'S. - ' . . . .' ' " ' . It ' ' " Gra wforid, Meuf eldt Win Polk County Nominations Early Trends Maintained in All Contests it Ntwa Mrk DALLAS W. Frank Craw- ford defeated incumbent C L, Burbank for Polk County Repub lican nominatioa for coeaty com missioner and will oppose kit Wallace Road neighbor. Emmet Rogers, in November. Roger, a Democrat, was unopposed, f tart) Polk County trenda held np Saturday as complete returns trickled in from all but J ol M precincts. Two West Salem pre cincts were sua counting votes 1st Saturday. Tot virtually complete returns showed Sheriff Tony Neufeldt had won handily over Philip Pe terson, nis West SaJem opponent for the Republican nomination. Bltebceck Takes Ceonty Hitchcock appeared certaia to emerge with a margin ever Mc Kay in Polk County. The totals -including partial returns from the two West Salem precincts Save Hitchcock a 1762-1370 lead. Stevenson was the Democrats' Write-in choice for president, re ceiving 1,003 to 743 for Kefauver. Elsenhower received 3.362 votes lor president and Nixon M3 write-ins for vice president A minor write-in campaign for Victor Seeley, Independence, in dicated that he might have re ceived enough votes (an eitima ted SO) for county assessor to be : placed on the fall ballot as Re publican candidate. The party had no ballot candidate in the primary. Ray Rabenau was nomi nated without opposition for as sessor by Democrats. Bi Party Sapper! - Numerous write-ins for Repub lican District Attorney Walter Foster by Democrats and for Democratic State Representative Joe Rogers by Republicans indi cated that both had won the nom ination of both parties. Republicans gave Foster and Mark Hatfield a lopheavy vote Valley News Stattsman News Strvlc 8-(Sec. I) Statesman, Salem, Ore, Sun., May 20, 56 Polk County Victors ; t ' t"'"? V"-t r. ST : Vv ki LklLA.-xTM Water Fluoridation Wins at McMinnville, Loses at Albany Staytonand Lebanon Also Turn It Down IUIwii Nava Srrk- Teegarden Defeats Newnan in Yanlliill SUtetaaaa News Senrire McMINNVTLLE Charles N. Teegarden, Yamhill, upset incumbent Charles R. Newman. McMinnville. for the Republican nomination for Yamhill Countv rommiMiofwr mmnU nnm.m aIaIam Ninm. McMINNVILLE -Reversing the' showed Saturdav. trend in the mid-vaUey McMinn-j Teegardea polled 2871 to Newman's 2033 to win the right to op- Vllle Voters approved fluoridation oca Carlloa Drmnrrat HhIw Ifnl i. KV.nw. uit of their city water supply. ticket. Read Levy Laaes In measures on the county ballot, a $90,000 increase in the tax levy for county roads was defeated 5381 to 3321 Establishing a county board of health was approved 5632 to 2915. In the two other contests, in cumbent coroner Glen Macy won Williams High, Runoff Due for Dallas Justice Suit ma Newi trrvlrt 23 Jefferson Seniors Will Get Diplomas Stataamaa tttmt Sarrtca JEFFERSON -Commencement for 23 seniors at Jefferson High School will be held at I p. m. Thursday, May 24, in the school gym. Speaker will be Dr. John M. Svartout. chairman of Oregon State College political science de partment. I Irving E. Miller, school adminis-l trator, will present special awards. I and Varion E. Coin, schoolboard chairman, will present diplomas. 1 Graduating will be Joyce Chil- cote, Sue Daulton. Delbert F.rb, the Republican nomination. Hare- ,2relen rarmen- l rne,t Fletcher, ceived i.m to 2.004 for Norman Fr-nkIm Garmoh, Norma Com, J fcnme DALLAS -W. Fraak Crawlerd (left) aad Sheriff Teay Neefeldt wea asajar Petk Ceaaty peUUeal eeatests.' Crawlerd waa neealaated at ceaaty eeaa aalislaaer aad NeafeMl far aecead teraa as sheriff la etepabtteaa primaries. Beth face eppeaMlea la general dectiea. Stevenson Choice Of Demos in Linn Italtaaua Nawi Strrtrt ALBANY Adlai Stevenson was the write-in choice of Democrats for president In predominantly Democratic Linn County, complete re turns from all M Linn County precincts showed Saturday. But President Eisenhower, his name handily printed on Republican ballots, received a complimentary vote that far exceeded the write-in vote for Stevenson and Kefauver combined. The totals were