Final Marion County Returns Th inofficial total f all W Marioa County' 1J7 pracincU la Friday' primary electioa at tal lied by the Marioa County Ort'i office Monday included rtsulu aa these major offices: PRESIDENT Draaocrat: Kefauver 1,541; Stev enson i.SSl. Mflaa: Eiaenhower 1I.C4 VICE PRESIDENT XraankVaa: Nixon 4.K2. V. . SENATOR Ifeaaerrat: Mora t.Ul; Smith 2.037. RrpaMir: McKay I.S22: Hitch rock 7.6M; DeeU 1,755; Altvater 136. 1ST DISTRICT CONGRESS DrnMcral: Lee 7.730; Metheny :.7a. RrpabUraa: Norblad 18,404, Cook 3.147. GOVERNOR Drnwnl: Holme 5.470; Wal lace 4.J26, RrpaMicaa: Smith 18.404; Dick son 1.65C. SECRETARY OF STATE RrMblkaa: Hatfield 14.705; Hoaly 5.a. Democrat: Svm-tland .J27. Final Marion County Vote On Delegates In order of standing on basis of the complete unofficial count from all of Marion County's 127 precincts, here is the Friday pri mary vote on party convention delegates: DEMOCRAT Delegates at Large (name Richard Neuberger Edith Green Monroe Sweetland Jason Lee Joseph Carson Jr Dave Epps Walter J. Pearson Beulah J. Hand Howard Morgan - Lvle R. Wolf H Pnrhett Walter Swinson J.w William Josslin 3,usw M. James Gleason 3.029 Marie Kauffman - 2.9IW. William Grenfell Jr - 2.425 Dexter F.irhank 2 368 Harvey Karlin Sherman Stanbery - Norman Raies Delegates 1st district (name 2) ti D U.oitt 8) 8.425 .7,787 .7.315 .6,806 .5,064 .4,490 .4,290 3,792 .3,723 3,555 .3.516 STATE TBXASVKZt i Rkhtrdaoa I.M; Smith . BefwMraa: 1'naader 17 JO. ATTORNET GENERAL RefwMkaa: Francia 1547. Dement: Thornton M5 STATE REPRESENTATIVES (Ton 4 nominated) KefaMlraa: Ahrena 13.183: Elf Strom 13.290; Chadwick 12.577. Hunt 1.13; Byer I.J7; Crom well 7.317; Barker I.7S7. Denwcrat: Joca 7.411 'plus several write-in being tallied'. DISTRICT ATTORNEY Demerit: Enright (.053; Wyck- off S.57T Repablieaa: Bratzrl 7.109; Jones (.501; Gross 3.359; Kaffun 1.511. SHERIFF ReaabHeaa: Young 14.026; Rkk man 5.655. DeaMcral: Burris 7,513. COMMISSIONER Democrat: McCarthy 5,281: Vis- tica 4,582. Rrauklirae: Rice 18,621. CORONER Reavblleaa: Howell 14.561; AM bin 3.459. CONSTABLE Reaabliraa: Adams 11.868. Demarral: Fallon 5.372. COt'NTY CLERK Repablleaa: Mattson 16,738. SURVEYOR Republic!-. Graham 16,403. TREASURER Repablieaa: Butler 16,371. SUPREME COURT Rraublicaa: Lusk 22,057; Sand blast 8.442. COUNTY ZONING No 16.258; Yea 15,040. NATIONAL COMMITTEEMAN Republican: Merrifield 9.638; Mautt 8.273. Democrat: Davidson 6,083; Dooley 4,573. NAT'L COMMITTEE WOMAN Repablieaa: Moore 14.332. Demaerat: Grant 5,685; Last 4,556. Nude Painting Brings Protest From Blonde LAS VEGAS, Nev. J Aa as piring actress of voluptuous pro portion rebelled Si id ay night hen a new hotel unveiled a nude painting of her in ita casino. "I dont' want to be a Marilyn Monroe!" blonde Sandra Giles. 22, vailed aa the artist tok the wraps off a ahamelesa nude in repose. "I ant to be an actress. I didn't pose that way! I had a hatUng suit on!" She thereupon slapped artist I hilip Paval who once had the king of Denmark sit (o.- him. It was not a hard slap. Her press agent then slapped the hotel's press agent. Everybody threatened to sue everybody else. The whole melee wa a press agent's dream. The press agents punched dreamily to. Paval took all the two-fisted press agentry calmly. After all. he explained, the hotel had paid him 82.500 to paint "a lady of chance" portrait. He secured Miss Giles as the model. "Certainly she posed in a bath ing suit," the artist admitted. "But I used my imagination. And so did the free-swinging press agents. 8 ft. K F?ta-3M4 45M mi A S TAR GAZER -BylAAT X. fOUdlN 0 ft paVJ8JM MAT II MAY B HMD 4 "J AX.VX follaMl-H 84 83 AUG 4 4ccrAt to It ifn ' To develop meuoo, for Tuesday, feod wOS coneipondmn to nuH&si! of your ud owth OCT Mt-SWl-Cl El Mr v? 1 a 4 Vawd 7 I Momt Dmm K Todn i II 1 l U Com 14 Tfct IS l Ami I' Vo It An I TotfMft 70 Vou 21 SnsuM ?3 4 24 T. 25 t ?6 27 I 2 Arlw 2 And JO C" 31 . 