Scores Named At WU Awards Convocation Scores of Willamette University students came in for special recognition TUesdaymorntng when t thoy appeared it the school's an nual awards convocation is th Fine Arts Auditorium. For variety of outstanding achievements in academic work, school activities and specialties, these students received prizes, scholarships and other honors. The Rex A. Turner prize to a stu dent i:h high scholastic standing and ability as a debater went to Ray Owens of, Idaho. The Jean Eloise Evans memorial was awarded to Gay Kent of Deadwood, S C. Diane Rosen of Seattle and Reynold Ncufeld of Independence were given drt and second prizes, respectively, in the Paul H. Doney contest. The Alpha Chi Omega award, to a woman in the college of music making the most r eal progress, went to Marilyn Vee of Palo Alto, while another music prize, the Mrs. vV alter A. Denton award, was pre sented to Tricia Gordon of San Mateo. Scholarship Prise nana Keys were presented 10 R.nfi. onn!r Patricia Payne, Lawrence Kimble, Bin Nel,on and Gino Plerettii Rnbert Kll:s. and David Dnerkson.;fnrlland. Daie puon, McMinn all of Salem; Page Bailey. Port-Vi!)e. Pe(c Rced Scappoosc; and hnd; and Charles Peter, DowncyJ ,a yat.ver Yakima. -a'"' , , . , . . i Jackets were awarded to Dave The class of 1919 scholarship Anderson and Ray Mvm .Salem; prize, to the senior with the most ! G Ka aalskanle; Wes Students Soon to Be Doctors of Jurisprudence TJC i ri ; i , - l Jiv 1 Law Degrees Due for 5 at WU Statesman, Salem. Ore. Wed., May 23, "38 (Sec ID-19 One Driver Fined. 5 to' A Tom Five senior law students iroralW.U., this years class of J. D. . . i V Willamette University wiO receive candidates ranks high, lor of JS AnOllier InnOCeOl i f" i races uiame their hoods and degrees Doctor graduating seniors, five are elig- oi Jurisprudence at commence- able for the degree, ment ceremonies onSunday, June j I- I iml iii RunL mintv In Drunk Chanres I John George Weber. 11S9S Rob One Portland resident was found Mea St. SUytoe, was apprehendes guilty and another innocent of ute Monday mght a a Marx driving while intoxicated Tuesday County District Court warrant i : j I i j vnaiuairs lur inc w u. , . .... re George Juba and Richard Lee I etltions Oil r lie at Portland; Kenneth Holmes of: padtt vn i Prtitii,. tn in secant cises la Marine County charging failure t remaia at the JAIbanjr; Alan Hallowell of Ridge- u,- y.; sglfmki slem District Court cfn ccident, sheriiTl. fieM; and Jeaa Lowmaa of a- ttXontJ bankrupt werr filed ia Pleading guilty ta the charge was ?" ?'tTt " couw- 'federal court here Tuesday by his Lane Junior JiUsoa, JO-year-oM , . . Highest degree awarded for three ; creditors. Portland U borer, arrested April ,r!. DVV 1fu years' work in law school. the The petitioners said Lamkin near Hubbard oa Highway 9E by h. "fL .-"' nnrlar of Jurixnnutonr itlBuls.1.. i. 1.1. 1 UlU. u. ... ...J - ' Portland, who Mid be folbwed th as accunmUUve ! or "BH aver- t Marioo County Circuit Court, Judge Edward 0. Stadter Jr. dis- IT i age and preparing a Uvesu during judgment r to Anna M missed the driving charge against Jl.J1" Jner the third year el Uw school o: Wulfemeyer: and $l,r to A. W. ; Ruby Lee CUrk. . Portland, after i"""0'- Piw "I publishable merit, or simiUr work. ! aDd Gertrude Kopfeuteia. All art .the ttate'i evidence was ruled ia-'oa t3M Hail following ber May IS 1 . 4i. - -!!.! 