The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 19, 1956, Page 12, Image 12

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    ; 12-Sec. II) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sat., May 19, '56
s Cargo
Zionist Ship
WASHINGTON (ft - The Slate
Department Mid Friday 21 half
track military vehicles were taken
Off a Iarael-bound ship last Moo
day because they lacked a valid e
port license.
Press officer Uncola White saw
aa inspector discovered the ve
hicles were completely assembled
whereat the licenses covered only
pare parts.
'WhiU aaid the 11 half-tracks
were takea off the ship because
the two agencies "bad do alterna
tive" under VS. law requiring ex
port licenses for all shipments of
a military character. He refused to
lay, however, whether K could be
called "illegal" or , "attempted
smuggling.' -
! "I do not characterize." WhiU
aid. "I tell you what the facts
are." . '
; He also said:
"If there Is anything dishonest la
, this. I'm unaware of M."
WhiU told reporters the export
license for halt-track apare parti
waa issued U the Israel purchas
ing commission, aa agency of the
Israeli government. " .
He said he did not know where
the half-track were purchased but
ka commented that "many com
panies la New York sell Army sur
' He laid Israel baa applied for
export licenses for half-tracks fully
assembled. But he aaid this appli
cation bai not been acted upon.
Boss Caught in
Cave-in, Worries
Over Paychecks
contractor, caught tn a cave-in
of an excavation, wai buried up
to his neck for more thai an hour
Firemen dug out Paul Hudson,
43, and prepared to hurry him
to a hospital.
As he was being placed In an
ambulance, Hudson told hll em
ployes: "Bring the paychecks to
the hospital and I D sign em for
you fellows."
Man Granted
Execution Stay
By High Court
OLYMPIA lit The lUte su
preme court Friday granted a
stay of execution for Artell Junior
Farley who was under sentence
to hang May 16 for the 1954 slay
in, of Mrs. Flora McFarUnd in
The court granted the stay on
application of Farley's attorney,
Jennings P. Felix, to enable him
to prepare an appeal to the Unit
ed Statei Supreme Court.
The high court's action was a
reversal of a ruling it made late
Thursday. Chief Justice Frederick
Hamley explained that the stay
wai turned down Thursday be
cause Felix had not first applied
to the Pierce County Superior
Felix applied to . the Superior
I. Hiding ,
place for
a Of the
11. Loudly
11. Creek letter
13. Habit
14. Scoffed
15. Place
11 Girls
17. Headland
IS. Fumed
21. One who
33. Little fellow
21. Projecting
roof edges
IT. Lift
2t. Part of
"to be" '
10. Took aa
one'! own
S3. Stingo
33. Covered
with ashes
31 Personal
3T. Haul
40. Sacred
43. Chief magi,
trate (Old
43. Ruined
44. Mother
49. A hot dress
ing for
the akin
41. Covered
with ink
1. Cries, as
I. Genua of
the illy
1. Devise
4. Rude
I. Mane
(.Author of
The Cold
T. Correct
I. rather
f. Grows
10. Youths
14. Jest
11 Goods
to lighten
a boat
30. Mis.
31. A sise
32. Swiss
13. A brace
14. Employ
18. River
II. Likely
31. Paint
32. A thick,
sweet liquid
23 Questions
14. Begone!
1 1 im ' 'n
Yeelerdar'e Amee
33. A aubtribe
31. Monster
31. Obnoxious
, . plant
41. Devoured
42. Man'a
44. Nickel
la II H I WA' TT-
sr T7"X
57 TT
Warden Tells
Of Riots at
Walla Walla
New York Closing Stocks
Reported by
Merrill Lyneit Pierce, Fanner and Beane
Admiral Coro 19'!
Al Chem 4c Dyt ... 117'.
Allied sirs ...
Allli Chum .
WAI I A WAI J A IS) Allhnnoh Aim
rioting prisoners told him throats ; HawL.
would be cut If he didn't resign, Am can Z
he refused to quit, Lawrence Del- SlSUn
more, former state prison warden, I Am mi rdr 'ZZ'
testified Friday. ! 2m I T -
Delmore's testimony came in Am viscose '""
the Superior Court trial of inmate Ar'm(.0Copp1'
Charles Lambert, charged with Armo?-r
kidnaping, conspiracy to kidnap Atrheson Top
at. nH tlAH. rir? A itvnirlnl Ina ,Tlw
esaiu yt imaa iivi n vvuiivtivu uu j
the first count could mean the
death penalty.
isiiiivic ibiu tuc iiniiaica in nn... a t -
last July's prison rebellion were Rnrdon ...."
divided into two factions: 5nr wrn
One group demanded Delmore'i BllrrvnuAi.
resignation and threatened to slay ; c
hostages. The other apparently j caitr Park
did not have such violent . de- S'm Ph "P -mands,
Delmore said. Ic'tlTi' "
Aflor the stale rested Hi nu Cali-rp Trac ...
in the afternoon session, Lambert ch''x'
testified he was asleep when the certamteed "
riot started. I Sir.'.0.."::
v us m nf m r
or, Thomas Harris, director of, nw rv
Gen Dynamics
Cen Eire
Ren Fooda
Cen Motori ..