32 33 OuHMk 34 On 35 a 3 hui 3' 31 3 T. 40 Tel SI It 1 J O 4 Vmh NOV It ok a UIA4 20 41 Wo 71 Madt 42 Sam 72 OKwi 43 Itwmd 73 i tmovn 74 f 45 And 75 Sm At o H Th 47 Shcvd 77 Good 4S ffm 71 Tf i u ' d l.i 7 Urm SO AoVtmot SO 01 ii Om SI C" 52 . 12 Vlptui 54 Thfouoh 4 Utum I J .I4-xa Uasf 55 I 56 57 erraotf 5S And 5 Tht tO TV S5 Md M AtNjnKon 7 IndKONd SS Stcunti, r 4f 0 MHO N'ewrii oa 4 sew a HH7aTl Ur i 7 14 ok a jan k i.554-808B-l -AijlTfe al7-3ar e62H s Lew Wallace " Offers Thanks To Supporters P0RTLAXD tit - Lew Wallace, loog-time Democrat who withdrew from the Democratic guberna torial race but still received only 1 000 fewer rotes thaa his aooo- aeot. issuH a statement Monday P,!, Uun a Statesman, Salrm, Of., Tups., May 22. 56 (Src.I3 Park Maintenance Tax Wins By Slim 78 Votes The park maintenance tax to 'the city election. City Recorder Toters turned out The highest pf raise aa additional 835.008 a year Alfred Mundt confirmed Monday cenuga of voters among big ptV for Salem's park program was a all precinct totals were added. . , ,, - The special tax was one o fMir it. , m... i. uh rk. in SouUi Salem tSafeway starel thanking those who supported i others aooraved b volen r when 7I4 ner cent, ar 434 of tha . him. With some precincts still un counted, the Monday count showed Wallace polled 101.294 votes for the Democratic nomination for governor, to 107.283 for Robert D. Holmes, Astoria radio station manager and state senator Salem Measures ibond Issues for additional water 578 registered voter cast their I supply line, street wideiungs and ,four new bridges. Fhe city financt; About 75 ner cent turwout waa "ur"'"' ? noted ta South Salem's prectneta J W ?rt t WUe 38 and 200 and ia West Salem 45. rApano uic para sysiem. ' where rinai measure or aeieai m tne controversial Salem water supply r. 457 and 4M voter! showed their hand, respectively. Official tally of city election vote floundation proposal was 770 to Holme had been expected to totals from all S3 precincts was 6953. The negative votes amounted .J. JT."L !" win by a large margin since Wal- made Monday by City Recorder to 54 per cent of the total cast aa i. ,m Gramlfath ' 62, Becomes Catholic Priest Sll,180 Won by Woman on $2 Horse Race Bet (Picture aa WlrephaU Page) AGL'A CALIENTE. Mexico I A woman who won 111.180.80 on a $2 horse racing bet Sunday said: "It was pure luck." Mrs. G. W. Winterscheidt, wife of a Palm City, Calif., navy civil ian employe, said she picked five horses to win in six races just by their names and without other in- Aid for Baker Farmers Eved lace announced his withdrawal Alfred Mundt, as follows: from the race because of a heart condition. He said later his heart was all right and that the trouble was caused by overwork. Wallace's statement indk some Multnomah County pre cincts. State elections chief David O'Hara said Monday this was illegal. Federal disaster '; Wallace Name Women employees of British rail ways attend lectures on aids to beauty. (Pietare aa Wlrephata Page) I ALTON. 111. t A 62-year-old grandfather, ordained a Roman Cttholic priest Saturday, Monday celebrated his first solemn high mass in the church where he was ! married. Two grandsons served as aco lytes for the new priest, the Rev. Donald John F. McGinnis, former assistant Illinois attorney general and Madison County state s attorney. Relatives, friends and former as sociates of the legal profession at tended the mass at St. Peter and Paul Cathedral here. ! The new priest, a widower who ! began studiyng for the priesthood formation rbout them c. v-U iu. i i , tnuuuaiius ui aura ui ranu wru .Se lLhLnJyw;inri"g. flooded when the Goodrich Reser on uic 3-lv