lS-(Sec. Ill) Statesman, Salem, Ore, Sun, May 20, "56 May Social Calendar is Filled With Many Parties Including Teas, Coffees and Showers Ir JIITMC ENGLISH IuUmu Society lilt A round ef parties Burk the social calendar this week including nx, courai, iiwwiii ior onoea-eieci ana hri. Coffee farty H Caaaea Emm Om e( the larter evtnu of U wek will b the coffee (or which Mrs. Robert C Cannes tat Krt Joseph M. Devers will bt hottest! e Tuesday at the former' Moraingiide home oa Caaaoa Road. Calling boun are froai 1:30 to 1 o'clock, Greeting guests at tbo door will bo Krt. Carl C. Collins, Mrs. Charles Campbell and Miss Esther Baird. Presiding tt toe coffee ms will bo Mrs. C. C. Cannon, Mrs. Harry Wiedmer. Mrs. Richard Devert of Portland, Mrs. Joha C Lochetd, Mrs. Ciena Wilbur and Mrs. W. Ludd Read. Aasistinf about tbo rooms will bo Mn. James R Nicholson Jr, Mrs. Joha Bans, Mrs. T. Harold Tomlintoa, Mrs. Charles Pomeroy, Mrs. Cobura Grabenhortt, Mrs. Robert DeArmond. Mrs. Peter Ces ser, Mrs. Thomas K, brie, Mrs. Utter Carter, Mrs. 0. J. Mason, Mrs. Georft R, Hofimta, Mrs. William Burrell and Mrs Claybournc Dyer. .-. ; ;-'( ' . , i - , A Boa Vtvtge Coffee I Mitt Marjorio Becke, who It leaving, in early June to spend the tummer In Spam and Europe, will be tne fuett oi nonor ai a dob voyage coffee Monday, Mrs. Mrs. Harold C. Maiton entertains at her Candilaria Heights home. A group of mothers tnd daughter! have been invited to call between 11.30 tnd 130 o'cloct Auiitmt th hoitesa Informallv will bt Mrs. Brarier Small and ker daughter, Mr. Newbury dote, Mrs. Edgar Pierct and her laughter, Mrs. Peter Celter. '..' HIm U rta RWta RUtk MiM Gloria Stolk, popular Juno bride-elect of Wallace Carson Jr, will ba feted at two parties this week, ua saturaay, May zo n a. D. Woodmantee, Mrs. Harry H. Belt and her daughter, Mist Barbara Belt will bt hootesaet (or a recipe shower tnd coffee it. compliment to Mist Stolk. Tbo affair will bo held at the Woodmtnseo home oa South High Street with a group of neighborhood friends Invited to call between 10 and II o'clock Mrs. Chariot HelUel will greet the guests at the door. Pouring will be Mrs. Daniel J. McLellaa and Mrs. Hugh McCammon. Mrs. John Canon will invite guests Into the dining room tnd tsslsting will bt Mitt Carol Stolk, Mrs. Gerald Evinson, Mrs. Cordon WeUer nd Mn. Allan Canon. - To Wrap Dream Caket Tuesday night Mrs. George Rhotea hit invited group of friends to an informal gathering at her South Church Street home for the pleasure of Mia Stolk. During the' evening the guests will wrap the dream cakes for the wedding. A dessert tupper will be served by the hostess, who will be assisted by her future daughter-in-law, Mist Coralie Dougbtoa. . A Recent Bride Clreae Club Dinner Daaee The ( Cirque Clubs semi-formal dinner dance will be an event of Saturday night in the Capitol Room of the Senator Hotel. Harry Wetely tnd hit orchestra wiU play lor dancing louowing ine owner hour. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Jonet Jr. are heading the decorating com mittee. sssUted by Mr. and Mrs. Lakin Wetrphil, Mr. and Mn. Alton Chamberlain, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest H. Miller tnd Mr. and Mr. Stanley Scbofield. . II Club Dance Friday ' ' The M Dance Club will hold its last party of the season Friday Bight it the American Legion Club. Thit will be a cotton dance with Stubby Mills tnd hit orchestra playing between 9:30 tnd 12:30 'clock. Dances will bt returned in October. The committee for the evening includes Mr. and Mrs. Harry Enge len, chairmen, Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Coble, Mr. and Frank Flory, Mr. and Mr. George Cregor and Mr. and Mr. Fred Gustafson. j , : . v sv i n : ' y Bonesteele Home to Be Setting For Republican Women's Tea I The Wallace H. Bonesteele home tti Hughe Lane wul be the set ting for the membership tea to be pven by the Salem Unit. Republican Women's Federation oi Oregon on Thursday afternoon. The tea is be ing arranged to honor all new and present members ef the unit. Each member is naked to bring a new member to the tea. Calling hours art from 1:3 to : o'clock. . Greeting (tests at the door " will be Mrs. Leon Perry and . , Mrs. Robert Ebersole. In the re-! Cqnimii flMC eeiving line-will be Mrt. John JCIIIVI Wll Id Cochran, president of the Salem v n I Unit, Mrs. William F. Leary aadijn Kg rGl&Q Mrs. Harry Palhday of PortUnd, 1 U UU TCICWI the new state president of the I a . ft FederaUon. 1 y wOTlCC ' innaaaette ShriM. WhHe Shrttel atoard atetahen tt Sacred Reart' Mrs. Tlrgfl Fade wul be hottea, d Jerusalem will bold lU regular Academy Parent! Club will meet to the East Salem Lions Auxiliary meeting Monday evening at the' Monday ia the school library at Wednesday aight at her home oa Masonic Temple at I p. na. 1 7:31 p. m. 'Windsor Avenue at I o'clock. Republican Women i Introducing to the line will bei Mrs. Kenneth Potts tnd Mrs. Robert M. Fischer Jr. ; r , 7 ' .V ' v r, "A vv -' ' l2 ' Graduating senior girls will be the honor guests at the annual Tt Preside at Tet I rat lKottoB KoUtt Kiatcn to be given Pretiding at the tea urns will D the yUUmette VaUey Panhel bt Mrs. A. C. F; Perry, Mrs. Sid-!. 0.,...J . ney Schlesinger Mrs CUrk Ue- """"" Call, immediate past state presi- j the Fairmount Hill home of Dr. dent, Mrs. B. W. Stacey. Mrs. j and Mrs. G. Herbert Smith. All Sigfrid B. Unander Mrv Robert j. hi h Khool irU in Salfm White and Mrs. Elmo E. Smith. I ... ... . ..... . Serving will be Mrs. James C.jf ""r 1,1 " 7 Stone, Mrs. Edward Roth. Mrs. '' to c be(wfn 10:30 m u nnu. un Dk.ri and 12:30 pa. uw..., i D,,K..r Nih.m i Active Panhellenic members Mr. Hnhirt ElBin Mrs. Georee'ifrom Willamette University W. Dewey Jr., Mrs. Joseph Dev- ers and Mrs. Palmer Sather. Assisting in the living will be Mrs. C. E. Headley, Mrs. Winifred Pettyjohn, Mrs. Bruce Williams, Mrs W. Wells Baum, Mrs. George W. Nelson, Mrs. Robert D. Gregg, Mrt. Den ver Young, Mrs. Peery T. Buren, Mrs. Francis W. Smith, Mrs. Uni versity of Oregon and Oregon State College will be present for the oc- room easion, with over 20 expected to at tend. Greeting guests at then door will be Mrs. Alfred Pfeifer and Mrs. David Crockatt. T Receive lalermally Receiving informally will be Mrs. Paul Jaquet. president of the Willamette Valley Panhellenic, fioya ocou anu .nr.. tnii.r. u c,1;- .- i rvr. Sprtgue. Miss Elirabeth Porter j o" Viu. S, v vi.n Pit and Miss Nellie Schwab will be LJt University of Oregon. Dean Regma F.walt of Willamette university in charge of the guest book. Committee Members Mrs. Charles Campbell is head' ing the refreshment committee, assisted bv Mrs. Lvnn Cronemil ler, Mrt. Edwtrd M t j e k. Mrs. Cus Moore. Mrs. F. W. Poormtn, i Mrs. Willard N. Thompson, Mrs. Merle Bruckman and Mrs. Wil liam Lidbeck. Mr. Merrill D. Ohling is chairman of the decor ating committee, assisted by Mrs. Lawrence Ballmer, Mrs. Ralph home in Corvallii until June. (Jesten-Miller Studio) Mrs. Donald W. Pitts, the former Elaine Sydney Megquier, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence W. Megquier of Inde pendence, formerly of Salem, who was recently married at the home of the Rev. and Mrt. Melville T. Wire. Mr. Pitt it a araduate of Oregon State and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Theron D. Pint of Porterville, C.lif. The couple will be .1.. F. CtambS I . . It' . x'.l I. aLlla Cl.iJ! jkl I " ... a MM and Miss Dorathea Meusioii. Mrs. Roscoe Wilson is chair man of the tea with Mrs. James T. Brand the co-chairman. The Dabblers will meet for a ni la.