The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 22, 1956, Page 10, Image 10

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10-(Scc. II) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Tues, May 22, 58
Radio, TV
Vote Count
Thcyll Do It Every Time -.-. By Jimmy Hatlo
For All-Star Game
V Br TID SMITS . leent," said frick. That Is still
KVH YORK'HM - Baseball the fans game. ,
OwTuTuisloner ford Prick an- l recent The Ducaio,
winced Monday hi. office will Tnbune ha. erred " thecentrd
conduct the AU Star Gam poB J""-! burwu for the poll The
- hiMoperatiM with Canadian -"d Tr,bun lUe' Prm-- j
America newspapers, radio eta- j Vetlag Oeeas U Jane i
tiooi and television iUUoot. , Frick said the votlnf will open
3Tlll n,t ay 22. Final tabulations
7.1 .n. .iwt inmard thai results "ust received id the comma-
i iKXwfr i' ,fiw midni8hi
to mctt omc. h,. . ik. eit. win h
Th response u magnuV .,. .u,,,,.,. I
The fume is July 10 in Wash
ington. The fans will select the
starting teams (or both leagues
except (or the pitchers, who will
be chosen by the managers along
with the balance of the two
squads. I
WarU Series Managers
By tradition, the previous year'
World Series managers serve as
managers (or the league teams
in this case Casey Stengel of the
(CeaUaued frena preceding page) York Yankees (or the Amer
the modified penalty. 'lean League, and Walt Alston of
Football players at UCLA will the Brooklyn Dodgers (or the N
lose one year o( eligibility. unless tjonil League,
they can show they have not re-; Frick 'said the poll is "open to
luil .nv llleeal financial aid. 'anv newsDaocrs and radio and
. . .1 I'll III... Mill Im 1 tj.lj.lll Jl. IaUm tv,MV OBM SltnHflV
irTneyTrenn.i..nlr v. - y - , Motor Boat Racing Associa-
ID DaUlHIiUallC. " " - - - . . ... ,
Loss of Year
Faces UCLA's
Grid Players
WM,4ND-yW-tX 60SSD fT.f
i i. 1 mSBTPi irr iifi rr"" if nv rittV- " " " ' ' "
Good ol' flippep.twe home
te-4m shortstop, saved the 64me
wttm ah impossible c4tcm
Calls Bail
: Boat Races Set Sunday
In Willamette River
The first boat racing program of the season here it seTTor next
crnoon in IhrtrmaTneTTrfiver. off Wallace Mann farkT
mean, c'oach Red Sanders: T. forest ! argument, over play- tion and will be ,.nct.onedby jhe national m'h Th Salem
will have at least the nucleus of ers used in two or more posi
a football team next year ak lions, Frick declared:
though he could lose all who were Qantlti of Petition '
Juniors on the nsS squad. A l55 "Should a player play at more
. . l u -i. , la' Ik. a . ii L U . t
iresnman wno is iugiu mi man one position, an dbhuii it- - -m
web will be limited to two years civfd (or that player must be pVf 0f KniiI
of varsity play; t sophomore will; listed for the position at which hejllCAl til LIU TTl
have one, 'f he wishes he may
delay his penalty season until nis
Crash Derby
final year in school.
Eligibility Not Certain
Boat Club will be the host for the
Class B. D and F Hydros, and
B. D and free-for-all runnabouts k ttcncm f is a practical
will participate in the races, which , cookin fw, ss'tciAu.y p
will get under way at 1 p.m. Boats t.065 oat hocks are hot hanov
and drivers from many parts of , to suppowt ors aov mu.
Beauty, Brains and Blonde
started on June 1. the opening egon ana wasmngion win ia Jench aw K longer than
day of the balloting. If a player The season's first full-scale js- P"1-- - shown abovi -ro hanolc more
is not in the lineup on June 1, opy demolition derby is next Children will be admitted free 5, y,, trench narrow km.
me oaiiots win or crruiira 10 uw t Hollywood Bowl, home 01 auto " " rai-r, avvuiiuiK i wnm smallest vessels maki Deep
k.. . -,m..,.. f position at which he starts his ..,, in c.i.m Boat Club officials, but adults
team" said Sanders. He point-! An " following June 1st." j valley Sports promoter Ron Ail i be charged 1 1 M cent entry.
