The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 20, 1956, Page 26, Image 26

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    26-(Scc. IV) Statesman! Salem, Ore- Sun!, May 20. 56
Bailey, Bellinger Win . . ; -
Drums Edge Trojans
For PCC Track Title
(Ceatiased frees recedlaf Mfc)
and th broad jump, and third In
the l blths.
Pat Coy I af USC wti the only
double winner e( the day. takin
first la both the 100 and W yard
Baile Wlas Featare
.The mile rua ' the feature
ennis Title
race of the day - came off about
at expected with Orefoa'i Jim
Bailey novnf out VCU'l Bobby
Seamaa in 4:M.
Bailey's time wai a eonfereace
record but well away from Bail
ey's J M l best let In Lot Anfeles
two weeks tie. Bailey beat Aus
tralia's Joha Undy. world record
holder at IM, la the Los Angeles
Bailey set a comparatively slow
pace for the first three laps, then
raced the last quarter mile in
Seaman hunf. oa close until the
very end. He was timed la 4:M.l
DeLUager Draws Cheers
Just 45 minutes later Seaman
came back to win the 180 in
Another race that had the crowd
of 11.900 cheering most of the way
was the two-mile, won by Ore-
Bearcats Capture
' Single, Double
"Willamette University made a
eleia sweep of the Northwest
I - S !. k aisan i-tifi ah i fj
&urday by winning both thelgons Bill Dell infer to 105. M
singles and doubles tlUes The j unger raa ithe h m.te In a fast
tJlllamettewaskftfortbalioata UfPr t lB
Mr. Mayhem
( ;)
Bud Mull won the singles title
and the team of MuD and Ron
Butler took the doubles crown.
Pint fee Bearla
- It was the first time that Coach
Lea Sparks Betters bad ever
ana the testa championship, al
though they had taken individ
ual titles previously. Behind WU
rime Lewis Clark in second.
Whitman and Pacific tied for
third and College of Idaho and
Lfnfleld tied far fifth.
fa the morning's singlet semi
flails, Butler defeated Pacific's
Jerry Xalapus -I M, and Mull
ousted teammate Ray Mvers M,
eI. Thea ia the afternoon. Mull
defeated Butler d-x, M.
IX Netters Toad)
The Lewis Clark doubles
team of Bob Ellerby and Jtm
Petersen almoat woa aver Wil
li metis's Myers and ha Maelver
before the Bearcat duo outlast
ed them M, 4-6, 7 The other
semifinal doubles match saw
Mull and Butler defeat Whit
man's Jim Young snd Bill Knorp
Daae Daawvaa. above, eeatral fig
art la we aieeay. wmh"i
aaaeaval at the Arwiery lass
veer whea leaaaed wtth hie
scatter la a Ugmli agalaat
HerMe Preemaa and Larry
f-fcM. aeea tola mere actiea
km Teetdar eight la the re-
aa.U-h wtth the two peealar (lad-
Donovans Eye
Title Trophy
Rematch Set Here
Tuesday at Armory
Not only will the Donovaa Broth-
ers, uiny uougw '
Dog" be out to again scramble PMamn and Leaoin' Larry
It flat They were running into! II tMr Tu.sdav night re-
. w .!-.! vire, . Lm. r.n
a .a mpn wiim. mJtch ,t Armory, meyu aiw
8am Wesley Third ! fter t otters' Northwest Ug
Johnson held a slight lead at; u championship, one Uiat popu-
ue sun we spnoi, oui '-"J'wjaf Heroic and Larry woe. irora
lot yard dash were all caught in
harelv beat bun at the finish.
Sam Wesley of Oregon SUte was
given third and Bill Swisshelm of
USC fourth.
The order of team finish was:
UCLA (04. USC (7, Stanford
9, Oregon 11, California 17H.
Washinetoa . Oregon State I
Washington SUte I and Idaho 1
Bailey said later be was dis
appointed in the time, even though
fair mile was a Pacific Coast Con
ference record.
"I knew that's the tort of race
it was going to be because I knew
Seamaa planned to let ma set the
pace. It is sot my type of race.
But that's bo excuse. You could
say It's not Landy'a type of race,
either," Bailey said.
Bailey, last year's winner in the
g, sat that race out Saturday
but came batf in the mile relay
with a quarter to help Ore-
Ma The doubles fin.h. MuH. Ion take third pl in that event,
Bi-tle tonk the title with a -,
61 victor over Mvers-Msclver.
Allen Claims
'No Surprise'
Kurt von Poppenheim and Irish
Jack O'Reilly recently ai renianu.
