I i i i V 14-(Sec. II). Statesman, "700 Rental. 70S Aocrtfntnri For Renr j.CI,DSt III. "'Die mod. turn, apt Ph.J-MBO, except lat, I m. upstairs, waahTfacU' r RM. k kath tilealy turn.,' tin vata tnl. 1110 M, 1th Ph. 4-J7M WED2R Court, furn. and unfurn. apl. tlae, haal. ran rrfrlg Laundry facO. 1MU . nth St. M;r, 4-Mal.' r- "want thi risriff Ipaaloui 1 bcrm. unlurn. court pi. Many deluxe features aa colorad batii Jixturaa plus tova k relrig., pvt. far. k Mi l rm. l-l.k Furn! oL Prlv bath k ant.. all utll. pd.. 1.10. Ph. -5M. . Clost IN, wall furn . 1 rm., bath, air tondillon M Canter. fURNISHED barktiVr T bdrm. Anta. tlM Fairgrounds Rd. Pd 1-31 befnra I p . m. or S-05M after ( P.M. ' fTlCELY (urn. J rm. ant pvt. bath, clean, eomfnrtabla. 133 n u j.ioui T- - ii - - iiSSr rifrt." bu. by door. 14M Hlnea. Ph. I-7J30 fJoURT AFT -Haa "privata" k modern down town apu Irani to SSS. Ph. 1-7440. In uira Sat Court. . CLEAN t RM. APT. 754 8. 1JTH 1 BDRM. turn, apt, 3J. 1123 Croaa St, CLOSE amall turn. apt., utll.. irRN puflmM a7pt., tdulta IMS M. Capitol. Ph. I-S001. rBDRMlurn"apt.. utlL lura. S05.J374) ChwrntkaU fURN 3 RM. apt wttbbatK' Vacant tlh. S3S N. Summer. FURN.'l rm. bachelor apt 1225 ChemelUU. ' 3-7W4 ' lICE clean 3 rm. (round lloor apt.. waU furn.. Cloea in. pn 3-f7M. CAPITOL PLAZA I BDRM. UNWRN. I1M Chemehata St Ph S-M2S Dirge i rm. furn. apt close in so. ph. 4 3mi fcEWLY daeorated I bdrm mi- em (urn court ant fllf W a - ava a em. Ph. 4-af71 t-743 tNTURN I barm court ant fejnfa, rarrif auburb 2-2XO SM SAGINAW, nka'l rm. kilcb" anelle, heat or water (urn. TURN. 3 rm. apt. Adulta. IMS N. CapltoL Ph. CHOfCE. CLOSE LN 1 RM. UNFURN. YARD. J-K24. Lost in, claan, 4 rm. hath, l nitty rm.. far., bus. 2-S3I3 jM. lurnTpvt bath. UtlL pd' fat, avail. IMS Bute. FTlM lurnTapU prtv. bath k . ant. Suitable tor apl. 1113 Mill CLEAN 3-rm. front apt. Ground fir. ralrlf, atova i utllltiaa turn., pi iv. hath. Ph. 3-714. ambassador apts Nicely Furn. Apts. 550 N. Summer fl Mem fura court anta All utll furn Weeal or monthly .ratal pit , J-S12? j I UK), rm Ant. furn . clora to Capitol bldt. Ph. , 4-I72S or l-3i alter p.m. MALL Attractive turn. apt. s 341 M, 12th. fURNlSHED clean 1 bdrm. prl- r wto, elo ta. 130 Mlaalon. .M CLOSE IN north 1 rm. . lunv apt... all utUlttea turn ' except fat. lnq. at Apt 1 In raar oT 4 M. Liberty. Ph. 3-MM. rMODERN aot. orlvata bath. 3.1 and up. Call 4-3213 lor ,, appointment beforf I jo a m. or altar 1:3 p.m. EbDE RN I rm. apt 14M Chtc ' meketa. 4-327S. fRM. ntlE, lurn. pvt bath, t ent, refrlf. T3 B.1?tb Adulta. CLEAN Mm. 3 rm. Phv. bath ant 337. to. Ill N. Com'l, tTrm. lum. Ground iloor. Pvt. entrance. Near Capitol Bldft. 4 Mill. FURNISHED 1 Mrm. court apt, very nice. 15. 1M1 N Church. Ph. 4-4K7I : or J-M iPACTfljjS UWFBRNISHieb 4- rm. A'aeta Anartment 1140 ,, South JJth. Street, 2-7000. 706 Duploo 1ST FLOOR furn. I bdrm. extra bed. T V ant Bendlx. nil heat, farafe, 7J. 1284 Court. Ph. 2-24. LEAN nicely lurnlahed 2 bdrm. duplex. TV antenna Ph. 4-4MI0 after l FBDRM. unlnm, clean, jrard, jar. Ph-3253 4 BDRM furrt duplex-" 1480 Court. ITS mo. Ph. 3-M.T4 - HRMS7luni., ISO 740 (Jftlvar attji. PtJ-4nr er-734L btJPLFX apt. larfe BR. excel lent kitchen k bath, larfe Itv. rm. Drleo forced air heat, In side utility nerr lslle school. ' Modern & quite now MO. Ph t-Hxst. - NEW I bdrm. unlurn. Birch kit 5 ' n 4-55f' CTonvisI . .11 .lu 1 Krfam Lealiea,Buati School: Carafe. Inquire 1310 Breyman St. - itEDEC. nice upper 2-bdrm. flat, Elec. ranee ref. Pref adults 1144 B. 113th. ; ITrooM unfurn flat f block , , , P.O. tnq. (M Ferry. outos For Rent : t Bdrm. houae KM. Ph. 4-0307. PARTLY fun. Us bdrm. houae'. farden. S.Jiub Ph.l-7307. iTEALNICE: all elec. wranfe k refrlf I bdrm duplex. Ve netian. Hardwood firs. Inside Utll., farafe. 170. lnq. 353 , Ti?ot Ph. L 1-7104. 1 Bdrm. houae N. suburban W5 mo. Also shop on N. Com'l., 14'xM', suitable tor money, buses. 124 rno. Ph. 1-0481. CLIiAN turn. l' bdrm. hae.all elec, bus by door, clote In, 4!-4314. WEST Salem 1 bdrm. house ill sale nr rent. Ph. 4 MM. 1 Adrm. hmisas. range w I- Miliar. ' MODERN I bdrm. house, clns . In 8., with or without stove k refrlg. 148 E. Owens. MM. OLDER"l bdrm. unf. N7Near bus. atora k achool Want da pendabla fainlly. M.J-a603. I Mrm. modern home rnrnace beaL Avail. June 1. After 7 pnt. l-t4M or Barber Shop, , 17h k Market. r"Bdrm. ha, on Jarrls St., fulf - bsmt. Oh mart k Calaba Rltr jTinn. North - :n so "I BDHrxiupftxrTmsT iri I PDR. East. Elc rang t.M I PDR. 4-Plx. Rang. rfrlf. V t FDR. Eaat. Rang, relrl. M5 ' RM. furn. tspatoln apt. 145 I RM. furn. fround fl. apt. IS 1 CenteY 81. Rtalty Rantal 8rvl 174 CntT, 4-M3I, Eva 1-7111 tBDRM'. ha, on N. CotUf. full bamt Ob mart Claba Rllrl. Ph. t-ailS. LARGE I bdrm. unfurn. haH , gar.. watr.l7 Market. BDRM. huusr aeat. rlaan. near Paulua Canntry. $M. Ph. a -4m. ave I-M.T. ' !rr RMS. "cabins" nartly lum. 7 t Phy: ' . . . itbrcTt M'rin.uhftirn."dupiex. with garage, cicaa In. Call .-.1-1101.. . - v.v .. Salem, Ore., Sat., May 700 Rentali 707 Houses For Rent I BDRM, If. carpeted llv. rm., lurnac. Youngslown Kit., range ii rerig , (OA. Center St. Really, 174i Onttr. Ph. 4-Ml, avt. i-wa. SUUURBAN. small ' redecorated. 1 bdrm. house, large yard, for mall family t7 M or Mil f.'xio down, (ur M.auo. SMALL 1 bdrm. house, newly paintcd. garage, M.Ph. f" BDRM. far. water lurnT ftt JCloaa In. 4-40U. UNTURN. 1 bdrm. hou. South. Mil ft clean. 