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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1956)
...14-Sec II) Statesman, Salem, Ore, SmTMty 20, 08 850 Automotive 830 Automotive 800 Real Ertate . 800 Real Estate 800 Real Eatate 850 AutomotiTe tOt UN Ft UU COO Real Estate tU Hom ft Set SATURDAY, SUNDAY, 2 TO 5 Fiibnnr 1-tM a Uri -Ill fireplace. hatha, hem eeilingv pleetered, paneling, wallpaper r eliding flea waB to ne,tie, storage room, dDl car-port. hn at. eloat to aheppUc. K,w A" thie for Juet i $0$ gn. ful price. SHjea. Tun right -eg fen, twe UK, to Kened It "BILL DAVIES, BUILDER Ml Kened Bt. -H71 OPE ? FOR YOUR INSPECTION SUNDAY 2:00 to 5:00 PM. fl t. Located jut Eaet c4 Leslie Jr. High turn offS High 81. 1 bedrmt Specioue elder horn lge. lot near tele Bldgs. Pnea $1J00.80. Ml, Cuehin, will tnow. u t Itedrana Ave Hut of Bales, Hti teheed I Blkt A food hU Ne. rc-my I Mm MJ . - forced Mr furnace, fireplace. If. Intrde Mill, na,. briefc trim LlIiEr bui et door. Only . . Termi, tin Morgan Witt (how. C.V. 4M H, Chuieh SUNDAY - 2:00 to 5:00 Featuring 'l -hedrbome eentral " htHway-1 flre tlacet 1 bcthf UnUhcd playroom In basement. if jm Holiday Drive Drive out Balem Helfhtt Ave. to top of nil), turn left an Holiday. Henry Torvtnd will Ritat you tlwra. Iva. phone -U 0iM&CMOEr ,477 COURT ST. . OPEN HOUSE 2 to 5 P.M. : 2640 DOUGHTON BLVD., CANDALAR1A HEIGHTS : . Sunday, May 20th ' Thit M without doubt the beat buy on Ctndalarle heights. Owner leaving State 'and haa Hated thle beautiful home to be old for only $17,9110. ' Haa exceptional eaff view from both main floor daylight baeemt rooma. Lovely living rm. with wrought Iron Indoor plant era, wall-to-wall carpeting drapea an.' cuitom built king-tire bed In maater bdrm. Included in price. Built-in oven and ranie. Two pink aandatona corner tlreplacee, I bdrma. on main floor with eep werorooe eioeeia. Hi davlleht baaement with lauiiarv. 1 soesible bdrma. end satis, extendio lrom olavroom era tn rear. Bhedy oak treea in front of haute. Immediate pntanalon. Don't mite thla property. Remember, only 111 ,500. Edits, Anderaoej wUl thew you thru. ,. , .. : NELSON & NELSON, REALTORS " 189 I. Commercial - Ph. I-JWI I, SUNDAY , i TO I P.M. j 210 WEST JUDS0N Close to McKInley School. Ranch style, with S bedrooms, ; pived street, sidewalk, large fenced yard. This home h Juat I jreavrs old, amonf other good homes. Fireplace, forced air' til heat. Wt recommend your seeing this bmlly home. , , . ; ' nriTnn ttanpa SO N. HIGH l i SUN., MAY 20th, 2 TO 5 P.M. do Out Market St or D St. to Savage Rd. , Watch for Signs Aft oxtremelv trelt nlanned and reitrlrted are Nw eniwiiwi.tnn ' ttreeta arc paved. Curbe are in. City sewers Well construct. '. d homes with all the extras tor enioyablt living. Reasonably V priced Liberal financing. Shopping center to be built. Drive , ''eut Sunday and Inspect thla lovely area. To tee la to fall In Al Isaak & Mt N. Church St. 4 BDRM. older type house, re - decorated, lot 10x101. Bush -J"ark your yard, Terma. Call 1-4478 or 1-3743. BY OWNER: Englewood dltt. Mar echoed. Spaclout 1-bdrm. home, liv. rm, frpl., din. rm brk. nook, bsmt , F. A. furru 18.990. 143 N. 17th. Furn. Houae 2 Lots PH. I-70U UNDER THE TREES Bummer It here and we have luet listed this spac ious 1 bedroom home with lota of shade trees. Thit home haa every thing, very good loca. tion, close to school, city water extra large ga rage with work thop double plumbing nicely landscaped yard Call Ralph Maddy for ap pointment to see this at. tractive property. It X-iUtWU LEE OHMART LARGE FIVE BEDROOM HOME ffl;i8 tturrlF Borne hat lust been listed and It In tplc and span coeniuon in rrmsoeico. Bitcnen IB especially appealing and . - Include a new dishwasher. I bedrooms down and 3 up-a perfect cat for a large family or for paying guests and lo .'.cated cloe In near State St. new forced air furnace-Priced ;-et $11,800 and ready lor your Inspection-Ask for Adrtennt Servorobo. ' : ' : '" ' ' FARM 5$ ACRES ade Willamette tilt toll, A. errata. 1 A potatoes, DUI gooo utiDie ouiiaing. Buy now end harvest the crop. It 8 ioo4l.lveautient Call JUnr Torvend. , FOUR BEDROOM HOME Close In, baaement, nice lot, paved ally-4io.0o8. Have Don Dough toss (bow you thia good family home today .... .. V. ; .