Senators Blasted 16-5 For Sixth Loss in Row; Easterbrook Hits Homer LEWISTON- (Special) -The Lewiston Broncs blasted the Salem Senators 18-5 in their Northwest League baseball game here Tuesday night. It was the Broncs' sixth straight victory, and the Senators' sixth straight setback. ' It was no contest from almost the beginning as the Broncs scored three times in the first inning off Lefty Marion Cowdell, added two ; more in the third Portland Bows To Hollywood Suds Rap Mounties, Gain First Place PORTLAND -Hollywood scored three runs in the final in ning to break a 1-1 tie and beat Portland 4-1 in Tuesday night's Pacific Coast League baseball game here. It was Hollywood's first game in Portland's new , victory, against one loss. Multnomah Stadium baseball ! Ray Webster with two hits in park. three trips, Easterbrook with two Elsewhere in the PCL. Seattle ' 'our and Ray Zari with two in four more in the fourth, when Cowdell was tak en out, and then finished up on Bill Walsh with a steady barrage through the later innings. Lewiston had 14 hits, including a home run by Gene Klingler in the fourth inning. Cowdell walked the bases loaded and then served up the grand-slammer to Klinger. The outfielder won a $50 prize for, the four-master. Bob Easterbrook gathered a hom er for Salem in the eighth, with one on. It was Easterbrook'i fourth of the season. Salem was held to eight hits by Bob Wadsworth. Lewiston right hander. It was Wadsworth's third hit four home runs to one b,y Vancouver to register an 8-1 vic tory that pushed the Rainirrs into first place over the Los Angeles Ahgcls who lost their fifth straight to San Pirgo, 11-7, and San Francisco trimmed Sacra mento, 8-3. Vern Stephens hit two of the Seattle homers and Joe Taylor and Ray Orteig each had one. Jim Pisoni hit one for Vancouver. Hollywood's winning runs came on Joe Duhem's homer over the left field fence with two runners on base. Duhem figured in Hollywood's other run in the fifth. Then, Gair Allie doubled to right field, Paul Pettit singled and Duhem hit into a double play, Allie scoring. Royce Lint, who pitched the entire game for the Beavers, tied up the game at 1-1 in the sixth when he hit a bomcr also over the toft field barrier. Five double plays by the Stars killed Beaver scoring threats. The victory moved Hollywood : into sixth place in league standings j and dropped Portland i n t o j seventh. ! A crowd of 3,724 turned out for j the game. I four led what attack the Senators could launch. Webster's double, an infield out, Frank Szekula's single and Easter brook's homer brought in three runs for. the Salems in the eighth. Then in the ninth Ron King sin gled. Zari singled and Webster doubled for the other two Solon tallies. The teams play again Wednes day and Thursday nights. Knox Claims He's Eligible for Football Kayoed: (1) Portland B H O A Saffll.m 2 n 7 n Mrqurr.l 3 1 0 0 Rkwki.r 4 0 2 (1 Mklsn.l .10 9 1 nax-s.:i 2 n i .1 YounK.2 I 1 I 1, Bnjkl. .1117 Bnttler.c .1110 Lint p 3 10 0 The box: Hollywood (4) H H O A Brner.m 4 1 ;) 0 Smiths 4 12 Mzr-kl.2 .1 0 3 Mr Jibs r 4 2 1 0 Alhr.l 2 1 (1 1 Prttlt 1 4 1110 Duhem. I 4 110 Naton c .1 2 S 0 Grrrn.p .10 0 1 Hal o 1 0 n n a-Gahlfr I I 11 Totals 32 27 14 Hnllyu nod Pottland E-Non RBI I. int. Duhem 3 CB Allie. Meju- HR-t.lnt. Duhrm S Allie DP Marrnski. Smith and Pettit 2: Mlrkels-in K.asirtfki and Young; Basinski. Young ind Mirkel-1 win 2; Allie. Mazernskl and Prttit; j Smith. Mazernski and Pettit 2 Lett -Hollvwnod 4. Portland 2 RR. off Green 3, Lint 2 SO, by Green .1. Lint l R-ER -Green 1-1: Lint 4-4 HPB-Saffell Green W--Green 2-t L Lint 1-4 U-Miitan, Smith and Sttlner. T-I-Sft. A 3,724. Saltm (5) (II) Lewliton