhle sarafe. I'j baths. Btri'h kitchen Utilit v room. Tiled hath Slrerts are paved. Sidewalks Easv FHA terms available. See this today. Call Johnson. Eve. Ph 3-.1RS8 9 I N IT t'Ol 'RT If you are looking for a good buv in income property you will be interested tn this court. Stucco hiiilrime. hdwd floors, fireplaie 4 carnffes Cfn-.c to bus and school Income 84f, Total pnre 134,500. Consider some trade. Call Lucas. Eve Ph. 3-S.188. 37 A MAOl.EAY Vrrv nr"1 acreage, annul 31 acres under cultivation l ike new I home with good deep hmt large ham. shnn, garaee, chirk- en hntrc. etc Cron a-'d erjuinment ot s.v...oon Cnn-idcr irade for nice Hicks Eve Ph 3-fi45. REIMANX REAL ESTATE 201 SOfTH HIGH ST Phone 3-9203 ' HEEL & FERRIS, REALTORS TRADE FOR CITY PROPERTY Beautiful setting am on trees Ai ihrubt for this 4-bdrm home on one floor, Dble. plumb, fire plat large kitchrn. tnsid utility, bsmt with sawdust heat. Dble. garage. Good school district. See this. CLOSE IN LOCATION At traf4lvr English stvle home with lirge living A- dtnin room firenlacet, hdwd flnnrs. full hmt . dh!e earagr Re.iutifnl v;nd This home ii in top condition for only SHOW) BREATHTAKING - Drive hv WO Nn I .inciter In srr t'M nut s'andine hn-ne Mial'd on nppi"X 1 ict nf tres and h m t;f'.il '",ruhv. F'-'p li irff & r!m;:iff rMim firrpl-cf r v WeiM-tn-w all c-rpr', k i trhen i ilh ra'ing pare Wr!1 krnt va? d lit hr fit1 rciMin f-r srll-ng M ttie rT ho -re tn town. Price H4,!ifi(! HOMY WOOD DISTRICT L;itr 3-hdrm ,md den hn-i.e I.Vtn f! of floor .pace. 2 blocks to st Vincent school Excel i eviden tial location. Price reduced to $13,250. TO SELL YOUR HOME Eve. Ik Sun. Salesmen: H. Perk Ferns 2-8010, Joe Hlmmet. JM SOUTH LIBERTY 800 Real Estatu WEWECUUZE-iJiJRADESl. OR J-7830 ST. VINCENT'S It's only 4 bias to School and Hollywood District from this 3 bdrm. noma on one fir. Dishwasher and disposal. 2 replaces. Wall to wail cer pet. Tull basement w'o play area, workbench, double Sa ra la Full price 414 Vin Call Mr. Crawford. Eva. Ph. 4-5020 STOP SEARCHING Very attractive home. Din. rm. and brk. nk Lovely knotty pine party room. Oil heat. Hdwd firs. Near S. Salem High. Superb location. Priced reasonably at 110.150 Call N G "Dan" lsaak. Eva. Ph. 4-9953. LOTS 'A ROOM Roomy 4 bdrm. home On 2 acres In Liberty District. Near site of New Jr. High Small barn. 250 holly trees. Family . fruit. Good value at I79.V) Call Mr. Crawford. Eve. Ph 4-5020. APT. HOUSE 3 aptf. with sjood Income. Spare for 4 cart. In very jrood lo cation. Near schools, shop pint;, and trans. All for Sit. 8ofl Terms to be arranged. Call Mr. Woodcock. Eve. Ph. OR CONSTRUCTION Has a bdrms. down and un - 4672 home im ' ihert Family ..1 I with planter. ! 1410 so ft 114,150 You will bsmt All finished See this possible, Call Edna Morgan hog Howell Call Mr. Leavens eve 3-4735. Phone 4-2293 ded in selling price Salem home Ark for IS OUR ONLV BUSINESS 1-9411. Bon Clear; 3-9939. Roy H&r Ph. 4-4471 1800 Real Estate f.Uo buvi this neat 1-hdrm. kftrana as Kate ft 11 Var Miafj With bamt Sunny kitrhenwith nook, attached garaee IN one of the beat locatiooa Large lot; Hnmed. pnes. Out of 'own owner savt sell for tso eVtwn plus ISO oer mo. Call TuUiuaa eve 4-SOsl. THIS IS IT. A homt that any one ran eniov with ereat deal of pride Cloee to Caoitol Shopping it State bldgs Room for garden, nice lawn shrubs A tree. Only lintna. Call lave Seal eve. 4-534V EAR ENOUGH OUT: Not too far: more than t acre of good ground. S-horm home: full bamt.; economical sawdust heat. Dhle. garage: tool hse : chicken house: good well with (in casing and plenty of water Nice shrubs; fruit trees and garden. US 400 Terrrt. Call Lloyd Rive eve. 3-4K9. A NUMBER of choice building lots from Ifmo up on terms. Call Martha Thiesen eve. 3-5497. 