8-SeaI) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Tues., My 22, '56 New York Closing Stocks Reprtl Stern IT Ljnt Pwrc. ftnacr e4 Ihn A f Admiral Cr It', ifieei Dmernle ', Al Chm By ,.ll' , Gn lie .... , S AIH4 tin .., . ,Ccn road . 4'e AIIM Cham ,.. M Gn Mnlor Aim l4i i Cn Tire M'a Akunlmim LIS U1 ! G Pa fly ' , Am Airllrwa jCillett 47'e Am' Cm , 44', iGlidden ..... Si's Am rTea le'i 1 Gondrtrh .. II ' Am Union t ,Gooar I Am III rdf MK. . Greee W ft Am TAT I Mil' ! Crt N Rr 43', Am Mwn ; Crt l Rug II "a Am Vlame ., I7H. ,Crhmind !: IPnelpa-Dntlg I Ptilkw Corp I Phil Mnrrta Pfiil Petrol jl Pllltbtiry . ; hot A Gam . Pug M PAL Pur Oil -. Aw Copiwr TT'i Arm) . nn Armour ... t1a AlrhwM Tap .U'( Am Betidl Avia . rV.1 po4t Mm mi toln Air aWli . - i fcorf Wan Rwrrva Burrs Adding C Caltr Park .. Campb Soup . Cm Pat Rr Can It Cult Oil - HomeaUke at . I ., I Irrt Marveat 511 ' N"' fr M P.pr J Johne-Mant Jone A M 111 a'4 , . t . 'a Kaleer Alum . Kennerolt Kara Land ... Grains Finish Irregularly . CHICAGO With closing out - J of May contracts attracting most , ! attention, grains finished irreiru I lar on the Board of Trade Mon- . 'a j There. was heavy liquidation in o'a ; May wheat and the final price j was down 41 lo C'i cent! and p 4.1'i at the day I tow. The new crop IT ,.!!","T';.,lnc month! eased early but rallied to J?!' Hi;",! m i? nishS to higher. 4' May wheal .losed 4,-6'i lower ,JJ, . jat 1.21'V114. May corn W higher at 1 48'-l.4J, May oats IS J'i lower at S5-'a. May rye1 '4-14 higher at 117-122 and May, lard 30 to 45 cents a hundred: pounds lower at 12 70-12.55. Other future of wheat closed -4 higher, corn 'a lower to 1H higher, oats l4-l:4 lower, rye un changed to "i higher, soybeans 1U Inwpr In 3 higher and larH J" J . 27 to 43 cents a hundred pounds lower. Chicago Livestock CHICAGO (API-ll'SDAI Hots 000; tt-m hlfrwr; th l1k csnaao uti advaor la hof prkca, and av itiii prlra o( barrow, and (ilti hlfrwat sine July Itii. bulk mixed fradt Iota Na. I to I, mainly No. 1 i and 1. lPS-XS 1. butchan 17 So il M: II had lot II M. a raw lota Stock Prices Drag Down 14 71. I 71-17 SO kiwi UM. Radio Cor; UHa SI . 7 131 Rrvnnirta Tob Rirhfwlrt O oaJ Dutrb I Safrwar Bin . Ill Jo Iad ... m L r p.r II Rfl Papr RrhenlvT Ind . .... M'a .... 47 ... M . M'. . ir, . r . 15 . ', 74 CaWrp Trat Calanea Crlaind . : Lorkhwd Air LI boy MN Ll Myrn LOf Glaaa Cha I O It IT, ii a a nr CM N" Chi b Ry i.nrir Cllla or ...... inmai Mnljr iiun ra Cora Cla Colsat .. Com Credit Camw Rdlaon Cona EdlMm Contalnr Cant Can Cont Oil I ran ca Crown Eall Cttrtln Wr pn trla I art A Ca Na Match ... t)nud Air Dow Cham Du P da N I Paul Air U Kaat Kodak tl Paao Gat tiMf Radl Is Call ..... r Palrrklld riinlkota fard Motor in 4fla B4 ; i l 40', , t 4S't , Wa HI 40', Tl ill. n, l aw 0A''4 lo ,- N 1H Mt. j 144 Loew'a In Lonf Rell A Lonllard M Manavoi Marah Flrld MAM Wood Mrrk A Co ., i Monl Cbarn Moral Ward . Motorola K Nail Blarull