- . ; - - KASY TERMS . On thit very attractive I bedroom home Redwood exterior and , the lawn it in. Year around email stream at rear of lot , . -kitchen haa all birch cablnett and handy location too-only ' ;$10,40. e Lou la Lnrant. yr YOUR HOME IS FOR SALE OR TRADE CALL US OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS ' an r.,rf at Phone 1-411. $-4118. 1-4117 Iva : Ralph Maddy 1-348 Adrlenne Serromba 4-ojHenry ; . tj4 -WW-Joa) Dmifhum !-! Loren -H). 800 Real Estate SOS WffwUU HJSE HERE?. tvadeta B1n with T. A. heat N Phone 4-2193 PHONE 2-41 15 Slav room, kitchenette ana, and lull bath. Attractive outdoor with lovely lawn area and flow- PHONE 4-7977 Co., Realtors Ph. 4-3311 or 3-7820 BY OWNER: $1,900 dn total Erica $11,000 1 new 1 bdrm omea, Included are 1i baths, playroom, birch kit. wdlning area, front rm. wfrpl, all dewd. Art, tJi oil heat, dbl gar. wpatle, lot alxe 12'x)30' city water. Leant are en houart move right In. Houses are I blk. out of city limits North 3329 Mtvfleld Place ft 115 Wllthlre Drive. See any time or ph. 1-0933 RUDY CALABA all In crop. 1 Arret ttriwberrlet, bal. nasturt all imnu nM.r I 800 Real Eatate SO HsaeWtM FwScito COLBATH'S BUYS THE REWARD OF PATIENCE IS IN THIS PROPERTY-Wlnd-Ing. Mbblu hreok. UU (hade tree, roe brtaeet, Kind pleme apot m your own ,aU pUated 18-fl. Uvinj I dmiruj immt. family kitchen with eetini area, I bdrmt, ore (or 3rd bdrm I. Oil fur nace, atlarhed raee. SOT A MANSION, but a."- TTINI CAU.MRS.WrLL! DAYS -. a ACRb 1J A clear. 1 A. In all wber ri that wiU yield a lood in come thie re. bedroom home I mtiea rrom ton the ttrawberry center of the valley U you 'e a Bice eerluded apot a""1 in e,m,e thu la . f","1 17S00 TERMS CALL JOHM ALLISON. Dayt 4-4M. Iva. e-KCt THE TENDER TRAP A.VY WOMAN CAN TRAP HER HUSBAND inro dujium wonderful new home. Her why Sparroua rancher. J bdrmt. J-car riee. Uue corner lot bath 4 ha.f oil net. StA'"' ABLE AT IU0CJ. .OpD TERMS CALL T. T. ANDFR SON Davt 4-44M. eve. 4-M14. riOPPER!!! HOP If YOUR CAR and let f0 ee mil -norm nwm v. n the Eait Moreland Addi tion. Haa r"ullman type kit chrn. nice living rorrn with (replace, and an extra room luituble for an offi?e. It' all Inmlated ; weather, atrip pi BFST Or AIL THE PRICE IS ONLY HO ). CALL TOM FAGAN, dayt 4-4491. Eve 4-2814. COLBAT REALTORS Jl? Court St Dial 4-4494 2 FAMILY HOME Or rent, full dayllfht bsmt , party room, urepi . an. bath. Upataira J bdrmt., den. Ilaaa patio, dilhwather. wall-to-wall carpet ft drapea (o 1453 Narriiaut Dr Left off Wallace Rd. Ph. 4-4BM. BY BUILDER NEW 3 bdrm noma neai s Salem arhoola ft park J-7071 4 RENTALS, income $140 00- termi or amall house at pari payment, priced at 17.000 00. t bedroom noute and rental, In town, both rented at thit it a nice place tor a amall inveitment. 15.100 00. CALL OSCAR Sederttrom. day 1-M20 Bight J-H1. Real Estate mi Liberty Rd. Salem WOW UoWN: Will help finance dn. pymt. to responaible party. 3 yr o'd, full hatm't. FA. (urn. WW carpets, drapei, J bdrm . lg. lot. Ph. 4-HM. BY OWNER: Will trade equity in houae 5240 Sunnytlde Hd for trailer home. Balance on home 4,00 at IM mo. Bee anytime or Ph. 1-OB33. OWNER: 1 bdrm. llv. rm.. din. rm.. frnl. bam t. Diah washer. carpeting. 344 E. Superior then rn. x-aaei. an. jin. MR. OWNERI Glen Woodry wiU pay top price (or your (urn ft appliances Ph S-S110 14.500 for thla lit bdrm. houae Attractive Interior, extra lot 1173 gth St Ph. 4-9370 1 BDRM. home on t A , good out bldgt, I well, close to sen. Price 117.500 by owner. 33M Walker Rd. WILL tell 11.700 equity in ! bdrm. home, 500 dn. or trade for I'i ton LWB truck. 4-C344 NEW ! bdrm. on Hansen Ave. H. w. Heat, plastered gar. Swedish frpl. unique price re duced. $10.950. Ph. 4-9453. BY BUILDER Spaclout 3-bdrm. top quality. uricK, formica, me. rn. j-iuii BY OWNER: Solid 4 bdrmt , hi ft dry btm t , I lull Datnt. ruei $5 mo. FHA or CI, 48.500. Ph 3-6434. BY OWNER: Mod. suburban 2 bdrm., llv. rm., din. rm, lrg. kit. wutillty, lrg. lot. palfo wfrpl. $9,750. Ph. 1-0930. HOME SITE, Mxl35,N blk W. 99 e & 10 mm. Salem, but re mote enough enjoy country se clusion. Blossom Dr.. walking dls. markets.. Haysville fhi. $900 cash. OHMART ft CA LARA. Ph. 1-4115 JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR Let us solve your home needs To Buy sell or Rent call Ph 4-5743 1131 Edgewater Ph 4-7174 3710 So rnmm'l SUBURBAN. Nice setting, hill view home, 3-bdrm. Full bsmt Big lot, all kinds fruit ft berries. Owner neing trans ferred. Good buy. Price 1I4.8C0. See thlj with Mrs, Lamm. Eve. 3-7198. SOUTH SALEM HIGH. Clean, cory and so cheery, a dream house lor some one. Big en closed yard. Patio. Belter tee II toon. Call Mrs. Lemm. Eve. 1-7198. Oregon Development Company REALTOR 31S N. Church Ph. 3 9236 SELL-OR TRADE2bdrm7 den. Nob Hill dlst . 