UZec I) Suttiman. Salrm. Ore, Turt, My 22. "S3 Adlaij Estcs Say H-Bomb Dropping Must Spur New Efforts for Universal Peace f DOU.UJ B. COAXttX Miami, ria. - u. tat Xefeaver d Adlai t. Htwum, lee t tee hi a aotioewKie ra die-TV forum. Joiead Maaday aifnt hi tjectaratlaa UiM th abopptnf M a hrdreta eon la tba rarifat fciodty iat saurt w fleru far awaleartai peace. The two Democratic Presiden tial heeei'uta took tlijbtly different tarki. latweear, ea th Idea ef htdu fcrthar teatta. at atrlaer should "take the bed hi tetpoainidrmaeds m Atom Kacny Cam ta the ImiH Lai aa bnmedieie ! The in al eorcbd cwaeetiea al further eVoppia ef eoiiurt wfckli weraajr st9fai m4 taT"?'! fcwwhi." but ha laid that "aa dar aot undertake tor a are reapoe tibilnf tlaat, tteveeao recently asserted Ikat the U. I. Aeuid eaaeider tha -tioa ef arlAfiac about a ha to auciear weapona teats. Tha I' J., Bteeenaa day aiftt, muat m4 m tba Diaee-Yelea acaaaaL" Tbia was a retereaee ta a pUa lar a eweta power stent UMiM bar al lb Tiaaissoa Valtey Aav thertty wptanaf power TV A eup bum far etamae eoerrjr traduc- Uoa ! aot ta aar that ta people nae I A aatioewide arofjaiw ia eaouga lateUiience ta work aut needed, ha ead. ta tura etomieiUus problem wtthout cauatng via- u-. e0 ta peaceful usee wrta tne u aaweraraent apeasorait: awanlc yean ae wbea tha cVcieiaa was eftaaoaeed if bow tated. "Little by bilk. a will tana dowa ta the bard tort, tha tticky. etubbera ara each at tha Souta- en stale. , KeJaareer. aaswerau Ota same fwaa. aaid "aa a aawjthcrear. College Al Ketasjecr eWIareel la a tee-art statement that tha fait Kates Idaho State en In Panty Raid POCATELLO. Maha W - Aha M mca ttadeats brake Uria a iW icmitarr at Jdah Ctata CaUffr aarty Moaday. vtbbtot Hf and atnar taucriarmaoia tha caadt acrtaaaai aa4 tquttkd. Twa fcatirf War, eatWfa t- tOttyU aU vatar tram Ora how aa rua aT aorarttf girta wha aaraiiaM than with tranv Thart wm aa arraata. Latar ta tha a, WC frat. Cart W. MclntMh Inotd atataiaaat la wtrkk aa taM tha "arpadai lr ratpoadbilHr hi matter af onv tidaraf'la altapaaiatmrat." Ha Mi4 tha taflna diacipUaa aaav mtuat "la la MA mm nmMHf hi toed aa4 to ikmoihU aparaprtato actiaB." Ca3rt aottarltiaj aa!4 tha bayi aatartd Gintkj Hafl ahaut t am. Oaa ai tha U4csU clioibad tarawta aariwaom wtodw aa Caa rt &r aad ndaclud tha hade ar.- ,:' " Tha aaafec raidara aaarmad firwi tha h0 and Iota raama, pXo4 a kagana, Tha aaroii ury aa hi aa apraar whaa aa 1 armad. Tha alficara va tha raldari 1m aataataa la gat aut ar land hi huL" Thf kayi mat tha daad tm. -j AhaU 4 girti (ram ar iaoa aarsriUet. clad vhlta ta gaa. vtttad aQ tha mta'i dormi tortfa aad (rataralty bowai aa tha campoa. Thay ataad ta tha lobbtaa al tha hauaaa. blaring aa trombaaat ta 1 aaaouaca that "Crack Watk" hagaa Moaday. It wu vhlla tha girU vara ra turalnc ta their awa dormltarlaa that tha mala atudanU turned lira hoaat at tbam. - n I it m ui una wc m J. Muat caatiaaa to wprriwaal ' ikimaatralad ky ma drappttaT aad laat tha aaea af aoclrar aaer- tha H-bsmb Mwday. gy while takiag tha lead ta pra- Taa ttaa aatdag a halt to drapawg bamba'tha rac-aly aiwuad aadar tha argtoettoa al aa agraa-a asiUary grauad toreaa mot h Kaaaia. .ahaaia a aafaniy - X The hMpacuoa pUa ahoold be u taa. reaubrnfttad. Jth aa emphaeia-! Stataaaea aata U w aa nUa la aaaura tateraabanaj aa npwoR 'I i raabia that a eaaMt leaa thialarama Court aapraiatd tha a daatradtra farea laaaa M thaiacieeea af tha atiaa) ha Una ed- won ano moat cenaimj mine, hi prjblem that remaina la how da Mreaatloa hi to be accom- plithod" Belag Daaafreg eted Ha Mid that prrhapa half the area that waa segregated twe world aaearbed.' 