10-(Sec II) Statesman, Salem, Ore, Mon., May 21. 56 Bevos, Seals Split in Pair Alexander Pitches 2-Hitier f or Win 1 (Contlsoeo! tvm arveeiiaf MI ) The others cam off the bati of Doa lenhardt and Bob DiPirtro. That ru the number of home rum ia Portland'a new park to 31 ' ia 17 limes all over the left field fence, which ia SOS feet from the plate aloaf the foul line and about JJ where most of the hom ers hive sailed over. ' , Sadly, from the borne team point of view, a of thi homers have been swatted by visitors. Portland hitter havt managed only It. Vancouver scored single runs in the first and second innings and then added sis more in the third ot take aa M lead and chase starter Vic Lombard! from the mound. Young Jack Lohrke, utility in fleider, took over the pitching chores for the Ralaiers and held the visitors scoreless the rest of the wsy. The Uountie- sent M men to the plate in their third Inning rally. The big blows vert Jimmy Westlake's single, scoring two. and Spider - Jorgensos s two-run double. First lama bo: laa rrurlsra (II) (I) PartlaaS a h o A a h o a TannarJ ItSS SaM.-i 1010 Vi-plt.m SOS Mrtmn.l llll Ku(hjr t S I Br.alil.r llll fullivive S S Mkkm.1 S S 11 1 rnhrdU 4 1 4 Youn I 1 I S S DlPltt.,1 I I 1 I Baxs-4 Uli Awm'te.I S 1 S 4 CMmtM 4 S I 1 Wahrwyj ill I Baiaki.l 4 114 Kmwr.i 1 0 0 0 Warla.a 1 1 1 wndhrnj Dnwllj Slack I I I Mrtm.p a-Sfrqut 1 .v. Walel Totals 4111111 ToUk JS14XTM -raniwd tar Martin I Slh. San franclsc - 400 003 4141 It Portland , OU OH OS t-Sim RBISulllvaa (SI, Cal ls re r. Vnun (SI, Borkowskl. W-r-la (II, ktanonc. Aspromonta IS. DlPlttro, Umphlvtt 111, Lenhardt. IB Younf. Sullivan. Bulruki. War. la. Ktoufh SB Mtrrimaa. Aapro mania. HR Sullivan III. DtPtrtro, t'mphktt, Lenhardt. SB Tannar. Sf Young. S Kammanr. DP Ma honey. Aipromonta and DIPMra (3): Baalniki, Younf and Mlckelion 111. lft San Franclsc 0. Portland S. BBKem merer IS I. Slack (II, Werle Cl, Walbel (1). BO-Kemmerar 4, Black I. Werla !, Walbel I. R-ER Kemmerer 4-4. ick l-t Werle S-S. Darnell S-t Martin 1-1. Walbel -. - HO-Kammerer 10, In 4-11: Black 1 la S3: Marlla S in I: Walbel la . wp-Werle. W Slack (l-ll. U Werle (Ml. U Smith, Sttlnar and MuUit T-l:30. fame boas Thcyll Do It Every Time Vfel vdu or i (or is it me ?) GO BEFORE JUO&S CUMK.TWlS IS VVU-tT PREV4ILS ' By Jimmy Hatlo BlTT LET ,4 GOOtHJOOMtiG CWCK 6S BOOU&1T JMOM4 S1MIUK R4P- on.Boy.' "rvurs diffy 7SlLENCE.'4RBOUTRy. JWQti OOKjU KNOW SHE - WS TO IMPLY - J . " VV4S SPBsTOlMS? M-iVE OU YJS ?5s OPPlCEOOFTWBUWISrT J COT 4 STOP W4TCM? I h4 TELLING TME TWJTWpglXTy J 1 6SUEVB TWS LAW IS A Lf. WtlZ&UABS OR SIXTY OOVSJfJ 553 VWy CAPAQLU DRIVER M. PIGEST LLIN6 TIPS VvrvJ( 2 BAIT ASM LURE-' keel 4 J tfAOW' VvlvEL Hjreu til. St TDtAtOaCJ BT KEEL. TUKCAD' Test H6 ARt AIL CMfVFCR. BtT, BUT AU. MAV1 1 THINOS B4 COMMON; A