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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 19, 1956)
Valley News Stattiman News Service $30,000 Wesley Foundation Building Due on OGE Campus lUltHBU Ntwi Stnrtre MONMOITH Land for a Christian Center for students of Oregon College of Education has beea purchased by the Wesley Foundation of the Methodist Church, according to the Rev. Roy Agte, pastor of to dependence Methodist Church and director of the Wesley Foundation program on the OCE campus. Plans are now underway ta raise funds tor the building which will cost approximately $30,000. The Wesley Foundation pro- Marion School Exercises Due , Ibtnau Ntwi tv-rfc ' MARION Graduation, exercises at Marion Grade School will be held at I pjn. Monday. Man-in Albertson Is aalutatorian and Evelyn Baxter, valedictorian. Speaker will be Agnes Booth. Mar ion County School Superintendent. J. M. Ringo, 75, Succumbs At Woodburn M. F. Day of Molalla Dies SUUmi Kt wt StrTkrt MOLALLA - Final rites for Maitland F. Day, S3, Molalla resi dent for IS years. wiU be held gram is the Methodist Church ,t y- m unuay at Moiaua tliapel work on state and independent, Evrhart and Kent. The Rey. college campuses. Similar unlu Harold Mackey will officiate. In are located at Eugene, Corvallis, ferment will be at Adams Ceme ind Ashland. The Oregon Confer- tery. ence of the Methodist Church,! Day. a retired farmer, was born working through its Board of Ed-1 at Hutchison, Minn., moved to ucation, has felt for some time 1 Seaside, Ore. in 1907, then to a mat a student center is a neccs Baccalaureate at Gervais Sunday S ioua Ntwi Urttn GERVAIS Baccalaureate services for seniors of Gervais Union High School will be held Sunday at I P m. at the high Little North Fork Native Passes at 77 Suifoua Niwt Sfrrkt Slayton High School Barralaureate Sunday State smart, Salem, Ore., Sat, May 19, "56 (Sec Partv Tonight for MillGtyto Graduate 18 On May 29 ' " VirfrfZ , 1 fT- TSelinvoc- STAYTON Services for Eliza-1 The program is as follows; Pre- (including 9th grade) and college!" r i it a VJ"J MILL Cm-Eiehteea. students tioa and benediction will be liven kk t.u. tt J?lv"'' B V , .-.. i.;,i ..Evangelical Ualted Brethren lliTl5ri. t. 5X ,UHf Rv;uA,BrtiH ,05"!Jk ,h uul Nortn Fork wuntry. -11 Weddle: invocation. Father Ed-iPrty t the junior High School Church Sunday will be Mrlvin meocement exercise In the high st Lows Catholic Church. There , k.m . sa. 7 J? ..Hitnrmm ni h-. r- Turk. ,.!-. w.t;.. rw. fttottsaua Stmt irvrt STAYTON Baccaluaureatein.lloo Ci..,1..i0 eld at the high , "t"J ,ucuw services will be held at the high school for graduates of Stayton Union High School Sunday at S pm. Suttwua Nm Srrvlrr DALLAS Dallas High School Unionvale Schedules Temperance Speaker v miimi Nrwa Swrtn . UMONVALE-. Speaker at U a.m. services at the Cnionrala school gymnasium Tuesday eve ning. May 29. , Mrs. Agnes C. Booth, Marion County Superintendent of Schools, will deliver the main address. William B. Shuey. schoolboard chairman, will present diplomas to the following: Karen Andreaasen, Maurice Basaett, Josephine Boll, Laura Bickett, Richard Crook. Norma Jean Downer, Donald Fi ling son. Rose Fleming, Camille Goble, Edward Gregory, Wayne Hollibaugh, Evelyn Johnston, .... . a itn sm Bf.iai. tft mailt H,w,,"u" " jWeddle Chapel here. jGayle Hull and Virginia Toepfer; j " P-m. on Saturday. Those at.;0- Temperance League, He wiU The 38 seniors of the high'. " ner noI? ln npture the Rev. Rlrhard ScoU; Khool will receive their diploma. : - on Friday, May 23. Grance Sets jday night. Born at nearby Mcha- bendiction, the Rev. Kenneth Ab- iii4 un nug. ji. iojo. Mit Has a ouu daughter of E. J. Richards, a ; pioneer of the area. Clean-up Day SUUtaaa Nf wt Srrvtr Surviving are her husband, Ed I 111114111 I ptfi faylor; a son. Elmer Taylor, Me- AjllI11C111 VJtl RlchS 1 000 Grant inter. Mrs. i ' banquet Students are to dress the ,mngi y,, locl, m wm' '0f-T " ence wiU be held with the Rev. will enjoy games, film, and re-,e A. Fo in criarie. Tayl hama: two brothers, A. A. Rich ards. Mill City, and E. J .1 - 1 J L, -Btrctr rt t t rr r Tfc. aisu