Statesman's HOME i it''.- - ' ' :' i :' mora ma jVcinen . . . Music . . Fash ens ... Features Former Salem Girl Weds 6Sec; IT Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sat., May 19, '58 fAiss Lcona Burgoyne is Bride Of Gqyle Gilmour on Friday allsi leon Arleen Burgoyne aad Cayle YVeidmaa Gilmour ex changed their marriage vows at a beautiful spring wedding Friday light at St John's Lutheran Church. The bride M the daughter of Ms and Mr. Leonard L. Burgcyne and Mr. Gilmour U th on of Jacob W. Gilmour of Jefferson and Mrs. Rom Gilmour of Salem. It was at clock that the Rev. IL W. Gross officiated at tha nuptials. Th altar was decorated with 7" -; - bouquets -oi white iWiolum HtyM u,, htter (hret f Cor sad pastel sweet peas and !"! Tillis. -bhinium. Ronald I Craven was the! Mff BurgoyM Mlectfd t dusty weaUst and William JL Fischer , pinlt uee gown ever taffeta and Ihe organist Mrs. Al Hanso. and ( corsage at white gladioluses and y57 l,ghUr!,i V-'"i w bridegrooms mother wore a . Cf white Jace over blush pink biKkffeta whitt satia ae tha bridal gown. iMh. tnd WMff hjle toned with. V neckline, long gjidmiuset and pink rmri. sleeves and a bouffant skirt end- gwptj., felLaa tiles mg 11 a chapel train. A seed Thf newtyi, greeted their pearl erowa. held in place her U- gMM it , reception it the ;usa veil and she earried churh parlors. Pouring were bouquet of red Delight roses. . W Jlcoh y CanMMir tni Un. Walk tefort the Bride - jGturge Baker. CatV.Rg the. esse Five1 attendants preceded the 1 were Mrs. Jack C tutro and bride to the Itr.. Mrs, Harold Mrs. James Harass, both ot Cor Prince, aunt of the bride, was vallis. Assisting were the Mines In honor matron and she wore Joanne Woods, Ur? Monjav, -ruby satin gown and carried Corvstlls, Marls Hrpner, Mrs. white carnations and sweet peas, Ambrose D'KacJ. Mrs Edward The bridesmaids, Misa Gwea Ca- Raggotino of Eugene, Vm- Or hill of Portland, Mrs. Herbert vilte Kannier Jr. Mrs. Tad Bauer of Salem, Mrs, Robert Sbinkle. Miss Joan Burrovne of Uetxger of 1 Corvallis, and Mrs. 1 Portland and Mtu Bettv Ann Jack Craig of Jefferson, wore bon Burgoyne of St. Helens pad :ioa pink satin gowns and carried the dream cakes, bouquets of white carnations and When the couple left on their pink sweet peas. Tbe d r i s s 1 wedding trip to Southern Cali were madt with floor length 'forms the new Mrs Gilmour bouffant skirts and V necklines, donned a pink sheath dress with I ' r .m1 vi -i I. , J-; P ' y : j I 't - -A ',:,.-: .- r.v ';..'- " 1 - - . 1 TMar Cupboard Inventory Frozen Foods Still On Hand Should Be Used Right Soon ' By MAXINK BtHEf ' Staleamm Weaaaa'i Editor . Along about this time of year, when the grocers are showing the first fresh (though imported) berries and fruits, it' is wise to take inventory of the contents of the freezer or canning cupboard and use up some of the things therein. Strawberries will be one of the first frozen fruits to become outdated, for who wants frozen when they can get fresh, and who wants to eat last year's after the new crop is put down in the freezer. Frozen strawberries make excellent Jam and preserves, and if running short of spreads you may find this the best way to borrow from Peter to pay Paul clean out the freezer and fill up the cup board. PINEAPPLE-STRAWBERRY JAM t cups frozen berries cups sugar 1 large can crushed pineapple Add sugar to berries and allow to stand until it dissolves. Add pineapple and