Gen Tire
Gro Pae Ply
i Gnodrlrtt
Brndu Avla
nl foodi
Belli III
..... ss
. JT,
.... 44',
nr. I
"" 4 ! Grac. W H
" ! Grl WhI Suf
nv f Grevhnund
m ' Gulf Oil
4i ' If
Hnmeitak M
Int Harvwt ..
Inl Nirkel
Int Pafr
. II 'i
.. 59(
. 42'i
. 4.V,
Phil Mania
Phil Patrol
Proc At Gam
Put 16 P a. L ..
Pure Oil
.. M',
... 45' 4
.. '4
Radio Corp ...
Rayonlar tne
Repub Stl
Reynold! Met
Reynold! Tob
Zl'i i Richfield O ...
IS ! Royal Dutch ...
..... 4.V,
.... S'.
. IS4
Chi R l! Ry
Cltlea Serv ....
Climax Moly ......
Cluett Pea
Coca Cola
Com Credit .......
the Jury Saturday In an overtime tomw dion
Con Fduon
state institutions, testified earlier
that he agreed to the nine-point
petition of the convicts because
time was running out
The case is expected to go to
IV)', i
a, i i
M' Jnnea t, M Stl
"4'! ,
I Kaler Alum ....
'4 Kennecott
; Kern Land
SI', L
W'i : Llbby McN
W. Li Mver
'a lor Glaas
I Lorkhred Air ..
j l.oew'f Inc
4'4 , Iore- Brll A
M'i Lorlllard
Manh Field
MAM Wood ...
Merck A Co
Mont Chem
Mont Ward
Safeway Stra
Ht Joe l ead
'St 1. L SF Ry
1 ' At ntB Pa nap
"! Schenler Ind, ...1...
IMS Reott Paper .
I Reara Roe
s3iiRh.ll Oil
471. Sinclair oil
Portland Grain
PORTLAND ( -Coarse grains,
15 -day shipment, bulk, coast
Oats. No.i. 38 lb white . 58.00-50
Barley, No.2. 45 lb B-W 4D.S0
Corn. No.f, E-Y shipment 70
Wheat (bid. to arrive market
basis Not bulk delivered coast:
Hared Red Winter:
Ordinary Ill
10 per cent Ill
11 per cent 124
12 per cent J 27
Friday car receipts: Wheat 55;
barley 2.1; flour II; corn 22; oats
2; mill feed 10.
Too Late to Classify
Skelly 01
Rocnny-Mnb .. 7S1,
. SO', Rou Cal Fdl 4,
. W, ISou Pae R . 54",
484 Rperrv Rand Ma
iStd Rranda
,. Oil Cal
,td Oil Ind
e'std Oil NJ
"' !Runray Oil
";Sunhlne M
".' a -Swift r
Baker Reservoir
Spills 120 Million
Gallons of Water
BAKER (fi Goodrich Reser
voir, an auxihary water storing
facility li miles west of Baker,
broke Friday afternoon. Early re- qUrrel. Her body wai fodnd
Ports indicate an estimated 120 floating in a flooded pavel pit
muuon gauona w water wai mm.
.. There apparently was so danv
pge from flooding, aa the reser
voir li located in an uninhabited
area. . -
- The town itill li served by two
reiervoiri and no immediate wa
ter ihortage is expected.
Lumber Prices
Show Decrease
. '.-.'..' . ":'
PORTLAND ( Lumber prices
n studs and some regular dimen-1
l ton lumber dropped $1 to IS per
thousand feet Friday., Trade
aources said the decrease" wai
caused by some shippers staying
out of the market, and that some
stastera buyers were beslUnt In
the face of an apparent lowering
Mrktt. .. ,
Regular dimension atudi which
had been ta per thousand slipped
la $80. Some dealers aaid they ex
pected the price ta level off be
tween 178 and 180 by Monday.
Felix applied to . the Superior n j Jl
Court Friday, waa turned down by J fl(J V DOT1X Oil
Pierce County Superior Judge,
Bert II Johnson, came back to the J?ri4,I;.f TV1 ill
Supreme court and, after more JilllSttU 1 111111
than an hour's presentation of hit
ease, wai grMted a (tay for his ANCHORAGE. Alaska -A
client. , baby boy waa born aboard . an
Farley wai convicted in Pierce Alaski Railroad passenger train
County Superior Court of killing Thursday, first in the history of
Mrs. McFarland, with whom he the government-owned agency.
had been going iteady, after a Th vmmffster In the ton of
Lawrence and Edna June Windom
of the port of Whlttier. The father
is a specialist second class in the
Army and be and his wife were
on their way from wmttier to
Anchorage when the baby arrived.
The train waa stopped at mile
98, about 23 miles south of An
chorage, and the nervous father
and other passengers were vacat
ed from the, car while the child
was delivered.
An Army nurse aboard the train
Capt. Ellen Wilson, performed the
delivery assisted by baggage man
Porter, a bachelor
in Tacoma.
Hit appeal to the state supreme
court was turned down last December.
Hydrogen Bomb
Drop Set Sunday;
Airman Missing
tss mt. Mckinley off bi
kini One man was rescued
and a second is missing in the' Kenneth
crash of a light bomber which
took off to Join in the again post
poned test drop of an H-bomb
Friday morning.
The shot now has been reset
for Monday (Sunday V. 8. time).
It had been scheduled for Sunday.