702 No High St. Ph. 4-4441 DeWlH & KRAUS LOTS LOTS lots. e.VxlOO. NE, all for $2 650 Offer on terms CaU Frank Graham, eve. 4-4748. GAME COMM TO STOCK DEVILS LAKE 50x100 lake shore lot, water and elec. in front, gravel atreet. A buy at $873. West side. See BUI Fldler, ava. 4-7448. SEE THIS t-BDRM South, In park-like setting, on large lot. Outside fireplace, lovely shade ii nut trees Large garage, close to school St bus. A buy at $7 500 Call Frank Graham eve 4-4748. 3-bdrm Attached garage, den. 60x429 lot Paved street large shjp. Nice lawn- St shrubs, on level lot Close In, $1.2 - 000 Sea Bill Fldler, eve. 4-7448. VERY NICE SUBURBAN HOME . Newlv decorated Inside A: out. Excellent garden soil. Lots of shrubs It fruit in yard Comfortable 2-bdrm. home, well arranged kitchen It nook, nice dining room, den play room. Large garage, lots of storage space, $12 500. Bee Ron Kraus, eve. 3-3668. CLOSE TO SALEM 0 acres dairy with 1005 lbs. dally base. All cattle. Irriaj. equip. Will tell with this modern dairy, or real estate separately at an attractive price Willamette anils make this farm suitable for all crops. REDUCED FROM $17,000 to $14 500 This 80-acre Silver ton Hills berry farm with live stream, spring. 28x53 poul try house and a 2-brdm. home. Close to schools. 73 ACRES Poultry, livestock and general farm. Good bldgs.. modern 3-bdrm. home. 800 hens, farm mach. and aome rattle, on paved hlway and Just 4 miles from town. All will go for $22,500. See Herb Barnes or Geo. Kraus for farms. Real Estate 316 N. Church Ph. 4-6871 Home and Income Large family type home, with nsmt. ana aois. piumn., iire place, could be 4-bdrms , up stalra now made Into an apt. which rents for $50 per mo This Is a buy for only $8950, wonaerrui location soutn. across from Bush park. Shown by appointment only. Call Ruth Morrison Eve. Ph. 4-1644. Country Living For the family who wants 1 acres of garden with 3-bdrm. home north. Owner's health forces sale Lots of berries, flowers Price lust reduced to $8100 for quick sale. Good terms Call Al Roome, Eve. Ph. 4-9416. Hollywood District Nice small home In close to churches, itorea. bin. etc. large lot, good garden, 1 bdrms.. utility room. dble. ga rage All goes for only $6500. Call Roy Goodwater, Eve. Ph. 4-D570. Joe L. Bourne, Rltr. 1140 N Capitol Ph. 3-8214 NEW AND BEAUTIFUL Owner will help finance resnon- ' Gn.ni,,,, 1-Kl- rm. ranch type home Abun- j dance of built Ins, closets St storage. Fireplace, separate ; dining room. 8xU utility, 2-1 car garage. Oil forced air heat Built for gracious liv ing on (0x168 tree covered lot I13.9M Csll IRA MANS FIELD Horns 3-9721. Office 4-3394. RETIRE AT THE BEACH!!! S HOMES. I-l bedroom. 2-3 bed room, furnished, centrally lo cated in Rockaway. For sale or trade for Salem property Total price 18900. Ohmart & Calaba. 