i 1 465 to Finish Work At Parrish Junior High Completion of junior high school' Hill Gary Hoffman, Dwayne Hof work is scheduled for some 46;stetter, Lloydene Hollen, Gussie boys and (iris at Parrish Junior Holler, Diane Hopkins, Ruby High according to a list announced Hooper. Duane Howe. Carol Hud Tuesday by Principal Robert H. n- Hubert Hudson. Ann Hurt. A total of 490 were graduated jn 95j Because of de-emphasis of ninth grade completion by the Salem School Board, commencement ex- r .-rises aiU not be held in the junior high schools for the first I me this year Instead the ninth Dl'lf BP! Mill Ka1I f -All -nil (I. graders will hold a farewell as sembly on Monday June 4 and will receive their report cards the fol lowing Wednesday Parents are being invited to the mn asemny. v.umj,.ru..x Wnn.r nign. ur . lene Klrcn LaMont Klepper. San Pamsh this year are: dra Knu,h Sam Koont(. Roper A Krmniro Hprnic K'niP9Ar Rp!K' man, Jim Allen. James Allen, Dennis Anderson. Wes Arm strong. James Ashbi.ush, Connie Ashton, Robert .... pi;, i . Austin, Shirley V i Avery, l-aura Aver1 B Larry y Bahns, Shirley Bahns. a Baker, Marjone Ball. Patrici Sharon Barlow, Nancy Bates, Jim Batliner, Glenn Bauman Diane Baxter, Delbert Beach, . oyce Bedient, Josephine Bender, Put Benjamin, M'nte Bentlev, Kay. Bergland, Boh Beutler, Mit r'lcll Billioss, Stenhen Billings, Isrijaret Bitsoie. Stanley Bjelde, ' nda Elankenship. Wilda Blan nshlp, Marianne IWewetl, Ear i ne Boardrcw, Shirley Boesch, Jim Bohanan, Terry Bonn, Sue Boring, Roy Borregard Janet Bosell, Anne Boudieau, JoAnne Bourne. Sharyl Bra.sch', Patricia , Braden, Norma Braff. Janice Brandon, Ted Brenoman, Evelyn Brent, Shirley Brent gjjillj Brrwn, Sandy Buechler, Jackie Bum, Sharon Burrttht, Roberta Busbv, Randall Butts. C jUKriic ii . i iiiiciii v aim- han. Mary Campbell, Patricia Campbell, Elizabeth Caples, Wy .. , Jrr rP,rrnT T.rrli rharle, rVrtlr RTrarr Lrv r tarter. Bob Carter, Henry Case- beer, Walt tauble, Joyce Cham bcrlain, Terry Chancey, Ruby ( handler, Jean Chapman, Rob lioy Cheek, Will Christensen, David Clatterbuck, Chad Erik Coe, Fred Cole, Dianne Collette, Conie Collins, Michael Copper, Leslie Cooler, Carl Cotner, Mar tha Creighton, Mike Crow, Caro lyn Crum, Karen Cummings. D Doru Ann Davis, Mary Kay janvcf Pease far ?fA Harold Davis. Sharon Davis, .lames pedigo, Judy Penur.i, Joseph Pe Day. Karen Day, Sue Deal, rez, Iwana Perlich, Mike Peth, Norman DeHut, Jim D e n t, ' Jean Dewing, JoAnne DeZort, Deana Dierks, Daryel Donaldson, Geraldine Donlon, Rebecca Dosh- er, Jack Doughton, Danny Down- ey, Betty Draper, Charla Duncan, Earl Durham, Norman Dwyer, Wester Dyck, Marie Dyer, E, F Lloyd Earls. Donna Ebert, Car- ma Jean Eianedge, uaie fclicins, Janice Elrod, Linda Emmerton, Mepnen &psicin, Linua r,ris- nusr, .in-fjuru n u , ncum gaard, Michael Esch, Pat Ether-; Rossncr, Barbara Roth, Diana idge, M. J. Evans, Perry Evans,' Rowe, Brenda Russell, Sandra Gloria Evenson, Brbbv Farmen.'St. Clair, Darrell Sample, Frank Jeraldine Faville, Judith Faville, Satter, David Saunders, Jean Jim Fedde, Greg Ferguson, Don- Schafer, Klaas Schenk, Carolyn na Fetsch, Linda Ficklin, Kathy Seamster, Linda Scburn, Wayne Fiedler, Tom Finch, Bruce Focht-, Sebern, Lois Shafer, Michael man, Pat