(Catty News DrrBeffs Signs to Speed Traffic at Marine Park IALEM FAN EL MEMBER John Adlon. 2390 S. Church St.. will participate in panel discus sions Sunday during the 17th an nual Oregon Retail Distributor's Institute held at the University of Oregon campus, Eugene. Replace downspouts h gutters. inccK our low installed prices. Judson's, Fti. 3-4141. Expert Tells Safety Rules Of S wimmin? PELKEB SERVICE MONDAT Funeral services for Charles W. Pelker, whs died Wednesday in Portland, will be 1 p.m. Monday in Virgil T. Golden chapel, the Rev. Julian J. Keizer officiating. ! Entombment will be in Mt. Crest Abbey Mausoleum. Packed with power, Classified ads (adv.) get it done whatever it it To sell, buy, trade, phone 4481 L Hybrid tomatoes 20c ea., bedding plants. Silke's Greenhouse, Rt. t. Box 0. (adv.) SANDER REPORTED STOLEN An electric sander valued at $100 was taken from Davidson's Auto Repair, 530 Chemeketa St., April 29, Roy E. Davidson report ed Friday to police. This is the "20-30 Club" Rummage sale you've been waiting (or O'Grcenbaum's 9 a m. to 9 p.m. adv.) Swimming can be a deadly game unless some "common sense" rules of safptv an tihsrrvpd. ac cording to Dale Dykman, physical i Friday, all day Saturday director ot the YMCA . . , . , ,. The director po.nted out that Ar yu contemplating reeling the summer seasons will bring " "" , t"ns"1' Ben thousands of persons to lakes. Lachclle s, 1348 Ferry, (ady.) rivers and the seashore for swim- J tAR reported STOLEN ming or piaying in me waier. "Each year in the United i rri "TWrn ! 'VP'S 'it k '.. X vlf ,f J. ii'l1- -i ControlTime Nearing for Pea Weevil Theft of a car from a service station at Court and Capitol streets was reported to police Friday by Mclvin L. Finegan, 245 Holden Lane. States, he- said, "six to seven thousand die as a result of var ious types of water accidents, and good judgment is following a few water safetv rules could reduce this dreadful toll." i iicac majui mica jimuuc. . 1. Uam to swim well. Master ,,or our eomforl the fundamental skills so the water is safe for yourself and others. 2. Pick a safe place in beaches or pools protected by lifeguards. Docks, piers, river banks and other unguarded spots are not safe 3. Always swim with others. A companion ran help you when in trouble Four afflctals study rae ( several lew signs desigaed U speed traffic flaw at Wallace Marine Park busy weekends aid during special events suck as boat races. Lrtt le right: George ( toper, official ( the Salem Boat Club; Police Chief Clyde Warrra; City Engineer J. II. Davis and Police Captaia Glraa Bowmaa. It is cool as a cucumber at Nohl- hvah'p Dnrtmirinl Air onnd t inniiA ! i en a ivvciiam am. nn vunuiuwutu i adv. I uc" advised Gov. Lane Probe Enlargement Wallace Park Awaits High Court Action Boat Traffie ijiven Doost Robert Y. Thornton the investigation to include Dist. . Elmo Smith Friday ; Atty. Eugene Venn's charges! plasterboard l other salvage i against enlarging the scope of : that the jury was chosen illegally, ' ;at S.P. Freight. (adv.) Since Wallace Marine Park is ! HUBCAPS STOLEN Theft of two hubcaps valued at $4 each from a car parked Thurs- A .... ninUt nn Ct Cfrnnt n,f t tin published tion was reported to pnlice Friday bv irginia Turner. VtCA. the Lane lounty investigation (.ov. Smith asked Thornton for just that a marine park -until the state Supreme Court de-1 the opinion which Thornton gave plans are afoot to give boaters cides whether the county's new Friday. some priority in parking of cars grand jury was chosen properly. After the Eugene Register- an open letter asking the Governor to broaden The original investigation cen- " 'be area, ters on charges that funds of! Additional signs are being in- Moses Moody, a prison inmate Mailed in the park to facilitate now were embezzled. strange cables, muddy 4 Stay away from waters. Weeds, rocks, sharp cans, glass and bottoms cause accidents. 