Nominee McKay Off For Home at Beach D o u 1 1 I McKay, successful j but indicated he would keep in candidate for the Republican j touch with the voters. The gen nomination for U.S. Senator atjeral election campaigns usually Friday'i primary election, left i get under way early in Septem her early Sunday for his beach I ber following Labor Day. home at Neskowin where he will ' Many Telegrams pend the next week or 10 days. uh. mk.v ninrntH in Sa. "I am tired but happy over the I lem Saturday following a night s,a''on,l'n.g. IB5B- , result! nf the nrimirv alu.tinn " . in PnrllanW nweivinu ' 010 HOt jibe With recent McKav sairf hp and v Mr. tinn rrtum. h found a larae c,aim former Premier Georgi Atom Power In'58,Russ Scientists Says MOSCOW (t J. V. Kurchatov, the Soviet Union's top atomic scientist, said Sunday Russia will have its first big atomic power Oregon Election Returns By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS , REPUBLICAN Unofficial ' returns from 2463 of the state'i 25'1 precincts give: President Dwight D. Eisenhower 221.471 Vice Preatdeat Richard Nixon 2fi.8U t.S. Senate George Altvater 3.S29 Elmer DeeU 22.9.".. Phil Hitchcock 94.941 Secretary f Stale Mark Hatfield Villiam E. Hcaly National Committeeman Robert T. Mauti John Merrifield DEMOCRAT Office Holder Takes Holiday livs As Waitress W,IMO TA 1 t(l'. Kay entered an automobile bound ' nun.ber of congratulatory tele- . Malenkov now deputy premier i Vno((ic t re(urn, fr0m g' of ! JW Morw for rh tuirh "i ovnM i not 1 oram. h,. hnm. it. uiA ihoo " minister of electric power 118,105 lMUIl' (Piclur aa H'lrephat page) 88,589 roRTLAND 1 Oregon's new ! Democratic national committee- Unofficial returns from 2454 of womsn the day off Sunday the state s 2519 precincts gave: , . . .... ., President from her job as a cocktail wait- Estes Kefauver 56.809 ! ress. Adlai Stevenson 88,262 ! Fellow employes said, however, V&, Senate ttliAtt nnaMMl Uri XirtfiniB flrant Wayne Morse for the beach. "I expect to get 1 grams at his home. He laid these ;no. miniHer oi ewmc poww;.. .,. , district'. 55 nrecincts! a lot of sleep and relaxation." telegrams represented many ec-! ,ln " ov,e J""" ! . jve- i McKay said he has no definite tions of the United States and a I nv f!r,t f'01 .?'nt First DUtrlet Cemresa ! 191,159. 39.221 plans for the summer months J substantial number of them were oDentkm before the British. The signed b; his friends in Washing- D P' '5 K-nenuiec ton, D C. ''Telephone calls, also ,0 "Urt.ln October. were numerous. McKay added. ! Vi'Kav fnllnwine his return tn Orecon aDDroximatelv a month ' plants in an article in ago. covered virtually every sec- 11.754 Swans Entice Ragpicker Into Imperial Swim TOKYO W-Ordinarily Ihe only things swimming in the. Imperial R. F. Cook Walter NorbLd 8 313iJa-on L. Unofficial returns from 817 of Don H. Metheny lion of Oregon prior to Friday's Pjjvn'!nwi.t.h1 capacities of up to election. He also made many ra dio addresses and appeared on television. Palace moat are 25 graceful white ' Good Sleep I swans and a few fish. i Tne ex-Secretary o( the Inte- bui Saturday night strollers "'m plants of 50.000 kilowatts ca pa- frl V'" along the moat s bank wore enter- and .got a good sleep. Mrs. Utter . d, pach durin ,ne me mj()d Elmo Smith tamed hy something not quite as v.njn, m uaugnirr miu. i c H(, lddf(, ,he Sovjfs wj cop graceful: Takeshi Hashimoto. 26, McKays are living at the Green nntnte ,hejr a,omi(, UnU jn ragpicker, taking a leisurely ; h,,mt mcht occupied for Europpan Russia NI.1I1, d,5 um.,,i- ,wi..hi- Kurfhatov Raid hf Russians ed secretary of the Interior. Mc- favnr plants of .ono to 600,000 Kay sold his interests in the m ,,,. :, u: Chevrolet automobile agency here sometime ago. tions about the Soviet atomic "V"' districts 817 precincts Unofficial returns from 409 of Pravda. " ecna aismcis 434 precincu inin imirici vnsrna give: A. W. Lafferty 10,740 . 