Foelkl, Ai'atha Forest, 1 Shaw, Carol Shelton, Jill Shep Sharon Forrest. Beth Ann Fox.'ard. Jim Shires, Lois Shroyer, Larry Franks, Bev Frey, Sandra Charlene Shryock, Kenneth Stull, Frey, Sharon Sim, John Simpson, Neva n I Sims, Richard Sivers, Judy Sla- Judv Gallagher, Beverlv Card- ter. Wanda Slaughter, Barbara ner, Judv Gardner, Lynda Garri- Smith, Beverly Smith, Nancy son, Gail Gately, Bill Gentzkow, Smith, Steven Smith, Carolin Gerald Gettis, Eugene Gilbert- Snook, Dale Spoe'stra, Sondra son. Lois Gilliland. Frankie Jo Starkey, Weldon Starkey. Jerry Gillman, J. R. Goerke, Anna Steinbock, Richard Steinke, Belle Gordon, Garrett Goulet, Jackie Stenlund, Clifford Steph Jovce Graham, Robert Graham, enson, Joyce Stephenson, James Nanrv Grav, Sandra Green, Con- Stepper, Virginia Stepper, Pat nle Grcsg. Jim Grleser. Joyce Stevenson, Sandie Stilfler, Bcb Guthrie, Richard Gvdesen, Stone, Dflmer Stoops, Margaret H Stout, Floyd Stroh, Gene Stout- Jcrrv Hagednrn, Norman Hag- cnburg. Sarah Stuail Mary Ann ner, Nancv Hahn, Thomas Such. Aaron Swennngson. Karen Haines, Teddv Halvorsnn, I.eslev Swenmngson. Charles Swenson, Hammer, Fred Hamrick, Marlene and Al Stuetzle, Hanshaw, Bryan Hiinson, Mary T to Z Hanson, Dolores Hargrove. Carol Richard Teague. Monty Terry, Harland, Susan Hnrman, Judy Alvin Tesdal, Daud Thelcn, Harold, Terry Harrington, Ste- Llewellya Thomas, Sue Thomas, phen Harris, Grant Harter, John James Toney, Bill Tiwnson, Bev Hassell, Linda Havles, William erly Treat, Sharon Truax, Sandra Heard, Larrv Heath, Sharon True, Conrad Tull, Fred Tweedie, Hebb, Raymond Heifer, Cindy Charlene Tyler, Gaylene Van Henshaw, Kent Herbert, Charey Cleave, Glen Vawlerhoof, Kay Herrmann, Helen Hewitt. Inez Vap, Ken Vap, Alvir Versolenko, Hicks, Gerald Hilrie; brand, Ben- Donovan Wabs. Ethel Walker, nv Hileman, Lucille llilke, Kathy Stephen Ward, Roberta Warnock, New Hearing Aid Miracle by... - rrn r IN,, f" Maico 311 State St., Salem Pleose send me informotion. Noma Addrei City Maico Of Saltm, 31 1 Statt St. Street Fleer Leeitiea (A ms freaa Ladd Bash Bank) 1.1. X. Rex Ianson, Joyce Irwin, James; J.ackm,n - e"net,h Jaco' S'l'4' JlSc?TJ" J5S ,e Johlnsfftt B i 1 1 Johnson, JamM Johnson( Marvjn Johnso PMr ,nsim Tnmmv Johnson Viola Johnson, David Jones. John- . ... ny Jones, Robert Jones. Jack Joy' ner, Barbara Kautz, David Kel ler, Paul Keller. Ronnie Kennen, C.arv Rac&II Klivahptti Wviar r.!nr"i kilrfal sivi Kimnli. Karen Kingston. Susan Klarr, Ar- Jean Kurth, Dick Kuykendall, L Tars Lama, Larrv Lamb, John IwlllUlhlll, I'llllllA (.Mill, .VIIllll Uny Unlljgan ,,,. i 1 1 i Ti : 1 1; i write apprn, diiht jean tap Lcwman, Robm Lhdquist, Bar- pv ,.itrhfipid s.nrtr, ijnvd Roth' Lockenour, Danny l.owery, Jack' Lowery, Roy Lukens and Jerry, , ,,' M tuition scholarship to the New York "Arlene Maas, Snndra Maas, I niversity School of Law next Jim MarDnnald, Ji'hn Mackey, year. Alcx?ndria March, Dick Mar.ih, Bone, a political science major, Larry Mason, Arthur Masters, is the second student picked Leroy Mathers, Bill Mauerhan, this year to attend the New York Linda Sue May, Paul Maynarcl, school on a scholarship. Dan Dear Carol Mcdeck. Judy Mehlhoff, born of Ontario received a John Franklin Meier, Karen Meier. Ren Snow stiiend