4 A "craab araram" la aaed- ad, tha Icaatariaaid. ta praVida tha artJca aaauga ajoauiiaa aoas- gardld Paltlka f . Tha aatlooal ntareet, ha taid. ruruaiiuiiiiicd , -i - .. " ........ .t PORTUXD (ft -Tha City Caaaxi dadded Maaday ta boost taa ealahea af key admioittrativa affiean aa mack aa tum a year. The) S la S tat cam while the caamcl waa aomg aa a badget enwinr'Sw Pf1"!' aad a formal iiaaacB 9K awat be held before She teSuB al bad. The raws mU iarmae city aware, knffib aeSrer aad city ainCiaaar. trma m ta tlXM; otuaf af euUce aaal fire chief. .- a ta fXm. mr eepaeer aad aatrka aiaaratamtrat, HOB ta gas; trefflt eavjjeeer. jm to a mm The taeadl already hat ae a meat, lor aB city emptor. The taten taraed dova a tu krry at . last rridij'l eiectioa which would have girca city employei a higher . mcreaae. leadrrilup toward tha "peaca thli"t?ZZi Pta! la Ui prayer af aU mankind Three yeera ago. the termer niinoia governor aaid. "we were great aad aammanded rrapect are aot aa etreag today aad aat m raapeded, aad wa have ta recover la both reepecU. Tha Tranrtare geaator aaid the dropping of the first Amancaa H bamb from a plana brtngt tha aa Uoa face ta far with the "double edged aoMibility af total drttrue Uoa aad the pwuUoa af total da atnartive paer." rtatlarai OatUaed Ha outlined aa I point platform: I. That "wa mmt hate a moral 7 We moot bawrt. Kefe)er aaid. againet a prirata monopoly w atomic energy. The terror el the bydrogea bomb, Kefatrver laid, muat be; converted bat "the leal beat ar eumenl lor world peace." itrveaaaa had bateaed keUaUy while Kefavver ticked aff hta peuae, fumbling accaaloaally waa a yellow pewru. '1 alae fad that the featdeat. by calling a caaferenc of the aa- io l leaderi. could do much la help eafre thia lyttar. Budget Croup To Balance Books Monday tatory aba aa Faga 1.) Salem City Budget Committee will go back ta jugfjing the budget lata final balance Monday at 7 JO p m., following a bury eetdoe laat eight, complicated by the outcome ef dty finance meaiurea in the re cent eiectioa. A perrrniuU argumeot aver city f H program reaulted la deleting the proposed CMd approprulion tVrwwa tKaa ailar kau4afaa akei tmuua. checUmatenarweteaa.f w-rw L rKi-by City Manager J Uaaa. Ketaaver aaid me arspptog u ZTZTaZZ ef the arw bomb may afler aw,deaegregatioa arder. the i twjedem- boaa af aaeceaa m Vm Deal auica aeavaMa inry were Kefamer, he Mid. had toMcked ea somethiAf that The rose, the baauL the artacipal caacera ef wr country la this campaiga. Certainiy. be and. The aoiem- la m TaUBrunettc Joins Court Farm Measure Comp romise (In Making WASHINGTON -eiiala HouM ceaferaet aa the farm bill were reported tat Monday ta have agreed tentatively aa a com- premlM which would gtv the ae mlnlttritlea largely what R waau aa the key aueaUoa af feed grata. Sea. EUenoor (D-La. cbaarmaa