The task force permitted an
nouncement of the accident Sat
urday after more than 30 hours
of searching - which is still un
der way for the missing man
in an area about SO miles off
Eniwetok Island.
less. Porter said it was the first
birth ever to occur on a train in
Mother and child were trans
ferred to Air Force hospital here
after arriving in Anchorage. Hos
oital attendanU reported both
"are doing fine."
The average selling price of U.
S. farm land reached a record 181
an acre in 1952 and hai varied
little since.
to make a wish is
hopeful fun... BUT
Want Ads get
your selling
"Hope wt tell It, hope we sell it"
may be enjoyable-hoping, but Classified
adi bring you that buyer 1
U it real estate or a car you'd like
to dispose of?
Merchandise or a business?
Whatever It Is-phont 4-6811 for an
SelfJ en 3rd Day
MODERN 2-bdrm. horn wittxh.
far. i patio, trg. krl, (urniihad of
unfurniaiMd. $00 nw. ind. avary
thing. Owner tremferred muet tall
at nce Willing ta make term en
small down paymant. Ph. XXXX.
Sold en 2nd Day
131 ENGLISH rare 2-dr. 1125.
Ph. XXXX after e P.M.
Sold an 3rd Day
18 FT. Crlee-Oeff cabin cruiaar.
Vary ram .Ph. XXXX.
Caheasflafaff AtsW OdJw TlWis)fJ0 Ot)Md9
iel 4111
Student From
Top Speller
WASHINGTON W-A 13-year-old
Pittsburgh girl, who turned to a
concentrated study of spelling two
years ago, won the 29th National
Spelling Bee Thursday.
She is Melody Sachko, eighth
grader at Carrick Junior High.
Runner-up was Sandra Owen, also
12, a seventh grade itudent in
Sugar Creek township school in
Justus, Ohio.
It was a second try for Melody, I
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Sachko. Two years ago the brun
ette girl finished sixth in the na
tional event.
It was then, she said, that she
took up a conscientious study aim
ing at another try for first place.
The yean of study paid off with
the championship title, 11.000, a
gr'd cup and a weekend trip to
New York. She outlasted 82 other
contestants a record number
through a maM of difficult and
tricky words.
Melody won by spelling correctly
"afflatus," after Sandra missed it,
and by promptly adding one more
correctly spelled word, 4'condomi
nium," which means Joint sover
Sandra, who had gone through
25 rounds Without a miss, slipped
up by spelling her final word "af
flatous." Correctly spoiled, it
means an inspiration. i
The girls showed up the boys;
this year. Although outnunbered
in the beginning, 34-29, the girls
outlasted the boys to win the top
four places. The last boy to drop
oC was Mark F.lson. 13, eighth,
grader in Jefferson Junior High,!
Oak Ridge, Tenn.
Third place was won by Ann
Malone Warren, 13. eighth grade,
Monticello High of Monticello, Ga.
Placing fourth was Karin Carter,
12, eighth grader at Marina Junior!
High, San Francisco. j
Second prize was $500. third
prize, $250, and the next five
prizes $100 each.
The bee, sponsored by the
Scripps - Howard and other news
papers, used S32 words to deter
mine the new champion. It took
eight hours.
Salem Quotations
(Aa ef lata jretterdatl
No I
Retail .....
Cnnf Can
font Oil
: Crane Cn
frown 7e
CurtiM Wr
Deere A Co
Dia Mulch
Douc Air
S- rinw Them
Du P de Ne .
47', ! Natl Biscuit
40', ; Nail Cash Ref
4SJ Natl Dalrv
'"'a Natl Diatill ....
1?? : Nail Gvpaum
Nail Lead
Nail Sunplv
MV NV Central
No Am'Avia ..
No Par Rv
NW Airliner ..
Olin Math
Otii Elev
.71 ' F.a.t Air 1.1
IGOS-(Burll) Kodak
(Wholeaale pricea rane from I : Pm"
to I cenla over ourlnf prlcel ! im" "4dl0
Lare A M E c,ll
Medium A - - -.. 31 T
Small . .22 Tairrhlld .
Pt LTRT 1 Il,n!"?!.
Colored Heni M rrd Mo,or
Lefhorn Hena IS
Colored Tryera ... .20
Colored Roaitera
Old Hooatera -
4S'a Pabco
" pat- C. A Fl .
"' Par T A T
'"'iPnn Am Air
M i Pennev 3 C .
Penn Ry
U'a I Pepl Cola
39 i Pheipa-Dodee
US', I Phllco Uorp .
Sylvenla El ... ....
.... 37Ji j T
J! Texaa Co
JJ,. ,Tex Gulf ..
- 'J , Textron
- , I Tlde-Aao
JJ" Tranaam
- Trana Wo Air ....
Twen Cen Fox
. 3ri
... 41', V
'a Union Carb
2" Union Oil
.. M'4 Union Par Ry ...
M'a Uni Aircraft
n Unl Air Llnea ....
4,,i Unl Corp
Unl Fruit
"'i US Plvwood
" a US Ruhher
US Steel
... 44 ! W
Warner Pic
107 i With Water P ...
