J6-(Sec. II) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sat, May 19, '58 Salem, Marion Comity Candidates Take Lead In State Office Races ' Salem and lluioa County can- tuuawa ur aMiicwiuv v 14 lira wvre generally running, well ahead In incomplete returna from 127 county preclncta In Friday's Pri mary balloting. But Douglas McKay,' Salem Wins Race Wayne Morta eailly wo Desa eratw awmiaaiio ier u. s, Ketuter in Friday's Oregon Primary. Kefauver vs. Stevenson ... . .' County-by-Countjr Result Pmidiatial (De'mecratk) By TBS ASSOCIATED PRESS Caaaty ,' Jf H ICefaater.ftvaaM Baker if , i 171 Benton Clackamai Gataop Columbia . Cooi Crook ' Curry Deschute; " Pouglai Gilliam Grant ' Harney Hood River Jackson , Jedcrson ; Josephine Klamatlt Lake Lane Lincoln Linn r, Malheur Marion Morrow Multnomah Polk Sherman Tillamook ' Umatilla - Union Wallowa Wasco Washington - Wheeler ... Yamhill jTttaJi ; . m 117 ta n Jul 80 n 21 28 17 221 122 f 17 t9l 242 4 131 1033 12 231 jD gs HI 102 14 2224 2M M 134 1(22 S3 B07 1350 . St SB 21 '417 192 10 42 12 tt 227 401 22 52 4 M.7N 1741 College Fetes Salem Student Mis Joy Baumgartner. daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard C. Baumgartner, SIS E. Judson St., aa a member of a group to be given special recognition on Hon ors Day Convocation today at Carleton College for maintaining a scholastic average in the upper 10 per cent ef her class, according to word from the college. Miss Baumgartner is a sophomore at the Northileld, Minn., school. Poll Book s Fail to Slow Big Vote s ifViotl County voters, undis mayed by a. double, signing of poll books, turned out in untx pected nurnben Friday to cast ballots in tha May primary flec tions. ' " ' Long lines were the exception rather than the forecast rule for ' the first election since the legis lature passed a law requiring " oten to certify their residency. - Lltue grumoung, was nraro from voters in a sampling of a dozen Salem preclncta. And elec tion board workers Mid there had been little delay from, the sign ing. - "Vote Early" campaigns of newspapers, candidates and elec tion officials apparently had a Strong effect Election boards were generally "surprised" by large delegations of voters wait ing when the polls opened. la many easea morning lines were longer than those of the cloning hours as voterf turned anil )a onpreeedented nurnben thariaf the daytime. : Tuft delay- earn to the venue preclncta, and the swonrt sttaatioa appeared to be in the rapuCr growing South Salem and btltiwa ami. Precinct 48, farml 1st Marion County with T7 metered voters, bad nearly" SO wuLiig as the p.m. closing JhwrtsaM, but the) turnout there m an anraaually large 550. Sawrpi precincts were all imr Uw 10 per cent nark by t pas. wtfh ma ay vote yet to be tMt In avk. Salem precinct 306 to uC Uitm, ocob4 Iirgeat is mayor before moving up to the itata aenate, governorship and secretary of interior, was getting a surprisingly dose battle from Philip Hitchcock in their contest for the Republican nomination to U. S. Senate. Latest county re turns gave McKay S717 to 4067 margin. Gov. Elmo Smith, a new resi dent of Salem since he moved in to the governorship at the death of Paul L. Patterson; won over whelming support of his new neighbors leading his only op ponent Earl Dickson of Albany by a vote of 10,759 to Ml. Another favorite son Mark Hat field, a powerful vote getter as a legislative candidate, galloped far f head of William Hesly,-former assistant secretary of state, in the bid for the Republican nomi nation for secretary of state. Both from Salem, Hatfield was main taining a better than 2 to 1 majority over Healy. Nerblad Wins Congressman Walter Norblad, aow a resident of Stayton, was