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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 19, 1956)
i 400 Agriculture 402 Uwtotk for Sola R. B. BAR CORRAI.LB Hor hrk riding and riding lessons, by appointment only. Alio horse pasture and boarding facilities. 4-1077 or 4-4113. morning! or evenings. PROFESSION AtThorMihonT U Hanson, 4-0134 or 4-9003 Salem Meat Co. lockr beef Custom klllinf. cutting It wrap ping, trailer loaned fre FOR SALE or tradt. gentle ponle (or children, alto good addle horses Bob Frank. .101 N Water It.. SUverton. Ph 3-6134. SADDLES. 4 new. used, 2 really good Junlora, 129. to 1131. 3371 SllyertonRd. FOR SALE ahcrdeen angui rowi Iwith. raid heller and bulla. A C Ranrh I mllea east on Ablqua Road. Rt. 1, Box 904 8llverton. 403 Livestock Wanted CATTLE buver. A. F Sommer, 1230 HarmonyDr.Ph. 4-0067 CATTLE Du vers 4297 Stat7 1 H. Snethen. 2-1343. 2-4330 WILL TRADE 1947 Fordforbeef cow and calfPh 2-lllf. LIVESTOCK ouyer Claude Ed wardi. Rl. 3. Box 899E. 4-11 13 CATTLE, horses, at vour farm. E. C. MeCandllsh. Rt 2. 3-9189 404 Poultry end Robbitt Live Fryer 2'j to 4 lb. Your rhnlc. 1. 1353Alder or ph. 4-7747. JAMESWAY automatie feeders, waterers, hanging feeders. Your Jametway heariquartersi VALLEY FARM STORE CUSTONf DRESSING Of poultry. We buy rabbits. Wing s. 3M3 State. Ph. 4-3911 BABY CHICKS. 16c straight run. choice of Parmenters. New Hamps.. Whit Rocks and Leg horns Special New Hamp and White Rock pullets. 19c. Par menter red rooster, 6r VALLEY FARM STORE Ph 4-4624 Salem 408 Pets PUREBRED pups. Shetland sheep dogs, (Toy Collie i Blind Son... Residential N. of Admin istration Building. COCKER puppies to give away. Ph. 4-7720. BOSTON Terrier, male, loves rhildren.4-941S. TO-GIVE" AWAY Male Toy Collie pup. Ph. 3-4202. 3445 Adams St. PEACOCKS. $10 each. Robert Loucks. out Wallace Rd. on .T0:ki River Bend Rd. CHIHUAHUA- reg. corkers. Fox terrlors. Reai. Ph. 2-1248 W ANTED good homes by 3 male kittens. Ph. 4-0423 COON hound, part Labrador. 8 mo. old male to give away, ; house broken, rh. i-uww. MOORE PETS Siamese kittens, tame monkey. 40nt State. YOUNG parakeets, cage feed Mickey's. 3823 S Com. 3 2733 BIRD Paradli for Nrd. eages Supplies 3180 Livingston 1-1R42 FOR SALE Puppies, all kind Come see sflernoons Rt 3."S33 Livingston or call 2-79B9 Will huy puppies any kind. RsrePARAKEETS-Nnrmai 245 W. Browning Ph 2-2097. 410 Seeds and Plants Closing Out Fuchsias, bedding plants. Ivy geraniums, cabbage plants. OPEN SUNDAYS DUNCAN GREFN HOUSE 39M N Bivtr Rd. EGAN GARDENS Blooming summer dahlins. tu berous begonnlas. Garden chrysanthemums. 6 ml. N. of Keuer Sch. On Salem-St. Paul Rd PLANTS: PrTchard! Victor Marglof. Tomato plants. Cab bage. Peppers It Dwarf Dah lias 4085 Mahrt Ave. 4 Corn ers!. Ph. 3-3004 PAINTED daisies single, douhle A some named Other pereni als. Meier s, 3173 Evergreen at Silv. Rd RKIONIAS t.iO N 24th. started buihs SFE A. Plant for complete line of quality beddina plants at reas. prices Hanging baskets Fuchsias. 12 98. also garden supplies A Plant Greenhouses 1208 S. 13th. Ph. 3-4670. Open 7 days week or eve. Gl.AD bulbs 50 for II Middle Grov Nursery. 4920 SUverton Rd FUCHSIAS 25c. named varieties cf hanging ft uprights, Fuch sia baskets 8.7 to 83 .V). Toma toes. 30c doz . carnations band- ' SIDE draperies lined, floral pat ed 81 dor . Everereen Araleas tern grey background. 2 pr 50c. Geraniums. Zonal. Martha 48" wide, 84" long. Like new Wash.. Dansies. 50c dor. Rho- ' Reasonable Ph. 4-7094. dndendrons 32 25 up. Other bedding plants. Lnwery's Greenhouse 2V5 Chrmawa Road Open Sun. It eve FI CHSIA BASKETS l.jrse & small, all blooming. 40 nlf Dahlia Rreen plants. Boxed growing tubers, Cita lngue price Heizonias. Copleys Gardens. 2fifi5 Chemaws. BLOOMING AI'.AI.EAS ' Fuch" sias. Camellias. Rhodos. It ev ergreen shrubs. Warines Nurs ery. Drue S on 12th St. mile pas! Morningside School Turn ngh. at Oakhlll Ave. MULCH 1 Prt with mushroom fertilizer Fine for mulch. Ph 2-0331 SEED potatoes Al Ped. 32.10 Portland Rd Ph. 4-4078. , PRIMROSES peppers. Hybrid 1 tomatoes. 723 W Salem Heights ! Ace i WANT AD "WE ONLY HAD A TWO-CUP POT, AND I SAW A CLASSIFIED AD THAT READ. 'ARMY SURPLUS C0F FEEMAKERS, COMPANY SIZE'.!' 40Q. Agriculture 410 Seeds and Plants FLOWER It vegetable plant Bulk pack seeds. Valley Farm Store. GERANIUMS, fuschila, tub. be gonias 311. Glad bulbs 3 dot ft. Fuchsia baskets 13. Mer rills Greenhouse. Brooks. GERANIUMS, Pink Sensation delphiniums, young Russell Lupines. Astllbes, som ehry santhemums ready now BIcks,2270JChemawa Rd. FUCHSIAS It Ivy Geraniums, bankets In bloom, also Dahlia bulbs. Wards Gardens. 438(1 Cherry Ave. MILOGRANITF, ferUllefT-S-'tem's only dealer other gar den supplies, large selection of our choir bedding plants. Open eves., closed Sun. Pem berton's Flower Shop It Green houses IMP S. 12th. TOP QUALITY plants for less at Middle Grove Nursery 4920 SUverton Rd. W give S H Green Stamps. PEONiES, Annuals'! FusTnlaa". Geraniums, Begonias, Hanging Baskets. Kllbers. 