' Jn,J Went Air Br
1171 Western Air
i.i? Wentern Flee
aai. Western Union
.. JVa :
.. l
.. J7', (Zenith
. S'
. Sl'i
. S',
- S',
.. 34' 4
.. 42",
.. H'a
.. IS',
. 1
.. 37',
.. SS1
280 N. Church 8L
PHONE 4-6811
(Mia. I llnea) Weekdays Sn.
per Una 1 time m 33 .23
per line S ttmea SO SO
per line I time, 11.30 II SO
pat Una 1 mo 13 00 (IncLSun. I
Claiilfleo. ads will na run in both
oaDera to five advertltera the ad-
vantaiea of the tremendoua pulllnj
power of 17,074 combined circula
tion!. When an M II ordered tnrea or
fix timet and Sunday isau la in
cluded I for examnle Friday. Satur-
j," i apply because only The SUteimaa
1 Dubliihea Sundavl
4iJ I Claaalfied ada will 'art in the
M4 morning Ore ion Staleaman, conclude
joij inatha evening Capital Journal but
aaa win ne accepeo tor unuay
Statesman only.
The deadline for classlfled ada la
1 00 p m the day before publication
except lor Sunday when deadline Is
no p m rnaay. Emergency aaa ana
amali line ada received after I 00
Investment Trusts
(Zilka, Smlther tt Co. Inc I
Bid Asked
Affiliated Fund S 17 7i
Canadian Fund It 7 21.2S
Century Stiarea Trust 23 82 25 73
Chemical Fund 11.41 1S S8
Delaware Fund II 21 12 42
Diver. Invest Fund I 32 10 4.1
Dividend Shares 2S2 3.10
Eaton aV H. Bal. Fund 22 37 2.1 VI i
Gaa. Ind. . .. - .14 .12 13 05
Group Tobacco 4.35 4.73
Incorp. Inrestora 20 02 21 S3
Kev Cuat. Funds:
B-3 124 20 M
B-4 10 97 11 98
K-l S 10.3:1
S-2 12(10 1.173
S-4 I00 1137
Man Bond Fund ... Sin S 8H
Mass. Invest. Trust ... .14 97 37 '1 5
Natl Ser. Series:
Income Series .19 S 9
Stock Series 3 74 9 37 1
PYef. Stock S 3 34 9 M ,
Nail Div. Series 4 91 3 .17 ,
Natl. Growth 3fl 39 '
Pioneer Fund 14 20 1 3
Tel.-Elec. Fund II 9(1 13 04'
Value Line Inc. Fund . 4 23 4 31
Wellington Fund 13 73 14 97
Si Stock Market
Spirit Low
Portland Produce
Sm weekdays and until 12 noon
aturday for Sunday may be placed
in the Too Late to Clasisfy" column
Ads for Monday papers must be
in by S p m Saturday.
The Statesman Journal Newspa
pers reserve the right to reject Ques
tionable advertising; it further re
serves the right to place (ill adver
tising under the proper classifica
tion. The Stateaman Journal Newspa
pers assume no financial -esponal-bil;ty
for errors which may appear
PORTLAND 1 - Butterfat
Tentative, subject to immediate
chance Premium quality, deliv
ered in Portland, 6043 lb; first ,ln adevrtlsemenls pi.bllsh.-d in ts
. 1 columns and in cases wherti thia pa-
quality 57-fiO; second quality 52o5. , (ault wlj renrtnt that oart
. . ,1 Butter Wholesale, I O.D. ' OUH of an advertiaemem in wnicn tne
.EW OK 'jft-lhere wasn I ,. . hnlecalpra-firarle AA. I 'J-00!"0"1"1 m ?eur
after a modest early rise. whole.alerKregon
The Associated Press average j ,ingle, tlA6 ,b. Oregon loa(
of 60 stocks was off 10 cents ati.e m
$185.30. It was ahead $.10 Thurs-, Eggs-To wholesalers-Candled
vtere up 20 cenl.s. Eggs-To retailers-Grade A A
mini 1.111 mint tuiidi u.-rs ,ia.i:v, meaium, ; n meaium. 42: a
traded Thursday.
Grains Drop
After Gaining
CHICAGO 11 Grains dropped in prev day
the latter part of the session on week aro
the Board of Trade Friday after y.0anr,h,J
showing early strength. m High
The turnabout, which was ab- i"5 Low
rupt. came after the Senate ap- JJ h
Stocks and Bonds
Tomplled by The Associated Preat
May IS
STOCK Avr.HAt.ei
30 IS
Indust Rails
Net change D 2 D 7
240 5 149 0
240 7 149 7
20.14 132.0
2(17 0 149 0
220 2 . 13.1 2
273 2 135 1
244 0 1 29 0
237 8 142 4
203 1 114 9
13 40
fill Stks
A 2 D2.
73 0 183 3
72 4 143 3
7.10 147 9
7.1 4 144 7
Fggs To consumers AA large,
Live poultry No. 1 quality,
f o b. Portland Fryers, 2H-4 I b s.
24; at farm, 23; ligr hens. 17-18
at farm; heavy hens, 20-21 at
farm; old roosters. 11-12.
Turkeys To producers L 1 T e
weight fryers, 27-28; breeder tur
key hens, eviscerated, 33; breeder
toms, 37-38.