Natl Caah Rrf Natl Dairy Natl DlatlU , Natl Gypaum - Nail Lead . . Natl Supply ... NY Central No Am Avli No Par Ry NW Airline O Olln Malh Otia Il t Rcotl Paper I leara Ruo Hi. Shrll Oil " I, I Sinclair Oil Skrllv Oil . ISocony-Mob 4qi I Sou C'al Fdl 1.1Hi Sou Pac Ry 471, nou n.r iiw-4 Sparrv Rand .. J3, !Sld Brand! x 4I4 IS j ld Oil I'll 10.". as 1 'd Oil Ind M'. IM', Rtd Oil NJ M'a 4S', Slude-Park S', .1 M'a nra Oil . ..... M'a Sl't Sunhln M . S1, ' Rwlft A Co 4S lylvanla El M I tattle ainoo: ralvn WO. atera j ateady to SO lower: htifrrt Heady, ; ibi atradv: bulla itrons to SO hiRh j ert alorkora and feeder! and veal : rit iteadv: pnmc 1.1US-1J7I lb. ltrr noo-UJO hih choir and mixed : rhoic and prima itrrt under I. 400 lb. :i ot-22 30; bulk choice ateer IS JJ-JO 75; food to low crmtre 17 00 19 SO; chote lllllrn H 24-21 00; (nnd to low choir hetlrn 17 M-IS 00: util ity and commercial cowl I17S-14U; cannan and cuttia I0S0-12SO: util ity and commercial bulla 14 00-1. 00: I food and choir vralrri a 00-1 00; food and choice SSO-0 ib. yearlinf atnrK ateera 17SO-H7J Sheep 1 008.' Heady to itronf: choir and prtm thorn lamb with. No. 1 and (all thorn prlli S7-10O Ib. 24 UI-34 50: rholre and prime wooled lamha 100-117 Ih J4 50-2J00. .horn tlauf htr ewes 3 50-4 30. NEW' YORK - A dull stock market seuiM Monday dragged prices down aiin. this time in the steepest decline since i a 1 1 Monday. Leading issue lost around 1 to I omnia but some stocks stretched losses considerably beyond that Volume was at a comparatively low at 1.940.00s shares compared with 2.020.000 00 Friday. The Associated Press average of 40 stocks dipped tl M to f 113.50, Oiicapo Grain S4'l 34' . a . Silk 41 7'l 44', M't 41', M! '4 M'l wi'i 70', 41 '4 4 10', II Teaat Co Tana Gull Teatron . Tld-Aaao - Tranaam Trana Wn Air ... Twen Can l"o ... U Union Carb Union oil Union Pac Ry Unl Aircraft I'm Air I. inn . Unl Cnrp tlnl fruit ll Plvwimo .. US Rubher US Steel ... .14 2J', - 4I, 'a ! ... IIS Ml', ISM, l'i ' 7 M'l 4.1', 5.T, M'4 Pabeo Pac O A El Pac T T Pan Am Air . Penney I C Pnn Ry . Papal Cola ... M II 'a ...l.TI, lla s H'i 'a Warnr Pic Wath Water P Went Air Br . Wetlern Air ettern Elec Wettern Union Woolworth J2' 37 3J'a 20 M'i 20Ja .. '. Zenith Portland Markets Portland Produce Portland Livestock PORTLAND til - Butterfat -Trotativs, subject to ImmedlaU eluntiPrstnium quality, deli arid la Portland, KVU lb; first auaUty n-00; second quality 12-55. Butter-Wholetale, , i s.b. bulk eubM to wholesalers-Crado AA, M koto, 5H; A gradf, 12 score, M'V. B grsdo so acora 17; C pade H score. U. Chees-To wholesalers-Oregon singlet, 41-4t lb; Oregon Hb loaf, Eggi-To wholeulers-Candled f o b. Portland. A largo, 44-45; A medium, 4940; A small, 2040V.. Kgzt To rctallars-Grado AA, large. 4t-: A large. 4M7; AA Brsdiutn. 