129 South VIw Pile J-HDRM mod. home with I acre for rent, furn, 175. Unfurn, 15a. See at 2401 Evergreen Ph. eve. 4-T.t. Nelson's Rentals We need rentali. large or smalt. furnished or unfurnlthed. Cli ent! walling. Reasonable rstes. Nlr ' bedrm. unfurn court. MJ 4 badrm. unfurn N. 170 IVery nice 1 bedrm. studio apt. a?a."M"Ml U - ,0V ; i fcc-lfm. furn, ant. Ml ! Bedrm unfurn. apt. outdoor ' .. .' Very r.lre downtown upitalri apt. e"0 Lower flat, fond location. 1 bedrm., completely furn. 481 1 tmull hiei. ill e t bedrm.. lie lot. HI NELSON k NELSON, Rtn . I WO S. Commercial Ph 2-3m nr I 4-StiU ave. DOROTHY DEAL. TRAILER apace 110 per mo No peta. Ph. 2-8H84, 1740 Ox ford. I SMALLrear of lot houe Oil i heat, farafe, water free. hdH block to bin and Miopplnf Adulta .mly. Elderly or re tired couple preferred. 40. Ph. 2-7110 orjl-:S4 AVAILABLE JUNEift I Rm. houne utll , farafe, very mca, aoultl. no pell, inquire 90 Tiiompaon Ave rrDRMS.rcleanTsdn "PhTl-fSII 2no Eairfrnundx Rd l-BDRM houa wfxrafe, atove fr refrlf. Y13t Allen Court Ph. 4-50.H. CLEAN unfurn. I', hdrmir far. MW. Salem 3-7?rr. MODERN S-room" houe. rf Ifth SL Ph J-M37. SMALL clean unfurn houie, J4 per mo. Ph. 3-3793. GARDEKTapotri bdrm. duplex, very neat ft clean. US JO. Ph. 4-1 DM or 4-3712. 3 CDRM homo, 111 mo. at Tur ner. Cheler Stewart Turner. Ph. 2S1X. REYS COVRT Available July lit. Nice 1 hdrm unlurn. houre Mut br aee" o be aopreclntrd. M. an tireya Ava. ColUee fur Rent 673 N. COM L. FAIRMOUNT HILL: 4 bdrm. KM. Ph, 3-155 CLEAN 1 bdrm. furn. house, fa rafe, aauits, no pets. Ph. 4-SIM. T07-9 Fiirniihed Houses 3 Blrm. mod. avh hrnutlful !c vlcw. IrpL Otr. Ph. 2-1127. 1 l;dnn. hou", firaphce. oil hcjit, bsner.ic-t t "rrafe. Cou-1 pie smith. (UE. 2-BSD4 i CLEAN 3 bdrm. houae. Garden! lnq. C. E. Andre, n 4SW N Lanct1er. Ph. 4-2043. CLEAN bdrmTltae. Serio ap- preciata. vail 4-7034. 3 RM. furn. cottafe. yarTlenced. 2-0618. IMS Ulway Ave. CLEAN I bdrm,. lum. house, most utilities pd. W. Salem. Hi too. Ph. 3-0404. 3 BDRM. duplex furnished 350 wlth farafe. 104 Broadway. 3 ROOM furnished farafe houae. . Water furnished Adulta, no Beta, lnquir 3421 Claude. Ph. 2-5531. WALKING dist. So., furn. houae. 2-4T7H. 1 bdrm. l-BDRM. complately furn.. ine water and farbaee. (50. No pets. Ph. 2-MU. 1740 Oxford. 7 09 Wonted to Rent FAMILY of S desires 2 bdrm. turn, or unlurn. P. 0. Box 131. Salem. , 710 Wanted to Rent Hiei WANTED 3 or 4 bdrm. hoi'te In or around S.ilem. pii 2-6712 BV June 15th, teacher desires 2 bdrm lorn, home for sum mer. Prefer south. Excellent care. Ph. 4-721 or 4-7307. WANT 2 or .1 bdrm. houre. vi cinity of Sjlem Heifhlt School by June 1st. 2-4084 alter 6. NEED by June I. 4-hdrm. home. 1 preferably wbsm t. Ph. 2-7472 BY JULY 1. 3 hdrm house with htmt. heat. Bush snh. district. Ph. 4-5195. PROFESSIONAL man now resl dent detlrea 2 or 3 hdrm house nesr S Salem Hifh. Ph 3- 3175 f-5 3-.T6'n eve WANT 3 bdrm house unfurn 180 to 7S mo. State woiker. epernx by June 1st. Call 4- 5878 RENT nr leate. .1 bedroom with j or more acres. Phone 2-5771. ' , J i 2Wofit to Rent Aptt. . RET1RFD Cntinle want lit floor Apt. Ph. 3-5052 714 Business Rentoli I.GE. fireproof office K ware--house or shop. Located nn S 13th St. 4-302 or 3-4642 , STORE ROOM for rent W3 N lllhPh 4-5351 fitJwN 'own office space, store rmi A warehouse 3-4114 718Convolecent Homes EI.DEREST Nurstn Home Pri vate rooms available. 26.70 N 1 Church. 2-0616. ! t O 1 1 A G E CONV Al-ESI EN I HOME 2S? N Collaee 3-7020 780 Moving t Srorogt LESTER DeLAPP iT.VAM VAN! T .IMP'S: avj ' i ai uin LOCAL OR NATION WIDE Movinjr i: Storage PH. M7S0 OR 3 4066 LOW TOST storage H L Stiff JS A''"5 s-srnn-r ..no..-. ...... Bj.r vomm.1 movma srrv.c f. - agents fo. REKINS N-llon Wide Movers Ph J3I31 - r- n n JWlUJ)) U U fiiJ ii V MAYFLOWER Moving and Storage fuel ons CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER 800 Hral Estate 801 iutineti Opportuw. APARTMKNT House, seven fur- pished apt" with small cottage In raar. Three niocaa rrooi fapltal Srioppina Center A IStata BtilMirns Annual rrnss Income, imm Total price or,l , lll.NO. CaU I-J2M ertBinl. i 19, '56 800 Real Estate 801 iutintti Opportuw. rOR SALE or trade groc. .tort k tin itatlon. 4 ftOO I. Lanraitar. Ph. 1-512$. MAJOR oil ro. will lease modern 2 bay service itatlon In down town Salem to qualified oper ator. Small Investment re. quired. Call Mr. Uelapnar, at 4-oiiwi avtmngs. BELL or trad cafeJbdrm house lor motri or apartment hnuw. 2-90H MODERN 7 unit Salem motel and home, self or consider trada lor small apt. houw rloae In. Wrlla Box ii Statesman-Journal. FOR LEASE near completion new drive-In restaurant with trafflr count. Some equipment. Box 12 Statesman-Journal. WIDOW will leaw. aell or take partner In fnlnf rafa In Ml Angel Cash or term to re rwnslble party. Pat'i Cafe. Green fl. , 80f8uiinc Property , LC.E. fireproof office k .- home nr xhop. Located on S. 1.1th St, 4-3flu2 or J-4M2. VALUAMLE PROPERTY: A larfe buildlnf k 2 loll, cen trally located, a food builntii alta Ph. 2-40 or 3-4434. 803 Suburban ; 4 Bdrm.. neatly S acrea. aouth. Good well pavement. Sell all or part. 4-I11J. , BY OWNER, 2 acre on Dallaa Hwy near .chmil, bui service, tea iv new 3 bdrm. home. I', batn. attached dhle farafe. hiriiy orcoaid. chicken hie. IIS.iM. fnud term. MM Dal lai Hd I'h. 4-3116. 