KEEL ON THE LINE AND A SWIVEL BETWEEN THE KEEL AND LURE TO PRE VENT A TWISTED LINE FROM THE LURE'S ACTION. OUTSIDK & torn SPIM-FKetlNO) LURBS. PEW ARTIFICIALS MADE TOO AY WIjL TWIST LINES BADLY BUT f THERE'S ANY RISK OF IT USS A KEBL AND THE BCST SWrVCL VOU CAN FIND. BATT FISH ARE OtSIBLV THE WORST TWISTERS. PCC Officials Rest for Day Baa rraarlera (1) (J) PertUa B H O A BHOA Tannery 1 t S I 8a(e1.m 114 Vmphl m S t 4 Mrtmn.l 111 Keouih.I S BrkiKlJ I 1 Bullvan.e 111 Mklin.l 1 ( Lnhardt.1 11 Youu.l S S 1 S DIPIet.,1 tl Baxei.l till Aipro't J ItS Be iklj 1 S I MahMiy.t t 1 Botler.1 14 Onborn. 1 1 S Ala Or, t I -Team. I Henry. Tol.lt II tl I Total! S 411 T . a Hit lata double play lor Oabora m nn. Ban lYanclaeo 000 On 11 fortland ... 000 03 1 1 Araromonte. BBI Baffell fSI ' Cmphletl. HR ITrftphlett. S Baslna. kl. Alexander. DP Tinner and Dl- Pletro; Yn. Bulruki and Mirk lean, left San Franclare . Port land 1 BB Oabora t Alexander L BO Oaborn 1, Alexander S. R-ER Oibora I-S, Alexander 1-1. Hen ' -. HO-Oiborn S In S; Henry I In I; trE.&rWJZ a conference has shelved Urt and Smith, T-Ul A-4.KI5. 1292 for Top Holders . Nufaer-Lindblad Team Pacing Doubles Race With one team left yet to bowl, John Nuber and Toye Lindblad held the lead at the end of the second round in the annual Statesman- Capital Alleys doubles bowling tournament. The Nuber-Lindblad team Eugene Hitter Leads League Eugene's Carl Hutzler, with a whopping average of .438, Is lead ing the Northwest League in bat ting through games of last Tues day, the statistics from William J. Weiss, league statistician, re veal. The Yakima team is batting st sn enormous J32 mark and Eu gene leads in fielding with a .964 mark. Her are the batting and pitching figures for the circuit TBAJt BATTING ab ti lb Jbhrsrt Yakima , ,. Ml 173 M 13 14 J33 lufena 137 3 ( I 3 Tri-C!tr !M 14 M S 0 JOS Salem ' 1M 1 S 11 .353 Lewlatoa Spokane Wenatchea .430 100 SS 4 S J4I .403 US 31 1 U SM 133 3 1 33i l I I JM I I I I 1JU S S 3 13 JM 1 14 Mi ! ' bowled a total of 1292, nearly competitor. In second place was Mike snd Sam Ramp with 1,237. The field was narrowed to nine for the third round which wil wind up next Sunday by cut ting the bowlers to the final four. Others Who Qualified Still left to bowl at press time Sunday night were Bob Ryan and Lyle Anderson, the leaden at the end of the first round last weekend. If they should bowl a score higher than any of the nine competitors remaining, it would oust the ninth place team. Those still remaining alter Sunday's round besides the two leaders were Bunny Bunnell Tony Vittone 1,225; Benn Valdes Dale Bastaln 1,223; Rich Staud- lnger-Jeep Epping 1,219; Don Poulin-Walt Cline Sr. 1,213; Tony Prudente-Cliff Maison 1, 213; Bob White-Gene Braucht 1.