"," . r.. . Tk m . h hum rHit . . . . Thai Cljm Ptiklli Park PAmnn Km
...u. . F..,v. announced Honaay xnai me com-
(or all the votes cast for him re- in( c,iurdav nliht's orosram nas opproved the charge to all
ed up the possibility however that
his university administration
might refuse the conference offer
of amnesty and stick to the blank
et Ineligibility. v,
- Dr. Kaplan also Mid he did not
know what , hia administration
Blight do. v
The three, year probation wag
assessed Saturday because the
school had permitted athletes to
receive money la manner not
authorized by tht conference. It
was fined 115.000 (or (allure to
cooperate with tht conference
garden of position.
Ex-Duck Signs
Colt Contract
will be devoted entirely to the , over 12 years of age. Jhe money
will be used for the further de
velopment of the Wallace Park
jalopies. Members of the Capital
Racing Association will pilot the
illfatejl derelicts on an sny-thing-goes
and every-man-for-himself
The only prohibitive measure
during the meet will be head-on
collisions, unless they are acci-
awawuiu. m - Mome Br- Time triala start st 7:45 p.m.! ,
hauer. punting specialist tot the ith r.BU,ir ,r0Dhv dlsh. heat1 .Pr:""?. M"d'- Tud.y
its heat; m too hot, toss oh a
UCLA Star Guard
Also Blasts USC
LOS ANGELES - Hardiman
Cureton, who helped UCLA win
three Pacific Coast Conference
football championships, Monday
termea tne conference a ban on
his alma mater a farce.
The husky Brain senior said In
a story in the Los Angeles Ex
There's not a school in the con
ference that does not subsidize
i above the code limit in one way
or anomer.
Cureton said Bruin coach Red
Sanders and his assistants should
"spill the beans"
"I don't know why they should
stand by and have our athletic
program wrecked. . ."
ISC Draws Blast
The Negro guard, who will play
fo. Toronto in the Canadian pro
fessional league next season, also
was critical of UCLA't crosstown
rival, the University of Southern
"We get peanuts compared to
what those guys at USC are get
ting," he said. "Southern Califor
nia pays a football player any
where from $50 to $150 in addi-
ffotaohfrfmiltfd -mt
month. Then, there are automo
biles and other rewards."
Paid Athlete Claimed
Cureton said he knows a Trojan
wingback who gets his allotted
$73 in addition to $150 a month.
The Trojans also got his wife
a job for $300 a month," Cureton
Under a PCC ruling Monday in
Canada, the entire last year UCLA
varsity and freshman teams will
lose a year's eligibility unless they
can prove that they received, no
illegal financial aid.
I ' J!
7WV ' fpy-S
':: : -r ( -
P i -st "v i t I
f 3. vy , J ' , ;
liif'A-'' ,.. feMti.,i Tickets
Is . v , ? i" StSn s" ? ; J Wwt' 1 can be
t 7?C)fs -VI V-J 1 Sporting
! aJi. j& .r ia ! ld".t '.,i ft i ,..t
Sport Spreads
Set Thursday
YMCA, Shrine Grid
Banquets on Slate
A pair of sports banquets are
slated for Salem this week, both
(ailing on Thursday night at 6:30
The annual YMCA Sporta
Awards Banquet, during which
the many "Y" athletes will be
presented with their trophies,
plaques, certificates, etc., is to
be held Thursday at the First
Christian Church.
Tickets for this program are
available at the YMCA, at $1.25
each for adults.
The Salem Shrine Club's an
nual banquet for prep football
stars of the Salem area who will
play in the 1956 Shrine Game at
Portland in August, is to be held
st the Senator Hotel Thursday.