af the reafereea, would tey aaty after the IH hear tetae that "we air ditcaaaed tartaa r- peaala and Tm tor wa caa teach aa agrefmcai Tneaaay aaaraug. Civil War Vet, 109, 'Satisfactory' After Treatment Dl'LUTH, Mlna. Ill Albert Wool mm, lOt-year-old Civil War veteraa. waa reported la aatiafae- tory conditio early Monday at a Duluth bnepltal where aa ta coa llard with a murrmg mag cea gestioa. fraoxe aad budget committee man Conrad Paulsoa. Mayor Robert f. While declared that he atiU considers the 4-H spending wroag. even though the program la worthy. Most of the ex pense la looted by federal and state funds, and each .year the city's share has been under fire from those who disagree In principle because other youth groups aren't tax-supported. lUja Added Revenue subcommittee chair mat K. C. Charlton got the bud getmakers to agree ta adding $15. 500 ta estimated revenues of the city, following hit committee's study of state gas tax estimates, alcohol tax. library fees, court lines and utility (axes. Mayor Robert F. White and At .-'- I t i f. . -- ' Oregon Election Returns PORTLAND Skaraa Frey, daagbter af Mr. aad Mrs. Fred R. Frey. Partlaad. was aeleeled Meoday aa Rose Festival priacess at Graat High Sraeei. Sharaa, a 17-year-old branette with grej-greea eye. Is a UU girl, S feet 7' laches, aad weighs 1U aMads. (AP Phot) Algeria Rebels Kill. Mutilate 19 Frenchmen ALGIERS. Algeria ( -Three infantry battalions scoured the rocky hills east ol Algiers Monday for a rebel band which killed and mutilated 19 young French reserv ist Friday. Fifty rebels were re ported killed and 100 suspects ar- Theatre Time Table CAPITOL "THK CONQUEROR": TOO, 10 H rtlRV AT GUNS1GHT": 21 BLSINORI "BIRDS Si THE BEES": 7 00. IS 17 "SCARLET HOUR": S J HOLLYWOOD "MAN CALLED PITTFR"- S 11 LOVE IS A MANY SPLEND ENT THING": 7 0S, 1105 NOBT SALRM DRIVI IN Burt "THE ROSE TATOO." tnriblir, Anna Masnanl 'TOX rtRE." tU Chandler, Jan Huucil I Street to annus m uir irrni5i? naj Iimvy i- Phl tempers hih in Alrers T t-inii 1st him' Jr J rant AH af the II men- 1 111" 10 1 I Mlau4 ai iKm riflmmjaat mnvtvl 6rmn Diivid OHara urged ctty ml 4 llK lh- iirtrar( nt tank officials ta bring in aa estimate of aw, hethp,m cast al widening and Improving . ,, ... . ,-..,.j sjrLi . The kilting of the reservist, has g 11V ta tseaiM aa v x wpm -' ' ' the SJ? tracks, where In. A7m?w-5eamVInW- WTZ:" I l WA - . Fatal to Man "" . w . vl. as. . Huunr- irtimiuR ini bi'-'t' m M 1T as. if ! atayaiaftaaa laaiisaT Tiiafiii Ll nMUaX m B1W WUKUtm U ' " - ' " -4im Itt'u rrnirtx M eiea tint "t.s:' .fap4v fv urm MfTR wmmm anr a 41- "'" - Inter-Service Squabble Sees Wilson Step In By ZO CBXkCI WASHINGTON - The Peata goa'a lop brass atayed dowa as "eager bearer" scrabbling Maa day a sudden apaarge af Arrny-Nsry-Ajr Farce rivalry aver an tteaal defease policy. It dida-t loot, however, aa fa aay serious punishment waa ha store lor relatively Junior officers who stirred ap the weekend fuss. Secretary af Defease Wilao took the "little hurricane.' at be called it, aa seriously that he called ea short notice aa unpre cedented news eooierenet by him self, the secretaries ef aQ three services aad all members of the! the Third District's 117 precincts David C. Shaw jim