- 212; Lake Westphal-Frank Bol ton 1,209. Seven Eliminated The bowlers who were elim inated and their scores: Rudv Meffert-Walt Gardner 1,- 208; Millard Pekar-Harry Haug- John Friesen-Moms 40 pins better than their nearest (Coitlnued ft preceding page) have been in session since Fri day and don't expect to have all 'i 2fr2 their spring cleaning completed Cldy m. Hank Landis-Larry until Wednesday evening. 0,lund , 089. Dnn Thurman-Art Mot action is expected; Other plb 1075. Ed McCluskev-Bob 2 Contenders In Top Fight (Coitlsued from preceding page) Turner and Tiger Jones in that order. ' In N fights, Humet owns an U-S-l rKord while Fullmer has a 354 record for 31 starts. Humes has 41 knockouts and Fullmer, ; who never has bees stopped, has . flattened II. Humes was knocked out one. . Heavyweight Shew Tht heavyweights continue to stir around now that Rocky Mar eiano has retired. The D s t r o 1 1 ' show Wednesday presents a pair of young fellows who are not too well known . outside of their im mediate territory, still both are In th top 10, Summerlin sixth and Carter eighth. Carter subs for Bob Satterfleld, who reported an elbow Injury. , Summerlin haa woo 11 straight and has a 29-4-2 record with 19 knockouts. Carter is lt-1-2 with nine knockouts. Each was stopped nee, e Charles, an amateur champion when Bethea was a youngster will be favored over th 22-year-old New Yorker at St. Nick's. In his 11 fights. Charles has a 93-17-1 record to Bethea's M-J for 13 starts. Etxy knocked out 41 and ; was stopped four times. Bethea has five knockouts snd never has bees stopped. Bethea, Incidental ly, knocked out Carter, Dec. 27, 1954. but los ttwicc to him. - Th shows will get the usual radio-television coverage. Charles- Bethea will ba seen on Dumont, Summerlin-Carter on ABC and Fullmer-Humex on NBC. schools are likely to draw fines for Infractions. These generally are minor affairs dealing with m elliibilitiea and small violations of tht rule. Hassle Aha Hit But in the single month of May both Washi ngtond ntil nUCs guAcLatt Washington and UCLA cutting its effective strength to seven mem bers. Washington drew a two- year probation at an emergency session May S-t tor illegal pay ment of athletes snd will lose some 132,000 in Rose Bowl money. There has been no announce ment of how this forfeited cash, which will exceed $130,000, will be distributed. It has been sug gested informally that it be turned over to the U.S. Olympics fund. Whether this has been or will be considered formally by the con ference has not been disclosed. Foots 1,030. and Chet Boyce-Bob Haugen 1,022. 