477 Court St 3 Contemporary Hnmtvt If you like the modern w can help you These home a e all view property, have beam ceilings, two have bsmt One is new. one ii 1 year old. one is 4 year old lasted at 112,700, $21,000. Two are 3 bdrm. homes. These are GOOD homes, in fine loca tions. Eve. Marjorie fan ning 4-6098. Office 4-7977. REALTOR 250 N. IIih St. Ph. 4-7977 BV OWN'KK - 3 HOMKS J new 3 nelrni home, firepl . ohlt fc.u v niti fi kit . pias- !c rr: Iri 1 re !nt r ,-st i n ted I'r. 'fl ' I ' -5 traoH Ov.r- n,,e ri;h S"e I hlk ' . t'i-.it iake ."-lore on Wheat-j Rd FOR S Al F by owner, comfort-! able home with income, clone ' In and In business rone. real buy at 118.00(1. Ph. 3-8.13I. IN TURNER. Modern 3 bdrm. furnished. Tool shop, garden, lawn, flowers St shrubs. Fenced lot 80' bv 100'. Leav ing state. A steal at finoff. P.O. Box 133, Turner, Ore. WSM 1800 Fairground! Rd REALTORS . Phone 24115-24118 ,800 Real Estate 104 Hou.ee For Sola) FIRST TIME t OFFERED A fine, wall built 2-bdVm. home in the Four Cor ners area Artistic fire p are in bring room and goad sued dining room opening onto- Patio,, cheerful birch kitchen 9 mm bklet, -car g a r a 1403 aq. ft of floor space and arranged to make living effortless and fun. UtI OHXART Priced at 114X10 Call Adnenne Sercombe. HOME AND This well kept home ha spacioua and nook 1 bdrm. A bath on extra bdrm h full bath up 2-hdrma It plav room In hsmt This home Is in excellent condition and a real good buy at 113.000. Ask for Henry Torvend. 7 ACRES EAST A well ttnnmved nlare at 4211 Market street. Laree home barn and rhicken house, machinery building Excellent pasture divided with good fences Berries 4c variety of. fruit A shade trees You must see this place to appreciate the many de- sirable features il has to offer The price la $20,000. CaU Louis Loreni for further details. DAYLIGHT Where can you una so mucn tor J-bdrm home in aouin saiem? A gooa view, piny room i in bsmt with fireplace. Oil heat. dble. plumbing Extra special bath OH YES1 close to ichool paved streets and a!k. all for $17,910 Call Ralph Maddy for appointment Owner will take small house in trade. IF YOl'R HOME IS FOR SALE OR TRADE CALL US OHMART & CAL1, REALTORS 477 COURT STREET Phone J-4115. J-4118, 2-411T Ive Adrlenne Sercombe 4-9082. Henrr Torvend 3-S6J2. Don Doug'.tnn 4-1414, Louis Lorens 3-J580. Ralph Maddy 2-3488 HERE'S A HOME YOU CAM AFFORD TO RETIRE IN -Price cut to $6,750 and owner wlU trade for 10 to JO acres aultable for livestock in a 12 mile radius of Salem. Neat well-built home with 2 bdrms . fireplace patio, creek, double garage. Beautiful spot lor flowers and garden. South. CaU Mrs. Gra ham. JUST PAINTED. MOVE RIGHT IN-Splc and span throughout. 3 bdrms.. big living room, dining room and breakfast nook, convenient kitchen, double gaiage Located East Really a liveable home for vour family on a large lot in a low tax area. Price $9,850. Call Roy Todd ts see. 75 ACRES IN WALDO HILLS 40 acres of It In bent grass. Elec trie pump, spring, fenced and cross-fenced Good 2 bdrm. house. Low down pavment. Can be leased to pay good In terest on Investment This farm will maka you a good liv ing CaU Fred Doerfltr. ROY TODD, REAL EST ATI 131$ State St. Ph. 2-85111 Eve. calls: Todd 1-1731: Mrs. Graham 4-4748; Vander vort 4-7602; Doerfler 1-3748; DeSerano 1-P095 la Mil 118 N. CHURCH ST. REALTORS tICT-' home with bimt. apt. Beautiful living rm., fireplace, dining rm.. kitchen with nook. bsmt. living rm. with fireplace, finished bdrm.. kitchen facilities, extra plum.. F A. Oil fur