a Krnuuau:nier. nnn. r n.ih .ni ih -lenn Tinuey. Mill City, and four ! suinau Smtrt Charles Kuhlman. Roberia Loucks, ! men of Brush College Grange reat-greatgrandsons ! McMlNNVlLLE Llnfleld Barbara Podrabaky. Janet Ross, ! will meet at the grange hall Sat-! RfT- Jmw Hrdy of College will receive $1000 from and Ellen Shelton. , urday morning for another Mehaiha Presbyterian Church will funds being given to private, ac TheRev NobleStreeterof Prine-l"worltda-v" il WM announced officiate at the services. Interment credited colleges and universities ville. formerly pastor of the Mill ! Thursday. jWill be in Fox Valley Cemetery. , in America by the American Can City Presbyterian Church, will de,' Phillip r;". 'r r.; i- v iri, win iiuviur viiain fiwi iu f aiirv aJllllin I iuiius arc raiinaincu nj freshmenta. The party is being sponsored by eitywide Dallas Young Peoples' Church Groups, (including Salt Creek). Several women of the church attended the women's Society oi World Service gathering at Jen nings Lodge May 14-17. in t ho finish falling timber te be moved - ,,'., -. , - the company for raising faculty from the site of the new hall kit- SILVERTON to Mr. and Mrs. Milrj. American Can is dis- Chen. Scarth of Roseburg. a son, tnbuting funds to institutions A no-host dinner will be held May 17 at the Mivcrton Hospital. from which its employes have at noon followed by a meeting To Mr. and Mrs. Justin Dyrud, graduated. Llnfield now has two Doke Rites at Dallas Today RU teaman New. fUrvtr arm near Marauam whr hiiivpr th hacralaurata sermnn sity at Monmoum wnere neary lived until 1936. He lived at Brooks Sunday, May V. at I p m T'w .uJ . T y (or nv Mr Wore moving to high school auditorium. sut..., Nrwi s.rvk. J.7i- "3 !'- ' He was a member " WOODBURN - Final rites for h " ,r'"""u" l"'u of Molalla Methodist Church. Surviving are two sisters, also J. Melvin Ringo, 75. retired Wood- TpnU,iv. Min, tor , i,i '.? ,.iff the loTmeT Mary three nieces Including Mrs. Earl 0f the home economics group at Silverton, a daughter. May 17, at! alumni employed with American burn mortician, will be h.-ld at I i(MisWo hall which wili seat 200 n of Minnel- l.iRosa. Mt. Angel. i 1:30 p. m. the Silverton Hospital. tan. p m. Monday at Ringo-Lorn.rU a banquet, a modern kitchen, Chapel here. j study rooms, an olfiee, a student Ringo died of a heart attack! lounge, and a small chapel seat Thursday night at his home. Al-iing approximately 40 people, though he had been in ill health jl.yle P. Bartholomew of Salem for two years, his death was un- will be architect for the one expected, relatives reported. jatory, frame construction build- T deceased came to Woodburn !ln In 1933 and bought the mortuary The student center will be formerly operated by E. N. Hall, available for community activ He had been in semi-retirement tiM in Monmouth, since 1953. Born Aug. 7, 1880, at Parkers ville, Ringo became a mortician at Stayton in 1907. He came to Woodburn from Olympia, Wash. ! Active in civic and fraternal af-' fairs, Ringo served as city coun cilman from IM2 -. was a past master of Santiam Masonic Lodge ! of Siayton and a member of Wood-1 burn Lodge 106 AF & AM. past patron of Evergreen Chapter, OKS, and a member ol the Rotary OXYGEN BREATHING SYSTEMS ; Fer Home, Office, Car . . . Where vet Needed (Portable er Ftied) t v Simple ... Easy te ise! I educes e Fatigee Chest Palas Choking Spasm e And Other Distresses et Dlfflcelt Breathing Free Home Demonstration Write er Phase fer Information " , BIRD OXYGEN BREATHING EQUIPMENT UCt N.E. Broadway, f erUaad. Ore. Ph. ATXtll . DALLAS -Final rftes for Mrs. Iola loke, 8(i, a Falls City resi dent for 35 years, will be at 2 n m Cntnrriav at Valla Pitw tlub and IOOr and Hebekah Mclhodjst churon Tne Rev. lodges; also the First Baptist mi!S Rover win officiate and Church of Salem. .burial will be at Falls City Cem- Surviving are his wife, Nina, etery. whom he married April 14, 1909. Mrg. Dok(i wno difd ,t , Dal in Salem; daughter, Mrs. Lou hs nursing home Wednesday, Jane Cornwell: a sister, Mrs. Nel- was born Aug. 3, 1869, in Shasta lis Graber. Salem; and eight County, Calif. She