91 Archers Shoot Brooklyn Wins Doubleheader (Continued front preceding page) ing home run otf Bob Keegan. Detroit slugged Washington twice 4-2 and 7-1 Paul Foytack won his third straight in the open er on Red Wilson s two-run triple in the sixth. Bill Tuttle hit a grand slam homer and Bob Ken nedy smashed one with two on in the second game. Friend, Kline Hurl Wins The big excitement of the day was at Pittsburgh where Bob Friend and Ronnie Kline were the winners. Although Friend allowed nine hits, he earned his sixth vic tory over Ray Crone. Kline gave up six hits to beat Warren Spahn. Long s two homers boosted his to tal to nine. Despite the defeats Milwaukee remained In first place by 26 per centage points over Brooklyn. St. Louis was another seven points behind Brooklyn. Cincy was one half game off the par and Pitts burgh, cellar club for four straight years, was only one game out of first place. National League Enterprise Shooter Takes Rifle Tourney SPOKANE l -Harvey Muth ot Enterprise. Ore., won the all around honors Sunday in the East ern Washington Small Bore Rifle Tournament fired st the Spokane Rifle Club range. Muth posted s 119H with 76 enter hits to outs hoot gunsmith Al Biesen of Spokane who had an 1194 with 70 enter hits. Some 4t shooters entered the om petition. In Red Wing Meet Nearly 100 archers took Sunday in the first invitational shoot held by the Red Wing Bow men of Salem st their target course oin West Salem. Individual results: . Men's instinctive - Sherman Spears, Portland; Ken Dougherty, Corvallis; Don Heppner, Dallas. Men's freestyle - Bruce Bush, Cot tage Grove; Ike Epperly, Eugene; Bill Smith, Roseberg. Women's in stinctive Mary Pearson, Carle ton; Dorothy Fuller, Eugene; Donna Cook, Dallas. Women's free style Marge Hamilton, Oswego Fern Epperly, Eugene; Rrnwn. Dallfli. i Brosnan Junior Boys - Delbert Killings- dal- Lbin worth, Salem: Ken Bauer. Oregon s.cond flm(. Uiy; Dennis uumier, aaiem. tauri : inirarn Boys Man coon, uanas; ut'nnis Brown, Dallas: Morris Spears, Portland. Junior girls Patty Choquette, Dallas. Cadet girls -Linda Anglin, Salem. Flnt fame: Cincinnati 000 011 OM S 11 I Philadelphia 000 000 10O1 9 0 Pan i Miller ), Floweri (91 and Lopata Second fame: Cincinnati 001 0O0 1JO4 I 0 Philadelphia 031 000 03 I I 0 Acker. Jeff coat 131. Black IS). La palme (7. Lawrence (81 and Bur e. Bailey (31: S. Miller. R. Mil ler (81, Haddix it) and Semlnlck. rirtt same: St. Louia 000 000 0000 5 0 New York 001 010 00' I S 3 tlttlefleld. Suraont (7) and Smith; Antonelll and Katt. Second fame: St. Louia no onn ono 3 7 S New York 013 000 02 8 11 I Poholnkv. Jackson (71. Collum ill and Sarni: Henm. MrCall 7, Wil. helm 19) and Wentrum. Flmt fame: onn mo ?on 3 003 000 JO'-5 7 1 Lown I8i and Lendnth; 171 and Campa- r-:l . Chtcaeo Brnoklvn Tf AM riSXDINO pa a a dp pet Intern 343 13S 18 1 11 .064 LeWlaton 344 US 31 14 JM Wenatchea 431 SOS 34 33 .051 Salem 303 34 IS .848 Tn-Clt 4.1S 111 33 10 .943 Yakima 377 1S1 3 13 .9.18 Spokane 374 1SS 30 14 Ml INDIVIDUAL BATTING ab h 3b 3b hr rbl net DeSoura. Spo 10 0 3 .00 