716 Salem Heights Ave 411 Lewn-Gorden Eq u i pt. DAVID Bradley gradrn tractor wattachments, good as new. Sell for 'i price. A. J. Ullman, 143 Vosburg. off Bonnie Way. El.rC lawn mower, very good cord. 23. Ph 4-7317 after 6. 412' Fruit & Form Produce RHUBARB Sc LB. Now Is the time to ran It freeze. GREEN APPLE MKT. 5005 Portland Rd. MILK: Stat Inspected, !5o. Fresh eggs. Wilson Dairy. l'i ml. E. of 4-Corneri on Stata Ph. 4-1111. PASTEURIZED whole milk. 7e f!al. Homogenized, 7c. 'i gal on 40c. Cleary Dairy, 3-3033. 413 Fertillier AGRICULTURE lime tor lawn It garden. 100 lbs. for tl. VALLEY FARM STORE tRESH or rotted manure Rich. fine manure bv ssrk or yard Delivered or at farm Phillips Rrns Rt S Box 49.1 Ph 4-31111 MULCHING material, straw tor a good organic mulch. Call tor price Ph. 4-3081. ROTTED sawdust for mulching 8 yd load 913. 4 yds 110. 2 yds 18. or 12 a vd or 90c sack at farm. Also Beaver Dam Sml, II sack, 8 for 15 Phil hps Bros.. Rt 3 Box 860, Sa lem Ph. 4-3011 414 Form Equipment PRACTICALLY new model C Allii-Chslmers tractor, rulti vatnr It By-Berg duster. 2-3089. . , 42 J Auction Sales OF FURNITURE AT SCOTTY'S TONITE 4840 CENTER STREET SALEM 450 Merchandise 451 Machinery t Tools V, HP ME tiller, excel, cond. good buy. 2-0139. "4" Bench sender, swing saw drill press, 10" table aaw. 6" Jointer It grlnder;1843S12th. 200 AmpTMarquet a. welder. A realjsuy at 1123. 3-9738. MODEL "M" Alii Chaimer crawler tractor, other farm machinery. Mrs. Laura Men denhall Ph. 4-1927 r. D 6 rat. portable saw mill Ph. 2-2734. HAVE several used welder AC It DC. Call 4-7344 454 Sewing Machines SEWING MACHINE Rcpos.sesed Singer console tSS bal. Take ov er for 1 23 week. Ph. 4.710S iDealerl. 4.0 Merchandise 455 House Good far Sale INLAID I mo tl 5 per iq yd R L. Elfslrom Co . 210 S Lib erty wal. chest of drawers USED 116 .50. Hngg Bros., 248 State St USED lounge chair 114 30. Hogg -v"" ' 21-in Packard-Bell console T V. j 11 ft. deluxe Admiral Duo- lemp rein t .hi-k.ii lame lop nearly new electric water he.ter. Ph. 4-582J. G E. auto, washer 145. Davenp t2.V Kenmore elec. roaster like new. with grill t25 G. E. auto, washer 1115. Pvt. partv. See at 25!I7 Portland Rd Ph. .7-8723 LARGE selection of outdoor furniture all sale priced Used Mdse M.irt. 27(1 S Liberty. Open Fn. night til t. No down pa mcnt 1 0 A C I LESTER piano, antique mams chair A side board w large mirror. Firestone 9 cubic t uoright deepfreeze. Ph. 4-8309 , t USED Zenith console radio 129 Hogg Bros., 248 State St. UNFINISHED furniture" II L. Stiff Furniture. 175 N. High Linoleum rugs $.195 Valley Furn Co .219 N Com'l DAVENPORT A- chair maroon color, good cond occasional rhair. 3 wav lamp, coffee table, reasonable. 2475 Lansing any eve after 8pm WHOPPERS For CA Make Life Easier - Read & Use Want APPLIANCES WESTINGHOUSE Woodry Furniture to 474 So Cm.-'l Ph 4-2111 CAPITOL Bedding Mattress re novators New mattresses 1-4069 BRICK TbI.OCK MASON BRICK-and block . Work' guar anteed. Ph. 4j64jS. CRAM WORK 53-ton Lorain moto crans Sa lem Sand It Gravel Co 3-3481 DRY CLEANING SERVICE Foreman's Cleaners It Dyers Fur Storage; Complete Dry Clnlng It Lndry Srv. Free pick up It Diver, 1070 S. Com I. ph. 3-9448. SAH Green Stamps. FLOOR COVrRINGS NORR1S WALKER Paint Co Floor-covering. Division yusl Ity Installations Linoleum, As phalt It Rubber Tile Wall tile Free Estimates 4-2279 GRADING DOZING DOZING Ph 2-0932 LEVELING D PANTOV1CH BULLDOZING, clearing roads, ponds. D-4, D-4 carryall. V. Huskey. Ph. 2-3146. ROAD GRADING Roy Hancock. Ph. 4-3353 HOME PLANNING EXPERT home building It modeling. Phone 4-7577 450 Merchandise 455 House Goods for Sale BE T $30 Down will buy a Complete Household of Furniture Including Appliances SEE our fine selection of ranges, refrigerators, and washers. Every one guaranteed. EASY TERMS. I piece living room group, includes bed daveno, swing rocker, coffee table, 2 lamp tables, 2 lamps, console radio, terms all Jorjonly $89.50 7 piece bedroom outfit, consists of large chests, book case headboard, (Birds eye maple ' 2 bed lamps, mat tress box springs, set of hollywood legs $79 50 t piece dining set, incldr-s buffctt. 5 side & 1 host chair Westinghouse food mixer ' for Radio - Phonograph combination, changer film's THRIFTY USED 515 S. COMMERCIAL ST. Open' til 9 Mondays & Fridays USED daveno bed 129 75. Hogg Bros a4 State St. I rr, - - - . I N SW'n8,n'sCkwer5.; Z Woodrv, lt05 N. Suiiiincr ,,...' - , -j ... .. N?w 3 K-. citnune dinette sets. Special J6H95. I'spd Merchan dise Malt 270 S. Liberty. OlH'n Fn. night til 9. No down payment lO A C 1 USED play pen large si7e 89 75. Hogg Bros. 248 Slate St. , tarn ttrk "rrtifT"nhonoconih" 839.30. Hogg Bros. 248 State St USED 4 pc. wal. bdrm. suite f9 .50 Hogg Bros. 248 State St NEW 25 cu ft. upright food freezer Nationally advertised, full guarantee, advertised once Kj(W95 while thev last MHi) Used Merchandise Mart. 270 S. Liberty. Open Frl. night 'til 9. No down payment lO.ACl