nace. Attached garage, fenced back yd., nice shrubs St lawn, fruit. Aik for Mn. Wooten Eve. 3-8006. EXCELLENT LOCATION Close In, Beautiful 1 bdrm. English style home. Lg. living rm. 16x24 trimmed with gum wood, fireplace, larie windows, ww carpeting of the best, lovely dining rm. Handy kitchen, double plum., attached garage. Basement with party rm. and fireplace. Steam heat, goregous shrubs. Lot 100x106, must see to appraclata. For particulars ask for Ed Schreder Eva. 1-7825. ATTRACTIVE VIEW HOME SOUTH-3 bdrms. Lovely living rm. wilh fireplace, ww carpeting, Lg. kitchen with nook, Base ment, F. A. sawdust furnace, pitio. Attached garaie. Lg. lot, fruit, berriei. girden apot, Ideal family home. Close to school St citv bus. Price $14.e00. Ask for Mrs. Lamm 3-7198. 1 ONLY $275 DOWN FOR this s parlous 3-bed room home. Living room 24x12. Dining room. Large kitchen. $S500 Ph. 4-2670; 4.338L WEST SALEM TERMS BIG living room. Dining room. 2 bedrooms. Utility. Concrete foundation Plastered. BOO square feet. $8,000. $730 DOWN OR rrade for smaller. Large 4-1 FOR $8,500. with farms. This bedroom home In Highland i 2-bedroom home has dining and St. Vincent's area. Double room. Breakfast nook. Insu plumblng. Lot 73x120. $7.S50. lated. I years old. Attached Easy payments. I girige. Located east. 427 Ferry List With Us Office 4-3381 Eve Mn. Lehminn 2-6688; Frank Vlaslc 4-2670: Jim Ramaey4-16W A DREAM Or A FARM 85 Acres fine soil, new machine shed, shop St storage, family orchard A beautiful 4 bdrm. home In parklike setting. This entire farm is In perfect con dition and priced right. CALL RON HUDKINS CLOSE-IN 7 BDRM Drive bv 448 South Cottage. This older home In M-2 Industrial 7."ne Is very livable and In valu able location for future busi ness. If you are looking for a living investment tnla Is It. 15.800 CALL J. E. LAW. CANDALARIA HEIGHTS 4 bdrm. home with den, fire- tlace. Wall to wall carpeting, ot 100x200 Wonderful family home. Price 114.000. CALL RICHARD E. CRABFNHORST INCOME PROPERTY 9 Unit Apt, close In North Com pletely I furnished Brings in 1334 pdf mo. Price $23 000 GRABENHGRST BROS. REALTORS 180 S. LIBERTY ST. PH. 2-2471 F.venings A; Sundavs rail Salesmen Ron Hukins 3-871: H K. Lavmon J-5193 Mrs. Richardson 4-1988 Walt Socnlofsky 3-88.15 J. E. Law 3-8113 ENGLEWOOD Jt'ST listed and priced for quick sale only $5,750 with 10fr down Very near Cngle wod achoo and Kay park playground Z Bedroom, liv ing room, kitchen and dinette hath, basement with furnace, garage on alley Located nn q'liet street Monthly pay ments less than rent. i REOROOMS LOCATED on V 23rd S . ! hrir .s up and 2 down. Elec heM hardwood floors. Verv clean interior and newlv painted exterior lovely lawn and shrubs. Large hack yard $10 500 will go FHA or GI Call us now. Abrams & Skinner 411 MASONIC BUILDING Real Eatate Insurance Mnrtrsfe Loans Offlre 39213 Eves, WW et 3"3M 3 BDRMS. PART TRADE Llvin room. ih24. firepl . din rm lovelv kit ire ramiienR l0. Far Sa a rni wfirepl kitnt bar St n'oolh den 3 hdrm? wmm Ive closets St huitlins I1'; h,-lhs 1'til rm So irs rm rittlc gar w lo's ,,t builtio a'-, auln oil furn Cor lol iflx KI2 i'Us tnp lle.iut sir,il Patio X fre ed ni k r .1 l.'l flMI Will takr hfi'isr r.r cor up to 88 DIMI Ph 4-.iB . LOVELY 2 bdrm modern home IWll Cascade Drue, large lot Approx. l.lofl sq ft. home. fireplace, hdwd firs . covered breereway, $10,500. Owner ph l-785. 