4): A iitUum, 41; A small, H Cartotu, M cenU addi tlonaL :,, Eg giTo eoMuintrs-AA large. M-ss; a large, awn nj mrnuum. (0-55; A medium, 40-54; a small. JM4. ; ' ? Livs poultry-No. 1 quality f.o.b. Potlland-r-ryert, 2H-t I b s, 14; at farm, ; light bens, 17-18 at farm: heavy hem, 20-21 at (arm; old roosters, 11-12. Turkeyi To producers L I t s weight fryers, X7-JI; breeder tur key bens, eviscerated, S3; breeder toms, 3M. Rabbits-Average to growerss Live whiU, lbs, 2J-26; M fcs. lt-21; oM colored pelts 4 cents leu; old does, i0-14, few higher. Fresh killed fryers to retailers. Si ll; cut op, 62-65. WWtetale Dneaed Meats Beef carcasses Steers, choice, 100-701 lbs. 22.50-53.00; good. 31.00 54 90; commercial. 29.00 11 M; 2100; earners and cutteri, 23.00 2600. Beef cuts (choice steeri) Hind quarters, 4200-26.00; r o n n d i 290; chucks, 2.00-J! 00; ribs, 42OO-48.0O. Dataelr Ma t t.ial fKnI 1.1 A I Via VU4TaVeVSII, .IIUIV SJ-AV lbs, 44 00-54 00; shouldcri. 11 lbs. 440; fresh hams, 10-14 lbs, 48.00- U.00. Veal and calves Good-choice, atl weights, 32.00-47.00; commer Cial. 28.00-4000. Spring laml-Crioice-prinie, 40 H lbs, 41.00-50.00; good, 45 00-48 00. Lambs-Choice. 40-50 lbi, 41.00 44.00; good, 27.00-42 00. Wool Nominal, cleaa basil, v bloof, 1.0045; H blood, 1.03-01; Vi blood, 1.12-11: fine, 1.17-23. CMstry-tlressed Meats, f.a.b. Parialad: Beef-Cowi utility, 24-27 lb; cutteri, 20-22. Veal-Top quality, lightweight, JJ-35; rough heavies, 22-30. Hogs-Beit light blockers, 14-25; lean light sows, 11-20. Lambs-Good yearlings, 33-36; top ride iprlnbers, 45-41. Mutton Lightweight ewei ind wetheri, 12-14; rough heavies, HO. Fresh Product Onions Ore. Danveri, No. 1 med, 2.00-50; Texas yellows, Ige, 175-1.25. Potatoes-Central Ore. Kussets, No. 1A, 100 lbs, 500-75, few 07.3; No J, 50 lbs, 1.75-2.10; bales, No. Is, 1-10 lbs, 1.15-50; Klamath Dis trict Russets, No. 1A, 1.00-50; Idaho Russets, bales, 1-10 lbs, 1.50 4.00; Calif. Long Whites, No. .1A, 100 lbs. 1.504.00, few to 1 25 Hay New crop, No. 2 green alfalfa, baled, f.o.b. Portland, 43.00-46.00 ton, some tales higher. CHICAGO IAP' WHEAT May Julv Vplrmher Dri-etTiher Marrh CORN M'V Julv September December Marrh OATS Mav Julv Silileinher December RYE May July September December SOYBEANS Mav July September November January Onion Future Open Clm 5 ::' ,-?.', jzivii', 2(17", -OS', 2(W',-' 3 10',.', 2f)"-J, 2I21,-', ? IS'.-', 2 I2't 2 U I 47', I 4',-4S 1 50', 1 50', -51 IW, til'.-', I 37,-31 1 M',.', 1 40', I 42 AS S5-S5', ."', S5-SS', .117', .17', .70', -71 .70-70', 1 W, I M',-2 I 27 I K, 12S', 121', I..V)', I.W, 3 2S 3 27-n 3 25 3 23-2I S75, 2 75'.-', 2S5',-M 2 34',-', IM1, 2 57',-', CHICAGO. ONIONS (API Open Hlfh Ijw Clnae Nov. I old l I 5N Nov. (new 1 74 1 74 1 72 1 74 January 2 00 2 00 I M I m PORTLAND .