fyiSec. II) Statesman, Salem, Ore, Wed., May 23, "56 UONOIt 1 CHIC YOUNO Sp dy Wind Tunnel Unvei .- 4 W - - A 7 ( LOOK H6HTCNED v, xxjwc white 2 V . . - v v . t DETROIT-These art some of the 14 tents being erected on I & 'Jt UiJ CIEVEIAND-Nation'i large supersonic wind tunnel was 1 enT 1 OWn the grounds of the Ford Motor Co. Rotunda (top, right) to LOT Ot VWinO OT,nod Tuesday by National Advisory Committoo for kouM tho first mooHng of mim 3,000 Ford stockholders. Gonoral voting w- Aeronautics. Tunnel can duplicate air speeds up to 3V4 timti that of sound ar Hons win do neio in mm rg-w i m nnn .n i"tvn. w... altitudes up to 30 miles. Shewn here art bladoi of main drivo compressor bo used for first aid, tho prtt and luncheons. The Rotunda h located noar which drive air through tunnel. (AP Wlrephofo). Ford's Rivar Rougo plant. (AP Wirephoto). 1 iir.' m r T- .it Cfnt mm Rfirlria MASOFI CITY, Iowa Tho porch Maton City. Workman waro forcod to jack up tha building JTUCK Oil ; Dliaya tay M jnj, houta awnad by Tuaaday In ordar to gat It acrota tha bridga. Tha building was Charltf W. Maxon, Maaon City, were toe low to clear the being moved from Maton City to a farm near Rock Fall whan IdM f Taylor Iridgo on Highway II at the east edge of mihap occurred. (AP Wirephoto). CUJ NEW YORK - Or American educated former ambassador to the U. S., is Vice-President-elect of the Republic of Korea. (AP Wire-photo). r V T TMCPC5 A GHOST lii'" 7 STOPy ON OUR 1 .'III TMATSMOUUXT hlMi,Hili''' I ,( ratGHTEMXXJSO- A T KNOW- - I j THEY MAVCTHCN f BUTOUOSET) 1 . EVERY NIGHT y ISNT EVEN J . (PLUGGED IHJ It IARNEY OOOCU y FRED IASSWEU . MV MAN SNUFFV I I HEftES AN VOU SAVED M W'SHT NOT LIKE AUTOGRAPHED " A.j UFE WsitZn ! M TO TAKE A COW OF (W T-jj t SHAOB6 J COLO 8HACELET, "BLUE LEAVES -SfelA Al UANQSOMELVI OR A FUR COAT. YDULL rAVVjK " ABSORB IT YORESEU; vr cutcn cee j ' v cunuu MICKEY MOUSk By WAIT DISNEY to v .s.t ou, L.IKS TiD PUAV - T -WfT Mli I BUZZ SAWYER By ROY CRANE l.-Ha,Hi . yCJt POINT, CAPTAiN. ) S is v vr . R$rii.y wtAP, Ca J sccoassNic nVT 17 m cms n rtC -TtS.!! ! tOTASMOK WtH UKI TO "iW.i IN 10TWE VAN'S msttkoffci;:tnk I'D SETTER K SACKTO EL t CStAP TO THINK YWW NEXT. UWON, I LEMON! weavers, NO! MOW AWFUL!... IN PACT. X 00WT SE'.'EVi I WANT ANyPllWE?. WMNOT FEIL1NS WSLL. , GASOLINE ALLEY Avery, that face of bard and yi Dani Fair's haunts me.) these dark p the ory ctose-up we've 1 glasses- f . had vsas at tue ty- L Lootcsd as if he was trvirg to 7ver up Something. r I'v QOt it1. That ncse, that votce-Chigger! By KINO And tne guy a ta V And t" gay to. i niean c,gger T vvho poid a fast that tr,d to one on me in a cheat vj,n s fat jer I furniture deal jXitof his land? tha LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY By DARRELL McCLURE farj-" """" ---V Tin ,t . lntATU LMTTrBTTI T ; r'Br GoLvc-LE-A'Uir.Ka Miaiy ukfobtunatelV 7 ke.annie.ano I cant tak? a simple J I IT A. NT MV