806 Houses For Sole GENEROUS ROOM SIZES This nrtf th ret brdrnom horn wilt Imorw you with Hi room tl.ei, iti tirge hallwnv, ' irpnratf din inn room, plui kit chen nonk. Alio tt hag formtrs rounlff topi in the kltrhfn no mam bnthronm, attrartlvt rorner fireplace, allowtni srv rral room rranirtment, plan 1rcd double farajjf la place for children In the winter,. Pi but hi and separate utili ty room. 1-ocated In a desir able arra with paved street and curbs, sidewalks and street lifhti. Termi to tult most anyone. 3 bedroom's. 3 years old, needs lome inside finlihlnf but what h&s been done to far it done rifht. Hardwood floors, linoltum in kitchen and bsth Ithe bathroom is complete I. Full price 15250 plus ttreet atsestment of about II. WOO. Trailer House Wanted In traut on your rholre of ev ersl 2 and ? brdmnm home ffi.W 'o )7m rown Ya ' F'fil p or-: P.fb Rtfpvi-i 3-3513. or Wca Ceiir J-3MI Ron Jones, Realtor PHONE 44454 11135 Falrfrounds Road MODEAN 2 Ddrm. fop condik t Ion, I A. Variety fruit, cloae in, room lor children, a pony or to build. Priced lor quick tale. Ph. Woodburn 2-4139 FOR SALE: Mod. 3 bdrm. home, lot XalxfJ', walnuts 4i cher ries, just outside city limits. Buy equity take over loan at 4a Interest. Ph. 4-4309. BY Owner. 3 bedroom hse- l'i yr. old. fireplace. Inside utll- ity. oil furnace, mninf room. I brfst nook. Go FHA-GI. lo cated Rinfrwood.Ph. 4-38J7. LOW down payment: 2 bdrm. : house on '3 a anso rrumand. 1 Terms. Call before noon week- 1 dayt 4-8851. Weekends 4-8152. I fw,ni,ii - - r. , - 1 2 BDRM. house. West Salem. I Bus Centra. Estate. J2TO0 ' CASH STULLEIl, Hltr , or 4-5782. 2-5557 ' I Close In on Wallace Rd Sna- clous lawn with trees, taste fully InnoscapcO. concrete patlu, view, w-to-w. carpet ing, drapes, living room, din ing room, insulated weather stripped, Z ndrms A real bar fain, reduced to t'lflafl Own ers movmf to Portland. Call 4-64111 MODr;HN 2 bdrm. hse , out Wsl- laic Rd A, cround. sm.ill down pavm't, bslance like rent. Ph. 4-8(102. 4 BDRM. home, trade equity for Isle pickup or cash. Ph. 1 4-W175 IN TUaNER7Mod"e7rTV bdrm. ' furnished. Tool shop, garden, lawn, (lowers A shruht. 1 Fenced lot Ml' bv 100' Leav ing stale A steal at (1800. PO Box 2.13 Turner. Ore FOR SALE: All mrnT'f bdrm 1 hoiwe. w 2 extra lots. Ph 3-7018, 3 BEDROOM home, landtcaned fruit nut trees 'j acre, four corners. 111.000 I'h. 3-88j. I.V-1 DN . $60 mo 2 bdrm . cor ner lot S. In Candelarla. bus Irmw street 3 hlks to school Full price 7..'W Call 4-3105 alter 5 wk day. , , FOR SAIK by owner 2 hdrm house on 150 Kenwood Ave Ph 4-0461 BY OWNER : "A rcai bargain. 2 , houses on une lot-live in one . anil rent the other larae bous ;i hedroomn with up stairs partly finished Small home 4 rooms, rented for It. 17 !U) mo Rott. for 98.5(H) IfiJU S l.irM-rt St or jut Kalph Mapef Molulgaii Stattixi i liir.i S Commercial. 1 NFW :t bdrm home close to I W,!hinwtnn Sch. Birch kit frpl. iruide uttl. KathJei n i Si I'H Z-.KtKS SCBURBAN citv t,rt'er j at tp Rut It i Ilnuhle garace. tanriM'anrii one i mail, wlrrd snd phiiMhcd for w.ihcr & dryer L'hiilv nil., two bcilluonis- to downtown .ilcn Sh" M!'',nk," V.s.S."" - Or FN DAILY 257S Wnoddale In j N'ORTIKiATK ADDITION i:i!tisi his . t'ornanfl nn turn r. , Bv hullder 3-hdrm I', I bath-, dhle garage dining rm . ,Ai;sn j.Mm K ,3mlr room , -,5 Woodd,, ph MO'lKHS 3-hd.m home. K.M5. e"1 d'.wn. terms on down pay- ' I RVING state June 1st. Will $t:(!0 down, tenns on down pay sell rgi.it' In 1 r. old 3 bdrm house lor 7iw. 4-lMi. ; SF.K THIS charming spacious j iMlrm. horn. 375 Mission. Car peted up k down. 1 fireplaces, beautifully landacaped. rc- duced to $IJ,S0 Ph. MUSI 1 PDR MS . 1', baths birch1 kitchen with dishwasher k dls- : pre,. I fuep! in large living rrr I.rg utility I yrs old . Owner transferied. IIS.?0 p ' FOR SAI t. by owner: 3 bdrm home, la . hv rm .' rim rm kitfhen k utility room wired for ra. fe k dryer, auto oil furnace, no far low down psjmant. 1-440. I 800 Real Estate 806 Houses For Sola CANDALARIA RPECIAL 14 M0 Built by builder lor hli i own throughout, bpacmut home with iepiraie iuxk nminj room. Tile bjlh, I bdrmi, ll'.xl.l Ji 12x13 Wnnderlul dry bamt vuh flnlnhed pjrtr room uultahle (or ,uet room), Inrfe workanop area. Excellent view Buildtr needa money for builni Doenn't expect profit ' Ix cellent value at I14.IKKI ('ill CHANT BOWDFR . Eve 4-::wi, Office 4-.WSH. II no answer 1-WS4. liMi ralrffrounda ltd Days 4-HB4, Eve, 3-WM COLBATH'S BUYS THE REWARD OF PATIENCE IS IN THIS PROPERTY Wind - Inf. babblinf brook, tall hade tract, font bridges, frand picnic ipot in your own EvcH yard Lovely farden all pl.n'ed 24-ft. Ilvmf k dinlnf roomi, family kitchen with eatlnf area. 2 bdrmi. ic den (or 3rd bdrm I. Oil fur nace, attached f.irafe. NOT A MANSION, but food com fortable llvlnf Located South. Price only W790. GOOD TERMS. C ALL MRS. WrH.I.S, DAYS 4-44U4. Evet. 2-37.11. 'Jtt ACKKh 13 A clear. 7 A. In itrawber riea that will yield a food in coiiie tins ytar. 4 oedioom home 2 mile from Silver I'll" ,,lr,wb,rrv c'n1'" the valley If you like nice tecluded ipot with In come ihli It It. Price only 37500 TERMS CALL JOHN ALLISON. Day! 4-4404, Eva. 4-SK7 THE TENDER TRAP ANY WOMAN CAN TRAP HER HUSBAND into buvlnf thu wonderful new horre. Here'! ! why '''Spacious rancher. 3 bdrmt . 2-car farafe, latfe corner Int. bath k half, fire place, oil heat REASON ABLE AT 112.000 GOOD TERMS CALL T. T ANDFH- SON. Davi 4-444. eve. 4-2714 HOPPER!!! ! una tm vniiD rm -- i.e. ' to o tee thlt 2-bdrm. home out in the Eatt Mnreland Addi tinn. Hat Pullman type kit chen, nice hvlnf room with fireplace, and an extra room suitable for an office. It 'a all Intulated & weather iMp ped BF'ST OF ALL TltE PRICE IS ONLY I10.W0. CALL TOM FAGAN. dayi 4-44M, Eva 4-:14, REALTORS 517 Court St. Dial 4-4404 Furn. House k 2 Lots PH. 3-7018 BY OWNER fl 500 dn total ! price 112.000 2 new 3 bdrm homet. included are I1? baths ' playroom hlrch kit wdlnlnt a-ea. front rm wlrpl all dcud firs . I A nil he -t rthl y.' W'pjilln. lot tire 8?