-(USDA)-eatUe st'able 1,300; market rather slow; fed cattle weak-50 lower; cows 50 1.0C lower; bulls steady-weak; around thrn loads high choice fed steers 20.90, including one load 1.093 lbs; other choice steers 1900- 20.00; good steeri 17.50-11.50, with few utility-commercial tteeri 12 00 17.00; truck lot choice 711 lb fed heiferi 1100; one lot 681 lbs 11.50; i good heifers 17.00-18.00; canner ana cutter cows t. aoio.uo, tew 10 10.50; utility cows U.otMlOO; few commercial cows 1400; utility bulla mostly 15.50-18 50, with light cutters down u 12 00. Calves salable 335; market slow. vealers weak-l.W lower; choice ealeri 21J0-23O0; few high choice 34.00; good ealm 17 00-20 00 commercial is.oo-16.00 Hogs salable IJ00; market gen erally 50-75 higher; closing fairly active; US. No. 1-2 butchers 1(0- 235 lbs 20 00-50; mixed No. 24 loU mostly 11.50 with few No. 3 grades 11.00-25.; sows 300-500 lbs mostly 12.50-16.00, few to 11.50; few choice around 45 lb feeder pigs 1600. Sheep salable 1,500; market generally 50 lower on all classes but trade active at decline; few choice-prime spring lambs 25.00; mixed good-prime 90-95 lb weights 23.50-24.50; few utility down to 20.00; good-choice mostly No. 2 pelt thorn lamb 17.00-18.00; util ity Iambi 15.00; scattered lots medium-good old crop shorn feed ing Iambi 1200-14.00; good slaugh ter ewes 4.50-5.00, cull-utility 2 00-4.00. Ill your baby 1 1 DeDorn Ill llil'l. ' i i m vaw w Salem Quotations (As ot lata yitrdayl uttirpa Premium No 1 BUTTER Wholeaal Rtall :5i AS ! KOnS-IBuylai) I Wholetalc prices ranse rrnm 6 lo I cants ovr auylni prtctl I Larf A 35' Medium A 31 1 Small .22 ! POULTRY ! Colored Hent .20 Laf horn Hans IS Colored fryers 2 Colored Roaaters - JO Old Roottert 11 Western Securities (ZUa. Smlthar A Co. Inc. I jKoruand Oram PORTLAND IA Coarse pains. 15 day shipment, bulk, coast delivery: " Oats No.l, U Ib white ... 58.00-50 Barley, NoX 45 lb B-W 41.50 Cm, No. X E-Y shipment 70.25 Whest (Bid), to arrive market, basis No.l bulk, delivered coast: Soft White ..... 1U Soft White (excluding Rex) 1.18 White Club 1 11 Hard Red Winter: Ordinary .. W per cent 11 oer cent .. Ill . 2.19 . 2.24 Wheat iionrlav's car receipts: The bid and atk quotaUons rep reaent prlrei at which on or more dealen, numbers of th National At aorlation of Security Dealer's Inc., would trade with th general public at th tim th quotations war fathered at J p.m. ytrday: Rid Atkert Callf.-Oreann Powr 3.1 :', Caacad Plywood 3t'', 3S. Conaol. Frelfht . IS', 17', Iron rireman . ... 11', 14, Jantr.en Inc Com 22 24 Meier A Erank I5, 17', Morrlson-Knudten .. 4:t' , 4S'. Ore -Port. Cement S.I SB Pac. P. A L. Com 21i 'a 311, Pone A Talbot 27 .10 , Portland Gat A Coke 31', 34'. Port. Gen. Elc. 23', 2S BANKS ! Bank of America 3S', 30', 1 Bank ot California .. 73', Sfl, Chat. Manhattan 4', 4S', Flrtt National ... 52', M', First Nat City NY SI', fOa U. 0. National 74', 7', Investment Trusts (Zllka. Smltber A Co Inc. I Bid Atked Aflillated Fund - 111 S (12 Canadian rund lJ.rf7 21 I i Century Sharea Trust 23 54 25 45 Chemical rund .... 17.20 is W Delaware Fund . 11 11 12 27 Diver, lnvett. Fund . 43 10.33 Dividend Shares 2 80 3 07 Eaton A H. Bal. rund . 