Home of the Week Planning Provides Big Rooms By DAVID G." BAREITHER . HOW ECONOMICAL construct ion can give you big rooms In a smartly attractive country home is shown in Design HW-J for The House of The Week. This is a house that can be built with or without a basement in any climate. Garage, laundry, recreat ion den and a large cedarlined storage closet are on the grade level under the bedrooms. For add ed privacy the bedrooms are raised half a flight above the main living area. Although this house covers only 1.731 square feet, a medium size, Its spaciousness is readily ap parent. The smallest of its three bedrooms measures more than 14 by 11 feet. Both double and twin beds are shown on this plan to illustrate the relative size of the rooms. Occupying one entire side of this house is a living room, 25 by IS feet, with sliding glass doors to a covered patio. A grand piano and large ctrner sofa are sketched on tlie plan for this room to show its s:ie. The slope of the roof gives the dinning room a ceiling almost two stories high. A diagram of a table seating six indicates the com fortable proportions of this room.' The kitchen, to. Is big. Com pactly arranged for efficient use t modern appliances, Including a wall even, this rnm Is 19 feet long and lirludes a brraklast nook set lu a bay with a large garden win dew. Two full size bathrooms have counterstop vanity style lavato ries, one of which is double. The private bathroom off the master bedroom has a glass enclosed stall showder. An extra lavatory is locat ed on the ground floor under the main bathrooms to serve garage, hundry and recreation den. If yau built this house with a basement, there is space under the kitchen for an ls-(t game room for table tennis or blllards. while an open cellar more than 24 feet square- is created under the living and dinning rooms. SAMl'EL PAIL, the architect, by exploiting simplicity of design, has achieved striking exterior ap pearances for this house on all four sides. It's a design that blends well with any setting. Stained vert kal redwood siding, or thr new deeply grooved 111 plywood, may be used advantageously, lor extcr lor walls all around. The broadly spreading low pitch ed roof is designed (or buillup roofing which can be covered with white marble chips to add reflect ive insulating value, or coated with the new asphalt and anodized aluminum paints and various colors to obtain the same benefit. Large glass areas flood all roams with light and sunshine, COMMON SENSE stands out in many places in this plan. The entrance is big, roomy and well lighted by a front window wall. You enter the foyer (rom a cover ed entrance porch. All parts of the house open from this foyer. Four steps up from the entrance is the bedroom level. Straight a head are the dinning room and kitchen. Opening to the left is the spacious living room. Just half a flight down from this entry hall is the recreation and garage level. This makes the garage especially1 jpjpt . aaW - :.-r STAINED REDWOOD sMlag aad broadly swevpiag lew filched reef fire Um frMt af this house a digul fled bat rastk air appropriate la any setliag. . vet, . kw a tr v: Ds.jtw II 'J ft r-z-; viii-'-V,'- 'HW-2 RtAR THE REAR of the house Is as smart as the front, featuring wide glass areas. Sliding doors opea on a gardei patio (rom a ground Irvel den. Fjfe W'HIIM Answers To Garden Questions Garden Gabbing Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sun., ,Iay 20, '56 (Sec. II123 Tree Roots Bother Garden ; . By Cardea Gadder I Watch out for competitors iq Floweri that bloom in midsum- , , , . . . , , ,. . the garden. Tree roots extend as far mer ar cornflowers, cosmos. YOU LIKE THEM OTHEt J0, underground as UK limbs do above petunias, portulacl, asters, celosia. back from Vjctona B. C.. raving about the -garden spot that it fc: j Hedges, particularly privet. marigoMsriiBniaa, verbenas. . -5! immenseroot em,, rrL.nce in the garde, caa . . - - ir towers are unaoie 10 rnnvt r r i mi pi i ..Horn -T- P i.vc.oo oc.c