apparently a shoo-in over his only Republican primary oppon ent ft. F Cook, a Silvertoa area turkey grower. Latest returns gave Norblad K4C votes to 19M for Cook. In the Democratic race for Congress Salem Attorney Jason Lee continued a 3 to 1 lead over Don Metheny, Lake Lablsh onion farmer, though Metheny was expected 10 have most of his strength in the uncounted rural preclncta. Adlai Stevenson was apparently the choice of county Democrats for president, holding a 2771 to 1314 edge over Sen. Estes Kefauver in write-in bid for strength. Sen. Wayne L. Morse, seeking nomina tion aa a Democrat after being twice elected aa Republican, was far ahead of Woody Smith. Morse it Eugene resident; Smith is from Hood River. Cleea Cams , j State Sen. Robert Holmes of Gear hart was moving ahead of Lew Wallace for the Democratic nomhutiiui (or (nveennr T h a "J ! count was surprisingly close con "'sidering Wallace's withdrawal I; from the race several weeks ago. ".The Wallace strength apparently 'came from his two previous cam- jj paigna for the office. 41 ' Salem's AI M. Richardson was waging a close ballot-count battle with Wiley Smith. Multnomah 1 County assessor for the Demo's treasurer nomination despite an in. out and In again campaign. Smith held a narrow 90 vote lead in lat est returna tor Marion County. Salem Youth Wounded by 'Empty' Gun A 10-year-old boy was in Salem General Hospital Prjday night with near-dangerous wounds received from a gun that "wasn't loaded." Douglas Schlieski, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schlieski, Salem Route 3 .Box 738, was accidentally shot at play with hia brother. Mi chael Schlieski, 12, in the home west of Rosedale, according to state police. ' They were told that the boys had unloaded the .22 caliber rifle sev eral days ago but it was loaded again Thursday, unknown to them, by their parents to shoot gray dig der squirrels, they said. Douglas was reported in "fair" condition Friday night by hos pital attendants. They said the slug passed through his arm and en tered hia back, but no bones were broken and apparently no internal organs were injured. Maine's population declined 2.6 per cent between April 1, 1950 and July 1, 1954. Signatures the county, had 443 cast of 701 at that time. The supper hour rush, too, ap parently failed to materialize in many precincts. The esrly vot ing combined with the timing of the middleweight championship fight between Sugar Ray Robin son and Bobo Olson apparently brought on the voter lull at that time. w rum iwanpee i lav? j f r. i -ji 'sarrrl r" ceaaac. ai Mats Hewitt LmmaKHy HaJl. where herae 771 aay WIU hearr iMalaesa ta the veien we rtttrnl U ve4c aearty m ware Mill waiUai U caatltate rashes. (Stitesmaa raete.) pwu cieaea. as sates Hernia Nominees - - . s ' ' - i '. ' K - . - - 1 t -? . f 4 ,i Gov. rime Smith "became Re publican nominee te aacceed himself Friday with a primary election victory ever Earl Dick son ef Albany. Robert Holmes of Astoria was selected as Democratic nom inee for governor Friday la the primary election. His only opponent, Lew Wallace, with drew from the race following a heart attack. Healy vs. Hatfield County-by-County Result Secretary at Stale By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS caasHy Raker Hatrirld Healy 102 1M 359 83 2M 40 1R 44 Benton Clackamas Clatsop 1280 130 U9 113 198 77 -115 70 114 57 1R2 Columbia Coos Crook Curry Douglas Gilliam Grant Harney Hood River Jackson Jefferson 108 54 15.1 284 1110 Josephine 408 376 32 42 Klamath Lake earn 1 1 '-.- .. l jaaw ' aBk f I . . . , 149 202jCMiaty 3477 1321 1 Benton Lane Lincoln Linn Malheur Marion Morrow Multnomah 813 7 ; 902 365, 393 295 6355 2576 108 88 14074 8492 1 523 180 ! 