15-Sc ft) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Wed, May 23, 06 WEDNESDAY BROADCASTS ' r ft eft Tee Ittliaii elteeo Is taw faJrk ttt MnM 4 Unet aa provided by fadw aad TV eteiieaja, bat beraeae tlwrt IM acetraaaa are roasted MkM MtllWstM that newieaeee cum a-e Nimim fee Ik actwracy Batata.) WEDNESDAY'S TELEVISION HIGHLIGHTS KFTV WEDNESDAY'S R1GHUGBT9 (CH ANNEX. XT) I ' lltst t..-NBC Matinee Theater-"Brief Music.- story of a frail. Intense college girt, her practical roommate and their lev lor the him young profeeeor. t:M .B Mattee Theater -Itafl ol th Yukon," starring Kirby Grant and Sutaime Dalbert. KOIN-TT WEDNESDAY'! RICRLIGBTS (CHANNEL Dt 1 l:W .av-Armchalr Theater-"A Grand for Grandma": Mabel Page. t:M bjb. Studo l7-"Great Wide World" with Sprinf Byingtnn and Esther Date. Mail order ada brlnf together two lonely women M friend and neighbors. t: Mt-Tlmei Square PUyhouse The Hitchhiker tu a Lady. With John Keuogg and Jane Nye. II: M p.ai. Showtime on Si "I Became a Criminal": Trevor Howard and Sally Gray. KLOB-TV WEDNESDAY HIGHLIGHTS (CHANNEL III: 1 11 :M p.aw-Afternooa film Fetival--rhird Tirr Lucky'' starring ; Clynnit Johns and Dermot Walsh is the romance of a gambler and a lady. - ' - (:) ja.-Wednesday Night Fights-Johnny Summerlin. rated No j la the heavyweight division, lakes oa veteraa two aaueriieu ia a 10-round bout. 1:M p.. Homelowg Theater-T'onnict With Wings." starring Joha Gregson and Kieroi Moore. Villagers rise up against an Uland bird sanctuary being used as a rocket-firing range. Channel CKncltW By BOX KEAN S3 . In Vi A IK .. I iWLiil i-H w ... YVH British Fear Archbishop Rescue Plot WEDNESDAY'S TELEVISION "KPTV. I'HF T: KOIVTV. VHF I: KLOR. VHF It M:M at: II M:45 HOW 7 EPTV Horn iHomt IHom :Hom KOINptiwre ant ttt iPanoTtaat .Jf!''0,,;!?J'jr.!fw'f,'T' p1 EFTTlTm. rml-JTiiB. ml Feather Neat 'Feather Nut s KOlMvallant Lady (Love of Life Search Tomof. IGuidin Ujht SEfTV Ding Doog Sch. Wng Dong fcb. Irale Kovec tErnle Kovnc tOLMjtrk Put ijtckftar, At World Tuma At World Turn! tHTlToday (Today ITodty IV KOINlReM, Q. Uwt Robt Q. Lewll ILInkletter aOORi - . I - I 11 Today !Unk letter Pub. Inttmt IFTVInbC Mat Thee.lNBC Mat. ThesJNBC Mat. Thai. NBC Mat Thea. KOINlBir Payoff ' - IBIf Payoff iBok Croaby Bob Crotby KLOK Firm FoeUval (film Fetttval lFllm Foetival jFlhn Faitival ISKPTVIoata vllk Lift Mod. Xomanen Quwa for Day iQuren for Dt 1- EOIY Brighter Day r.ecrt Elorm lEdge of Night Idft of Nifht KLORI film Fetttval iFlIm Feetlval iFilm Fcttlval film Fcatlval KPTV'jiittnea Thea. (Mttlnee Thea. iMattna Thaa. iMaUntt Tha KOINiAnachalr Tka. lArmrhair Tn. IKOIN Kilchaa IKOIN Kllrh.n KLORI The RunlM (The "' lElibt(i lEIIrabttli KPTV'MtUnM Thaa. IMattnao Thaa. IWhat'i Cookiag What's Cooking KOINIcarry Mnora Cirry Moor lArthur Codfray Arthur Codfrty KLORIudy of HouatLady of MouwClamour Girl IQIamour Clrl SKFTVIcolorama IT IColorama ft I Bar 17 Corral IBar IT Corral KOlNlArthuf Godfrey lArthur Godfrey Igtrika It lick IStrlka it Rich KLOBlMld-day Mat. 1 Via-day Mat. Mld-day Mat Mld-day Mat. i KFTVIl Marritd Joan I Marrltd Joan! Howdy Doedy IHowdy Doody 1 KOINlMr. Mom ICartoon Time iRrd Dunnljji KLOR! Mid-day