wtriNoo ' I I IVill-l- H t iTI -j p- 1 I- i 9 f f; J li j -i - vjn 'iMTio M -LJ I . - 5Hr -pii IE J . t mtsy Ij! Mil ttrrfyri, - HW-J rA 1 ! mT smut rioo ini n i j 1 CL i riT ) INTIUNCt . U-iUU BIG ROOMS distinguish this plan. Large pieces at furniture are scaled in to illustrate the spaciousness obtainable by sensible ctnstructtoa, handy to the kitchen. It keeps the f parage from blocking one side of the hou ..It keep, the! C ng the view of " loaned for slid-, f' V' ....ff U the spacious-" L 12$ 3 All closets are planned ing doors. This add ness of the house. Swinging doors do not steal usable space. Sliding glass doors are suggested for the rear o( the ground floor recreation den as well as between living room and patio. This makes 1? possible to join den with a garden terrace An instance of thought fulness in this plan is the placing of the laundry directly under the hall linen closet. Where would a handier ENTRANCE DETAIL shows the glamorous styling obtained through place be for a laundry chute? 1 simplicity of design. Note open skylight. lio. 1 his makes ; u vJJ ' . hPT the recreation' Vf' - 'a, y " asm rt. THE HOUSE of the EEK A Quality Plan Selected bv Send this coupon for STUDY PLAN your YOU CAN GET a study plan for The House of The Week by filling in the coupon and sending it with 35 cents to this newspaper. This study plan shows each floor together with each of the four elevations, front, rear and sides of the house. It is scaled at L inch per foot. It includes a guide on "How to Get Your House Built" You ran take this study plan to your hank or other mortgage lender and to your builder and get rough estimates on cost. With this information you will know whether you want to proceed with construction by order ing working blueprints direct from the architect and asking for bids. j t j The Oregon Statesman j Salem, Oregon Building Editor: : Enclosed is 35 cents. Please send me a copy of the study plan for The House of the Week, Design HW-2. j NAME . .. j (Please Print) j STREET j CITY STATE j Qaesttoa Have a lilac bush ia bloom with a few scattered flowers. It's aa old bush and used to bloom well. It's a lovely flower and we'd like to save it. How to prune it back Into a food shape and what to give it to make it bloom? P. B. Aaawer First, as soon as the flowers have faded cut them off right where the flower stem Joins the branch. Then remove extra succert below the soil level. Next cut out thin, spindly growth and branches which bore few flowers. It might be well to take a couple ol the old growth 'if it is the bush kind, with a number of stems from base) at base. If the bush is getting so tall that you miss much of its beauty, you can head it back, but probably you'll sacrifice some of next year's bloom. Lilac (lowers, you'll have noted, grow on the tips of young stems produced the previous year. Give the bush a feeding of bonemeal along in early October, and water it occasionally this sum mer. When watering, do not merely sprinkle, but let the water run long enought to reach down to the roots. I Question Have an iris which has always been white until this year, and now has both white and! purple bloom, what causes this: Mrs. P. Answer We quite frequently get notes similar to this one, and we have to answer them all alike: The American Iris society (we're quoting Rholin Cooley at Silverton) says that it is no more possible for the same iris rhizome to change its color of bloom than for a leapard to change his spots. Here are some of the things that could be responsible: A mole or other rodent might have dragged a root from some other section of the garden to this. There may have been purple Irises near by the whites, and the purples might have been the stronger ones, crowd ing out some of the whites. There could conceivably a loop hole: There is such a thing as a sport, even in rises, but it appears so seldom, that the chance is very small. . I Question Have always had the same old chrysanthemums in the garden, starting new ones from the