I USED kneehole desk $27 50. Hogg Bros. 248 State St. SEWINC. MACHINE Save $184 on this beautiful Zlg Z.ig desk model REG. $2!l8 NOW 1114 50. t3 down It $125 week. Ph 4-7102. iDealerl VSFD Hoover vac. cleaner w attach. $18 50 Hogg Bros. 248 Slate St FRIGIDAIRE 1931! IMPERIAL asher It dryer $475. Mo-lern Appliance Cen ter. 1141 S. Commercial. USED namted chest of drawers $10 Hogg Bros 248 State St USED 3 pi . hlor.d bdrm. suite $119.50. Hogg Bros. 248 State; SI NEW Admiral .10" range dial A Heat controls Reg $249 95 Special $199 95 Used Merchan- , dlse Mart. 27(1 S Liberty. Open Fn night til 9 No down pay-', mcnt lO.A.C 1 iTll.AlD-Lino-tl 39 pe7rt yd i R L Elfstrom Co 20 S Lib erty WALNUT antique Italian Ren- sarec dining rm set 8 chairs. Thayer hahv buggy like new. $25 Ph. 2-9(161 j t Cushion settee, nice for a rental. $15. Ph. 3-536. ZENITH elec stove A- 10 ft refrig . Simmons Hlde-a-hed Sleep air mattress A box springs., exc cond nh. 2-W5. BIRD" races" "tS.Oo" Used Mer chandise Mart. 270 S. Liberty. Open Fn. night 'til 9. No down pa ment iO A C I USED refrigerators. $19 25 lit up. Al I.auc1App::2350J!late St WALNlfFdining tahle w pad It 6 chairs. Ph. 3-9738 USED innerspnng mattress $8 95 Hogg Bros. 248 State St. CROSLEY deep freeze. Cold Spot refrigerator. Maytag au tomatic washer. Kerby vacu um cleaner, Okeefe-Merltl gas range, chrome set 6 chairs, bedrm suite. 2640 Portland Rd. AYHAWK-TBALLER SALt;- MAYTAG washer looks and works like new 149 95 Heideri JW3 N. High. GOOD customer unable to con tinue to pay for washer It dryer on lay-a-way. Reliable party may assume balance 1 will accept terms, i S8rH Stsmos BATDORFS HAA Supplies 14.10 State St. Ph. :i-!l.Vt2 I'SF.n trashhurner. 24 50" Glen Woodrv IfiflS N Summer USFD daveno and chair IT!) Hotg Bros. 248 State St. USED I pc oak dinmg suite $29 Hogg Bros 241 State St. KIRBY for sale. A-l cond . new brushes, $23. Ph. 2-6457. Save time - Save money the Best Professional Service! II lira AWN MOWING LAWN' MOWING, POWER MOWER. PHONE 4-2301 LAWN mower sharpening, low prices, work guar rn 4-wma I.OCKEK ICE CREAM LOOKER meat cut It wrapped, quirk froze, lim anverton rid. Vista FrozenFood Lockers 3095 S. Com'l Ph 2-9737 Lockers Now Available Custom Meat Cutting and Sales Ic Cream for All Occasions, Parks to Tak Out. PAPERING PAINTING EXPERT brush or spray paint ing. Hr or contract. Ph. 4-3900 Painting and paper-hanging Free estimates Ph 3-9313 Exp paper-hanging It painting Jerrv Johnson Ph 4- 1-8534 Painting tt Decorating Dirt Cheap, Price 3-7352 ROTUVATING end. J H.lh.w., Ph S M2 ends. J Hathaway Ph 3-MZB Howard Rotovator Work Call Bill Bcvent. Ph. 4-25M GARDEN Si lawnwork wanted with rotovator. Vincent Krem er 2150 Lansing Ave. Ph 2-31S0. TO PLACE AD 430 Merchandise 455 House Goods for Sale 38"xM" tattle extends, to 90" terms $79.M mother) $1495 Multiple ... $69.50 S-speed. F PHONE 4-3319 DEXTER wringer washer 120 Stroller 14.50. Teeter-babe :l Bath-a-net It stand 12.50 rocker $2,511. Ph. 4-6!l86 SPECIAL, used refrigerators. , , , Kelvin. tor. General Electric. Fngl daire. Zenith. Croslcv. Valley Eurn. Co. 219 N Coml 115 CU FT Revro deep fieeze Ph. 4-2U!. THERM ADOR air-conditioner. ISO Guardian Service, about i price Ph. 2-C83i. INLAID Lino; tl 39 per sq yd R L Elfitrom Co. 37fiO S Lib-! trt. - i USLD washers $15 It up. Mod-j ern Appliance uenier. usi o Commercial. r-n. i FOR SALL. Solid Manogany 1 chair wllh rnllera It reclining back, til Ph. 4-434. 456 Wonted Hoilte Goodf I I TOP CASH "RICE - FI'RNI. I TURE APPLIANCES ETC USFD MERCHANDISE MART. JJSJ IBERTY PH 4-6.17J WE NEED FURNITURE Valley PurnCoM47? Need at Once Late model E - Appliances Psy cash premium for 111 Grade Electric Ranges. Refrigerators Automatic Washers Driers Ar Late Model used Furniture Ph Glen Woodry 3-3110 right Now for Pleasing Results! I ' rs D.J:- anJ TV Qna 1 T ! MOTOROLA TV works like new 21 In. 179 95 Helders 363 N Higlv RCA comb radio A- phono graph console. 160 Jerry Pat terson. 4-0734 after 7 pm. 458 Building Moteriolt i NEW vent fan for kitchen or bath t22 95 Judson s. 279 N I Com' SAVE! SAVE Dry 12" Cedar Boards $120 M O iite-k.ol 10" spruce siding $I.W M 10- inverted cedar hoards and oalts $H0 M Good 1R" painted cedar shakes It under- course $8 95 Sq Heavy gaug Iron roof ing $111 Sq 4xH'," hirrh "A" grade plvwnori 42c iq ft 4RV service ply $2 11 sheet 4xRl- ' service plv tl 00 sheet 4xRV service ply $.1 43 sheet "A" grade birch doors $7.70 each FREE DELIVERY CREDIT GLADLY OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY C & K LUMBER YARD Lancaster nd Cerfter Ph Salem 2-15O0 bargain Buys at The Co-op Toilet $:t Bath lube romp. $63 52-eal waler heater 10 year. $63. Loomex 4c ft . 2-ln wall Imkcs '" . i l.lfht fix tures 2ri'"n off ALSO $80 power iimwer. 