Hutzler, tuf 40 33 4- 3 0 1 .49 Neal, Yak 37 14 3 1 3 19 .433 Roaal, Spo 91 S3 7 1 8 .431 Witaoa. Yak SO 34 4 1 1 8 .407 Holden, TC 03 39 S 0 1 10 .403 Renner. Yak 58 S3 3 3 0 8 JS3 Roberta. Wen 10 0 1 0 0 .379 Donahue. Lew 51 10 S 0 0 10 J73 Lewie. Yak 05 ,34 4 0 9 14 JM Urlnfhaua. Wa 11 4 Bertie. Euf 17 0 Williams. Sal 04 31 Wilcox. Yak 95 IS 3 Eajterbr'k. Sal 44 19 1 ' 1 3 18 J41 Lundberi. Will 18 S 1 1 11 JM Zarl. Sal IS 8 1 0 J .333 i Summers. Yak IS 4 t 3 J33 I Morecl. Yak 5 10 1 3 4 10 .328 ! LaCoata, Eu 99 13 3 1 18 .337 I Cirdlay. Iu 44 IS 1 3 7 .324 ' Pries. TC Jl 10 1 0 3 .333 Keefa, Lew 53 17 4 1 1 J31 J Reich. Yak 30 0 3 0 0 8 J31 I Krauac. Sal 90 14 3 1 1 4 .320 Gauthlar. Euf 1 0 1 0 3 0 .314 I La.hy. Wen 33 10 1 0 3 7 .313 ! Eaitburn. Euf 39 13 i 1 4 JOI Whitaon, Sal 13 4 1 0 1 1 .104 Martin. TC 40 19 1 1 1 8 .304 Boenker. Yak 10 3 0 1 0 3 .300 Mikavich. Yak 10 3 1 0 3 .300 I Nixon. Yak 37 17 3 1 0 11 3K Webster. Sal II II 11 I 1 JH. Klinf ler, Lew 44 13 5 1 7 .399 1 Rlney Lew 51 15 1 1 3 17 J4 Helbif , TC S3 18 4 0 1 7 .290 j Mounter. Wen 31 9 0 0 0 1 .CM Perez. TC 50 17 4 3 19 .388 I Slender, Yak 31 6 0 1 0 3 .284 Marlnacci, Euf S3 19 1 S 3 13 .283 Hill. TC 39 11 1 1 1 II .282 Mullany. TC 97 16 1 0 0 6 .281 Sampson, Spo 98 16 3 1 3 8 .278 Schmidt, Lew 44 13 3 3 1 10 .273 , Sefovia, Wen 71 19 S 1 14 .248 ! Herrera. TC 71 19 3 1 0 0 .248 1 Smith. Euf 49 13 1 3 0 11 .Mi Hamamoto, Sp 57 19 0 0 0 7 .263 ' Dunn, Sal 39 10 3 1 0 0 .238 SO 19 S 0 0 4 40 10 1 0 1 3 .250 12 I I I 11 lit 09 16 4 61 19 2 93 13 1 33 31 0 S 2H 0 1 6 .246 1 2 0 14 .245 8 0 0 0 .242 I 1 0 I lit) Jackson, Spo Koepf. Sal Cox. Lew Wataon. Wen Szekula. Sal. Murphy. Spo Farria, Wen Dapper. Euf Carrabba. Wen 59 13 3 1 0 II .334 a,vne. Lew i ii a u u j ..") ' vanni, wen a i u v a ...i Leahy. Spo 9 3 0 0 0 1 .222 Jackiion. Yak 9 1 1 0 0 0 .200 Schelich. Lew 9 1 0 O 0 0 .200 Bellone. Spo 46 0 1 0 2 12 .196 Swanson. Sal 93 10 3 1 0 3 .192 Bourbeau. Spo IB 3 10 13 .167 Jackson. Wen 13 3 0 0 0 1 .167 Rivas, Wen 62 10 4 0 1 7 .161 Anderson, Wn 52 8 0 0 0 1 .194 G. Jacobs, Lew 26 4 3 1 0 3 .154 J. Jacobs. Lew 40 Martin. Sal 20 Mataya, Wen 20 White. TC 37 6 1 0 0 5 .190 i 3 11 0 1 .150 3 1 0 0 3 .ISO S S 0 0 4 .135 PITCHING RECORDS Sheridan Sweeps Two From Ocean Lakers SHERIDAN-ISpeclall-Sheridan swept a doubleheader exhibition ball game from Ocean Lake here Sunday, winning the first 1-0 on Bob Hewlett's two-hitter and taking the second 5-3. Hewlett fanned 11 in winning the opener. Jack Busston and Don Ogelvie combined their pitching talents in th second game to limit Ocean Lake to only three hits. Fred Hewlett was the day's big hitter with a home run and double. Black Male Labrador Wins Retriever Stake noj onn oin3 s 200 001 02 5 8 l and Chttl: Leh (41 and Walker, Brooklyn Rush. Town 17 man. Nrwcomhe