Eisenhower 6005, Stevenson 2S2I and Kefauver -r . -" 1 1759. Republicans also renominated plete returns showed Saturday The vote was 1700 for fluorida tion and 113 against It waa the first time the aubject had been voted on here. ALBANY -Flouridation of Al bany's water supply was defeated 1K4 to 1425, complete returns from al; 17 precincts showed Saturday. Observers said the margin of w mucn less man two DALLAS Darrell J. Williams Srntt Ami w,llar. I ,nrf, Mir. 1 Green, Martha Harris, i'f ne" m,sure w" led a three-way race for Dallas kers 'defeated R!chard Wails 173 Hawkins, William Hecht. Arleta NFW CHAIRMAN INSTALLED oeiraiea decisively. district hitir nl th iup hut tn 7ni i, th. im.i , Hnefer, Darrell Johnson.- Karen U'll l avtim A Mr HirUv Dam Debris Clean-up Set IUImmi Ntwt Srrtr DETROIT A eeatract for rleaaiag debris set al Detroit Dan's reservoir has beea awarded te the Fertlaad firm el D. R. DeVaney Co., the Fertlaad District Ceres ef En gineers reported Saturday. The DeVaney fir" was awarded a S4MZI can tract which includes clearing at Big Cliff reservoir as well at de bris cleanup la the big reser voir. Strvens aad Steele, Gates, bid low but did net furnish a bid bond, the corps ef engineers reported. Completion ef the clean-np job is called for by Dec. SI. Post Office Bids Sought At Monmouth Stateiaua Ntwi Irnlrt MONMOUTH Bids for constr, tion of a new post office building at Monmouth will be accepted by the Post Office Department, May 2T. according to information r. ceived from S. G. Schwarts, re gional director, Portland. Site of the new office will h i Knox street, between Main and Jackson streets, on land owned by Mrs. Ruth Randall. The build ing will contain 2000 souar t of space. Postmaster E. K. Gentle nas received specifications of the new structure. ine nuorraaiion proposal carried failed to win a . majority vote, in only of the 17 precincts here. I complete returns from 10 pre AI1 three were areas embracing cincts involved showed Saturdav. newer suoaivisions wnere many parents of younger children live. STAYTON - The early trend in fluoridation voting held up here Saturday as complete returns C. L. Marsters ran second in balloting and will oppose Wil liams in a two-man run-off at the general election. The complete returns showed Williams receiving 1,181 votes. showed Staytoa voters had turned Marsters 684, and R. S. Kreason tion for sheriff. Mekkers will meet I &,r,..J2m2 ?obJ.in?-- Uura it down by 46t to 191. The complete returns also show ed F. M. Forrctte. Adrian Herman and Clarence Baldwin maintained early leads to win seats on the city council. LEBANON - Fluoridation lost out in a fairly close race here, complete returns from all nine precincts showed Saturday. The tally was 935 In favor of flourida tion and 1,129 against 628 Kenneth Shetterly, incumbent justice of the peace, was not a candidate for re-election. r nauieia a topneevy vote avr r ' Republicans al for district delegates to the na- 11 a 111 e LOmmilteCS John W. Sheppard tiAMal ejitMi.ft . KM ' t visas (UUTCiiuvu, UUT, blTntf - f 1 Smith and Eari Newbry had a At MotllCrg Ullll big lead among the 27 candidates L lor delegates at Urge. , ; Figures ' on the eoi.,pctitive races give Crawford 1980 to 1320 for Burbank, and Neufeldt 2838 to Peterson's 863. r. luunua Newt Bervlr para as coumv as- rt i major county level llOHOrS I rillCipal I 3784 votes to 2949 1 Dinner Party aessor in a race. He polled for Earl J. Elliott. A race for Lebanon justice of Slairinia Newi Srrvkt Mrs. Stevenson New Sunnyslde Principal ataliaiaa Nawa ftrrtn SVNNYSTDE lira. K4a. Itevenson of Cloverdale district will be the new principal at Sun- ysiae scnooi next school year. Mrs. Carl Carlson, principal for three years sere,-will teach .at Turner next term. t , Mrs. May Chittendoa and Mrs. ixiuue wonnson win return as intermediate and primary leach- era. : ' - "-. EAST SALEM Committee. the Mw incumben't Harvey J i. - - t rfiKK i riui irr-u iu uiiii-r. Installed at Thursday's meeting of Washington School Mothers Club, the last meeting of the group during this