-lln city walcr l.oars arc on houtct move ri:M in House, are I hlk out of citv limits North .1.125 Mavfield Plare A 215 Wllshlre Drive. Sea any time or ph 2-09:13 BY BUILDER NF.W 1 bdrm noma neat S Salem schools k park 2-7071 4 RENTALS. Income 1140 do terms or small house si part payment, priced at 17.1)00 00. 2 bedroom house and rental. In town, both rented at 175.00. thla is a nice place lor a small Investment. 15.000 00 CALL OSCAR Sederstrom, day 3-M20 nlfht 1-5219 nni r.(.( . t npal r-sl" JOBS Liberty Rd. Salem - - "' uowrv; win nelp finance on- pymi. 10 responsinie parly. 3 yr old. full basm't F A. furn. WW carpets, drapes, 2 bdrm . If. lot. Ph. 4-1488. 'BY OWNER Will trade equltv In house 5240 Sunnvsirie Rd for trailer house Balance nn home (4.000 at fco 11,0. See anytime or Ph. 2-0113:1. OWNER: 3 bdrm Itv rm . din rm , frpl , htm t. Dish washer, carpeting 246 E. Superior then Ph. 2-4567. 111.300. MH UWNEH' Glen Voodr will pay top price for vour furn A- annllances Ph 3-5110 ' 14.500 for this l'i bdrm house , Attractive Interior extra lot ; 1173 8th St Ph 4-5270 j 3 BDRM. home on A., food out hlrigs.. 6" well, close to) s-h Price 117.500 by owner. I 3:i60 Walker Rd. WILL sell 11.700 equity In 2 bdrm. home, tSMI dn. or trade i for , ton MVH truck. 4-8214 NEW 2 bdrm. on Hansen Ave. H W. Heat, plastered far. Swedish frpl. unique price re- duced. IM.MA Ph. 4-9653. 4O0 DOWN, nice 2 bdrm . hdwd firs., sttrh. farafe Irfe. lot. ModernPh. 4-Ki68 4 P.DRM oider type house, re decorated, lot 90x105. Bush Park vour vard. Terms. Call 3-8470 or" 3-3741 BY OWNER Englewood dlst , near school Spacious 3-bdrm. horne. hv mi , frpl. din rm . hrk nonk h,m, y A fllr t,, y, 14-t ,7In i ' - , ' 2 EAMILY HOME 'Or rent, full daylight bsmt. ' pertv room firepl , kit k bath I'pstalrs 3 bdrms . den. glass p.itio, d:shw;iaher. wall- to-wall carpet A drapes 1 W BV Bl'ILDKR Sp.lclous 3-bdrm. ton quality ' Rrick, formica, tile Ph 2-7071 BY OWNER Solid 4 bdrms. hi ft dry h-m't . 2 full baths, fuel 15 mo FHA nr (.1 S MM) Ph 3-H43L HY OWNER. Mod suburban"! hdrm . hv rm . din. rm.. lrg. j kit wutllttv. lrg lot. patio -'frpl rnito ph J.nti.Kt t1.1.' w.rr. in nun na'rui, nin re- mote enough enloy country se clusion nios.om Dr.. walking dts msrkets . Itavsvllle schl. luoa -ah OHMART k CA l.ABA Ph 2-41 13 JOi HUTCHISON REALTOR it us solve vour home -iceds To Buy Sell or Rent Call t,h ,. ,n, sdgewa.ei Ph 4-7S74 -T7I0 o r nmm'l fOOL 1-RDRM. ACRE Delt-httul 3-bdrm or 2-hdrm, " HrT Tmnrty pirw tiett fvrr-f ii? L ( a nd llvirjj r urn wnn nrepiar spMiooi ivxu Riicnen .0 it. iroii'afe, fenced vard with wonderful garden mil Large variety of ihmha excel, lawn front fV rear Qvrir garage with overheaa itornge. COOL I Tully instated A weather itnpped Tint time a'fered Itl 500 Call CLIFF BOWDFR, Eve 3-MlVi. Otflra 4-33U4. jEii Days 4-MIM. E- e S-ttS IK) Fairgrounds Rd. IBM I 800 Real Estate 806 HoutM For Sal BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY -Owner win Mcrlflre thlt folni bul- nru that It and can te a monev-maker Salem't bett retail -n .1 h ,i l. a 1b n rnA iir-m n,.,Lal !,...-1 ... . .... , ih. V. . . . , , I ttreett. 1 he bif teaton It aimoat itartinf and tna owner hat f ' :d rontactt, Price includet builrliny two walk-In coolcrt, , iirc fixture! ton Chevrolet Van. Hnt food fround leaia Price 17.300. Call Mr. Hicka. 2-UDRM ( LOSE IN -Here t noma with lott of room, all the roomi are Uife and well arranfed Livinf rmnn. aepara'e din. ' inf room, nice' kitchen Well-bul" and neat and clean all Ihioufh, South Salem Hlfh Dittrict Thlt la a food buy lor thlt area at W.SM. Call Mia Uraha n HERE IS A FINE EARM Jutt ( ml let from Salem. M acret with 3b cultivated. Very nice ranch type 3 bdrm. home. I yrt. old. I bamt. 3 clitcken houtet. f.iod well and pump, alto tprlnf. Evervthlnf In A-l condition. A barfain at 1111,300. Call Fred DoerHer. VERY ATTRACTIVE 3-BDRM. EAST yrt old. Larfe llvlnf room with fireplace, a dream kitcnen with 'lotdt of built ln. hreakfatt nook, double faraae. larfa lot Will cnniirier trtde for tmaller houie. Priced 110 950. Call Mr. Vander- vort ROY TODD. REAL ESTATE tilt Sttte St Ph 2-I3A1 Eve call- vlrt Graham 4-4741; Vandervnrt 4-7B02: Hlckt 4-4H.10, DeSertno 3-S09J; Doerller 2-37M; Todd 2-1731. I III LEE OHMART UNDER THE TREES Summer it here and wa have lutt llt-d thit ip.ir lout 3 bedroom home with lota ol thade treet. Thla home htt every thing verv food loca tion, clote to tchnol. city vater extra larfe fa rafe with work thop double plumblnf nicelv -hnd'eaped yard Call Ralph Maddy for ap pointment to ee thlt at tractive property. LARGE FIVE BEDROOM HOME Thlt tturdy home hjt Just been condition The remodeled kitchen it especially appeannf ana include a new dlthnather 2 hedroomt down and 1 up a perfect tire for a laree family or for payinf fuestt and lo cated clote In near State St new forced air furnace Priced a', tli.tmv. and ready for your inspection Atk for Adrlenoe Sertombe. FARM Top frade Willamette tilt toil, V A. train. 