Matchmaker Elton Owen an
nounced Saturday that the title
will be at stake, and predicted that
the rematch "will be as rough a
brawl as we've had here In
Real Wow Us Week
If Jt beaU last weea s moooy.
chair-throwing explosion, it will be
something. Both Chene and the
youiger Donovan suffered severe
tidal cuts in that one. Doug
rammed Larry's head Into steel
ring post to start the wild melee,
and before It was over Rod Dog
was cut by a flying chair, irate
fans swung on the villainous broth
ers, two Armory custodians were
hit by the flying furniture and Ref
eree Buck Davidson, once a popu
lar rasslin" item here, was voted
"flop of the week."
Th brawl sot completely away
from Bowlegged Bucko and he was
Rough Penaltylpioneers Snare NIVC
Meet; 4 Records Fall
(Ceatlaeed frees tretedlag wage)
ence would investigate their boost
er clubs." '
Mataitcd be lafraettaM
. Ailea said be was "disturbed"
by the Infractions uncovered st
UCLA but added "information has
'come to my attention indicating a
strong likelihood that PCC rules
regarding - aid to athletes have
beta violated an other campuses
as weQ."
.The crux of the problem does
not Involve professionalism, Allen
aid. but it should be stated:
'''How eaa it be made possible
for athletes to meet the costs of
living while carrying normal
university program, especially
during the competitive season?
Cast of Lrrlag Prebleu
"Every student Is faced with
this cost of living problem, but
athletes, because of the time they
, must c-evote to studies as wen at
intercollegiate soorts, do not have
equal opportunity to earn their
Mil 1. Jim Brlley. Oregon. I.
Bobby Seaman. UCLA. 1. Sid Wins.
USC. 4. DMi Rodrlouet. I. Wes Mi
Uod, USC. 4 9 w ronferwt
rcord. Old ncom:OJ by Bill ocuin
fef e( Oregon, IMS.
Shot Put-I, Charlla Butt. Califor
nia, 17 fMt I'i Inch, t. Don Vic.
UCLA, n-4t. t, AI tnnty, Bianrora,
IMV 4, John Kahiwrt California.
SMU. I. Larry Pulford, Waahlnf-
on, te-S'i,
4401. Mike Larrabaa, USC 1. Bun
Ilia, VCLA. . Art Suwirl, Califor
nia 1 kmM KltrhM. USC S. Boh
Kama UCLA: MI S.
Javaun 1 Bob Vollct USC Slt-t. 1,
Darnll Ptanon, Waihlngton suit,
Bft-ll'V. a. Ed Blnaham. Orrann,
WS-tlit. 4. Jody McCraa, UCLA. SOkU.
1 Hand Roldan. Stanford. J9Si7.
USC. 1 riatar
Slaps Bruins
$95,000 in Fine
3-Year Probation
(CeaUaaed froas precediag page)
all time for which they were
paid, that members of the athleic
staff knew of the goings-on and
cooperated and thai athletes sill
in junior colleges had been paid
$46 numbly by UCLA.
Farther Aeeasatlaas
The school was accused further
of (ailing to take action whea its
attention was called to the ob
jectionable activities af its ath
letic staff and booster clubs.
The conference warned that It
would not end the probation until
UCLA provides "satisfactory evi
dence and assurances" that Its
athletic program ia being operated
according to the rules "and by
personnel in whose integrity the
con! er ence may have confidence."
The chancellor was asked, in
addition, to "inform the confer
ence ia writing of the policy which
the conference may expect the in
stitution to follow in the future
with respect to complete coopera
tion with the commissioner,"
The conference now will turn Its
sttentioa to other less drastic
measures in the remaining four
days of the annua spring meeting.
No other schools are expected to
receive anything resembling the
Wsshlngton-UCLA crackdowns.
Commissioner Schmidt said his
investigations at UCLA had pro
duced evidence that athletes In
sports other then football were
receiving extra-legal payments.
At Washington, only football play
ers were known to have been In
volved in payments from the off-
campus fund.
Dr. Joseph Kaplan, UCLA fac-
ulyt representative, and Athletic
Director Wilbur Johns declined to
comment on the conference ac
tion. They said any statement
would have to be by Chancellor
Pflot Rock Wins State B Track Meet Again
Seattle Tops
Mounties 5-3
SEATTLE (ft Don Fracchia
pitched a tight six-hitter Saturday
night as the Sesttle Ralniers de
feated the Vancouver Mounties,
S-t, in a Pacific Coast League
bsebnll game.
(Ceattaaed frees Page
ner In Saturday's meet, although
Kllcker alse shared first place
boners ia the high jump when be
tied with Pacific's Don Adams at
I feet It Inches.
Bartaaaa Dm Me Wlaaer
1 The double winner was Wil
lameUe's Dale Bartman, the soph
omore distance ace from Redmond
who won both the mile and MO.
It had been expected that Hartman
might break a record in either or
both of these events with the ex
pected competition, but the old
marks went untouched.
Hartman won the mile ia 4: 17 .J
and the 880 in 1:00.4.