ami naui. n j p.m. give: "There wUl always be tome dif-j Third District Csagreee ferences of opurloo withia aad be- pa J Roth tweea the services ia connection j Eluebeth Canoa Sailor with military operations," de-!peter W. Welch elared wusoa, as the civiiiaa and : a. W. Laf ferty zniiitary heads al the Armed Forces sat stony-faced alongside him. He added: 'Honest differences and reason able competition between the mili tary services are healthy and win result ia a stronger Defense es tablishment. "It is not good for the country, however, to have these differ ences, some of which are set forth in confidential staff papers, aired an a basis of service partisanship without giving the proper respon sible officials the opportunity to weigh all the factors involved. Wilson thus moved swiftly to halt the biggest inter-service quar rel by far since the "admirals' revolt'' over the B36 bomber in 1M9. By m ASSOCIATED FUSS I Freaadesw. wy-SH-wi rkH I AcOaa Stevenson Matf laofTicial returns (ma MM of" Kefaever r.H the stale's X51I araciacts at 1 p aa. VS. aVwaie give: Vayae Morse ltt.iU PnnVttBt Woody SmiU a EM Owight D. Eisenhower SON I'aof&cial returns from ta ( Tk Ftssldiet ' the First Distntts tSS praaacU Richard Nixon 41JM'tt T p m. give: lrtte-aa aa hrkfaig MattM Fhwt IMalrkt Ceagreaa avsh Cawatyl iJasoa Lee XJ.m VX SemaU I Doa H. kietbeny 14.M Douglas McKay Unofficial retvas from 4!t of PkJ Hitchcock BT.itl the Secoad District's M precincla Elmer DeeU , . at 7 p.m. give: George Altvater J.7j Seeaad Dlstriet Ceacreea laofncial returns frera tSS ef Al lUmaa :t34 the First District i IU precincU.A. E. "Earl) Gboewetl 1411 at 7 p ro. give: j Inofficial returns from 0$ ef Ftrat Dtatrirt Coagreea the Fourth District's (13 precincts Walter Norblad C aSS at 7 a m. give: R F. Caok 11.17$ Fswrth District Coagreea Unofficial returns from 117 of. Charles O. Porter a.SM ll.tX Unofficial returns from 1497 of the state's 1511 precincts tt 7 2t.17t p.rn. grve: 15.947 Governor 15.S23 Robert D. Holmes 110.561 10.785; Lew Wallace 104.SM Unofficial returns from 2501 of State Treasaree the state's 2511 precincts at 7 .Wiley W Smith p.m. give: Gevi Elma Smith Eirl L. Dickson Secretary ef State Mark Hatfield William E. Healy National Ceasmltteeaaaa Robert T. Mauti John Merrifield DEMOCRAT 111 4W Al. M. Richardson H.5M National Ceasmltteemaa 223 M C. Girard Davidson 114.571 23.134 Pat Dooley 13.011 I National Cemmitteewemaa 147.1X0 Virginia Grant 100.511 M Oil Gladys Last M.214 NONPARTISAN llllll Unofficial returns from 1411 of 101.098 the state s 251$ precincts at 7 p m. give: Unofficial returns from 2496 of) Sapreme Ceert Judge the state s 251 precincts at 7 , Hall S Lusk ' 294.971 pm give: iL. B. Sandblast 135,00 But from other source 1 waa learned thai a tornpromiao af thai sort appeared ta be la the snak- "It -- - I. The Hons conferees would accept the Senate veruoa af price aupports (or feed grain oats, barley, rye and sorghums. Tha Senate voted lor generally lower supports than the House and made feed grains ineligible for tha toil bank program. Tha administration strongly opposed the House plan. 2. The Senate conferees would give ia ta tha House on the ques tion ef whea the $1,200,000,000 a year soil bank would