4-rvcle . BS M9.HS Lawn veed. 75c lb Hardware It supplies, FARMKRS I'MON CO OP MI3 SUverton Rd Ph 4-3714 USED plumbing ftxl tubs, sinks, hasins bargains. Jud son. 279 N. Com - Ads Daily! RAND AND GRAVEL SALEM SAND It GRAVEL CO Ready mix concrete, crushed and round gravel, aand and top soil. 1405 N Front St. 2-2481 VAIXETllAND iTgRAVEI CO Crushed It round gravel Sand It con mix J-jiool WALLINGSAND AND GRAVEL 1623 McGilchrist Crushed quarry rocks and grav el. All sizes for road, drive wavs and parking lots READY MIXED CONCRETE Carden aand. bull-dozing, shov el and dragline work 3-9249 EPTICjfr.RVICI HOWARD'S Roto-Rooter sewers, septic tanks cleaned 3-33S7. MIKEll Septic servie tanks cleaned D rootei cleans seweri drains Phone 3-946 Kernel's septic tanks cleaned line service Guaranteed work Phone 3-7404 or 1-9774. TREK SERVICE De Rost Tree Rervlc Tr' H'd ,n'U", , , nv sjuwi 1733 N Liberty St. Ph. 1-6441 TRCCKING 4s HAULING WANTED to hulshort logs anywhere Ph. 4-8072. C'PHOLITWING UPHOLSTERING Prlesslonal: guar. work, free est . pickup, deliver. Ph. 2-4290 TO PLACE AD IN THIS GLIDE PH. 4-6811 450 Merchandise 458 Building, Moterials mi e e (WHO NOSE!) Plywood dropped - I no foollntl new low prills in etiect. Selection whoppingl Thousands of smaller sizes cheaper. NO CHARGE for cutting. FLO. 39 ; NAILS 9 23 keg: "i H ARDHOAnD rlct 1 7S; WALLBOARD 1.40: s RGH FLG PLYWOOD I Clear Faces) 11',c ft.; OS. WHITE PAINT 2.30 gal. BEAUTIFUL EXTERIOR WOOD STAINS tor shakes, sdgs . It fences' Cedar fence weave (In go witn stnin Ho!i Cedar Posts ton -1x12 C EDAR BOARDS 10J 00 up! CEDAR inverted 1x10 Sdg Hundreds of Items to suit your needs! SCREEN DOORS Lotsa Stuff! NO DOWN PAYMENT ON APPROVED CREDIT 3 MONTHS TO PAY to build patio, fence, garag or extra room What aav We're located lust fifty mile thl aid of Portland at Portland Road Lumber Yard 3343 Portland Road Ph. 4-4433 "OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY" Overhead steel grsg with hardware. I.19M In. stalled 149 JO I GHvanlied v trough I2'i pel ft EPPING LCMBER CO. PH. 4-6123 . 3740 SILVERTON RD RECONDITIONED utomtic water heaters. Judson's, 279 N Coml. 1 onlv ,l7t igx20 com with 6x7- overhead door $185 RLD(i SlIPPLIES DUlJyi. CUrrLlLO 4' Fluorescent lights tlO ea. Used elec. boxes 13c ea. ,Is(.d , rondll(t 5c ft s,,.,i iri,.P. i2v1Svn" i5x15xMT $7 50 es. 1 1x12 Shelving horts 3c ft. $17 50 er 17 50 $45 per M Bathtubs i'Wash Basins Used 1x4 flooring Used No. 3 and btr. lumber Reiect hardboard, 50x100" 4' drainage pipe 143 per M $1 75 iht 30c It. All Kinds Used Pipe, Fittings and Valccs ALSO Cabin Windows It Doors m HOPPENEO ( mum 1 E. S. RinER&C0.i28owa,ia- 6740 Portland Rd Ph 4-M11 4 Ml. No of S.ilem. l, Mi No. of Totem Pole on 99E Open All Day Saturday Keith Brown Specials SCREEN DOORS 3-0x6 9x1-', I 3-X-Rar 6 50 ea. i DOORS: 2-0 A- 2-4x6-8x1 Fir I Flush 300 ea 1 2-4 A 2-6x68x1 'a 10-LI French 9 75 ea. 2-11 In 2-8x6-8x1 , Mahng. 2nrls 4 00 It up ' LUMBER - LUMBER Rcdwimd Weave Fencing x 6-10' 0.r;3 Lin ft lxR-Rl. 3 Com Knotty Cedar Panel 90 00 M V1S( - Bil A ld Box Nails 9 25 keg 2nxl20 Alum Hoofing, 2 75 sheet; I'hO'iilile Panels 6.1 per- ft O S White I'mn! 2 .Ml (al PLYWOop - PLYWOOD 4 X 8 X 'a Service ply ...2 50 pc. 4 x 8 x Service Plv 3 00 pc 4 x x I4C. Mahog. Par 6 40 pc USE OUR BUDGET PLAN No c ash needed. $10 (10 or 11.000 00 I Make your own teiins. Noth ing down. 2t months to pay. LUMBER YARD 135 North Front St. Phone 3-9111 "We Civc.SAH.Grcn Slamps" ELEC wall Heaters. 11 off I PtnLl2SSPh. 4-M24 21" 32' sink con.p 143 95 GIRL'S 2" bicvcle. good cond" Grbge Disposal K Fibr ; new tires. 125 Joel M O)son pipe 30c It 34c ft 14-2 Lim ! 1927 Bixter Rd Luht fixtures. 25 olf Out m 4-1237. let boxes 23c 3 DC bath set , ... $133 52 gal elec ater heat-1 466 Trade, MllC. er 115 We threafl olpe ano j rent Oelgrr Counters Apex RF.FRIG It Montnomerv Ward Electric It Plumbing. 1410 ,rf r, rarle for roto Rioartisay Ph -lnf Onen ter inon $ Ifith Ph. 2-OWK1 Fn eves It Sal till 1 J 00(1 KKK1 Jew fresh-milled old A secono rowth lumber 2x4 10 2x11 In FOR RENT er tense (e war to 24 foo: lentil's Delivered j house space cement floor prices Salem 130 ner thou brick bldg downtown In minimum. Ted aluiler S-11H. I qulr H. L, Sufi Furn., I tltJ 450 Merchandise 458 luildirto, Matofloli 0 V 4 x I Birch. 2 side 40c O 12-2 wire, roll (I 4'j. 8 In. celling fans 11371 Cedar shingles 13 110, 93 , 88 Galv. iron roof g - CHEAP O 3 Ub root . lowest price Nails per keg-18 95 O 4' cast soil pip 73c ft i gal pip 12c ","-le .'4-21C, 1V-38 300 'a l steel Sep tank f.M 50 300 gal. steel Sep. tank 331 30 4" olack swr pipe 30c 34c O Dooi lambs sond ones s 7R Bldg. paper too so ft. 12 33 Fibre glass blanket Insul - CHRAP 4xt plaster board 11.40. tl tt tits Ceiling til, Ux32. lOe iq ft Snake moid long lengtn. lof ) Garage doors, all sizes (heap 0 Rarb wire 80 rds 85 9517 4 Oitside whit paint gal 12 50 0 New window aashe 12 00. O W strip crystal wlndowa 21x32 kitchen sinks cheap. O Toilets W seats 8X8 50 O New hath tub complete 883 30 Strictly Cash - U-Haul Closed Sunday) It Monday C. G. LONG & SONS I Ml N Kslrer - Ph. 4-5031 59P71t Yourself U-Fix-It-Garape Repair your own ear Phoo 4-5DH1 2098 N Coml HOW-to-do-it advice, planning aid. complete material aup- fily. plumbing, beating, wir ng. see Judson't 27t N. Com l 460 Musical Instruments NOW You ran buy I Nationally ad vertised new electronic organ lor only 1711 M. WILTSEY WEATHER'S Ml'SIC IN THE CAPITOL SHOP. CTR. LEAVING town, must sacrifice piano Ic radio. Ph. 2-.T803. ACCORDION. Lady white 140 base 'Accordiana". Lik new 3330 Bell Rd. For the Finest In Organs & Pianos ZOBEL'S 319 Court St. Ph. 4-1232 462 Spertt Equipment OREGON'S BEST BUYS IN MOTORS & TRAILERS Also convertible top., flying hridfe.. outboard repntrt Free tr'nl on th rlvrr. Munv rx tr.i prtrrf lucli i moorage lalt prooflnn. parts. 