The mile race was a two-man
affair from the third lap on. be
tween Hartman. the pace-setter,
and LC's Bob Mitchell, the lanky
freshman. Mitchell trailed Hart
man only a few feet ill the way
and tried to catch him in the final
CO but his kick wasn't enough and
the Redmond-bred Bearcat hit the
tape easily in front.
Kaaaer DlsauaUned
Lynn Roumagoux was about 12
yards behind Hartman in the finish
in the 880 but second place went to
Whitman's Gordon Stivig instead
because Roumagoux was disqual
ified for cutti-n in on Willamette's
Don Miller at the end of the first
In the two-mile rare, Parrott set
the pace from the start with only
Mitchell giving him any compete
tion early In the race. The young
LC runner fell back as the 8-lap
race progressed, however, and
Parrott was all alone when he
100-1, Pat Coyle.
'ohntnn. UCLA. 1. 8am WHT.
ion Slat. 4, BIU Swluhalm. USC. S.
'are Morrli. Oregon. ;10
Hifh Jump-I. Hal Millar. VCLA,
S. 1 Tla frftwtan Phil Fthlcn, Stan-
ford. Nick Dytr, UCLA, and Wayna
Mots. Ortton State. S-4, . John
Strwart, Stanford. S-l.
ISO hlfh hurdlaa I, Barnla Nalaon.
Stanford. I Jim Ball, ValL UCLA. 1,
Rafter Johnaon. UCLA. 4. Chuck
Cobb, Stanford. S, Bob Lawaen, USC.
14 i.
Diarua-1. Blnk Babka. USC. 17S-
S. I, Ron Drummond. UCLA, 177
I'i. J, Jack Ean. USC 174-1. 4. Don
Vkk. UCLA. 171-1. S. Charlie Butt.
California, lM'V
SSO 1, Bobby Seaman, UCLA, t.
Chuck Klrby. USC. 1, Oava McCul
loch, Waahlnaion. 4. Warren Johan
son, Idaho. ( Jurray Coburn, USC.
Broad Jump-I. Dick Knaub. UCLA,
M-.e(, i. Rafter Jnhnaon. UCLA.
24-1' 1, Frank Herrman. Stanford.
H-l 4. John Chant, California. 24-,.
I Don McClur. Oregon. M-7'. i
110-1. Pit Coyle. USC. 1. Mike
Larrabee. USC. 1 Jim Caraa, Stan
ford. 4. Ruat Kills. UCLA. S. Mel
Kobat, Wafhlnfton. rll .0.
Two mile I, Rill Delllnfer, Oregon.
t Maury Crave. Stanford. 1. Max
Truex, USC. 4. John Mldtbo, Waah
Ington Stat, t. Bob Houae, Califor
nia. IM.
US low hurdle I. Rafter Jnhn
aon. UCLA Bill Swlrahelm. USC.
1, Jack Morrta, Oregon. 4. Churk
Cobb, Stanford. . Jim Ball, VCLA.
Pol vault 1, Ronnie Morrli. USC.
14-4 t. Walt Uvark. USC. 14 feet,
a, Tie between Bill flint. Stanford:
Larry AnoVnton. California. Jim Hil
ton, Washington, and Llndy Kell,
UCLA, U-o.
Mile Rel-v-l USC Ouleler. Co-
Cincinnati n fta) innla u burn, Kirkby, Larrabee. 1. UCLA. 3,
srooKiyn . 019 xu poj 10 1 ; uregon. , California, a. ataniora
f i
X National League
fllwauke v.lm..ei Mt DUO I I
Hew York ; 0O0 000 0031 4 1
Burdetta and Crandall: Worthing
tm. Crlaeoia (1), wuhelm (Si and
Yanks, Tribe
Nab Victories
Cards Rap Phils ;
Braves Top Giants
(Coatinued from preceding page)
behind column, hut the Braves
show a .684 percentage to the
Cards' .830.
Redlegs Belt Dodgers
The Dodgers, meanwhile, fell
before the Redlegs, 10-5. The re
sult enabled Birdie Tebbetts' op
eratives to pull a half-game ahead
of the Brooks.
In ik. oil,., ptt i.m.. Hoiw. I me otner numnai League
about as popular as the Donovans wood ou, 14 hi,s t0 de. game, the surprising Pittsburgh
when he gave them the win over ,...., ..i,nm 1n. ,.. , Pirates, rolling along in fifth
inene anu rirtnun.
Two Refa This Time
Nrcdlesa to say. Bucko won't be
back Tuesday. Owen intends hav
ing two other arbiters lor tnis one,
with instructions to keep the war
fare ir the ring and away from
possibly more misplaced furniture.