be effective. The House bad voted to make a start aa it ia 1956; the Senate left it ap ta Secretary of Agriculture Beasoa ta decide whether any soil bank program was possible thus year. Pornography Curbs Sought By Senators ; WASHINGTON - A combina tion of federal and state laws is I called tor by Senate investigators to combat a SOO-million-dollar-a-i year racket they say has been built I up by "loathsome and lecherous .purveyors of pornography." j In a 71-page report on a nation , wide investigation, the Senate juve nile delinquency subcommittee I said Sunday niKht it found "a very large percentage" of this prono ' graphic output is reaching tern- The subcommittee, headed by !'!""", F' .Loner8an Sen Kefauver D-Tenn, called it if'1 Lyn5" ,, ... . a tvpe of material that "corrupts, I Wlll!am defiles and destroys ' and Midjrl T. Newbry much of it is distributed by "smut oroon "rP"1 Convention Delegate Returns By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Dave Epps REPUBLICAN D1 Fairbanks Unofficial returns from 2046 of M. James Gleasoa the state's 25l precincts give: Edith Green Delegates to National Conven-1 """am a. jr. Deuian J. nana jjgjWm. L. iLesi Josslin Harvey Karlin ' 'Marie M. Kauffman JJ'1 Jason Lee 3,320 : Howard Morgan Richard L. Neuberger naiirr J. rearsun Norman W. Raies Sherman Stanbery Walter A. Swanson tion (At Large) Howard C. Beltoa Philip N. Bladine Roger B. Buchanan " Henry A Buehner Zylpha Zell Burns Carrie Chapman Katherine C. Corbett Charles W. Creighton Jr Walter A. Durham Jr. Robert A. Elliott Walter H. Evans Jr. Jess Card Angus Gibson Samuel A. Hall John llounsell J. 0. Johnson Paul Kerrigan A. W. Lafferty 43,040 39.065 31.068 65.1(11 44.654 74.759 140.022 59,794 59.271 56., 51 40,765 48.715 65,168 58.039 147,479 75,168 24,510 27,915 54.499 124.864 55.633 lb eat aehAar a ribartceaaTtiati ahraaat i7amire ta w.'n)iri f aft a? La pediilers" lurking around schools. ; 1: called on the federal govern- mesl to halt the importation ef s asatenat and to block its Raymond J. Salisbury Lowell C. Paget Charles L. Paine Mrs. C. H. Phetteplace Tapes Okehed InM&FTrial Richmond PTA Seals Officers Tha Richmond School Parent- Teacher Association presented . a varied program Monday night at it final meeting ef the year, Gardner Knapp. member of the Salem School Board, discussed the school district budget tnd reports al tha stats PTA convention came from delegate Dr. Elvrood Page, Mrs. Wilbur Goodall and Mrs. Har eld Hatxenbuhler. , V Installed at new tfflcers were Dr. Elwood Page, president; Gil bert Jones, 1st vice president; John Pixutti. 2nd vie president; Mrs, William Clark, secretary; and Delbert Seager. treasurer. Edwin Boalet, Marion County PTA presi dent, conducted the Installation. Musical offerings came from the iUchroood choir. Portland Area's Wholesale Coffee Prices Increase PORTLAND , III - Wholesale aolft prices were increased by torn dealers her Monday, fol lowing word that major coffee producers boosted the wholesale lutings af vacuum-packed coffee by t ta 4 cents a pound, - Bob Crosby Scolds AFM LOS ANGELES er Bob Croaby laead taaJk Xaa- oar with what he termed the aata-i,, f cratic administration of the Amer ican Federatios af Musiciaas. !, $am earn