7 A potalnet. i hut food uiahle hulldinf Buy now an narveti me crop. In a food Invettment Call Henry Torvend ' FOl'R BEDROOM HOME Clo-e In. basement nice lot paved allev lioonn Hae Don Doufhton thow you thlr food family home today ... EASY on inn verv aitractive 3 nearnom me lawn it in. lear arounn srnaii .iream m rri in i"i -kitchen hat all birch cabinets and handy location too only 110 950. See Louis Lnrenz. IF YOl'R HOME IS FOR : OHMART & CAUBA, REALTORS 477 Court St Phone 2-4115. 2-411B. 2-4117 Eve Ralph Maddy :-J488 Adrienne Sercombe 4-9ti2 Henry Torvcna 3-J632 Don Douchton 4-1414 Louit Loreni 3-35M). LAPGE FAMILY SAFE STREET Close to Bush's Pasture. J bedroomt. excellent condition, full bmt . fireplace, dhle f a refe, quiet nclf hborhood. Only $10 5(10 VIEW I.OTS-Ill ft frontafe, J.I Street WET S.M.EM BEt'i'V-2 bdl' 11)11 i::o. Th I'orne is in cade Dine Hle.'se do not di- SOLID BHICK FAMILY HOME -This lovelv home Just reduced. 2 fireplaces lovely f.innlv room. .1 bedrooms. Lifetime tile roof dble. farafe. Solid living no upkeep. WONDERFUL SCHOOL LOC ATION -both parochial and public Larfe 3 bedroom home on corner lot Nice batement with sawdust heat. All rooms are larfe. See this for 112 500. TO SELL YOUR) HOME Ts OUR ONLY BUSINESS Eve k Sun. Salesmen: Bon Cleary 3-9939 Ferrlt 2-0010. Joe Hlmmel 2-5122 1.14 SOUTH LIBERTY H&F McKILLOPS First time on market. s4 acres with fruit, trees snd eiird.n star:ed, two b-dtnnm home in i nice neighborhood. You will fall In love w:th this and only IB.2500O. LOW DOWN PAYMENT. 1500 will put vou in this big 2 bed room home has fireplace. Mvinf room, dining room, kit chen and bu utility w-w carpet, a bif lot. Tolal 18 500 00 CALL Dell Keebler. dav 3-8620. night 2-2612. McKILLOP REAL ESTATE .-! Liberty Rd , Salem N HOUSE Sat p m 1 tn 9 Sun 2 to 6 lleautlful Westridge Addition To very ni.ee .l-bdrm. no. lies, with quality, beauty At com tort. onl 4 i iinulps from downtown. FHA comrrltrnent, 1032 Redwood & 1064 Hem lot k. I1., mile out Wallace Rd K you hive seen the rest, then come A see the best Also 3-hdrm otrier hut verv clem. N ?lst Priced for quick sale I'h. 4-58'lH Hollywood District Near St. Vincent S hdrin In 1hjt fi-rooin home, ail (in one floor A 4-room, r-hri-'n ipai-t vv f tVi romplf 1e hath m bsml with nenaratp entrance that tan bf rented. Tuii-frt r,irctFi Cuff tti inn Short walk to shopDlnf cen ter Jut redured to $12,400 LJ. REALTORS Ph. 3-403.1 1745 C.rant SI C D. McCARGAR. RLTR. j INCOMF PROPERTY Splendid location. 9 rentlt plus own- er living quaiter: ctra , good returns nn investment Price ltd S00 Terms C.lll Rice eve 3-4HM srnnivisinN rnnpFiTY i A . close in, south Prii-e II -00(1 1710 down Call r-. f Faye Seal 4-3.181 JUST FOR TWO. A neat and ele.-in ft-vear-old 2-nrirm home; good location, south; ni.e livinjr roooi r.tooiv kit chen and dintng area 1 block io bus. close to C.indalarla shopping center and chools A real huv tor $1.3 fall Martha Thiescn eve 3-5197, 70 No H.n St Ph 4-441 For Sale or Trade 1 Bedroom Home xmtm oedroom with alli-tr a.tcnen cloxet living room bath. ure utility loom, (lass heat, srired (or wnsnrr k dry er1 Larue Ironl yard, acre Kelrer District has uwn well 12 M0 equtt trade lor S hed roo-n nome up to $10 "00 See at I5aa Alder St or Hh 4 9111 BY OWNER - 3 HOMES new 3 Dd r m ho me i . f i re n I dble g .Hal e hitch kit plas tered large lot etinted :nrrd re- 1 erms tirtrie-i Open noue dail-. See hlk N. ( 'erlake atnre on Wheat- land Rd BY OWVF.R 4 hdrm . frpl ., lrg fenced back n . new roof 4 bliu. Hoover Sch 7 9J0. 2-229 1 800 Real Estate 806 Houtet For Salt RUDY CALABA luted and It In tpic and ipnn 53 ACRES all In rrop Arret .trawberrlet, hal. pasture all irrirated Older TERMS nnme nenwona exieiinr nn SALE OR TRADE CALL IS (UK) M fl fronlaee :.7.VI Paved 1 s . forced nr Ilea'. (iort repair Drive bv nib renlen Kc In' H. Feck 3-5413, Roy PHONE 4-4471 iSfiflH S BEST Buys S0JTH SL'Bl'RBAN' Attractive 4-y"r-old home on pnvement, Mornmidf dist, Hdwd. floors Oil heat, in side utility. Attached carane. Finf vard. Priced under FHA apnrama at l&.VH) SUV) down will handle. Call Mr. Craw ford. Eve. Ph. 4-3020. AL ISAAK & CO. REALTORS 122 N. Church S Ph. 4-3,111 or 3-7fl20 5no DOWN or .vnur rar on this 5 yr old 2 bdrm. home, plas tered, in u la ted, oil furnace, auto, washer included Beau tiful vard. Completely fenced 4640 thorman Ph. 4-3824 TWO BEDROOM" home on ex tra lot. Entire place Jeiiced. quiet and secluded, lovely ard on Mill creek Ideal plate for gardening and outdoor liv ing. One block to bus and grocery. Near achon.. Ph , ; 3-B:16 ENGLISH STYLE 2 lovely full baths. 3 spacious bdrms. Full bsmt , with partv room. 2-car garage. Built like a ba'tleship, Deligh'fu , liv-n and in a style that I never grows old Fxcellent I better clas neighborhood ! $1ft00. Good term. Call ! CLIFF BOWDER, Eve. 3-995. : Office 4-3.194. ?l!.lil"i,N.M Ml KLUilLMllW Days LUM. Eve. 3-99.H ! IdfO Fairgrounds Rd i FOR SALE b.v owner, comfort j able home with income, close I in and in business zone, real huv at 16 0WI I'h. 3-6.'l.'tl. $500 DOWN CARDENKRS DELIGHT Home, newly r?tiecor.ied. extra ni tt .it iii rle.m I-.Trjte R.irage Dr. p well F'oultrv house all nn '3 ncre of Rond rich ?oil Onh 15 f50 Call 4-1671 day 01 ee STITKS REALTY MM CENTER Ph. 4-1671 ESTATE sale hy owner. Older house nn exrellent corner lot. naed street, sidewalks t- rurb Near bool, churrh & store Pn at door. f.TOon eanh. Call 2-elft5 nr see n lifM Elm St "$500 DOWN Bt'YS this 2-bdrm. home. Iare kitrhrn in'tde utthtv. ?-rr Tnragr. lemed ynrd large gar dm ipre Lot floxNI. Keirer Out Full price 17500 Worth every cent of it. ConMdrr so.ne tradf Fve Ph 4-717. Das 2-mm RAY DAVIS ED ! V KIN RKAL REALTOR iXi N HIGH ENGLEWOOD District 4 bdrma 2 batha, dining rm Hv rm j - - iec-tjun wahgr.