BRHE BRHE Wbstr.s 3 12 2 Jacobs 5 2 10 Wir n.m 5 0 0 1 Schmlt.3 112 1 Skekld r 4 110 Schelli.l 2 4 10 Estrbk.l 4 12 0 Riney.r 4 4 3 0 Wtllms.l 4 0 0 0 Klngr m 4 2 2 0 Lubv 2 2 0 0 0 Donhu.c 4 0 10 Kinz 2 2 110 Keefe 1 4 110 Swsn.3-2 4 0 0 0 Brnfldl 4 12 1 Zari c 4 0 2 1 Wdsth.p 3 110 Cowdl.p 10 0 0 Walsh, p 2 0 0 0 x-Koepf 110 0 Totals 3(1 5 S 4 Totals 31 II 14 2 x-Safe on fielder's choice for Walsh in 8th. Salem 000 000 032 5 4 Lewiston 302 4.12 20x 1 14 2 Winning pitcher Wadsworth. Losini pitcher Cowdell Pitcher . ip ah h r er so bb Cnwdell .V, 15 5 DO 0 Walsh 4', 21 9 7 (I 4 3 Wadsw'rth 9 3 8 5 5 2 4 Passed hall Zari Left on bases Salem I. Lewiston 7. Home runs y a ni ' .. mm ' m V . 1 V s ' I I, In- . '-V., . X ' I .VhsO f , " : i 'p irH;, ; :p;M " fo i i (' ?. -'r..-: v.w i &m:' ' .1. 4 Braves Rap Bums, 7-3 LOS ANGELES Ronnie Km, right, star back for the UCLA Brain, tells newsmen during an interview on the campus here that "I did Mt get rent mxe than the 17S a month distributed by the Asso ciated Students and allowed uder the Pacific Ctast Conference rules." The statement was prompted when PCC ruled Monday that all Bruin football sqnadi would lose a year's eligibility unless they could prove they received no illegal financial aid. AP Wlrephoto) But Some Still Icebound Tntils 2 nrai nin (KM) 001 Heavies Set For TV Bout 6 PCC Schools Voted Penalty DKTROIT il" A pair of am bitious heavyweights. Summerlin and Harold square nf( in a 10-rnunrl national ly trlrvised battle Wednesday nisht at Detroit's Olynipia. It is hilled as another in a ser ies nf elimination bouts to find a successor to the title vacated by Rocky Marciano. For both Carter, ranked seventh among the heavy weights, and Summerlin, ranked fifth, it is the first "big" fight. Carter, who makes his home :n onlv 21 Mountain Lakes Open Saturday to Fishermen PORTLAND fi Oregon's high mountain lakes and reservoirs, favorite fishing areas for many anglens. open for trout fishing next Easterbrook. Kitngier. Three-base Saturday The opening will include Crane Prairie Reservoir and Davis, h':IriR,erBro? 7.'.dr. ! North and South Twin and Lava lakes. The Oregon uame commission said Tuesday anglers should check on local road conditions before entering the high lake country. The Fbrest Service issues a week ly road and trail report and the Highway Department has informa tion ort other roads in the state. Many Lakes Icebound Many of the lakes still will be icebound on the May 26 opening, and many trails and roads will he blocked by snow. Paulina Lake east nf Bend is free of ice but P(C Hands Minor Fines to Meml! Cal's Biggest With $1,550 WSC Only College Not Hit by Penalty VICTORIA. B C. -The Pa cific Coast Conference got down to the "pin money" penalties Tues day. Fines ranging from $250 to $1,530 were imposed against eight of the nin conference schools for such infractions as irregularities in the athletes' job program, off-campus interviews and improper hand! inc of tickets. The University of California got the $1,550 jolt. The University of Idaho was runnerup at $1,000. The others were: Oregon State, $650; Southern California. $300; University of Oregot. and the Uni versity of California at Los Angel es, $350: Stanford and the Uni versity of Washington, $250. WSC Not Fined Only Washington State College carne through the conference wash with pure white linen. The "tin session has been a highlight of previous years but it came as strictly an anti-climax (Continued on neit page) tjDrej5ongtate5mau IT ii . it jiii Statesman, Salem, Ore., Wed., May 23, '56 (Sec. II)-13 Ruiev. Klinelev. Donahue. Wads worth. Rum. batted in Webster 2. Sekula. Eauterhrook 2. Schmidt 