12 21 13 74 Gas. Ind 14.1S IS 48 Group Tobacco 4.2S 4.71 Incorp. Inveatora ' 11.17 21.24 Keq Cuat. Funds: B-l ll7 31. 2d cM loss ii m K-! ....... 1.13 10.15 S-t UM. 1147 13.11 s-4 . loauj H.4i Man. JSond Fund S O IS7 Mats. Invctt. Trust 24 51 37.24 NatL Sec. Serifs: I Income Series 13.1 IM Stork Series I 4 I 44 Pref. Stock 8 IS4 A Natl. Dlv, Series 4 17 1 33 NaU. Growth . 1.23 I M Pioneer rund 14.11 1J 24 Tel.-Elec fund . ...11.S4 II (XI Valu Una Inc. Fund (.19 1.71 1 WaUlofloa rund , Before your baby wt born, you thought, "What if I the baby '! U hat if my baby isn't perfect ?" Now doctors have discov ered that many tragic de fects in newborn babies are not inherited. In the June Ladies' Home Journal you'll read how this revolutionary new theory can help you avoid inch heartbreak as miscarriage, alillbirlh, a child limn mentally or phys ically dchcicnt. 8 ways to help b sur You'll read about eight upe rifk alep you ran lake now before your bahy i horn or eicn conceived . . . "ee how a few extra precaution befote marriage and during rhildliearing years can help make sure your babies and thtir children will be born perfecL You'll read about the risk working mothers-to-be fare; the dangers of a change In high altitude while pregnant; (he a ri t ;i ing eftV i lack nl vitamin nr too many can have on mother anil llteir babies: what illne you should de liberately try to catch before pregnancy; the effects of radiation, X ray and anes thetics. Whether you or your loved ones are having a bahy now ... or dream of having our. sometime in the future...you can't afford to miss "The L'ninaulted Child." PLUS: Dr.Spock,a thrilling mystery novel, 8-page color portfolio of summer fash iom; in all, 38 articles, stories and features. Out today on ill newsstands "3 , nrmnrn Chicago Bultcx-pgga CHICAGO. ( API l USD A I Butter ateady: wholesale eelllnf pair un changed to '.4 hither: AA S3 acnr 5 25-58 S. A It ia-sttS: B M 17 57 5; C S Jj5-M. E(fi ateady: wholeaal aelllnf pru et 1', lower to 1 higher; mini mum SS per cent A t extra larre 3S 39: extras medium M.s-se; atandards 37-17.5; Check, 34-34.1 with the industrials down 12 4. the rails $2.50 and the utilities 10 cents. There were 1.170 issues traded, j for a fairly narrow market. Of these there were 791 declines and 117 advances There were 75 new lows for the year and 12 new highs. Stocks and Bonds - Camelled J Th Attoclated Prea May St stock AvatvAoat i . 3 t tnduat Net change D2 4 i Monday 2tt 1 Pnv day 20 S Week ago Ml 1 Month ago 2S7 2 Year ago 211 J 105I High 27S2 1054 Law 244 a lM High 3S7I Low 203 1 Markets at Glance NEW YORK (API Stock lower: market in slow de cline Bonda: mixed: cbangea narrow. Cotton: Lower, liquidation general. CHICAGO Wheat May weak; new crop steady. Corn Old crop staady: new atrong. Oat Weak: liquidation in May. Soybean Mixed; new crop ateady. Hogs Gained 39 to 50 centa; frac tional top 111 00 Cattle Siren tteady to 50 rent down: top I2J90. It Rails Dt I 1443 140 14S7 154) 3 111 S 155 1 12S0 142 4 114.9 it ee I'til Stxa D I Dl 5 721 1JS 73 IRS 3 72 I ISS 7 73 t last 73 12 5 75 2 111 5 711 171 75 7 11 3 17 J 1411 BONO AVERAGES ta is is Raila Indutt fill Unch A 1 M 3 Ml as 1 Ml sss MS 7 7 51 Net change Monday Prev dy Week ago Month ago Yr ago . 