Mexican iiasn ajvb
who looked very capable in hia Sa
lem debut last wek when he went
to a draw wtth Texas Tommy
Phelps, will be in the semiwindup
special Tuesday, against Bull Mon
tana, Which means thst the Mex
h i his work cut out. The Montana
Bull ia a nasty one.
Jaycee Tennis
Tourney Set
Sixty-nine boys registered for the gling episode let Art Schult reach
finished la hia new record time.
Dale Greenlee of Willamette wis
the Drat to break the conference
mark in the discus Saturday with
a heave of 141 feet Mtt inches. But
minutes later Michelaon heaved hia
record toss to keep bis name in
the books.
Benson was leading in the, 330
low hurdles at the mid-point but
missed his stride and Klickcr and
Duke spurted to the front to finish
' High hurdl-Dean Benaon iWUi:
Klickar (Wniii; Cralg (Pi; Duka
iLCli Rochester (Whltl, Urn 14.4
(uea oia racoraj.
100 Rich Neal (LC): Gatyaa IP);
Tata (Whit); Hapktna (LC); Ander
son (WU); am I0J.
Mile Dal Hartman (WU): Mitch
ell (LC); D. Miller iWUi; 0. Millar
ID: B. Millar (LC): time 4:17.3.
44S Bill Machamer (LI: Po
IWhlt); Abi (LCt; Fowler (Whit);
Eagle (LC): Urn SOS.
Low hurdlea-Dave Kllcker (Whltl;
Duka ILC); Benaon (WUl; Stewart
(Li; Cralg (P; time X3.S (new rec
ord, old record 14Ji.
J10-8ld Tate (Whit); Neal (LC):
Hopkins (LC); Gatyas (P); Anderson
(WU); time lit.
SSO-Dal Hartman (WU): Stavlg
(Whltl: Miller (WU): Davis (L);
Warren (Pi; tim 1.00.4.
Broad Jump Gene Small (Ll
Adams IP); Kllcker (Whit)
lolla (WU); Jeans
f S".
(LC); dulance
Discus Loren Michelaon (LC);
Greenlee (WU); Reynolds (Ll; Mar
tin (LC); Adams (Pi; distance 147' 1"
(new record, old record 141' I',").
High lump 1-way tla. Dave Kllck
er (Whltl and Don Adams IP); lie
for 3rd. Jeans ILC) and Glenn (Ll;
tie for Sth. Thompson (WU), Whlt
mire (WU), and Covert (CI); height
J' 11".
Pole vault 3-way tie, Larry
Thompson (WU), Rich Hints ID and
Bob Richmond (Pi; tie lor 4th. Pop
pert i WUl and Covert (Ct); height
13 4',".
Shot Howard Glenn (L): Martin
(LCI: Ray (PR Raid (WU): Schmalle
( WU): distance 44' 7" (new record,
old record 44' S").
Javelin Joe Boutin (LC); Hein
rich (PI; Clayton (LC); LeMaster
(Ll; Miller (PI, distance Ill's".
2-Mile Edgar Parrott (Whltl.
Mitchell ILC); B. Miller (LC): Green
(Pi: LaDD (L): time ISII (new
record, old record 10:01.3).
Relay Whitman (Hlehert. Tate,
Po fowleri; Lewie It Clark; Lln
fleld; Willamette. Time 3 M.4.
lot Rock rolled up a score of (34
points Saturday to defend suc
cessfully IU state class B h I g b
school track championship.
The Rockets won four first
places. .
Wallowa waa a close second
with 58 points. Thea csme Union
with 32. Coburg JO, Monroe 22.
Enterprise 21. Knappa 21. Rogue
River 19, Elgin 17 Yoncalla 18
Elkton 12 Merrill 12, Concordia
11 Lowell 10. Cove 10. Sisters
10, Bonanta I, Culver 7, Siletl T,
Lexjngton T Amity . St. Boniface
I St. Mary's (The Dalles) 8 Gales
8, Jefferson 8. Days Creek S'i,
Irrigon 3, Car as Valley m, Har
risburg 2. Moro I Powers .
Darryl Horn a' Pilot Rock and
Jim Reeves of Wallowa were dou
ble winners.
Pour records were established
and another tied la the 14-event
Some of the winners In the lo
cal: Spencer of Jefferson was fourth
la the broadjump. Ennis Haw
kins of Jeff wss fourth In tha
shot. Frank Marlatt of Jeff was
fourth in the discus.
Wolf of St Boniface was
fourth in the Javelin. Herron of
Gates took second in tha mile
rare. Delbert Casteel of Amity
tied for first In the pole vault
with Dwaine Chapman of Pilot
Rock and S. T. Tillery of Mori
roe. Jim Lewis of St. Boniface
placed fifth ia the 880 yard run.
0-Knoll Lists
Second Round
Most second round matches arc
expected to finish Sunday ia the
annual Spring Handicap golf tour
nament being held at the Oak Knoll
cturse. Although most of the sec
ond round will be completed by
Sunday, Bill Ashby. club director,
reports that the tourney golfers
will be allowed until next Thursday
to complete their play.