Mat (Purple Baft ITbay Uani rRfd Dunning Thtr Laare KFTVlHarMr's Jamb. IHarpar's Jtmk. Nw Central iNrwi Cantral KOINlRed Dunnlnc IDoug Edward! Brav Eafle IBrav Eaalt KLORlMirkay stouie jMlckay Mouia Mlckry Mouia Mltkay Moui KrTVlDatalln IurIDatellno tur'p lCokt Time Nct Caravan KOlNlwaalhwNtwi Ktwt - it Carwn Kit Cartoa By CHARLES COLLET MAHEN SEYCHELLES IS LANDS I Fearful that Greek commandos may try ta rescue Archbishop Makarioa by Right, the British have tichXraed security precautions arouad the exiled lead er of the Eaoaia movement la unite Cyprus with Grece. Sir William Addis, British gover nor of the Seychelles group of is lands 1.000 milea east of Africa, said 1 an interview that aU author ities had bees alerted ta watch out for any Greek ships that might try to slip rescuers ashore. Arcasatlsa Made Makarioa. Greek Ordhodox arch bishop of Cyprus, was exiled to the Seychelles with three asso ciates in March. The British ac cused him of partial responsibility in the campaign of violence being waged against them by the pro Greek Eoka underground oa Cy prus. Addis said the four exiles had riT.isr. avAL-tv. rhaaawi ii heea forbiddea to leave the IrVrV:ii.-: ,h 8w-iummer !ie-raanrr Your Net. Mali-, residence, sans souci (withaat Thaaiar wnn jooa CarrMiinin trt. where they are quartered. '.s.0.Jxi?Llr..i, JVl-lr. Guards around the vUla bow pa- Rnundup Jl-Thr .Nrw: S:M tTol With police dogS " I f,rta iii-.: :"lh'r After their arrival the four Cy- port: I ta wild Bin H'ciiok, t.ja . . . . , ti Pr.ak tn Rank: i s-i Ld Thrrt prwts were allowed to move about i.ivm: t:jaLiie o( Riky; a te Kraft Mahe under parole. The governor's 15Z h" ,uch iaunU- fan " aa-scifnr ricuon Tnratrr: and no one Is allowed to comrmin- 3 - SnrDock Hoimaa: iaa - My , jrt, wllh them. Servants at the !.'S-TVo,."Vfv'rrk: house are under close surveillance. Sabrr , Haager Mrtke The governor declined to com ment on a hrief hunger strike Ma karios staged about two weeks ago, boac waaay): iaa a saying he was acting in all mat in Na ano Waalhrr; l IS-Eip-; , nni in.lrfi-. i, school " r . -Give him a glass of aailk duriag SupcraMa. a hath after 'Rabia Ua4'. aad pat hiss la bed la the twiddle of Caesar's Hoar'." KVAL TV, VHF 13 Sixth Princess Chosen KOAC 550 k.c LrV 4. U.S. Capital Takes Out Time To Honor Outstanding Dogs By AJtTHVB EDSON AP Newaleatatea Writer WASHINGTON CP - You might say the nation's capital went ta the dogs Tuesday keeps a beagle eye out for heroic pooches. And thera wis Rep. Carroll Recce (R-Tenn) presenting the Smithsonian Institution with the ' t J , f v."'.l 'I ' .1 i r'v , . i --. - J : - i .i - If i . l -N-. Hi of Hum Eronomi'ri staff; n.aa The the colonial office in London. It is loni.rt Hail: u aa-Tha nwi and understood hawever. that the arch- Hmir; i.aa-Mriodv Unr; i :js Th bishop was indignant over the new ! PORTLAND Judy Vallmaa, 17-year-ald ekarmer from Washlagtoa Mill on tna rioM; uperiaiiy securixy measures ana long uiiays: Hi(h School, Tuesday became the sixth prmcess ta Join the Portland u' Hwlth7" 'loicialfe'iieaa f in delivery of Tnail to him, caused Rose Festival royal eaort. She It the daughter af Mr. and Mrs. Crippled Children. ' t:JO - Memory i by censorship. I William C. Vallmaa. 