school year. Mrs. O. T. Logan, Mrs. Bruce Thompson and Mrs. Virgil Wil son were appointed Joint chair men of the ways and means committee, while Mrs. Donal Weber and Mrs. Paul Brandon were named co-chairmen of the room mothers committee. Other committee appointments Includ ed: Mrs- Claude Borsucb, pub licity; and Mrs. Merle Peterson, representative to the PTA Coun sel. Mrs. Gordon Davidson, outgo ing president, was given a gift. He re ceived 1263 votes to 677 for Ruby Moore. Lebanon police judge who opposed him. McKay ran up 3548 votes for senate to 2661 for Hitchcock and 87 for Deeti on the Republican ballot Elmo Smith trounced Albany grocer Earl L. Dickson 613M13 for the Republican governor nom ination. Hatfield received 4477 votes for secretary of state to 2110 for Healy. Democratic races saw Wayne Morse with 5461 to 1336 for Woody smiui; and Al Richardson shade Wiley Smith 2995 to 2983 for the state treasurer nomination. Q1JIM ..SPECIAL MICH IFFICTIVI MONDAY, MAY 21 , ONIY ft PRINTED "MO-IRON" PLISSE 36" wide in a gigantic assortment of fresh novelty shirt and sportswear prints. Other print! suitable for nightwer-"NO IRONING". Valuei to 49c yd. YD. SECOND FIOOI CARLOAD COOKIE SALE ... . FRESHU FRESHI - FRESHI Sandwich cookies in vanilla and chocolate. Coco bars nd oatmeal cookies-yum-yuml Full Pounds MAIN FLOOR 2 ST m MEN'S SPORT CAPS Made of toyo-eay to wash-just swish through water . , , In basin. Complete size and color range. Large bill to keep out glaring sun. OWLV 3c MIN1 iWIAROVVH SALES FlOO SHOP MON. AND FRI. NITES 'TIL 9 Walton, principal, at a dinner party last Thursday night at Co lonial House, Salem. The staff: Carol Clantield, Esther Cleveland, Beulah Craven, Doris Garrett, Wilma Harding, Retta Martin, Joyce McCormick. Martha Plunktt, Grace Sacre, Eileen Simpson, Vera Slawaon, Vera Smith, Eada Staats, Helen Williamson and lone Yeo. Additional guests, all former teachers, were: Doris Coad, sister of Mrs. Walton; Alma Dempsey, Rickreall; Alma LeFors, Dallas: and Adeline McFarland. Albany. Mrs. Walton was presented with a handsome gift, and responded with a tribute of appreciation to the new cubmaster her teachers. J Scout Pack 57 here. Dallas Splits City Auditor, Judge Duties incumbent sheriff W. J. (Bill Jones in November. Jones was un opposed on the Republican ticket. Other results: REPUBLICAN State representative, sixth dis trict,Ireland, 3.273; Jacobsmuhlen, 1071. I'. S. Senate: McKay 2695, Hitch- ful" cock 1886. i Congressman: Norblad 4217, Cook, 765. Secretary of stale: Hatfield 3544, Healy 1725. Governor: Smith 4705, Dickson 411. Shull, Phyllis Specht. Neil Spencer 11a Stephenson, Darlene Tetiloff. Joan Trunidge. Anne Wilson and Gary Zehner. Baccalaureate services are scheduled Sunday May 20, at t p.m. in the school gym. The Rev. L. E. Swanson, Methodist minister, will speak on "Life Can Be Beauti- Mishler became chairman of the Frndall Home Extension unit at Wednesday's meeting of the or ganization. New vice-chairman is Mrs. Shirley Mendelhall, with the office of secretary-treasurer I being filled by Mrs. Sterl Bare. Miss Betty Weiman, county agent, discussed business docu ments, wills snd deeds at the meeting. ROSES TO BE DISCUSSED BROOKS Care and culture of roses will be discussed at Thurs day meeting of the Brooks Garden club in the home of Mrs. Dollie Romp, folowing a 1 p.m. no host luncheon. OCK Motliccs Elects Officers DEMOCRATIC President: Kefauver, 1155, Stev enson 1152. Congressman: Lee 2170, Metheny 817. State treasurer: Smith 1405, Richardson 1720. SUtrtmaa Nwt lervlt DALLAS-Splitting the oftice of Dallas city auditor police judge into two new positions was ap proved by a narrow margin, com plete returns showed Saturday. Under terms of the approved charter amendment, the present auditor-judge will become "city : LYONS Final plans for Friday's supervisor" and a new municipal ; sub-district meeting of the women's judge will be appointed, effective , gneietv of the Methodist Church Ju'v L i were discussed among Lyons mem- WonieiTs Society eV Plans Meeting Statrimaa Newi Srvtr SUttimaa