17 10 1 713 469 175 123 369 397 Polk Sherman Tillamook Umatilla Union Wallowa 154 262 446 433 98 52 68 52 115 49 14845 19936 Wasco Washington Wi.eeler Yamhill Totals Norblad vs. R. F. Cook County-by-County Result LS.S. REPRESENTATIVE First District Br THE ASSOCIATED PRESS CoHBly Cook Nrbld ! Benton 100 1076 j Clackamas 32 175 ! Clatsop 98 S33 Columbia 20 144! Lincoln 131 m Martion 1435 7254 Polk 106 .581 : Tillamook 189 1011 Washington 27 119 j Hamhill 27 133 Totals tl(S 12201 1 LuU Vote Heavy at Larger Precincts in Mine eieeiieti arectaeu rntuy aa leanmaattr Hall, where ketne 771 Lebanon Rejects Fluoridation of Water Supply ' IhKina NtWi leTTtel LEBANON Flouridation of this city's water suplpy appeared defeated early Saturday on the basis of unofficisl returns from all nine precincts in Lebanon. The count wss 991 "no" and 747 "yes". The figures included complete returns from four precincts and partial returns from "five, it wss estimated .that more than two thirds of the votes east were represented in the totals. Home County Support Slim For Dickson Sutrinaa Nt Srrrlrt ALBANY - Grocer Earl L. Dickson as getting slim support in his home county early Saturday as unofficial returns from 37 oi 80 Linn County precincts showed him trailing Gov. Elmo Smith by a count of 2,411 to 264. Incumbent county assessor John W. Sheppard held a tight 1.422 to 1,227 lead over Earl J. Elliott in his bid for the Republican nomin ation. Only other contest at the county , wth mmw iw; r Willi votes and George J. Roe with 930, leading for the Democratic nomin - auona ior Linn s two seats in ma slate nouse of representatives. Wil liam Goold trailed with 913. Kefauver led Stevenson 449 to 2KS in the write-in race for Democratic presidential choice. Other returns: , U.S. Senator: McKay, 1,297; Hitchcock. 1,282. 'Secretary of State: Hatfield, 1.8M; Healy, 111. Nominated without ballot opposi tion on the Republican ticket were Ed R. Cardwell and Jess W. Sav age for state representatives; Floyd D. Jenks for county commis sioner, George K. Miller for sher iff, R. M. Russell for county clerk, Stella E. Hoover for recorder, Ray mond Tomlinson for county trea surer, Walter W. Larsen for sur veyor and Dr. L. A. Dennis for coroner. All but Dennis are incum bent. ' Nominated without opposition by Democrats were Albert Zenti for county commissioner, Eva Sylvest er for recorder, George E. Nolan for assessor, and W. Glenn Huston for Coroner. Only the latter is an incumbent. Jason Lee vs. s Don Metheny County-by-County Result UNREPRESENTATIVE First District (Democratic) By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Lee Metheny 343 116 Clackamas 128 218 96 203 2.121 174 594 41 19 4137 40 71 36 76 801 81 312 14 7 1554 Clatsop Columbia Lincoln Marion Polk Tillamook Washington Yamhill Totals Salem Youth Top Junior At Oregon U. EUGENE (AP) The Koyle Cup. recognized as the University nf Oregon's most distinguished annual award to a junior stu dent, was presented this year to William Mainwaring, journalism student, and son of Salem's Cap ital Journal publisher. Young Mainwaring was pre-! sented with the cup during the university's junior weekend cele bration which opened Thursday. It was also recently announced that Mainwaring wnn the Wil- C.urney award ai junior ilism student showing most promise in writing, and that he was named editor of The Em erald, student newspaper. i iueu ai s a.m. benerauy areciurl eay wlla hear kaalaesa ta the meralaa hears, lew areclacls retried Victors Congressman Walter Norblad of reach the aver the First District who will seek a g ( American re-election en the Republican Jot. A n d 0 n ticket in November as the re- t e 1 e v i sion, a suit of his victory Friday