10U N.E. Everett St. Judy is t feet l Inches r: l:l-Muw of U Masters 4:tW . ... ,h .n-hhishnn harl mill KdnH Rv for Mmr: a:lA un inc. - Upbeat: 4: Nf Commentary; :! Children! Theater; S:Ja Lon don Forum: : The Ni and tall and weight lit) pounds. (AP Phote) Weather; S:is-Bocial Security; Acroaa the Duk; : The Child Beyond; 7 : Came Commllon Bulletin: T:IS-Evenln Farm Hour; S: Keyboard Claialf-: S:t$-OSC Library; S:S Mmic That Rniturea; 1:41 Kvrnint Meditation" Weltmln !ter Houae; lt:t-Sin Off. Ship to Haul KLOR'nrhta irifhta irirhij IBranaean 7 KPTV ' Direct p)rht Dlrect Plyhs. I Dad Kn'wt Beit! Dad Knwi Beat KOINlArlh. GodfrtylArth. Codtry Arth. CodfrtylArth. Godfrey oajri unney lana loimeyiano luitneyiana lunneyiana s" eWTVlKrafl Theit Kraft Theat IKratt Theat Kraft Theat. KOINlMllUonaira millionaire , l've a Serret rva a Secret KLORI Dunnlnier iDunnlnger ' Maiquerade Maaquerade "KWlow"Ufa iYour Ufa Mr. D.A. Mr."D. A. KOIN Studio 17 ' IStudlo ST iTtmes Square ITImei Square KL0RiBrnk nl1 IBreak Bank IPolice Dept. I Police Dept. WorJ'l Hod Crop Totals In Decrease WASHINGTON W Ttia 1955-56 world hop crop totaled 134 million pounds, the United States Depart- eating to protest his treatment but ended his strike after a talk with the governor. Wrw mi RtiiM r- I M J ' a Managera of the tiny islands JrSaOllrt ilr the Seychelles group are believed oVIUlv 11 to have been instructed to seize any I . suspicious ship hovering offshore. 11 I lip IWlffPC The British fishing vessel Mar- rr '" ttlto sou In recently anchored o(( Sil houette Island by night after re- SAN FRANCISCO uf - A tanker turnins from a fishing expedition, that will carry more wine than a Reports received here said the is- small city of men could drink in a Japs Probing to See If U.S. Guns Frighten Sardines Higher Grade Pav Okehed to Retired Arniv, AF Officers WASHINGTON UP - The Senate has passed and sent to the House a bill to continue permanently a law which allows Army and Air Force officers to retire with the rank and pay of their higher tem porary grades. TOKYO - A task force of TH laW " J a temporarv basis will expire on Japanese scientists Tuesday began Jan Tne Navy ,iready nas tnc investigating to determine if I'.S. permanent right. Army antiaircraft guns drove the ' er later was seriously HI with ae- standing guard among a display of phrrtis and prjeurrtoeia. Her aurte, World War I uniforms that he is the next room, fainted while knew1 so .-well, she was ironing, and her cigarette; Reece was as officer in the out lit the ironifli board cover. - fit. and J Kntwt Cnn .;k 't lv-cw - I - 4 , ln,w wiw For here was Vice President I Snooks went into aelioBrTender Uie Veterans of Foreign Wars, was Richard Nixoa giving a medal to ing first aid by whining and lick-"1' mascot's official keeper. Snooks, who saved the life of her j ing the nurse's face. Nurse recov-' Both looked fondly at Stubby, his owner. Mrs. Sidney Mesher. when ered but then fainted again and ears erect and alert. I'nlike Snooks she was bedrtddea and helpless. : poor. Snooks had to do her rescue nis parentage was unknown. Off "First