rnrnn; " "ZT '"J Tame tht F-mamiw v ?H the mails andiBardi Skulason m ausow estnninturnjn. .n - - 1? Jaw a Wrc w bBr Xaa- t , t trssaaaartatata m interstate! Elmo Smith dBoacammt oiuonic. Ttamr tuna fllmmiHnl' ra" r-mt n flea i-m jo cxuxrtt Joseph O. Stearns aumc aUt 3m amlut jrfininait: at nilllm- nm:Tr ian n- t m IM; a said alsa there is "desperate 1 John F. Steelhammer era aumei at tnrmr toanT. marrnig he iiwie. b.Jre te )IKKI, nrt r-K -.m reed" for improved state lews;J. C. Talbott Srt iaauranca rattmr. antt an aw- tw lr-r fim rt su-mnram a,ra,wrg x,, ;:n ; ami srjed both state and federal Margaret Von Lubken anj a aauisj of jaJB a yiar b KntB at tne arnir-t in a pinat a a tf ?a? ae. rwensments ta enact legislation Peter W. Welch Har estsatanf Ur inauraoc jrw- iwiunn mis iummwt ji r? mg rgm! ,.3. tarred proralsg suffer jail sentences and Rudie Wilhelm Jr. swav i (-Hits, arwrt rn trui m Jir v na jlirlia,Xj! ,j !or those wha engage in the Wendell Wyatt aB Caflew WW - cu sm taam, vx e tseoaa bd sot traffic. i Mrs. Frederick Young The aaav tar kiglxer jmic fitf.- wa I Unofficial returns from 529 of liati " FianiBi etTtoaui taiat tf-aaaa . M a tnZ of d mta a w-v. w;u the First District's 655 precincts badget gresa caed a 75,594! 34.826 1 70.614 1.504 54.561 35,122 40,343 ,. jan .. oaurr f. Marguerite E. Berg '"! Roy R. Hewitt M.IIJ KtFlBl.UA Unofficial returns from 2021 of the state's 2519 precincts give: Electors fer President aad Vice Prealdenl Niel R. Allen Travit Cross Irene H. Gerlinger William E. Hanzen 2o ,i6i) James C. Hatfield 50 934 J O. Johnson 26 302 ' John H. Malney 3o'oi9 ! Mabel G. McCall 28 968 Jack M. McLaughlin 81897 1 Zena A. Olson jg 851 Lowell C. Paget 45.772 Herman W. Winter 57,8.50 113,181 51.381 52.706 39.951 40,283 37,432 26.097 130.381 Monroe Sweetland Lyle R. Wolf Unofficial returns from 529 of the First District's 649 precinctt give: First District convention dele gates 27,370 24.327 26.664 113,984 68.941 65.380 88.001 97.155 96.291 69,635 62.532 58.561 88,020 81.242 42,878 after -the ti'-m Sie.wt js sw rsowa .: 10. J p m. aad decided ta on- i 4af1art&w -J & Crosby, testifying before t pkte the budget aeraiay teal PORTLAND ( -Circuit Judge Martin W. Hawkins ruled Monday I that the jury could hear a tape recorded confession ef William Clarence Peddicord. who it under a 20-year prison sentence for the extortion bombing of the Meier 4 rrani to. department store in April, 1955. The recording will be played for the jury at the trial of Mrs. Joyce neiier, rtoaicordi sister-in-law who is accused of helping the blind Portland chemist carry out the bombing. Peddicord first ac cused Mrs. Keller of helping him concoct the plot but later sam ne alone was responsible. Explorer Post In Weekend Trip Explorer Post 16 took lis annual mint trip over the weekend, a three-day outing at Penny -Annie Mine in Southern Oregon's Jack ton County. Activities included fishing, hunt in. tnd climbing as well as min ing. Most of the members found small amount of gold. Members making the trip were Tom Hiron, Bob Rohland, Jerry Marsh, John Gottfried, Mark Wal lig, Dick Marsh. Roland Schul. Joe Stowachek, Dick Davis, Ron Tour and Chuck Schmidt. They were ac companied by Lou Amort, post adviser, : and