-.J 7 o'clock dinner Thursday night 'Q" 5 V.OmpieieU JEFFERSON - Thirty - eight at China tity. Following the dinncr( cor PqqdV SdlO friends attended the bridal shower j there will be a talk by an ex-i rri honoring Mrt. Gay!e Gilmour : change student from Greece, Alex J Capital Unit, American Legion (Leona Burgoyne) Monday night. Agathonos, who has been attending Auxiliary is making final plans to The affair waa held in the Talbot I South Salem High this year. Slides o(rPr t0 the public the Memorial irrh rnnm. .ml m .MiHortit wi" shown of rose parades in p0pPy to "Honor the Dead and Ankeny grange. Shower Honors Mrs. Gilmour Dinner for Dabblers Aid the Disabled" of veterans of Miss Marjorie Wood, president of the Willamette University Panhel lenic, and Mrs. G. Herbert Smith Introducing the ' guests will be Mrs. William C. Perry. Mrt. My ron Pogue and Mrs. Wilmer H. Page, the latter cochairmen of the event. Pouring will be Mrs. J. B. Cor lett and Mrs. B. W. Stacey and at the punch bowl will be Mrs. F. Bruce Crandall and Mrs. George Schroeher. Mrs. Richard P. Petrie is in charge of the dining room, assisted by Mrs. Joseph Matujec and Mrt. Stanley Rolf nest. Mrt. John Ficklin will be in the living room and Mrt. Jack Haller will be in charge of the guest book. Make Plans for Party The Jaycee-ettet will be enter Mrs. L. Bud Myers, 73S Spears Ave., at I p. m. Co-hostesses will be Mrs. Robert Cole, Mrs. Dale Find Meeting for Macleay Club Macleay Woman 'i Club held their final meeting of the year at the home of Mr. A. W. SahU oa Shipping street la Salem ea Thurs day. A dessert luncheon was served by the hottest, assisted by Mrt. Richard Johnson, During the buslnest session, host esses for the coming year were Bamed. Delegates reports of the recent Marion County FederaUon meeting held at Corvallii were ' fives. - Mrs, W. J. Noland, Mrt. Wilbur Miller and Mr. V. E. Burton, were tamed to decorate the school for graduation on May 13. Mra. Sara Miller and Mrt. A. A. Spell brink will make the coraage. Mrt. Delbert Johnson and daugh ter and Mrs. Roy Holdea were guests. . , ' ' :. , r From' Roberts' $ . f- Decorating - $. Studio . & I I n : - it a 1 - ur:.. St Elisabeth's G.IU tf St. PauPt,, te St. Helena t Guild of St. Paul s M Mr.. M. Dyke be hostess Sj ITjZltZ Richard Hill. The Episcopal Church will meet in the fireplace room of the church Tues day afternoon at 1 o'clock. Hostes ses for the luncheon will be Mrs. A. C F. Perry, Mrs. George H. Swift, Mrs. Karl Steiwer and Mrs. F. C. Wessenbach. esses included Mrs. Deimer David ton, Mrt. Henry Turnidge and Mrt. Era st Freeman. Mr. Leonard Burgoyne of Sa lem, mother of the bride-elect, wa present. Miss Burgoyne' marriage to Gayle Gilmore was an event of Friday. group will complete plans for the Epicopal Church Tueday night at A Memorial Day church service VJilrLV1 .... ...... t. . . i i iip .iaviifiupr nil i nnnnrintr her home, 3750.Hulsey Ave., at I neio at tnc tongregauonai out.o(.,ow jaycecttes chairmen . . . .... ... i Church on Sunday morning, May l J" ,uw" Jacec-ies. J-nairmen o'clock. There wiU be a white v with aU patriotic organizations ! for the Parl' are Mrs-Rchrd Hill, elephant sale during the evening. to be represented. Co-chairmen in I Proram: M- Dale Dorn, de llostesse are Mrs. Howard Boom-i charge of the distributing of the corations; Mrs. Vernon Haugen, er, Mrs. M. E. Chadsey, Mrs. J. 10.000 poppies it Mrs. Clarence' lll"rasi ana uee nnu- prizes. OPEN MONDAY AND F1IDAY 11:1 $ TO t P. M.