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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1956)
6-(Sec; I) Statesman, Salem, Ore., FrL, May 18, 3Q loom (3ao pqoqgs ddasbcjqim IF sfQecxs: Eras iTi?nn a rn Kiia4iw.A.'.to...i-.. ((Siwi ; . . , Statesman, Salem, Ore., Fri., May 1856 (Sec, I) 7- n r I- n n t r-1 1 ! ? r Ul SM I i a; . 1 1 Li Ul IjjJ 13 lb Lb U 1J V J lJ -nJI-i u I Si- IT mmL MICMffiS I "1 ; - m " w,lcTT!t 1 I ti'wMi -ifetiift fteWWWlti winei tfiiWififrfni 1 iifai it rfrr.r -r r 1 ' " f"'lW ifi 1IY1 ir i a Minerl-M --m BE ON HAND WHEN DOORS OPEN FOR THESE EARLY BIRD BARGAINS! $35 Cashmere SWEATERS 100 tilhmtr Imports from Sift00 England I V . Value to f.95 BLOUSES 1 Reg. 3.91 SAILCLOTH SHORTS V Sailcloth VISOR PLAYHATS Nylon, Reg. 1.00 PANTIES famous brand, 3.91 'to 5.91 SLIPS Rag. 10.9S to 17.9S Ntw tummar stock DRESSES 1 1 1 ice Its Reg. 5.98 Rtg. 9.95 Reg. 12.95 00 E00 (5)00 Navy summer sklrtr that have ust arrivedl Beautiful full circle in exclusive prints, including new hand painted skirts from Mexico SQDD D O UIUAM SUITS Rtg. 89.95-99.95 Reg. 69.95 (5)1 00 -JU L-T d- in. 1.91" , J.. MS 88 188 Nationally advertised nyton and cotton slips. Sizes 32-44. Beautiful exclusive French and English imported fabrics. Sizes 10-20. Reg. and petite. SUITS , Beg. 49.95-59.95 . .38.88 " fine tigtitweight worsted wools, sizes 10-18, 9-15, 14VJ-20Va. mm ws sum Reg. 39.95. .Worsted flannels, Reg, 25.00 rayon tweeds, checks, sixes 14V4-20Vi. regular and half-sizes. WOOL SKIRTS! 88 $ 88 ALL of our famous brands included! Reg. T.50 Nylon, lace trimmed. i J1WELRY ' V price Prom our "Boutique" shop, handpicked earrings, neckla ces, bracelets, pins. Reg. 1 .T30-29.98. IMIIUIIWJIIWIIWW BELTS OFF! . Pino leather belts in many colors. Reg. 2.98-12 98. D O 48 ULUMMfMlS Reg. 39.95-49.95 88 KM Reg. 49.95-59.95 Reg. 5V.95-74.95 88 88 fO) Reg. 8.95-12.95 Reg. If 95-19.95 (3)88 Reg. 119.95-129.95 188 Reg. 19.95-99.95 fljla 4&l:im-,MXrmimymmi m mmmmmmmmm'f-1"'mm Jn 5 ttLrVJ mDVJViyeJ V . - a'-i i ii miii iiiiii. .in i iii iiiiiiiii .iiiiiii iiiiiiiiii mimmim iniini niniimrif nnw i -it-'in- mr li- -i iiiin-rii-ii- tin M.-HII, . i - ' , . ; i ------ -$vyii,f" I k- - - - - 'i l -' II minium i " ' " Z" iL n i-fi . . R9 D ) i V 22.95-29.95 - L-,- I ' lTT 1 o08 IvLr ;. lUJ ... L J X X -li I 111 I I I III I W A A 1 I rww 11 I I . 111 I I 1 I M - BE HERE AT 9 A.M. SHARP FOR THESE 'EARLY BIRD' SPECIALS! 3 only, Reg. 139.95 CASHMERE COATS i Reg. 19.95-22.95 RAYON SUITS 1 Reg. 39.95 to 49.95 100 wools, allium lined COATS only, Reg. 24.95 to 29.95 TOPPERS Reg. 1.00-60 gauge NYLONS 5 TOPPER' Reg. 24.95-29.95 Reg. 29.95-32.95 Reg. 39.95 Wi 1Q88 288 All of our famous brands included! 88 100 wools, flannels, imported tweeds, checks, sharkskin, gabardine Sizes 8-20. 33 .50 Off! A tremendous bargain, famous, name bras at drastic reductions. Including strapless and Ijng line brss! Sizes 32 to 44. ' PAJAMAS Reg. 3 95-5.95 Famous "Tommies" brarW. KNIT DRSSSES Reg. $35.00 Reg. $45.00 Reg. $55.00 &Q88 3288 g88 One and two-piece styles, f ur very finest knitsl BLU 03 US Reg. 14.95-19.95 Rtj. 24.95-29.'95 jjfOO CJ o Reg. 19.95-22.95 , Reg. 35.00-49.95 Brand new spring and summer dresses including All our brand lines. Many just unpacked in the last few days! Sizes 7-15, 8-18, 14Vi-22tt. . , Cotton Reg. 2.98-3.98 00 2 of the best known nationally advertised brands! Thr quarter length, short sleeves, sleeveless. Reg. 5.95-7.95 3 88 GLOVES Reg. 1.91 28 Reg. I 2.9S iJi 88 Nylons, cottons, strelchies in