pool, winin pays uu ui . . i . j k. iL.ii voir broke. Top soil was carried tt&J&? building, were tenth races. She collected the en- dama er wr 1,0 '"fr"-1" nr. v,i i... ik. tr.oi,-. ton n, I In l the same reservoir col- i lam-Ad Anii iin Mranna nurd lavsvu aiiiu scTcii yx.i m From Ballots aid will be requested to reimburse f I Hegallv Marked farmers whose nrooertv was dam-i J aged when a city auxiliary water reservoir collapsed last Friday, loosing tons of water over rich farmland 15 miles west of here. The Baker City Council voted to ask for the federal aid. Thoudands of acres of land were Issoe Yes Fluoridatioa 6593 Water Bonds not Street Widenings 8087 New Bridges 6M2 Annual Park Tax K54 Park Bonds 6344 Fire Alarm Bond 6312 Firemen Tax 5261 Library Tax 57M Airport Tax 5791 Sidewalk Notice 7082 Police Residence 7685 Firemen Pension 904 Officials (laoptmea-) Mayor-Robert F. White Judge Douglas ' Hay Treasurer ' Howard Brandvold AMeraiea (I'aopoesea) killed in the resulting -flood, Election boards which scratched the name of Lew Wallrce off the Democratic gubernatorial ballot ; Ward 1-James Nicholson had no legal authority to do so, Ward 7 Russell Bonesteele Dave O'Hara, head, of the state election division, said Monday. Wallace announced his withdraw al several weeks ago, but he did it after the deadline for withdraw als. So his name stayed on the ballot. it T 5 a m XT nllriAmak fVitntv nr I iit.w ' n ii: , n jiiiri n. nriuc. cincts drew a line through Wal-; Kenivth W. Hutchins cent. I It watt th hi ?)-? navnff vr 1 since ihe 5-10 pool was established thM wss rebuiU here several weeks ago. The pre-1 .., . , , lace's name. O'Hara said a candi Vious high Of $9.06480 was C0. ".un..,. r.i3. namf c, muttd lected May 13 by Mrs. Karen Bent- CRAWLEY, England W Resi- tne ballot only if he dies. ley, wife of a Hollywod television ' dents in a certain section of this Wallace came close to winning camermaii. ! English town are complaining I tBe Democratic nomination for I auvui uir iiigiitiii;aiv:a Bulging, iiui ( governor. Ward 8 Loring Grier Ward 1 Alderraa Clayton W. Jone Dr. A. D. Woodmansee Pat Roden Ward S Alderman Earl 0, Bushncll that issue and more people i X, voted on it than oa any other 77ug ballot item. The negative vote wa 45JU 57 per cent when Salem voter first SXH9 defeated flouridatioa in November, 6(04 1954 Overall, the city voting turnout tttl was unusually high for a primary 6813 election as nearly 70 per cent of 7443 registered voter cast their ballot. 7322 Of the city M.Stt registered 7182 ; voters, 14.299 or 68 per cent voted S647 on flouridation. Actual total ballot 5341 cast wont be known until after 42V4 ' full canvas of the voting. I The heavy vole, especially In 11 984 torn of the large precincta. ao j,'73 counting for the "overload" of work facing election and counting 10 807 boards- j Among the big precinct, the tlfAvipl ritv vntm mmm mt "Precind 20 In Northeast Salem (Evergreen Avenue area) where at least 532 of Ibt 695 registered 1583 1 8611 A. O. Smith PERAAGLAS . Tho Flnool in Gcs Heat'mj by Day Heating Co. "First la Gas Beatiaf b Sales Unco MU' Frao Survey nl lrlmao 22S DMiitMi St.' Ph. 3-4123 five years ago. said after his ordin-, that they sing off key. They sing ation that the rule of the monastic at all hours, keeping people awake, "has given new meaning to my j The complaining resident live in life." I Nightingale Lane. Ground apricot pits are used to clean armature cores for new elec tric motors. VENETIAN BUNDS RY10CK MZ Sar far Knrytatns for Taw Window 8EE CI liCn o THE a o C1IUK BUND MAN rm EiUmatds Dy w NIM : 590 jmj 500 352 i 463 B 40, IW ll SI, 1 1 . 