time a vice president ever . work all over again. This time the band, you'd say his background gave a dog a medal." said a happy nurse revived and was able to interesting and varied. dog food man whose company j douse the flames. j Well. Reece presented the doa "Too bad Checkers isn t here," , and Dr. Leonard Carmichael. the said Mrs. Mesher, referring to Nix-; Smithsonian secretary, made a on't dog. graceful little acceptance speech. "Yes." said Nixon, handing over; "The sentimental things in life," the medal. 3 : as anvthin ' stuffed remains of Stubby, famed la Glass Case j Everyone cheered. mascot af the 102nd infantry, 26th Now bark to the Smithsonian A great day indeed in canine division, in World War I. where Stubby is in a glass case, history. Farple Heart Stubby spent 201 days at the front, was wounded, got the Purple Heart and a batch of medals. Shake paws with a vice president? Why, Stubby didn't settle for any thing less than the top kick. He welcomed Wilson to France, later had his paw lifted by Harding, Coolidge and Gen. John J. "Black Jack" Pershing. Yet of the two ceremonies you would have to give the edge to Snooks, who at the age of seven is still a frisky, friendly little lady, s "She's half Collie and half Spiti," Mrs. Mesher said. "Since both her mother and father had papers, Snook ie is a real thorough bred." The Meshers thought so much of Snooks that when their apartment manager said, sorry, the new rule is, po dogs, they promptly moved out. "Don't blame you a bit," Nixon said. "I'd do the same." Cover Burns It was a lucky move. Mrs. Mesh- FUNERAL DIRECTORS laJL- "J""rT III ! nJaf . "Salem's Pioneer Funeral Home" Established 1878 Need for economy will never deprive anyone of the dignity and sacred simplicity of our services. Terms If desired land manager and 12 armed men (lifetime will be built in San Fran- sardines away from the Bosho Pe- REICH CHIEF TO VISIT boarded the fishing boat at mid- .cisco under a 6 million dollar con- ninsula. I BON' West Germany's night to search for the archbishop. tract signed with Bethlehem ship- j Fishing communities in the Paci- Chancellor Konrad Adenauer an The island manager reportedly yards by the I'nited Vintners, Inc. fjc coast arM 0 chiba prefec-1 foreign Minister Heinrich Von i,,.. k-j -i. :-ui ,i,, ... orenianu plan 10 inaae a aiaic ttire had complained that the sar-1 Ui, ,0 ,uf jn w, n ww dines quit their grounds in 194, inviled in February by Italian after the Americans began AA fir- mier Antonio Segni and Foreign BRITON CONSIDERS AUCKLAND. New Zealand liv ing along the shoreline. A KFTVIuayor of Twn.Mayor of Twa I Tonight W KOIN TV Plyhae. 11 KLORI NEW J. TV Plyhet. I NEWS JTonliht mm Fast ' IShew, oa I I HU.J-'Tj'elil Home Tw. The. srTVlTonlfht. (Toniaht Paul Ic Ford 1Paul It Ford KOINIshow oa I fihow oa $ ' Show oa I Show on I KLOKfHomo T' Tht.fKm Twn Thr Hm, Twn. Thi Hrrmt Twb. th. WEDNESDAY'S RADIO KILM 1M KOCO 14N ROAI MM ROW 7t ROW a IRX UN rMl Meetcrelot KOIW Itl.lj KR M.I: ROW let. HOUR 6 M:t N:1S . jN-M Farmcatt trail Farmeaal Vail N:tt RSLM Vail ROAI farm Newt Brk Nook KOIN World Newt I KOIN Klk ROW Muaie World Newt RtX Newt-Re'f Tm Keee Time