ES-(Sec. IV) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sun., May 20, "50 Russian Plant Makes ..... v. Wore Bicycles mm m mm m md ' " i By ROT ESSOTAN ' MOSCOW III -.The Stalls Auto . worki to th sole producer of the "tn automobile, th Soviet Union's finest, but it'i strictly a sideline. . Bicycle, trucka and buset arc mort in its line. '-- "We produced a few hundred passenger cart Ust year and prob- - auy won t nut any more than that thia year," aayi Ivan hano Vich Kanov deputy director of the (lent plant 'He addi that durltif the tame period the plant turned out 100,000 trucks, 450,000 bicycles and 1,000 buses. He gsve no meet figures - for cars. . . Special Order The Zis is made only on special order, which is not surprising be cause It costs, on the average, 70,- 00 rubles. That's 117,508 at the official rate of exchange. '"Each Zis is made according to the individual requirements of the high party or government official luha mrAmr It fmr . lnfrinr appointments are eoncerneu, rrom the outside you d have hard fun distinguishing H front a pre fer Packard. : Jut that is purely Occidental, ays Karzov who explains the striking and somewhat embarras sing similarity thus: ; "Modem techniques of automo bile manufacture have been de- .'. teloped to such a point that .any ear today looks like any other car, I-He didn't explain why the Zis 4ml look like an Oldsmobue. ' 4MM Eapleyee The Stalin auto works employs 40,000 workers, 40 per cent of them women. Outside of a few top of . ficisls, none of them drives a Zis. The siie of the plant and its total annual ruble production is clouded in the same mystery that shrouds au such statistics in the Soviet Union. Karzov says only that the works encompasses 19 miles of asphalt road and 40 miles of railroad. On the basis of DrevaHinf prices for its trucks, bicycles and buses, ! nrwever, the plant's annual pro duction must be in excess of J dollars.' ' Pay Scales; Kanov says pay, on a piece work basis, averages 1,150 rubles a month, about 281. Engineers and technicians draw 10 to 15 per cent more. Kanov himself draws 1.000 rublfe 11.150. Amenetlea inchida two clinks, a kbspltal, a rest home and a sana torium. Medical treatment is free and rest home facilities are pro ' tided at reduced prices. . The plant lays heavy emphasis .: an sports and athletic activity. rentes 74 football teams and pro vide nursery and kindergarten faculties lor workers' children. Twelve per cent of the workers are communist party members, another is per cent members of the Komsomol, party youth organ- nation. JCarxov laught off reports that workers have petitioned for the removal of Stalin's name from the plant in line with the current gov- , eminent campaign to downgrade ,ue jaw dictator. ; Overbad Task v He says he can! predict the fu ture but as for the present no such move is afoot. Any change would . involve quite an overhaul Job. Statues, busts and portraits of Stalin provide the main decoration fthrnimhniif th nlan Ana me piant s iraae-mark, Zis, would have to to in the switch. It's derived from the Initials for! Zavod Imini Stalina, which means plant named after Statlin. .., The plant started operations In 'J924, putting out one type of truck. II has one distinguishing feature. Red banners and posters are plas tered on every wall and strung across every aisle In every shop proclaiming in toot-high letters, ''Peace Will Defeat War." D2APERIES Valaam a) tnnn lo4 Ceratct htNi sn i'nm b UftLK BLIND MAN flH KlUlMlM ! M MteM i) ItltCraWfSt (HIMOttHOIDS) innmii " inune vmouv howitm owmtwii rftsosKMtoiSHecoion jH CONVtetMCMM I mssoostsT jfc ' MOHt S4MS (ft StTNOlOe Tk EZTNOLCS CLINIC It atAlf.ajatsMw,Jw Ms) CIWTN tTM v Of f J UM D D ChaaJi DRS. CBAN and LAM CHINESE NATUROPATHS , t'pstalra. 4t7 Cewrt SL I ' AllinaMH liAlllVVIIII J 4lla1IIRIVAa I UU IIJblilUHJtU UUIIIIiWUUUHEU 5 V-7 WWIWULDL Mora It charcoal amber , MUST BE SOLD TODAY . I 6 Only 1 8 Only 10 Only 5 Only 8 Only 36 Only 22 Only 5 Only Rayon Highl Occ.' Floor End Metal Oimlortcrs Stands fables Chairs Lamps "'"C'IB Tables Beds Org. 24.95 Up to 22.95 Reg. 7.95 Reg. 16.95 Reg. 19.95 VlltlllJ Quei?v SoDe COsjg A ecsill (acncO Onece's Famous frlagnuson Sofa & Chair Suites Here is the suitt that sells all over the west for $389.50 and up. We have ten of thest sets to be offered Sunday and Mon- day only. Solid foam rubber reversible) cushions. 5-year by h I ( C guarantee. Reg. 389.50 OPEN TODAY SUNDAY 12:30 TILL 6 P.M. r u rn a Your Choice O RED O GREEN ? )(o) o imam in noes ELooCi OhGatf CHOICE OF COLOR i O BROWN O BEIGE O TAN Takes that tired feeling right out of your body. Buy 'em in pairs. (o)(o) $1 A Week O .Trn I. : - . i'. Vom (SeffS PLASTIC COVER f .: V-.. i.i - ( , "J , w FREE DELIVERY OPEN TODAY SUNDAY 12:30 TILL 6 P.M. umt (tM ta-wOaf M la I ja.j S f 0 Cm WH Kit Wnw fft emiWT en V. i