1 I r -1 . k. . J L I I . ... n 1 1 . . Accomina iv uiv muhki m ii u Minn. wiikhih. aov msi rTtrucii arrrst wm we JJOnaKrAUTOra noaq. Reeelviag degrees of Doctor el JarUpradeare at WUUaaette I'ahrerslty Gewge Jika. Portland, a ad Alaa HaOeweB. RkLgefleM. They art tatwa eommeacement rerenwaies Jaae S will be (left ia right) Richard , abort la treat of tat Willamette Law School. Utklag over their ft tare Lee. Partlaad; Jeaa Lawmaa, Vaacoaver; Keaaeth Holmes, Albaay: ataat. (Statetmaa Pbeta) Moore, Jerry McCallister, and Bob ,rp T Zoelch of Salem: Jim Gilliland and I Vi'll fJIISIIlOS Projects Top Bui Id in : List Salem Nurses Win Degrees PORTLAND - Phyllis Johnston University of Oregon medical iLoehden, Jean Marie Miller and school auditorium, June I. Margaret Miller, all of Salem, are The Misses Miller took their among 39 student nurses to re- pre-nursing work at Oregon State 'ceive bachelor of science degrees College, while Mrs. Loehden pur- Twa hulnM nrnirt nn mith i . ,i. n. i. .f nni.lanrfina sPhnl.rshm rprnrd i ' " ' . r"i V7f". iVj Jii T. Tu n nurauig euucauon ai commence- sueo. nuuies ai mc uoiycii w s ' T . j i Maicoim, collage iirove; non Luinmerciai aireei iea on ounu- m.n eMrc i. k. hold in th Orecon was presented to Charles Ander- rjt rald San Cafl and Gor. ing pCrmiu issued Tuesday by mfW exerclSfS 10 heia M me 0rc0B don Chang, Hilo, Hawaii. the Salem city engineer's office. Delta Gamma H.nored I p r" a,f The Willamette Valley Alumnae A A- VAbert, PP- . i ertv, for a new South Salem Panhcllenie association plaque was Phai.macv on thp southMst cor. preseniea i ueua uainmi, aiong o( Sou.h ,,.;.. and son. Marquam The Pi Gamma Mu medallion for achievement in the field of social science was awarded to Joann Pvm of Seattle. Marilyn Isaak of Salem and Car nle Pfah of Portland received the wi' ,hr Willamette Panhellenic 0wens streets. Roy H. Simmons psychology prize. The Annie M. Barrett prize, to a junior woman in sen M..p,. .ne mm, And () w Ka WreekinB gamzalion achieved a 3.1 grade r l(l()k n(,rmits tn6 (Mr Anwn assistance, went to Esther Gwil liam of McCall, Idaho. The Chi Omega award, to a sen ior woman outstanding in econom ics, was presented to Janice Reed er of Portland, while the Delta Kappa Gamma prize to a young woman preparing to teach, was awarded to Sharon Bates of Salem ing, former location of Haser s Fur Shop, in the 1200 block of South Commercial Street for a clinic to be built by Physicians Building Corp. He said demoli tion of the houses it 1258 and 1234 S. Commercial St. and the workshop at 1260 S. Commercial St. would start today. The new building for the drug store which is now at 1069 S. need of financial point for th,e J"ltumn an! 8PrinS two houses and a business build- semesters 01 mis year. Following the presentation of awards, prizes, and scholarships, four honoraries tapped new mem bers for the coming year. Cap and Gown, senior women's honorary, selected for membership Marilyn Isaak, Salem; Ann Notson, Carole Pfaff, Flossie Hodge, Mari- Helen Allen of Portland received lyn Ilanthorn, and Joyce Ambler, " . " . . r- ,1 I. i... A . I. ii . niuvii i.