white, beige, navy, yellow, pink, blue. Corner Liberty and Court GOWNS 33 OFF! AIL nylon gowns reducedl Reg. 6.95-19.95. NEGLIGEES OFF! Beautiful nylons, many styles, reg. 12.95-29.95. UNIFORMS 25 OFF A great reduction on ALL of our uniforms. Cottons, nylons, dacrons. Reg. 5.95-16.95. PETTICOATS J" or" 4,5 10,5 Nylons, tailoed and lace trimmedl S-M-L. JLI ,- fl -H- MnmUA&Mt ,mii.lma I mi ) 1 Major Wcrk Planned for Court Street Completion of construction I partner, came to Salem in 1954 work in time for opening of the I as merchandising manager of fall fashion season is antici-lthe newly-opened Lipman's of pated. I Salem. He was recently appoint ed assistant to President Harold Wendel of Portland's Lipman Wolfe Co. "The new Johnson's Ore gon's largest store of its kind outside of Portland will be a definite asset to the community, and we intend to continue our A $100,000 expansion of John-: past policies of supporting and . - n Clam'. Mlll . ..... - pontrihutine to Salem s civic ion 8 specially siure nr wui nn . , M . , . " H ' . .t t . iand economic progress, John-t at Court and Liberty streets was S()n gnd Hawl(ly ,aid in tnf jr , announced Saturday oy me new- joint announcement. His decision to remain in Sa lem with an independent bus iness, he said, expresses his op timism and confidence in the fu ture growth and prosperity of this community. Iv-formed partnership of John , . . ! H John on and Philip M ' The two young buaine.samen , was lfl53 chairman of HawleJ- ISat'Z? the Marion C ounty March of Salem's biggest retail devel- Salem's need for a complete Dimes and served in the United , 1hi. v.r paii, or re. women's specialty store, cater-; fund Drive, as did Johnson, and opment this ea call r r from ,he campa,gn mode nc the entire store and ,. . ,, . , i.r..ri lne Mcarl runn campaiSn. I " up uaic in;iioy-i - - ' ill the addition ol tne seconn inior j b j , uj to thc mt h. ct....wr hnilriinp nowi . ,. Johnson is the son of the late r 01 the Stcuslff buHd me now ,hiRh (Mhl0Monscl0u, matron. tJ occupied Dy Dusiness onice, ij i was declared. The name, John-; Confi(tfnt in City Future son s, estaDlisnea in oairm ii 25 years, will be retained. Otto F. Johnson who founded. the store carrying his name st its original State Street site in Nylons, dacrons, silks. Entire blouse stock reducedl MILLINERY Vi price AIL millinery including summer whites. HANDBAGS 0 Entire stock reducedl Reg. 5.00-12.95. Philip M. Hawley, the newilP31. USE ANY OF JOHNSON'S 11 W Cash r 30 Day Charge 5 Month Budget Plan : EASY PAYMENT PLANS! V0 10 Month Revolving Plan Layaway Wt ere lorry ... But all sales are FINAL! No Refunds . . . No exchanges. OPEN FRIDAY 9 A.M. 9 P.M. Saturday 9:30-5:30 Monday 9:30 to 9 P. M. SPORTS WSA R! Cashmere Siveaters ,9.9, fl00 Short sleeve slip-on, reg. Long sleeve slip-on, cardigans, novelties, reg. 24.95-29.95. Lambswool, Fur Blend wecoters Reg. 8.95 88 Reg. 10.95-12.95 Reg. 12.95-14.95 S1 88 & 00 Short sleeve slip-ons, long sleeve slip-ons, cardigans, novelties in over 30 colors, sizes 34-40. BULKY KNIT SWEATERS 6.88 Imported from England PG!DM" PUSIHliGfl r.s. ) 00 4.98 ,'..: .Famout make, laitcloth, 10 colors, lizet 10-20. Cotton Knit 1QP "jlOO Reg. 2.98-3.98 Italian styles in slip-on and cardigan styles. Solid colors and stripes. Cotton Knit V'i- R.g A 88 10.95-12.95 This season's hit from a famous maker. ROBES ANKLETS Reg. 12.95-16.95 6.88 9.88 Reg. 14.95-22 95 .... Cotton quilts, washable, lightweight wools. Reg. 1.15 Nylon, wool C.D Corner Liberty and Court Phone 3-7698 1 II 4 I?