Many of the matches have al
ready been completed. In the first
flight, Fred Haase defeated Pete
Luthi S and 4. Pat Patterson ousted
Dick Taylor in the second flight 3
and 1.
Other flight results so far:
Third Larry McLaughlin def.
Hal Hearing I up; fourth Del
bert Price def. Ted Roake 1 up in
21 holes; Sth Tim Barry def.
Gene Owens 1 up in 19 holes; 8th
no results yet; 7th no results
yet; 8th no results yet.
Pairings yet to be played:
2nd flight Ed Richards vs. Joe
Fitipa trick; 4th - Charley Hobson
vs. Edwin Maen: Sth Perry
Foster vs. Clarence Applegate; 6th
Bud Noff singer vs. Stan Sanders;
7th Tom Mosher vs. Leon Hunt
ley; 8th-Walt Fellman. bye. 1
Fay Ladd Victor
In Hardtop Main
Fay Ladd won a thrilling vic
tory ia tha U-lap Class A Main
stock bard top auto races Satur
day night at Hollywood BowL A
complete story on the rice meet
will appear In Monday's Statesman.
Broncs Whip
Spokane 6-3
LEWIST0N, Idaho I - The
Spokah Indians fumbled away
their chance Saturday night with
eight errors to allow Lewiston a
8-3 Northwest League baseball
Spokane actually led in earned
runs, 3 to 2, but costly errors
in the seend inning let the Broncs
push across four tallies and that
was enough for the win margin.
Howard Keefe of Lewiston hit
a home run, with none on, in the
fifth inning.
Bronc pitcher Jim Benton made
his record read 3-1 by scattering
hits. He walked five and struck
out 10.
A crowd of 1,268 watched the
game in almost perfect baseball
Oregon Edges
Cougars, 4-2
PULLMAN til, - The Oregon
Ducks, getting out of trouble with
three double plays, edged closer
to Washington State In northern
division baseball standings Satur
day with a 4-2 win over the Cou
gars. Oregon, with a 7-3 record, still
has to play a pair of games with
both Washington and Oregon
State. Washington State, with a
10-3 season mark, closes out with
three games against Idaho.
Oregon first baseman Dick
Schlosstein lot two of the five
hits allowed the Ducks and made
one of the double plays unassist
ed Terry Middox got a triple
and Jim Pingree a double In the
Oregon attack.
I'iilf Table
Tides for Tan, Oregon
(Compiled by O 9 Coast and
Geodetic Survey Portland. Ore I
High Waters
Time Height
10 I M am.
S 37 p.m.
10:43 a m.
0 07 p.m.
11:31 am.
10 45 p.m.
12:38 p.m.
11:11 p.m.
I:i: pm
11:37 p.m.
Low Waters
Tim Height
1.17 am. SI
3ftSp.m. IS
4 39 a.m. 0 4
3 53 p.m. I S
J:H a.m. -OS
41 p.m. it
9:37 am. IS
9:11 pm. 1.1
5 34 a.m. I 4
6:01 p.m. 11
8-9, ninth inning homers by
George Risley snd Al Heist gave
Sacramento a 2-0 win over San
Diego and Portland beat Saa
Francisco 8-6.
The win moved the Rainiers
within one game of the league
leading Los Angeles Angels.
The Mounties drew first blood,
scoring twice in the first innings
Witty Quintana and Spider Jorgen
sen both singled and Quintana
scored as Sherry Dixoo threw
wide attempting to" stop Jorgen
sen at second. Another series of
ball juggling later allowed Jorgen
sen to come home.
The Rainiers tied it up in the
second as Bob Balcena walked,
moved upon on an infield out and
a single by Milt Smith. A wild
pitch by Kelly Searcy permitted
Balcena to score. Another jue-
Junior Chamber of Commerce ten
nil tournament aa the registration
books closed Saturday afternoon.
There will be 44 in the junior di
first and some bad throwing start'
ed Smith home to score ss Len
Neal dropped the horsehide.
Two more in the third made it
tio tot one n it
1 1 1
It. Louis
Fhllsdelahla . 101 Sua. ana
DIckaoiL McrtanUI 111 ut ni.
pogovta, Tlowers 11), Owens CI,
N'gray (ll. a Miller (7). Meyer
' ft) and Lopata.
Kllaoetefn. Black ISI. rmma
(SI end Burtsa; Newcomb. Tern-
- alalor. 111. Kouiax (I), Roebuck (I)
and CampeneUa.
- Chicago ant m ml 4
Pittsburgh jm lot al" I II
Jones, Kalaer ll). Hacker (4), Val
enttnett! (Si, Davis HI and Land
rrth; Hunger, Kins (I). Face in
End summaries.