hit . brother,- Paul Amort, Portland. House 1 avestigaliflg committee, slid he did not wish to disrupt the AFM but the situation which has developed within the music indusrty has led him ta conclude that the administration of Pres. James C. Petrillo "has forgotten the basis of aQ labor movements social justice." " "The essence ef a union it de mocracy," the bandleader con tinued. "There Is no democrtcy if t union's voice is the voice of one man and if it expresses the will of only one man or a few men." Crosby scored what he taid was Petrillo't "defeatest tnd negative attitude" toward reversing the trend to canned music. Runaways Back Home Two Salem boys cited late Sun. day night for rolling tires into the street apparently ran away from their homes, but returned volun tarily Monday evening, police said. Their disappearance was discov ered about midnight Sunday, short ly after the boys had been releai ed to their parents, police said. Police said they did not learn where the boys had been Monday. The boys, one 14 and one 15, were cited Sunday night after ad. mitting they had rolled about 20 used tires from t pile at Cottage and State streets Into the street and onto nearby lawns, police said. They were ordered to see the juvenile officer. Monday Bight The city library was an additional S7J60, bringing budget up to IS4.2O0. Most of this, $6,700, was marked for urgent re pairs which had earlier been tak en out of the budget In hopes the voters would approve a $30,000 one-year tax to recondition and enlarge the library. Another $600 was added to City Librarian Hugh Morrow's salary after some mem bers taid hit fine work entitled him to be paid more in line with other department heads. Present librarian salary is $5,037. The general Increase earlier approved would have brought this to $5,400, but the committee last night agreed to $6,000. The committee took under con sideration t bid from Bush House i museum) supporters for $3,600 for repairs and painting, in addi tion to $1,200 annual maintenance. n;Jerry Lewis Treated for Heart Trouble cend i i-.:.i orrjcsr ax) the same !ctnjrje many t;rr.s in itrtm'x vrr.'.Tw Hp -aould lap out of a plane at atxut 10.000 feet, open his nooden wings which he manipulated with his arms into Man Dies Who I Willed Eyes to UO Medical School Jive: First Dlstriet Ceeveatlea dele sates Mrs. Metta D. Baughman William W. Chadwick . 'Fred H. Cockell OREGON' CITY ' Clyde nnhart I. Flf.tmm an air current and glide and fly filaier, 66, who willed his eyesiwalter W. Fostt. lor several inou.sano iw. inenne ana body to the University ot.Mark Hatfield wouia open nis paracnuie ana oe- Oregon medical school in Port land, died of a stroke Sunday at There are 53,500 tons of metal in the U.S. aircraft carrier Saratoga. I. 5.166 13.019 6.618 11.223 8.651 36.974 11. .506 6.660 1.896 5.346 Robert C. Ingalls Dale Jacobs a hospital here. Coward Reese ( Hl'Rf'H BROKEN INTO UMK;. kn,.r .nnum had ra. I ... . . j unitvunnn im rnmd. .................... rai nooen frrn m i ' rinl Christian Church, Cottage moved the corneas of his eyes tor series ol tests for a possible heart i broken into Monday night, appar- his body also was taken condition. I my ,nroun W"100- P0'1"! mazer naa oeciaea son