-. the Kappa Delta Pi prize lor edu- ,u'"",u- " nn" ,u"'u Commercial St. will feature the : cation; and Gary I.nrsnn o! tar-ernnn, sany jones. i arsaaie; ' fjrst dhve-in window for pres- son, Wash., was the Phi Beta Kap- and Margie Wood. Burlincatne. criplions in Salem and off-street pa winner. , B'-'a A'Pna Gamma, sophomore narkine for 18 cars, George H. i, Blelle Honored women's honorary, tanped Carole Sw.irtslcy, manaser said I The Colonel Percy Willis prize Warren and June Lytic, Salem; Other building pe-mits issued $ "to the student . . . who has done Sandra Wagner, Joan Sherrill. and Tuesday were taken hv Jess Hoi- the most good to fellow students. . . Sandra Roark, Portland; Martha Rate or a new one-story house I by deeds of kindness and genuine ; F.agleson. Tigard; Nancy Fisher, and garage at 2540 Edgewood helpfulness..." was presented toiaKiana; Mary stout, crotnelte; ay nuoerg, aaiem, ana sanara Harris, Redwood City. Sigma Alpha Chi, sophomore men's honorary, tapped for mem bership Larry Willingham, Salem; Dirk Crooks, Albany; Dean Bish oprick, Woodburn; Stan Culy, Med- .. J t..j. r ' i was awarded to taroi newiu oi,"". Rurlinoamp I lard Bunnry, Vancouver; Herb Two journalism a w a r d s. the ! Talabere, Walla Walla: Royal! Salem's Junior Chamber of George Putnam and the Charles A. . Keith, Yakima; and Del Uim-1 Commerce is sponsoring the June I George Bleile of Roseburg 4 David Finlay of Silverton won P the Albert prize for upright 1 character, service, and wholesome ' influence. ' The Doctor Helen Pearce award, presented by the Salem Zonta club, Ave., estimated cost $9,500; C. .1 Wichman, 200 house and garage reroofing, 1690 N. 17th St.; and Robert Boaz, $40 house altera tion, 543 Jefferson St. Junior Chamber Will Sponsor Blood Drawing Koranic award, were Dresented to mings, Los Altos. Jean Martin of Seattle and Bob Person Selected Barker of Tacoma, respectively, i Omicron Delta Kappa, upper The Robert C. Notson annual 'classmen's honorary, selected Uallulah awards for service on! James Person. Salem: Stephen Na- lk. v.arhnnk u,.r. .w.rriml. to .nn rV..m.,l.. nn Mill.. IT.pcn ' V iwimiucr J1 pr :' "T ? , o i- r iv I wishing to contribute b ood are Margie Wood of Burlingamt . Eu-' Grove; Don Laws. Adams; "Dan'.,i..d f., rontact him gene Lrey oi nesi uinn; anu run- rener. lurner: Jim tain, 1'ort 7 appearance of the Red Cross blnodmobile at the Armory. Quota is SO pints. Lawrence Feldschau has been named chairman of the Jaycees' donor committee. All persons lip Henderson of San Mateo. Scholarship Wot Scholarships amounting to thou sands of dollars were presented to the following Willamette students: the William Wallace Youngson scholarship. David Steward, Cor vallis; Standard Oil scholarship, Mararet Ann Morton, Portland, and Dean Bishoprick, Woodburn; Crown Zellerback, Marilyn Isaak, Salem; Mary L. Collins graduate ' scholarship, John Bone, Salem; land; Vic Backlund. Bandon; Laur el Alexander, Sunny Valley; Rob ert Allen, Walla Walla; Larry Thompson, Hoquiam; Tom Loree, Vancouver; and Douglas Houser, JoAnn Benard, Torrence; and Gay Kent, Deadwood, S.D. Certificate holders are Fran Bachelder, John Bone. Dick Geer, Gay Hall, Jerry McCallister, John Ogden, Utah. Faculty members nh( ' H ri.rin. wi.r' c.. tapped were Dr. Daniel Schulze lpm; pau, Ackerman, Page Baiicy, and Mr. Richard Peine. Ron Butler Lorraine Landrud, Certificate Holders Tom Larson. Delph Short. Port- Most important senior presenla- land; Chuck Anderson. Marquam, tion was the awarding of 10 gold Judy Benson, Bend; Bill Bjork keys and 25 certificates to out- man, Molalla; Chet Daniels, Dal- standing seniors. Receiving keys las; Dan Dearborn, Ontario; Dale - t naries b. m c c u 1 1 o c n, victor Were Joanne Terhark, Bill Nelson, Gustafson, Harrisburg; Margaret - tiarniuna, canaon; rionan voniand GlIln p erett . Port and: Huson. Medford: Joann Pvm. Se- Duane Alvord, Oregon City; Dean attic; Margie Knochenhauer, Bur Benson, Bend; Dale Patton Mc- lingame; Jeanne Holmes, San Car- Minnville; Marian Rutledge, Beav-, los; Ray Owens, Boise; and Re- erton; George Bleile, Roseburg; becca Hang. Singapore. Kschen. James Anderson and Dale . Greenlee, Salem, and Ron Taylor, ? ( orvallis; Bruce R. Baxter Me-.