last month y M(Mcr- 0Dert Jieigncn, L,in- aa menizer, men Aierreu, ueu J'errilt - ne Messmer, Janice Messmer, Darlene Meyer, Phyllis Meyer, Tad Milburn. Jim Miller, James Wilier, Marjurie Miller, .uinam miiipr, nnaron miner, Trev Miller, Michae' Mills, Mel vin Mocahee. Anita Moore. Jim Moore, Ralph Motgan, Linda Motley, .ludv Mnrrcll, Virginia n , . . Mo r,nc'a James MuHrt - lAnftf Mnmhv Marv Mv. Marv Me n nm r.ralil McClaughry, Dona McCue, Wilma MPal, Charles McGee. Vera McKinzie, Larry McKinney N, 0, P Stanley Nelsen, Kenneth Ne son, Nancy Nelson, Paula Nelson, 5'?- Np.p'1.GL'"n iNorby, John North, Carole Nor wood, Clayton Nyhus, Judy Oh- mart, Monte Olson, Sue Orr.-na, Knyren Orr, Earl Ortloff, Jean Oshorn, Nancy Otto Rhett Partie, , Karen Patterson, Larry Patzer, fnllepn Panlpv Rnl.'inH P.inUnn Suzanne Phillips, Joan Picha, Jimmy Pierce, Linds Pope, Bruce: White, Roberta Wickman, Patty ' Powell, Gerald Prunk, i Willis, Virginia Wimmer, Dennis R, S W'ohlgemuth, Judy Winter, Glo- Terry Randall, Donald Reed.lria Wittrock, Pete Wodzewoda, Nancy Reese, Janice Reid.jRobert Wolf, Margie Wolfe, iDwight Reinwald, Russel Rey-, Grant Wood, Homer Wood, Lin- inolds, Martha Rheam, David Richardson, Doug Ritchie, Lois Roberts, Susan Roberts, Violet noDinson, jonn nonrer, jajnes Rolofson, Richard Ronk, Connie State. I No Dangling Core I J No Bulky Bowt I 1 No heavy block I I framtt I I No Chang, in Your I J "Appecronce I Winner m Double I e r ef ackolattic grants tar traduate study la John Bane, (above) Salem sen ior at Willamette I'aiversity. Willamette U. Senior Wins T nW f",nt VM dill John Bone, senior at Willamette I niversity has been awarded a full Bone has attended Willamette on a four-year Rotary scholarship. In addition to his tuition award from NYU, Bone received on Tues day the Mary L. Collins Graduate scholarship, amounting to $600. This local award is presented an nually to a male graduate to do first year graduate work. Three candidates were nominated by the vote of the students, the faculty selecting Bone recipient of uie scnuiaiMiiu. A graduate of North Salem high school, he is the son of Mr. and , . fl . s. LIONS EAT PERSONS VAUDAT A TTrtonla tm T !ah. have eaten 40 persons recently in the Ankole district if this British East African colony, a game de partment official said Tuesday. The government has decided to hire a white hunter to try to exterminate the man-eaters. Elaine Wellbrock, Ann W'elty, Jerry Wentzel, Joy West, Rosalie West, Dean Westling, Shirley da Wood, Margaret Wright, Sharon Wright, Tom W night, Lanny Wright, Tom Wright, Danny Ycoy, Ann Yost, Mike Youngquisl, Andrea Zeisle. Frances Ziermann, Let us serve your day by diy health needs, as well as with e u r t e nv plete prescription service. fflDGMSfiMB Prevent Eye Injury! In the shop, in sports, or while driving, wear the new Unbreakable Glasses that won't shat ter .. . won't break. Ready in 1 day at Sender Optical. Liberal Credit NO EXTRA Charg fmy aIjt fa AmvnH yov cm mflord, wkty monthly. Wmp jwur CMiiMt Whiff foyin$1 V.VYKI( OMN 011 1-JJH aa am. sV ki..s i.iulh mm n-AMpk Leslie to Fete 436 Graduates Leslie Junior High School will j fete its 43 ninth traders whe are completing Junior high scftoot Wis j year with an "Aloha" party