nine , Debtee tt National Coave. No announcement was made of,a'u . a"al" Bna ;' -" w Hoi (At large) DEMOCRAT Unofficial returns from 2046 of the state's 2519 precincts give: the results of the tests. Lewis wail"" nM n movea DUl noining meuica researun, . hosoitaliied Fridav after comolain-i wl" believed to be missing, they medical care he had received and ing of chest pains. He has suffered j with a heart murmur in recent years. was unable to finance himself. Joseph K. Carson Jr. Alfred H. Corbett 84,902 76,119 DALLAS MOTOR-YU Giant 100 Ft Screea Gates open 6:45 Show at Dusk Fndi tonight "3 COINS IN k FOUNTAIN" "CHIME WAVE" Starts Itmerrtw Alan Ladd Audrey Dalton "DRUMBEAT" cinemascope 4 color second feature Judv Canova in "OKLAHOMA ANNIE" COLOR Actress Sued For Divorce SANTA MONICA. Calif. -Actress Marie McDonald was sued for divorce Monday by Harry Karl, millionaire shoe store owner. He charged her with causing him "grievous mental suffering" tnd asked for custody of their two adopted children, Denise and Har rison." both (. 50c PHOfU 4-6711 Om i 20 - la Taa'ay -Richard Taa - Jaaa Patart A Man Called Pettr William Hainan - Jaaaifar jaaaa Lovt It a Many Splendored Thing STARTS TOMOIIOW Ai Ya'va Navar iaa Hi lafaral The Lone Ranger Ca-lattwrt Tha laraary Caatl at tha Haiaht mt All In Calar fi latrifva Honky Tonk liarrinf Clark OaMa Woodburn Drive-In- Sunday Moaday faeeday lOttTttlTHItr Cary Graat Grace Kelly .Plat "WE LEFT HAND Of MO" Humphrey Begart Opea 1:13-3 tart Dtuk ;S!iyehici m Drive-lnTheslto laadsy Mondsy Taeaaay , . . . ijjtti" 1 v r. ,, Iregsrt-Hephara-Boldea Flat BKJMOflARr ' " Deaalt Olecfa -Opea:a-fiUrtDatk.: .. VICTOI HEXBERT1 "BABES 1(1 T0YLAND" ' ' ' OPERETTA PRESENTID MAY 22 AKD 23 ? 1:00 tM. SOUTH SALEM HIGH SCHOOL ly fauth Salam Cklr ami Orchestra GATES OPEN 1:45 SHOW AT DUSK . . . ENDS TONIGHT . . . 'THE ROSE TATTOO' and 'FOXFIRE' STARTS TOMORROW I Each Other's Arms They Found a Lave That Defied S.00 Years af Tradition! WILLIAM HOLDEN JENNIFER JONES 'LOVE IS A MANY SPLENDORED THING' la Technicolor! CO-HIT A Storyy af the Great Northwest's Early Days! MED MacMUIRAY HENRY FONDA "TRAIL OF THE L0NS0ME PINE" STARTS TOMORROW! LAST DAY George Gobel snd "THE BIRDS ANO THE BEES" "SCARLET HOUR" LET'S EVERYBODY GOI -To itt foboloui ploygrownd of iti Wwr, lor on entertainment 'natural'! J , ...evAVu ' r; , . .a - IT 7j trx?:. :. . -s4JJt .... .Xi V h - "'a 4 ' DAN DAILEY CYD CHAR1SSE ICMU ktOOSDCAO UU DUVAS M MCX'JS OSCAl HAHLWBJ ULUUf HOKTfVtCOl CAM WlllAW . aral OUIST STARS JERRY COLONNA PAUL HENREIO LENA H0RNE Q(pltS FRANKIE LAINE M1TSUK0 SAWAMURA PLUS "WEDDING IN MONACO" Plus In Cinemascope, Color and Wenderous Beauty The Event ef the Year! LATEST NEWS COLOR CARTOON STARTS TOMORROWl LAST DAY John Wayne 'THE CONQUEROR" and "FURY AT GUNSICHT PASS" The live nd miohly aloty oi Alexondor, the Mseadoffan, sea I o King end holf-aovoo. Princeas ae wWi and woaiaa he loot by right of conovaaff the COLOSSUS OF MOTION PICTURISI J W . a atsaas-rr'av raw - i ssalaManruaBaaawaftaaT AM .-.raVVSk. Ml 1 f' : n aaWstaaMaaWsssaWsMM I TECMNlCOtoat Richard BURTON Fredric MARCH Claire BLOOM Danielle DARRIEUX ADDED A Trip Italy's Wonderful Past! "ITALIAN MEMORIES" and TWEETII-PIE CARTOON LATEST NEWS I