2 BDRM. home, near achool & bus. 20 down. Ph. 4-8871, 800 Real Estate 804 Hsu For Sol Rooteil heak g a. Appro. RUDY CALARA INCOME living and dining-room, kitchen main floor 3-ronm apt. plus BASEMENT your money as you can in tnis , isi It PHONE S-9236 KEIZER HOME ON nice lot with dwarf fruit trees. 3 bedrooms. Dining room. $10,500. Tetmi. Or trade for acreage. 10 ACRES-$2,5O0 ONLY I miles out. Fruit. Nuts. South. Good building site. Terms. Taka car or tractor. Ph. 4-S706 ; 4-3381. 900 SQUARE FEET I MEDICAL CLINIC IN VALLEY TOWN Lot 78' frontage. Parking Brings in 1200 per mo. Price ill.SOtV BRICK HOME on Chemeketa Street. 4 bdrms.. basmt. with oil heat. Attractive encloaed back yard with variety of fruits Si nuts. 111.790. CALL WALT SOCOLOFSKY OWNER LEAVING STATE Big price reduction. Ranch style home located on west side Approx. 2900 sq ft on main floor, consisting of 3 bdrmi., lge. den, liv. rm, din. rm., view, kitchen with lge. brki. nook. 2 fireplaces, completely finished baaement with kitchen St full bath. Wal Ho wall carpeting and drapea go. A wonderful fam ily home FOR APPT. CALL MRS. RICHARDSON ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT Neat and attractive two hdrm. home. Convenient school lo cation. Extra lot adjacent to house Included. Prlre $11,500. CALL H. K. LAYMON Ranch Size, Ranch Style A tremendously bis house. 1700 sq ft. Everything huge. The I living room, 17x33. large kit- chen. dble. garage with big ,.n-l..k..n I.,. a in.11 bdrms. one ll'jxt.v,. .some wth panellngi The utility n big enough for family room There's a great. covered patio with barbecue, 100x180 lot with frutt trees, etc l -5no, Fve Cordova Stephen son 4-M49. Office 4-7977. led Morrison REALTOR 250 N. High Strh. 4-7977 SELL equity nice 3 bdrm home l yr old fireplace ww carpet, near McKinlev Schl. Ph. 4-7524 NICE lots 15 dn 113 mo . lu ll' elcr . W Salem view iwn '. p-ro South $1 IXO coyL'oit North. $1.00(1 (;cncral Krai p.t.itr Ph 3-.t;n'i ' VIEW lot 2'j hloc i( M o W;illie ltd on Alpine A Pn .1-MI7 MAKE offer on inv equitv on lot at Lahish Villaee. Ph. 4-5270 IN TURNER. 2 room hse 7 'lec". cltv water 8c lawns Some bldg. material 50' hv 120' lol 1950. Also adjoining lots at 1200 each. Statesman-Journal Box 17. 800 Krai Eiute 801 lots For Solo BCTLDERS ATTENTION LARGE view lota, new street, lust off Ewald on Stanley Lane Price reaa. Ph 2-5CS5 or 275 W. Ewald KICE Iota 113 dn. Ill mo. wa ter, alec. W. Sam w gaoo i acre South tl am. athrSn North tl em General Real Estate. Ph. 3-32. tSEVERAL iota TSilfKl, tt-I street., curha It water I blk t- Morningaida- school Ph 2-M20 days. 2-0414 after 130 pm. 110 Form For Soli APPROX ACRES EAST 2-bdrm home, apprei. 4 acres new strawberries Irrigated Soma fruit trees. Irrigation and other equipment too at the price of only 113 500. CALL I'ETE BARNWELL with JOHN J. DANN. REALTOR 403 N. High. 4-J4C Eve. 4-SOlt oi uwrsr.n 10 acres, gooa a bdrm house, barn, crick housw. aome hemes nut trees, for sale or trade for 2 bdrm. house In Salem. ', crop goes with place. Mrs w (j. Mooaemey er. 1 m. N. of Hopewell ator th n.viMi itva - A. ABOUT I A. prunes ak cherries. 1 wells it ahark. $.1350. $750. down. Ph. 4-SOM. BY OWNER 7o" acrei near Dal las 10 Acres Royal Anne Cher ries Bumper crop indicated, no frost damage. Rest pasture St wooded. 