Farmeaal Newt . Brk Nook Nook-Rewa KOIN Klock KOIN KkKk Llitea Llateo Keep Time Keep Time Gam Hmlnaoa Brafil Raf f.kl R.ki W .. " ROCO Tunes It flmslTanas It TlmtlTunat TimtlTunet at Tlma ROAI Brk. nook KOIN KOIN Klocl ROW Llitea RRR Newt Brk None Sradl Newt iatea Keep ftane RSLN riiff gnle r.mily Altar am Nook Com Newt iLliten Keep Time Wlble Init Nook-Newt Babbitt Show lyiiher Report Keep Time Bible nf ; af. KOCO Tunet it TlOMlTunaa at TimtlTunet fc TimtlTunet it Time eue era noaa Hr nooa flaOIN Conaum'r NawtiValla, avKciw RIX Newt Linen Llitea Newi-K'o TlmtlKeep flmt Bra Nook Shelley Vera. Lltten Keep flme Nook Newt Shelley Bert. Luten Keep flme 9 KSLM Newt' Newt 'Paato-t Call Baraaln tn'int' ROCO UM Tune St U9 Tuna It 14W Tune It HM Tune St nAB spiaer-Hin spider-Hitt Spider-HItt HI't-Newt KOIN Wendv WtrtaBi Howard Mllleri Helen Trtnt Mid-Morn N'wt ROW Llatea .. Liaten Lietea Lliten RKX Brkttt. Club Brkut Club Brklat Club Brkfti Clua Minister Gaetano Martino on their 3 Timts Foiftr Whon Gas crowds Heart said he was acting on government; Th( t.ni u.:n ho ahU tn rarrv1.. u .u Brentano plan to make a state Orders. ((wl .-..iv-Unt nf I9U million Vint- tles of wine at a sailing. Louis A. Petri, president of the urinn omnanv onnnnnrMl vnctAr. ment Of ArglCUlture Foreign Agri-;-. Pjmiini Hill. vi h. nt rfov that Ihp 91Jin.lnn tanlior will I The investisatinn it beinB made 1 Visit to Bonn cultural oc.kc ..w. - . , top Ml Everest .gain, but this be ready by next May. It will be by 20 s c i e n 1 1 s t s in two ships, This represents a 7 per cent,tjme the nar(j way H, re(erred to named the SS Angelo Petri after loaded with tape recorders, under decrease f'om the 143 600.000 (he norn approach, by way of the chairman of the board of the sea microphones and other instru- pounas narvesv m i um forDidden Tibet. This route is company. menis. about 17 oer cent lareer than the j v.. .u. n.j rt,. -.a j k..i; averaee for the five-year period,.. . . . ,,... ... !L. - i:.:-. .u- . .n .u:- . :.. j ci"edlaooratorytetsproveBell-an 1. . , (11 til li w r 01 "oei. niuaiy anu onerpa laciiuir!) tu iiauuii- imc m-tut ) vm snip a nuici . a i i 1 1 1 uuiuuuuu , laoiett neutralize 1 timet at much immertiately louowing vvorw w ar , We TCmine Norgay were the be built at dockside New York and from California and returning from rnach tCta,,y , en. mlut. By II. This year s production, how-; J East Coas, wj,h 0(her jd !W$- .U. from the Z Nepal side. The tanker will be a two-way foods. , UiUn TASUT, with Cha.coai mediate pre-war years. The reduced crop was due main- Iv crops in the United State Germany and Czechoslovakia the three most import hop exporting countries. Nations showing in creases In production were the( United Kingdom, Belgium, Japan, France and Spain. The agency i report said that "Despite the smaller world crop and Improved purchasing power In most hops importing countries. U.S. exports of hops during 1955 5 (September-August; are not likely to show an appreciable in crease of the 11 to 12 million pound level of recent years Studebaker's got 'em all looking twice! POWER J RSLM Newt I ROCO Newt-Bportt " ROAI Spider-Hut ' OROIN Mrs Burtoa ' ROW