3 blks South Salem Hi Will trade for smaller home. 1761 S. Lib erty, Ph 3-50I1V . Just Right For the .family who needs 2 bdrms., separate dining room, living room with fireolare. full site bsmt, F A oil heat, not too large lot and . mi a shady street. Insul.ited ft weatherstrlpped Priced st $10,800. Call for appointment Creek Lot Shaded by oak trees In quiet neighborhood, close In. South, 7 rooms on one floor, bsmt. Also sleeping room in ihe bsmt. Park-like back yard. price $!.3flU. III Realtor 1749 Grant St. PHONE 3-4035 DAYS OR EVENINGS COOL 1 BDRM , t, ACRE Delightful 3-bdrm. or 1-bdrm, with knotty pine den. Over- size L shaped living room with rirepiare. spacious 10x22 kit Chen. 78 ft frontane, fenced yard with wonderful garden anil. Large verity of shrubs ft excel, lawn front ft rear. Over aire garage with overhead stor age. COOL! Fully Insulated ft weatherstrlpped Flrat time of fered. $11,900. Call CLIFF BOWDER. Eve. 1-9S58, Office 4-3384. . aw mi si ml i m iii I t0 Hom ft Sefe mMT WALKING OBTANCt TO STATE BLDGS. Lota of roam tn thai food alder home. ) bedrma. Bif roomy M near arhoot ft playfrounda. Jimt rifiit for frowina family. Pi ire lld.m.00. Call Bteanw Cuahinc eve. 1-KMe. A BEAL BUY; Very attractive 1 ordrm. borne. 4 yra. aid, apotled. luat tike new, weU worth eakine price and terma. at M n 7M 0 down, call Edna Morgan, eve. 4-4031. DRIVE BY MM Hollywood Are Stop ft the owner will be g ed to enow you through thia 4 bedrm ail plaateretf home on ' acre of ground Priced at I 950 04. If intereiied. call Mr Keene for terma. eve. 1-am. MORTGAGE LOANS, CONSTRUCTION FINANCING C. V. KENT & 434 N. Church NO FINANCE $70 PER MONTH Principal, Interest, Buy a brand new. modern S-hedrnom home with 1 M eq. ft of llvina spare. Drive out State SI. to 45tn St. imd examine the laee lot. wide paved tree, hardwoad floors, aparimis warn, robes light airv kitchen plua many other fine features, all for only I11.JO0. Progressive 4510 State St. Here Is One For The Book $500 DOWN PAYS EVERYTHING Full Daylite Basement Strictly modern 3 BR. New Home - SUNN YSLOPE ACRES -South Liberty Road Follow aigns to OPEN HOUSE 2 to 6 P.M., Sunday, May 20th 701 No High St RAWLINS MORTGAGE LOANS FOR BUYING OR CONSTRUCTION 5 OR t'tTo BEAUTIFUL VIEW LOTS with treet ft public wtter. St. It being paved. Call Chet Rawlins. Eve. ph. 3-6234. TRADE! TBADEI TRADE! 1 bdrms.. lge. liv. rm. with frpl. F. A. oil turn., att. gar. Only 1 yrt. old. Located N. Inside city lim its. Beautiful lge. lawn, also grdn. sp. Will trade for 3-bdrm. home with 1 or more aerea within t ml. of Salem. Priced at only $11,150 00. Call Henry Rund to ace. Evenings Ph. 4-1720. JARV1S Price reduced. 1 acre with 2-bdrm. home. Room for 1 more up. Full basement party rm. ft dbl. gar. Look at this, then make offer. Contact Dale Rayburn. Eve. ph. 2-2043. BEAUTIFUL SET UP FOR SEMI-RETIREMENT In fur raising or chicken business. Very nice 1-bdrm. ft new suburban home. Lots of bldgs. fruit, nuts and garden or will take tiade for home In Keizer district. Thit place has a lovely setting with lots of treea and shrubs. To see call R. E. Gillespie. Eve. Ph. 4-0944 871 CASCADE DR., BRAND NFW rm., complete Dam ana mea snower. -car gar. m n. naa 3 lovely bdrma., llv. rm. that opens onto patio, frpl.. drawing rm., very latest kit. with plenty bit-ins. Inc. range and eat ing tp , lovely bathroom 1.590 tq. ft. Price $20,950.00. Call Dean Klarr, eve. ph 2-7090. RAWLINS REALTY 605 CHEMEKETA Salem. Oregon Office Phone 4-7S COMFORT AT LOW COST Convenient tn transportation, ideal for working or retired couple. 