The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 23, 1956, Page 14, Image 14

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    14-(Sec II) Statesman, Salem, Ore, Wei, May 23, '56
Theyll Do It Every tXime By Jimmy HadcT
' " w ee" rTwi NEMu6wf:r"n44T Guy ms surr vwsserr
0 i ucs5 vdo r7! tv koo ecrs VV H4D MORS
J?9-ii Lffx SJC 4NY M4J0R-
Amli1 W S;(frfft3-: to do rr every v
- Z I
JC's Finish
fllrst Round
ieen-Age Tennit
Tourney Narrowed .
lint round of actioa to ih
Salem Junior Chamber ot Com
merce teaa-aft tennia tournament
o4nd up Tufsdiy with tht wlnneri
advftnclnf Into the lecond round
whit tbe loiert were all ousted.
Tbo Junior division (II and
nnder) of too tourney mutt play
iU aeeond round Wednesday, while
Ui Boya diviiioa (13 and under)
hoi- until Thursday to complete
Opponenti may check the play
bt schedules at the North and
South Salem highs lennii courts
when the matches are to be play
ed., JJrst round results and opponents
forthe second round art as lok
lesn: -..
timfr thWn'i ' '
Dan LeboJd Set. Joe, a Mlnrleh -,
t-4 Thame Dirlf 4ef. Dannie Um
-a: bien uumim t. jeraiv.
loort S-. s-l: oick imop an.
Cooatwr; Richard
ft. Am Dally 1-4, ; Allan Stow
tit, Larry Balitn ogr SUwirt
Mi Pnil KlauM; Joha Brown dtt.
Jack Bowman S-l, S-Ol Gary CaUM
SH. BUI CTsndill , T-s, M-. Jtrrjr
Maaa Oat. Larry Ivana-S-i S-l;
Kent Jaaulth dct Mlk Johniton
s-.: e-i.
Alvla linhll M William
ftrowa a.l 1.1. S-S'. Bruca Davit
aC. Dm Millar S-S, S-S; Lora sttu
tof. Dal Bamtdall Jr. S-l, S-S; Jim
Davis Sal. Jarry Statu S-l, l-S;
Btavaa Stawtrt dtf. Jim Vanoirhotl
S-l S-S; Delbart Shaldo Sal. Rlch
arBuUaM S-, S-S.
' Wa aaaall
Mnima Jaeabson vi. Wulf;
SUchtaa n. Ltdd: Marr vi. Moora;
1 Cummlnn vi Oiko; La bold vi,
Dirlf : Durham y. Blahoni Suehan Boytr; atawart vi. Brown;
Matan vs. Jaqultk; MrCormlck vs.
Mnravae: Johntan va. rtyn; wu
ami" va. Hawaii, SUnfaby vs. fleta;
Birfall vi. Waavar,
Vva alpa n. Bakar: Oaiklns vs.
farabaow) B. Davla vs. Balttt 1.
i Dana vs. auwartj Wulf vs.
Sn Bolmliar va. Qraham.
Dellinger Set
flor AAU Meet
itoRTLAND II) - Bit DeDinger,
thC University ef Oregv :
rumwr, will enter tho l.too-meter
event in the Oregon AAU track
and! field meet hers June 1
Others who have entered the
eve)H include Denny Meyer of
Seattle, former Pacific Coast Con
ference two-mile cbsmpion,
frank Learned, meet director,
laid that others who may enter
include Lt. Lowell Zellers; John
Midtbo, Wsihmgtoa ' State; and
Dong Kyle ot Vancouver, B.C.
Colleges from ell over the North
west will send strong teams to the
meet. Learned said.
Detroit Edges
Yankees, 3-2
(Csntlaoed from Breeedlag pan)
horh run, double and single by lh
Pirates' Dsle Long.
Rain postponed Chicago at Phil
adelphia ia the National, Baltimore
at Chicago In tht American.
WUaoa Smacks Homer .
