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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1956)
!.8-(Sr. D-Statesman, Salem, Ore, Fit, Hay 18, 56 Willamette Players u Presented f Oscars' Acsdemy award "Oaears," WU lamella University style, were pr- nted at tha Willametta Uni te i tjr Players banquet to tha aif r.berc- ol tba drama depart- " at a banquet Wednesday at th Colonial Horn. Die. Ceer of Salem waa named Educator V A n 41 t apea Feraer Sales tdaeater. Dr. WO lit C Janes, will glvo eaa sseaceaaeai address at Willaaa etta University Jim 1 Dr. Jones to . wnr ic at wu Graduation Pr, William 'C. Jones, dean of administration at tot Univenity of Onion, will bt ipeaker at Willamette Unlveralty'i e a m Btencement eeremoniea June 1 at HcCulloch Stadium. From 1929 ta 1M1 Dr. Jonea a professor of buaineat and public adminiatratioa at Willam ette. He became head o( tha department of political science at tha University of Oregon until 1944, when he assumed the posi tion of president of Whittier Col teg. In 1931 he joined the fac ulty of the U. of 0. in his present po't . f -Y . Born In Pittsburgh. Pa. In 1900, Jonea obUtnad his B. et Whittier College, hit master of business ndminiitration at the University of California, and his n.0. at the University of Mlnne-ot. . He baa aerved at merit super visor of the Oregon State Public Welfare Commlsiion and it affil iated with tha American Political Science Association and the American Society for Public Administration. actor of the year for his per formance as Macbeth. Honorable mention went ta Tom Larson tar "Kiss lie, Kate. Actress of the year trophy waa presented to Clarine Woolery of Salem for her performance In "House of Bemarda Alba," while honorable mention went Jointly to Beth Church of Oswego for "Kiss Me. Kate and Shiela Laue of Salem for her interpretation of Lady Macbeth. The supporting actor Oscar went to George Nelson of Bend. who portrayed MacDuff in "Mac-, beth. rot her Murtirio role in "Bernard Alba," Barbara Ruhle of Salem waa named best support ing actress - Service Award ' I Theatre Service Awards, given to those who have contributed the most to the department, went to Wayne Harris of San Mateo and Ruth McConnkk of White Salmon, Wash. Moat promising freshman priM went to Beth Guilbert of Berke ley, while the Theatre Produc tion plaque, given to students outside the drama department. wu given to Margie Wood of Burlingame and Frank Dobbins of Seattle for their work on post er and programs. Presentation of awarda was made by drama director Robert Putnam, followed by tapping for new member of Theta Alpha Phi, national dramatica honorary. New Member Selected for membership In the organiiaUon were Sheila Laue, Salem; Donna Leonard, Milwau- kie; Donna Ruth and Lois Wick ersham, Portland; Mary Van Cleave, Silverton; George Nelson, Bend; Ruck McCormick, White Salmon; Ken Renshaw, Burlin game; Bob Briddy, Monterey; and Wayne Harris, San Mateo. si (A1 r r ft 3-10-S6-57 J JULVS4 MA 23 M stria STAR GAZEK'V Br OAT X POULAJe H TanrfMrMMrCM X ActaraVitf fa lk itvt. T develop meiMoe to Friday. Mod ods ojnajpondma to ntrtotn of vour Zxix bvti ngn - s" rTj b-nn 4 NOV Ti LVT- 10 Txiww 40 Vm It St 41 OrM 12 ta) 41 11 C 4 U 47 H 4 Itvn 4 T. MO 51 Yo, il Om )J A U Should 55 fhort 5.T. 57 foK i Colli 5Oiolltnt SUCMM 70 T 71 (t 71 Uwtrm 71 . 7 77 Y 7 Mm TV TV. M hciH ii w 53 54 Monr, 15 M lMy 17 Ktonthr U Con tv 0 (y)Gnod Advent Ntuc'i 131 4?7) v ne 7- gM5 Firemen Qimb Roof To Find $100 Bill FORT WILLIAM, Ont. lV-Clty firemen ran up a ladder to roof here and found neither smoke nor flame. ! All they found wu a $100 bill. That' what they were looking for. - It wu blown out of a woman! hand on a street corner. Chief Harold Lock wood said his men Joined the search to help the woman as she crcd out in anguish that it was her first and only 1100 blU. kaal . ",W,1"X Z3? s Indian Lands Sale Bids Opening Set PORTLAND ID - The Indiw effect here says bids will be opened next Tuesday at the Klanv aid ' A;ency on 4t parcels of allotted