Campanella (9). First fame: Milwaukee (inn 101 0103 1 Plttsburfh 000 060 00' 4 6 1 Crone. Sleater (71 and Rice: Friend and Kravitz. Shepard 7. Second fame: Milwaukee 000 0O0 nno (1 4 1 Pittsburfh IO0 001 10' 8 11 0 Spahn. Murff (71. Johnson (6) and Crandall; Kline and Folles. CHENEY. Wash. W Bitter- root Chink-ee, owned and handled! bv Guv T. Burnett of Missoula Mont., won the open all-age re- PITTSBURGH I - Gil Mayer, FINE GOAL TENDER triever stake Sunday at the Spo kane Retriever Club's 12th li censed trials. The male black Labrador topped a tield of 37 dogs entered in the event at the Turnbull Naitonal Wildlife Refuge. Noah of Swinomish, owned by Carnation Farm Kennels and handled by Garth Stotker won sec ond place. Third place went to Chuck's Rip Joy, s Cheaspeake owned and handled by Ralph Hoek of Dayton. Ohio. Hal's Spiwise Zeke, a black Labrador owned and handled by Harold Shidler of Klamath Falls, Ore., placed fourth. diminutive goalie of the American Hockey League's Hornets, won the Hap Holmes trophy for the fourth lime in five season for being the best goalie in the circuit. Mayer had an average last season of 2.70 goals per game compared to 2.85 for second-place Johnny Bower of the Providence Reds. w 1 ip er bb so Gridin. Euf 3 0 30 13 33 33 Marten. Euf 3 0 33 6 13 22 Penfold. Euf 2 0 28 3 6 16 1 Boenker. Yak 3 0 25 10 0 13 Downe. Yak 2 17 8 7 12 - Merseth. TC 1 0 22 7 4 8 ' Daly. TC 1 0 12 3 4 4 Watts, Lew 1 13 10 10 8 Ruf ne. Sal 10 4 13 0 Hodfea, Euf 10 1 0 0 3 Younf. Yak 3 0 40 8 13 3D Cade. Sal 2 I 37 11 15 17 Benton. Lew 3 1 37 13 18 2S , Georfe, Sal 2 1 16 9 14 14 1 Klndsfather. TC 3 J 36 5 II 21 Alderman, Yak 2 3 30 38 25 14 Meekina. Spo 3 2 27 19 19 19 Shortlidfe. Wen 2 3 23 11 6 8 Afne. Lew 3 3 16 14 I Isnngshaua, Wen 1 1 30 13 8 16 , Wadsworth. Lew 1 1 36 13 8 14 Kostenuk. TC 1 1 18 3 4 9 Cowdell. Sal 1 1 17 10 II 9 Caruso. TC 1 1 17 3 10 8 Lot. Euf 1 1 11 4 12 7 Richardson, TC 1 1 10 13 10 9 Baker. TC 1 1 9 2 10 10 Roberts. Wen 1 2 36 16 22 31 Lybeck. Wen 1 3 36 11 II 19 Bottler. Spo 1 2 28 13 13 23 Burnett. Spo 1 2 12 13 15 3 Satallch, Sal 1 3 31 13 4 23 Marshall, Wrn 1 4 20 12 15 13 Whitsnn. Sal 0 3 30 13 11 14 1 Aldridfe. TC 0 2 19 17 15 5 Luedtre. Spo 0 2 19 19 14 12 Fornall. Lew 0 2 9 9 8 3 Lawless. Euf 0 3 8 8 4 3 Leahv. Spo 0 1 11 8 3 0 Younf. Spo 0 1 9 14 10 4 Cox. Lew 0 1 9 10 7 0 Flanifan. Spo 0 1 S 11 7 4 Loepp. Lew 0 0 8 4 9 5' Murphy, Spo 0 0 8 II I 51 Farrar. Wen 0 0 7 5 3 7 Thurman. Yak 0 0 6 4 5 4 Rose, Lew 0 0 S .1 2 3 Newlln. Wen 0 0 9 3 4 4 Chase, Euf-Spo 0 0 5 2 13 3 Escalera. Yak 0 0 4 4 II 3 McGlothlln Euf 0 0 4 1 4 8 Michal. Wen 0 0 4 4 8 3 King. Sal 0 0 4 1 3 3 Page. Spo 0 0 4 3 5-3 Walsh. Sal 0 0 3 3 4 0 Fisher. TC 0 0 1 0 2 Hi Graham. Spo 0 0 1 t 9 0 ! PCL Line Scores American League Hardtop Bowl Races Provide