3 room furnished house, good well, lots of wa- . ter. The crop ran par for place this year. Price to sell before June $10,300. Ph. 1-8511 8 1 2 Kli7TtooTC$toto LOG CABIN. $10,000 I't acres, approximately t cleared Fine girden spot. Cabin has 1.700 sq. ft , com pletely modern It fine con dition. Lots of room for fam ily At lots of possibilities. Owner will take trade, home, lota or contract. J. E. LeCLERC. RLTR. 16M No. Capitol. . Ph. 3-3253 HOME A INCOME. Clean well kept older home cloee to Memorial Hospital. Large furnished 4 room apartment rente for $33 00 per mo. Will take small home In trade. $950. Call DON RELLINGF.R. Home 4-0492. Office 4-3394 Cliff Bowder Co., Rjtrs. NEAR S. HIGH SCH. 1 bdrm.. plumb, for washer 8r dryer. $8,950 take car. or cheaper property. Ph. eve. 3-6647. NEED a good MoteTTnywhere from Salem to the Beach. around $50,000 that will trade for a farm at Rend. CaU Mr Keena, ava. 1-407$. C. V. KENT & CO. REALTORS 4M N. Church Ph. i-ZKi MY EQUITY In my home at Gold Hill, Ore. on the Rogue River for your equity In a Salem home, must have 3 bdrms Ph. 4-9703. TRADE Ocean view lot, Nelscott crest for bast post war car. Write Box 61 Statesman Journal. BY OWNER. mJt apt. house close In, gala-trade. 4-3061. 816" Resort Property RELAX and enjoy Ufa. New 1 bedroom Labin on the Abiqua; fireplace; approx. ! acre Half hr. drive from Salem Only $3,950. terms. Ph. 2-3551 Cluett St Kenyon, Realtors Eve. Ph. 2-8337. 2 BEDROOM house. 2 acres not torn land. Salmon River. Sur faced road, electricity, creek or place. $1.100 00 terma to suit. Robin Reed, Delake, Oregon. 850 Automotive 851 New Con DRIVE THE BIG Y The Smartest 4-Doer Hard Top ea the Road. McKINNEY LINCOLN - MERCURY 430 N. Commercial talent 852 Used Cart For Salt IMS VICTORIA rord-o-matlc. Hank terms, ph. 3-8344 after i "48 MERC. Runs ood.80. Ph1 4-1W57. 1953 DODGE V-8 "Cornet 4dT. 1829.. Ph. 2-68J, Independence 457 Butler 1954 BUICKSupe7Tlr. power steering & fully equip. Will accept '51 n '52 ear tn trade. 5". int nn balance, rash price 11895 5fl Howard, ph. 1-0331 1955 CHEV. Bel-Alr"V-estatlon waeon All power equip., ww tires, 4-dr. R & H. low mile age. Sell or trsde my aquipt for older car. days 1-6A76, eve. 4-0071. '49 NASH AmhsMadnr, makes into bed, ideal flshlnn car. ' Chev Fleetltne 4-dr. Sell rea sonable. Will take boat Si motor in trsde. 8620 Portland Rrl Ph. 4-2411. '37 CHEV 2 dr. inod Urea, rum food 78.Ph. 4-4662. 195TCHEV. 4-dr. sport sedan or 1958 Ford 4-dr. custom I new I both auto tran. Radio, heater white aldewalla. The low price will surprise you Will take car in trade. Ph. 4-720Jafter. l"MMD. sale, leaving Salem, 'S2 Nash Rambler Sta. Wafnn. excel cond. St tlrea. Ph. 3-3343. '47 OLDS sedan. 1100 78 S 12th Ph. 4-7181 days. Eve 2-1239 -ao CAD "82"-4-dr. m,,e 0f(er j-1259 Muat sell. BF.ST Cash offer takes i l4S iord Bus. Coune Phone Mr Good win 2-0fi.11 854 Trucks, Trail, tor to It '49 JF.EP 4x4 pick-up wslum inum canopy. 1850. Ph 4-3469 , TON Dodge "l 4 wheel trailer. Ph 1-1383. TOR SALE, 19MI Chev. wheelhase dump truck, long 8900. Ph 2-8820 eves. FOR SAI F aluminum sinils horse trailer. 4138 N River Hd. after 5 p ot. B56Wdnted, Cart, Trcki WF'RF. PAYING TOP CASH t''T Clean I'veO Cars I' iH '. o. Not Bnb ii Bill'8 I srl Can I ".,n i llmh Sis SS8 Motorcycles Fon SAI F.-19M PSA Motor- cycle, in exc cond. Ph. 4-71172 B60 Auto Miiccllaneout NEARLY new seat covers for 10S1 4-dr. sdn. US Shipping. 