Players Honored
Footballers to be honored by
the Stunners are Dale Jones and
LaMoyne Mapes of South Salem
High, who will play in the Port
land game, and Ennis Hawkins of
Jefferson, Ted Hubbard, Harold
Wilcox. Wallace Wood and Del
Casteel of Amity, Gerald Strong,
Dick Crook and Lloyd Ross of
Mill City, Jim Osborne and Cecil
Brcmmer of Chemawa, Norm
Berhorst of St. Paul and Larry
Reisterer of Sublimity's St. Bon
iface High, who will perform in
the Class B Shrine Classic at
for the Shrine Banquet
secured at Wicklund
Goods Store. Stevens &
lers and the Senator Ho
PHILADELPHIA Pretty Karea Anderson, I-year-old blonde athlete r-nicrummeni win De provia
wh may be another Babe Dldriksoa Zaharias la the makiig. works during both Thursday spreads,
ul with the javelia, with her eye en an Olympic team berth. The
girl, whe wea the Pan American title with a heave ef 1(1 feet J
laches last year, U still a senior In high school. She alst stars
discus, shot aad golf. (AP Wlrephoto)
l Sublimity Drubs
i Scio Club, 15-1
Dry sarbase on 6Reeh sticks
over firs uporm burnina it
Yakima's Joe Greer Captures
Arizona Topples JSorthivest PGA Title With 140
TCUin Playoffs
TUCSON. Arix. I-Craig Soren
son clouted a two run homer with
two out in the ninth inning Mon
day night to give Arizona a 7-5
victory over Texas Christian Uni
versity in the district six NCAA
The two teams meet again Tues-
SL'BLIMITY (Special) St.
Boniface of Sublimity belted
Scio, 15-1, in a non-league high
school baseball game here Mon
day. The Sublimity team scored
SEATTLE - Joe Greer of Dick Hendrickson and Dick Has-. " " '
Yakima, playing the Overtake 1 kell. both of Seattle. Hendrickson' f"""1, Tn niL,H
course for the first time Monday had 71-76-117 and Haskell 74-74-1 n'h' . lf. D.t.h" " ,p .ehd
;.; k.j ;... ...k.. ...a iL.i,a for their final eight in the sixth.
in hed tottjtto---, I Tom Wolf had three hits for
IltMU w win me raLiiiL .uiiiiwcm t-anauun .Vl tioina
Professional Golfers' Assn. title' Haskell will join Crrer
and a trip to the national cham- Hendrickson as this area's three
Baltimore Colts, has been signed rice, ,nd mlj ,v,n(, t0 follow.
Im Ik. earar U .lU.. I bTa.sU.II . . ... ..... .
i..u- ..4 4ivut r k. i'w " ruii Bowl fans win recall mat in
lMZtoZ1fo1''mH-. ;CARA demolition derbies of last
or - for the next three yeara. Brethauer. former coapUin at year were loaded with action, ,; G rern Cl;MS0 r SraoUimm mm . Ol k 1
The. University ef Washington vmmu y w.gon rMxeo pm. ana . J"" - .KSTVmii .SSSST.. m if ICCl 1310
Inr Ih. isu N.tinn.l rnnih.ll .n 11 .u.. ii.. rir ran qrifr nor. purw
-- "" nnwi uni win rrc.n ldi l iiic u.rfi n a ...h. r isti ,rH.
1. Joe Uhekln. S. McDowell ,18
J. Robin Dale. C. Simonls 123
Jr. Olympic
Sai drawn a two-year Probation
at an earlier meeting (or illegal
payment el athletes. It toe had
declared some athletes Ineligible
tor accenting loans bat there were
only lew. The conference said
: these meg will be eligible aa toon
ai they hive repeid the Joant
List Not PrevkW "'..V' J-l;-"
Dr. Kaplsa did not provide
tint of the athletea he declared In
eligible. His action Included all
who participated m sports during
the school year now ending.
