iT) Statesman's HOME I anorama Women . . . Music . . . Fashions . . . Features Statesman, Salem, Ore., Tues., May 22, '56 (Sec. I)-7 Around Town . . . Bj JLRYME KNGLISH 'Music Groups Will Present Concert Today The local chapters of Phi Mu Alpha Sinionia and Ma Phi Epsi Ion. national musk honoraries, will present an interesting and varied concert of American music this afternoon at 3 p.m. in the recital hall of Willamette Music School. To be featured on the program will be Dave Doerksen ad Barbara Freitag. playing the TuthiU Trum pet Sonata. This is a difficult and unusual work, showing several aspects of contemporary musical thought. Mr. Doerksen has been senior scholar in the music history department and first trumpet in the University Band, while Miss Freitag has been soloist with the We'd at Church Rites k , L ... !-t t . .. f i .:n their twelfth nuuuln micicauin iraiurv wiu A FAREWELL . . . reception ert E. Joseph, president . . . honored Frank E. Sanders on Mrs. Charles Layport, vice-presi- Sunday afternoon when the staff dent . . . Mrs. Shirley W. New- of the Oregon Stale School for berry, secretary . . . and Mrs. the Blind entertained between 3 John L. Caubte, treasurer . . . ann 5 ociock at trxine Hall. . . . nean Kooert p. Gregg spone lo University Band and has been Mr. Sanders is retiring next the mothers on scholarship at heard in a junior recital earlier nmnin a iiiumc insirucior ai inr me nnai meeting 01 mc season fis year school. . . . Nearly 300 attended held at the home of Mrs. Lay-',. r, . the affair including his former port . . . school, friends and fellow em-1 grandchild are Mr.'ad Mn. Joke lh Pm- U Griffes, ployes . . . Prof. T. S. Roberts. iH, Carkii ... for May 14 i!f - " former instructor of Mr. Sanders, daughter, Nancy . Marie, was w oennndinj work, requinng and Mrs. Roberts were among bora to Mr. and Mrs. J. Warrei ' rMt 'nical facility and music those calling . . . Members of Mr. 1 farkln la Portland ... the little al 't'v'ty- Sandra McCabe will Sanders' family present included Prl has a sister, Janet Lve . .'. ,ne liiL while the difficult his mother, Mrs. Charles San- the maternal grandmother Is orchestra part will be. played at dm, and his brother-in-law and Mrs. Mabel Hillstroa of Eugene i ,n P'no bv Tric' Gordon, who sister. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Col- , , lnd the baby's great-grand- i has been heard earlier this year lnty, all of Portland. ... mother is Mrs. N. E. Turner of s soloist with the Willamette Reeeivini . . . informally with Bakemfield. Calif. . . . Arriving orchestra Mr. Sanders were Superintendent at the John Carkin home on Sun- Miss McCabe has been soloist! Walter Dry and Mrs. Dry ... ! day were their son and dau?h- with the Willamette Orchestra, and Members of the faculty and staff j ter in law, Major and Mrs. Ver-1 will be presented in a junior recital at the school assisted in serving non E. Carkin and daughters, ! this spring, and greeting the guests . . . Pre-1 Sandra and Sharon, who had just Of special interest on the Tues siding at the coffee urns were j returned by plane to the states : day program will be, the perform Mrs. Everett Wilcox, Mrs. Leila (rem two and a half years In a nee of the Sonata for Three Jasmer. Mrs. Ressel Griffin, Mrs. Ok'awa, where the air force of- j Stringed Instruments by Page Paul Hedeen Jr., Miss Georgi- j ficer has been stationed . . Bailey. Born in 1931, Bailey will anna Hatfield and Mrs. Edith thev will spend most of the en-'be the youngest composer repre Sprnst. ... ; sulnf month in Salem at the 1 sented on the program. His Sonata A much-feted . . . bride-elect Carkin home . . . Major Carkln's for Strings is devised as a con is Miss Frances Shisler, who will new assignment will be In Spo- tinuous song in three different he married to Alfred Smith of kane . . . ; moods. f 3 rf... It: I L ;t - 1 Mimmv If V ! ft : if . i i . f i , Blithe Spirit Rehearsals Underway Dress rehearsals for the single Mrs. Craven Will Present Pupils In Recitals . Mrs. Ronald Craves will present her students la recitals oa Tues day, Wednesday and Friday nights this week. The programs will be held at the Stone Piano Co. Playing in the piano and organ recital tonight at 7:30 p.m. are Marsh. C a d a c e Moore, Susan RamsdcB and Sharon Decatur. Taking part in the piano and organ program Wednesday night at 7:45 p.m. are Lynda Noland. Charlotte Magnuson, Julie Blais dell. E r ai Anderson. Christine !!Td BiehT oerformine. 