1SS High 11SS Low lSS High 1S5 Low M.3 SAT M 1 SSI 3 3.t Ml Ml A I 95 1 MS S5 Ml 7 3 SS Ml mt inn I M4 MS IS rgn Dl M0 M 1 A3 S M S MS SS 2 US MS 141 Truman Likes Italian Food ROME UP Harry S Truman, the tourist from Independence. Mo. downs Italian food with gusto even though he isn't always sure what he's eating. Asked by a reporter if he wns served Italian food on a visit to a model farm,' the former Presi dent replied: "Yes, we had some thing like spaghetti, but it had no holes in it." 'Gourmets said it was fcttucini, flat noodles with cheese sauce.' Dragon trees in the Canary Is lands may be 50 feet in circum ference and 3.000 years old. Dow Jones Averages NEW YORK (API Dow Jonel closing stock averages: High Low Clot 30 Indui 4H 13 4S 93 491 S2 20 RRS 174 S4 171 71 172 49 15 Utllt M 35 (5 91 M 13 15 Storks 17S S3 171 II 177 00 Neuberger Asks Billion Dollars for Fight on Diseases NEW YORK A billion dol lar federal fund "to combat the diseases plaguing mankind"' was suggested Monday by Son. Richard L. Neuberger (D-Ore). In a speech for the convention of the National Tuberculosis Assn., the legislator said such an appro priation should be spent for health care, medical education and re search. Neuberger was unable to attend the convention and his address wai read by his wife, Maurine. About one-fifth of V. S. public high school systerris provided for driver education. Tktmttim tsmmielUvr in Sofewoy's ground beef is mode only of leon, "V f ,tir5a'flJ tender chunks of flavorful beef . . . with I 1 " 1 j ' BfSSf 'wfeif just enough fat to moke if cook up juicy. LJ 1 I I j I iLL-'l4jSV5E'" JKS'- "jjiVT. A. It's olways fresh ... always ot the peak of J J I J -'ir goodness. As a matter of fact, we're so sure sL V "" AVh jJtff 4r?2t you'll enjoy it that we make this guoran- ""N Vark A'.- f J'zSg' ltf''i'iisi fei&'j'T tee: You'll be satisfied, or your money will .. 1 I j MiKff Ktfi WtSkSlSS- be refunded. Discover for yourself the won- II I 1 J If! I Wif il4 derful quality, economy, and versatility of ll V J J V J J (MMfEm tyPW&P Si W Safeway', ground beef. BB y wW ' Z f IWdJI wmsW . W (urcttfjf Boiling Beef J9' ir r I I K1 1 rffTa Meat Sauces Mince Meot Dumplings Lunch Meals r b":2S) ::r Bologna .39' 1 ,W1 I IT'oir.' hook at these terrifie Savings on soaps and detergents Popular Brands SOAPS and DETERGENTS Your choice of Tide, Oxydol, Cheer, White King, Ivory Snow, Lux Flakes, Yel, or Felt Naphtha. 4 Large Pkgs. $00 Reg. 31c Save 24c on 4 PARADE DETERGENTS Here's a tcrnfir value you can't afford to pass up You'll notice a cleaner whiter wash, plus this savings Regular 31c each; you save 24c on 4 pkgs. 20 oz. Pkg. Reg. 31cSave 8c ea. WHITE MAGIC SOAP Hurry' Stock up now on wonderful White Magic Soap. Regular 31c each package, now during this special offer you save 24c on 4 packages. 