1 lovely bdrms. and bath, llv. rm comb, kitchen ft dinette $8,450. CALL J. E. LAW 5-BEDROOM HOME On a cor ner lot in a R3 zone This is an older home in excellent condition and a choice loca tion Ideal for conversion to apartments FOR DETAILS CALL H K. LAYMON CLOSE IN Building site 150 x 150 on quiet street Variety of ornamental trees. Only $5,000. CALL WALT SOCOLOFSKY GRABENH0RST BROS., REALTORS 180 S. LIBERTY ST. PH. 2-2471 Evenings A- Sundays call Salesmen H. K. Laymon 1-5193 J F. U Mrs. Hicnarason s-rwwi 322 N. CHURCH ST. PHONE 4-3.11 A STEAL 3-1 1rm home cloe to schools Large liv. rm. and din rm. cmb CHI heat Dble garage All at the extreme low of $5,800. Better hurry. Call Walt Jones. Eve. Ph. 4-7B32. LOVE LIVING In this beautiful 3-bdrm. home Lge. liv. rm. din. rm. comb. 2 lovely fireplaces. Family room with old briclt fireplace. T A oil heat. In nw sub division Priced right at lift, 900 Call Mr. Sword. Eve. Ph. 2-&H8. STOP LOOKING Here is an excellent 3-bdrm home Lge living rm. with lovrly fireplace. F. A. oil heat. Insul. Hdwd. firs. Tiled bath. Near school and transp. Full price $ll.oo, $1,350 down will handle Balance on FHA. Call N G. "Dan" Isaak. Eve Ph. 4-9053. INCOME SPECIAL 1 houses and tn tpt. on 50 x 100 lot Home on front of lnl hat apt. Furniture in apt. and front home Included. Some furniture In rear home. Good income. Garden and lawn well kept Full price $9,150. Call Mr. Woodcock. Eve. Ph. 1-7108. LICENSED ALSO IN WASHINGTON AND IDAHO AL ISAAK & CO., REALTORS Cveninga 440241. 4-7831, 3-4813. 1-8048. 4-91J1. 4-9853 It aro answer, Olel 4-224$ t0 Hrt4 Far UU WOHOTRrtTL IOMI Jt'ST PUT ON THE MARKET: Le LR , OR ft Kit 1 bedrma aa main floor All manoei" i "" iu' I tt acta plumbing, full baie meat w lovely party rat. lull bath ft bedrm. Extra rm. ror bobby or arorliahoe. Ideal to cauon tor all eehoola. Thu beiuUfiH bone la only I yra. ed. Shown by appt. only. 1.4 SW on call Mr. Kiggine. eve. 4-HM. A WONDERFUL BUY- M Arrea ly It mllea to Ulem no rm, home. I cnickea hnuaet7aage. barn. 1 j amall train rrro tw buver. Priced at lt 5ra C)l Mr, Leavena, eve. 1-473J. CO. Phone 4-I5M JJ CHARGES INCLUDING Taxes, Fire Ins. Builders Phone 4-8844 Phone 4-1441 REALTY - Daylight basm't with family T TOP OF KINGWOOD HEIGHTS View of City and moun tains that li a dream 3 bdrms. (one IS x lBt, liv. rm din. rm.. carpet. drapi, i'j baths, basmt., forced atr fur nace If a home with a view Is tout dpmre, thli Is it. CALL RON HUDKINS ONF. OF CANDALARIA'S FIN- EST HOMES Thii beautiful home has a west view and . is on a lane well landscaped ' corner lot. 2 lee. bdrma. Sand lovelv bath with aeDarXte stall shower on main tlooMc 2 bdrms., full bath and fine playroom in daylight basmt. Covered patio off basmt playroom and nice patio off living room. CALL MRS. RICHARDSON 3-5113 Walt Sornlofsky 3-8835 Ron Hudklnt 3-8713 WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES 1 OR 3 7820 SEE THIS Fine 3-hdrm family home. Lge liv. rm Sep din rm. Hrklst .Tea Fireplace. Basement. Economical sawdust heat. Hdwd. firs Tiled hath. Engle wood district Priced at only $11,950 Call Walt Jones. Eve. Hh. 4-78.1. OWNER SACRIFICE Owner willing tn sell this 3 bdrm. home for only $9,450. Liv. rm Din rm Brkfst. nk Insul. Dble att. garage Near school and transn. Call Mr. Sword. Eve Ph. 1-8048. 5 GOOD ACRES Close In Northeast All In cultl- vation. Road on 1 sides. Neat. small, modern home. Garage. 30x30 workshop. Good well. Stove and refrigerator In cluded. Fine value at $8,500. $1,900 down will handle. Call Mr. Crawford Eva. Ph. 4-9O20. IDEAL RESTAURANT And cocktail lounge set lip. High net income. Lei ong exiao- liahed location in Toledo, Ore. Big indiist.-lal expansion will boom business Modern ftnnin Ineliifleri In the nrlre of $25 000 plus Inventory. Good terms Call Mr. Wood cock. Eve. Ph. 1-7108. t0 Hotnwt Far Set Cluett & Kenyon REALTORS IMt Fairgrounda Rd. Ph. I-Ull mr vrvlf immft . bdrm. home neer arnooj and bdrm. home neer arhoel and ahopping diatnctf See thu comtortable suburban with lovely kitchen and arparate diranai room. bsmt. ALSO small rental. Owner, will consider l-bdrtn. Engie noene in iraoe. TRADE your M (north or east I in aa Hue QUALITY 1-bdrm. Entlewood home: bsmt ; two ftrettlaret; sprmkltng svtem. Property us beat of condition throughout. NOW Is the time. Aoprox. 