5. Don't be a show-off dangerous. 6 Before swimming, rest and cool off after hard exercise. Hard exercise, cool water, and cramps run hand in hand. Unsightly facial hair removed safely, permanently. Price Beauty Salon. Ph. 3-5859. Adv. This is Flower and vegetable plants. Mor- rii Florist, 135 E. Ewald. 'Adv.) MISSING SHOES RtPOKTK Mrs. H. R. Berlin, 1035 View Way, told police Friday 7. Know the, water's depth and , pair of shoes valued at $12 were ; Willamette U. Seniors Win Study Grants Thornton told the Governor Friday that he wouldn't present any evidence to the grand jury of traffic during crowd-pulling events, according to Police Chief Clyde Warren. Warren said spaces under the Marion Street bridge have been ,,!,! t, e.. n 4 ...I maiiuu .mv. ; "ir """'1 reserved for cars with boat trail- ers, and the only vehicles permit-1 ted in the launching area will be stolen from her son, Frank Well- man, about a month ago in Leslie Junior High School gymnasium. She said the loss was not reported sooner because it was believed the shoes had been hidden for a joke don I swim against strong cur rents swim across them toward shore. 8. Pay attention to warning signs they are there for a pur pose. 9. Avoid swimming rescue work unless you are an expert and a strong swimmer 10. Always race toward the shore, never away from it. 11. Do not take chances Know how f;ir you can swim, learn to use equipment properly, and re main seated in boats These common safetv rules will be stressed in the learn to swim I FENDER DAMAGED Mathis Bros, revolutionary Johns Mansville roofing shingles. 4-fifl.1l, Dental plates repaired while you wait at Painless Parker Dentist. 125 N. Liberty, Salem. (Adv.) Rav Owent tpninr WillamAtfA University nhilosoDhv maior w had en requested by Gov. Smith notified this week by the Uni- t0 take ovef the investigation of versity of Chicago that he is the the Moody charges, recipient of a $1,050 entrance . its legality Venn filed two mandamus ac tions in the Supreme Court thns r-nnrerned with launching nr against Circuit Judge Frank Reid loading of boats, and County Clerjt Harry Chase, j A special parking area is being They have until next Wednesday , provided for all other vehicles, to answer. i Warren said. Thornton, at Venn's request, campaign scheduled for boys and girls, ages 8-14, at the YMCA pool June 5-12, Dykman said. County Budget Figure Listed Inaccurately The Statesman said Friday that Marion County's 1956-57 budget was balanced at $1,512,246. That A fender on 'a car parked over night in the 600 block State street was damaged by a hit-run driver, Donald Herb, Aumsville Route 1, Box 301B, told police Friday morning. scholarship to its Theological Seminary next year. Interested in the ministry nr college teaching, Owens has been active in Weslev, was president (Adv.,1 of the town students group and cnairman ol ( hnstian Resource Week. His home is in Boise, laano. A graduate research assistant ship in industrial psychology to Baylor University, Waco, Texas, had been awarded to Bill Fred erickson, Willamette University senior from Sandy. A mathematics major, Freder ickson will use his undergraduate Fur storage at Lachelle's assures your furs the quality care they need in refrigerated vaults. 1348 Ferry. Ph. 3-6814. (adv.) Court Apts. (Court A C&ttage) of fer downtown quiet apts $42.50 to $56. Ph. 3 7440. background in the statistics , in-i a. Dresslar volved in research He plans to work toward a master's degree in psychology. Wono Lee, senior foreign ex change student from Korea now from attending Willamette I in adv ) .was notified that he is one of two A GRANDSON AT LAST foreign students who have been Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bear, 1975 awarded a two-vear scholarship to Area Advisory Plwe Council To Meet Here Construction needs and business trends of Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co. will be discussed in Salem Monday when that firm's area advisory council meets for the first time in Salem. With the council will come Frank vice president and general manager ol PT&T. Follow ing (he council meeting at 10 a.m., Dresslar is scheduled to address a noon luncheon meeting of Salem Chamber of Commerce at the Mar ion Hotel. Long Illness Takes Life of Mrs. Farrin Mrs. Bertha H. Farrin. 