Lary, a young righthander, shut
Off the Yankees after two-first in
ning runs oa lour singles. He gsv
them three singles the rest of the
war while waiting for some sup
pod. H got It In the eighth, as
Detroit scored once with three
tingles, and the ninth, when Red
Wilson tmscked a two-run
to .'win It. The Yanks' Mickey ,
Mantle went hltless in four trio, i
the Ysnks retained their H-1
gafte lead over Cleveland, how
ever, as Boton'g "
or beat the Tribe for tht sixth
straight time, 1-3, with the he.p
of Billy Goodman' two-run hom-j
r-a-hia first in 1M games. j
Dave Sister relieved la tht ninth
to'yavt Brewer's fifth victory in
aixdocisions. Early Wynn lost his
second against four triuphs as
Rod. Sox scored thro unearned
nips in tht first . '.
Id the only other game played
In the AL rookie Troy Herriage
lavo Just three hits-aTTCansas
City defeated Washington l-l. The
A" only had four hits. Including
Johnny Groin's solo homer, off
fobir Senator hurlers, but had the
help of 11 bases oa balls.
CHENEY. Wash, ufl - Wash
ington State put together five
straight hits in the sixth inning
on tho way to l f-t non-conference
baseball wia over Eastern Wash
ington Tuesday.
-fc i LH.4 UJ II M ...... I
19ih Hole Meivs
Salem Celt Club Professional
And 1956 Oregon Open Champion
, I
WiDamette University S golf team is the Northwest Conference
rhamDlon scsln this year by virtue
Coach Jerry Long's athletes came
reflect credit on any big-time school team. The
Bearcats have not had a real banner year from
the stsndpoint of dual golf meets, losing to Lewis
and Clark, Portland U snd Portland State here at
home, as well as several other outfits on the road.
But when the chips were down the boys came
through like real champions. . . . Every player
a hot good golf, with all six men scoring under 160
for the M holes. Tommy Lore had a brilliant 6a
in the morning round and coupled with Lowel Fox'
71 and Dick Moore's 71 it was all but sewed up.
Loree's 10 was good for medalist honors and a
deserved win for Tom. . . . The Willamette team
shows a very high grade point as well as being
a fine collection of medal players, in our opinion tne best eiiort was
made by Fox. Ho J-putted the 36th green or he would have made
the All-Conference team In his seoond full year of 'playing the game
That's learning things in I heck of a hurry, if you ask us. . . .
If ever yea feel that ye are net getting any plate with year
galf game, don't despair. Oae ef ar many seplagnnarlai player
I Jnst BfW Beginning I slants ap after many year at (a game.
(That ward laiwagh the eeartesy of Dea Hendrte. and meaning
over 71 year of age.) Fred Rlteer, whose vitality aid geaeral
nppearaace belie his 71 ysars, came threagh with an at these
rare eagles Satnrday en the Mta at SGC, Aa eagle that wss played
jnet right. He had a iss-yard drive, a J-yard spaas ta within
six lest ef the Bale, and Ufa aa easy putt for his ")". We raa
all take heart In a perfarnane like that, far what eould be mare
la thai goad golf at a advaaeed agr? la the years whe time
hangs heavy a the bands ( the Inactive, the golfing aldnlers
are eat eileylag the great outdoors and fixing themselves up t
llve tamer.
Harry Collins, who retired from the telephone company here some
years ago, plays in weather' that would frighten an Eskimo. But
Harry looks and fee)' great. Bill Busick and Ted Chambers have
worn out hundreds of caddies with their Sunday dawn forays, at
times when the pins are froien to the holes. But they're still at it,
and ae now trying to wear out our son at our old job. Clint Vincent,
Win Needham, Junior Cline, Bob Burrell, Don Blaisdell, Bobby Burns,
Millard Groves, Lloyd Davenport, Pat Miklia and a few others are
ex-caddies who have been routed out of bed by the Busick-Chambers-Powell
combo. . . .