0f 'G'1 Tommy Hall. Gerald 1 Holm, Aaa Chambers, Carolyn .Friday night performance of, c d.-,- n,. Kin. v. b.-i . vr. p , u, . DebbTJani. Ernest Wall. Dale Moss. Chuck Nnrfh Tem Hh Sehool hv i "k. Lynn Newell. Malcolm Newell.. Uneberry. Carol Seamster. Linda I Stettler and Jerry party, voice Pentacle Theatre members, ire Alice Olson, Judy Banj b4 8m Z wicker. -"Playirj . Friday light at 7:4S m. will be Davie VaUmar, Mick el Vollmar. AQet Doerksen, Jim Bowlia, Ward Harris. Gerry Root, Myrna Simmon, Sharon K ester, Ana Firming, Ana Bagley, Sbaroa Satrum. Barbara Smith, Carat St Paul on June 23 at St. Vin cent dePaul Catholic Church On Saturday Miss Shisler will be the guest of honor at a bridal luncheon for which Mrs. Harold Olinger and Mrs. Russell La- It s a girl ... for Mr. and Mrs. a stirring performance is as- jonn Mancnm iraincia uurreii) ;iurej by Dr. Willis Gates, violin Marilyn Hanthorn, viola, and C Allen Gove, cello. MacDowell Piano Number The program will also include under war this week. Proceeds i ilfrom the revival of this popular I ! sophisticated comedy, which iu first produced by the Pentacle Theatre two summers ago, will be donated to the speech depart ment of the high school tor new, modern equipment Blithe Spirit is one of Noel Coward's most popular come dies. The plot concerns a novel 1st who is writing a book about homicidal mediums. In order to get information for his book he invited a local medium to his home. She unwittingly produces the ghost of his first wife, who can be seen snd heard only by him. The startling effect of this situation on his second wife cre- 'ates hilarious misunderstandings and confusion. The actors are finding it a chal lenge to change their acting style from theatre-in-the-round, at done in the Pentacle barn, to the proscenium stage of the high school. Special effects, props and furniture are to be arranged by students of the speech depart ment. Tickets are being sold by stu dents for the May 25 perform' ance. They are also on sale to the general public at Meier and Franks and Stevens and Son. Alumnae Elect Mrc r'lnrlr" Mr. and Mrs. Jerald F. Smith (Betty Jo Sextop) whose marriage "ivm r. . i ii. . i . l c: n I 4-..: rU. .k TU. . was an event oi way i . or m. rirsi nt v.ultM. Mrs LewU D c,ark waj e,pc. bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Sexton and ted president of the Salem Alpha Mr. Smith is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Smith. The 'Delta Pi alumnae club at the Jon Brack, Lois Marsh, Leone I Sramster. Doug Simmons, Mary ' pupils of Ronald Cravea. couple will live in Salem. (Art? Studio). she arrived on Sunday at the Salem General Hospital . . . also welcoming the baby are two brothers, Nicky and Danny . . . L ....... . k.. 1 . H ' U . tU H.,nrfn.M.I if, V IT ruuidliic win uc iiusicnsca at nic.'.nr fti i.iiu,.ni . in.. . , , . . 