old plants each year, and enjoying them. But now I have lost them and find 1 must get some new ones, ,ind don't know what to buy. Never knew the names of the old ones. Could you suggest a couple bronze ones, and a couple yellow and something In the pale pink and deep red? I don't care what shape they are. B. M. Answer For the yellow there's Bowl of Gold, a pompom; Chiqulta; a yellow button pompom, Gold Standard, large, Imperial yellow, Migoli, yellow incurve. Bronre-Tibshelf Idealsort of an amber; Jon Baxter, Fred Yule, sort or orange; Dictator, a real bronze; Bronze Buttercup, Carni val, bronze-orange. Pink-Daydream, pale salmon; Marcelle, Peach Blossom, Dessert Quail, a lavender pink. Red-Ruffled Grouse, strawberry red; Courage ous, a ruby red; Apache. These are just a few, and may not be obtainable from your j favorite grower. If not, ask him what he has and be happy to get these this year. : Question How can I get rid of sow bugs. There are a lot out around the patio in the back. We live here in the summer and my wife is afraid of these particular bugs. A. H. Answer This pest isn't act ually dangerous but it is most on the lamp posts We've heard visitors cores back from San Francisco and talk about that "there's even holes cut In the sidewalks on some of the busy hillside streets and a tree planted there" ... Well, if we like those things so well in Victoria and San Fran cisco and elsewhere, why don't we do some of it here?. The same plantings, would give the same look here perhaps a better look, as things seem to grow better in the Willamette Valley. If we go to see these things elsewhere, perhaps elsewhere would come here to see our attractions? . That's something like the beautification committee of the Salem Chamber of Commerce has in mind. But don't think because you are so used to them that the Will amette Valley doesn't have such spots, too. We hight need a few more colorful beds in our parks here . . . Those of you who get up to Wash ington Park ia Portland during the summer undoubtedly havt no ticed the beauty of 23rd entrance? Well, that's done with annuals, too. And what about that little "town square" at Mt. Angel? We've all got to admit that Mt. Angel's got something ... But then over at Silver ton the other day. we noted that Keith Berg was out planting annuals on his parking strip around the fire hydrant in front of his service station at 21S N. Water. Just like a tourist in a foreign state, during the summer we drive in to buy gas just to look at the very healthy zinnias and marrigolds which Keith has blooming along the sidewalk. GADDING TO SALEM We were happy ta learn this week that the Salem Began ia Society was gstag to pat aa a begaala and fuchsia really a shade-kvlng flower show this saauaer. This wlU be, we believe, the first sac at this kind la Salem. It should g ever big. The place selected is the Swth Salem High School gymnasium pa tin aa Rural Avenue and there H be aa en try tee and aa admlsstoa. Orgaa music and a fashlaa shaw are both being planted together with a plant sale, Glexlalae aad aehl menes will also be special features af the shew. Oat af town en tries will be welcomed . . . sa yaa la the surrounding communi ties take ante. We'll try to get more infarmatlaa as time goes along but la the meantime da a little concentrating aa roses far the Salem Rase Society shaw to be held at the Meier ft Frank audited aa June tt and U. Rases waa'l be tea plentiful, and this might be the year your entry will have a goad chance to win. GIVE HIM A FINGER That's about the way with dandelions this year. Give them an inch and they'll take a yard. If you don't want it to be your yard then take a look at the weed problem at once. The other day we heard a woman, who had traveled quite some dis tance to view gardens, say that the most healthy flowers she had seen this spring were dandelions. And it seems to be so. We've never seen tnem crow so wen. iney are crowding in wnere most wantea plants were weakened by the severe winter. There