22-oz. Pkg. Spry Shortening 99c FLUFFO Shortening Mb, tin 99c SHORTENING 99c MAZOLA Cooking Oil Quirt cm 69c CAKE MIX Burnt Sugar 1 9-ez. pkg. 25c SYRUP lumoerjick 24 oz. bottli 35c DILL PICKLES Niiley Banquet Hoi. jir 39c TANG Nilliy, Silid Drilling Quart jar 53c LIFEBUOY Lux Dial Soap Sweetheart Soap Protex Soap ith 0 m 0 loiist a i 07 O 07a A AO ",l"n, 0 1,8 07 Sup L iiiolmXVC L SJzs LIZ Deodorant Si 0C 1 brI lLZ m Ln LIZ luxury Soap Cashmere Bouquet 3 27c 2 29c 2 C 25c IVORY SOAP Shredded Wheat Spic V Span 85c "i 27c Trend mi. cm 53c Toilel Soap This tveeks treat at SAFEWAY Woodbury Soap lc Sa,e BA M A IM A C Cakc Mix Dromfd ry Pound aWIMWIlMW J Dog Food fmott Ripened a better way! Devil Food 10 Bar Jfle Tack 4"C STARCH Niagara 12 01. a Brand Pkg. VC CLEANSER Bath bar 10' i oi. pkg. 42c 39c 15c 39c Cinnamon Crunch NBCBrand , lh Dk, 39c NBC Brand While King 2c Dial 14 oi. (an 9c Wa gal aw kanaaai thippa1 m gra.a, lAa avarybsctr alt a1at. Than wa gut them in aial rifaning rmt. Nr w. cnlrl humMify u4 ntprtwe M auiM up rkk natural flar withia tha fruit. Our banana riawi tlwly . . . frm th inaial ut ... at nature deal it. There b m "hwry "t" merhedt at S tie way. Wa bring y kan.nat at thair vary peek far tmf . ' 'r lb. 3 lb. Pkg. 51 oi. Pttg. 47 ii. Pkg. 73c 79c 79c FLUFFY ALL -Cheer Z 25c Tide 2 25c White King Soap !' ".. . 69c Lux Flakes mm "im25c Prlcea 1 thli tdvertlsemenl xi:-:: are eneetive inrougn wen. Mav 21 at Safeway la M Salem. We reserve the M right to limil quantities. No sales to dealers or their iSS representatives Every Item k:w Safeway sells Is uncondi-- pffi&MMffl$ffiW8& tionally guaranteed. tiM&MSMMMP Strawberries Fresh Corn 5 m 49c Rid Rip Btltllit! Hydrox Suns'i'ne n'('r Cheez-ils Sunshine Br,nd Kool Shake Just Add M,lk Toilel Soap Kg? IT a. I,.e Wide Mouth ncn JOIJ Kerr, Regular T2-01. pkg. 1 lb. pkg. 12 oz. pkg. 39c 6oz. pkg. 19c 5 pkgs 29c 3 bar, 29C 12 Pints $1.45 12 Quarts $1.45 33c Dozen Golden Florida Potatoes 49c New While Shafted Wonderful Thumpin Ripe Watermelons Juicy Ripe Lemons Cello Wrapped for Freshness Tomatoes Tube Large Site Florida Pinki Grapefruit for 19 oz. sack 10 oz. pkg. Quart bottle I lb. can No. 301 can W Mason Jars Jar Caps Kfrr' RfRU,ar Harvest Blossom Flour lb 8 Corn Bread Mix Aunl Jmim, Salad Oil Mayd,y A At DausI fillet Shortening ivvai jauii Crmf rA,H Hostess Delight nun vwniaii Grapefruit Juice Town 1,0UM 66 Salad Dressing raicide Raspberry Syrup Nal,ey 1 ib. 13 Pack Irain ,MlL Map,e Syrup i:.,..,u TaMa Mb Bll WOT VUIICC Bag Bag Edwards Coffee S 97c S $1.83 Cheese Food Br"" j Lucerne Milk " Skim Milk ,UWM 87c Quart Jar 49c 12-ox. lite 37c 24 o. lire 33C 89c Si $1.77 46 ot can 2 lb. pkg. Half gallon 79c 43c 17c M' barley 14; flour 20; com 46; mU 1; mill feed W. Quart carton