cook H hour or until thickened. Seal immediately. This recipe can be used for fresh berries, if so, use 2' cups sugar. Strawberries make good sherbet, toppings for ice cream and cake. Here are two uggest;on (or cake toppings: This recipe for a strawberry icing has nice flavor of fresh " berries: 1 STRAWBERRY FROSTING 1 cup ripe strawberries 't teaspoon lemon juice (or frozen ones) 2 cups powdered sugar Mash fresh strawberries with fork, if using cut frozen ones they need not be mashed. Gradually blend sugar with fruit and ber ries using electric beater. When thick enough spread. This should cover a 10-inch layer cake. Another old-time recipe for a strawberry topping for cake is this one that will not stand up too long: WHIPPED STRAWBERRY TOPPING 1 egg white cup fresh or frozen straw- i cup sugar berries (latter drained' Whip together for about 20 minutes until it thickens. A little ' lemon juice will help to hold itup. Keep in refrigerator until ready to use. Altrusa Club Initiation. Dinner Initiation of new members fol lowed the Altrusa International dinner meeting held at the Ma rion Hotel Thursday evening. The tables wert decorated ta blue and white snap dragons and candles, the Altrusa colon. Miss Cora Pavnter. nrMn of the club, was assisted in the initiation by Mrs. John Versteeg, Dr. Msrtha Springer and Mrs. Clyde A. Clark who spoke briefly on patriotism, service and effi ciecy, the three words la the Al trusa motto. The new members initia'ted were Mrs. Max B. Delepine, Mrs. Sylvia G. Duncan and Mrs. E. B. DeTierfort. Miss Florence Cam eron, chairman of the Altrusa in formation committee, was in charge of the initiation program. The speaker of the evening' was Dr. V. E. Andir of Willam-i ette University, who discussed the vslue of the United Nations' in the world todsy. 1 Report i Confernre j Mrs. Lois Keenev and Miss PeijKy Petersen returned from the District Conference held in Tacoma with interesting reports of accomplishments based on the Altruss slogsl for the past year,' "Plan Plus Participation Equals Service Now." Miss Sigrid Concerse was a guest to whimi s scholarship award was presented to further her nursing career Other guests were Mrs. Reginald Vincent and Mrs. Clay Davis Hostesses for the evening were Miss Cora Pavnter. Mrs W. G Rurris and Mrs. F. Alexander Tueski. . Qub Calendar SATl'RDAY Fntndiliip Shrine, Whits Ihrtne of Itruialem, ScotUih Rita Temple, I p.m. The set eoTirt 131 ml7Hea square miles. One out of five fatal traffic ae cidents occur between I and I p.m. 5EH 1 T' , 4.v 1 LB i v ..r. - f SATURDAY - MAY 19. One of a series of informal classes for everyone who likes to take pictures Concluded by Mr. Pat Tuttle, Manager of the Meier & Frank Station ery and Camera Departments. Party Given for ; Donald Gilmour served as best pink and beige rost and white Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Struble (Juanita Brown) who was married M;.. Mnrtin r.Wi&!d '2 It the Firs, Mathodift Church in Newbero. The Wd."80"'" Cecil Lea Gilmour and Milton! toute 1, Jefferson, lAround Town . . . !j a former Salem resident and Mr. Struble is the son of Mrs. JLIYME tM.LISH 5THE PARTT WHIRL . Mrs. Walter Snyder, who is leaving for Monmouth to make her home, ViU b the guest of honor at an u revoir coffee Monday morning Clara Struble of Newberg. (Riley Studio, Newberg). Howes Planning Silver Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Clarence A. Howe