2. Srhelllch Rinev. Klineler 8, Dona hue 2. Keefe. Wadsworth 2. Sacri fices Keefe. Wadsworth. Stolen bases Jacobs. Schelllch. Douhle plav Brownfield to Jacobs to Keefe. Time 2:30 Umpires How and Lopat. Attendance M (paid). Ems Blanked By Yaks, 1-0 EUGENE Yakima shut out Eugene, 1-0, Tuesday night in one of the fastest games of the current Northwest League baseball season. The contest lasted only one hour snow still remains in the camping! and 3' minutes as Yakima pitcher areas. The ice is breaking on East : Dick Young and Bcrlyn Hodges. should he ahleihis left-handed Eugene mound .miinny , (() fsh by (he we(,k end Carter.! ..... , . ,. . BaK limns 101 iiiiim lanra die 10 fish per day, not more than 5 of which may be 12 inches or over. Today's Pitchers VICTORIA. BC. I -Six Pa cific Coast Conference schools jo:ed in voting a 3-year suspen- Linden, N.J., has had sion and a fine of about $95,000 fights. He has won 18 against the iniversiiy oi souin ern California at Ios Angeles lor violation of conference athletic rules. The Associated Press learned from an authoritative (wjce on points source Tuesday. ; This source identified the six as California, Idaho, Oregon. Oregon State, Stanford and Washington State College. The University of Washington, itself suspended from champion ship contention in all sports for two years and fined an estimated $53,000 in an earlier action at San Francisco, joined with the Uni versity of Southern California and UCLA in opposing the punitive ac tion against UCLA. The coalition of six schools which acted against UCLA at Vic toria was the same lineup which suspended the University of Wash ington for two years from playing in the Rose Bowl, from participat ing in revenue from the annual New Year's Day classic, and from competing for championships in all sports, the source said. Mull Slates Net Tourneys foe mowed down batters speedily. In another NWL contest. Bill Bottler struckout 13 in pitching a 4-hit shutout as Spokane beat Wen atchee 2-0. It was the first time this season the Indians had white washed an opponent. Yakima pushed across a run in the eighth inning to climb within a half game of league-leading Eugene. Pete Mikacicb singled, advanced on Bob Wilson's sacri fice, and scored on Erv Wilcox's Bud Mull, singles champion of , sinsle. half of the Northwest Conference from I fhat marred rn otherwise fine them hy knockout. He lost once ; Willamette, will play in the NA1A performance by Hodges, who and drew twice. Carters only de-: national tennis championships at struck out 10 batUrs and walked feat was a TKO loss to Wayne San Diego .lime 8-10. it was an-' ony one. Young fanned six and Bethea. whom he later defeated nounced Tuesday. Mull will repre-' nassed one. Hodecs permitted onlv NORTHWEST LCAGl'I W L Pet. W I, prt. Eusene 14 7 ,6S7 Wenatch 10 13 .43S Yakima 14 S .lit! SALEM 7 14 .XU Trl-City 14 9 .009 Spokane IS .230 ; View Fines Handed OSC, Oregon VICTORIA. B.C. W - The pacific Coast Conference Tuesday announced tnese tines ior uregon State College and the University of Oregon: Oregon Practice of a student while ineligible to practice; var sity basketball practice in excess of permitted 10 hoars per week; improper accounting procedures in issuance of complimentary tickets; fine $350. Oregon State Off-Campus inter- competition of a student w t. Pet. IS 17 .4419 while ineligible; prohibited enter tainment of prospective student athlete; fine $650. Lewstn 12 9 .971 Tuesday's results: at Lewiston 16. Salem 9, at Eugene 0. Yakima 1; at Spokane 2, Wenatchee 0. PACIFIC COAST LEAGl'I W LPct. W LPct. Seattle 27 17 .614 S Fran 21 21 .900 Los Anf 24 1ft .Attn Holvwd IS 21 .42 Sacram 20 18 .52H Portlnd IS 23 .439 Sn Dies 2 21 .912 Vncver 19 28 .349 Tuesay's results: at Portland 1, Hollywood 4: at Los Angeles 7 San Diefo 11: at Sacramento 1. San Fran cisco I. at Vancouver 1, Seattle S. AMERICAN LEAGl'I W L Pet. N York 22 11 t7 Baltimr Clevlnd IS 12 SOO Detroit Boston 17 12 .586 Washjtn 12 19 ..17 i-m, ,n(wtv halfhark from the Chicago 1213 480 Kncnv 1119 .387 J. spewT naiiMci from me Tuesdays results: ai ' Detroit 3- University of Oregon New York 2; at Cleveland 3. Boston James, a 180-DOUnder, Was the 9; at Chlcairo-BaltlnWre. rain; at loam', oiirhth nW! rWra ftar' last season. James Signs Redskin Pact WASHINGTON I - The Wash ington Redskins professional foot ball team Tuesday announced re- 13 17.4.13 ceipt of a contract from Dick Kansas City 6, Washington 1. NATIONAL I.EAr.l'E Mlwauk St. lM Cinnnn Broklyn WLPct. 14 8 .638 Pltshgh 19 12 813 N. York 17 12 .588 Philadel 15 12 .571 Chicago W L Pet. 15 13 .536 13 17 .433 S 18 .333 7 18 Jim Tuesday's results: At Brooklyn 3, Milwaukee 7: at New York 3. Cin cinnati 6: at Philadelphia-Chicago, rain; at Pittsburgh 3. St. Louis 6. Senators Swat: sent Oregon in the tourney. j Mull won the singles title over i the weekend in the NWC tourney here and teammed with Ron But- national LEAGti j ler to win the doubles crown. Milwaukee at Brookiyn-Burdette i The Willamette ace will also (2-2i vs. craig (Mi j iournev to the NCAA champion- Cincinnati at New ork Lawrence J, . ' . , u (5-oi vs. worthington u-4i or Mar- ships at Kalamazoo, Mich , later goneri ii-oi. jn the summer where he will rep- four hits. Young gave up five. rnisDurgn irn , , ,ha rarlr Vorlhu-pst NWL Line Scores St. Louis at Schmidt (2-11 vs Friend 16-21 Chicago at Philadelphia (N) Meyer (1-1) vs. Simmons (1-2 1. AMERICAN LEAGl'I Baltimore at Chicago Ferrarese !l-2i vs Johnson lO-ll or Pierre l4-li Washington at Kansas City Stone (l-0i or Griggs (0-2i vs. Ditmar (.'l-.1i New York at Detroit - Coleman 1 Yakima .... 000 (ion 010 1 4 1 ( 1 -0 j vs. Hoeft (3-1 1 'Eugene 000 iioo Olio -0 5 2 Bust at Cleveland -Brewer (4-1) ' Young and Neal; Hodges and Dap or Porlrrfield ll-3i vs. Score (4-3). , per. Gauthier (9i. Wenatrhee Spokane Lybeck i Hossi. nd oofl noo oooo 000 00(1 02X-J Lashy, Bottler 4 3 5 1 and Meadows Results Donovans Win Rematch In Hot Armory Battle Pot I land Meadows results Tuesday: Firct race. 250 yards for all ages quarter horses: Robin Dale iSimo nisl 1.10. 360 2 80: Sorrel Sammv (Zollinger) 4 20. 2 90 Okie Twiter ifclileis) 3.00. quiniella 114 90, lime id 7 Second race. 3.V) vards all ases could oppose the Montana nasties quarttr horses: l.eon ILninram l.i in, 4 10. 3 00. Miss Domn iDixoni 3 00. 2 50: Sugar Valquot (McDowell) 2.90; quiniella S22.30; time 19. Third race, 6 furlongs 4 up: Beach am (Proutv) 25.10. 16.00. 4.80; Penny B. (Simontsl 4.30, 2.90; Zeldo (Dixonl 2 60; quiniella S65: time 1:12 4. Fourth race, 9 furlongs 3 up: Will Breeches (Hidalgo) 4.50. 3.40. 3 00; Twinbrook (Smothers) 6 50, 4 30; Chir Judv (Gifford) 9 20; quiniella S21; time 1:00.0. Fifth race. 5 furlongs 3 up- Gall west (Hopkins) 5 00. 3 80. 3 60; Rock 'V Pride iSearcvl 6 SO. 4.20; Snow Flight i McDowell) 3.50; quiniella $; 40 time 1:00 2 - Sixth rac, 1 mile 3 no: Sariftd (Pierce! 2fi 00. 15 40, 8.70: Dr. Clinton (Shermani 6 40 !: Phartita (Sejrr i 3 20; quiniella 1137 SO; ttne 1 .40 I Srvpntb race 6 furlnn"" " rtrl'e Tanu iKnnvlesi 36 sn 8n 7W; .loc'mme il)r:iini '0 40. 7 20; Queers Men -Hil-rli 1 fin qinnielli SJ07 00 time ' I'M Sth race- 6 furlongs. 3-up Racres (Giffordl 9 10. 5 10. 3 60: Rorrl (Pierce) 9 10. 4 70; King Carmon (Miller) S70; quinlela 51.10; time 1:12 1. th race 1 mile. S-up Vain Flow er (McDowell) 2010. 