1665 Yew St., died Fridav in a Salem hospital at the age, of 79 after an illness of several months. Born March 29, 1877, at Pon tiac, 111., she moved to Salem with her parents, Mr. and Mn. Paul Minienmier. She and Frank Farrin were married in Coos Bay. Following his death about 12 years ago, she returned to Salem. She leaves two sisters, Mrs. George C. Will and Miss Sarah Minzenmier, both of Salem. Services will be 10 a.m. Mon day in Virgil T. Golden chapel, the Rev. Julian J. Keizer officiat ing. Entombment will be at Mr. Crest Abbey Mausoleum. By LII.UE L. MADSFN Farm Editor, The SUtesaaa . Control of pea weevil is a must in the Willamette Valley if good germination tests are to be ob tained at harvest tine. County agents and other agricultural ex perts have been warning pea growers this week that control time is almost at hand and that timing of the control dust is very important in control of this pest. Insecticides are applied to kill the adult weevils before they lay their eggs on the pods of the de veloping seeds. Once the eggs are i laid on the pods, it if too late to prevent the weevil damage. Al most all peas that are not treated at the correct time will be wee villy in the Willamette Valley. Weevils Emerge Robert Every, agricultural ex tension entomologist, says that the pet weevil adults have been observed emerging from their , winter hibernation quarters this 1 past week. The dust application is timed to be applied two to three days after the first pods begin to show on the pea crop. Good control of the insect can be obtained, but the dust must be applied very thoroughly for con trol. Usually recommended for peas on a commercial basis is either $ per cent DDT dust at the rate of 20 pounds to the acre, or a 5 per , rent methoxychlor dust applied t at the rate of 13 to 20 pounds per acre. Also, a rotenone dust at the strength of h of 1 per cent dust, applied at the rate of 25 pounds per acre, will give good control if put on thoroughly. This dust should be applied only when the temperature will reach 65 de grees within the 24 hours follow ing application. No DDT Where the pea vines are to be used for rnsilace or hay and fed to livestock, either dairy or ani mals to be slaughtered, it is recommended not to use DDT , in dusting the field. Methoxy chlor is the best material to use under these conditions, as it does not involve a residue problem. Dusting with methoxychlor will probably be more expensive than the DDT, however. i In order to prevent the killing of pollinating insects, such as ' bees, the application of insecti cides should be put on very early in the morning before the bees and insects are working the fields. Embezzling Count Faces Salesman A 39-year-old Salem salesman was arrested Friday noon on two counts charging embetilement. Sheriff's deputies arrested Frank J. Gray, Salem Route 9, Box 480. following his secret in dictment Thursday by the Marion County grand jury. He is accused of embezzling money from his employer. Bail was set at $500. I Seal fur coats do not come from ; seals but from sea lions. Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sat May 1956 (Sec. I)-S State Education Confab to Draw 200 Next Week --. f - ' f ".. . , i Annual convention of the State Special Education Teachers As sociation ia scheduled next Fri- day and Saturday, May 25 26, at. the Hotel, Senator. Approximate ly 200 persons art expected te attend. . - - Previous information erron eously had the conveniton sche duled this week. ! Dirths I - , 7 CANNOT To Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Cannoy. 