Weekday REX toff-K Wert ' rsln tuna Teat I Rot'O Newt-Sports ar , r. . r... iTella Teat Wint vf Song Wln el Bona - MM fune Rt, HBO Tune St MHO Tune St Coffee Tunt Kelly Wedding ,Hlta-Newt lAunt Mary Nnrt Drtkt Aunt Jenny Weekday Weekday (Weekday Bob Carred My True Storr My True Story Tuna' Tett Queen a Day Queen t day iv iune ai nwi tune at. lm 1 t.nt SV ROAI Dinnei Wlnntf Dinner Wlnner'plder-HItt itoae of uit 1ROIN ROW RIX Nordlne Girl Marnea IMa Perkint IDr. iDr. Malone Peala ITo the Ladlea Whltprint Sit. Geo. Putnam Newt Top Tradet IShowtime rtlt-Nei IGuidlns Lliht To the Lxtiet 'Paul Harvey Vail rarmcait" IShowtime Lunch-Newt RttM Newt N W I ROCO World Newt Showtime eriaa ai.w. k. . " unfii.iiin raunvniinwa v.nvr an KOIN Newt. Weather Come Get It Houje Party Houae Pn. VROW Fenner Newt tjiwrenre Walk. Pepper Young iWoman In Hie REX Art Baker Bum Conrad jRuit Conrad IFarm Newt RSLM Matinee Matinee Matinee Matinee ROCO Newt-Bportt Lediet' Lane Clartne CilllniiClarine Ctllmi ROAI Lunch. Munch Luncnin MunrhiLunrn Munrn .unrh-Newi ROIN Artn Goatrty Arth Gidlrey M (iodtrey Arthur Gixtfret ROW Htpplneat tWldder Brown IWerkdav I Weekday RIX Newt-Conrad Run Lonrtd Rm Conrad Run Conrad RS1.M Matinee Matlnea " Miilnf. ROCO Newt-8porta Citrine Calllni Clarine Calllna Clanne Calllnt ROAI Pat't Parlor Pat a Parlor Pat'i farlnr ,r.M.,.,. ROIN Arth (."flirty Arth Gndlrey Good Nrwf Kathv r.nitfre fiW McAn. Muile McAn Muile. MeAn. Muaie Pr..rr,i,n REX Newt-Conra Ruaa Con ran Ruaa Conrad Ruti Conrad Defense Plant Rill Extends Authority WASHINGTON t -The House has passed and sent to the Senate a bill continuing until July 1, 1957, the Defense Department's author ity to build or convert plants for defense production or mobiliia tion purposes. ' The existing emereencv author ity expires July 1 of this year. 1 25 "r 3 RSLM Matinee Rtnrv flme "'t WilUm ite Teii real ROCO Newt-Spartt :, Clarine Cellini Clarine Calllni Citrine Calling KOAR pat't Parlor Pat't Parlor Ptt'n Parlor Hurlnr-Newa H'tm Ai.iton ROW REX McAnul'.y Mua. McAaulty Mut. " M' An lty Mu MrAn7ty newt-conraa Ruia Conrad Ruaa Conrad Ruaa Conrad KILM Fulton tewlt ''itnr,' ' re i n.ner s H ieei ROCO Newt-Sporti Wett, Rhythm IWeat Rhythm iWtat. Rhythm KOAI Pat'a Parlor Pita Parlor Pat'a parlrr 'arltr-New KOIN Klrkham Newil Alexander! Newspa. nf Alr'Newapa. of Air HOW Mut-MrAn lty Mm. MrAn'Itt Mua MrAnulttr Mua MrAouitv - tn Newa-Biac kb m'Bob Blarkburn Boh Blaeltbrn fob Blackburn - ELM Bob h Ray Bob V Ray Bob Green BilTBrunriaee ROCO Newt-Sportt Slow Drive Slow Drive Wtlly't Sports ROAI Traffic Jambr. Traffic Jambr. Traffic .lamhr. Mian Off KOIN Ed R Murrew Local Newt -Tom Harmon Frank Gnat ROW Mua-McAn'lty Local Newt te- Maton Elmer Peteraon RIX Newt-Blarkb rnlBob Blackb'rn Bob Blarkb'rni Boh Blarkh'rn 4 5 WE TAKE BETTER C&R! OF YOUR TV PHONE ANYTIME 4-3327 for Servlia Cath - Daily 1410 I llth Sunday Service frem I M i TELEVISION SERVICE CO. No other car in its clam even cornea close to Studebaker's 275 hp. standard in the Golden Hawk, leader of the four fabulous Studebaker Hawks! ) . wKl t ISI.N Gab Hratter ROCO Newt-SporU Sporta, Newt Chet Huntley IX Fifhtt 6i,m ROCO KOIN KGW RIX iimnrv Time Vewt "im Have 8on(t at Sund lSonat at Sund.l Sonet t Bund. Lowell ThomMt'Amua n Ana Amut n Ane Stock Report lone Rtnfer iane Rinftr rightt irighu nihil - .' 