are celebrating their silver wed dins anniversary at an Informal Wests watt, his grandmothers, open house on Sundny afternoon, Miss leaving Marilyn Martin, who soon wttn ner tamiiy The couple will live in Portland. make her home in Medford. Phillips, Tommy loberts, Danny ftehaell, .Baa Elgin, Karey Jo Daniels, Earl Tewaer aad Tim's yeang brother, Pat special New Officers Installed by Chapter honored by members of her 4-H knittin? club recently at the home of their leader, Mrs. James Hudec, on Macleay Road. A wiener roast and games were Co-Actives Elect New -n. rt unicers ii AUDITORIUM, SECOND FlOOR-2 P.M. FASHION MODELING-1:30 TO 2.30 P.M. Oregon room - street floor H Mrs Wilfred Thomas entertained the Co-Active Club at the final meeting of the season Wednesday night. New officers were elected enjoyed and a farewell surprise and include Mrs. Donald Wanama- shower feted the honor guest. iker. president: Mrs. Don Phillips, Club members present were vice-president: Mrs. Dwieht Quia- Sullivan the week in SMvcrton Rsd. cHr. rel'-i'vc snd ne''h- busintss hirs rf le ec-'e -re 'ny't-'t Crnr"'! ti" "cs to call h?tccn 2 snd 5 o'clcck. Miss Dolores avhea Mrs. Rasset E. Pratt and Mrs. Lawrence Smith af SUvtoa Mv 20 at their residenre 4050 jtu-a, naipa w mn enieruio ' ana sirs, w, 4m) affair-will be held; In the , Spending sroen at me, rraw nome on. Seattle on a combined isonn aireet, ... , a group nd pleasure Wp are Mr. rncl W rietgTiboruood friends have Mrs. Ernest H. Mille. an t Mrs. .gera inviiea w say wreweii w rvin Boise , , tney lew north trs. Snyder between. 10 and 12 Wednesday o'clock ... Mn. Ueorge 8. Hoff.; Vlilti I. kui. 11,1. Vnai ill preside at tb tot fa , J,11"1" 1 yrt , , .-,s , -j-.'-i.J:. : Uuh ka m.m k ... M k.i . . . AanWersay i t . iancheoa far hrether-ln-law aad sister. Mr. aad Cnrmon Worlc US St Mn. r WMkl,:.M' I Will MCI I tlWJ iwhe forsnerry lived here, came I I i t II over to Join her daughter, Jam krinfl 1 Mfl EwalLat tho Vatversit of Ore. IxOilUlU UUII aa tar tha Msthar't WulnJ I . . : " -! B i. - -:L l ,K.v..,. aa is a rmnmaa aad a member J D0u"0'.P ,l,l ""i vice-president; Mrs. Art Howell, af Gamma Phi Beta . . . ; dragons gladioluses and blue iris corrMnondjng ry. MiM Bil. b.i....!.w .1.1. i. ... orovided the scttine for the wed- tu unu. - j -- . Um'Mt..mMt.M dn'M"J.nF!!";Mrs. Don Drees, treasurer, and L::: ' J W USVItf L PUelOS . . . Their "i" nnn.iu.nir.mnnB.. r.mny Mr, W p..-.,,-. nari: tntm ana HI. otmi' ' j..,: u. . j n nhl at lha F1rt Thr cf in rhnrrh lho lalem AIubmo Alpha Dalta Pi -wUl he hold U iae Cherry Kooai at Llpmsa s today at 1 o'totk ... tha occsslea wlU saark the lOStsr asuhteraary f tho foasMUag of the astionai horority Alumaae froai Cr- walllt are driving over for tho Jaander's- lsy party r-JMIsa Mrs. EH Williem Smith's home rt C'oisan Creek wa? the sren of , l!' !?' mec'lnr of the clrb year fr I'"? 'v cits )!! rf Kn i'en "i"n"t ..'": V.W'TrS night In. a canL'lr!i"ht ceremony Mrs Don Dreos and Miss Billie Miller received jeweled pins completing a Six-months pledge period. Mrs. Ro bert Stevens, a recently welcomed new member of the chapter, re ceived her pledge pin. Installed as new officers, who will assume their duties in the fall, were Mrs. Kenneth Oliver, president: Mrs. John Ericksen, Nancy and Elizabeth Keyser. Lin da Arnertt, Sharon Kronbeueel, Carol Burson. Patricia Hudec, Judy Hopkins. Ronda Hook and1 Pamela Hecek. Additional guests