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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1956)
Statesman's HOME I anorama Women . . . Music . . Fashions . . . Features HJariecl lvm (Stc 3)-$ttotmafl, $lmr Or Sunday, My 20, 1954 v v, . it fi.-ti-.J-; -iV. I -IS. V !' 'I .i i' "7VK..r i i:--f, .'-"' f'v il' Yr ;" kT'"M!, ;H im- V"1 ( S-'t ' ( A' lionor guests I 1 . at the Willamette Valley Panhellenic annual Kotton Koffee Klatch to be given May 26 at the home of Dr. and Mrs. G. Herbert Smith are all graduating senior girls from ihe Salem high schools and nearby cities. Three seniors pictured with the co-chairmen are, left to right, Miss Rosemary Rhoten of Sacred Heart Academy, Miss Barbara Boniface, South Salem High, Mrs. Myron Pogue, seated, Mrs. Wilmer H. Page and Miss Rosemary Stephenson of North Salem High. X 'V T 2 - V V 'A O chairman is Clayton Steinke, above, pictured with two of his committee chair men, Mrs. Holly Jackson, left, and Mrs. Steinke. They are making plans for the club's annual show to be staged May 26 and 27 at the State Fairgrounds. The Sat urday show will be held at 8 p. m. and the Sunday afternoon performance will be at 1 ;30 p. m. fc" i . 31 I n; . I Club's annual horse show are Mr. and tVVj'' vv'--.. , Mrs. 0. D. Youngquist, at the right. Mr. M.T - , L i , Youngquist is pictured on Topper's Ladd. j v ine snow win inciuae ciesbes ior ouuiij . 1V ' . .1 - ! -- and luveniles. The public is invited tend the show which will be comb with rodeo events. idulnr f 5 tJixJ -Vr.'. IAII photos by Kennell-Ellis Studio). '-:f-M I IMtalilialit .Social Slate . v f X ' V V . : --vv in 1 prn-rr - k v- JA i - - mllr,i i"l tr' T-'l Wv!. . v ..... Looking over ... the flowers which will be in bloom and can be used In decorating for 1h membership tea to be given by the Salem Unit, Republican vVomen's Federation of Oregon on May 24 at the Wallace H. Bonesteele home on Hughe lane are, left to right, Mrs. Roscoe Wilson, chairman of the tea, Mrs. Merrill D. Ohling, chairman of the decorating commit tee, Mrs. James T. Brand, co-chairman, and Mrs. Bonesteele. All Republican women are asked to bring one or more new members to the tea. .,,, Decorating ... the pansy tree for the annual Pansy Breakfast to be given by the Delta Delta Delta alumnae this morning at the Golden Pheasant aie. left to right, Mrs. Ralph H. Mercer, Mrs. Clarke Brown and Mrs. Calvin Hersey, general chairman of the event. Pansy breakfasts are also held at the active chapters each spring, when engaged couples walk through the pansy ring. 1 " u - - mm&MAMlml : ..... : tjm rr v A "-V,.. .... ...a r t bu. .n with plans for the Salem Saddle Club's annual horse ot be staged May 26 and 27 at the State Fairground I are, left to right, Mrs. Donald Kuhl, who is v;rvmg as secretary of the show, Holly Jackson, Mrs. Floyd Seamster and Er- vin Ward. The horses, Topper's Ladd and Red Rain, are owned by the Holly Jacksons. Committee members recently met at the Jacksons' country heme to complete plans for the show. nusy . Of