This it the conference resolu
tion .la the UCLA Ineligibility
cam; -
"Whereat the (acuity athletic
representative of the University
of California at Lot Angeles hat
at thit session officially informed
the conference that be hat de
clared ineligible each member of
the 1969 freshman tnd vanity
football squads at UCLA for hav
ing received substantial financial
aifl not permitted by the confer
ence athletic eode." ,
JAnd whereat It It tht opinion
ti( the conference that permanent
ineligibility in all sports la too
harsh a penalty m thit situation
(Dr. Kaplan later explained hit
action Included all sports.)
Onlrselbatl Mentioned
"Now therefore be It resolved
that each member of the 195$
freshman and - varsity football
squads to he defined at Includ
ing the name of etch freshman
and varsity football squad mem
ber who participated during the
SS season and to declared
Ineligible by the institution, be re
instated to eligibility subject to
being charged with one year of
varsitv football participation in
lieu of the penalty heretofore im
posed by the Institution:
."Provided however that the
12th In the league last vear with best ever provided here
aa average of J yards for 55 Members of the CARA are now
punt. But hit towering kicks gavelhusy lining up their mounts, in
hit teammates plenty of time to 'the hope that all will be able to
get downfleld and the opposition
could average only 1 1 yards run
ning the punts back.
Coach Weeb Ewbank plans to
work ta Brethauer't pass coverage
In hopes he caa be used in the
defensive backfield. The coach al
ready rates him at one of the best
opea field tacklert In the game.
run for a few wacky miles snd
stand the poundings so prevalent
in demolition bees.
Dallas Thinclads
1st in Oval Meet
Bruins Face
Grid Losses
The annual Junior "Y" Olvro
pics, under the auspices of the
Campus YMCA of Willsmette
University, will be held Sstur-
day at 9.30 a.m. In McCulloch
10. Beacham. i. Prouly
t rtr . t.l re ta u& f!M 1
Bruins, last year's Pacific Coast i. Tobermortv, R.
Conference champions, may havej Anjjj wan u Know...
llesU UK .UI C veil cy it win men
195$ football team by a conference
ruling Monday in Victoria, B. C.
MONMOUTH i Special ) Dallas: ..,. niir Rniin varcttv ru tht
won a five-way freshman - sopho- i freshman squad will lose a year's
. Blu Mumc. M raulkner 129
S. Oku Twiattr. It. Lhl.r. .121
1. Scarman. J. Boas Ill
t. Klckapoo Klamath. A. Duncan 125
Second race, quarter home, purse
1400. all irada C. 3SO yardi:
1. Torrey'i Dud.. J. Boas 110
1. Mtaa Domo. O. Olxon 114
1. Fantan Uhken. B. Zolllns.r . Ill
i. Lon. . uuncan ill ci.j:.. an - . w .-j
i. Lm Bar. 8. McDowell , oi.u.uin. na ij-jir. i w.i. anu
s. Susar Vaiquot. p. Hidaifo... UT field events will be conducted
i SiTcharnaV oy, in the Willamette v.l-
Third race, matdenn, purac MOO, I ' .... ....
4 y. old and up i$ s furlonin: Boys will be enrolled in four
I. ttrsia. 5: BtSrt:zi:!!J!di'JiM: y -"
3. Zeido. c. Dixon 114, 13-14 years, novice: and 1314
4. Money Clip, t Gilford 114 'years: varitv Awarrli are In he
t III.. B UM.I,. I I . I - J
v. a a.i.vfa HKH, r. niullU
. St. Boniface and Cletus Heuberg-
tl. 1 J TJn- D...
it, juii ncuufirr diiu nun iira-
t U k.,l 4...n V. . .