Rabbits Average to growers-
Live white, 3-4'i lbs, 23-26; $-6
A "Blind" Ad an ad containing
Statesman-Journal Nawapapera box
number tor an address ia for the
protection of tha advertisers and
must therefor be answered by let
ter. Tha Statesman-Journal Newspa
pers art not at liberty to divulge In
formation aa to the Identity ol as
advertiser using a "Blind" ad.
Ads in other columns which require
Investment In stocks, samples,
equipment or cash bond ahouid be
thoroughly investigated bafu.e
paying out any money Advertisers
requiring a cah investment for
eamplrs or merchandise iales aids
etc.. must so specily in iheir ads
tect Hs readers agnnt fraud, de
ception, or inlnnes Readers are
raut.nned to make NO PAVMEN1S
to get a position advertiaed in the
help wanted columns. All ' help
help wanted ada must state If tha
pay la In tha form of aalary, com
missions, guarantee, or Include
firm name Bona (Id offers of
employment with pay belong to
the Help Wanted" columns
Kindly report any exception to this
rule to tha classified advertising
Classified Index
"For Your Convenience'
311 Meeting Notices
311 Lost and Found
314 Tramportatlon
IKc 19. ?) nlrl rnlnrwl nplts 1 rente! 314 Personal
1.4 I .1 -'. ."'I " " r -. . .,. fnlMa
411 0.lll kvt.w
Droved a measure which would
permit the government to srll B0NB avmaofi
some 01 us low grade wneai tor
feeding purposes. Net change
Corn and oats were hardest hit pr,;." ,,,.
by the sudden selling. Old crop week ago
corn, which had been about Vi' "
cents higher early, dropped about os High
3'j cents from its peak and then i3 lw
rallied slightly. New crop months
held up belter. -
Wheat closed 54-2'j lower, corn
VI 'alower. oats unchanged to
Us lower, rye 'i lower to 'a
higher, soybeans h lower to t
cent higher and lard unchanged
732 191.5: iess: old does, 10-14, few higher.
73 7 m 5 1 fresh killed fryers to retailers, 58
47 2 U8 4 61; cut up, 62-65.
Wholesale Dressed Meats
m in 10 Beef carcasses Steers, 1 choice,
mils Indust I'll) rgn 500-700 lbs, 32.50-35 00; good, 31.00-
93 2 94 1 94 9 i 34.00; commercial. 29.00 - 32.00;
84n utility, Z7.W1 - 30 uu; commercial
93 2
93 4
98 4
98 3
94 1
94 .1
93 7
98 5
97 7
93 4
94 9
94 9
93 4
97 3
94 0
94 9
84 4
99 8 10(1 1
94 4 94 0
Dow Jones Averages
cows. 26 00-30 00; utility, 25.00
849 28 00; canners and cutters, 23 00
"3 2 26 00.
85 Beef cuts 'choice steersiHind
MJ quarters, 42.00-46 00; rounds
j 39 00-43.00: full loins, trimmed,
61 00 - 67.00: forequart'ers, 26.00-
: 29 00; chucks, 28 00-31.00; ribs.
Doctors Give
Jerry Lewis
Heart Cheek
Jerry Lewis was hospitalized Fri
day for a check on a heart condi
tion. The .10-year-old Lewis com
plained Thursday night of a chest
pain and his doctor ordered an
electrocardiogram. '
Dr. Marvin S. Levy said it;
showed a deviation from a previ-i
ous reading. j
He said Lewis' condition is not!
serious but ordered him to Mt. Si-J
nai Hospital for a series of checks, i
Dr. Levy said the tests will show ,
whether Lewis' condition is acute
or whether the deviation came
from a too-strenuous schedule.
.Jerry is currently working in a
movie by day and had made a
number of night personal appear-'
ances. He was the master of cere
monies Wednesday night at a civic
testimonial for Jean Hersholt.
NF.W YORK 1 API Dow Jones ' 42.00-46.00.
1 Pork cuts Loins, choice. 8-10
4i4Milbs, 49.00-54.00; shoulders, 16 lbs,
173 17 1 down, 26.00-29 00; spareribs, 39.00-
17474 44 fresn hams ,M4 4" 00"
evidently caiighl . the trade by ur-1 ,,.1,,, at Glance I al weights, 32 00-47 00; commerl
.h i. 1 j j ,etl""n wa,t: " cial.28.00-40-.0O.
iu, 11 ikuiu uvyicM pi icrs Ul ' NFW YORK MaV 18 lArM
feed grains. Storks Late selling, moderate ad
closing stock averages'
High Low
to 8 cents a hundred pounds lower. I 'J - Jl"6
The wheat-for-feed amendment'; utn . 44.14
to the farm bill was offered by '45 stocks I8002
Sen oung iR-NDi. lis passage
174 47
43 44
174 22
Chicago Grain
Jlv '
2 29-29'i
2 09-09',
2 101,-1,
2 12 V,
2 13'.
1 SO
I S2V,
I 34-i,
1 41',
89', -89
1 28',
I 27',
1 27
1 30,-3I
3 24-27',
3 23-27
2 74',
2 33',-',
2 59
Spring lamb Choice-prime, 40-
50 lbs. 49 00-52.00.
Lambs Choice, 40-50 lbs , 41.00
44 00; good. 37.00-42 00.