4937 Elizabeth St . a daughter, Friday. May IS, at Salem General Hospital. , BARBEL To Mr. and Mrs. Jim my R. Barbel. 5080 Will Ave. 1 daughter, Friday, May II, at Sa lem General Hospital. .. ath bt., report me mnn inurs- th. rtuat. schnnl f in..rniicm " , . .".V . f,Dr. r,r.ni th. mn( tko! Hav nf or.nrfcnn In their son .and . .. .. . . " (-namners. neaa or cascade .vieais, must be levied, not the budget. ! daughter. Mr and Mrs. Randall '" "V 'Tv? ; The new unofficial budget is j Surgeon, Portland. The infant's Sponsored by the University $.1,123,227, based on preliminary name is Timothy and he has sev-jess Club of Mchigan, the calculations following this week's en sisters to act as baby sitter. ! scholarship will include the first The a d v i s o r v group usually i meets monthly in Portland to coun-; MISSI0NARy T0 SPEAK sel with telephone executives. On the council are several Oregon: ".Mlss Goldie Rulh mls- husinnss le.irfrrs inrinHino c. f . sionary trom Atrica, win oc trie Inc., in Salem; Robert B. Taylor, Pendleton grain farmer: Edwin C. Dwyer. Portland lumberman; Milo K. Mclver, Portland investment lour-da budget balancing session. The lather was reared in Salem year of actual study, the second f nrV If .ithnri7ert as it tanrt the new oJ u raHall (mm VnrlhtinlH . : u: :.j 01 "re?0n nn Yemeni LO. . .. .. . emu giauuonu .i.. .ucuik an imt-iMiip penuu on lour and Edward C. Sammons, presi- daily papers in Michigan. dent of the U.S. National Bank. budget figure will exceed this School year's $2,933,820 budget by $18.8,- 407 Cnrler Oregon law the portion of the budget that must be levi ed cannot increase more than 6 per cent ovef the highest levy nf the past three years without getting approval from the voters. If the budget committee had de rided to use the full 6 per cent the new levy would have been $1, 526.601. s it is. the new levy Is $14,355 short of the limit, and no vote is necessarv. special speaker at the College Age group of First Christian Church Sunday evening at 6 o'clock. Miss Wells has had many years of ex perience on the mission field and is now engaged in speaking in churches over this part ol the country. Her home is now in Sa lem at 685 N. Church. 3 Named to WU Positions Two men and one woman snag ged three top student managerial posts on the Willamette Univer sity campus this week. Paula Preuss, sophomore from j Vancouver, was chosen chapel , manager by the Religious Life Council. Her plans for speakers next year include having laymen, as well as ministers of the var ious faiths, address the weekly religious chapels. Manager for Homecoming Weekend is Chuck McClure, sophomore from Beaverton. The annual Homecoming game this year will be played with Lin field College Oct. 27. Freshman Dean Bishoprick of Woodburn was named Campus Chest manager. The Campus Chest provides a central point for donations, which are allocated to various community projects, Heart Attack Takes Life of Harrv Rowe Mrs. Silhavy, Amity, Dies Harry A. Rowe. operator of the Merchants Patrol Serivce in Salem more than 30 years died Friday afternoon at the Young Women's Christian Association after giving a reading at a Gol den Age Club meeting. His death at the age of 7(1 apparently was due to a heart attack, according to the Marion County coroner's office. Relatives said he had not experienced prc- KUlrsman Strvir vious attacks. AMITY Mrs. Anna Carol Sil-I Rowe, 940 D. Street, had been navy, native of Germany, died a Salem resident more than 50 Thursday morning in her home years. He was a member of the after a lone illness. She was 79. Salem Police Department before Her widower, Frank H. Sil- taking over the Merchants Patrol, havy, survives, as do these sons which makes continuing night snd daughters: Frank C. Silhavy, lime checks on .subscribers' Lebonom Charles nf Bremerton, downtown business buildings, Wash.: Vera Donev, Canbv. Also about 1920. surviving are a brother, Fred ; He was born June 19. 