4 arret few minutea drive from town t-bdrm. home: force workshop; dble. garage. Oniy two. I Z terma. 4-BDRM. 1-year-old. suburban home It's nice, rood value, too, for I1I.10O. FHA terms. Eve.Ph. 4-?32. 1-I3J7. 4-aWI FOR SALE by ovmer, 1 bdrm. bouse 115.700. CM Wayne Man brtn Garden, large corner lot. radiant heal, diahwasher. dble. t garage, play room above. J FAMILY ROOM New 3 bdrm. ' ranch style with 13x21 family j rm. I't bath, dhle garage.' over sized lot aoxiw. uood drainage. Mnuntan Vew. 4434 Kurth Ave THA Terms. I4. 0110. Robert V. Loretu. Ph. J-7794. 00 DOWN $50 monthly, full price IWS0. 1-bdrm home at 4 Corners. eeas some repairs and vard work Cull at 390 So. Lancas ter Dr Hv Owner. ONLY ONE Daylight Basement $500 Move in G.I. FIGURE YOUR SAVING OVER 23 EARS Del Johnson Out Liberty Rd 1 Block Past j Browning to the Right 1 1 BDRM. house, good location ! f" price $l.O0. 3-7. 4-5551. EXCELLENT EUGENE owner will sell out right or trade for Eugene propertv his THA built home near ERICKSONS new super market on So. 11th itreet. Home It in R. 4 Zone, has 1 nice bdrmt., dining ft living room comb., fireplace. Lovely kitchen, large inside utility, a'nched carage, plus an ad dble. garage on the ailev. plice in fine cond. Was rented -teudy at $P0 mo. I Ist eri unrlrr annrai'ed price $11. Sl'it Call HOY SIMPSON, Eve s-'TW D:iv i-mm. r.n LL'CKINBEAL. REALTOR. 4.13 N. HIGH LITTLE CUTIE $5,700. Just a nice little place'for a couple, nas I oearms.. nice kitchen, living rm , dining r.. ft full hath, inside utility rm.. attached garage, clean as a hound's tooth, pvd. St. North. Call FLOYD McNALL, EVE. 3-77(14. Davs l-rl0 ED LUK INBEAL. REALTOR, 433 N. HIGH. CREEK PROPERTY CLOSE IN central location, a real family home on large creek lot with shade treea ft sprinkling system. 4 bdrms. ft den. master bdrm wfireplace, 2 full baths. 18x14 living room. 12x14 dining room, dble, ga rage bsmt. ft hot water heat If you need room you can make a real buy on this prop ertv, shown bv appoint, only. Eve call 4-2805. davs 2-6tBA ED LUKINBEAL, REALTOR. 433 N High. FURN. beach cottage, windows overlooking ocean, 16x24 liv rm. wfrpl. Will sell equity of $1,000. Total price $3,900. pvm tt $37.90 mo. Contact Lee Roberts. Lee't Union Stttlon. 145 S. E. Coast Highway. New port. Ore. Serene Englewood Don't be deceived aa ta size of this lovely home bv driving by." Let us show you through. There are 3 nice bedrooms, larte living room, dining room, kitchen with eatltvt space, utility ft bath. Also attached garage, orivate pa tto A barbecue The price is Just $11,950 with attractive fl nancing available. Eves. Ray Mason, 3-9881. But thli little home has every- Mint; else, including z nice bedrooms with double ward robe closets, living, dining, utility room and a dream of a kitchen plus attached ga rage with overhead storage and workshop and a patio. You could pay more but you ro'ildn't get more value for IMW Eves. June Mason. Ph. 2-9581. Salem Properties REALTORS 387 N. High Ph. 4-0331, 2-1533 IIMToo DOWN $40 A MONTH buvs this small home, near a grade school. South $3,150. E. A. McGLAlTLIN. RLTR. 3.13 N. High 2-8811 3-8812 $8950 NEW WELL built 2 Bedrm home. I.g living ft dining Rm Cornh.. all BIRCH kitchen inside util ity wired for drver, over sized Attach-d garage. 00x185 corner Lot. two extra joining Lots available at $750 each, Havesville Dlst,, consider trade for Town propertv. Eve. call RAY DAVIS 4-5917 Days 2-6880. ED I.UKINREAL. RE ALTOR. 433 N. High. IHE KELLERS C. D. McCARGAR, RLT. LOOKING FOR INVESTMENT: See this apartment house close to Capitol shopping cen ter and State house. Large corner lot; well landscaped; excellent return on invest ment Call Faye Seal eve. 4-9384. G 1'S ATTENTION OWNER TRANSFERRED. Must tell this lovely and practically new 3 bdrm. home; att. garage; lots of bulltlns and closet space: birch kitchen. Mnrnlngslde dlst. G.l. financed: only $12, 790 Call Martha Thiesen eve 3-9497. 