over medium calcu li. 1. look of siivertoa in the primary election. . J u j f .... ,j ? as.' , Jason Lee, Salem attorney, be- came the Democratic Party's .flic tur w iiiwv t, , ess i j m nominee for Congress from the Firs District Fnd.y with an elretloa v I e t r y ever Don Metheny, Brooks. McKay vs. Hitchcock County-by-Co unty Result Senate ( Republican) By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Hitchcock McKay County Baker Benton ' Clackamas Clatsop Columbia Coos Crook Curry Deschutes Douglas Gilliam Grant Harney Hood fiiver Jackson Jefferson Josephine Klamath 103 vi) 916 Mi 219 71 154 73 6K9 76 56 90 4.19 1635 178 45 10.1 24;;o 442 4!5 150 3ri72 117 719 !" 301 1.10 60 175 307 1482 : 5fi3 29' Lake Lane Lincoln Linn Malheur Marion Polk Sherman Tillamook I'matilla I'nion Wallowa Wasco Washington Wheeler Yamhill Totals 732 746 4114 75 in.ni mn U. 32) 338 .384 125 2!M 124 4!7 6! .') 54 14100 18 1JJ Shot Fatal to Salem Man Russell H Smith Jr , 226 Certh Ave , died Friday afternoon at the age of 41 in the jewelry store and watch repair shop he operated his home Death apparently was caused by j a self inflicted .30 caliber ridel wound in the head, according to l'olk County deputy coroner. The ! shot was heard hy his w ife about i 3 p.m., thev said. j Smith, a Salem native, had been j confined to a wheelchair many j vears. ('ormier's Hiiuitii.; rr tnlil ijhat he had been in ill health for some time, they said I lie leaves hk uidnu Mrs T oiiici. R. Smith. Arrangements are pending at W T. Itigdon Mortuary. Salem werkers resxrtrd a steady vote if I i,. 1 r 1 1 1 . -Ml f v Inside TV New Comic Talent Nowheres in Sight By EVE STARR syndicated film series. o,!,nTLL,YW00D M-,SRRH So who is left? Jack Benny. PORT: In a world tha is des- Groucho Marl Gobel( s,d perately in need of laughter, f Burn, lnd A, RH there is suddenly a serious snort- age Of people who can bring it aooui. j ne aay ni oin-umc Hu morist George Ade, Will Rogers, Josh Billings, Mark Twain, even Robert Benchley apparently is eone forever. The literary wits of the preseat time, such as James Thurbcr and S. T. Terleman, are a sophisti cated lot who An nit f.m in ate(j (0 rearn th. ,. m. ber of people with the least amount of effort. the growing lack of just plain old comedy, let 1 reach a stage of acute panic. Where are the comics? The iinew ones, 1 mean. Two-and-a-half 4 1 years ago George Gobel came on 1 the scene. He came alone, and no one has come along to join him. ( I'hil Silvers hat been around for years, if not strictly on television ) Wally Cox, whom George Ade and Mark Twain would have taken to their bosoms started out strong, then faltered and finally flopped. Even Milton Berle, the surefire slapstick kins, will do only four shows next year. Danny Thomas, as of this writ ing, is without a sponsor and may conceivably not snow up when the starting guns sounds in the idii. iiriiiiv I'uimiLC Jia urru axed Martha Ray s name, point- J"." bren Wfntioned in . k,n,,, . . W 0' J eur:'"t Pj" . 'ft do on,y ,X shows AndrNBrs , ,. ,,, ., ,( A-u- heralded as a" fount of new comic talent, has come up with practically nothing. . There is Jonathan Winters, but nobody can fit bim into a format that will make sense. Paul (.il- bfft TK.VXhh nH own, "The Duke, but it flopped in a hurrv. He has since made two pilot films for two different series, but neither one came close to selling. You can make a safe bet that next season will be the last one for "I Love Lucy," which will ,ake tne nation's t0P how ,and "T "nir... ..... ..I I...- . Hon by June of 1957 except for .reruns C.enrge Jessrl has never ...n akin. In mibn HaS finHft DC I ... , ... , i. . 