11. . r II . ... , former s home on Mission Street , Burrell and Mr and Mrs. John i ' n"" "r n C . J ... a sroup of longtime friends ISIanchik Sr. of Weirton. West;Amblw- an, Michel e Edwards, PrOm O OteCj . v . . .. mnrann wit nresont two inntis I will wimivw nave ocen lnvnen 10 me one, Virginia . South Salem 'Club c1'lar Miss Thomas o'clock luncheon and miscellane ous shower. . . . Entertaining . . . with a pre- nuptial party Thursday night In . , , r honor of Miss Shisler will be I c KflnP Of Mrs. Robert V. Meier and Mrs. lo Ll vl Lawrence Burke, who have bid- i i dm 28 guests to the formers VU. OWOnSOn home on Georgia Avenue ... a miscellaneous shower will honor .soprano, will present two songs I "Go 'Way From My Window. folk ballad by John and "How Your Trulov by Martin Diller, which is a com posed work in the style of a folk song. Miss Edwards is to be heard 1 in recital on May 29. Window." a , I Jacob NiK Saturday ve to Know" ' The First Methodist Church in The long awaited South Salem High Junior-Senior prom honoring the graduating seniors is schedul ed for this coming Saturday eve- The program will conclude with ning. The decorations and theme Jng cu.h with Mm. Alex Do.wiiy, two compositions performed by the1 are "Oriental" with Bill DeSouza 6n N Cot,ae 51 - 12 30 "lad lum'h' w niamette Brass hnsemble, under : and his band providing the music TIESDAT Silfm Navy Mothers with Mrj. t. A Boyle. 1590 N. Winter St , 8 p. m. Salem BPW Club dinner meetini. Golden Pheasant, 6:30 p. m. Chdwick Chapter. OF.S Social Club, Masonic Temple. 1:19 luncheon. WEDNESDAY AAUW Afternoon Literature group with Mn. r. D. Palmer, S345 Center St . 1 30 p. m Royal Nelfhbor of America Sew- the future Mrs. Smith and a late i h.. ,i, ih ,ne a'rection ot Maurice Brcnnon. in the school gymnasium ... , i iil cuacinuii; Founder's day luncheon on Sat urday in Lipman's Cherry room. Other officers are Mrs. Ed ward Quinn, vice president; and Mrs. Fred Bradley, secretary treasurer. Miss Beverly Carlson is retiring president o; the group Mrs. Richard Buckovic, who has been teaching in the nursery school sponsored by the Ameri can Association of University Women, told of her work and of the cooperation with the training school. Corvallis alumnae who came over for the luncheon were Mrs. John c. Rollins. Mrs. William Schenlfeld, Miss Shirley Howard, Miss Jackie McKenile, Mrs, dessert supper will be served by the hostesses. . . . Last week Mrs. Harold Richardson. Mrs. Flor ence W. Adams and Miss F.slher Rerger were hostesses for a bridal party in compliment to Miss Shisler ... the affair was Jane I.yle will perform the htuhlv intpneo Ouartpt hv fho fair r Hon Thipsrn .InHv Wnnrls lnK- vmini! l'alman rnmnncpr Arthur anH l.inHa Kpnririflf decorations. ate State Rep- t..-,.n-. -j .: l. fn.j M,nl 7i.llpr nrnurams- Karen resentative Thomas to Claude K. by ,he rapj(jlv movj)l ToccaU o( Ringnaida tnd Marilyn Murphy, publicity; hay 5 m 1 1 n, reiresn- ments; Sandra Shorey, invitations, wedding of Miss Mary Thomas, daughter of Mrs Thomas and the FRIDAY Ralt-m U'nmBn'K Cltih final mpt- r-i 1 T, I . n t Committees working on the at- mi; i" a m. clubhouse, boflrd meet- '" -vo. nun,un u- ' 1 Robertson. Swanson. son of Mr. Arthur Swanson of Lebanon i , i nu .mrs. Pj on tv,... (.,- ,,.,i.. ,.,.ii A iica-c i.u ui gaii'.a-.ivii3 mil yiv held at the Richardson home on Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock The gent annua, program in Amerj. Rev. Wesley Turner performed the can music as one of their primary f'hamivi ItAaH Tmpnlv.cpvpt-i guests attended the affair ... a ""P131 Ken"'h Holler, cousin of:projetii for each ey4r. AU inter personal shower feted the bride- lhe bride.. fM'ss Mrily S"-, ested persons are Invited to attend U-be aid a late sopper was served ... A hostess . . . today will be Mrs. Fred Viesko, who has in vited the Sigma Kappa mothers to a 12.30 luncheon in the dro wn, tuusin oi ine groom. piaycui.,rf ..inii..u u ru the wedding music. Howard Bcrger ' of Oswego was the vocalist. r I William R. Thomas gave hisiTlCKGTS Oil bOlG niece in marriage. For her wed- . ding she wore a floer length gown rOT f ITST r ICIy OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY 12:13 TO P.M. - OTHER DAYS 9:30 AM. TO 5.30 tJK her & finmrs-sii OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY 13:15 TO P. M. OTHER DAYS 9:30 A. M. TO 5:30 P. M. gon Room at Meier and Franks , . " -- - . .. M j.:... fashioned