6 JO. 4 30: Wis Word! (Boag) 9 70, J 10; Nfttle'g Pride (Hopkins) 5.90; quinlela 2S.S0; Unto 1:40.2. Attendance 17M. Hindi 1111,160. The Donovan Brothers came Ivan from the ring, but it was game, out of their mat rematch mainer 'Brother Red who crawled back. Silverton at the Armory last niht with the in, without a tag, to throw Chene ' Canbv win. But it was a rather hollow out. Then when Chene managed; .1. Weeks one Only half of the I.arry to get back in, Doug was there to and Hcrkamp Chene Herhie Freeman team greet him with punches, kicks and a battering that gained the Chene was the half. Freeman fall eventually Canby Snares 4 A-2 Crown WOODBUB.N-1 Special)- Canby defeated Silverton. 5-1, here Mon day on the neutral Woodburn field to capture the District 4 A-2 base-j ball title and earn a playoff with Central High, .leery Miles hurled a 3-hittter to chalk up the win. I It was a 1-1 hall game going into the bottom of the fifth when Can by tallied four runs. The runs by the Cougars came with the help of singles by Henry Deetz and Kay Youncc and a pair of run producing bunts by Dick and Mike Harms. John Back was the leading Can by hitter, getting 2-for-2, including a double. Don Weeks' single drove in Sil verton's run in the fourth. Canby plays Central at Mon mouth Friday in the next playoff Krause. 2b 61 Zari. c 22 Easterhrk. of 5a Webster, ss 77 Williams, lb 75 Dunn, of 44 Skekula. of 80 Koepf, c 49 Swanson, 3b 67 Warren, of 15 Luby. 2b 5 (Up to date) ab h 2b 3h hr rbi pet His signing with Washington was announced on James' 22nd birth day. Coach Jim Kuharich said he plans to try the Grants Pass, Ore., youngster as an offensive halfback despite James' comparative lack of size. Saxons 22nd, Viks 26lh ... . Prep Links Title Won By Milwaiilrie Golfers PORTLAND Milwaukie High School won the Oregon prep golf championship with a 36-hole, four-man score of 611 at Glendoveer course here Tuesday. Beaverton and Central Catholic shared second place, both with a score of 625.' Milwaukee's opening IS - hole round score was 311. The team had a 305 Tuesday. Top individual honors went to Larry Yturri of Ontario. He carded par 74 Tuesday which, with his 71 Monday, gave him a total of 14S. Tom Shaw of the winning team had the low round of the tourney 70 Tuesday. He carded 82 the first day. Central Catholic's 303 Tuesday was the best team effort of the day. Team Scores: Milwaukie U, Beaverton and Central Catholic 625, Washington 626, Grant 629, Cleveland 632, Corvallis 63. Pendleton 639. Med ford 642, Ontario 642, Jefferson 643. Roseburg 64S, St. Francis of Eugene 645, Astoria 650, Marsh- field 652, Eugene 653, Lake Os wego 653, Seaside 653, Albany 654, Lincoln 656. Sutherlin 662, South Salem 664, Parkrose 667, Franklin 673, Warrenton 686, North Salem 692, Oregon City 702, Prineville' 713. Benton 721, Tigard 722, North Bend 802. National League Milwaukee 616 100 .120 1 11 Brooklyn 000 610 020 3 11 1 num. Jolly ) ana Crendall; Fr skine, Labine (7), Roebuck (SI, Koufax (9 and Campanella. Cincinna1!! . 000 001 400 a 1 a New York OTO S10 000 1 4 1 Nuxnall end Bailer; Gomes. Mc Call (7), Hidzik ii and Westrum. 9t. Lotils O20 051 101 I 11 e Pittsburih .. . 000 101 100 1 IS wenmeier. Co um 17) end Sam e: Law. Face (7). Klnf ill. Arrnva ill nd Kravltr. Eugene Fills Playoff Berth By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The eight-team field for the Oregon high school class A-l base ball playoff was complete Tuesday after Eugene defeated Cottage Grove, 18-1, to grab the final berth. The quarterfinals open Friday with this schedule: 3:30 p.m. Eugene vs. Medford at a Field to be selected, probably Eugene. 