37 tv Bule lu . ; . . . . ." "TV comedian. Lddie Cantor is B1 through except for repeats of his 276 - - -- - Health Board Proposal for Yamhill Gains Statrsman Nrl Sfrvlr McMINNVIl.LE A proposal to a i.r l. ' r ...ii, rstabl sh a tamnal Countv board of health jumped to a big lead I early Saturday on unofficial re-1 turns from 12 nf 38 precincts. The j , count was 1.116 to 613. I A $90,000 tax levy for Improving roads and bridges trailed 1.208 to ;q" Charles Teegarden was leading 16 incumbent Republican county com- ,-"P .Bowlins. i?y - Promise for . K A'npttta Wldp Wide World prrsenu 659 missioncr 33 to 4.J. ; p,rkups revallna aniazina diarov- Ifi2' Republican Coroner (lien Macvi'ru-s thai prnnuf a richer fulur: i i - . . c. 1 I ;tft p.m. Your Career; 2:00 Sunday 376 led 40 to 47 over Norman Scott ; .,,', TheBtfr wllh Lauvel ,nd 285 1 i n his bid for rennmination. llnnlv in "Swi Mi. " 3. lo Sunday m- r ik., i)ww.r..ii .!..(.. k'.. Spt-t.iLuiar presents Maurice Clieva 40.. On the Democrdtic slate, he- ,,r ln ..p,r; ,n lh, Spnnt ,:ti 78 faiiver had polled 295 Votes to Meet the Press; 5 10-Hoe Rugcri; to oa f... c..... l necM.n). 'StOO-lfs a Greil l ife; :M I Spv: 4JJ iih .-in.ru,.... .w. P ' ana Wallace I.. (UUni .MeiiKers led 689 to 1S9 over Richard O. Waits for the sheriff nomina-1 j)in Nesbitt: ie:30 Sunday show- Jidns i t'm' preaents Bomta Granville, ...u n ,Li . Jackie Cooper and Charlie Barnet in Other Republican rftiirni:..5irn,i" Wwen Mrhav wnn votes to 48(1 for Hitchcock for V. S. senator, and Arthur P. Ireland leading II Leland Jaeobsmuhlen 757 to 282 for state representa tive from the sixth district. iDimick Wihs Mavor Post KLitfman News Service ,1 KKKKIiSON Philip Dimlck a i leited Jelferaon's mayor ac cording to an unofficial vote count of 126 following Friday's election. He was unopposed for office. Also elected, and running unop posed, were Nettie Hawk, recorder, with 132 votes, and Ada McKee, treasurer, with 137. The status of the three council men that were to be chosen was not certain. I.ee Wells, the only name on the ballot, ended with 139 tallies Kour other persons received write-in votes as follows Burton Person. 29; Kd Ricks. 34: Clayton Wills. 11; and .loe McKee. 8 It was not known what method nf se lecting two councilmen from the four write-ins would be adopted. Williams Lends In Polk Juslice of r Race cacr Statesman News Servlre DALLAS, Ore. Darrell J. Williams held a big lead for jus tice of the peace in Dallas dis trict 3 early Saturday on unof ficial returns from 7 of 10 pre cincts in the district The returns gave Williams 52.1 votes to 311 for (' L. Mnrsters and TO I for ft S. Kreason. Top CRndidates will engage in s run riff at the 0enrl election nf i none of them sets a majority In the primary. skpP,on ln(j Phil Silvers. All of thfm m ,;obelt ,re m. ; erans. (Copyright 1956, General Features Corp.) Channel Chuckles Bv BII KF.ANE Pulp Workers i mr VFfCC () 11 CW 1 17,, CnT ; aC OCOlC PORTLAND -Some 19.000 Pacific coast duId and DaDer mil workers will receive a wage in-; crease averaging 6 per cent under terms of a one-year agreement reached here Friday. A jojnt uniou-manai-ement com-! mjltee sa! in announcin!! tne aKreement lhat thf lncreaM! "mounts to an average 12.3-ccnt . . , , . .,. Jour y boost. Another 5 cents, w? ran pd, ' J,!rney, men mechanics. Including fringe benefits in vacation changes and ! medical plans, the raise totals ' mi, cents, the committee said. xne contract was negotiated bv the Pacific Coast Assn. of Pulo and Paper Manufacturers and un- on (.onur.ilk'es ol tne Interna U()nal Bro.ft,,rhood of Pllp Sul. h and ,, MU w k and r K""1 " the International Brotherhood of d b . L. . ,, j PaPr Makervs ln a 1 day 5,e"lon- The new base scale in the in dustry will be $l 4 per hour for ! men and $1 64'j for women. i Salem's Oregon Pulp k Paper Co., while not a member of the association, employs members of the two unions. If the agreement is accepted by union referendums, a negotiation meeting will be scheduled for Oregon Pulp & I) 1 L'.l 11' II-.!