703 No. High St. Phone 4-4441 $1000" Down! ! For neat 4 rm.. 2 bdrm. home on nearly acre! Large space for garden, good family or chard. Garage with attached utll. rm. ft fruit storate rm Nr. schools, churches, but Should aell fast at $7500 . . ONLY $1000 DN ! W Douglau. STROUT REALTY, 4025 Hayetville Drive, Salem, Ore. Ph.; 1-9757, No fireplace NTCB ew tot tot ttoww St. Facet Korth wth both Eeat ft W eet vew. ltexM. Pb. -ll after I. VIEW LOT: ReUx la Kingwood where everyihing la bandy. Magnificent view of city. Wide Iroauge. all city farihUea. price reeaoneble. Pn. 1 aaea. LOTS tXl3t NX t7M 7nira South UiSe. ,t3xlte South gliSe. All with water 1 Acre South, paved at Walnut B. M. MASON'. RLT. 341 Chemeketa. Ph. 3-aail J-3MJ. J-30 VIEW lot J's blocks west ol Wills, e Rd. on Alpine Ave. Ph. 3-3311. MAKE offer on my equity n lot at Ubish Village. Ph. -KTt i. IN TURNER"! room hae . elec . clt'- water A lawna. Some bldg. material. SO' by 130 lot. MM. Also adloininc lota at COS ,. Suten,-Journal tlO Forftit for Stilt $500 DOWN S acres t miles from Salem. well 4 inch win, $7300 it a Ai;ri iv rith 3.TS N. Hish 2-M11 ' 3-Sl! MUST see to appreciate. 5 A. wrm, w'an5, riistom hood, per barn. :00 ft. rhic:-en house, i (,,., ronJ ngj N. 4th ph 2 houses Small dl'y Podl- , 3-g407 try? Muihroomi" ideal inoiei site. Big discount on equity. Don't wait. Ervtn Wimtead. Rt. 3, Box ll-A. TtllamooK. 2 A , large barn. $3 130 Terms. Skvline rood left I mile Rom dale Sign Rt. 4. Box A5 80 ACRES, mostly in growing timber, all woven wire fenced. Very good 6-rm. modern home for comfortable country llv inc. fireplace. electr'C heat, beautiful lawn. $! 950. terms See this Sunday. 5' miles S. Molalh. W H Peet. Rt 1, Box 34. MolaUa Ph. SUM. 10 Attract, no bldgs. tillable. 800 ft road frontage. 4'j miles from State St. 4-Cor-ners. $3,950. Take car in trade, terms. 160 A. stock ranch, near Molal la. 3 BR. home, spring water, secluded selling. Take trade. $13,730. CO A. Irrigated farm, fenced, cross fenced, not far from Salem, house not good but livable. $150 per acre. Take trade 103 Acre farm. 7 miles from Salem. 3 large streams. 3 aprings. 4 BR. heme, paved highway, bus line. $29 500. Terms. B. M MASON. Hit. 341 Chemeketa Ph. 3-8811. 3-3086, 3-3543 BUY OF THE YEAR Attention Dairymman or Stock nan SEE THIS 258 A. GOOD rolling loam isome 1st clns bottom! borders BEAU TIFUL sirran , IRR1C. pns- j nihilities unli.r'led i Derp j well, sprlnc?. A'orld of ",ra? irt. mostly nc d feo- fireplace and 2 bathsi a nple j barns Val. loc 'tn main hi- , way. between 2 prosperous growing VALLEY towns. El derly ladv selling at SAC-RIFlCE-$24,9O0 Note-place NOT gravelly or tteep. HIGGENBOTHAM REAL EST. 333 1st St, (Downtown.i Woodburn. Ph. 7711. Eye.5151 BY OWNER. 10 acres, good 4 bdrm house, barn. chek. house. some berries, nut trees, for sale or trade for 2 bdrm. house n Salem. !j crop goes wth place. Mrs. W. O. Moddemey er, 1 m. N. of Hopewell ttore. Ph. Dayton 12X8 BY OWNER-70 acres near Dal las. 10 acres Royal Anne Cher ries. Bumper crop indicated. no frost damage. Rest pasture & wooded. 3 room furnished house, good well, lots of wa tei The crop can pay for place this ear. Price t-i sell before June $10,500 Ph. 3-9312 THE H0MESELLERS C. D. McCARGAR, RLTR. 20 ACRES extra nice 4-bdrm. home; has tl.500 worth of car peting:! beautiful lawn, 3 chicken houses; one 12x60: one 24x70, large barn and other bldg. 7 acres walnuts; fam ily orchard, irrigation equip. This place is bordered bv nice new homes on two sides It has a very good potential In come: Included In price is all farm equipment. inrl. Ferguson tractor and acces sories. Full price $24,000. 8. 000 down; $1,000 per year plus 5'2 int. Consider nice home in Salem, in trade Call Frank Tullius. Eve. 4-5088. 702 No High St. Ph. 4-4441 FOR SALE 4 acre ft walnuts in Keirer. Can he bought terms. Ph. 2-2.139 on FIVE ACRES Just off Lancas- ter with nice 2-bdrm. house, with unfinished attic, inside utility good barn. $10,500. LAWRENCE REAL ESTATE 422 S. HIGH PHONE 2-4046 OR TRADE 2', A , 3 bdrm. mod hse,, plastered, frpl. gravity water svslem, spring water. No Sat call" Arthur War nock. Ri. 1. Box 541. Salem. 812 Exch. Real Eitate TRADE WANTED A ''Mama ft Papa" store that is making money. In a very busy rural area. Owners will take nice bouse In Salem as part payment. GEARIN A CO,. Realtors, Newberg. Ore. WILL SELL or trade for Salem property. Myrtle Creek Doug las County home, nearly new 2 bdrm., ft party rm. Call Keehler. Ph. 2-2812 evenings. Days 3-8820 BY OWNFR. 