3:30 p.m.. Central Catholic of Portland vs. McMinnville at Port land. S p.m., Lincoln of Portland vi. North Salem at Portland. I p.m., Grant of Portland vi. The Dalles at The Dalles. Most interest has centered on The Dalles-Grant contest. The Dalles, the defending champion, has won 29 consecutive garnet, 19 of them this season. Grant is the No. 2 team in the Portland lnter scholastic League. Detroit Edges Yankees, 3-2 1 St. Louis Whip - :g Pittsburgh, 6-3 & By TBI ASSOCIATED PRESS- Three Milwaukee home rum, 0t by Hank Aaron who also doubled and hit two tingles, powered Uai first-place Bravee to a 7-3 virtqrj and dumped Brooklyn's Dodgers to fourth place in the National League race Tuesday Bight. In- 4 day game Frank Lary pitched De troit to a 3-1 victory ever Ktt ing Yankees. ; The Yanks and southpaw Wbiiejr Ford had won tlx straight NevatS theless Lary, a five-time loso; picked up his second victory both over New York. ' Bah! Pttrhee Victary Bob Buhl (S-li was the iaiit waukee winner, although needln relief help from Dave Jolly afUc a two-run homer by Sandy Arnorof in the eighth. Carl Erskine. fat) ing to finish bit second straight start since hit May 12 no-hitter against the New York Giants, left the game in the sixth, trailing J-U Milwaukee then shelled Clem Le bine knocked out only one ln-M previous reuef Job-for thru runt in the seventh and two lib the eighth. The defeat dropped the Brooks II percentage points behind the Cincinnati Redlegs, who whipped the New York Giants 6-3 with two run homers by Roy McMillan aq4 franc koouisob in ue day game. Second-place Sr. Louis, 23-pointt back of the Bravo smacked Pittsburgh 1-2 despite t ( Contained en next page) PCL line Scores Seattle 0M 11 10OS 11 1 Vancouver 000 001 000 I I Sinj-leton end Orteli; Beamon, nnea ii), Bearcy (fi end Neal. San franclsco 000 100 .1211 It Sacramento 000 300 0001 t CeaeJe and Sullivan: ttanka. Lerrtch (7), Candint (1), Oatabaufht (1) and naicn Sen Dleao .. 414 AOA tot 11 Los Ameles 023 000 Ml T S Carmicheel, Herrera (4), and Alt- Huskies Whijj Oregon, 11-8 1 SEATTLE UR A comedy f hits, runs and lots e. errors gave the University of Washington in 114 victory Tuesday ever the Uni versity of Oregon in a Northern Division baseball game here. . The Huskies scored five runs In the eighth on a walk, three Oregon errors, a triple and single. The losers made tevea fielding mitcuet to the Huskies' five. The game was the last of tke season for Washington who woubd up with a S-won, S-lost Northern Division record. - - Oregon . 000 321 001 1 11 7 Washington 040 020 Oix-U I I I Lane. Dmorhnik i) Ihl It) roth; Plktuzis, rodfe (1), Beuer 111, Whllaker 111 anrf Rnwen- lat!a Anderson (J). Thorpe (t) and Han- i,,, i D0 fl1' nan. " ireievi svcuiin tv enu nrauj. American League New York 201) 000 000 1 7 1 Detroit 000 000 Oil ISO Ford and Howard: Lary and Wil- .144 364 .T8 Bonton .100 000 200 S t 1 325 Cleveland 000 000 012 3 S J Hrewer. surer mi and White; Wynn. B, Daley i) and Hesan, Narason (B. Lowest listing hdih Prices in Toivn Many Other Items Reduced as Much as 50 .320 .273 .263 .243 .209 Washington Kansas City 010 000 000 1 050 000 10' . .1 0 4 1 Stewart nvnr I ? I n,iM IM "' Wiesler 1 7 1 and Courtney; Herrlage ooutand oinsoeri SPECIAL MONEY-SAVING OFFER! 