- f "V"". ' lem; res'aem manager, sam m- dciii ovit.i die inr acinic uitni- ... . . . P"J b' ass0Cla,",n membcrs' he ' ...... ,.Itr ' f l ,.tst kvai.-tv, channM n (Sunday : 3 a m. christian M'icnif niaii. i inaumry on ft- 'iac!. l'S-Oral Rnwrts 10:30- i igutrd Window. il oo-Ciiainpion- i 7 -oo Grand Ole Onrv: S:-Fam..u P1.t house: S:30-Waterfront: J j V.un Show; .:3-Surpr(w pjmfjiTiQE&i t SCRVICC STATIONS. INC 1C. f Meaaaal iiiiini run or at least he felt that way hen he discovered the poor reception on his new TV set. He's happy now, though. Huyett TV fiied It la no time flat. d S s 1 'iiljii rWASDOL ! Hkow paasaasajawaaaiajtaaaB)aaaa . 7KFX hwaii!tAMfj'i'.n-1 SUNDAY'S (FSttor'1 aatt: Tin SUitraM uHthM In f Mt4 fltk in procnas limn ti previa ly real ana TV iitlon, ut arrant rtuniri th rotrmt arc rhanrrS wllhul astltiratloa thl atwipar taut k rrtpontlbl lor th arcuracy brtrla , SUNDAY'S TELEVISION HIGHLIGHTS KPTV SINDAV8 HIGHLIGHTS (CHANNEL 27): li:0O oon Promise for America A Wide Wide World showing of developments at General Motors research center, followed by pickups around I'.S.A. revealing how amazing discoveries affect the nation. J:3 p.m. Color Spread "Paris In the Spring" starring Maurice Chevalier, with Polly Brrgcn, Michel Le Grand and Chita Rivera. 8:00 p.m. Goodyear Playhouse "In the Days of Our Youth," star ring Kim Stanley as a sophisticated Army nurse who discovers that a 20-year-old lieutenant has fallen in love with her. KOIN-TV SINDAY'S HIGHLIGHTS (CHANNEL ): J:00 p.m. The Way, with "The Tell Tale Arm." A father who Is "doing everything for the kids" wonders why his son hates him. 1:30 p.m. Armchair Theater "The Green Promise": Walter Bren- nnn, Marguerite Chapman, Natalie Wood, Bob Paige. A father acta as a tyrant to his motherless children until an agricultural agent steps in. 4:3 p.m. Telephone Time "Time Bomb": true story of a man'a race to develop a synthetic insulin for his diabetic wife in Japanese occupied Shanghai. 1:00 p.m. First Run Theater "Steel Trap": with Joseph Cotten, and Teresa Wright. A hank manager absconds with a million dollars, taking his wife with him. KLOR-TV SUNDAY'S HIGHLIGHTS (CHANNEL 12)1 1:15 p.m. How Christian Science Heals "Religion Made Practical in School Life." t:M p.m. Imperial Theater "Sign of the Crocodile," starring Milly Vitale, Frank Latimore and Gino Cervi. A suspenseful story of the Italian spying system during World War I. 1:30 p.m. Famous Film Festival "In Which We Serve," starring Noel Coward. The history of II M S. Torrin, from her launching in England until she is sunk in the Mediterranean. i:00 p.m. Coronet Theater "Dark Mirror" starring Olivia de Havilland and Lew Ayres with Thomas Mitchell. A psychological story of identical twin sisters, one of whom is criminally insane. If: 30 p.m. Reporter's Roundup Secretary of Agriculture Ezra Taft Benson is questioned by newspapermen. SUNDAY'S KPTV, I'HF 27; KOIN-TV. HOIK 00:00 Mli KPTV! KOI.N I KPTV, Princrton 'JS 1 KOI.N !Pnnrton I 1 1 KPTV,th Today ' KOIN rajlhTolay )KPTV Prornii Amrr. KOIN Lanip to Frt KLOR KPTV Promise Amer. KOIN Fac Nation KLORlTrantltion KPTV'Dr. Spo. KOIN: Lone Ranger KLOR! Pioneer Plyha KPTVI Bit Plctur KOINTh Wav KLOR! Imperial Theat KPTV1 Color Spread KOINlYuur Career KI.OR SuperOrrui KPTV the Preai KOIN You AreTher KLOR D t rairhanka KPTV r;rrt t ife KOIN Jack Bennr KLOR V Aked for KPTV Sun. TheaUr KOIN Ed Sullivan KI.ORiFamom rilma