June 1 and a farewell assembly the foH lowing Monday. j The largest class to be gradu-, ated from- Leslie, it will gather at ; the gymnasium for the farewell ' party featuring dancing, movies, and games. The final assembly is scheduled in the auditorium at which the outstanding boy and girl will be earned, and scholar- ships, merit and music awards : presented. A skit depicting the; Barbara Glodt Wither, Kay Meech. Judy Meiss- highlights of the class in its junior I fej Goodman. Stephen Cood-!aw'. p,fr Melin, Julianne Mel bigh years is also scheduled. rich, Alvin Gookin, Dennis Gr-!wr. Drrlfn Mennis and Linda Because no graduation excraises man, Shirley Govier. Judith ! Mf) K are scheduled for the school this Graen, Bill Grier. Gary Griesen, j M year, ninth graders will receive Carolyn Griff is, Isya Gwyn. Rich- j Frank Miller, Gail Miller, Kath report ards and certificates of ; ard Hagner. Jo Eve Hailey, Doug-.nne Miller. Kristine Miller, Nan completion Wednesday, June 4. lias Hamilton, Linda Hammond, 'ry Miller. Dolores Mitchell, Jean The list of graduates, announced ; Eddie Hansen, Lenita Hanson 1 Mobley, Dorothy Moen, Judy Tuesday by Principal Earl Hamp- and Billy Harmes ! Mohr, Sylvia Momyer, Uurs ton. are: Karen Harris. Bobby Hartman, ; Moore, Max Moorhead and Mitch- Betty Aaserude, Dick Acker- Joan Haskins, James Hass. Lewis r Murdork. man, Andy Akulaw, Bill Allen, Hatfield, Carol Hauck, Richard 'Roberta Myers, Bill McCallis John Allen, Molly Allen, Keith j Haugen. Edward Haury, Lance rr, Larry MeCargar, Judv Mc Alrick. Dianne Amundson, Den- j Hazelbaker, Curtis Hedge, Tom ! ciellan. Doug McCormack, Daniel nis Anderson, Edward Anderson, Heltzel, Wilma Higley, Richard McCune, Kenny McDermitt, Anne Hannah Anderson, John. Ander-; Hill, Robert Hill and Ronald Hill, j McDonough. Ralph McEldowney, son, Mable Anderson, Patsy An-! James Hills. Susan Hilsx, Anita jDarta McElroy, Marshall Mc gove and Marilyn Arthur. i Hoar, Peggy Hogan, Myrna Hoi- George, Leo McGranahan, Larry Larry Asburry. Leroy Bachel-1 verson, Ronald HoUkamp, Marie ; fjeal, Douglas Nelson, Janet Nel ler, Jani Baker, Nancy Baker, Bob Hooley, Derrold Hopkins. Laur- Wn and Judi Nelson Ball, Helen Barker, Judy Barker. ; etta Hopkins. Carolyn Howells. ; Leilani Nelson, Elsie Neuman, Fred Barnes. Bob Bartlelt. Russell Jersld Howey, David Hubbard, Robert Newell. Mary Newton. Bartlctt, SUSn Bartlelt, JOfln uen nuim-n, non nuioen. uor- f Beard, Rollin Beaver and David don Humphrey and Judson Hy-: Berglund. Loren Blanchard, Sandra I. J Bloom, Deanne Blume. Carolyn David Irving, Irvin Iverson, Blythe, Jeffrey Bodenweiser, Lula : Myrna Jackson, Steve Jackson, Boggs, Cheryl Bosley, Judy Bour- j Helen Jacobson. Patricia Jami son, Martin Bowes, Jerry Braat-'ton, Dennis Jandera, Dona Jan en, Jim Bradley, Carl Brimmer, ; ders, Carolyn Jarvis, Jim John Sue Brasher, Bruce Bressler and ; son, Keith Johnson, Lynn John Roger Brewer. j ion and Sharon Johnson. , b, C I Terrald Johnson, David Jones, Adele Brown, Gerald Brown. Mae Jones, Caroline Joseph Kar Robert Brownell, Gary Brunk. Juan- George Karklins. , Richard Brunkal. Janis Bryan, K'M; Jh" Kwr- p Richard Burkland. Paul Burns, i K Kore. Beverly Ki lern. Delbert Carol Burton, Jimmv Burton, Bill