It Wasn't Too of for Med Ingram
If yes suffered la thai K-degree heat ef Ike past week ye had
best take a Irsaoa (ram Med Ingram. Med played the galf af his
' life at Medford last year la IN degree weather, and this psst week
was right dews his alley. He abet the tough second nine at SGC
two times ks err ef a aad 34, which Is mighty good in any kind
ef weather. But the better H get the batter Med gets to. . . .
Salem's out-of-towa collegiate
season. Bob Prall has led the unbeaten Oregon Ducks In slmost every
outing they've had. 'Chuck Huggina has hsd a few hot rounds for the
same squsd and u doing more than his shsre to make U0 the favorite
to cop the PCC title. Al Wood at Oregon State has been playing
very well In best-ball with Bob Donnelly, and his individual matches
hav shown steady Improvement. Oregon and OSC should finish 12
in the Northern Division, playoffs.
Great latere! has bee shown this week In the forthcoming
StaU Jaycee Touraey ta he played June i. Chairman Kiss Smith
Is doing a great Job the meet snd a good field is certain . . .
The Stale Golf Association Junior Tourney ia tap for June 11
and entry blanks are available at SGC. The old pr will be very
dtsappolsted If r kids dea l eater this year. Win, lose r draw.
It I a experience every golf-minded youngster should have . , .
Major League
H Prt
Long, rtn
r.ruton. MH'kea
4S .411
Ranulakt, St. L.
Bailay, Cln'tl
Boyar, St, L.
Walla. P ih
Moon. St
Snider. B k n
Sarnl. St. L.
McMillan Cln'tl
Home Runs: Post, Cincinnati
Lena, Pittsburgh 10; Jablonikl
cinnatl Boyer, St. Louis 9: Ranks.
(Jmcagn I; Robinson. Clminnati I;
Kluszcwskl, ClncinnaU S: Thomas,
Pittsburgh S.
Runs Batted In: I-ong Pittsburgh
SO: Boyer, St. Louis 3(1; Jablonakl,
Cincinnati 17;, SI. t.ouia 24;
Campanella, Brooklyn 11; Moon, St.
Louis 21.
Mantle. N Y M
Maxwell, Detroit H
Vernon. Boston 24
1 1S
P.nvd Bait
Berra, N. Y.
Goodman, B'i'n
Kuenn. Detroit
Lollar. Ch'go
Garnert. Boston
Smith, Bslt.
Home Runs: Mantle. New York IS
Barra, New York II: Garnert. Bos
ton I: Bsuer, New York S; Maxwell,
Detroit 7; Leper. Kansas City 1.
Runs Batted In: Barra. New York
34; Mantle, New York S3; Slmpaon.
Kansas City 24; Lena. Ksnsss City
22; Gemert, Boston 11; Lemon. Wash
ington 11.
I Hlf 'ahle
Vises fas tars, Oregon
I Compiled It U I Coast and
Oeadetir Survrv Portland Ore
High Waters
Low Waters
Time Height
lime Heigh
Tl 11 :.- a m
10 s a m.
23 12:31 pni.
5 IS s m
4 to pm
5 S7 a m.
S II p m.
I M a m.
01 pm.
T1J s.m.
I ll p.m.
ii 2i pin.
1:12 pm.
11:17 p m.
J:M p.m.
,U:31 ia ,
14 pm.
IM s.m.
1:90 a.m. 13
2 3
7 19 pm. It
l a.m. 11
I OS pjn. M
of a tremendous tesm effort.
through in a manner that would
representatives are going good this
Church Softball
vnurcn League soilDail results
luesaay mgni: senior league
playofli) Englewood EUB 10, First
Baptist (, (Junior lesgue make
ups i Immanuel Baptist 7. First
Christian 0; First Baptist I; First
Congregational 6.
Salem Horse
r J
.mil A-i
I i 'i. Vr'.' ' s
j y'3t:i
t V li t si
? i , ! . . . i fjm.' ii . , asm a ... aa.:f i .W W
PORTLAND The thoroughbred She Als Did, pictured here with
Trainer Tarn Wtbb, recently campaigned In California and la now
at fertlaaej Meadow polaUng to the handicaps and stake races.