8 uut apt. house, close in. sale-trade 4-3861, 816 Resort Property 2 BEDROOM house. 2 acres bot tom land, Salmon River. Sur faced road, electricity. rre?k op place. 81500 00 terms to suit. Robin Reed, Delake, Oregon. BOO Real Estate 806 Houses For Sole TWO ACRES THREE Bedrm. house, solid fenced for livestock, city edge, j food buy at tG.sso. Terms Call LOYD McNALL. EVE 3-7784, Days 2-8880, ED LUKINBEAL, REALTOR. 433 N. HIGH. Like the Unusual? This huge noftxWOl lot ti loaded with shrubs and miscellaneous trees The home Is modern ranch itvle with living room facing the back. There are bdrms & comfortable den with extra fireplace. J-car garage, I2 baths. 91A.3O0. Ph. 4-7977. Eve, Cordova Stephenson 4-6149. TED MORRISON 250 N. HIGH PHONE 4-7977 131 NtW Ctrt DRIVE THE BIG I Phaeton The Smartest 4-Dooe Bard To aa the Rood. McKINNEY LINCOLN - MERCURY 3t N Commercial Salem JJJi Used Cflrt For 5U 11 JEEP eta. wgn. Newer motor, extras. tSOO? Make offer. 4-20.J3i E. McGllchrtat. 4t CAD. '4 dr. very clean while wall, radio, heater. hdra. Ph. J-i25 or 4-7111. heater, overdrive 1 n t op con- v S-1991. 47 OLDS Convertible, good cond $310. 5380 N. River Rd. Ph. 4-2473. '41 PLYMOUTH SEDAN PHONE 4-5517 i49 CHEV. convert., good cond C'all after 5:30 1-0749. 1956 FORD FairlaTne 4dr. fully equipped. Trade, bank terms. PJv 4-4714. Evel-4262 41 OLDS. 8 elb coupe, really c!ejn Ph 2-6712. 54 PLY 4 "dr Belvedere Exc Condition 1058 7th. 2-8t!8 '51 CHEV duslcarb. See to apprec. Ph. 4-1098. TfcH F.vTldrTvery clean, low mileage. 1533 Norway VOLKSWAGON 19MTph34l473 802 Front St., Sllverton Oreg 42 DrSOTO. 2-5475 $89. Eve. Call '93 BUICK trade for older car ft rash. Ph. 4-5581 after 4. NEW ft USED Union ft Commercial Ph. 3-3173 '47 OLDS sedan. $100. 878 S. 12th Ph. 4-7181 dayt. Eve 2-1359 ion Oregon s Oldest Deaier BEST BUY Used Cars Commerrui ft Chemeketa Ph 4-5; 1 '35 Chev. V-8 Sta. Wgn. . $2350 Radio, heater, powergiide. turn signals, windshield washers, white side walls, 8. 700 miler No", a year old. Like new. '54 Chev. 4-Dr Sdn $1395 Radio, heater. Powergiide, turn signals, 2-tone blue, '54 Plv 2-dr, sdn. .. $1093 Radio, healer, 21.000 miles. Reallv sharp. 93 Ply Convert. S1095 Radio, heater, Hydra drive, new top tShitrpi. '52 Ford V-8 Clh. . $799 Radio heater, overdrive, turn signals. 2-tone. Sharp. 92 Chev. Sdn $:i9 Radio, heater. 2-tone belte M Rambler Sta Wgn .. $795 p.tdio. henter, cloth uphol stery. Here s a real gas saver '31 Hudson Hornet sdn. ... $5!I3 Ridio. heater, hvdra . turn signals, back-up lights. Like new. '40 Dodge 1-ton panel $195 2-Wheel all metal trailer $83 50 Ply , 2- 49 Fords, '46 Olds. '41 Chev. See These Great Buyt Soon At DEWEY'S 3080 Market Ph 3-4081 "Take'YouFPicY 1940 FORD HEATER CPE. RADIO ft 194S PONTIAC SDNET. RADIO ft IIEATFR 194 OLDS SDN RADIO HEATER ft HYDRA 1916 RU1CK SDNET. RADIO ft HEATER : 1947 KAISER SDN. RADIO ft I HEATER 1947 FRAZER SDN RADIO. HEATER ft OVERDRIVE 1947 PONTIAC SDNET. RADIO ft HEATER 1949 KAISER TRAVELER. RA DIO ft HEATER 1949 KAISER SDN. RADIO ft HEATER 1950 KAISER SDN. RADIO ft HEATKR Many Others from $49 to $799 ( noose r ro-n AYNBEE MOTORS 540 UNION PH 2-0703 Nite Ph. 3-3253, 4-7587 POST Auto Sales '54 OLDS W 4 DR. $1895 Tu-tone, radio, heater, and hydra '53 CADILLAC "62" 4-DR $2295 Radio, heater, power steer ing and hydramatic. '53 FORD CLB. CPE. $1095 Radio, heater, Ford-o-mat-ic. 28.000 actual miles. '51 BUICK SDN. . $795 Radio, heater, dyntflow, new tires, 43,000 miles, like new. '51 CHEV. SEDAN $795 '51 CHRYSLER CL. CPE. ? Radio, heater, automatic 52 MERCURY SDN. $995 Radto, heater ft overdrive. , 'S3 a-II I YS sniM .