are a number of weed sprays on the market, however, that will do away with them in quick order. CLOSER TO HOME-is the Portland Rhododendron show which will be held in Crystal Springs Lake Gardens, East More land, Port land. And If you never visited this show, you've missed real treat, There's no admission. See Garden Calendar for hours. It's one of the most lovely of our Willamette Valley flower shows. While some Rhododendrons were lost this year, an awful lot of them came through the winter. It's a good idea to study those that came through if you are thinking about buying some this spring . , . You know, we can buy them in bloom and set them put any time. 10 be had from alvssum. naturtiums. uireci compeuuon lor moisiure or stocks, sweet William, wallflowers. ly or in scattered groups. Flowers grow tall and spindly, too, if they are crowded together. disgusting. Dusting with chlordane or lindane will eliminate, them. Dust the cracks and where the patio and floor and wall meet, also under stones and around woody plants st the edge of the patios. - Qaestlaa All of my chrysanthe mums froze and it seems the same thing happened to the commerical grower? Will we be able to get any in time to plant for fall bloom? C. R. ... . " .... Answer Yes, several of. the growers or florists have imported , some and are now offering them for sale. ESTIMATING CONCRETI When buying pre-mixed dry con crete, containing tand or gravel and needing only water,' figure on half a bag for every square foot to be 4 inches deep. This means that a slab, i feet long and 1 feet wide, will call for two bags for a 4-inch dept; one sack for 1 1-inch depth. Eloctrk Tiller FOR RENT 1 itsavSyou can throw fVANt- away that shovel. I jTKj) The Mot Ho tillei IAI will 'pod ml eul'1' 1 vae your ganra I IfWrA tltcir Ictlly. Place ' KJItJurwderow! j MOE efecfrk HOE now of FREE ESTIMATES Oi Floor Coverings NORRIS-WAIKER PAINT COMPANY 111 Front Phone 4 KH plant food with such established, 1 carnations, nicotiana. permanent pianis. Give your flowers living Remember the difference between trees crowded close together in a forest and specimens growing sing- PRINTINO-AOVUTISINO 1 SPECIMTIES PROMOTIONAL AIDS ft OIFTS-PREMIUMS lowest National Wholtsels Prices NWWN4qihM We can save ye aa high as 50 Bedsaul Bros. 1721 Canter Ph. 2-9172 Salvia Substituted Vegetable Perennial! For Geraniums Take Little Room Fire Salvia has been suggested as a substitute for red geraniums this year, if the gardener is having difficulty in obtaining geraniums. A lot of the latter froze out in the November frost, and some sections are complaining of a scarcity of good geraniums. However, the Statesman Garden Editor, has noted quite a few gond geraniums in local Willamette Valley stores. Salvia can be started in flats from seeds right now and made to bloom in later summer or the plants can be bought. Perennial vegetables will give big returns for little care and be planted in an off corner of the garden, or even the lawn. Also they give you fresh food much earlier than other crops. ! Asparagus ran act as a screen' between the vegetable and flower garden, and if fertilized heavily with mulches, will last for years and produce for months. Egyptian or Welsh onions and rhubarb also make welcome contributions to the spring menu. ESTIMATING CONCRETE When buying pre-mixed dry con rete, containing sand or gravel and needing only water, figure on half a hag tor every square loot to be 4 inch deep. This means that a slab, 2 feet long and 2 feet wide, will call for Iwo bags for a 4-inch depth; one sack for 2-inch depth. Fireplace Screens AND ACCESSORIES Measured and Installed ELMER THE BUND MAN F.vervthlng for the Window Ph. 37328 3870 Center INDIANS KNEW SECRET Centuries ago Indians dwelling along the Pacific shore in what is now the state of Washington, fashioned crude boards from ageless western red cedar to build their long houses. Many of those boards arc still intact. Modern man uses the same textured cedar for shingles, siding