The her t wed by LIU bora Webb who, along with son Tern
raid aa Ufa. .
Big Ten Refuses to
Comment on PCC
session on schedule-making. Tuesday were noncommittal on the Pa
cific Coast Conference developments, centering en the probation of
UCLA and the University of Washington.
Cards Upsfct
Grays, 10-2
Blues Edge Colds
In Final Inning
The Junior Hiih basebsU
lesgue wound up Tuesday with
the Parrish Cardinals upsetting
the Parriih Grays, 10-2. and the
Lttme Blue ediinf the Letlie
Golds, 6-5.
Jim Shires of the Cards limit
ed the Grays to three hits snd
tinned 12 in hurling the upiet
win over the league champs. He
was given help by Jim Mudd with
a double and tingle,
Billings with a triple and single
and John Jones with a double.
Shires also hit J-for-4.
A double by Dean Weitling
drove in the two Grays runs in
the third.
The Blues won their game in
somewhat dramatic style as Jim
Johnson belted s double in the
7th to drive in Bob Walker with
the game-deciding run. Walker
was running for Durwin Pi bum
who had singled but twisted his
snkle while btse-running.
Piburn hit 2-for-J for the Blum
and Pete Melin hit s triple snd
single for the Golds. Doug Mc-
rorm,CB .Uowed the Golds only
3 hits.
at the season's end
were Grsys 6 2. Bljes 5-3, Goldi
3 5 snd Cards 2-6.
Cravt 007 ooo e III
Cards lit 110 10 11 1
Gilbartaon, Edwards tl) and
Partit; Shlraa and Younfqulat.
Blufi ... . 0.10 030 I S S S
Coidi oo: 0M o s i 3 1
MrCormack and Johnson: Haiti-
bakar, Pavnlar iS) and Nichols.
Card Climaxed!
At Hollywood
Ssturdav night's first full-scale
jalopy destruction derby at Holly-!,na
wood Bowl here will be climaxed
by a demolition bee involving lix
cars, Valley Sports auto racing
promoter Ron Ail has announced.
Tka iv IrlimWjiM Mjill i n mi U An
an everything-goea bssis following 1
the Class A main event, and the
one still in running condition after
the other five are wrecked will be
the winner
Saturday s card will get under."1" vfar' ra"v Ber continues
wav st 7 45 p.m. with time trisllit0 lrad h mon,,V winners with
and will be run off just the same K.57S, the Ladies PGA announced
as any auto racing event at the; Tuesday.
bowl, with heat rnmps and msin
events following the trials snd
trophy dash.
The Capital Auto Racing Associa
tion pilots, who provided last
week's thrill-filled snd wreck-laden
stock hard tops csrd at the big
bowl, will be at the wheels of the
jslopies Saturday night.
I. Dr. Floas. Kirk Thm. Dafroat
I. On Tha Bail, Briv s Honor, Misa
Bar Fir.
3. Saanirh Maid. Col K . Daap Mrs
tary. 4. Sha Also Did. Till. Quick rati
i Fed Ranfe. Errant Prlnra. Mr.
5. Ski Pola. Cltaraway. Blrnhtlm
7 Darballe. Bon Ton Thrifty
I. Unrlt Ait. Of W T . Iva Hrr
t Sonoma Sicklr. Pam Nlta. Sail
Bfst bat: I'nrlt Art - ath ract
Saxons Schedule
Banquet Tonight
The annual Soulh Salem High
Varsity "S" Club Banquet is to
take place tonight in the school s
cafeteria, starting at six o'clock.
To be honored during the spread
are all those Sainn athletes who
earned awards durine the snrinf
, snorts camnasnsn haseha
track, tennis, golf. etc. Also, the
school's "Athlete of the Year" in
to be named by a special selection
committee. Footballer Neil Schei-
del, now a freshman at Stanford I' !
won this award last year.
at Meadows
Tea officials, holding a business
The two conferences meet each
New Year's Day in a Rose Bowl
series which is due to be renreed
by the Big Tea in a Minneapolis
meeting this weekend.