7 DAYS A WEEK FISHING LICENSES Se the nw molded hosts, thee ar th bott beautiful 81 prac tical boat en th water. SALEM BOATHOUSE 100 CHEMEKETA, PH, S-9303 It's Boat'in Time 18' TOLLYCRAET 1955 MODEL WITH CABIN HARDWARE, EXCELLENT CONDITION. CAN'T BE TOLD FROM NEW. ONLY tSM 18" CKB .-. BOAT U.-iFO 1 AR. '54 23 H P EV INl'Pli. ELECTRIC START ING. AU. STEERING It CON TROI.S FOR MOTOR, ALL OF THIS FOR ONLY 81095. USED 14 FT. BURCHCRAFT WITH TRAILER. t3W. Many Other Used Boats S3 JOHNSON 23 H. P. $295 55 EV1NRUDE 25 H. P. t495 Electric with remote controls. like new. I 1 12 H P. SEA KING $110 , 54, 2'j H P. MARTIN $89 Many Other Used Motors from 2- hp. to 4Q. hp. " CREDIT GLADLY OPEN SUNDAYS Ph. 2-2476 ! 14 Ft. Runabout, trailer. 22 hp. motor, controlls. Ph. 4-4811. j USED trailer wtop A- Iran-to tent. 3950 Marhrt Ave. 4-Cor- ' ' ners. ; 12' Blrtheraft It 5 hp. Johnson motor. Ph. Stay ton 3-F52 CAMPING TRAILER. Sleeps two. $45. but make an offer. .160 W Lefelle.Ph. 3-6443. NEw"30trcus1om rifle7 Call"a1 1140 S. 13th St. apt. 1 after 6 p.m. ftrak u u osju viJ Rd. RAINBOW flnrerltngs to stock , ,rVirT in MOST your pond 115 per lono Marion ; '-HB SEnf ""f. ,N Mn5T Fork, loclge Hwy. 22. 17 nu. HA RRY SFM1.F.R Denf.t "' LVtroit, Adoph R(if S1f c-om-l Sts FOR SALE or trade for 22 rifle , SALEM PH 3-3311 or pistol car top Juggagc car- ! AnniN(;" machines rash regis rier A tarP;2750 Sedona. J-54.18 . cl,ry im Fairground 1-1371 12 FT metal trailer house, exc. . condition, reas 170 W Brown lni.. Lve. or week ends : 476 Fuel 56 10 H p7 Evinriitle 11111101". j with tank Jut hrnke in T''o hea V for me tit handle A good buy. t?75 Ph Silverlon. 1- 7MBI 1M.VJ '"JOHNSON- 5 II P Yiiotnr. completely overhauled like new stand It cover $15 .Sec at Wicklund s Sporting Goods 3-6042. NEW A used boats A motors Srott-Atwater sales It service Shrncka 1375 Highland Ph 2- 1423 CASH oald for used guns, mod ern and antique Cascade Merc 12.70 Broadway 464 Bicycles GIRL 24" bike, good cond . new 468 For Rent, Mite. 450 Merchandise 470 for Sole, Mite. MERCURY Inboard II H P. mo tor It Neptun 3 H P. out board motor. Also Bendix Ironer It auto, washer. Ph. 2-47J, Inquire 898 Thompson. RUMMAGE SALE 493 N. Cottage Ph. 4-7300 TOP SOIL til for 10 yd load Pit-run gravel.Ph. 4-6083. 6' FT7FHIDRICK n.eaf ce. t40 9 ft. Super cold vegetable case 5oO Coca Cola machine. 1i 1 Bayton Hxbart scales. 73. 1 cold meat slicing machine. 150 1 candy caie. tM. Ph. 4-3808. RICH TOP SOIL DEL. (1.25 A YARD PH. 4.2463 TOP 'JIL PH. 4-2463 RECAPS 800x18 . (70x11 Exch 8613. Lytic Tlr Mart TOP SOIL Phon 2-1375. 2-8301 TYPEWRITERS ad din ma chines rash register hudM cators deks ch.urs tiles sup plies Hcen's. 458 Court 3-6773 Pit Run Gravel TOP SOIL, PH. 24310 Top Soil Orchard Loam River Loam Oial 2-1749 Prompt Delivery KeirSand 4 Gravel Co. A window fan. 2-speed. 20 In. reversible. S3SPh. 4-ietl. 1 6' trailer, good cond. It rubber. 2 sets metal chicken nests, feeders It water containers. 1 arched rose harbor, Ilk new. Rotovator. 1 yr. old. 'i price. 3840 Liberty Rd.. ph. 2-7317. FOR SALE Power spray, excel, cond. t 11 tank tractor hitch. 30-(t, 8ii0th test hose. Dlvlllbes spray gun All good as new 2 r.boer tired wheels. This spray only slightly used. Will demonstrate. Addreas 7.180 Wheatland Rd., l' miles No. Keizer school. T. A. Brew ster. SLEEPING BAGS.' Good selec tion in wool A- dacron. from 8HK3 up AI4MY It NAVY STORE. 223 N. ConVI. Ph. 1-4:143. EI. EC. range dining set. Red room set. Besiutyrest mattress, S Club Chairs. LVW.ilt typ table saw, 2 electromode heat ers, manv other articles. Ph. 3-8801. 674 N. Church. ONE standard toilet. Ilk new 630 Thompson Ave. NEW It U sed G a rderi Til ler VALLEY FARM STORE rETHouee t7Tler. cheap J7 Pontiac, perfect cond. 26" Ro totiller I Ideal lawn mower sbarpener Misc. articles. Ph. 2- 7331. 1025 Fabry Rd. WAR SURPLUS. Shelter hff Rup tent wpoles It stakes, ew. ONLY t7. ARMY 4c NAVY STORE. 223 N. Com'L 3- 4343. GUARANTEED Reconditioned automatic wash ers, drvers. range st refrig. VI It Ar up. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 373 ChemekcU St. TOP SOIL FILL DIRT PHONE 2-4763 CEDAR post. ben post, shed poles, all type berry wire Ph 4-3061 USED truck tires, Lytls's Tlr Mart, J.fuj im. com L TOP SOIL k PIT RUN GRAVEL. PH. J-8553 PLATINUM 34 diamond engage ment 8c wedding ring set. Sell for lea than K coat lor aulrk Ml. Prico $500. Ph. 4-1131 Her 1 p.m. FRESH Do-nut 2tc dot. In quantities for parties, freezer. 