Killingsworth, Monte Lee Kim-1 Bush, Jim Butler, Sharon Vnum and Gary Calaba. Larry Camden, Larry Campbell, Carla Carlson, Marilyn Carr, Frances Carter, Ann Case, Con nie Chambers, . Marcia Chase, Raymond Chastain, Shirley Chris tenson, Linda Christian, Gloria Clark, Jim Clark, Joyce Clark, Sharon Clouse and John Coates. Peggy Coe, Marilyn Coffel, Mar ilyn Coffman, David Cook, Mar ilyn Corbett, Marvin Corbett, Robert Cornelius, Karen Covey, Sharon Covey, Wayne Cox, Nora Coyner and Jerry Crabb. Patty Crawford, Shirley Crok er, Judy Crump, Susan Cruse, James Culp, Jr., Gary Cupp, Don na Curlin, Sharon Cushing, Ann Dallas, Janet Davenport, Eugene Davis, Stephen Dawson, Kenneth De Camp, Don Denton, William Dezatell and Andrie Dieckmann. Sharon Dillard. Laura Dilley, Eldon Dobson, Dennis Dodge, Judy Doland, David Douglas, Robert Douglas, Lloyd Doyle, Gwen Dubbe, Tom Dunham, Bet- i ty Dyke and Danny Euwerth. DEPEND ON YOUR It for Professional Htalth Servicts Take No Chances Where Your Health Is Concerned Capital Drug Store 2 Locations to Better Srrve Yon Main Store: 405 State, Corner of Liberty Prescription Shop: (17 Chemekets, Griffin Bldg. WE GIVE Z-K GREEN STAMPS 1 i M. STAT 1 1 COMMt RCIAl Mm. On E. F Sharoa Elbert. Marjory -Ilia. R0y Ellis. Jr, Margaret fciser. Sandy Engelsoa, Carole Epperr.f Arthur Erickson, Judy Ericksoa. Sherry Enria, Larry EtzeL Mariaa Everett, Mary Ana Fagra, Anna Farrar, Joan Fast, Mike $ enlmore and Judy Filler, Dennis Fisher. Paul Fisher. Bruce Follis, Don Foot, ialvert Ford. Linda Fox, Cheryl Fries, Fayt Futrell. John GemmetL Danny Gesner, Phil Gilstrap, Ron- nie Gisler, Dennis Glasgow and mm NGREAS lfH r n iLIILj-L11 - -;i I v , - . , ...MJi..- - X-- " . - . ' f & () () 1 - .-t f'j.1(firt(fVJiiti; mi, . 'imi in r,r ..r,",;'rr'K.....tt r... j1tJ!yX1.1.,.i-jitwai''' i5 HMMMMi mmmmmimmmm MUCUir CUSTOM HAIDTOP COUM one of eighteen bio M TM J Inl Don't miss 430 N. Commercial St. merling. Howard Kleea. Rita Kline. Mary Lou Kosark and Bonnie Jean Kurth. Gerald Kurth, Richie Laetseh, Ellen Lambert. William Largent, Kathleen Lanoa. Janet . Lewis, Linda Lewis, Mike Lindberf. Kent Lindon, John Little, Larry Logs don. Peter Louner and Richard Lott Suzanne Loucks, Larry Louk ojarri, Dick Lundgren, Verda Maeness. Gerald M honey, Jon iMangis, Eugenia Margosian, Julia : Marshall. Joe Martin. Penny Cannery Local 670 REGULAR MEETING 8:00 P.M., Wednesday, May 23 HelhNo. I . . . Labor Taasplt 44S Center St., Salem rn an n ui niL at no increase Now! At no extra cost . . . you get 235-hp in Montereys and Montclairs . . . 225-hp in Medalist and Custom models when equipped with optional Merc-O-Matic Drive. Mercury's new increased power gives you faster response than ever before . . . even more usable power for rapid acceleration and safer passing! the big M Medalist and Custom give you more horsepower-per-dollar than any other make of car and the highest standard horsepower in their price range. To match the low-cost Medalist's power Now more than ever your big buy is the big television hit, "THE ED McKinney Statesman. Sakm.Orf., W - With Party, Farewell I Keith Nibler. Albert Nichols. Don Non-U, Susan Olsea, Keith 01 sra. Larry Osbot ie. Sally Osko, ! Linda Fade and Norma Par menter. Elvin Paynter. Diana