Asked about the punishment
handed the two West Coast
schools. Commissioner KX. (Tug)
Wilson said that he believed each
conference was exercising "cor
rective measures" to maintain
athletic codes and that "I am con-
" each conference will con-
! have a representative
!m in the Rose -Bowl."
Ainieuc iirecior men ursin ei
onto state, wnicn recently wasi
placed on probation in the Big
Ten, said that "we have been
reprimanded by Commissioner
Wilson and are abiding by his rul
ing. We have no concern with the
problems of the Pacific Coast
With the Big Ten faculty repre
sentatives due to consider the
Rose Bowl pact renewal, it was
conjectural whether the Coast
Conference action would affect
their deliberations.
Individually, the Big Ten athle
tic directors snd coaches were re
luctant to discuss the punishment
given out on the Coast and also
on the subject of whether Rose
Bowl relations would be affected.
Like UCLA and Washington,
Ohio State hsi been canned from
Rose Bowl competition in its pro
bation status.
Warriors Nab
League Crown
- AMITY Special Amity nipped
Mill City 3-2 in the Marion County
t f l : l re
u cnampiunsnip piayoii
game here Monday behind the 3-
hit nltrhlna nf Allen Pnlrl Tha turn
iiesms nan tied tor the title with
14-1 records.
Mill City scored twice In the
second inning when Terry Muir
singled home Don Ellingson and
Don Crook.
Mill City strung their runs out.
Allen Coffelt singled and scored on
sn error In the second. Dean Brown
' : ,J 1 .1 ! .L .L J
,mf' nome anwner in ine inire
nen nrown laii.eo me winning
in the fifth on a passed ball
after he had singled to get on base.
Mill City 020 000 02 3 2
Amity 011 010 x-3 4 (
Garrison and Muir; Polii and
tn er-
CHICAGO - Although win
ning only one tournament so -far
Portland Meadows. Wednesday,
post lima S p m. .
Ffrat race, quarter horse, purse
lou. all ages grade A. Ito ysrda:
1. Dalroat, S McDowell 120
1. Pudding Foot. C. Monagnan 110
1. Redwood Pansy, Jo D. Pierce 1 IS
. Kick Them. J. Boag , 117
S. Batty Domo, G. Dixon 120
S. Al Place. A Sherman IM
7. Dr. rtoaa, B. Zollinger .125
S. Notation. T Zulelt .120
S. Sorrel Burdick. E Ciflord 112
10. Lambarta Tedoy. R Ehlera 122
Second race, claim, purse WOO. J
yrs. old and up iSSOO). S'j furlongs:
1. Pretty Choice, J. Prouty .119
2. Rare Qutlllun A. Sherman .... 119
I. Napolad. T. Smothers Ill
4. On Tha Rail. C Dixon lit
i Brev a Honor B Zollinger US
I. Sa nSimon, II. Herr 119
1. Laura Rd L L'nger 100
S Misa Bar Fh, P Hidalo 114
I. Royal Plaver E. Miller 119
10. Tixo. E. Glllord 119
Third tare, claim, purs SHOO. 3 yrs.
old and up liSIMIi. six lurlonga.
1. Deep .VUnlm. B Zollinor 119
1. Saaiuch Maid, Smothers 114
J t'Jl K , 1, I'nfd . 114
4. Si-ooi. E. GllfuiU . 119
5 Kadiddlr, R Hopkins 119
5. Accurate Gue.-s, 3. McDqwelLUS
7. Big Sale. L. Knowlaa 119
8. Little I'rnpa. R Searcv ...114
9 Snnnv Grand D. Plaice 119
10 Big Gamble E. Miller 119
Fourth race, rrnide-n. purse $600.