1879, in Fuchs, of Ceddes, S. D., and sev-j Iowa. He and Kitty Boles nf eral grandchildren. Benton County were married in The Silhavv familv moved here i June. 1905. in Philomath. They from South Dakota several years celebrated their Golden Wedding In farm. Thcv retired and anniversary last summer wun ago moved into Amity in rerent vears. She was a member of Amity Church of Christ. The funeral will he at 2 p.m. Saturday at the Church of Christ, with the Rev. James Alley of ficiating. Burial will he at Amity Pioneer Cemetery with Scott Fun eral Chapel charge. of McMinnville in more than 400 friends attending an open house. Rowe was a member nf Modern Woodmen of America. Masons and Knglewood Evangelical Unit ed Brethren Church. Besides his widow, he leaves a daughter, Mrs. Kathryn Bessley, Longview, Wash.; two sisters, Mrs. Carrie Chase, Salem, and Mrs Kitty Cooper, Tetaluma. Calif.: and several nieces and nephews. Arrangements are pending at Clough-Barrick Funeral Home. CARD OF THANKS Our heartfelt thanks la all our comforting fnenas and neighbor in our recent sorrow. For the Pond Victim's Rites Planned Funeral services for Gary Ham mertoe Salem youth who drown- beautiful service, floral offerings ed Thursday at the age of 19, will and other kindnesses. We are be 11 a.m. Saturday in Howell- deeply grateful. Edwards chapel, R. J. West of- The Neimeyer Family ficiating; Burial will be in Bel- CARD OF THANKS crest Memorial Park. Our heartfelt thanks to all who Hammertoe who lost his life extended comforting sympathy swimming in a pond southeast and nep in mT rpfpnt ,nrrow. of Salem, leaves his parents, Mr. rnr ine beautiful service, floral and Mrs. J. B. Hammertoe 1295 offerings, and other kindnesses, Shady Lane Dr., and nrandpar-:we are deeply grateful. ent, Mr. and Mrs. William Newberry Family Hammertoe Ontario, and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ynungblood Mrs. Walter Stilcker, Junction and Family City l Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bradley MAN . ; . THIS IS PAINTIN' WEATHER! PAim-BY-TM-USMAU BARN AND FENCE PAINT White, Red, Green, Black Reg. Price 4 Gall. $11.00 Case Sale Price $069 3 Days Only A Fri.-Sar.-Mon. PAINT THINNER 40c In Your Container Gal. UNSEED OIL Gallon $2.39 "pure turpentine 1 Gallon $1.59 HOUSE AND FARM PAINT Wr.it. Only Rea. Price 4 Gals. $17.80 Case Sale Price W9 STAY CLEAN SHAKE PAINT 12 Colon to Choose From Reg. Price 4 Gall. $17.80 Case t n n no Sale ill Price Un? Enough to Do an Average 3 Bedroom House SHINGLE STAIN Reg. $14.40 5 Gallon Can $1198 Gal. Covers 125 Sq. I t. PORCH AND DECK PAINT Tile Red, Green, White, Grey $170 01. STAY CLEAN HOUSE PAINT 20 Colors to Choose From Reg. Price 4 Gait. $23.80 Case Sale 4 Price Enough to Do an Average 3 Bedroom House FREE LINOLEUM taoKIROl-rJAILKEra ESTIMATES U I71Q FRONT ITMH C7W4-1179 jL-P LOTS OF FREE PARKING Yes, it's true . . . with every purchase of either of the G-E Ranges listed below, we will give a post war Automobile absolutely FREE! No strings attached -we will even pay for title transfer! Not a Drawing . . . Not a Contestl Just a plain old fashioned BONUSI GEMERAl ELECTRIC asm ?BB .....ten HEAT "" - MsVNT Vnfc" ' . . aft Extra-We ttill aha AUow $25 00 or More on any Ranee trade-in. Regardless " of Make, Model, Condition or Type of Fuel! . , ' We Give .3M Green Stamps We M W 'R'W) J Ci J fiA MONDAY 365 N. Commercial Sr. " FRIDAY ' ' 'tTEf P.M.'"' for mn VHO ARB GOING riAc:... .','17: sv ;!f''7ii7,7 7H7.7 -7 ' -i ' ...smooth, luxurious, washable gabardine fabric I . . . brilliant array of rich sport shirt colortl . . . individualized fit for men of all sizesl . . , meticulous tailoring and correct styling I Th Strad-O-Gob sport shirt... a Stradivari masterpiece ... is definitely 'top drawer In every detoill ( ACudiQAU J 'III V AMERICA' MftT BKM TIIUX S J.U AWMirA Fit "' J Sleeve length K-jt 24 Colon REMEMBER ALWAYS s