Wool Nominal, clean basis, 'a
' wneai weaa; aoia uu niiu filOOO, 1 DO-OS; "a DIOOO, 1.U3-U1I; '1
CLOSE. arains. ,,,,.,,,. develop-: blood. 1.12-18; fine, 1.1723.
menis. 1 t ounlry-oreaaeo meats, f.o.D.
. vanre
i Hunds - - Higher, moderate activity
Cotton Steady, trade buying liquidation.
1 Chicago:
47', -44
1 34',
I 24',-1.
I 28',
1 no
3 23',-',
: 25', -24
2 75',
2 .VI',-',
2 57
Western Securities
(Zllaa, Smlther 4. Co. Inc.l
These bid and ask quotations rep-
nnirii, mrmwrs ui turn mmnm
, aociation of Security Dealer's .Inc.,
would trade with the general public
at the time tha quoutlons were
gathered at 1 p.m. yesterday ;
I Bid Asked
Calif. -Oregon Power ...33',
Cascade Plywood M1,
iConaol. Freight 14'4
I Iron Fireman : I.T4
Jantzan Inc. Com. 22'
Meier It Frank
' Morrtaon-Knudsen
Ore -Port. Cement
Pac. P SV L. Com.
Pope A Talbot
Portland Gas A Coke .
Port. Cen. Elc
Bank of America
Bank of California
Chaae Manhattan
i First national
.Flrat Nat. City NY
1 V. NaUeueJ .
.. TS",
. 's
39' 4
Chicago Livestock
402 Livestock for Sale
403 Livestock Wanted
04 Poultry and Rabbits
407 Fur Bearing Animals
404 Pels
409 Sea roods
410 Seeds and Plants
412 Fruit and Farm Produce
413 Fertillrer
414 Farm Equipment
421 Auction Sales
431 Machinery and Tools
452 Wanted Machinery. Tools
454 Sewing Machines
4.3 Houte Good for Sala
454 Wanted House Gooda
431 Radio and Television
45d Building Materlala
459 Do It Yourself
460 Musical Instrumenta
AH2 Sports EaulDiQent
444 Bicycles
4fieJ Trade Mlscellaneoua
474 Fuel
444 For Rent. Mlscellaneoua
470 For Sale. Miscellaneoua
472 Wanted Mlscellaneoua
471 Mlscellaneoua
510 Money to Loan
512 Loans Wanted
SI" Investments
402 Help Wanted
404 Help Wanted. Man
dl Help Wantrd. Lady
BOS Pirker Wanted
810 Salea Helo
812 Work Wanted. Mi-n
814 Work Wanted. Lady
413 Situations Wanted
817 Job Information
418 Fducation
620 Day or Contract
702 Sleeping Rooms, Board
703 Wanted Rooms. Rn?rd
705 Apartments for Rent
708 Duplexes
707 Hi use for Rent
707-A Furnished
704 Farma for Hent
709 Wanted to Rent
710 Wanted to Rent Houses
712 Wanted tn Rrnt Apta.
714 Business Rental,
714 Resort Rental;
718 Convalescent Hnmee
780 Moving and Storage
him rfai. fstatf
1 llloil JI c. I7dlltl, lu. XjWJi Dusmrsi vvppnrtuniiiew.
rred. 2 00-50; Texas yellows. Ige. nlT'ha'n p"""ny
2.75-3.2.5. I snii Houses for Sale
Potatoes Central Ore. Russets, sol Apts . courts for (alt
No. 1A. 100 lbs. 5 00-75; No. 2. SO; K;mI0,r s...
Ik 1 7;.fl 111- Halfad Nfl 1 'wlO flit Dull F.e.4.
uneven: fed "leers and heifers Jh;; 3n0.25. Klamath district' Rus-I j''"''.''? ,
f-oncrally steady; cows weak-oO No ,A g. Idaho Rus-iUJ R,"";."0
iuci. Minn- uiie mi 1. iu-ci, se,, )no )hji 0 00.50 some 0 7.23;
nulls anout sieany; cnoice iea
2 07',-',i Oats - Weak: legislative oeveiop-1 fortland
Mixed: early
utility, 24-27 lb;
gains! Beef-Cows,
i cutters, 20-22
higher; top- VoalTnn nilalilv liohlneitrht
2 09',-', 1 merits
2 12-12'. ! Soybean,
2 12', i 'nst
1 Hogs Mostly
sn-'lsi ''attle - Steers, heifers nominally 1 33-35: rough heavies, 22-30.
I SI 1 steady, top $20 30
1 37',-',
1 40',
j Chicapio Onions
I Nov inldi
j Nih . 1 new I
Open Hlih Low Close w(,hpr5 12-14;
1 18 810
Hogs Best lighl blockers, 24-25;
lean light sows, 18-20.
Lambs Good yearlings, 33-36;
top grade springers, 45-48.
Mutton Lightweight ewes and
rough heavies
1 73 1 77 1 75
2 01 2 01 2 00 2 01!