princess style and a Tickets are now on and Jim Rawlins, clean-up. The prom plaining is under the general chairmanship of junior class vice-president, Marcia Hum phrey with Mrs. Leah Case Smith, faculty advisor. Patrons and patronesses are Mr. and Mrs. Warrea Baker, Mrs. Hul dah Thorne, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Quistad. Mr. and Mrs. O. K. Beals, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Rosen, Dr. and aie for Mrs. Bertram Trelstad, Mr. ana . o .s' t jbU to the country home of the Virs- kos for an informal afternoon Celebrating ... her fourth birthday on Thursday will be Nancy Hadley, daughter of the Wayne Hadlevs ... a group of her young friends have been in vited to a partv at the Hadley home on Cross Street . . . Wish ing Nancy a happy birthday will be Carlton Mcl.eod. Tommy Hal ey, Vickv Ilollis, Linda Doerfler, Danny, Jimmy and Leslie Green, cousins of Nancy, and her broth er, Bruce Hadley shoulder Itnjlh veil caught to a Tentacle's first production of the seed pearl tiara. She carried a season. The Lady s Not For Burn bouquet o( pink roses and stepha-iing. They can be purchased at notis, ! Dell's Book Store, 139 North High Miss Mamie Swanson, sister of j Street, and Stevens and Son. Open the groom, was the maid of honor. ing night is scheduled for June 4 She wore a pink net lace gown and at the barn on the Dallas Highway carried a nosegay of pink roses and curtain time is 8:15 p.m. and stt-phanotis Gussie Holler Mrs. Murco Ringnaida of Wil- Mrs. Fred Humphrey, Mr. ana Mrs. Gerald Shorey and Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Rawlins. Mrs. Donohoe is Feted by Club I Mrs. George Donohoe was feted ,, n . ! a VimcjiiL-nrminf L I n.n.. l:.t..j ,i J1-- . D Dl 1- IL..:. i. SI Buiwiiat i.v,,. -.....- , 7 " "m "T lan"- ""i Thursday night bv members of the I. C 'i.,.n tnn . hurl arnnn.clvlo luir Ifirm a nnct c nf thp I j .n man lor his brother and ushers Christopher Fry comedy, were Kenneth Swanson, a brother. Sheila Laue and Carl Ritchie are Lowell Swanson. a cousin. Duaine cast in the leading roles and are Marr and Keith Marr ot Corvallis, supported by veteran Pentacle Players Dick Smith, Dick Geer, Bill Smith, Bruce Fountain and Kve Johnson of rlnh hflcless . . . tonieht will be Mrs. Ralph Underwood, who cousins of the groom. h mvitrt thp ornun tn her Creel Guests at Reception hm n T,iiin piare a rirs- Mrs. Thomas selected a blue lace , Klmer Spencer sort supper will he served with and net gown with white and blue New York is making her first ap hridse following . . . accessories for her daughter's wed- pearance with Pentacle in this Newlv elected . . . officers of ding. Mrs. Swanson chose a rose production, the Willamette University Moth- lace and net gown with white er's Club of Salrm are Mrs. Ron- accessories Their flowers were Picnic ailtl Installation 'pink carnations. I A reception followed in the LIBERTY Mrs. Wilbert Kurth church parlors. Pouring were Mrs. 1 will be hostess to the Liberty Mrs. Beutler to Head Auxiliary of Mabel Marr of Corvallis, aunt of the groom, and Mrs. William R. Thomas of Lebanon, the bride's will hold their annual picnic at the aunt. Cutting the cake were Mrs.1 noon with installation of officers I ,, , , , : . Woman's Club on Thursday, at her home on Kurth Ave. The group Newly elected officers Auxiliary o( the Union Gospel Harold Hindman and Mrs. Evelyn : following Mission are Mrs Henry Beutler. -Farley of Salem, the bride's aunts. , (hairman: Mrs. Kenneth Van Horn. Assisting were Mrs. Leslie Swan--vice-chairman; and Mrs. Harold B.;son, Mrs. Paul Pinkney, Mrs. Allen, secretary-treasurer. Officers Harold Carper, Miss Judy Ackeretl were named at the group s month- and Miss Laura Drummond. all ofj Iv meeting. Mrs. . G .story irom Lebanon. Mrs. Don Benson, Miss the Pilgrim Holiness Church gave' Mane Mallow, Miss Ella Mae a talk to the group. Swanson. Shanna Farley, Martha Auxiliary projects