4 years old and up. 5', furlongk:
1. tmby. B Searcv 114
Herran. L Knowles 114
Famara, P Hidalgo . . 114
She Also Did. B. Zollinger 114
Tiff. G Dye 119
Hindu Fleet A Carmlchael .. 1 19
Kick more I Glfford 114
Quick Feet. G. Slmonls .-.114
Red Cherokee. A. Dunran .. 114
Happy's Law. T Zufelt 114
Fifth rare rraidens. purne ssoo. 3
years old. S1, furlona-
1 Good Judse S McDowell 119
2 Errant Prinre. L Knowles. 119
t Mr. Bare. I Glfford 119
4 Nevada Gal. A Duncan 114
5 Dark Turns P. Hidalgo 119
S Red Rinse B Zollinger 119
7. Terminal V. D. Pierce .114
S. Saltv Queen. P. Illdulso lit
. Foreign Dett I. I'neer .... 1"
16. Won't Tell. R. Sean H
Sixth race, rlalm. purse S)0. J yrs.
old and up. ISOOOi, nx furlongs:
1. Ladv Able R Searrv ins
1. Blenheim Bow B. Zollinger ln
3. Sid P E Glfford 117
4. Halladae I. Knowles .120
5. All Buik. J Hnac ,1?0
. Colonel Null r; Simnnls . IIS
7 ( lear.ivsv P Hinnlpo 1
I Ce,-A-nee E Miller 111
Po'e C, niyon 117
10. Blsrk Lis. S McDowell 115
Seventh race rlai'c nurse Sofi
vearo old end up fillies and nnvr
S1! furlon
THrlftr ? McDowell 119
Darbelle P Hidalgo T 1
Sahrlna J Prouty ... Ill
Rune C. Dlion "1
Jett Fj D Pierce in
t Ktle Cad R Searcv los
Bon Ton L Knnwle. 119
Honey Run. R. Zollinger 1U
Loud Speaker. R. Cavallaro loa
Miss Box S G. Slmonls 11.1
Eighth race, strts
1 yaars old snd up.
all. pure saon,
"Desert Room."
six rurionrs:
Priartop. A. Sherman
I. On Speck, ft Cavallaro
SSoa-Jr -0--Stmonls ;,
4. t'nrle Art G Divon
.1 Head Tese. I,. Knowles
S W r. s; Cif'-rrt
7. Parlay B. 7nl'iner
S love Iter R Srrcv
4. One-nl K . D Oierce
10. Wickv Fie P IHr'ol-n
Ninth race, el.iim ptire sno J
rid and up itlnocli o-r mie:
. 110
I Entries j
"Wishlnr Well''
1 Soil 'Awav. r, Dlin '"0
2. Colonel II. A . 1.. Knowles 120
3. Pam Nita B Zollinger US
4. Reno Dream. F. Smothers.... IIS
5. Sonoma Sickle J Walsh .120
S. Rippling Sea. R Cavallaro 110
7. Boaa Wraniler. P. Hidalgo 1 IS
S. Peaceful Pass, A. Sherman IIS
S. Speed Henrv. D. Pierce 120
10. Profit, E. Glfford 120
Money' Penalties Handed Other PCC Members
(Continued fresa preceding page)
Tuesday after the earlier big
Kale crackdowns against Wash
ington and UCLA for the use of
off-campus funds for "under the
table" payments to athletes.
The furore arising from the Los
Angeles area over the severe pen
alties against UCLA almost over
shadowed the continuing confer
ence session Tuesday.