were Toni Sisson, I.inda Chapman Mi Slfltli'r't Kerital The piano recital of Mia Joyce Stettler will be held Sunday after noon at the Calvary Baptist Church at 3 o'clock. Miss Stettler Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stettler and the interested publio is Invited to attend. As sisting on the program will be ; Diane Miller, violinist, and Miss Lorraine Bagley, pianist. Miss Stettler is a pupil of Mrs. J. N Francis. enberrv. secretary'; Mrs. Llovd Ramey, treasurer, and Mrs. Corne lius C Bateson. Mrs. Harry Sum mers, board members. The jroup made plans for a pic-nir-rn'fre in .lure and a picnic with th" Active Cub in July. The r'ub voted to t'onnle a fund to ti e Salvstlon Arm y Sp;ist'C Camp lir Children Tiic women are assisting the Actives with their philanthropic projects. DRAPERIES Custom Made la Oar Shop ViUarn a frart lii Orwc Sn.Ii Sli Cm ELMER 6EE a o rr rnimttrt e mil iTtnrni THE BUM) M AS Dl? tt NlfH. IS:. Cmlt Si u.. - ,l. a .i idin ut-si.naiTon was i .eveiann ,rc..arn. e !-; Ohlo, where Mrs. Phelps was in The bride is the daughter of Mr. kVhVdluawta lho raehew.."icl,,,ele8,t to Supreme Mrs. C. T. Tarmen and Mr, . W 'ft m !"'? , convention of White Shrine of Hall Is the Son of Mr. and Mrs. ,,. 4i. t JaruMlMM. . Kmwii. thM. 1 Matt P. Hall Brt J..M. .!'in Iowa anrf Illlnnl. .nri fln,.l . .....i.i wlUa married to I r"!.0" to " formed by the Rev. Wayne Greene. ' Karl William Smith SdTv . tha ?' 9- Ml- yrnon; Vlr" Verne Each was the vocalist and Billie Miller. hWor . . -i - s. wMicm, Snook, who will ha ms . I . , Mr i m . J shower was given Tuesday flight '"' "t"lnl home via the JtM Hohson Rich the organist b.M Jfcin Hear with l' ' ' ' lrs. George Rickard assisting rt . . Twenty guests attended tha DPf) CcskkcxCk miscellaneous ahower . . . Assist s-w vUl I CC ng la serving the ref reahme nU . . ., . ... . , er Miss . Linda Lucker, Miss . At , Hrtrlrinri Jally eesmster,- Miss - Delorei rl 1 1 IVJJ IUIIU 4nd Miss Linda "Wilton . . Ij -r . Eateruiaing , , their elub al JUIIIC I UUfJV cading into a brush train over the tot8 ; ' I xatin skirt. Her nngertip Chantilly -55-- "1 'i"ur,lZ A rEU members in Salem lace veil was eaugm 10 a peanizea !I!fc nd "! rundlng communities orange blossom headdress, which roup to their and '(heir guests have been In- had been worn bv the bridegroom's Miss Doris Wilson and Miss Fran ces Gelhrlch, who wore mist blue lure waltt gowns, lighted the can dles. Of white Chant illy lace over sa tin was the bridal gown, fashioned with a rounded neckline, long sleeves and scallops of lace cas- Mrs. William Ferguson, parliamen tarian. Mrs. Clinton Ault was ap pointed educational director. Chairmen Named Committee chairmen appointed by the new president were Mrs. welfare: Miss orian: Mrs Rob- ert Stevens, social: Mrs. William Pharm.m. way and means, and Mrs. Sleven Benson as Jonquil tirl. Plans were discussed for the informal coffee scheduled for Sat rrt'ay morning honoring the Beta Sigma chapter. Serving as co-hostesses for the evening were Mrs. William Phar man and Mrs. Kenneth Oliver. WIRING OVERLOADED? WE SPECIALIZE IN WIRING REMODELING See our display of new lighting fixtures. Add Convenience Outlets. DON'T GAMBLE WITH FAULTY WIRING. Call us PROMPT WIRING SERVICE f 1 r 7 " n " cooxuti.i ii 2P at. AuuiiiPMi runu win rs D" Hs. MltA Ik -.. J ... ,, ,, 1 . . HI . I . J L 1. v. Wi ..4 Mr. iw,. nuiii... '"u "L c"u an apron an- airier, ane carrieu a wmie s mr M Jr le f ver coffee May between the marked with n'nk rosebuds. nours 01 iu ana 1 0 clock at the Bible and Mr., and Hi. Wrllsc H Timiesteele Jr. . . Mrs. 8. D. Wiles was 1 luncheon hostess Frl iif afternoon at her Fawk Ave ' Jia liom la honor of members W her arid-re due .... ' A due eelrbratloa . . . for .Tomm Roberts, son'of Mr. and Mrs. f hoinsi A. Ro'berts Jr.. who w!