pionships in Canton, Mass. representatives to the national rdl" " ' 1 " "'"'
The little Vakima pro checked tournament. Congdon choA not to Scl . 001 000 0 1 3 7
day nisht in the best of three se- 'n with a 72-68--140. two-undcr-par. go. Mihlimity mi zm -is n a
ries. The winner goes to the NCAA and live stroke ahead of the vet- Jim Russell. Walla Walla, mho Robinson. Parker (Hi and
Little World Series at Omaha, eran Tacoma campaigner. Char- finished fifth with 76-73-191, will Parker. Christjnan (fil: Bradley,
Nrh. lev t'onedon. who got home with a be the first alternate if any of the Ccrspacker (5 and Mindon,
Third baseman Sorcnson hit two 68-77-14.V other three can not make the trip Wolf (6)
home runs and drove in another Third! and fourth spots went to: Other finishers:
run with two singles in five trips. ' T 150 Kd Hogan and I.arry,
TCU had tied the score with . Kpjivpr lnt pp.111 ! Lambcrger. Portland.
two out in the ninth. After an in-1 ! 151 Dave Killen. Portland,
ning and one-half they held a 4-1 1 ijlailks IJUCks 7"0 ' anct Ron CaPprna' Ast(""i. 0re
advantage but Arizona went ahead ! i 153 Sid Harmon. Yakima.
CORVALLIS - The Oregon ! Wood Shoots 154
State College tennis learn posted, 154 - Wendell Wood. Eugene
its second straight shutout victory Ore., and Bobhy Litton. Vanco-
wnai would nave Been ine last out over uregon nere aionaay, , ' ver
of the game in the top of the Earlier in the season OSC won 153
ninth. Paschal then singled. Char- R-0 in a rain-shortened match at
S-4 in the seventh,
Arizona catcher Jack Davis
dropped AI Paschal' j popup for
Joe Mozcl, Portland.
l idf Table
Tloi for tan. Orrion
22 11 38 am
10.4S p.m.
23 1 2 2 p m
II 21 n m
156 nua tiotnicister, uayacn 24 11: p m
more track meet held on the OCE
track Monday by runnina ud a to
tal of 71 points. Following in order
wert Stayton 45V,, Central 43,
anerwood 34 H and Philomath 12,
eligibility unless they can prove
that they received no illegal finan
cial aid.
The ruling could end the collegi
ate careers of 13 juniors, including;
les Quick sent him to third with Eueene. Lake ld.ihn 11 57 Dm
a single and Jim Shofner sent the The victory gave Oregon Stale 157 Al Williams, Mt-dford, 1 .M p m
lieing run nome with another sin- second place in the final .North- Ore., and Bob McKendnck, Os-,s 12 n am
gle. ern Division dual mee, standings, wego. Ore '
When Arizona came up, Lee My-. 158 Ken Tucker, Everett
given to the first four place 1 er singled with two out. Coach j National League i 160 -Don Smith, Portland :
winners in each event from each Dutch Meyer of TCU squawked j "
TV. ..I.. .....I. ! ,k U.,.r. i.f. .IUr . . ... 101 l ir V.1MIC, 1 imioim ouu
1 lie uiiiv icuuiicilirill 1 wiiii i.ijrtia woa vauru soil nnw 31 LOUIS "10 U.W WW 4 B 0
IComptlrd ty U S Coaii and
Geodetic Survey Portland Ora l
Hiah Waten Low Watera
Tlma HeuM Tim. Haifhl
6 B
4 f
4 8
i division
is thai the hnvi rennrl al 01fl 1 stealing second Sorenson. who had New York
tk. c..Jl.. .:.!. 4k.:. ' ki. . inn km. in th firct i Mnell and S.rm Liddle. Maro
mK iiir .ii.uiuiii wiiii i iicii own I in -iw-iw iii.iiii to ."- ,., j.
gym shoes f no track shoes will I then hit another out of the park,
be allowed). There is no entrt or '
vern uweiace won three firsU i ucLA't brilliant tailback Ronnie
or Central, taking the high and i Knox. Seven of this group are
low hurdles and the broadjump probable first-stringers,
with a leap of feet. 4 inches, impressive List
-...I in oi uauas won me jave-, Tht juniors are:
iu auu iiixn jump 10 De i ne omy
other multiple winner.