FAULT 'CAUSE " COX J VOU DO KWOW f RISK. YOU'RE IM ON TUlS TrtNS UNTIL 1 ' i MIXED UP IN VOUR GETAWAY U ALL ABOUT MV 1 X MAKE MY ESCAPE FROM THE COUNTHy. I ' PIAWS ! I DIDU'T KKOW t W.ANS KOW. J I REALLY DON'T WANT TO RIP KIRBY r SO BE A SMART 6IBL. j NOTHING WILL WAPPEU 1-,,-Sl to you if vou yw.vrs, i . MIND YOUR P'S ANO QS. JSlR.I MOMl V- - - S YOU twat me S WILl HIHP 'EM .' By ALEX RAYMOND THANKS, YVETTR BUT I THINK IT WS THE fiOWNS THAT MADE HONEY MXI TH6 HIT.. NOT WHO WAS WEBE TMS MT OF Vs IN THEM THE SHOW I HE? CTMAEflNF 801 HT eB3VTuiki( vnn Ja. MOOetEl?. No Match for Mul.s LXfirtJl US Which Way is Texas? NEW YORK-Alan Deane Pierce and his u toy pup are wide-eyed arrivals from ; into a pen of mules and came out with a pair of broken hind legs. Snooxing Europe aboard the liner United States, the Belgian-born 2'A-year-old young With Its mother, Costa Rican deer, Junior hai to put up with casta for 10 star, the son of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Pierce of Lubbock, Texas, is heading for THE SHOW I HEAR C JV SQWEO80U6HT . XLt;Tt EVERYTHING YOU tVv l!!lv MODBLED... QJS I i KH1 See THAT THESE ABE PJJ3P6RLV peEMCEOifil ANO DEUVEBED TO MADAME lyfjj4' " l siwa tiny I ( lL mm capsule of lr I rr';' MKXOFILM jlj' days. (AP Wirephoto). the lone Star state with his parents and a sister. (AP Wirephoto). r EE V I 40 1 ," from U,t WfATrtfft IVMAtf . no ,S0 taWrta.AtH Figures Show lew Timponitwas f parted J 70 70 C3 MOMMY By THF MOSSLERS Trentot Furnr PAL0 AlT0 Cilif-- Downton, .reQie3 ruror 2J , gduate student in (ournalism and newscaster for the university radio station at Stanford s University, created a furor on the campus when he announced , over his station that "hundreds of people m San Francisco are ' swarming to hospitals because of dark, fog-like clouds that t . a til aaai.. . . ..... ...... Htro burning mem ana causing oar Drown ana oiecK stains CL- r a. Showers are forecast tonioht for New England and the Middle n went on the air a little more than 111 s.ui Altnti ttifM fh- norhem Ohio Valley, the central Mississippi tli.t. .kin " ri.wa.taa 1 nine hours after the United Slates had bomb lit tho South Pacific. (AP Wirephoto pioded a hydrogen Valley, the western sections of the South and Central Plains and In parts of the Croat Basin. It will bo cooler In the upper lakes region. (AP Wlrephto Map). III OIVU Km V4 h u . ANN, III Tra Mt DICK TRACY By CHESTER GOULD r ALL BCWT-SO WEVEN I CHANGED THE PLATES Jfc f wc'i 1 . kit mnc rvuiM THE MAIN-TRAELED MCHWAVS UKE ANY CTi-fcR CITIZEN- HEADED FOR THE OTV. TmATS TME BEST WAY TO FOOL THE COPS. ANN4 1 U. t, H. ON. "George, this is positively unconny! My figures ond the bonk's ore only nine dollars opart!" f FLAT TOf-O BOH I ' CANT GET OVER ITT 1 I AND yOJ'RE A GENIUS V -AN ABSOLUTE CEE. )M he J , J ' yCfm XT VVVfSHOULDI y is THIS If QUESTION THEM? I WWERE J WECETCARSIN I ThEV i AND OUT OF HEBE 1 PARKED