3782 SUverton Rd. Ph. 4-4731. BII.LARD table Ph. 3-3728. It accessories. ZENITH Elec. rante. Sofa A chair. White elec. aewlng marh. Ph. 4-4707. FOLDO-ROLl.O stroller, almost new, tlO. 1423 MrArthur Court off of Prk Moody. U CARAT diamond ring, a nice graduation gift 1395 S. Com mercial. REPOSSESSED " 1 model 300 roto-hole wllh 24" rotary lawnmower attachment cost new t:9 !'S. Ph. 2-2464 for appointment to see and make bids Also one 1954 Frigidaire relngerator. 8 cu. ft. with freezer. compartment only $112 50 WEEKEND SPECIAL tiooo Easy Snin dry washer 71, Johnson outboard motor 17" Motorola T V. com plete Nev Paper wardrobes. while Inev last 129 SO too oo $8 93 ' BARKER'S Fl'RNlTl'RE NEW It USED i 3794 Sllverton Rd. MISCELLANEOUS tools, camp ing, fishing, rubber boat, girl's bike. 981 tt. 13th. TEETER BABE, stroller, play I pen. bathlnette. collapsible biigizv. car bed It Jr. crlh , Ph. 3-7325. 1048 N. 5th. i 472 Wanted. Mite. I LOGS WANTED - Top prices j psid 6-in to 50-ln diameters In B-ft or multiples of 8-ft ' We slso huy stumpage Burk- i land Lumber Company Tur- I ner. Ore Ph Turner 1123 Evenings phon Turner 2502 or i Salem 2-7828 WANTFD several thousand rordl of wood all soe-les Ph 3-7721 Nights 4-38.13 474 Miscellaneous SAVE on Clary combination add ' machine A cash reeister style ' 30;l. like new HURRY, must I sell quick. Firestone Store i .195 N Liberty WANTED several thousand corn wood all snecles Ph 3 21 Mights 4-5fiTt SAWDUST for sal 3 unit h'ad, push out. 115 Ph Orrvall 22 1 1 Capitol Fuel Co. DRY SHAVINGS SAWDUST Ft)R MULCHING Planei Ends Choice slab and block mixed 14211 Broadway I'll 3-7721. !I1GI!WAYrT'KL CO SAWDUST It WOOD ANDERSON'S slabwood Ph 2-775 lor 454 Spring Special Mulch Sawdust. Fertilizer Block It S4ab Wood 1 West Snlrm Fuel 1523 Edgewater Ph 2-4031 500 Bun. & Finance 510 Money to Loon PRIVATE MONEY to loan, buy contracts and mortaaees 341 Chemeketa St Ph .7-1141 WHAVE rash buyers lor real estate contracts and 2nd mort gages Ohmari a, Caiana Rea.'ors 477 Court St. Phon 1-4111 600 Employment 601 Help Wanted WE ARE NOW PLASTERING HELP " FOR PACKING STRAWBERRIES APPLICATIONS are now Ming taken for Statesman Dicyiie routes Several route will be open Applicant must be sc eompanied by their parents or have their written permis sion Apply at the Circulation Deparlment of the Siateaman Journai CAPITAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Phon 2-0838 354 N Winter Adjoining Prcibvierisn church Free parking In rear Exclu sive listings ea all type f employment. 604 Help Wonted, Men WANTED, man Interested 'in leasing grocery It meat count er space. Also cutting meat for SUverton Co-op Lockars. Ph. 3-4S17 Silv. Alvtn Krug SALESMAN wanted, combina tion used It new ears. Ford dealership. Hart Motor, Inde pendence MONTGOMERY Ward In Mc Mlnnvill haa real oppor tunity for an aggrftaiv furni tui aalesman li appUanc salesman. Both position have an attractive guaranteed week, ly salary plua commission on an sale, loniaci Mr. um' qulst in person. EXPKRIF.NCF.0 body It paint man. Must be abl to make own estimate Earl Hartman a Chevrolet. Silvrton. tire. CAREER POSITIONS OPEN Large National Insurance r porting Agency haa permanent salaried career position open. Good ehanc for advancement. No selling Involved. Outside Investigative work for Insur ance It Employment purposes. Salary plua Ic per mile for car. Typing essential. Age 17. 30. Must be High School grad uate, clean background. Work Is in local are, no overnight travel. Writ qualifications to PO. Box 330. Portland. 7 Or gon. WANT severs) wood cutter. Apply Capital ruV Co, 1900 N. Riv.r Rd. 606 Help Wenred, Ledy URGENTLY reeded. bby titter to llv In. Inqulr 1820 SUt before 2 o'clock. HOUSEKEEPER wnted."liv In. Ph. 4-8137. MEAT wrapper, apply In per son, between 10 It 11 a.m. Monday only. Saving Senter Office, 1170 Center St. WANTED-Middle aged woman to llv In It keep wwoman who haa heart cond. No amok- r or drinker need apply. Ph. 3-8083. MIDDLE aeed woman my horn 1380 Market SC ph. 1-R531 day or 4-9131 eve. It weekend. ExraRIENCED waitress wanted Apply In person Th Spa. 382 State. SITTER Ar litht housework Civ ag A ref. Boat 11 SUtes- mn-Journal. CAR HOP for Saturdays and Sundays only, must b II. young married woman pre ferrd. Farmer Drive-In, 70 Portland Rd. EXPERIENCED car hop It wait ress, call afternoon only. 808 Wallace Rd.. next to Emery Food Market. 500 Bus. & Finance 510 Money to Leer) Business Loans To $7,000 ON MONTHLY PAYMENTS ' j Loans to Purchase, Repair or Refinance All Type of Equipment Including Crawler Tractors It Trailer Homes PACic"lNis?RIAL LOANS Wm C. Kramer, Manager 118 S. Liberty Pll.4-220J LOANS $50 00 to 11500 00 Buy What You Seed Consolidate yoitf bill. Flnnce through WILLAMTTTF CREDIT COMPANY 182 S Church SI Mb 25417 CONSTRICTION MONKY Available for FHA. Gl or long lerm conventional mortgage loans anywhere in the Willeni ellf Vallev 5'. 