Newi Srrlr MONMOUTH Mrs. A. C. Krebs, Portland, was elected president of the Oregon College of Education Mothers Club at a recent meeting here. Other new officers sre: First vice-president, Mrs. Vernon Amell, Beaverton; second vice president, Mrs. Helen Yoder, Route 1, Hubbard; secretary, Mrs. Francheon Lappen, Dlbanv; treas urer. Mrs. Lucille Kennison, Man-mouth. You Are Invited te Visit Our 'CHARM HOUSE' A Cape Cod cottage furnished with the warmth and friendli ness of early American maple at its best. Where you may shop at your leisure with free decorating help, if desired. Our "Charm House" has just been completely redecorated. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING INC. 467 Court Ph. J 9611 Open Mon. t Fri. Til i The amendment was approved 68S to 615. Voters turned down an amend ment that would have increased from $100 to $500 the amount of fine the municipal judge could have Imposed. The margin waa 738 to 585. An amendment clarifying sec tion 20 of the city charter carried 761-437. NEW BROOKS CUBMASTER BROOKS Mike Lowery is for bers at their meeting last Tues day. The ladies also made arrange ments for an Officer's Training Day scheduled for June S in the church. Evelyn Sexton presided at the Tuesday gathering, with Ethel Huffman as secretary and Martha Cruson leading the devotional. At a Thursday night mother and Daughter banquet the society hon ored the oldest and youngest mothers present, and the youngest grandmother. They were Mrs. May Cub Patton, Mrs. Darwin Fehlen and : I Mrs. Ray Roberts, respectively. I MILLER'S DEPARTMENT STORE 3-WS Sslm What does your I next vacation have to do with f "Bank Plan" auto financing? It could hava a lot to do with it ... for report ahow many car buyrra hava aavad aa much as S150 with Btala Farm'a "Bank Plan". . . aav infa anoufh for a family vacation. So, bafora you buy a car, call ma about State Farm'a "Bank Plan" of low mat Inandnf and inauranaa. i a a bum m mrt fun 'Bob' rWf 1158 N. rliiinli Phone If JO 2765 rXTi Buick Super 6-Passenger 4-Door RvWaTi Mbm it pm, job mam r ou fA hardly hoar its whispered might X hut man, you sure can frel it. It's power almost without limit - power that humhles (he hills, melts the miles, makes you monarch of all you survey. For this is a new Buick-a '.'56 Buick -sparked by the most potent engine in Buick annals -a 322-cuhic-inch V8 with a crackling high com pression of 9.5 to 1. Hut what makes you feel even more like boss man of the highway is the great new advance in Variable Pitch Dynaflow. First time you tickle the gas pedal you'll know what we mean. Now-smack in the top inch of gas pedal travel right where you save gas every turn of the wheels -you get a swift, sure and supremely positive new getaway response in an instant. For smooth and nimble performance for sheer mastery in traffic-nothing like it ever was. And that's just part of it. W hen you need a still greater flow of get-up-and-go for safety's sake, you merely switch the pitch and you zoom out of tight spots. So come rule the roost in this 756 Buick. Come drive a car with 127 gorgeous inches of wheelbase to give it regal room and a ride that's fit for a king. Try out Buick's new steering new center grooved brakes - new direct-acting shock absorbers with triple the former volume of jounce-cushioning oil. Learn how it feels to loss a car that looks lika royalty and acts the part to perfection. We promise you'll practically purr with delight at the wheel of this dazzler especially w hen you discover how easily you can make it your own. What do you say shall we expect you today? 'Sew Advanced Variable Pitch Dynaflow it the onf Dynttftinc Buick biild today. It it ttandard m Koadmtuter, Super and Century optional at modett extra coat on tin SiteciaL AIRCONDtTtONINO el a COOl NIW IOW PIICI h caolt, (Han, 4akaialdi. Gat 4-Saaiaa Caarfart la aa aaw Svkk wit aaaviaa WGIDAIM CONtMTIONIKO CHtOt YOUI CAI-CHtCf ACCIMNTS- WHIN KTTit AOTOMOUUI AJU IUIII SUICX Will Hint THEM Ul MCU( CKASON ON TV bw imtm J J. NEWBERRY CO. 241 NORTH LIIERTY 388 N. Commercial St. Salem. Ore.