Thrills Auto racing was long on thrills for th second meet In a row as Fsy Ladd won the big money at Hollywood Bowl Saturday night. A crowd estimated at 2,000 waa on band. Lsdd survived nasty spill In th fast trophy dash to get into th furious 9S-lap Class-A Main which he woo by wresting tha lead from Dal Collie tw laps from the finish, , Colli threw a wheel almost simultaneous with Ladd taking the lead and was out of the race. A few laps before, Ralph Asbury of Brooks provided thrills when he threw I wheel and ground to a halt in one of the biggest showers al sparks ever aeea at tb bowL Tht wheel bounded dizzily up the east retaining bank and back across the track, narrowly missing several cars. - Ray Hiebert of Dallas, big win ner month ago when the etock bard tops opened their season, played to hard luck this time. Rid ing in third place behind Ladd and Colli. Hiebert wa unable to get out of the way when Glenn Shedeck looped out in front of him. The collision put both out of the race. Earlier, Schedeck and Larry Will rammed together and circled the track twice locked together before pulling into the pits. Stan Diet led for 13 of the 35 laps before he spun out of control and fell behind. Unofficial result of tht mixed-up rsce put Les McBeth in second and Buck Russell, third. Most sensational spill of the night waa the one in the trophy dash. It was a 4-car tangle that saw Monte Gust's car go over on its side, while Fay Ladd's car was damaged etensively. Other results: ' 15-lap Class B Main: 1st, Mike Ramp; 2nd. Wes Smith; 3rd, Wayne Moore; 4th, Laverne Davis. Heat Race: 1st, Moore; 2nd. Stan Deetx; 3rd, Granny Earp; 4th, Smith. Heat Race: 1st, Collie: 2nd, Bie- bert: 3rd. Buck Russell; 4th. Al Lisauski. Heat Race: 1st, Ladd; 2nd, As-1 bury; 3rd, Faul Rickard. First ,mc: Baltimore 010 000 0001 7 1 Cleveland 101 OOJ 30 --4 8 1 Wilson. Sihmlti (4 1. Dorsh (7) and H. Smith; Lemon and Narafon. Second fame : Baltimore 000 010 0001 4 0 Cleveland 002 nno 30 5 8 1 Palica. Brown iSi and Tirandos; Garcia and Hefan. First fame: Washtnf ton 020 000 000 2 9 0 Detroit ... 000 103 00' 4 8 0 Stobha Chakalrs 171 and Court ney: Foytack and Wilson. Second fame: Wanhlnfton . 000 100 0001 6 2 Detroit 430 000 00' 7 3 1 Grtffs. Grob Cl. Clevenser 13). Ramos (51. Chakales (7) and Ber hereti -. Trucks, Gromek Hh and House. New York 001 001 3004 4 0 Kansas City 000 000 0033 7 0 Kucks. Grim It) and Howard: Crl mlan. Burtschy (8) and Ginsberf. First fame: Boston Oil 094 30013 15 2 Chlcafo 000 010 400 5 8 1 Baumann, Kurd 111 and Daley; Donovan, oJhnaon 131. Dahlke IB), Fornieles (6), Consuefra (8) and Lnllar, Macs 17). Second fame: Boston ion nno nni- 3 7 l Chicaan loo onn one 1 6 o Delock and White; Keefaa and , Lollar. i First fame: Vancouver 000 000 100-1 9 2 Seattle 200 010 03--6 ( 0 