- Ntaiy. dff o- J rated 7 vrs old Pn 4-27U3 j 3 BDRMS. PART TRADK " ' uivmg room t,rx24, firepl , din , rm . lovelv kit lte family ; rm wflrepl . fcitnt bar & stnois. den. 3 bdrms w'mass-, Ive closets A builtma. I'jl bath Ctil rm Sewing rm 1 dble gar w lot of huiltin ator-' age. auto oil furn Cnr. lot 90 1 IH2 htm stop Beaut nhrwha Patio fervid nck ard 121 tW Will tak hntir or ron ; up ti t:i Ph 4-r,lHt. , OVKI Y j hdr, m.,.rn hnmr lft(T n,. ,.,r Approx 1 . 1 k o, ft 'in me firenlare. hdC fit. covered hreerenaj, flO.WO. Owner ph J-7MIS. I BPM'V IfcitFt5-! ..Qil 800 Real Estate 806 House For Solo Just RiRht ! Tor the family who needt I ' bdrmt., teparate dinlnf room, j lulnf room with lln pltce, full tire burnt., F A oil heat, not too larfe lot and on a thady ttreet IniulMcd k weaiherttripped Hriced at IIO.KW. Call for appointment Creek Lot Shtd-d by oak treet In quiet neitribornood. clone tn. South. 1 riKima on one flour, btml. Also ilecpmr room in the btmt I'uk-like back yard Price .SO0. u. Realtor 1745 Grant St. PHONE 3 135 DAYS OR EVENINGS SUBURBAN Nhe et1inr hill view home 3-bdrm Full bsmt. Hit Int. all kindx fruit k berrlet. Owner helnf iranf ferrrd. Good buv. Price 114.100 See th. with Mrt Lamm Eve 3-7 1 PS SOUTH SALEM HIGH. Clean, cory and to cheery, a dream house for tome ona. Bif en- rlnterf vrri Patio RHr tee It toon Call'Mra. Lemm. 1 Eve. 3-7IUI. : Orepon Dovelopment r'nmnsinv ! V lllllilrtll V REALTOR I 318 N. Church Ph. 3-9238 REALTORS 1!W) Fairerotmdt Rd Ph 2-3351 ARE YOI' LOOKING for a J brlrm. home near school ind thopplns district? See this comfortable suburban home with lovelv kitchen and nook, lenarate dtninf room, h.nit ATSO mall rental Ownerl will ron-.lrier 2-hdrm. Enele wnod norne in trade TRADE vnur lot . north or eatt) In on thu CJCALITY 2-bdrm Enflcwood home: htnit : two firepl.ii-ps. sprinkllnf tvtem Property in best of condition throufhout. NOW l the time Aoprox 4 acres few -amulet drive from town j-brirm home: !are ' uorkshnp: dble faraee. Only 17950. E 7. terns. 4-RDnVI. 5-ycar-old. suburban i home. It's nice, rood value, I too. for 311.500. l'HA terms. Eve Ph. 4-732. 2-,W. 4-899 i 2 Choice Half Acres One for M.4.V) north H.n fruit. garden ihade tree, outdoor bdrhecue Neat 2-bdrm. home. One for V 950 south 2-bdrqp home with fireplace, sauduM ! furnace, bsmt. Excel. cord. I inside & out Call Clvde Foulk on these. Eve. 2-382. Nelson & Nelson i REALTORS 15r0 S. Commercial. Ph. 2-6fiJ WHY NOT MAKE SOME MONEY WHILE YOU SIT WAITING? IT you have a clear home or some lots. W, v not ti dde for income property that brings you in over $300 a mo . one block from state, hldgs Owner i leaving town This is t apt., & always rented ART MADS EN REALTY U2flStateSt. Ph. 3-5580 . 3-8 W5 OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 1 TO 5 2005 LAUREL INCOME 3 RENTALS Just 4 blocks from Meier t Frank store (ood income ; Would accept trade Call .Mrs. i Leavens, Eve. 3-4735. DAYLIGHT ! BASEMENT ! 3-bdrm , tip top condition 1 Nearly new Take offer on i ! dov p a m e n t Conirter trade on farm Call Carpen ter Eve 3-WS48. DELUXE TRAILER 3.1-ft Howard, l-bdrm traiteT house Completely furnished ; Excellent condition Trn el ' in stvle thii aumnter. Will trade on property or "ell. Call Carpenter, Eve. 3-66t8. ' HORSEMAN'S DELIGHT 10 acres, 3'j mtle(, good 3-bdrm with refrtferntor. ranpe ' oil heater. barn, machine , ihed irng.it mn equipment. Creek thro ih property Goird sili. good p.n'ure good feme; fi ice to i II Call Eastndge. Eve 3 L. E. Klumpp, Rltr. ' 3o-5 Portland Rd Ph 2-7642 FOR SALE bv owner. 3 bdrm f house 15 7(H1 6fK Wayne Man-! j hrm (garden, iatge corner lot. radiant heal, dmhwaher dble. garage plav room above FAMILY ROOM -"New 3 hdrm i ranch tle with 13x22 family rm , 1' bath, dhle garage., over siyed lot flOxlSO Good drainage Mountan Vew 44.14 Kurth Ave KM A Terms I4. noo Rnhert V Lnrenz Ph. 1 2-7704 m DOWN $50 month! fnil price ttlMU). J-hdri e.us home at t Coi nei n "me rep;iir-i and vard work Call at .''hi so Lanc.s-. tei Dr Hv Owner ONLY ONE Daylight Basement $500 Move in (J.I. kl INTEREST fk;i RK VOI R SAVING (IVKR 2.1 YEARS n,.i i,.i, ' ' '"illlMltl Out I.ilwrtv Rd I Rio, k Past; Browning to Uia Kfbt i (M & Kenyon 1 I 800 Real Estate 806 Houses For Sato ADD TO YOl'R SOCIAL SE- CURITY - 4 furnithed aptt in excellent rental dittrict, bnnginf I2H0 er mo. Bcauti- ful iunnd. plenty of room to build mure unitt. 1'erint can be arn.nfi-d CALL RON HUDKINS TOR PEACE & QUIETNESS aw;iy Iroiti the City on Notth j 35th Slreet New and tpac- inut 2 bdrm home with ill ine new ana uetirsoie lea- turet Dayllfht hatmt , built- In oven and counter ranfe In kitchen. Rear porch with acce.sa from din. rm. by plate flata illdinf door. Fiber rjaat Iniiulnted. Tlmken oil forced air furnace. Quality throufh out. View CALL J. E IW GRABKNH0RST i 1B0 S LIBERTY ST. Rvrninets Siuidnvi call Sitirsmen Rn Hudkin .1-11712 H K I.aymon Z-Sn Wlt Snrolnft-ky 3-M.il J E. Lw I L MORTGAGE LOANS FOR BUYING OR CONSTRUCTION J OR i'l'e 11 t'NIT PFRMANENT COl'RT erhrad. Tenantt pay own heat nnmnui to tell, will take In home at part price. fM.ouii (W. Hr,,i' Ru,u ,o Evi' ,h 4-17211. NEED 4 BDRMS'' Thin home 4 vn. old Clean Initile K- out food Im.illon farden planted ('io-e tun- tran., school III.JOO 00 full pi ice. for app t oil Dale K.iburn Eve Ph 2-i04i IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A SPACIOUS NEW HOME SUB E. let ul show you thu nice 4 bdim. Ife. llv, rm. with frpl . F A heat with almott I 500 q ft hv tpace Loc on extra Ife, It. Price onlv S12.5O0 0O or will contlder trade for lome lut. To see call R E. Gillespie Eve. ph 4-0!i44 JUST REDECORATED 4 BDRM picket fence Priced at fi SOO by callinf Chet Rawllnt. Eve. HOME WITH A VltW. $11.