18-Sec II) Statesman. Salem, Ore, Wed, May 23 "58 NutnbCT 3 Of CL SCriCS Copyrijht 1954, Buma of AdvertUnfc America Newipepor Publisher! Aaoodatio 7 II 11 . r ID 5 II f ;:: - I ,, , , Mi? CM tfrp& iW hath j twyno-Erit for SmxykW Coal G, Ai Uxingten, Ohio. Dlpptr xocpi up 45 cubie jmrdi gulp. It takes a giant to move mountains of merchandise, too. In the world of selling there is a giant who lives in every town the newspaper. The newspaper digs deep in any market for every last sale. Nothing develops the rich ore of responsive customers like the newspaper because: 1. Over 56,000,000 newspapers are sold every day. 2. Newspapers entered 88 of the nation's homes yesterday. 3. 64 of men and 73 of women read the general news pages with advertising In other words, people buy and read and SHOP the newspaper every day. More and more, retailers, wholesalers and distributors are exploiting this daily habit by advertising in newspapers regularly. More and more, manufacturers are doing the same, giving retailers heavy support. In today's competitive world, if you want to move merchandise, you need a giant's help. You need the newspaper. All business is local. . . and so are all newspapers. Mukn Rtwuch Corpoftrioo of America nuioavid otviptpcc lurrey tCoaaauioj Study of Ncviptpci lading Published in,lh interest of mora effective advertising by Statesman-Journal Newspapers, Salem, Oregon