7 8 RILM True Detective True Detertlve Ratehall Banehall ROCO Newt-Sportt Rhyth. Si Bluett Rhyth. A BluctiRhyth. Bluet nteioay rung uroiny jnnnnv Dollar Man on Ge 'Old Duaty Old Duaty Bob Carred iBob Adklnt Bob Adkint IBatebaJl IBetahall IRaaebatl Hhyth.-Bluet Rhyth -Bluet Rhyth -Bluet jack Carina FBI rBI I Man's Ftm, Dance Time Dance Time Adkint Show Adkint Show Adklnt Show ROIN Melody ROW 3 Star Xtra REX Bill Otern RII.M Baaeball KOCO Newf Sporta KOIN Jack Cartoa ROW World Newt RIX Adklnt Show 9 RSLM Baaeball Baaehall Rxeehtll Ratehall KOCO Newt-Bportt Rhyth. Bluet I Rhyth. Bluet IRmvth. A Blu't KOIN My Son Jeep Treaaury ShowiWaihtn. D. C. Aanhtn. D C. ROW Groucho Mtra Greucho Mara irlandwaton Bandwagun REX Bob Adklnt Bob Adklnt Jimmy Fldler Edw P Morgan Baaeball Newa IMuilc Rythm. Bluet U0O Tune St 1400 Tunt St. Jaycee Rep'ta Jaycee Reporta Good Evening Dance Time Dance Time Dance Time Danceland DaiK-eland IDanreltnd a, RSLM Baaeball ROCO Sewt-Sportt 1 KOIN I Star Final OROW Rchfld Rea. RX Newt vm,- 1 ROCO Vewa-Rportt tllent ROIN Newt-Phil Or. Mm. " Mutlc ,1 Panea Timt Danceland Tonlte Dance Time Danceland IMutla Mm. Tonlte 'Dance Tlmt Danceland IMutla Vut Tonlte Dance Time Danceland itia VACATION Special on MOTOROLA' 1 CAR RADIOS Only 39.95 MITCHELL Radio & Television 1S80 State Si. Ph. 3-7577 We Give WT Greea Stamps m 7 Eaown with lLa o o the msm Come in today! etueebaiter Champion Beatanet Priceei start at the bottom of the low prica field and savings start with the first mile you drive. Studebaker has won 17 Mobil gas Economy Run "firsta"! DEAL! The greatest! No matter which Studebaker you choose, your Studebaker Dealer can give you the fineet deal you ever saw . . . especially during his big Spring Trade-feat! Try him! DEEwKER Dlviaien ef etudebaker-Packar Corporation Where pride ef workmanenip aim cornea ftratl Craftsmanship with a flair! Tune In "T9 aieaeer'e D.eaet" every week. 370 North Church St. Bonesteele Sales & Service. Inc. Advance Inquiry Invited Salam, Oregon By L I larrkk Vera I. larrkk Delben I. Downey Donald L Barrica. Mar 3-9139 talem't lerfetl fvoeral parkina facilitiai Ceaaplaterf privaM family parking. Mf -- T ' I Jj WWW HOME 205 S. CHURCH AT FERRY Did you M from earjy Sprinf through fawner ti ; MtFoU? yvk a IdoharalOmotfk ctihtx hsk f M ieyj fa -a Fav hit bis Eb h-t nl ti I VwiJ AMERICA'S OUTSTANDING LIGHTWEIGHT WORSTED -MOHAIR SUIT Today you no longtr need a different kind of suit everytime the' thermometer goes up or down. Mohara, because of the thermostatic adaptability of the natural fibres in the cloth, automatically adjusts itself to temperature changes... keeps you cool on hot days, comfortable when cool Come in and choose from our wide selection. $CO50 tat at Amerlea'l lareejt eelllat natural fiber, haktweltkt aait b am it are) (SeieaUfleany Enfiaearei and Treated te raaiat water and ataiaa . rauia treaaa aad ) A 1 rMif . .1 1 1 Tfrvyyva- v taMDMatatq : MOHARA i i RUNiiKnitmsR jjWoWlaVlJ la Salem's Own Store Since 1890