-i. morial scholarship, Stanley Culy, 1. 1 Medford; Louise Findley Ileinl scholarship. Muriel Mieuttunen, Molalla: Presser Inundation schol arship in music, Geneva Russell. Molalla; Ellen J. Chamberlain and Julia L. Schultz scholarship, San-1 dra Mcl'abe, Caldwell; Joseph Hoi-1 man scholarship. Sandra Nickel of Albany; Meier and Frank scholar ship, David Landis, Klamath Falls; Pemherton scholarship, Eugene Groves, Eugene; and the AWS scholarship, Gayle York, Portland. New Scholarship A new scholarship, the Monday musical club of Portland award, went to Frances Thompson, Ho quiam; Myra Friesen, Salem; and Marilyn Hanthorn. Portland. Mary L. Collins scholarships, nominaled hy students and se lected by the faculty, went to Sharon Bates, M y r a Friesen, Wayne Walling, and Merlin Hos strtter, Salem; Ron Kingsley, Beaverton; Steve N'ason. Chemult; and Daisy Lim, Indonesia. Tapped for Alpha Kappa Nu, hijhest grades in the senior class, were John Bone, John Rehfuss, Walter Wilson, and Judy Benson, all of Salem; Bill Farr and Joanne Terhark, Portland: Chuck Andre son, Marquam; Millicent Tower, Ashland; Marion Rutledge, Beav ertorrt George Bleile, Roseburg: Dan Dearborn. Ontario; Ray Owens, Boise: Don Hobson, Buhl; Joann Pym, Seattle; Carol Hewitt, Burlingame: Ian Maclver, Yaki ma: and Rebecca Hang, Singapore Alpha Lambda Delta senior awards for women went to Fran Bachelder, Salem: Judy Benson, Bend: Joanne Terhark, Portland; Marian Rutledge, Beaverton; Joann Pym, Seattle; Carol Hewitt, Rurlingame; : .d Rebecca Hang, Singapore. Coach John Lewis presented ath letic awards, which ranged from trophies to jackets and blankets Heasoa Judged Best The J. H. Booth athletic prize, to a senior who. in addition to high scholarship, has exerted a fine moral influence and has achieved the best standing in athletics, went to Dean Benson of Bend. Blankets, Sachets Wan Rlankets and jackets went to Norm Cocking, Dave Gray, Dick -it riiunssnim't'ttn ' QW(QWWJ&LUU llt AUTOMATIC . C0FFEEMASTER Makes delicious coffee every time because of its patented vacuum princi ple. It gives you vigorous agitation of water and coffee in the Brew-top at the correct high heat without boiling - one of the secrets of delicious coffee making. Just set it -and forget it. Makes 1 to 10 cups automati cally. Upar and lower vessels are made of solid copper, chromcplated. fc.'. '- Complete food service for home freezer owners ' HOFFMAN FOOD SERVICE Featuring Stokleys Honor Brand and Old South, Fruits, Vegetables and Juices Bellanna and Ocean Garden Frozen Seafoods SNOWCROr FROZEN FOODS U.S.D.A. GRADED MEAT Expertly Wrapped and Quick-Froien Let Hoffman Stock Your Freezer 2-3639 1750 FAIRGROUNDS RD. "Guaranteed Good Eating" Hoffman Foods Hat Been in Business in Salem for 25 Years Telephone for Our Price List and Our Monthly Mailings J ; I Seen only on higher priced cars and Chevrolet meaningful emblem o Body by Fisher When you ee "sterling" on silver you know w hat it meani-solid siW ver, all the way through. 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