(150 00 Nerfrly new on a hill over took tn Ihe city Lovely view tl.ivtinn. heeiutiltil At niRlit Not of'fn nu rin buv i 3 bIrm view prop flt this price. Pft ler hurry. Call Dean Klarr Eve. ph. 2-7090. RAWLINS REALTY 605 CHEMEKETA STREET S.ilrm. Orepon Olfice Phone A-MIS WALKING DISTANCE TO STATE BI.DGS Lots ol room in this food older home :i bedrrr.s. liin ri.on.v lot near rhool & playgrounds. Jut rifht lor a jrowinf family. Pi ice lld.MiOOO Call Stearns Cushinf, eve. 2-5048 A REAL BUY: Very attractive 2 Dedrm. home. 6 yis. old. spotleas, Just like new. well ; worth nsktnf price and terms, . 18.950 00 $730 00 down, call 1 Edna Morfan. eve 4-B038 DRIVE BY M54 Hollywood Ave Stop K the owner will he Cciri 1.1 nov nti 'V ii'iel' Tl-is 4 bertnr, ill p'a'rr. ci hon e on acre of -r.,ui'i' r'ncid a' ji'iVuv If -nt-r.s.e.l call 1 Kerne for r 'i . . e-.e 2-IKI7C. MORTGAGE LOANS. rONSTRlTTIOV FIWNCING . V. KENT & CO. REALTORS 4VI N Church SATURDAY, SUNDAY, 2 TO 5 (IT iJll Can you buv over 1 400 sq ft. of spacious Ifving with T A beat, 2 lg fireplace;, 2 baths, beam ceilings, plastered, paneling, wallpaper 8' sliding glas wall to patio, s'orage room, dhle car-port. Paed st , close to shnppir.g. school. New dist. All this for Just $1000 dn. Full pt:ce. $14,000. Turn right at Keu er Sch , two biks. to Kened St. "BILL" DAYIES, BUILDER V7 Kcncd St . Th .1-WlTJ INDEPEaVDENCE FOR SALEM 4 bdrm , 2 down, 2 up Large kitchen, living and dining room. ! Good paint and rof Cit water .ind ewc: paved street, large lot, fruit and garden sp:ice 'lotil price $7 50n. Consider trade for small acreage Call Lucas Eve pn. 3-9.188 HI(jHLAND-ST. VINCENTS DISTRICT j Nearly new 2 bdrm. home that has large living room with attract ive firrplace Nice kitchen with dining area utility trsy and f dumbing lor .utomattc washer Near school and bus. Large ot Asking $9,750 Ask for Hicks. Eve ph. 3-6405. RAISE CHICKENS 2 ACRES-$500 DOWN Good 2 bdr"i home Includes furniture. Close tn N E. Paved street Large 25 x fi7 poultrv building Oarage Other build ing Immediate possession. Good buy. Call Johnson Eve. ph. 3-3858 REIMANN REAL ESTATE Ml South Huh Street Ph. 3-530:1 MS BEST BUyS 322 N. CIU'RCH ST. PHONE 4-3311 OR 3-7820 M0RNIXGSIDE District Lovely 3-harm home L.irt?e Ii ymi room. hkfit nook fii'-piace FA oil heat Tiled hith Att ajiaee Onlv 1 year nld Like new For iimv I I2,5ii0. Call Mr Craw- ford. Ee. Ph. 4-5020 EXQUISITE A beautiful 3-bdrm. hooie plii family room, fireplace. I hHth1; Bull' in dishwasher oven And stove On large lot in uperh area In beautiful tree setting Futt price fl!,V Call Wlt Jones Eve Ph 4-7H:2 CITY - COUNTRY ESTATE Elegance comfort and beautv Whi;e rolnnial residence snug gird among -ftatrlv fir trees on nearly an acre of '.and. Si v -eral fruit trees hollv tree, shi ubn. and a profusion of flower? 4 bdrms 2 full baths living room, dining room Library or mu'ic room, Large kitchon wi'h hklst nook Full bsmt At dble " gar.ice. I he property boarders the city limits All 117. .100. for quick sale tall Mr. Sword. 2-tMt APARTMENTS 1 anH well loc.ited near Dalla ntv center 2 preenttv rent at 1S and I at $20. Rent couln eatlv he nilseri About 7 vears old On 115x300 lot l.K KNSKD ALSO IN WASHINGTON AND IDAHO AL ISAAK & CO.. REALTORS Eeninai 4-5020 4-7IU2. 3-4X2.1. :-d 4-8131. 4-9'jJ3 U as asaww. Dial 4-324 800 Real Estate 806 Houso For Solo GOOD BUSINESS LOCATION . wo' on Pacific Hwv. J4f on Lancatter Drive clote to - larae developmentt. flfl.000. , CALL WALT SOCOLOESKY i EXCELLENT INVESTMENT ! BUY - f Unit retidentlal court. Brick conttruction -Good location. .VK monthly Income TOR DETAILS CALL H. K. LAYMON ! COOD INVESTMENT FOR RI- TIRED COUPLE 5 Unit apt home Real cbiae-in. Thti la truly an idea) tool lor tome one who wlihet to live In one apt. A rent 4 unltt. Cor ner lot walkinf dutance to town Income I37 per mo. CALL MRS RICHARDSON BROS., REALTORS PHONE 2-2471 Mrv Richardson 4-MM IN GOOD LOCATION Ixw OV- Income Sn44) 00 month Owner HOME. Sub N.. nice yard with (Ml You name the dn. payment ph 3-02.KI. WONDERFUL HOME JUST PUT ON THE MARKET : Lfe. LR . DH k Kit :i bedrim on mam floor All mahofany woodwork, lots of bullt-ins, IS eti plumblnf. full base ment w!ovelv party rm. Full b.ith a, bedrm. Extra rm. for hobby or workshop. Ideal lo - cation for all schools This beautiful home Is only J yrs old Shown by appt. onlv, $:; 500 00. Call Mr. Klgflns eve. 4-S4R4. I A WONDERFUL BUY: 80 Acres' onlv 10 miles to Salem Mod- ! ern 7 rm home, 2 chicken bnu-r. earnfe barn, 1 , small Ki.nn cro:i In buver Priced at .".,'nro Tall Mr. Leaven". vt-. j-i7.:.v Phone 4-22D.1 i WK SPECIALIZE IN TRADES Priced at the low of 18500. Terms (all Mr. Woodcock. Eve. I'h. 2-7I0IS. BEDROOMS Well built home in St Vincents and H.ghl.ind Dist Dining Hre.