8eeaad Distrtrt Cancress Phil J. Roth 29,111 A. E. (Karl) Glidewell 8.4A2 back at work in the "Aloha Unofficial return from 627 of Room" of a downtown hotel for her regular day shift Monday. Her home telephone was disconnected. To everyone's surprise the at- 35.299 ' tr.ttive S3-year-Oid brunette d- 13 143, feated Mrs. Gladys Last, a the first districts'! tSi precincts give: Fait Distrtrt Congresa He said Russia will build five 600,000 kilowatts each in the next five years. The later ones will begin operating in 1959 and 1960, he said. Kurchatov said Russia also will build several experimental Portland widow, in Friday's elec tion. A glamor picture in the Voters Pamphlet may have helned to put her over. Mrs. Grant, born in Oregon, has Klizabeth Carson Sailor . 15.896 Al 1 11m an 24,174 been an active nrecinct worker P?ter W. Welch 1S.4S7I Unofficial returns from 519 offor jj years but that was as far I nofficial returns from 2463 of i the fourth district's 613 precincts ts shf ever got in the party or- the state's 2519 precincts give: give: j ganiiation. Mrs. Las!, on the other Cnrernor Fourth DMrfct Congress I hand, is a former Democratic Earl L. Dickson "22.909; Charles O.. Torter 28.144 iat vice chairman 217.943 swim with the birds Dragged into a boat by police, Takeshi proclaimed that the beau tiful swans and city liyhts reflect ing on the water were Jiist too much (or him to resist so he d--cided to take a dip. Police told him to go on home. Uncontested ' Gavernor Robert D. Holmes The follow in? vote was recorded e Wallace kilowatts capacity "because big in 122 of Marion County 127 Dre- ' Stale Treasurer atomic power stations can be eco- cjncts for candidates whose names ! Al M. Richardson ' nnmiAn.. ........ " ....... . UM u c;il Besides getting some needed sleep and relaxation at his beech home McKay said h hoped to do some painting and otherwise improve his property. Mr-Vat, urill nnnntf Wiivna Auto makers expect America to Mo 'Democratic nominee 'for nomically advantageous.' have 75 million cars and trucks hy 1970. I'. S. Senator, at the election in November. general Blind Man Foils Holdup With Ju-Jitsu Get Ready-Set-and Go-To DOWNTOWN CAB C ma. s ass a :-r a STORES OPEN i TODAY TO JJ Be) of Service Greatest Values 10 Acres of Exciting Merchandise P.M. were on the ballot for uncontest-; Wiley W Smith ed nominations in Friday's elec- National Committeeman tion: C. Girard Davidson rPM(vniT. P Dooley j National Commltteewemaa Secretary of State: Monroe Virginia Grant 95.791 Sweetland 8.937. Gladys Last 80,101 Cavid C. Shaw 17.953 The new national committee- Unofficial returns from 2454 of WOman campaigned all over the the state'a 2519 precincts give: state to succeed Mrs. Lillian Bur ton, Portland, who did not seek 106.349 reelection. Her husband. Harry, 100,102 lists his occupation as "property management. " 94.364 As national committeeman, Ore 109.619 gon Democrats selected C Girard Davidson, assistant secretary of 104.327 ,nc Interior in the Truman Admin--, 7i istration. He- replaces Monroe Sweetland, Milwaukie publisher, who won his party's nomination for secretary of state. i Robert Y. Attorney General Thornton 9,230. State representative: Guy Jonas the state's 2519 precincts give: NONPARTISAN NF.W YORK UP-A blind man with a yen for ju-jitsu described in Brooklyn felony court Sunday l,,i- Un mir, t.v.njJ In I ... . ... I man end sit on him until police frt B' Fallon 5 M7' arrived. j REPUBLICAN Herman Robinson. 22, of Krook- i lyn, sichtlcss nine vears because1 Slate treasurer: Sig of an eye disease, said a man ap-i 15'917, . proached him Saturday night on Attorney General: Carl Francis a Brooklyn street, stuck a hard ; 14.611. object in his back and removed ' Commissioner: Roy Rice 15.230. Thp United Statxi nrnHiirM. inoini-iai mums irom oi morc than a billion collapsible me tal tubes in 1955. 