20 year mnnev also available for existing home loans PRIVATE money lo loan. t". interest. Ph. 2-07K4. 1 WANTFD- Teacher Willi fram ing in pre-school education In Nurserx Schnnl 111 am to 12 no .evston For term starting I-21-.VI llox 51. Statesman Journal $1500.00 $3,000,000.00 f Stntt f f 16? 4o High St rhone 13151 ow you can borrow tlSOO from 1 BI.CK'K A Brick Mason also us, on furniture, ailtos trailer' jnian wmixer for hire. 4-77. houses and equipment We j " wool) CUTTING are happy that after 21 years FAS raTF.S PH 4-1234 we are anie 10 exieno 11111 additional service to you. 1.77 S t'om'l Salem, Oregon General Finance CORPORATION PHONE 3-3161 COLONIAL Investment Co Real Pronertv Loans - Contrarti Purchased !' four! 4-2IM j I $25 to I2.VI0 Pacific Industrial Loans 111 1. Liberty Ph. 4-2103 1 1 Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sat., May . 600 Employment 602 Help Wanted 606 Help Wonted, tody REGISTERED nurse, full tint 11 to 7. Regulation salary all fringe benefits Ph. for appointment Albany W A 1-3136. for Pickett Wentetj WANTED: Strawberry Pickers 43 A. Northwest berries. Good crop, clean field, trans, fur nished Reg at 210 S. High St. Ph. 3-9203. Eves. 3-3284. REGISTERING pickers at Van neav rarms ror so A. of Marahalla It 1st. year North- wests. Also 33 A. Boysenberrw It Blackberries. Ph 1-SI8J. REGISTERING now lor picking nortnwvsi sirswoernet. Albert Gerig. 8 ml. E. on lunnyvlew Ph. 3-22 STRAWBERRY pUkers register now. a. M. zartar. mho van Cleave Rd. I mile east ot Totem poi it ( mil aouth Ph. 4-1331. REGISTER now (or atrawberry flicking t Stelngrub s Grand stand patch. Bus transDorta- tion furnished Clean food paten, rn. a-aaai. REG. NOW for berry and bean picking, la A. Northwest ber ries It It A. beans. ' Rout taken will be Namelrs Mkl Morningside School. Boone It Liberty Rds. Vista Mkt. Call Lorrain Asqulth 2-0412. K. SALEM platoon being organ lied, good field. Ph. 1-4111. REGISTER for Strawberry bean picking, clean, hvy yield. Trns. turn. Hssiebacber. Harel Green district, ph. -W7tss, uaaer nrooasie. REG. now for Marshall Straw berry picking. Boon Rd. Ph. J-VZ&f STRAWBERRY PICKERS WANTED 2nd yer Northwest. Easy nick- ing. 1 block west of Kelrer school. Ph. 1-1431 tor regis tration. STRAWBERRY picker. Trans portation, close in, regular now rn. 4-111 ia sproea. REGISTER for strswberrv nick ing I weeks' work, 1 mile West It North of Ketser School. Jtrgensen -Evan Berry Farm. Ph. 4-1908. REGISTERING now" rot Mat- shall 1 2nd year) It Northwest II year). Congenial natch boss bus IransnoHatlnn Pierre Eaue. 11M Portland nu. rn, s-eiii. REGISTER now for strawberry picking t umnerntrk It Ar rail. Northwmt It Marshalls Ph. 4-1133. STRAWBERRY picker, high ach. age At idult for N acre Held of Northwest berries. I ml. out on Wllc Rd.. stsrt- Ing about Jun 10. 1 busses nicking ud en Stat. Center It Market St. CU Mr. 1. V. Downey 1-4871. CALL Mr. Barnett 4-3431 or Mr. Robinson, 3-8831 for bus transportation to 40 acres of clean N.W. berle In Kelser REGISTER now for Mrs. Bad- getts platoon. Transportation turn. Clou In. Study picking. Ph. 3-M152. 12 YRS. or older register now, good picking. Ben Goldsmith, Bus trans, can Mrs. Lomer, 1-8333. STRAWBERRY picker register for Oak Crest Farm Platoon Adults r children. Heavy picking rloa In tranip, turn. rn 4-Bztw, BERRY pickers, re, now. 12 A patch located out Center ' mil. E. of Scotty Auction house to curve, turn right. Ph. 4-2821 eve. L. A. Tunned. STRAWBERRYplckerf register with Jo Lucas. Z-39M. I mi out Orchard Hgta. Rd. Good fields. 1 wks. picking. REGISTER now for 8trwberry picking with LaVtrn Frank platoon, adult preferred, or children over 12. who really want to work. Alan Wlrsner s large acreage of Marshall It Northwest berries. Exception ally good yard. Transportation furnished Ph. 2-2741. 610 Soles Help Wanted . CARPENTER CONTRACTOR mmm Framing, remodeling, found FOR Immediate employment, i tlons. reUlntng walla, cement 1400 mo. guaranteed com. ap-i or pumice block Free estl plv 325 E. Bush. 1:30 to 1 ml. Ph. 1-4218 l A.M. Only. MAN to dlstrlhut It pick up Fuller Brush otalrigs tHK1 weeklT eomm o start 3-8:137 EXPERIENCED Real Estate salesman or woman. Ramsey. Realtor427 Ferry. STEADY RESPONSIBLE men for Public Relation work In Marion. Polk. Benton Linn. Lane. Douglas counties. Thor ough Field training by experi enced sales personnel. Weekly guarantee plus commission It bonus. Applications will be taken from 10 am 1 p m. I hours a dav Tuesday and Wednesday In ' if you're looking for an opoor Room 438 Senator Hotel All lunlty wllh advancement apiication strictly confidential. It you hav transportation NO APE 1 IMIT " vou r,n u "M 10 :a IB M.n to work in M.Vion rnmy.'l2TlZt Pub Relations, reo pleasing , "J "."Jr. ' !,. com" bono. For "r7;: Interview see Mr. Wsller, Sen- atnr Hotel. Mon a m til 2 p m and 7pm til 9 p m EXPFilIFNCED REAL ESTATE SAI.EMAN for desirable down town office Guaranteed amount ol advertising. Best working conditions SALKM I'KOPKRTIKS W!7 N High Ph 4-0331 I NEED 4 aggressive exrwrt- eiued salesmen or salesladies Hut wish lu earn $300 tu IHU0 per month selllnpl une of the world s finest products A aervices. Ph 2-3H.I9 ask for Al Hrilwn 612 Work Wonted, Mew R0T0-TILL1NG WORK $4 50 per hour Ph 1-746. GARDEN PLOWING It DISC INC. PH 2-5123 W A LA. F.LEMMI 1363 LANCASTER "' DR" PAINTING - Free'Ettimetei Reasonable Ph 2-9551 eves "CARPENTER WORK day or contract 2-1142 or 1-1459 ROTOVATING PH. 2-476J LOWING It discing Ph 2-2773 Albert Creft 3710 Monroe ; HOWARD Rotovtmg. gardens, new lawns prepared. 