Fresh Produce
Onions Ore Danvers.
i Portland Livestock
; PORTLAND 'f-'l'SDA '-Cattle
'salable for week 3.000; market
hil. S IO the 1 no
a.,1, ho,Y s,5oo; closed mo.h- 2.5 ste" ntt , Ne. 2 green
higher on butchers and sons; armmd ! choice 20.7.v2l 00: also part load al(afai baled, f.O.b. Portland,
0 head mostly i s 200-210 in is oo; 1.176 lb choice with some prime 4300-4000 ton some sales higher.
a new high since July 1935: mixed I ct.,r. 91 nn. oonH sleere tSfaV '- -
and 2 190-220 Ih 17 50-17 85: mixed S'C" 21 "" S0? ' '"'r
lots 2 and 3 lsfl-280 lb 17 00-17 50; 19 00; commercial Ulll- -.i., 1 no v hinhrr- hulk US
AJI J ?"?- ."-. ity 12.00-I5.SO: load choice 923 lbiTi LZ?fFT?t.
other choice
r-BttiA Aftft 4nn. 1
and choice steer, so- ,.A,mr. . fed heifers 20 00;
clal to low good grades 15 00-17 75: 19 00-50; good 17.50-18 50; utility
good to low choice heifers 17 00-19 00: rrnrnprrial 11 00-16 iO- cannrr k
rommerrtat raoea4l-47S; utllttv tc9mm rClaL ',' , .',A .1 ,
ana commercial cows 1 1.75-14 . 50- vuuri vuws ihic owiw.ju, rai iy
canners and cutters 10 25-12 30: bulls
13 50-13 50; choice and prime vealers
34 00-24 00
Sheen 200; iteady; good and choice
shorn lambs 90-11.1 lb with No. 1
and 2 pelts 22 00-11 30; choice spring
lamb 83-9 lb, 24 00-24 30: shorn
slaughter ewes 400-3 50
Chicago Butte r-Epg
So. 12 butchers 180-235 lbs" 19.00-
50, few late sales to 19.75 and
small lot 20.00, new high since last
August; No. 3 lots down to 18.00
early; sows 300-300 lbs 12.50-lfiOO,
lighter sows to 16 50; small lots
feeder pigs 14.50-16 00, latter for
choice 57 lb weights.
Sheep salable for week 2,000;
snrins lambs closed 50-1.00 lower.
Calves salable for week 4430; unfinished Iambs off most; old
market generally 1 00-2 00 lower on cr0p lambs fully steady consider-
vealers; some utility k commer- jn quality; choice-prime spring-
cial of! more; hulk choice vealers er, eariy 25 50, later mostly 25 00;
Butler 22 00-24 00. individuals to 23 00 SOod-choice 24 00-25.00: cull-utilitv
commercial 13 50 - !7 00: 20 00-22.50: aood-choice shorn old
to 11.00; utility cows 11 50-13.00,;
early to 13 50; few commercial
14 00-50; utility bulls 15.50-17.00, i
odd heavy 17 50; light cutters
12 00-13 50
851 New Cars
8.'2 Used Cars for Sale
8.13 Auto Parts and Repair
854 Trucks, Trailiw for Sala
454 Wanted Cars. Trucua
858 Motorcvcks
840 Auto Mlscellaneoua
Sua House Trailers
464 Heavy Equipment
440 Aircraft
Attractive, modern 1-bdrm.
home, full bamt., wpartf
room, hdwd. floors fireplace,
dble plumb., numeroua built
Ina At aloraga apace. Must bo
aeen inside to appreciate. Well
kept yard and shrubs, fruit
trees. 40x100 corner lot. clle
bus service. 413. 9J0. Sea at
1010 Electric Ave.
lMgTUDEBAKER-ton farm
truck with flatbed, special
axle, 8 24 rubber, all for 1904.
2440 Portland Rd.
EQUITY In clean '54 Crown Vic
toria Ford for any clean 81
or 32, '93 mdl Can be seen at
IM4 8. 12th After
iS2 VDRrF6HDSdn"wnear
new aeat covers. SOS Shipping.
BESfraahoficr takea 1949 Ford
Bus. Coupe. Phono Mr. Good
win a-08.ll.
MAKE offer on my equity on lot
at Labish Villaga. Ph. 4-8270.
SELL OR TRADE 2 bdrm. As
den Nob Hill dial 3 blks.
South Salem HI. Will trad
for smaller home. 1741 8. Lib
erty. Ph. 3-3018
I M M E D I A T E saeVslon - i
bdrm. 4 yr. old, aewer. water,
Paved at. 19 000, Payments 144.
H A Take car, lot. trailer
house? For SI. loo down. 2-4191
ext. 410 before I p.m. or after
u a.
LEAVTNG Stat. By Owner"!
bdrms.. hardwood flra., insido
utll . wired for dryer, kitchen
Ac dining comb Elec heat, 'a
acre. SI 400. SHOO down. Ph.
2-337S. 75 Rlenwood Dr.
1 BDRM. houswlthflreplaci
'j blk. to bus atop 479 S 17!!i.
2 BDRM home, near sohoorAj
bus. 1290 down. Ph 4-4471
BY OWNER; 2 A. plua. mostly
cherries, Keirer dlst. 3 bdrm.
older home. F A. aawdust heat,
dbl. gar. S7 9O0. Ph. 4-7S34
after I pm. Sat., all day gun-day.
1 BDRM house for rent 459. 5150
Chehalls Dr. (Kelren. Sea
owner Sun
CLEAN furn. 1 room, kitchen,
hath. Near Univ., bus: 2-5513.
ano Like new. Ph. after 4,
EMERSON 17" TV. console set
seejtat 2440 PortlandJId
HC.A color T V. Set regT 4114
for 473 rash A: carry guaran
teed new and O K. Heider'a,
3M N. High.