850 Automotive 8S2 Uto. Cort For Solo 4U1 Jl FOR THE BEACHES OR THE MOUNTAINS la a safe, economical used car Seethe Big Selection of Vacation -lime Specials DE SOT OS 1955 De Soto Firedome wa true miles, sower perfect car 1954 De Soto Firedome 4 Door Sedan. $1750 all power equipment top condition 1952 De Soto V-8 Firedome 4 Dr. Sdn..$995 exceptionally nice, fully equipped. 1951 De Soto Custom 4 Door Sedan. . . .$660 sold new by ui, motor reconditioned. PLYM0UTHS 1956 Plymouth Belvedere 4 Door Sedan Thla Is a house car and may be purchased if t tre mendous savings. 5000 miles, fully equipped. 1955 Plymouths SAVOY CLIB COUPE IIMI SAVOY 4 DOOR SEDAN tlMO BELVEDERE 4 DOOR SEDAN $1S fa l il 28 YEARS DESOTO 554 NO. LIBERTY B HOT sun BUYS FOR YOUR DRIVING PLEASURE 1956 Ford Customline 2 Dr. Save Hundreds Equipped with radio, matic, and many other 1953 Nash Statesman 4 Dr. Sedan. . .$1195 '. Local one owner, low mileage, verajrlve, and many ether extras. 1953 Nash Rambler Station Wagon.. $1195 Local one owner, radio, 1954 Nash Rambler Hardtop $1295 nadio, neater, iu-ione paint. 1954 Plymouth Savoy Hy-drlvt, M-tone, heater. 1953 Dodge V-8 Coronet Sedan, $1095 Radio, heater, Gyromatle. - 1952 Nash Rambler Local one owner ear, iharp, SPECIAL- A BRAND NEW 1955 NASH RAMBLER CROSS COUNTRY STATION WAGON, TWO-TONE, OVER DRIVE, WEATHER EYE, HIATIR, SLOAX GLASS, WHITE WALLS. KICLIWirru HAia at -4 win sa,ua, NEW CAR SERVICE AND WARRANTY. THIS WEEK ONLY 12095 ri HOME OF PHONE 3-9286 At 1950 OLDS 88 Brilliant green yellow color white wall tires, ra dio It heater, hydramatle I8M 1950 MERCURY CLUB CPE. Glistening black finish, white wall tires, radio Si heater, overdrive. 15US. 1953 DODGE Here's a real beauty. 14 - 000 actual one-owner miles on this beautiful cylin der 4-dr. adn. St only tU 1955 FORD CUSTOMLINE V-8 Here Is s new car vslua at an exceptional low prlre. Straight transmis sion 1M NO DOWN PAYMENT Center and Liberty PH. 4-4931 FOR SALE!-rt'hav., axreT body, needs motor, maka of fer. Ph. S-44M. 1950 NASH Statesman super, good trans or sernnd csr Come see and drive it. you'll buv it. Overdrive, white aide wall tlresPh.4-735 42 CHEV., trade for livestock or cash. Ph. 2-1131. 988 S. 13th 862 House Trailer! BEAUTIFUL Flamingo 44' Front Rdrm. I.ana Lane 1M0 Lana Ave 1955 21-ft house trailer, like new. Would consider trade for house 4158 Center St . after p m. PLAY Shuffleboard at Salem's New Center street Trailer Court. Trailer Spaces available 4151 Center St. 21' TRAVELITE, bath. 3M-dn Ph. 4-J217 ask for Baker. '47 AMERICAN trailer hse. 77' long 1705. Richard Hoaley, Rt, 1. Box 300 Hubbard Ore. 12 FT metal trailer house, exc condatinn, reaa. 170 W, Brown ing. Eve. or week ends l'SFD trailer with lop Ar lean ! to trnl. 3950 Mahrt Ave. 4 corners VACA'lloN ste trailer houses for vale or ,rcn1 See rar1 Main io:m Sllvi-rtoo Mel 4-71 7 FIR CHFS1 Trailer Park under r.rw foaraerrnent restricted ,.!! for ret t 3010 N lllver 11,1 Ph .'-ini3 ! 1.V VACATION SHASTAS SMAI I DN PAYM T TERMS ,,ANA LANE 1940 LANA AVE. TRAILER TOWING IAVHAWK TRAILER SALES M40 Portland Rd. Ph. 1-041 Statesman. Salem. Ore., WetL. 8o0 Aatomotive 152 Uto) Con For Solo Sportsman ... $2695 rearing, power brakea, a truly PLYMOUTH PHONE 4-3493 at ...