Cherry Gty Birdmen
Race From Meilford
Tom Adams, end: Wilbert An
derson, tackle; Don Birren,
guard; Bruce Ballard, fullback;
Bob Bergdahl, quarterback; Pres
Fourth rare, claim purae SSOO
yri old and up iSSMi, S furlonfi:
1. The Meddler. D. Pierce 114
9 CriMEMl I Dr.,,l 11.
i. Will Breechw.' P.' Hldalso rei'tntion fee.
J' U?nI'.yrS"n k" .Hofik"" --!!! The Campus Y will be assisted
S. Kinfi Fjifllih. A. Duncan IIS . . , . .
s. Our Judv M Faulkner 1M : hv members of Coach Ted Og
7. countenuit. a. Miihr . 114 dahl's Wiihmette track team.
Golden Gloria. R. Cavallero . IBS ,.j fc.. ,,,
S. Elennra G.. L. 1M ! Interested boys mav contact
10. Twlnbrook. F. Smothera hi; their school principals or watch
Fim. race, claim. pur ssoo. 3 vr. the pe-narers later in the wek
old and up. iwoiii. the furionji: (0r further information snd a
1. Fern Patch J. Proutv 114 .......
2 Teleir.nh-Hill I. Knnul.. mill" I events
lU- D...J.. T
(XIO 0IKI 100-1 4 I JUM" uuj. M
162 Leo Gaulocher, Olympia ..
Grisom i7i. Wilhelm 9)
I and Kalt. Westrum i9).
and Howard Bonar. Vakima
1 !t p m.
1 05 a m.
.1 lo p m
1 43 a m
S-.Vi pjn
2 23 a in.
4 .17 p m
108 lm
5 IS pm.
4 03 a m.
5 :12 p m
4 I
fl S
4 7
R 0
J 3
I 9
9 1
3:1. a m 41 1
4 40 p.m. 1 9
5 57 a m. -1.1
5 21 p.m. 2.1
fi :iii am. 14
6:01 p.m 2 S
7:i:i a.m. -1 4
ft 39 p.m. 2 4
7:311 a m. 1 5
7 19 p.m. 2
S:25 im. -II
. 8 02 p m i
9 01 am DO
8 50 p m . : 7
9 40 a m. 0
9 44 p m 2 7
10 H a m. -0.1
10 llpm 21
11 01 m 0 1
11 57 p m. 1.3
J. Snow f light. S McDowell
4 wondv j Prldf
P Hldalio 119
S Gatlwest R. Hopklna lis
S. Black J B Zolllnier 119
1. Brnht Cloud. F. 114
S. Ir.rus A Sherman 119
On Your Mark. G. Dlxnn .lis
10. Rock N' Pride, R. Searcy IM
Sixth race, claim, punt ISon
tackle; Chuck Holloway, wing-tyr. old " p on
back; Knox; Doug Bradley, tail-
nacs: i terry mruougau. wing- . vicay jo, u uyt in tufsday
iiespile poor weather conditions, nacK; fete Ubarro. end: Jacn; , pharilti R stlnr ill ' Robin Dale. Okie Twister. Blue
a bird owned by Harry Evans led Romos. guard; Don Shinnick, . sky-o-Manso, z Gilford .11. 122 M""l , ,, u
ik. iuA 1. k. ir.j 1. 0.1 ...1 . ..j t xi ... 7. Dr Clinton M r.,,lkn.r im ' oentrai riink. miss Domo. Tor-
iiw 111 i" ineuiuru-iu-aail'in uutii in uaia, anu iwin 1 n.Ain , " -u 1 iii rev s Dude
race held bv the Cherrv Citv bird vuarrl I n..Ki. V.... r. J ... ' 1. Ami.l Wand Z.ldo Mnuntavain
" r n mm r - 1 v ivuuuir ji rat 111, t . u I Aun .. . 1 J . ... . .
r.rino lnk l.i u,.l,n.l L'..' a.,,. D,rro n,n. uil,.o,. 10 Well Rr.rt R 7niiin.r tnt.. wl" Brttcnes. Elenora L, Our
Dim averaged 1035.69 yards per hnox. OGarro and Shinnick! seventh race, allow, purs. non. 3 s -snow Flight. T.i.irsph Hill
minute loomed to onen next (all's foolhall, -VMr' ''', nl UP ",x lurlonfs; Black J.