3-193. nriTn TU I IMC ROTO-TILLINIj PH 4-ftt.Vl or 211111 CEMENT Work"Ph"4-J3l Side- walks, patios, ret wall, ga- rages, bsmta. fra MUm!, 19, '58 (Sec. Il)-13 . 600 Employment ' ' (12 Work Wented, Met.: '"! " .; ( OPERATOR ' f m1l buslnese " wanta (v. work. Capably honest, hard working. tk : . l-43lL.fter I. , . , HOME building remsdeltne. ' nous framing r any line at f "rpntrroili Ph 4-82, t . NF.Wbuilrting or Minodellnf . estl I fre. 4-8340 after JL3Q pleaMt. 'SPADING, mowing, r "elii 1 i up, shrub trimmed. I-M0. SITUATION wanted pt. ' hour Janitor It manager. ,,; fieri It exoerlenced In mi ne enanr It Janitor services, Good reference, 1-142 v. HOWARD rotovatlng7new iewni frepsred, Ire (sUmat, 3WI1 or 4.1281. . . ROTO-TILLINC RICHARD RAS. PH 3-47 It EXPFFtf crpntr. remodeling an Kinas Laninet won reac gonywhr. Ekhn 1-711 . TILLING Howard Rotovator. ' Ph 4-323 or a-3331 K rail Sat please LAWN mowing don byweeC rn. i-aow. . VINCENT C.NEAL Escavatlng Co. Ckeva1ing Grading , Ph. I-I8M CARPENTER work day or remt. Alan outud painting. 4-4871, PRUNING, spraying topping raw movai l w lauai 1 ROTOVATINC fc. Slm Arh. i-rtrn. IOU'1 tree) rvtr lpry. to ping, prun, caoung. -7Q. tTTWori. Wentets, CUf CHILD er, my horn, are I to . say, jm w. atrownmf Ph. 4-7831. IRONING my home, pick Hp to oeimr. rn. i-w i. HOMEMADE plat or cookie. Baked to wOer. Ph. 41331 ar 1-1781 OFFICE work eaperteoced t ceptlonlst, PHX A general of -fie Ph. 1-3771 ftr 3 30 WKLCOME we folk "who r.res. country klisi wtehe'e i family. 1830. 180. 444. CARE of Infant It up to I.: yr. wk. nda, nlehts at da my horn. Ph. 1-4M21. CHILD rare, my noene hy vase, ( ier, Ph, 4-0857. , MIMEOORAPHINO tysMtg Mrs, I Poe. 881 N 18th Ph 3-343 , 8EWINO . Dressmaking In oTf home, all typ PH l-Km WANTED Ironing In mv noma. 1911 N tlh 1-tllt EXPERT ehlH" ear Me pom l341Trd. Ph. 4-388 WILL ear for" ldrlv parsse in my horn. Ph. 3-308. .- EXPERIENCED trhool Trl wtahea baby anting tab tv , . .t , nings, Jan Nlson, 131 w. Browning Ave, , ? . ' 1 LOVING upereled child cr ' my horn So. Ph 1-.HII. CHILD CARE my lyime II u 1 .' ,5'- hr 4 "r"tfst Ph 1 1 EXCELLENT C"II,n rARB ,.x My horn w. -s rh t 1 i e t$15 SifUOtiol Wnted SMALL earpenter lob, nn work, reasonable. Ph. 4-1424. Lawn Mower Sharpened 1-7141 L. V. Bhafer, 1220 14 Wat EXPERT spray, brush painting. , paper hanging, your paint off . mtn. Fre st Term. Ph. i.. Nelson 3-841, 1-1541 LIGHT crawler dour. utvellDSk grading 1-1041 L Kurth SCHARFT BROTHERS Installation Repair Snttt, , Septl Tank, Drahl Fteld. Power Ditching, Backfill PH. 1-1361 er 1-1071 PAINTING. p prlng Free esti mates Don Lucero. t-KU fAUPKNTEa Mtk. an klost. reas 4248 Marleay Rd 4-8IMI. LAWN MOWER -SHARPENING COMPLETE REPAIR C & S EOUIP. CO. tilt Edgewater. W Salem 4-IMt NEW "lawn complet fr 4. 1-1441 morn 4-W1 Ey LAND CLEARING- D-t Hr U C Mitchell Ph 1-KCTi PLOWING A discing D. Mar- shall. 1-1343 4. k d shovel, crane ., drf tin. 13-ton mobile erane. D4, D7 cau. carry all er Ing blade Rental ntre4 ar unit prlc SALF.M SAND k GRAVEL 10 N Front St Ph l-let CUSTOM DISCING PLOWINd REAS. PH. 2-238 . Die tdJUCanOtl 1 " If You're Just Drift ing or Passing Through, Don't Let Us Detain You. BIT f you can follow instruction If you can work conscientiously Monday. May II. 1 to 4:30 p, 8 to 1 p it I . YOUR driving lessons call 4-OH34L Bonded A insured iraineo in structor. Dual control car. 700 Rentals 702 Sleep. Roomt, Boortt CLEAN quiet nesr State bldg, shop Diil. kit. privel. 2-1449. , ROOMS tl a day. tl wk. N drinkers 411 N. Summer, - . ' ','Mr ""1 k lunches Men. 10113 N. 5lh WANTED - Man to room and , hoard m n cpiim MEN. TV. den It pvt ent 1301 N Capitol Ph.4-6134 T V. SLEEPING rm" friendly home. man. t20 board J-7430 CI.EAN. warm rml T V rloa in tit S Winter 5-1721 705 Aportmenri for Rent 1 Rm furn. pt. 102 N Winter. 4-1217. FURN. 2 bdrm. court pt. "til N Nth. COURT Aula. 1 Court i Cot tage 1 offer downtown quiet apis, from 141 50 to t3t Ph. 3-7440 2 RM. furn.. newly dec UtlT. pd.. Gsr.. t3 Ph 2-9014. ' riiRN3rm apt . gar . water I ,arbage service mc tlS t. Liberty Ph 3-1477 or Mr. Young 4-4401. ext. 14 NU I I V lurmsneo am. I"'""'- 1 rnU,nct, p m45. 1120 S. Liberty . LAROE Ist-flr. dean furn. atC fireplace auto, heat: nee. I CapitoL Adult. 1-4303. I-UT& r :