KPTV'coody. Playh. KOIN!G E Theater KI.OR Ted Mark'a Hr. Dr Spock ljnt Ranr IPioneer Pb'l" I R;f Plctur Th Way 'Imperial Theat. IColor Spread iYour Career !Super Circus Meet the Prea lYou Are There D ( Fairbanki ;reat Life 'Jack Benny 'V AkedTor It iSun. Theater li Sullivan 'Famous Film! IC.oody. Playh. G E Theater 'Ted Mark'i Hr. KPTV Loretta Young KOIN S4 ooo ch'irnit KLOR1 Coronet Theat KPTVI Playhouse 27 KOIN! 1st Run Theat KLOR1 Coronet Theat KPTVp,ul t, Ford KI.OR Kurope Crus. I I Europe SUNDAY'S RADIO KSI.M IIS KOCO 19 RGAE 141S KOIN S7S KGWJS tX 11 ' rf7 Mnacjcln - KOIN 101 1; KIX K.1; KCW la 1 HOIR 00:0 00:15 KC.W S:30 Church Hyms KSI.M Melody Journ'yiMelody Journ'yIMusic lnv lu l earn Jnv lo Learn iSait iJke Tab, Radio Pulpit Radii. Pulpit Kternal Lit ;ame Com. American Le'n iLldht Life KOIN K(1W KF.X SI.M Cons'v Baptist S.ilem Acad, R()CO Knaa KOIN KliV KIX Fsim Never Know is-HUub Wadle Club Music Mm for Sun. Bible Study Waffle Club Explorer Mus (or Sun. Bible Studv Bibl Class Mus for Sun. Bible Class Mus for Sun. Roberts Oraan KOCO KC.AK Roberts Orean KOIN KC.W Jewish Faith ITnp of Werk Scandinav Hr. Scandinav Hr. Quaker Hour KF.X Quaker Hour KSI.M Newt Christian KOCO PrcsneTer'an Hrrhv?er'an Manh Mel, Hit Revue Hit lev e Hit Revue Mulc Fest. IMiimc Fet (Music Fet Music for Sun Music foe Sun Music for Sun s'ews-Branch Branch Branch K)iK KOIN KC.W RFX KSI.M KOCO KOAF KOIN KC.W KFX ,Iom Navy First Baptist Calvary Bapt Music Fest 'hurrh Serv. ews-Branch ("pneert First Baptist Cilvary Bapt Music Fest ' htirch Serif Branch KSI.M News Well at Work Mennonites Mcnitnnttea KOCO World New Sun Matinee Sun Matin Sun Matin KRAE Neva Sun. Serened Sun Serenal Seren New KOIN Percy Faith Hr. IPercy Faith KC1W News-Monitor Monitor KFX Revival Hr IHrvival Hr KSI.M Well at Work ISun Serenade 'Music IMustc KOCO Sun Matine S'.n Matinee S.m Matinee Sun Mattne. KflE Serened . Sun Serenade Sun Serenad Seren News KOIN News , (Science (World Affalri World Affalri KOW Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor KFX Prophecy Prophecv KSI.M Sun. Seienade ISun. Serenade 'Sun. Serenade iSun. Serenade K'M'O Sun Matinee Sun Matinee Sun. Matinee Sun. Matinee tt'.AK Sun Serenade Sun Sererad Sun Sere"ade Sun Serenad tois Phlla Orch. IPhila Orch. Phila. Orch. 'Phila. Orrh KOW Monitor IMonilnr IMeet the PresslMeet the Press KFX Hr of Decision IHr of Decision ilterald of Truth iHerald of Truth KSI.M fvmphoniei I Symphoniea koco Teenage Tunei Teenare Tunes Teenare Tune Teenage Tunes KOAK Sun Serenade Sun Serenade Sun Serenade Sun Serenade KOIN Edgar Bergen rRrlgar Bersten Tdgar Bergen (Fdgar Bergen KOW Meet the Preas IMeet the Prea I Meet the PresalMeet the Press KFX Hi-Fi Time HI-FVrirne Hl-Ft Time HI-FI Tim KSI.M BrttT Muste I Brit Muale I Brit Music 1 Brit Mutle SOCO reenage Tunes Teenage Tones Teenage Tune Teenage Timet KOAF Puhl Service Sen Mors Sundown Sr iS'indn-vn Sere. KOIN Music Hall IMusic Hall ICRS News ICBS News KfiW Mnn'tnr Mnn'tnr Shirley Thomat IShirley Thomst S FX Bob Scott Show Boh Scott KSI.M News r Never KOCO Teenage Tunei Teenage KOAF Sundown Sere Sundown KOIN Our Miss Brk a Our Mist KOW Vews-Monttor 1'onttor KFX Bob Scott Show'Bob Scott SLM Wait wTnchel! Front Page mm Teenare Tunei Teenage Tunet Teenage Tunei iTeenage Tunet KOAF Sundown Sere. Sirn Off ' koin CRS Feature 'CBS Feature Iflunsmoke lOunsmoke KOW Blo in Sound Ring In Sound Blog in Sound Biog in Sound KFX Drew Pearson Jlmmv 71 i r 'SI M KOCO Memory Room vtemnrv Room Pearson Music Teenage Timet iTeenase Tune Teenaee Tunet iTeenarw Tunet Master'! Mel'dy IMaster'i Mel'djr 'Juke Box Jury Julie Box Jury Oolnlons stnlniont Mus Festival Mus Festival Mon. 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