A M AN A13 cu ft "freererriMS".
264fl Portland Rd.
MAYTAf! washer like new",
with p""n. 459 30 Heider'a,
143 N. High.
REPOSSESSED Amana freerer
Bal due S160 23 cn ft wld
new 9400 Heider'a 343 N. High.
FOR SALE Antique solid ma
hogany carved armchair S30.
White electric cabinet sewing
machine 420 00. Kenmor elec
tric Ironer excellent condition
S5000. Call3-740.
FOR SALE: '47 Hudson, good
mechanical cond. 9100 Also
Teardrop sleeper, all ateel
frame, kitchen in back. Ph.
VIEW lot 2', blocks west of
Wallace Rd on Alpine Ave.
Ph 3-MI7,
4 BDRM home 900 1905 N 20th!
eves, or week ends.
MODERN 2 A 3 rm. court apt"
util. A earbaee ftirn. 3211
Portland Rd Ph. 4-5373
FOR SALtgirl's 24 InblcvclaT,
good cond. 417 Ph. 2-0041
MAKE offer, must aall refrlg.,
late model, etieap, very clean.
Also '40 Chrv. 4 dr . excen
ttonally good A elean. 444
Brenner. 4-7547
CHROME set "with 4 chairs ad
for 449 2440Portland Rd
i STURDY alngl beds, f slngli
Inneraprlng matt. Ph. 4-0473
FORALE or ffaoVRer Lab
rador Puppiea. I mo. old Ph,
SELL or trade Several food
saddles A- saddle horses, kid
ponies. 1419 S. 23th
FOlrNrTln 200"blk. of S. Winter
leriies blue rimmed glasses.
Tdentifv A oay for ad. Ph.
4-4411 Ex 44
FOR SALE.'manV English M-cv-ie.
gears, 'ike new. 3S.
1.184 Marion Ph. 4-8094
300 Personal
312 Lost ond Found
LOST; parakeet, green color
with yellow neck, in vicinity
of Summer A Jefferson. 3-!00.
LOST Boston "bull Terrier,
black female in vicinity of
Ward Dr. Ph. 2-4747.
LOST: Pr bifocal giasses. blacli
rims. Vlcinitv of Royal Ct
Ants Ph 3-3053
LOST A brown women's leather
purse sometime Sunday. Ph.
1-1003. Reward
LOST Spaniel Australian Shep
herd, black with brown feet,
bob tail. Reward. Ph.4-0055.
LOST- Oreen Prayer Book,
Name of Pat Kindel lnsld.
Ph. 3-4141.
316 Personal
DO you have our number
2-3243, register fur berry As
bean picking. Transportation
furnished. W. L. Summer Jr.
Rt. 2. Box 317.
Security Detective Agency
Private investigation anywhere,
anytime World wide affili
ation. Rm. 1.19 Salem Ph day
or night 4-2249 Vancouver,
Wash Oxford3-1454.
ALCOHOLICS Anonymoua group
No. 1 2084 N Com'l 3-4537.
MME. HAZEL Reveal', all. can
help you obtain the one you
love, and tuccess in all af
fairs, special reading 92. 4590
Portland Rd
ALCOHOLICS Anonymoua. 404
S Commercial. 2-2104
Palm, card A physic reader,
tells pnst. present it future.
45 complete reading. 91 with
ad 3743 Portland Rr.. Ph.
318 Stomps and Coins
WILL buy gold coins. ny de
nomination Call 2-4441,
Die I jsl Will and Testament of John
Hughes, deceased, haa been duly
proven and admitted to probate In
and by the Circuit Court of the Bute
of Oregon for Marlon County and
that Letters Testamentary have la
sued to Velma M. Hughea, aa execu
trix of aaid will All persona having
clalma against aaid estate are hereby
notified to present tha same duly
verified and with proper vouchera
to aaid executrix at 704 Ltvealey
Building. Salem. Oregon, within alx
months from the date of first pub
licallon of this notice.
Executrix of tha Last Will
and Testament nt John
Hughes, deceased.
treu. . Mnnirsei selling prices un- rl.,
phsnSKil tn It. lower' A iftr,"rl!
94.24-94 9; A 42 50-59 29. B 40 57-57 5; good 18 00-21 00; Culls down to ; crnn lambs 18.00-50. few WOoled to
C 4ft 54 75 73-54 iiu. t. ..I - .1., t..l.J. . ... .. . . . . j Hug
Eggs steady; wholesale selling ; 7 ' : . 1 .- u....ij ... " ; ASA I. i.r.H,uu
prices unchanged to , higher tn ', i lew good-Choice StocK steers 17 00-lcu, salable down to 1100; good-1 Attorney for Estate
lower: minimum 40 per cent As ex-1900 I choice thnrn rati 500-800' cull- D' of Publication: April 28
tras large 34-3S: extras medium 37; ' , .. , . , M. Cy."!" J" r" SWW' CU" ' Data of last puhhcation: Mav 24
standards 17 J. check, 94.34, 1 Hog9 Salable for week 1,925; ' Utility 2.00-4 00. April 29 May 9,12,19,94
Ph. 4-6811