Exactly 10 per cent of the base
on balls issued in the National
League in 1955 were intentional.
Of the 4.240 walks, 424 were on
vision and 25 in the younger boys 4-: as Smith doubled for the four
division, i 'centh time this year and Joe Tay
PairinM were made and first' 'or followed up with his eighth
round matches must he completed ( homer of 1938.
by Tuesday night. The Jaycees
ask that results be phoned to any l.hiirrh Softball:
of the following numbers: 4-4617,'
4-7958, 2-6915, 2 1472, or 4-4808. Fina, stan(i in ,e Seior
Opponents must contact each Church u were .
other to arrange ma ches which muncts saiuy M follows: First
will be played on North and South EUB M First BapUst 6.2 Evan.
Salem high school courts. gclistic Temple S-3, Grace Luth-
Opponents and phone numbers ; fran 4.4 , Capitol Baptist 3-5 , Engle
where they may be reached orwood EUB rjrst Cnri!rtian
their residences are as follows: Turner Christian 2-6, LDS 0-8.
unose nm mi receive a The first two start their title series
round by"' Tuesday at 6 p. m., on dinger
Junior Dlviilen: Field.
John Minnich 3-9528 vs Don Le- The Junior League ends Mon-
bod. South Salem High; Dennis j v.,, . .. " . ... , i
Lane 1-3709 vs Thomas fhria s-!ws: ut makeup games are as rot-
cien Durham :-T72i vs. Gerald Dev. lows: Tuesday 1st Christian vs. ! Ruccos
enpori l-Mi: Jim tonataar, uauaa mm.nil,l Banli.l and let fnnr.. u;.n. j n... "i ' "C w:T "
MAvfair .l.iU 7 va Hirharil Htarinti r .... naiiia anu ia e LaUlilf men nil a
sauonai vs. first oapust. weanes-1 two-run homer. Sam Jones, who
day-Immartuel Baptist vs. High- pitched a no-hittcr asainst the Pi-
iana rnenas. inursoay rirst
Baptist vs. Immanuel Baptist.
place, Just three games off the
pace, slugged the hapless Chicago
Cubs, 7-4.
Both the New York Yankees snd
the Cleveland Indians, the two
front runners in the American
League, won. The Yanks turned
back the Chicago White Sox, 6-4,
and the Indians, with Herb Score
striking out IS, dumped the Wash
ington Senators, S-l, to hang 24
games behind Casey Stengel's
Among the ''havsrits'Vjf the
league, the Baltimore Orioles
edged the Detroit Tigers, S-4, and 1
the Kansas City A's turned back j
the Boston Red Sox, also by S-4.
The results pulled the A's into
seventh place tie with the Tigers. :
Crandall Hits Homers j
Lew Burden and Del Crandall
were the main architects of the
Braves' triumph over the Giants, i
Burdette held the New Yorkers to
four hits and his battery-mate, i
Crandall, hit two home runs. The
Giants scored both their runs in
the ninth.
The Cards had no trouble with ,
the Phillies, collecting 18 hits off
a half dozen assorted Phil pitch
ers. Saul Rogovin was the loser,
and Lindy McDanid who took ov
er for Murry Dickson in the fourth
the winner.
Joe Fraiier, Johnny Temple and
Smokey Burgess all hit home runs
to lead a 14-hit Redleg assault
against the Brooks. Don New-;
combe was the victim of most of
the blasting and was tagged with 1
the loss. Reliefer Hershell Free-!
i man saved the game for Johnny :
Pirates Big Hitlers
The Pirate bats played a steady 1
tune against the Cubs, too, the
collecting 13 hits. Lee
3-7001 : Asa Daily 1-54S3 vs.
ard Buchanan 3-8167; Alan
1-3937 vs Larry Baiter, Dallai
lair 3-31S9; Stan Anderson,
Salem Huh vs. Roaer Stewart 3-9727:
Jack Bowman 3-7061 vs. John
Brown 1-9936: Jerry Carleton 3-SI36
vs. Chuck Faulkner, North Salem
Gary Calaba 1-9993 vs. Bill Cran
dall 3-7126; Jerry Hagen 2-3490 vs.
Larry Evans. South Salem Hlh:
Kent Jaquith 4-4746 vs. Michael
Johnston of 5.17 N. loth.
Boys' Dlviilen.
William Brown 3-7971 vs. Alvin
Jacohnon 1-VSSW: Bruce Davis 1-7U4I
vs. Don Miller 3-2IMI: Del Pamsdell
Jr 1-lfKII vs Loren Sells 1-Kov
rates last year, was the loser
Bob Turley scored his first vie-1
tory of the season for the Yanks,
although he needed help from Tom
Morgan in the seventh when the
White Sox suddenly came alive.