-.. is observing his fifth birthday iPg0 the young lad will he honored home ot Mrs. Roy The Bridal Atleadaats Rivercrest Harland, . i Miss JoAnn Rains' was the mo'd - The "spron" foffce which , rf honor and Miss Joyce Meredth, helnr spomiored by the 6 Salem Mrs' George Ree-', the bride PEO chspters Is a, benefit for room's sister, and Miss Wilene the state PEO Home fund, which W1P" were the bridesmaids. They has been set up to acquire a " re bon bon pink lace waltz Id - Oregon for retired lashloncd with scoop neck , j lines and three-quarter length Th. "tnrrm" thnm. win h. sleeves. They wore pale pink tia- a Tnner on the pVtlo of he wt ,h by ra' nd c8rrlfd "l ?L lnk JLSTK.ZJJ2ZtVr. Ugs"of miniature surons with and white carnations tied with blue .iiusrciw akoitviviji aavsmsitai ihiivp - . , , . , ti.l.. , . . Coming from Portland will be rlc rsc trlmm ngs, made by - ribbon. Tommy's grandparents, Mr. and Ln,Plelr CB- ' " tha aprons Carolyn Rains, the flower girl. MM. W. t. Knight, and hla uncle sorn W 'hose attending. In ad- wore a frock which was a mina and aunt, Mr. rnd Mrs H A duion' tme desiring to sell the urt. f the bride's. Ralph Jackson Kuehle . . , his other-grand-1 'K0'" '5ey Wffl" mav 1n ,0 was the ring bearer. , mother, Mrs. Thomas A. Roberts, "ua lo ,np riA' M"m Iun" will lo b oresent for the 'sin- Presidents to Pour JIt Wtheting .:. -. On Mondav Three chapter . residents. Mrs. Tommv has Invited sixteen of De?n Klar,-, CI',, Mr James R .n hit young; friends to luncheon in dall, G, snd Mrs Hubert K. An the tardea , v ... dersoa, AE, will assist ahout the i k picnic . . luncheon for Tim room. The other three presi Sollivaa, sea of Mr. and Mrs. deift who will ultnrnntr at the Robert Sullivan, who ce'ebrstfd coffee urn are Mrs James Tin Ms fifth blrthdsv oa Frls . , . dal', HC, Mrs J F. Ccnway, cy, the affair ras held rt the Sullivan "ri Mrs. C 1) tau- BQ heme an "onth Uth street . , . Flowers on the rfrr t.ihle are rishm Tlip'.g hwp- hHhdav beinc srrar-grd h- Mr- Wavne .were Beck" Vhn'. Reeky Pro- Gordon, nr. and thri.r "'vii' de ,pen, seamier jennsea, Jill louw hy M's' R-n.l lpss. no. p-r-- Mrs. E A MrGlaullin, : general chairman I Members who will ithrnuRhoul the morning iMesdames Theodore Uwn Wiltshire. W B nard Mainwarina, W. C. Perry K. D Lytle, and ft 1 11 ie Wissen 'bach of CQ. Members to Asisl Mesdames Gordon Krurger, Oscar White, Burton Bastus GOING TO PLANT A LAWN? See BRYIM'S SALEM'S LAWN HEADQUARTERS FOR THE BEST SEED AT THE BEST PRICE PLANT BRYDON'S SELECTED MIXTURES rn Eticuette By ROBERTA LEE Duane Farmen stood with his lirel'ier-in-law as best man. I'sh rrs were A'an Mcgtjuicr. Marvin Thn:)ron. George Reed Jr. and lioug us McKecver. Kerrption Follows The bride's mother chose an aqua lace wall. Kwn with pirk accessories. Mrs. Hall wore a pink naper georgette waltz gown with blue accessories. Their were pink roses and white earna-tirns Tiic v, rilding rcccptii.n as lu iil in the church parlors. Pouring were Mrs. Doris Zahradmk and Mrs Ceorge Brown, aunt of the bride. Cutting