$695 Overdrive. heater, new 1 wnne wan tires '52 FORD SDN. "6" m Heater. '51 KAISER . ... $595 Like new 30,000 miles. '51 CHEV. TUDOR $595 Radio, heater ft power glide. "51 PLYM. CLR. CPE. $595 Radio, heater. '50 BUICK SUP. SDN. $495 Radio, beater ft dynaflow. '48 DESOTO 9 PASS. - $495 Like new. 50 FORD PICKUP .. $495 "a ton. Ij 47 CHEV 1 TON $495 POST AUTO SALES OPEN EVES. TIL 8 P. M. 1105 So. 12th Ph. 4-6231 4 FORD pic tlon. 18 000 Ick-up. Exc cnndl miles, cash quit;, fa. 1-58U8. WI1L Chevrolet Cadillac sore " DEWEY'S $99.00 IS2UWCrtF.tSwlw USED PRiCED 1951 PLYMOUTH CRANBROOK 4-DR. SDN. Fully equipped, very clean, (old aew by our C Service record available . ONLY $t8W 1952 CHRYSLER SARATOGA V-l 4-DR. SDN. Radio ft beater, seat covers, power brakes, local owner, aervicea from new bv our Co. A BUY AT $91 1951 PLYMOUTH CRANBROOK 4 DR. SDN. Radio ft heater, teat covert, white wallt. original finish, veiy nice ONLY $58l NEW NEW NEW 1956 NASH AMBASSADOR 4-DR. SDN. Has everything, only 1 5O0 miles Yes FIFTEEN HUNDRED, local cat. Thia is truly the buy of the year SAVE $1.00 1955 FORD TON PICKUP 'Like new. only Saf MmiIIis! fik CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH "BETWEEN THE BRIDGES SALEM, OREGON PHONE 3-4117 SAVE YOU MONEY ON 1956 PONTIACS IF YOU WILL COMPARE PRICE V-8 Tudor Sedan V-8 Fordor Sedan V-8 Catalina Hardtop V-8 Catalina Hardtop 122 inch Road Leveling Whrrlbae .. . V- Strato-StrraE Ensine . . . Safety X Mt-mbrr Frame . . . Safety Door Locks . . . Deluxe Interiors . . . Styling and many more feature.. ADO YOUR OWN EXTRAS Deluxe Radio & Antenna ....$ 90.25 Underseat Heater & Defroster $ 89.25 Hydramatic with Overdrive $188.30 Tinted Glass Windshield Washers Plus many more at 660 NO. LIBERTY 1H27 T ROADSTER pick-up with a '48 Merc, motor. Custom up holstery. Monitor 2372 or 2389. Joe White, Rt. 1 Box 81, Mt. Angel. ne Si Nash Rambler Sta. Wagon, excel, cond ft tires. Ph. 3-3343, EQUITY lnclean'55 Crown Vic toria Ford for any clean '51 or '52, '53 mdl Can be seen at 1384 S. 12th After 5 19524 DR. FORD Sdn wnear new seat covers. 939 Shipping. BEST Cash offer takei194S"Ford Bus. Coupe. Phone Mr Good win 2-0631 FOR-SALE:--47 Hudson, good mechanical cond. $100 Also Teardrop sleeper, alt steel frame, kitchen in back. Ph. 2-1189 B54 Trucks, Trail, for tale '41 PICKUP, FORD 1650 BOONE RD. '52 CHEVY Pi ton truck. Stock ft gram box. Very clean. Low milage. Can be seen at 772 Illinois St. 2 WHEEL trailers $25 ft up, on 90E, mt. No. of Brooks. Ph Stlem 2-0197. '38 G.M C. pick-up Stock car V-8 motor, complete overhauled, $50. 2320 Koppa- han Rd 1953 STUDEBAKER 1 ton farm1,,,, Por1n(f Ra p .a, axle. 8 25 rubber all for $r.i).i 2840 Portland Rd, '39 CHEV pick-up. '48 motor. Ph. 2-3440. 1045 N. 16th. S56 Wonted, Cert, Trcki WE'RE PAYING TOP CASH For Clean Used Cart Paid ror or Not Bob & Bill's Used Cars Union ft High Sis. fico . j .,-t- "' IT"",,t"" FOR SALE 1953 BSA Motor cycle, in exc. cond. Ph. 4-7872. '4 INDIAN Aero. Just over hauled, 2400 Chemawa Rd. Ph. 2-7388. I95J "MUSTANG" motorcycle, A-l. $125. Vernon Miller, Leb anonAL 8-4531, USED Indian 8 H. P. Motor acooter wsldc car. Ideal for delivery vehicle 8100. 2-7083 NEW ft used motorcycles ft scooter no money down. Take moit anvthing in trade Shrork's 1375 Highland Ph 2-1423. S60 Auto Miscelloneoui FOR SALE Factory huill flat bed witn detachable grain - 1 tight tteel tides for ' ton or I truck. Can be teen at ai Center SUtet. 111 Utwd Cart Fm S.W CARS TO SELL ,.$149t ill n e '..$2,371 $2,429 Cpe $2,501 Sdn $2,574 T $ 32.30 $ 10.60 reasonable prices. PH. 2-4113 862 House Trailers VACATION tire trailer house! for sale or rent. See Earl Malm, 4030 Sllverton Rd. 4-7127 1949 GMC log truck ft trailer. $18110. 80 rubber. Ph. after 8 pm, Sunset 7-3870. T4i-FORD V-8rI7 ton flat-bed pick-up. Exc. cond Ph, Jef ferson Fairfax 7-2625 Eve. CASH FOR TRAILERS 1940 Lana Ave. Ph. 2-91S0 BARGAIN: 21 ft. all aluminum house trailer. $895. Lana Lane. 1940 Lana Ave. TRADE your late model car or pick-up for equity In '98, 40 ft., 2 bdrm. trailer. 4-9198 FIR CREST Trailer Park under new manaeemcnt, restricted spaces for rent. 3910 N. River Rd, Ph 1-8313. 15' VACATION SHASTAS SMALL DN. PAYM'T, TERMS LANA LANE 1940 LANA AVE. rn t a ii 1 1 r rrr ti r t , I I I U W I IN U UVTlAU'tf Tninrp CII P from Salem's oldest and largest Trailer Dealer ... 10 yeart in same location. A, B.C., Schult, Vagabond, Nashua. Siesta. Richardson. Kit. Great Lakes. Terry and Transl Home. TERMS UP TO 5 YEARS We take cars, pickups, furniture and livestock in trade on new trailrrs FREE DELIVERY See us for the Best Deal Two locations to serve you. mm TRAILER SALES 2640 PORTLAND RD., SALEM Phone 3-8043 VACATION TRAILERS See Them At Javhawk Trailer Sales 2840 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-804j TO PLACE AD IN THIS GUIDE PH. 4-voll j eai w u DOLLAR lilt Fatae