Veteran Howie Pollett, making his
first American League start, last
ed less than three innings. After
ward, the Sox released him. It
(Coatlaued frost arecedlni sue)
oae nirtt darlu a Balem-SMkia eerie. tUv Hrlacr waa
fMtehlaf far ike S4e, Dak Wind an- far the Tribe, ftalea had
raoatia first and third, wltfe Hteva Csnrarart at bat. and was
dla( ky a 8-1 seer tats la the canteat. Sieve lashed a Haer that
- Sade agaiast the paralysed Moras, Jott as Dana's did agahvat
Cterk Ua ether algkCAmhy weal dwa as it kit ky a track, aad
r4Wd arwaad aa the tarf tike a mortally waaaded hlppa. The raa
' am eefraaeed aad the rhubarb etarted.
UUhman'i Proteit Upheld, Came Toned Out
Portland Meadows results Satur-
ltV Mav 1Q ftnrf ft
Kirt race -- aso yrd. quarter , marked the fifth time this young
horses, ourae ISOA Dead hat- Hlllu ,ut r i.
rrtrt,, Att.hnrv s.sin v. Rn.-r s 1 B..a. 7..Z. , w lanns nave an-
umwan .-I3.w; jonn ainip..n
1-9087 v.. Larry Fanning 4-iJ73;
Steven Stewart 2-9Q90 vs. Jim Van
rt.rhoof 4-B723: Del Sheldon 1-6449
vs Hichara Saalleld 1-3004; Chuck
Ramndell 1-2991 vs. Phil Klsus
1-7SU. a m
'iZoiiinJen i feated the White Sox.
The Downtown Lions Club Class
B Junior Baseball team will have! 9 so. 350, Long oats (Henshaw) 290.
a aiomin of nlavera MnnHnv al ' Wlniella .10 BO. time 1:09-39
a signup 01 players Monday at rourth race-t mile. 3 up. purse
6:30 p. m. at Baker Field. Boun- soon. Sample Case iNowls 4700.
daries for boys in the district are ' J""ihVJil'.1"i
. 9 20. 4.00, Sam Jons (Boag) 3 90.
between the Deaf School and Ferry Quimeiia iios. um 140-41.
street and between Baker street 1 r. " -'m'.'. "P. pure ssoo
and the Willamette river.
a an; Beauty Hobler IZoll naer
1190. 11.10. 5 90; Cat Clam (McDow- Score Fans 18
ell) 4HO. Quinlella 1142 90. time : 19 6. ,., fpii s,,.. Ihr..
Second race-5-', furlongs. 1 up. i "I le" u,t three snorl of
pun 9oo. Sheets Best iknowiesi Bob Feller's all-time modern ma-
f i: 337;!'cS,,0frHTd..;oMmjr ,eaue record for strikeout.
Quimeiia 117 90 tim 1:09-15 i ln one game 18. He allowed only
Third race 5-if furlongs. 3 up. i two hits, one of which was a home
4 60, 2 40; Carbon Csnvon (Scarcvi
Spokane Mgr. Eddie Leishman heatedly protested that the runner
an third was not entitled to advance, unless the bases were loaded.
OmMtmOr, tha runner on third should not score. But Amby must've
Imm big hard, for be got his rule mixed up and did allow tha run to
....w- .... . ' - . . . ... 'Wnsbington
Leisnmaw otitciaiiy proicsteg tna iamt7wmoiarTron-oy-aiam xte:
7-1, Tin protest aeia up ana tna game was thrown out. Thea la the
replay hater en, Spokane woa the thing.
" 1 Tha rwftaf waa correct. Hat aa waa Clark's la aat allewlag Hal
aVaaaaa la aasrv traest (bird aa Dana's drive the ether eight. Rale
1ST (B eswtotaa B. The bafl beeomea dead whea H strike aa em
wfrw 1st fMr arTTTUry, kefara II gaws beyead a flelsr ether thaa
' the? prtrkeT. Taw barter la credited Ub a kh aad ht glvea lint
; bate. TV resteer rsaaujt advaaca onleas the ectapylng el first
baa kr aew rraavr forces them alaag mr base.
. - Ti mm f fStAa eea saaia that will Inni i.m nmIi.m 1. ia and Rm
years And wouldn't you know it would turn up .hi, year to make JT B"d 1,1 nd WI,,0B Hnu'V ,"m'
thine ee rougher lor Luby 8 staggering lads ,. , . . . . . i Tenth race -i-is
" ... Boston ono 616 sno 4 ll 1
Larky am I ikweM tetiug loeai eeauawa sUggertag. He'9
trraery iaajsjed the "fceha waaled. fkktr can aO almg the h
rrj Mi peeaibtlHy ar twa brewing . . ,
American League
Paacuai. Clevenaer Hi. Wlesler
(ll, Stone (7) and rittgerald; Score
and Hegan.