the cake was Mrs. Picrson, Florence Bogart, Assisting were Gill, Ber- Misses Dolores Zahradnik. Margie Lee Richie, Nellie Reisch, Irene Mead, Frances He.s and Judy Mar quei. For going away the bride wore a pale blue sun wan oiars ana white accessories. The couple will CB, Is assist include: Q. I lt necestiry to acknow kdg receipt of birthday or ani jvprsary !cards? K'Arf It you mean by this, a note .of acknowledgement, no. However. ;wben yo meet tha sender of the 1J U i. aklMraiarai Mn4A msniiu. AU, Check. Kenneth t:.. lU,n. Unhurt ' . 7. ii o.l" " .a Vnin W n,ft" j v. r. utiisuii aim .tiissps u.av si Ann Rusnl.A r.A ii u: r J31. mj: aiiiu ltia nilILP OI AB Mesdames Ben Caves, Don 'A Pre-Nuptial Shower Gleckler, Kenneth Potts, and Coe nooeru of BQ; Mrsaames E G JEFFERSON - Miss uarDara Sanders. A. B. Butei Ri.m. Blackwell. bride -elect of Karl their Ericksen, Lewis Mayers, and Aerni, was the inspiration for a W. 8. Ankey ot BC. j bridal shower Friday night. The Meadammi n H vn women of the Methodist Church 0. i, Bovlen. H P comm..' entertained for her pleasure in the served on pea snouw wey iRobwt Howt -ch h nnov iScrvi re(resn. jaicn irom tnr picks. w .remv;Milt MlxlM Herringer. of CB iments were Mrs. Roland Wall. in rw.i wiii mc i...cV nnaame Biias Tulvr r.n Icbived and appreciated yxt: h ttlhe duty of the bride i)eot to buy the, dresses sod ac tifcsorlei for her' bridesmaids? vjt No.' It ii her duty to select ftie designs and material, but tha bridesmaids must pay lor of n outfit!. JQ., When hors d'oeuvrea are served on picks, should they be A., You should ute the pick for eonveylni; the morse) to your gopu'h. . ' , ., Mesdames Silas Galser, George ll Mrs. Hat Wynd and Mrs. Lea Aiken, . Charles Roseberry and SeHt, Pt- Pseth. Cordon George McGil Shields. The Blackwell-Aerni wed- dinesrill be an event of June I he Methodist CW- NO. 1 MIXTURE For lho Velvety Turf That Will Make You Proud. 1 Lb, 75c 10 Lb. Bag 70c Lb. NO. 2 MIXTURE For the High Quality Durable lawn 1 Lb 50c 10 Lb. Bog 47c Lb. To Start Your Lawn ond Continued Bauty Use ORGANIC W0RCR0P ACME PEAT MOSS foi SO IS 1 SAL! $4.95 3.95 Rollers Seeders Spreaders to loan With Seed and Fertilizer Purchases Van A V Big, Big Selection of Sprinklers and Hose, Sunbeam ; Sprinklers, Reslnile Hoso and Sprinklers. : GET YOUR FREE CHANCE ; ON SUNBEAM IAWNMOWER YOUR OLD LAWN NEEDS SOME WEEDS KILLED Chock With Us on These Fine Products OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY 12:15 TO 9 P. M.-OTHER DAYS 9:30 A. M. TO 5:30 P. M. n s tiis-smi .. ... .i ... .4 r '"' u : it. t j " 'VlyyZLZT4 frit y ' mm j ' ;t , t lfJMJi.4dM aaOiiii & our iffr dif for cut SKULL DUGGAREES WEED BLITZ LAWN HORMOTOX GREEN AND KLEEN WEEDONE SCOTTS WEED AND FEED SCOTS KANSEL SEE YOU AT BRYDON'S FREE PARKING 415 5. HIGH OPEN SUNDAY 10-2 FREE DELIVERY 3ssnci3 Cont.nKinus as spring fever! Cleverest little chuckle raps nf the seasun . . . mir pernnahty bennies! Real r.itiversf lion starters wherever thry go! Fashioned in colorful felt vilh contrasting applique Irims Re the first tn wear one r,f thrp exriting new Skull Duggarees's;' Take jour pick of a dozen funny-fare styles ... we feature four nf them here Bright rni ors of blue, red, nrangr, green, pink. 79 Mail and phone orders. I'lu.i shipping cost to nrras outside our rridnr truck delivery routes. GIRLS' SHOP-STREET FLOOR FREE STORE-SIDE PARKING FOR OVER 1,000 CARS nmm ff aT if Jar B 'saw