Pearcy, : Joy Pederson. Charles Penrod, Judy Perkey. Mike Perkins, Da vid Perry, Darlene Persons, Ed iward Peters. Daryl Peterson. Peggy Peterson, Julie Pettyjohn, Roberta Phillips, Durwin Piburn, Beulah Pickerell. Charlotte Pons ford and Richard Post. Bingham Powell, Carol Powell, Nancy Preckwinkle. Billy Pren tice, Tom Prork, Don Puhlman, Ralph Pyritz, Lorena Randolph, Steve Ravmond, Constance Rean ey. Mike Reilly and Pat Reilly. ' Joyce Reynolds. Jean Rhoads, Linda Rich. Lee Rich. Murriel Richardson, Philip Riensche, Linda Ritchie, Dorothy Robbins. Sharon ' Roberton, Terri Robinson, Marilyn Rohn. Marie Roller, Phyllis Ros ier, Beverly Roth, Larry Roth weiler and Ronnie Rund. R. S Doris Rust, Darrell Rybloom, Lois Ryser, Joanne Sanders, Mar cia Saunders, Don Schackmann, AUn Scharf. Larry Schendel, Phillip Schiller. Joyce Schindler.l Gloria Schmidt and Dorothy Schneider. i Randy Schuck, Jill Scott, Jerry iSealey, Sue See, Larry Sefuln, ! m ANNOUMC ED H0BEP - n m beauties in four price ranges that Mm Sl'I.I.IVAN SHOW," Sunday evening, 7:00 to 8:00. Station KOIN-TV, rhannel L Lincoln - Mercury, Inc. Stanley Sellers. John Sexton, Ar tha Lou Shadura; Judy Sharp, Alvin Sheets, Bob Sheldon, Helen Sherfield, Jane Shippey, Garry i Siegrnthalrr. Gerald Silke and Michael Smith. Nancy Smith, Webster Smith. Allen Snook. Jerry Stafek. Mar-j garet Sutler, David Steinbock. Phillip Steinbock. Myron Stepper. June Stevenson, Wesley Stewart, Doris Stringham. Glenda Strode ! and Bob Stubbletield. Kenneth Stuber. Terry Sulli- van. Betty Swaim. Robert Swsa on. Byron Swigart. Barbara Tay- lor. Laura Taylor. Suzette Taylor, i Ita Thayer. Leah Thorn. Donna 1 Thomas, Howard Thompson, : Sheryl Thompson, Mary Lee Ti-1 tus. James Todd and Emma Townsend. I , T. V. W Nancy Tribble. Twyla Tuek. Jim Vanderhool, Marlene Wack-i en, Beverly Walker, Curtis Walk-! ihpnce give you more usable horsepower INSURANCE GROUP (( J NEW BROAD POLICY U IT WILL PAY YOU TO CHICK WITH US IEFOKI V U YOU IINW YOUt PIESIMT PCH.ICY f( r I AUTO lillrFKE r TRUCK LIFE ! OSKO INSURANCE AGENCY J) I )) 1465 North Capitol St. ; Phana J4441 and high compression' you would have topay at least $173 more in any competitive car. And only Mercury in its field gives you a 4-barrel carburetor as standard equipment on every model. Come In today. Mercury prices now start below many models in the low-price field. Som4 on o comportiort of momitattvnrt' Miogtffflrf lt mr httvy rfltotf 0rk Ut 4 door nda odli oawppao) villi ufowatic lrWHMl onJ rfmrfmi pw. CU1Y L May 23, 56 (Stc IT1T Assembly er. Gary Walker, Robert Walker. Sally W.ninftord, Shirley WaW . ther, Jerry Warrea, Judy Water. tnaa tod Bob waUla - Dan Watts. Harold C Weath ers, Claudia Wearer, loa Welch, Pauline Weldes, Roger Wells,, Sharoa Weadland. Michael """. strom, Wesley Wbelrhe White, Dsnny Whitesea. T" a Wier, Mary Wilbur, Sharoa t son, Sunnnw Wilson and liua . WUtoa. Margot Wiag. Larry Wiscarson, ' Ricky Wood. Jim Wood nr. PMt -Worral. Barbara Worth. G il Wright, Pamela Wyatt, Thar Yegge. Mika Young. Walter Yua gen, Adam Ziebart aad Susat Z wicker. In the first century, the Romans had fKatioa resorts kt the Pyra Japan had lM.OOt fortiga yuaV IB i and Safcty-Fiiat Design. Saltm, Or era . . . euf NSiNft eniaMi