Indian land. Included are timber, grazing and farm land, Don C.' Foster, area director of the Bureau of In dian Aftalrs, said. Sales, being made at the request of Indian owners, are not connected to termination of federal control ever the Klamath. Foster said, al thc.u?!t the;j8ti4.hvaaJltae Klam ath itUtWv NO WEAPONS t'JLED . TOKYO UB-Japaa'a International Trade and Industr- Minister has ruled no weapon may be exported to countries involved in interna tional conflicts. Syria had been reported seeking weapons In Japan. TONIGHTI i See the Championship Fight en TV in our i Auditorium, Seconal Floe . p. M. I SATURDAY -MAY 19 One of a series of informal classes for everyone sf who like to take pictures-Conducted by Mr. Pt Tuttle, Manager of the Meier & Frank Station- ery and Camera Departments. f AUDITORIUM, SECOND HOOR-2 P.M. it'' FASHION MODELING-1:30 TO 2:30 P.M. OREGON ROOM - STREET FLOOR BEFORE . You Wvy I Spinet k Organ Have You n Heard And fjPbyed... I P. S. You'll be happier with a Baldwin! Rental and Lesson ZOBELS Y1 S1 Cgr 11 -r" r v 3 DAY PAINT 1 FRIDAY, SATURDAY, MONDAY EAG'. yt n 1LPIWI3TA? IBS 0 ?uitMi.iiit.iMiia gJ r"Di 1 in ; SCHAPFFR'S AnfacM Powder Far the palliative relief of tb discomfort of Hyperacidity (Mur stoma eh), Belching, Heartbarn er Flatulence to cl ient due to Gastric Acidity. Sckaefer1 Antacid Powder I prepared nnder the Schaefer Standard of Parity ef materi al and nifg. skill, as eviden ced by snare thsn fifty year ef avceesaful service to the public. ' 60 SWER'S, DRUG STORE Open DHy. Ml AJd. to V I P. M. Sundays, a. m. te S n. aa. 1SS N. Commercial ,. SAVE 1.05 GAL. MASTER IXFO HOUSE PAINT Here' your chance to brighten your home, increase its value . at Sears lowett point price of the year! Long-wearing, mildew reiittant, self-cleaning. White and 14 col or. Guaranteed quality. Contain finatt oil and pigment! GALLON m $ mmmm for ail vour nmm needs! 'SaSOcbK ouMtvt&ed fr(l)f PHONE 3-9191 hdk JlHlAJ 550 N. CAPITOL mm MAND NAM! tJW yvJT fsVff taVaSbajfa! C 4I hvMHntWnpnWlt .r snvici W Mvk wlM Ml Vm 'r4 SWa,WISt PAITS un teriAtt. tar At CUAtANTnO GMfSto fMMarftjWlesMI WytMff svMey bBCfco SBaWfj (4J(BsW at i a n i ii ii an, Notsipown vr4Ma motNmiNO n4f t era tvtre SHf, vm (Auai u si!Miyi2rTj3 inaiai imm compare with other mowers selling up to 95.00! 3f 'WS' Tift? 3V I Reg. I 69,95 o o Only 6.00 Down End tiresomt hand mowing angine starts easily, has 2 horst power Automatic govtrnor maintains constant speed Blade made of austempered steel Lightweight . . . weighs only 44 pounds 19-IN. ROTARY 9 2 H. P. 2-cycle gas engine Height of rut adjustable banks and terraces without scalping. Blade shield Trims closely along walls, flower beds. Also cuts ed by guards. 1-piece aluminum housing, smooth rubber tires. End hand mowing, clipping with this Craftsman. Vz Horsepower with Overload Protector DUNLAP ROTARY 88 Reg. 59.95 Power Products Engine Blade shielded by guards Rnggid IS hp, 2 cycle gi.s mower; blade of austem pered steei for faster cutting. Sturdy steel housing; plastic grips and rubDer tires. ELECTRIC ROTARY 0)88 Reg. 43.95 4.00 Down Perfect balance: quiet and efficient. Tool steel blade cuts to 5 heights. Side chute scatters cuttings. Oper ate on 112 volts, 60 cycle AC. 75-ft. Extension Cord S.W NOW KiX iCV You Just Guide Sears New Handyman Tiller . . . Easiest Tilling Ever! a 1 -w (Q) (0)95 J I 19.00 Ami Down mm. FOUR BIG FEATURES! 1. Quick Hitching fast, no-'ool rhnrje ovr from On ttef hment to ano'her. 3. Big 1 H. P. Engines Pimiion md by Briggt StriMon. n w lighlwtighl 4-cycl typv w:'h ftfO'l trttr. 2. Runs on 1 CnaitfU tor tai mowing, tulli- 4. Backs Up Tool nd hluli"a. run On lvtr givtl you for- t normjl w I k i n g wrd ntu'rl or rveri peed. n fluTching. I DAVID BRADLEY 1.6-HP ROTO-SPADER 12590 I oeis5cS'0 551 .No '""d wlvcl S K1 .Res"u,ge . kink resUnt TOU SAVE 2.6 rr aa NOW Regularly 9.95 XtX-f& Complete With Wheels and Extension Tines 179.50 )149 88 Cul; an 18-inch log in seconds. Light weight; sasy to handle, low maintenance. At Searsl SAVE 29.62