$2095 heater, custom Interior, ford-o- extras. heater, Ic overdrive. Sedan $895 Station Wagon... $895 NASH 333 CENTER ST. Oregon's Oldest Dealer BEST BUY Deed Cars Commercial & Chemeketa Ph. 4-1711 54 PLY. 4 dr Belvedere. Exc. Condition. 1058 7th, 2-M28. It CHEV. I dr., vary clean, low mileage. 1131 Norway AT THE I 5S PONTIAC "870" 4-dr $2295 Radio, heater, hydra . One owner, low mileage, tu-tone paint '55 CHEV BEL AIR $1S95 Heater, power glide, tu tone paint, one owner, 13,- 000 miles. '53 FORD 4 Dr. Citline. $1195 V-8 radio, haatar, hydra , drive. '53 OLDS SUPER "88". $1495 1 dr., radio, haatar, hydra . power brakea. tu-tone paint. It tinted glass '52 DODGE 4 DOOR $795 Heater, white wall tires, blue paint, vary clean. '50 C M C. H-TON $595 Heater, 4 speed trana. '50 FORD 2 DOOR $395 Heater, seat covers, clean "50 OLDS STAT. WGN. $695 Radio, heater Si hydra. '50 NASH 2-dr $295 Hydra, heater, very clean 49 CHEV 2-T0N TRUCK $995 Power taka off, two speed axle 71. 1 25 x 11 nvlnn tlrea, turn signals, clean. '50 OLDS "88" 2 DOOR $250 Radio, heater St hydra. FORD 2 DOOR . . . H5 Heater 8.- radio. '40 FORD 2 DOOR 5 Heater, good transportation .Tfi HUDSON 4 DOOR $4S Heater good transportation Open Kics & All Day Sundiiy S1LVERT0N RD. AND LANCASTER DR. PH. 4-9114 liers 1 am May 23, "56 (Sec. H)-23 830 Automotive SSI UtoJ Cor For Sol The most popular body tylft tvailibie and wa have live el them A3 Sharp. 1955 OLDS "8" CHARIOT RES WITH STANDARD TRANS MISSION. NEW WHITR WALL TIRES, A REAL CLASSY JOB, rOR A LOW AS $24$. 1954 OLDS mmr HOLIDAY CM, RADIO, HEATER. HYDRA MA TIC. TWO TONE MA RINE BLl'E POPLAR WHIT POWER BRAKES. only K.ni mm youm roR IMM. 1954 r ROLIBA1 OLDS ' COUPE. REAUtiri'i BEIGE AND OROV GREEN. ITLLY EQUIPPED AND READY TO GO THB PRIDE Of TUB ROAD. $Xa, 1955 BinCK CENTVRY HARD TOP COUPE. THREE TON, NEW WHITE WALL TIRES, riTLL POWER AND OUT STANDING BUY AT IMS 1954 MERCURY t DOOR SITU VALLEY. WITH TRANS. PARENT PLASTIC TOP, just the caIi roi YOl'NO MOPETUU MOON STRUCK STAR GAEERS-i fully aqutpPED t MEAN FULLY EQUIPPED t SALE PRICE Have. Others to ChooM Froth, All Safety Tested and .. In Guaranteed Conditio! REMEMBER I If it comes from Loder's ...IT'S GOOD! 41 NO. HIGH UNDER $ Jl FORD V-l Pickup. .15 i ton, speed. 'SO P0NTIAC SEDAN ... SM Radle, heater, hyctrt. Jol black. '51 HUDSON 1 DOOR .. KM Radio, heater, Overdrlva, shsrp. , , OLDS "W 4 Dr. Mn. $391 Radio, haatsr . hjrds. '51 KAISER 4 Dr. Sdn.;. U f Heater, evardrts, at 4 P0NTLAC 4 DR t2M Radio, beater, overdrive. '41 MERCURY 4 DR 41 Radio, heater, dual. 41 KAISER SEDAN 1171 Radla, heater, everdrlva, above average. 47 P0NTIAC SDNETTE..$ia Radio, boater. 47 TORD SEDAN .. Radio, heater. P0NTIAC CO. N N. LIBERTY PH. 1-4111 1 Clearance' Sale '56 MORRIS MINOR ... $149 station wagon '54 ANGLIA FORD i Dr. $871 '53 CHEV 4 DR $821 '51 HILLMAN MINX ... $325 4 FORD PANEL $195 'S3 FORD ZEPHYR $971 "Seeing Ii Believing on Every Csr" British Car Sales 2085 N. CAPITOL PH. 2-otVU Why not hive two cart, one for the wife and one (or you to do your work with. A second car can save you money. Come In and Look Over These Good 2nd Car Buys 48 MERCURY 2-dr .... $6 48 CHEV. AERO SDN. $139 DE SOTO 4 DR. SDN. $149 '47 PLYMOUTH Clb. Cp. $179 '49 STUDEBAKER C0MD . 4 DR. $289 an ruri'Dni rTirnn . SEDAN $339 USED CAR DEPT. UNION AND COMMERCIAL PH. 3 3175 i4FORD pick-up. Exc. rondt tlon. 11 000 miles.. Cash af equity. Ph. 1-M0t HARDTOPS PH. 17J7I MM Specials la Os Sa 111 M? Will Chevrolet Cadillac