Tk. ..u.. 1 j 1 100m 10 P, ,. ' How Dee I..e. P Hidalso 122 t. Finesse. -Double Dream. Well
me umcr uuua in uiui-r 01 nn-. wars as regulars, oauara, a quar- 2. queen s Man. I Gilford 112 Bred
3 Pharsong n McDowell 112! Belle Tarlus. queens Msn Phar-
4. Nine Two One B. Zollinger I-"' son
S. Jochpme. G. Dixon . 117 S. Rurales Jr . Ralcrest, Borel
Skin Alexsnder, Junior Olym
pics chai'man. retorted, "W ex
pect st least 300 bov In tike
nrt In this event The bnvs
should have a ereat deal of fun
and spirted enmnetitinn."
Meatlowt Selections'.
Only The Year-Ahead
CHRYSLER you the
no were ones ownea oy Mike My. tcroacK last season, was being
ers U023.S1I. C. A. Page U021.4ti. groomed to fill the shoes of full-
penalty herein provided than not snd Courtney Jacobs back Bob Davenport, who gradu
ally to any student who may be
shown not to have received such
prohibited financial tid by ex
hibiting to the commissioner the
original records disclosing the
names of those students who did
receive such aid:
laaeeeece QveetlMaMe
"And provided further that the
commissioner be authorized on
behalf of Iht conference to extend
tht benefits of thit resolution to
any other ' freshman or varsity
football players, In addition to the
squad memberi as above defined,
who may be reported to him prior
to Sept. 1. lKM, as having been
declared ineligible by the institu
. tion." ,
Although the burden of proof
rests with the athlete under the
PCC action, the conference did
- not mtkt M clear how player
could establish hit innocence.
Some observers reported the
actio was a atrategem to com
pel the Young Men's Club of W'est-
sjeei -and the Bruit -Bench to
"open their books" to show who
Hi receive Improper financial
fy:,' - 4 -j
Church Softball:
Church Junior League results
yendayi St. VI arks Lutheran 4,
Highland Ftitndt I; Englewood E.
V.B. . Immtnuel Baptist 1; Fruit-laad-Mlddleirovt
U. Fint Presby
terian U; Morningside Methodist
rirst Congrogitlonal 4; Salem
C2I. SlfKlat ta flrit Itptlat V
Another race will be held this! ales.
S. Belle Tarlus L. Knowles 117 . Sweep Lurk Charter Way. Wise
7 Wee Beau. G De 102 wrd
t. Wild Gueas R Cavalltro 1 13 : Bet Bel-Will Breeches. 4th race.
t. Mlo Star. G. Simonls 112
10. Bill Hart. A Dunrin 122 r.
Fjghth rare, allow, purae SSOO .1
yrs old and up. Collins Pipe" six CORVALLIS Ken Jacoh-
'"f BilcVest E Ciflord .5, , , V l "itT ", , 70
J. Cold Check Ji .. r. Cavaiiero in Monday to lead the Seattle Vni-
3. Huraiea Jr L. Knowles H" versitv o f team In an 11-7 vir-
Ji'lMory over Oregon State.
4. Borel. D Pierce
t. Valln, R Rearer
S. Vlnorlan. B. Zollinger
7. Del Rln. G. Dixon
t. King Carmen. F, Miller
Ninth race claim.
(Continued from Drecediae naiel
msde up his mind that he wasn't going to be beat in either race, and '"" old w,h7n,' w?!r
he wasn't. He's a lerrific competitor." ... The latter item was proved t Saintly sinner r sm
when Norval had to get ready for the final event, the relay. He
nurse SSOO
one milr
S Charter War. D. Soman
I Praldld. H F-arl
1. Markmar. R. F.olllnier
t. Wise Words 1. Boar
I Nettle's Pride R. Hopkins.