UCLA drew a three-year proba
tion Saturday, compared with
Washington's two-year probation
earlier in the month. Both win
lose their shares of Rose Bowl
receipts tor the probation yeara
J ill
Black Sldowall
Tubd Typ Tubl
Um le Slea Ve1 ia tjeas' tse le tW Mlti Im flees'
S 4015 $24 SO $1150 J7 4 40 15 117 U $1191 S41 SO
S70-I5 115 11.71 30 ' 13 MS 140 410
7.10-15 M5 Mil 4I.S0 7,0,J '' "
7M , , arso ;;;;
0015 ISO 1740 UM J0. 40w MJ0 ,)-40
l2015 I IS IS IS 1 40 S 0O1 IS IS 111 1.0
m White Sldewall
Tubd Typo Tubl '
lie iwtiee lag flee aeli flees' Slas lstTka Sn tlea Sot 1r
4 40 15 $10 50 $1510 MS SO 4 40 15 $34 1 $17.1 $11.30
070-13 11 OS 1115 47.M 170 15 1415 1771 ll.vO
7.10 15 15 45 J 17.71 111 71015 1.U Its! 110
7.60-15 1175 1 35 SS.10 70 15 4145 11.71 SI M
100 15 415 030 100 15 41 II 14 11 71-St
1 20-15 44 40 12 2 OO.aO 120 15 15 10 75 10
Plut tos ana yavr Iwa rasapawkla tires
' mm
I nnur. MrNULY
I rAHUI ss.- I
I Convenient PocV.t Sis. I
1 . Cco.l-to Coott list o Rod.a
I Stotiom. I
1 Spiol Car-Dolo Pages. I
I Many HelpM Trovsl Tips- j
2095 Fairgrounds Rd.
Phone 3 7435
We Give
and will not be able to win any
sports titles. 1
la addition, the conference fath
ers Monday decreed a year of in
eligibility for all lfss members of
the UCLA varsity and freshman
football squads unless individual
athletes can prove satisfactorily
that they did not receive any fi
nancial aid above conference pro
visions. Kmi Dense Any AM
Ronnie Knox, the most publi
cised of the UCLA players.
promptly said at Los Angeles that
he never received improper aid
and was confident he can prove
V -nS i
Here's our
offer on
) Now you con enjoy tremendous
savings on an rypes or duper
Champion Tires too blockwolls
or whitawolls in tubeleis or
tub type. Theie era the lires
with oil the axtros extra blow
out and puncture safety . . .
xtra skid protection . . . extra
mileogs-AND an extro spatial
pric if you buy nowl
14th and Stale Kts.
Phone 3 9582
Green Stamps
his eligibility.
The conference meeting presum
ably will continue into Wednes
day with lesser matters before it.
'(The Seattle Times said a fac
ulty representative, who declined
to be quoted, said only the lack
of documentation precluded stern
action against "at least two other
schools" at the present session.
The newspaper said the two most
likely targets are generally under
stood to be Southern California!
and Oregon State.
The conference also announced
Tuesday that it was tightening
control on alumni and booster
Buy One Firestone De
at regular '26- No -Trade -In
Price and get 2nd tire for
Not Second Line, Not Third
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Quality Tires same as used
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N taU 1,1 N SaU
" Ms.!.... I,a e,.,.l..l,.
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Taaed Type Tuaed Type .
4 40-13 $1170 $14.90 6.70-15 $24 00 $140
70-15 10 15 5 7.10-15 2 10 31.60
tISm 21 7 40 ,5 ",0 1,75
Jnn J M ?2? 00-14 11 50 17,5
0.00-14 17.55 11 95 .0iB it s mm
4 50 16 2J.J0 11.10 450,6 Jl" 3,21
Twkalass Takalass
47015 22.15 17.95 4.70-1 5 27.15 21.9$
7.10-15 24.25 19.40 7.10-15 270 24.2$
7 40 15 26.40 21.40 7.40-15 22.40 24.70
and your
md your
Plus tax
and your
Plus lax
and your
Confer at Liberty
clubs. AQ of them are ordered to
open their books to the school they
support and to the conference.
The torrent of criticism from
sports editors, students and Los
Angeles followers of UCLA led the
school's Chsncellor. Dr. Raymond
B. Allen Tuesday to term the
heated reaction as "regrettable.
Nothing in the lone run " h
declared, "could do Los Angeles
more harm."
Coach Red Sanders commented
that he would be able to field a
football team this fall "but the
humane society might take a dim
view of it."
Luxe Champion
Slzt 6.70-15
Plus tax and
your two
rocappablt tiros
Phono 2-2491
Cords Honored