18 ' Diet Problems! Try Gussie's Low Calorie Plate Not over 3S0 calories, with lean roatt hoof, sliced tomato, corlag chooM, groOA ffCf salad, relish stick and dry toast ...... anf Alr4nlitioiMi ' Opon Until p.m. Daily Boy R. Hewitt Marguerite E. Berg - Jan E. Bauer REPIBLICAN Destes st Large fname 10 Elmo Smith Earl T. Newbry 12,506 John Stcelhammer Howard C Bclton -' Rudie Wilhelm Jr Charles ( reighton Jr 7- Jsss Card Robert Elliott -3 Wendell Wyatt James Lonergan -Mo-William McAllister - 4.582 John Hounsell Jack Lynch 4. 5 Lowell Paget Cordon Orput - 3,990 Philip Bladine - 3,837 Zvlpha Zell Burns 3,843 j' O Johnson 3.843 Mrs. C. II Phetteplace ....3.768 Charles Paine 3,521 Carrie Chapman .1.-3,410 Mrs. Frederick Young 3,474 Samuel Hall 3.456 Ravmond Salisbury 3,227 Ka'therine Corbett 3,248 Roger B. Buchanan 2,864 Marsaret Von Lubken ... 2.873 Paul Kerrijan 2.985 Walter Evans Jr 2.742 Walter Durham Jr 2,207 A. W. Lafferty 2,245 Henr A. Buehner .2.047 Angus Cihson (dec ) 1.977 Bardi Skulason 1,901 Peter Welch m. J ('. T-lhott 1.679 Josrph Stearns . . 1,446 Delegates 1st District (name 2) Mark Hatfield 13.447 Robert Elfstrom 7.222 William Chaawick 5,698 Sewird Reese 3,361 Walter Foster 1,824 Pat Roden 1,807 Robert Ingall.' . 1.381 Mrs. Metta Bauehman 868 Fred H. ( ockell 719 Dale Jacobs . . 375 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS Democrat: Tlrnry L. Hess 8.203 Margaret Cawood 7.999 Max H Friedman 7,923 Emery ('. Ingham 7,921 Mvrnn Katz 7.R38 John M. Winkler ....7,605 Republican: James C. Hatfield 11,914 Nca! R. Allen 10,935 Mabel f,. McCall 9.167 J. 0. Johnson 8.88R Zenas A. Olson 8.538 William Hanzen 8,261 Travis Cross 8.019 Lowell C. Paget 6 968 John H. Matney .r 5.700 Irene H. Orliner 5,2?9 Jnck M. MrLii"hlin 4.82? Herman W. Winter 4,015 SURGICAL SUPPORTS Of All Kinds. Trusses, Abdominal Supports. Elastic Hosierv Eipert Fitters Private Fitting Rooms "Ask V'our Doctor" Capital Drug Store 405 Stale Street Corner of Liberty Greea Stamp WOW AT 113 60 SIMM 260 ST ATI ST. mmmMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmM - r';i u n aj wau i li 1 111 i LOOK at the space you save! New EASY Combination takes up less than half (it't only 27" wide) tht space you'd need for a separate washer and dryer IXCLUSIVI TILT TUI, giant size in smallest possible cab inet, gives you new and dif ferent "Deop Well" launder ing. USIS USS WATIR, USS SOAP THAN ANY OTHtft WASHIRSI And yet F.asy npver re uses dirty, sudsy water. Automatic Water Saver lets each load "choose" the minimum wa ter it needs. TUMI-l-ATO WASHING ACTION ia first to take full adiuntage of modem detergents! a I I . . 1 J ;-:' . v - XI i v-- j "V r r.r iiii ii iff iJ j fjJ WASHES. THEN DRIES IN ONE UNIT... JUST PUSH A BUTTON! Full Featured! All Automatic! NO UNTI NO STEAM I NO VINTTNO I You never ha ve to clean out a lint-trap ... all lint it screened off clothes and removed automatically. DlirMPINAWAY RINSING get out more soap and toil than ordinary rinsing ac tions. DRIIS ClOTHIS FASTIST with fu'iee the air circula tion of ordinary dryer ( plus excluive "Safety Pre-heat" that begins while clothe an (till wet and (pinning). njV7 ' N COMBINATION WASHER-DRYER -SEE IT TODAY! Hre'g the biggest home laundry new in 20 years! New Easy Combination washes and dries clothes in one continuous operation ... in the smallest space ever! It's the world's fastest all-electric washer-dryer. Easy "delivers" a full load the way you ordered it . . . and "as you like 'em dry, ready to iron or put away in as little as 70 minutes! You just push a button! MODEL CDF dj $47995 LIBERAL TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE PAY AS LITTLE AS $o)90p""k TRADE in Vow LP Washer MOW ! FREE PARKING FREE DELIVERY STORE HOURS: 8:30-5:30 Daily 8:30-9:00 P.M. Monday and Friday NO DOWN PAYMENT (ON APPROVED CREDIT) WILLAMETTE VALLEY'S LEADING APPLIANCE h. HOME FURNISHERS SALEM - OREGON CITY 260 State Street Phont 3-9148