New York 104 001 OOO-S I I
Chicago . . ...OOO 101 WO 4 II 1
Turley. Morgan 7 and Berra;
Pellet, rornirles ll). Dahlke ill,
Corouegra i9i, Harshman 111 and
Baltimore 9A1 US 1101 13 9
Detroit . I?0 9110 010-4 3
Wiehl. Moore 131. Zuverlnk lai
ilth: Mm Aber il). Mister.
Calilornian (Zollinger i 4 90, 3 50.
2 90: Harvest Point iCIflordl 9 30.
4 90; Thrifty ( McDowell 310 Quln
lella 12410. time 1:40
Sixth rece S-', furlongs. 3 up.
SeOO. No BooU I Searcy i 9 30, 4 10.
000 OOO 001-1 1 0 3 10: Wlr Trouble IGlffordl 4.20,
M9 001 00t 5 i t I 3 30; Good Joe (Hopkins) 110. Cfuln-
111 au, nmt:wii:
Seventh rac 1 furlongs. 1 up.
purs 9709 Scamp (Simonlsl 9 10.
3.1. 140; Copacetic (Knowieal 3 20,
140: Easter Time ! Zollinger l 3 60.
Qulnlell 17 70, Um 1:11-39.
Eighth race 9 furlongs, 3 up
purs 9709. Parlay iZolllngeri II 111
7 30 3 an, Cyrus i Fillers) 13 90. 43a:
Double U E (Lambert) 3 70. Qulnlel-
la 99ao. tim l:ll-VJ
run by Roy Sievers in the ninth.
The Tribe, for its part, got only
two hits off four Washington pitch
ers, but took advantage of 11
bsses on balls and two hit bats
men. The Orioles overcame a 3-0 defi
cit to whip the Tigers, mostly be
cause the Bengals made three er
ror.. Ray Moore tossed five hit
less innings in relief for the Ori
oles to gain the victory.
Hector Lopei 9aved the A's
from another 1699 whes lie hit a
home run with one on and one out
In the ninth off Bob Porterfield.
Shoot Set Sunday
Kanaaa City OOO OsO 0111 I I
Suae. Porterfield (7) and White;
Kretlow, Rurtachy (1), Gorman (I)
and Ginsberg.
The Multnomah muiile-loadina
Ninth raoa-e furlongs. 1 up pume gun club will hold its annual shoot
Sunday on their range on the Mo
1 Poad near Oregon City. The
shoot, which is open to the put
will have events in military rifle,
flintlock rifle and ball-and-cap pis
t.l shooting.
The shoot opens at 10 a.m. Mer
cL.ndise prizes will be awarded.
11.51. Smew (Knowle-) 4 80. 3. 10,
190. Myrtle A (Sherman I 3 90. 3 00:
Hlldegar 1 Hidalgo 4 40 Quinirlla
1:10-39 1 Equals track
mllen. 3 un.
nurse 1700. Zan K 1 Dixon) 4 00. 3 90.
170; Reprvsve (MrDowelll 190. 1 70;
Royal Carlo (Ciffnrdi 1.10. Quiniel
la 111 Ml. time I 94-19
Attendance S.3U, handle $181,341.
PHONE 34191
f'Ci3Mi R & Extras !
L $fl
i iCSsfl ' u.e 0 eoreW
i u v this
wWV t er
72.50 Rotary Mower
With old Mower
(A) Ease work with this rugged 18
in. rotary mower. 1.6 HP 2-cycle
engine provides extra power ideal
for large yards. Specially designed
muffler and shell greatly reduce
engine noise.
64.95 Rotary Mower
W ith old Mower
(B) Big 16-in. mower cuts a smooth,
even path through grass or weeds.
Trims within Vi-in. of walls or trees
chops grass to fine mulch 1-16-HP
2-cycle engine with shock typo
87.95 Reel Mower
With old Mower
(C) Mowing is simple and easy with
18-in. reel Dower mover. 1.6
HP 4-cycle engine with recoil start-
Wide tread tires give greater
traction. Low-tone muffler reduces
engine noise.
99.50 Rotary Mower
With old Mower "T
(D) Big 21 -in mower built for heavy
duty. Side exhaust throws cuttings
out of operator's way. Recessed
wheels allow close trimming to
obstacles. 2-HP 4-cycle engine with
recoil starter.
94.50 Rotary Mower
With old Mower
(E) Powerful 2-HP 4-cycle engine
cuts big 20-in. path through tough
est weeds or grass. Engine mounted
on rubber cushions shock type
clutch. Recessed wheels for close
103.50 Rotary Mower
With old Mower OO
(F) Self-propelled 18-in. mower
takes work out of dowing-all you
do is guide it. lJj HP 4-cycle engine
gives extra power. With recoil
starter, side exhaust, side trim.