and other parts of the home exposed to weather, for this wood will last indefinitely having natural oils to preserve it. RENT A TOOL Do h Yourself li t Chepr OPEN SUNDAYS Stltm'i Oldnt Tool Ktntil HOWSER BROS. 1 110 S.wrti IJtti St. RADIANT GLASSHEAT By Continental The Sunshine Heat" Na Fire Harard Ne Noise Na Dirt 01 Odor No Maintenance The onlv full automatic heat guaranteed bv Good Housekeeping For Free Intimate Phone 4 6263 j rt 1540 Fsirgronnds ltd- Salem 1 (333311' A. 0. Smith -PERMAGLAS The Finest in Gas Heating by Day Heating Co. "Fint hi Om Hialuit In Stlci tine IS JJ" Fret Surveys & Estimates 22S Division Ph. 34122 HOMES GET BETTER EVERYDAY BECAUSE , . . HOME BUILDERS ASSOCIATION Of Salem Are Pledged to High Standards look For This Emblem YOUR GUARANTEE OF: Integrity - Efficiency - Satisfaction Sponsored btj ihc FoUou iti" N.. A. U. B, Members k Sid Llambias Homes of Quality and Comfort k Judson's Plumbing and Heating Keith Brown Lumber Yard Complete Building Supplies " Oregon Builders Hardware Hardware of Distinction W. E. Schrunck Home Building and Remodeling w Rollin Pedersen Custom-Built Homes r Jim Minty Builder of Fine Homes Glan Hamilton Houses for the Discreet HOWSER BROS. 11SS S. 12th Ph. 34646 1 for Natural Gas Heating Systems and Appliances to Call Us for FREI Estimates DON KIN GAS & APPLIANCES 1347 rtftUnd' Id. Mr I50M Next Stop, Capitol Floors, Pleasel You won't nerd a helioropter to come in to see our large inventory of stunning floor coverings and wall tiles. We are conveniently located just across from the shoppers' ear park; and we are at your serv ice with quality materials, ex pert advice and easy budget terms to help yon with your Operstion Heme Improve ment. EXPERT ADVICE WITHOUT OBLIGATION CAPITOL Floor Coverings 217 S. High, Ph. 4-5751 ( mows... tweeps . . . fri'm... mulches ... cuts weed Ti 1 V v 1 J3 Here's the eaay answer to a smooth, clean lawn, with all edges and borders perfectly trimmed. Here are more features than you'll find in any other mower: aily Tiny concealed blades pivot awsy when they strike a solid object. Easily sharpened or replaced. SmMih, wia u Mower leaves no wheel marks. Cut is 20 inches wide. Mows in either direction. Outs any StwlaM CuU tall grass and weeds to height you select, from 'i to 2 inches. Trims avar adaaa Cuts over edges without dig- ?ing, cuts on either side right up to walls. Perfect ur fences, trees, flower beds. Won't scalp the lawn. Plahs up ae mulahaa Vacuum action throwr clippings into catcher. Or catcher can be removed for mulching grass clippings and leaves. new Mcculloch twin-action " POWER LAWN MOWER TRY IT BEFORE YOU BUY IT VALLEY FARM STORE 393S Silvorton Rood , ft .1 "All Kinds of INSURANCE and SURETY BONDS" 3 .ffiffll van us jm out new ouaitoj No HIGH wh2 PH. 4-3333 Planning home improvements? Tefl ' your dealer or contractor you want to finance the project with aa tHATiiltlhffnmU.S. C NO SOWN FATMENT 31 KONTIS T8 PAT If yoursisa'do-it-yourseirjob, . stop in at sny U. S. National brands snd see how easily jrou csn financt , youi proiect Ladd 4 Bush Salem Branch Bute and Cemme trial North Salem Branca im Fairireuads Real T. '.. University Braaek . Mil State Street . West Balem Branch miEdgewater Oil OO N't OHM ITATI.WIPl IAHK WIN A FREE TRIP TO Com In today , . . writ your nam on on Infry Hank SPECIAL! MONTH OF MAY SHAKE AND RUSTIC PAINT Regular $5.17 Per Gallon Special Per Gallon Custom Colors Slightly Higher That's all you have ta do! Stop in today, and maybe youll end up at that far-away island paradise where the trade winds whisper "Aloha." Picture yourself lolling on the beach at Waikiki and dancing o soft guitars under velvety Hawaiian skies. Two lucky cus tomers are going to Hawaii ... and it might be you, if you set now. Just drop by and write your name on an entry blank. SUBURBAN WHITE HOUSE PAINT Special Per Gallon ECONOMY OUTSIDE WHITE PAINT 5 rara - Special K Per Gallon J. IV. Copeland Yards 349 So. 12th St. S20 Wolloc. Rood? Phone 3-9606 Phont 3-6627 t I