-t hnacK nur r irepiace. Full bfrnt with F A. oil fur nace Tiled bath. Hdwd fioois Bu. at door Full price onlv $10,500 Call N. G. Dan" lsaak. Eve. Ph. 4-9953. QUIT WISHING C'nen. m and e this lovelv J hdrn home IJirge living lontn 1 1 2 bathii Dble aK. giriige F A. oil heat. Ex tremely well hut It home In lovely new subdivision. Mew beautv Pricfri at $lf! W0. Call N C, Dan" Uaak Eve. Ph 4-9053 20 ACRES Willamette silt soil. 9 miles NE Well drained Excellent for hemes Modern 2-bdrm 4- , ear-old home See this at i::t."50 $.1750 down will ha die Call Mr Crawford. Eve Ph. 4-5020 UITCIMFQQ VAtlTP .'vkm uwu &w- If you are Interested in a dairy products business, sea us im mediately. We have one of the mot popular businesses for sale tn the Valley. Locat ed In good Willamette Valley citv. All equipment In good condition Priced at IT) V:0 No phone Int irmatlon please Contact Mr W'ondrork Fve Ph 2-71IM in LiU Lb a 800 Resl Estate 806 Haustt For Sal 4 ACRE 10no DOWN Strateflc location near by-paa) interchanfa. Quick acreu to city. Surroundlnf country k Portland. Wonderful lar tree: Royal Anno cherrlea, 4 pear, I appla. beautiful wil low. Shruba falore. Good 3- year-old 2-bdrm. home with fireplace. Chicken houaa and Plenty of room for row. pift k farden 84M. flnno down. Call DON BELLINGER. Eva. 4- 0495. Office 4-n4. If 00 aniwer J-fKiM. tm Falrfroundi Rd. Dayl-aaMEva, S-HS4 HOUSE 38x10, full batement, well drained, tawduat furnace, hot, cold forced air, front, dinlnf, 2 bed r norm, H W. floort. kitchen, hall, bath, li noleum. 3 larfe roomi up atatra On paved atreet. , A4 well if deep. I" welded caf Inf. caraie 13x21'. M.6J0. Mil Sunnyvlew. 1 BDRM. houie. food location. run prico 12.000. 3-vvbi, 4-5991. Lots For Sol NICE vew lot, K&0 Down St Facet North wth both Eatt ft Wett vew. 100x200. Ph. 3-SluO alter I IN TURNER. 2 room hta., alec city water k lawns Soma) blrif. material. M' bv 120' lot. IK50. Alio adlolnlnf lots st fc-'OO each. Statesman-Journal Box 57 VIEW LOT: Relax In Klnfwood where everythlnf Is handy. Mafnlflcant view ol city. Wide frontafe. all citv facllltlee, price reasnnsble. Ph. 2-4500. LOT. 1375 S. Capitol. By owner. Ph. 4-1673. , ai e. a; . et iQlvJ rormt TOf 9010 (ft BI V OF THE YEAR Attention Datrvmman or Stocll man SEE ' TH1S-M0 A.. GOOD rolllnf loam Home 1st cls.ss bottom I borders BEAU TIFUL slresm, IRRIG.. pos sibilities unlimited i Deep well, springs. World of fraz Inf. mostly fenced sheep tifht Spacious older homo fireplace and 2 baths), amnio barns Val. loc. on main hl wsv., between 2 protperouf frowlnf VALLEY towns El derlv ladv selllnf at SAC RIFICE 124,900. Note-placo NOT fravelly or tteep. HIGGENBOTHAM REAL F.ST, 1 33,1 ist st . (Downtown.i Woodburn. Ph. 7711. Eve. 5151 "T: 1 bdrm house, barn. chek. house. nme berries, nut trees, for sale or trade for 2 bdrm. hous n Salem 't crop goes wth place Mrs. W O Moddemey er, 1 m N. of Hopewell store. Ph. Daton 12X8 BY pWNER-70 acre near Dal Li l'i acres Roval Anne Cher ries, Bun per ffun indicated, no frost damape Rest pasture A wooded. 3 room furnished house, good well, lots of wa ter The crop can pav lor n!ac nefoi lace this year. Price to well re June 110 Ph. 9-9!ii. THE H0MESELLERS C. D. McCARGAR, RLTR. 20 ACRES extra nice 4-bdrm. home: has sl.SOO worth of car petinff: t beautiful lawn. S chicken houses; ona 12x50; nna 21x70, large barn and other hldgs. 7 acres walnuts; fam ily orchard; Irrigation equip. This place Is bordered br ntca new homes on two sides It has a very good potential In come: included In price if all farm equipment. incl. Ferguson tractor and acces sories, full price M4.000 $. ODO down; 1 1 000 per year plul 5','"r Int. Consider nice noma in Salem, in trade Call Frank Tullius. Eve. 4-SOM. 70: No High SI Ph. 4-4441 FOR SALE 4 acre & walnuti In Kel7er. Can he bought oil terms. Ph,- 2-M.W. F1VF ACRF.S-JutoffLancas ter with nice 2-bdrm. noma, witn jnfinished attic, insida utility good barn II0.SH0 LAWRKNCE RKAL KSTATE 422 S. !IIGH PHONE 2-404 33 A farm. 2,1 A. in cultivation, 2 A. of strawberries, 2 A. cane berries. 2 springs, fair 3 bedroom home, no bsth lust a path. For sale $7MXV each. John Alluon. I'h. 4-4494 Eva. 4-!r.27. OR TRADE I'j A , 3 bdrmT mod. he . plastered, frpl.. gravity water system, spring water. No Sat rall Arthur War nock Rt. 1. Box .111. Salem. 812 Exch. Real Eitof TRADE WANTED A "Mama k Papa" store thas is making money. In a very busy rural area. Owners will take nice house tn Salem aa part navment. C.F.ARIN k CO. Tsealtors. Newberf. Ora. TRADE FACTS Our clients are a couple with newer ranch style .l-bdrm. home on j acre Too much houe and around for he!f needs Thev want a small 2 bdrm house in which thepa Is a JS750 equity Take ad vantage of this opportunity to give your family more room. For details call 7-S.97I day or C. S JACOBSEN, REALTOR I'h. 2-6J78. 7IH Brenneji Center WILL SK1.L or trade for Salem property. Myrtle Creek Doug las County home, nearly new 2 bdrm., k party no. Call Keebler. Ph 2-2612 evenings. Days 3-RS20, BY OWNER S uiJt aptTliousai clne in sala-trade. 4-316.1. 8lT"R"eMftProprty ' 2 BF.DROOM house 2 acres bot tom land, Salmon Rlvei Sur faced road, electric. ly, creek op place. tlSoflnO terms to suit. Robin Reed. Delakr Oregon. 850 Automotive 852 Used Cort For Sol M PLY. 4 dr Belvedere Exc. Condilion 105SJ7th. 2-S42H '31 CHEV-dual carb. See" to apprec. Ph. 4-JOtxl 554 Trucks, Trail, for tela 1 HM DO DC, E r ou ta van. E x eel - new. Priced to sell. Call 4-7701 evenings. 41 PICKUP, FORD 1650 BOONE RD. DODGE P, ton flat bed truck, good motor A- tires, nas tock rack f400. 600 Jef ferson St Dallas. FOR "SALE light 2 "wheVf trailer. 1(137 Park Ave 52 CHEVY 1, ton "truck? StoTlt k grain box Very rlean Low milage. Can be seen at 772 Illinois St. 2 WHFFL trailers $25 A up. or, fir. ml No. ot Brooks. Ph. 1-0 M.