was married grandchildryi. in 1903 at Redding, Calif., to The Rev. Ben Owen of Salem Joseph M. Doke, who died in wili officiate al the services. The couple moved to Ore- Mausolo'im entombment will fol- nn ln 1912 nA f'3"8 ('''y low at Portland Memorial. ClaiiMt (Ireek Drainage Meet Slated May "23 Surviving are three daughters, Annie ( lark. Kelso. Wash.. Ethel fox, Summit: and Rose Hunter, Falls City: six sons. Earl Morgan, Toledo, Levis Morgan, Frank Poke and Earnie Doke. all Weed, Calif., Clarence Doke, Mt. Shasta, Calif , and John Doke, Falls City; 30 grandchildren, 34 great-grandchildren and six great-ireat- St trimia Nwl Sfrrlr. KF.1ZER -Claggett Creek n-jiVandchildren dents in the Keizer area will meet to discuss the drainage problem , v . p:,. T-.l ullh r..nrienttlvM n( thA Airi- l llSnlllg IVIie 1 0(Y cultural Conservation Program. A Woodhlim Chanel study made by the Soil Convrva- lion Service has determined thai stan-Knuri nw Srrvir the most practical channel would .nrl-DI,Jv c-.,;.. t. i be on the R. H. Jungw.rth farm, l?n" KNUT rv,CM J" about one mile north of Keizer Cujh,n- oodb)urn ,wiDU j,,!,! held at 2 p.m. Saturday at Ringo- The meeting of eligible residents Comwell Chapel here with Elder who have pro,ertv upstream from Kleanor Kenneth McVay of Silver the Jungwirth farm will determine officiating. Interment will be the desirability of entering into a at Belle Passi Cemetery. pooling acrcoment with the Agri- cultural Conservation Program. If such an agreement is made. Open HoiISC Set at the A C P. will assume 50 per c t i c I 1 of the cost involved Ail persons I'allas l"He SellOOl who own crcekside property up- ... .. . stream from the .liingwirth farm are ui ged In attend the mectin,' DALLAS There will be an which is set for 7 30 n m . Wrdnes- l'rn nouse '' "? " I dav. May 23. at Keizer Hall. if V Z '- I rt ' i Lt ri ' t -Sla-B J U U W U Li Li 'WE AUi GMNG AWAY A' ?m mm w IS r r 1 rr l J WITH EACH gW,TOCD PURCHASED BY MIDNIGHT, SATURDAY, MAY 19 SET m)i) Damage in Keizer House Fire Grange Bcn,M" ,M lne """e irom ii 10 j p. m Sunday. There will be a dedication of the chapel at 3 p. m. The Rev. John E. Ritter- mever, vice .president of the Dallas Ministerial Association, will be charge of the program. SLilrvrtun Nphs Srrxlrp KFIZER Volunteer firemen of Keizer were called to their biggest fire in some time at 4:55 a. m. The E. S. Kelly residence at llnlgate Street incurred approximately $900 of damage, (.'ause of the lire was suspected to he faultv wiring. All equipment of the district was used in combatting the early morning blaze. Acid Stomach After You Eat? luw e" 1 of J SWJ1 CMmm mm We have work for Men ond Women who would liko PART-TIME work from 6 p.m. to 1 1 p.m. two or more evenings per week. We will olso need full time summer employees. Registration All Day Saturday, May 19 and May 26 All registrations must be In person. Those under 18 may not register at this time. Work will start about June 15. Those who cannot register on dates noted above should call 3-4011 for an appointment.- OREGON FRUIT PRODUCTS CO. 909 First Street 1 block from the Retail Drug Store on Kdewater Street Strawberries Cherries Baysmberries Blackberries Purple Plums ft r A; Jim Phillips already has 46 happy peopl all set to go on their FREE Sylvania Vaca tion Trip. This unbelievable, but real offer definitely ends Saturday, May 19 at 12:00 midnight. Only with the complete coopera tion of the Sylvania factory could we offer this Fabulous Vacation Dream. Aboard I -rami ww-wcwoimL.n u UL..nwmifflwJjinmiijimiuiMniiniiii i mmnm t f SYLVANIA 21" CONSOLETTE REDUCED FROM $273.90 TO - i r ! II Let's Get r" vn ic iPEC M- r S5StfL Ft.EE i mi ,n on i t Plus FREE Vacation Trip! mm ilWWftjHBiaHmilIIWMMI. J T 'in Hi" so i : I ' ' ' i Medal 21C101IU 1 Your FREE Vacation Trip by Giant Deuxe Airliner at the Glamour Capital of the Desert Reno! You will stay at the newest and most glamorous hotel . . . have your meals and enter tainment all absolutely FREE! I l ii i n HO DOWN PAYMEliT Open Friday and Saturday Nights Till Midnight ON and APPLIANCE TELEVS 355 CENTER ST. PHONE 3-3139 FfLrrx Bsiiill(lteW