Besana. Ross 161. Searcy i "I and Neal: Podblelan and Ortelf Second fame: Vancouver 116 000 08 9 3 Seattle 000 111 0-3 6 0 Bamberfer and Edwards: Lombar ds Lohrke 131 and Robertson. First fame: Sacramento 110 003 100 8 8 1 San Diefo 004 500 01 10 19 3 Mrorinski. Jones 13), Ossenbsufh i 141. Wstklns 7 and Brlfht. Balrh : 171, Erautt. Herrera (8). Johnson 18) I and Astroth. ! Second same: I Sacramento 000 000 00 7 0 ! San Dleo . Oil 010 '3 7 0 Harris!. Candinl i5i and Balch; 1 Cettel and St. Claire. First Rame: l.os Anfeles 000 010 00O 1 10 0 Hollywood 000 102 01 4 8 1 Hillman. Bauer ill and Fannlnf; Raydon and Hall. Second same: I oa Anfeles onn onn 00 3 1 Hollywood . 000 300 3 8 0 Briffs. Anderson 131 and Hannah; Wade and Naton. Tide Table Tides for tail, Orefoa IComDIIed H II 9 Coast and Geodetic Survey-- Portland Ore 4 J , 111.. 11! -. - I 1 ntgu imtn iw wsicrs Time Helfht Time Heifht j way 31 10:43 a m. 10:07 p m. 33 11:38 am. 10:43 p.m. 23 12:20 p m. 11 21 pm. 24 1:13 p m. 11:37 p m. 23 1 53 pm 36 13 31 a m. 3.14 pm. 71 1:05 a m. 3:15 p.m. 1 43 a m. 3 38 p.m. 60 43 4:20 a m. 0 5 , 3:55 p.m. 1 6 5 16 a.m. -OS ' 4 40 p.m. 19 5 57 a.m. -U 3 21 p m. 3.1 6 36 a.m. -14 6:01 p.m. 3 3 7:13 a.m. -1.4 6:39 p.m. 2 4 7 50 a m -13 7 19 p m. 2.4 8 25 am -11 8 02 p m 2 4 9 01 a m -01 t. 50 p.m. tilt HEAT PROSTRATION CAUSES DEATH! FEARLESS FEIRING (THE TIRE DOCTOK) 5EZ: Yes. heat prostration can cause DEATH to the human body! And like the human body, the cord body of your tire can stand only so much heat. With more hot wea ther facing us, NOW is the time to trade in that OLD OFT-HEATED casing for a NEW FAMOUS GENERAL I BUT YOU'LL HAVE TO HURRY IF YOU WANT TO CASH IN ON OUR muz II WE'RE LOADED WITH TIRES AND NO PLACE TO PUT 'Eli. SO ... AT LOW-LOW PRICES vhile they last! SAF-T-MILERS (HIV 1 (K fill fi . VXI llll TUB El ESS and TUBE -TYPE 4.00 s 1 PtUS TAX AMD RECAPfAMf CASMO BLACK k WHITE SIDEWALLS No Sales to Dealers! 110 PAYMENTS UNTIL JUNE 30th Black walls! White walls! TubeVess and tube type! Half of all our General Saf -T-Miler Tire stock must be sold immediately and . . . at 'the fewest prices in town. Believe us, youll never again have an opportunity to buy so much tire for so Jittk money. And ... at easy, j easy pay terms! Drive in today while we've got your sixe and type in stock I PAY h JUNE 13 JULY V3 AUG. HI -DENSITY RUBBER - "22 I TAKE ..!, jjjj I Y0U' m.nn I PICK sww' J J ,' 2325 I EXTRA CLEAN-SWEEP SPECIAL! The SER1EIML Tire m IFF OFF LIST PRICE PLUS TAX AND RECAFTABLE CASMG WITH HI-DENSITY RUBBER Undresimcd-of snileagelThat's what yo get with the new General Tire with e I elusive Hi-Density Robber! And ... at j a big reduction U yoa met now TUBE and TUBELESS TYPE BLACK OR WHITEHALL OPEN EVERY EVENING 'TIL 9 P.M. 710 STATE STREET (ACROSS FROM ELKS LODGE) PHONE 2-2459