-OTHE1 DAYS 30 A. M. TO 3:30 t. M. WEIER FRANK'S - SALEf.l FREE STORE-SIDE PARKING FOR OVER 1,000 CARS There it something auout the dinner hour these warm eveningi that it conducive to a happy re laxation. This it the time when the family is drtwn together in a close fellowship, to left give the dining area a feeling of im- " porta net and of being set apart. In t combined living and dining room the new so-called "room dividert" serve thit purpose and give added storagt space at well, we ihow a Swedish modern de sign thit la especially good-looking. Or use one of the new longer chest or cabinet. How nice with the light tetkwood table we are so excited about! Its clean lines and Interesting wood grain give ' it unusual appeal. Screens in a variety of finishes ire wonderful room dividers. Think of a painted French screen - at a background for either Eng lish or French furniture er the fruitwood louvre with Early American or French Provincial pieces. Real Imagination can be given t screen by covering with wallpapers. The new metallic papers in beautiful rich colon would be perfect with either clas sic or modem furniture. The oriental ahojl screens can be made up in a variety of designs suitable to different mood of decortting and are food with either modern er traditional de cor, depending on the color, fin ishes and design. They are es pecially sice where modern and oriental nieces are blended. Panels of wrought iron em girt great distinction when used in t room where furniture lines tnd groupings are kept simple. Spme limet a lovely fabric hung from a eeillnf traverse rod. cm be drawn to lend in air of .import ance to the dininf area. Bye 111 later, ' ROBEtTS IROS. Interior Decorator S40 Court Street I WttK i exciting changes grace the scene, in PIQUE The newly beautiful hat, deepened, widened, full of flat tery and the loveliest topping for summer costumes. Here, only two from an exciting new collection . . . come and see how much these new shapes will flatter you. MILLINERY-STREET FLOOR tilt ih' Wmner's ! M t ! T Ronck tnd Mrt. J. t. Chu. Blaxall and Mn. Gay Fabry. i l"''wntoMayMojttoiiajntjMtjMtjMoitip - ir ; USHT UP OUTDOORS... INEXPENSIVELY f L u i. j PORTABLE GARDEN LITES yM- I f (lUCTIiniO OI tOt UH WITH CANOLI) f TT ' ' ' I t I m .ytn Now outdoor lighting is so inexpensive 1 ' ' ' V vV ',' ' t I , f'JIfS and so practical with these new Verplex j ' ''''AV- ""i t " T' wrought iron portable garden lamps. ''Sv""' l I iflfr Light up your garden, patio, paths, flower "aX ; v"V' 34 ( - L beds, barbecues ... and even enjoy the 1 ''"l? ' "V; ' v X V. it night-time view outdoors through your , VV. rt' M -m-" I KM picture windowl .Ai ) II XA. , L. F74 r' 4 III ' : rtlVj A 1 BAB H Jill f& vvx 1 Shi sr II vM '. Jf- v ' I '. AV 11 : - j6- sSsf mm : w:mm 5 !' CImM em iiM. if I 3 ' I mm ..... npnniF - M I ; w.oiv.ond MfScMj (iMms ! Grttn Stampt 340 Court Mrcel s iv i OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY 1 2:1 5 TO 9 P.M. OTHER DAYS 9:30 A.M. TO 5:30 'PM. exclusive Stay-Flat . . . replaces pokey bones M.50 Forget tbout those long front bones that dig and poke your midriff. Now control tchieved with light, springlets pocketed in front panel. Bend, breathe, sit-Stay-Flat responds to every movement of your body Htve our expert fitters show you this revolutionary new girdle. White. Sizes 27-34. Warner's new Alure; satin elastic all around for comfort. Nylon lace trim, 2" HelancaS lined band underbust. White. Sizes 32-38, B and C cups. 5 Mnil and phnnr orders FOUNDATIONS - STREET FLOOR Meier t Frank's Salem. Salem, Oregon Please send me the following: Item Color I Size Total Name .-- iStreet - City ; Zone State jcharge. - COD Remit Enc. a Tim shipping cost in areas outside l our regular truck delivery routes. j......................... .............................