000 1(KI 01 3 3 100 040 X-S 8 6 and Monson; Miles is sidelined indefinitely with a severe back injury, one that has been getting progressively worse for over a week and one that now has a lump about the size of a large grapefruit in the small of his back. He was present last night, but couldn't wrestle. Mexican flash Alvaro Valezco teamed with Chene and they gave the Donovans a rousing go of it, kThe third fall resembled a box ing match, and a good one, as Chene and Doug traded many wallops. They turned things over to their partners and the Mex was doing okeh with Red until he was kicked in the back by Doug, from outside the ring. This made it easy for Red to apply the win ning fall. It also turned the premises into an uproar, and the post malch warfare was on full chairs were thrown, one that ended in near beldam, throats, challenges and geheral blast. 'No mavhem. The Donovans were however again rushed from the premises Chene finally grabbed the pub hy protecting forces, as many lie address "niikp'' and issued a tans wanted at them because of challenge to Dniig. then and their ring luetics. Ihere He wanted to ficht. but Chenp won the first fall with Poup wouldn't eo He fin.illv a whirlwind of living drop kicks, went, however, to the dressing a2aint along with an occasional swing, room, with fans trying their dang He flattened Doug Donovan with them, applying the clincher with a knee drop and press. Valezco was in much of the second fall action, but had to call on Chene for help. Larry tossed Doug Dono- dest to punch him In the prelims, Texas Tommy Phelps and Bill Fletcher went to a draw in the opener, and Bull Montana got no better than a draw with Henry Lenz. PCC Will Decide NCAA Playoffs PORTLAND ( - The NCAA district I baseball championship will be decided in a playoff be tween northern and southern division winners of the Pacific Coast Conference. That was the report Tuesday of Roy Helser, Linfield coach and acting commissioner of district 8. lie said he had been notified by the NCAA that "no other school lhan the PCC leaders in the Sth district warranted consideration for additional playoffs by virtue of not having satisfactory records representative competi tion This means that defending cham pion Southern California, the Southern Division winner, will meet Oregon or Washington, whichever wins the Northern Divi sion title, In a three-game playoff. ssSL They're magnetized! That means they stirk to your oven, kitchen cabinets any iron or steel sur face. Or hang these colorful, heavily-padded mitts by their handy loops. Perfect for kitchen and cook-outsl TAKE ADVANTAGE of Royal Crown's big, moneyrtaving offer today! Buy a carton of new RC. Get acquainted with this lighter, fresher cola. That's all we ask. Then send two RC bottle Ttaps fflfHrremhi-or- rarTrPak flavors) and only 50f in coin to RC, Hox 15-A, Brooklyn 1, N. Y. Your magnetized oven mitts will be mailed promptly. Order now supplies are limited ! Bettor Taste calls fbr SPINNING REELS Bronson 509Jef Bronson No. 200 4-Way tans ft4-a 6 A hifhrf vfaril tplmar huanlansly aWsifiiW fa m aa a ritl liana! imM. talis) fktfefc - f 95 fram. Yh S3 (rak or lark. I4.M kCO1 14.91 Bronson 400 Sprint Reel n saiiaaar has sraaalli spared atllaa atraf that pastas hatwM aViva awar ana (rank. Draf awrtaai fa f (5 adjusts m lag. actim. 17 J 121 y Spin Rod 4 Airex Larchmonl Reel s 109 ys of Bnt vimi4 m imI lata fiwaal afiMl atiksaM Naw aacrmivo ajtiasVant brali atraf Stwahr raarkaratM tasa MM 19 ts S'll t, Montague Reg. 7.50 SPINNING RODS 7 1 1 n. IEEDE8 HcGIU rt Q r SPIM RODS .,,, w mmm WaVar i S59S Ij.$l5.5 . S Ft Montague Glass Salmon Troll Rod ,& 6SS No. 2200 Bronsonl (asiina di AVVI 1 Til, $395 All F SIies Flal-Fish Reg. 1.20 72' Reg. 5.60 No. 35 Ocean City Fly Reel 4 lb. to 12 lb. Trst Coils of Leader All 500 and 700 Series Hobhols & 59 Double Blade Trout Spinners 2,., 15 RED HOT SPECIAL LARGE BUDDY BOX TACKLE BOX 17x8x1 4 Trays Reg. 11.00 $5 95 Wi 1 Phone STORE HOURS . . . Open Friday 'til 9 P.M. Sunday 10 A.M. to 6 P.M. ervRTiHC COODJ 210 WALLACE RD. At Entrance to Wallace Marine Park