10. Christie L , G. Simonls
Smothers 12?
. 117
2. Sweep Luck, P Hldaleo
... .j ..... ......n ,. . ki. ..... li. V , ,i ' ' niors. j proutv
'ru aiiu w.a aiiuBiiy unipin)! a on, Biter nil lour sprints ana 4. Vain Flower. S McDowell
some broad jumping in two days. But he still got the victorious Vik
baton crew off on its way to the surprise victory.
One of the first U eeagralalate Nerval aad Ht was Vera
Cilmere, the hmgtlme Salem High cinder beta wke left the ceaca
lag raaks when the chal was sollt. G Urn are had said earlier
thai he'd waited M years te see sameeae like Nerval cense alaag,
aad he was as happy wit the Saturday Mtcemes as were the
Vlkiags themselves ... As we watches the meet Saturday, we
tame U the eclsle4i that had Nerval beea a Stsjlb Salem ealry
rather than eae fret the Vik Villa, the Saxeas wmmJ have gives
Medlerd a sheabte argameal far the team title. Lee Gastafsea
theaght m tee. Bet the U, U the V Iks had heea able U add
Braee Paltersea and Dan Meere ta their aide Saturday, they weuld
have given the Taraade from the twth the same treatment . . .
Where They Are and What They're Doing
Here's tome "Player Periscope" data on some of the ballgamers
from thit area now In pro ranks around the country: Pitcher Mike
Coco, 1-1 record with Amarlllo of Class A Western League; Pitcher Ed
Urnest 1-1 record with Greensboro, N. C, of Class B Carolina loop;
rirst-stcker Phil Jsntit batting ,m for Ardmore, Okla., of Class D
Sooner State circuit! Pitcher Del Coursey, 1-1 record for Boise of
Clatt C Pioneer wheel; Catcher Gerald Zimmerman bitting .300 (or
Albany, N. Y of Class A Eastern; Third-baseman Gene Tanselli bat
ting ,M3 for San Diego; Shortstop Buddy Peterson balling .315 for
Memphis of Southern Association, and Bobby Ceae Smith batting .295
for Houston el tht Taut League.
More Girl Softball
Players Still Needed
Look anil lrarn
' ; . " i
- Vi ED I
oil nsao tooat, nb soots, in tooa ruAaj ajit emsa 4-aoot MAtero
LOOK AND LEARN feature pge
1. What are the names of the
thirteen South American coun
tries? "' '-
2. Where did the use of paper
currency originate?
3. Who was the only U.S. Presi
dent who had no formal schooling?
4 From what does a flower get
Women Softball player, and i"l'ufu JfJ
sponsors met Monday night and s "hllh hrr ot do ounlr
scheduled their first practice ef i most in the L' S. among pedigreed
the year for Thursday night at P"'
7:30 o clock on Leslie Field.
Any women or girls interested
in playing on the team are urged
to attend the practice. More play
ers are still needed and if more
do not turn out, a team will not
bo formed this year.
American League
New York
Kansas City
. son me tto-i s
..on om tie 1 1 i
Larsen. gturdlvant 111, Morsan t
and Howard: Ssalisfi. Burtachy (Si.
Laaeraa (I, ant Olniserg.
1. Venezuela, Bolivia, Peru, Brit
ish Guiana. French Guiana, Dutch
Guiana, Chile, Brazil, Uruguay,
Paraguay, Argentina , Colombia,
and Ecuador.
1. In China.
1. Andrew Johnson Uo-75.
4. The perfume comes from with
in the plant Itself, and arises from
volatile oil which the plant
t. The beagle, followed by the
cocker spaniel, tbta the boxer.
Dotted lie shows the
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All the airy openness of a racy convertible,
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Best of all, this 4-door hardtop has all the Yeab
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