were discus- Thomas and Florence Swanson, scd and the group decided each (he latter three cousins of the member will ask the women's or- bride and groom who passed the ionization ot her own church to groom's cake. j help raise money to install the por her wedding trip along the i electric grill which has been Oregon coast the new Mrs. Swan donated to the Mission son donned a beige tweed box' George Simonka. superintendent style suit flecked with orange and1 nf the Mission. .W N Commercial burnt orange and white acces-; Si., look auxiliary memhers on a sorics. The couple will make their, lour of the Mission and later sev- home in Lebanon, where Mr. eral visited the Union Gospel Mis- Swanson is engaged in the farm-j sion store in the Aro Hotel build-, ing business with his father. ir.C, which is operated by the men nf the Mission They work at re pairing articles donated to the store. Anyone having articles, which they wish to donate, old newspapers or magazines is asked to call the store and they will be picked up. Accent Club, Cosompolistan Asso ciates Inc. Special guests were Mrs. Mary Johnston, mother ot the honor guest, who is visiting here from Scotland, Miss Dora Jnhns- tnn a sister, and Mrs. Marie Thompson. Club members present were Mrs I.oren Hicks, Mrs. Joseph Morena, Mrs I. E. Watson. Mrs. Carl Bce- Vv. Mn N I. Cruzen. Mrs. Ed Ha'lliman. Mrs. H. Stanley and Mrs. Victor Simonton. The Women's Catholic Order of Vnrpsiprs will meet Wednesday i night at the home of Miss Pearl Bairey at t o'clock. A social hour will follow with Mrs. T. L. For man and Mrs. Axel Donnelly ai hostesses. ' - ' VU, tit A ' t, ' 6. v 1 I If S 9 W ' r - ... f . r 6Z V1, ft(' .ClC) CVi"V J Modern Etiquette By ROBERTA LEE - - Q Our neighbors are all people in their early thirties, and very young in spirit and looks. Is it all right for our children to call them by their first names? A. It is best to consult your friends about this. Otherwise, your children should be taught to ad dress them as "Mr ' and "Mrs. Q Is it proper to apologize tor a gilt one has given because it isn't expensive? A. No; in fact, it is bad form to make any mention of price when giving a gift. aii' MS 1 NOWl Even on'impossible" hairl A wonderful cold wave! iWnSecirf' coio wavi iNctuon 0 pr-p" conditioninf hampo 0 tail curls t Suavo rinto 0 Stylo from 10 TUESDAY - MAY 22 Fashion Modeling OREGON ROOM, STREET FLOOR 1115-1:30 t. M. Salem Fuchsia Show and Sale PATIO SHOP, SECOND FLOOR Top Secret haircut, from $1 .SO NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY Phone 3-2211, ext. 271 BEAUTY SALON - SECOND FLOOR "We feature the most popular naircolonnn Mus Clairol lUir Color Bath." ' We use Ogilvic Sisters prcparilions to help give you hair health; Revlon'i "Frosted Cinnsmon Stick'' for betutiful hitftlfures. -- RELAX IN COMPLETE AIR-CONDITIONED COMFORT IN OUR BEAUTY SALON. " y mmfm as e Jul, j .rMftS sun Msm!L 'j FUN ti washable summer playslwcs! U. S. Kedettes and Suinmerettes 1. Children's champion strap Keds in red, nsvy, pink, yellow, faded blue. Sizes 8'j-12 Sizes 12"j3 2. Keds tennis oxford in navy, red, faded blue. Sizes 68 Sizes 8 12 Sizes 12V'2.3 Sizes 3'i-lO 3.45 3.75 :,.23 3.45 $3.73 3.95 5.95 3.95 31.95 31.95 3. V. S. Kedettes "Bonsterettes". Red, navy, almond. Women's sizes 4-10, N&M. 4. U. S Kedettes ballet pump in black, red, pink, white. 4-10. N&M. 5. U. S. Kedettes "Firebird" elasticized square dancing pump in flame, pink, raven black. 4 10, N&M. 6. U. S. Kedettes beach sandal in black with natural raffia. 4-10, NM Mail and phonr rrdrn' WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S SHOES STREET FLOOR Meier i Krank's-Saiem, Saicm, Urrcon Please send me the following: 5 Quan. 1 Item ' Color Size-Width ' Total jName - ! 'street - : City Zone ... Remit. Enc ! : Tim shipping cost to arras outside our rffiiiirj i truck dilivrni routes t - FREE STORE-SIDE PARKING FOR OVER 1,000 CARS my 'J