6,841. Sheriffj S. W. Burris 7.190. Constable Salem District: Rob- Unander Supreme Court Judge Hall S. L. B. Sandblast ' 266 360 Hybrid seed corn costs the farm- 131,088 er 81.50 per acre. County Clerkr Henry Mattson ; 13,339. County Surveyor: A. D. Graham 13,042. County treasurer: Sam J. Butler 15,010. Constable Salem district: Earl $6 (rem his back pocket. "That was my dough,' Robin son testified. "I grabbed him. I threw him down. 1 pimrhrd him in Ihe jaw." Hubiiison was doing such a good job. a woman passerby complained tit nnlirp hnut hie iinopntlo hsn. dline of the culprit. Detectives 1 Adams 10528 arrived and made the arrest. 1 USED BALLOT USE FOUND COLOR FOR POLICE ! SURABAYA, Java Wonder DKAKBOR.N, Mich. Police what countries do with their un wil! blossom oiit in 23 now police u ed ballots? Well, here's what cars TVy've been ordered in as- East .lava does with theirs. They snrk'd colors, including reds, pinks, had ?oo tons of ballots left over blues and greens. "Oh, they'll be from the last parliamentary elec- beaulies," said Mrs. Marguerite tions. They sold them to villagers Johnson, public safety commis- to use as wallpaper for their bam '. sioner.. "Black is so drab." iboo huts. OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY 12:15 TO 9 P.M. - OTHER DAYS 9:30 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M. tX Model Z400 The Frolic 1 'aatDS iv, NOW ... GET BETTER RECEPTION) Zenith's new iron ferrite plafe Hand-Tenna is located in the handle away Irom metal parts gives you more stations, brings them in better. AND RICHER, FULLER TONE OUTDOORSI because Zenith qual ity shakers are activated by powerful AInico 5 magnets, you get strong, clear tone quality indoors AND OUTDOORS! pennies per week on our EASYLTERMSL TELEVISION HEADQUARTERS-SECOND FLOOR CENUINE LEATHER CASE! New Zenith Carousel Model Z404. New trim-line, super-performing Zenith in genuine top-grain cowhide case. Operates on AO, JX or batteries. ImbaHniM I I jffft f J'IsasjftsyMasllMMlB: fa I ' r mrj m w. m i sw m r FREE STORE-SIDE PARKING FOR OVER 1,000 CARS FREE STORE-SIDE PARKING FOR OVER 1,000 CARS OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY 12:15 TO 9 P.M. OTHER DAYS 9:30 A.M. TO 3:30 fM. Statesman, Salem, OreMon., May 21, '56 (Sec I)- THE STORE FOR MEN cool ranalitcs hals by Cool at a splashing fountain . . . and light as a summer cloud . . . are these Panalites. They are genu ine light-weight Panamas of fina quality. The style pictured above has a pinched crown, and figured puggree band that highlights tha hat in summary good tasta. Mail and phone ordcrt MEN'S HATS STREET FLOOR p tec H v f conoN SPORT SHIRTS h lait,, , 'A, $ 3.95 WASHABLE NYLON SLACKS h i " : 1 . : i t - - f H V " - - f ! y -a, . t . , - A; v - i W" . I I 1 ! I ..-A --v A v. -l, - ..-av - I V ,l vj.ii't'v 1 ' H 4 ' ' ' flr 5k .j - . Iwu'.l i ' "-- " tf" I . :. . , A j " i '. - ' . . I f , ' t 1 f '-wi . . ! ' 1 I V . , y rr r1t"i'rI ' - ' 4 , j" 1 "- ' I 1 r ? ?" . armr ' 1 1 ' .: y.. A tfcV Va . v , - ' ' f I TTJ - f P ' r,y;, a -v mm Zeph r-lifl)t, comlwd cotton sbirts for casual wear Tailored precisely as your finest dress shirt. Featur ing Arafold collar with built-in fold line that kcepJ your collar smooth, smart looking. All cotton San forized for permanent fit. Dots in blue, black or brown on white; tan or black stripes on white; green, blue or red plaids. S, M, L and XL sizes. Mail miff phnne onlrm' MEN'S FURNlSHiuGS-STREET KOOR 7.45 Styled of nigged, textured nylon with the look of - - expensive, crisp linen. For your summer sports and leisure-time wear. Completely washable-flimin- - ates costly cleaning blllsC Waist sizes 29 to 42 in " brown, navy, It. blue, gray, beige, sand, rust,' It, green, moss green, peacock, sunset and gold. Bermuda shortl in same washable tabrit; gray, yellow, brown $4.95 Mnil mill iiour orders MEN'S SPORTSWEAR-STREET FLOOR rim shipping cost tn areas outside our regular truck delivery routes