5 l : ; I i i H - 400 Agri culture 410 Seed! itJ Wonrt FUCHSIAS 3Sc. named vsneties of hanging A upright. Fuch sia baskeu. $3 to 83.50. Toma toe. 30e dox.. carnauons band mi It dot Evergreen Azalea 50c. Geraniums, Zonal. Martha Waeh., paruuei. Sac dot. Rho dodendron $2 23 up. Other bedding plants. Lowerv's Greenhnus 2.5S5 Chemawa Road Open Sun. A eve. FVCHSlABASKEfS Larte small, all blooming r off Dahlia green planta Boxed growing tuners. Cata logue price Bjlnmii. Copleys Gardens. 2683 Chemawa. BUsOMLNG-AIALFAS" rueh" siss. Camellias, Rhodos. ev ergreen shrubs. Wanngs Nurs ery. Drive S. on 12th St. ' mile pas: Morningslde School Turn ngh. at Oakhlll Ave. ' MULCH Pest with mushroom fertiliser Fine lor mulch. Ph. 1-0331 FLOWER it vegetable planu. Bulk pack seeds. Valley Farm Store. SEED potatoes Al Ped. 9230 Portland Rd. Ph 4-4078 PRIMROSES peppers. Hybrid tomatoes. 723 W Salem Heights Ave GFRANIUMS, Pink Sensation delphiniums, young Russell Lupines. Astllbes, sum- chrv santhemums resdv now Blacks. 2270 Chemjwa Rd FUCHSIAS Ivy Geraniums" baskets in bloom, also Dahlia bulbs Wards Gardens. 4380 Cherry Ave. MILOGRANITE fTrtllirer Sa lem's only dealer other gar den supplies. large selection of our choice bedding plants Open eves , closed Sun Pem berton's Flower Shon A Green houses 1MW S 12th. TOP-QUALITY plants for less at Middle Grove Nursery 4930 Silverton Rd. We give S Jt H Green Stamps.' PEONIES. Annuals. Fuschlas, Geraniums. Rcgmlss Hanring Baskets. Kilbers. 715 Salem Heights Ave. 411 Lown-Garden Equip. EI. EC. lawn mower, very good cond. $33. Th. 4-7517 after 6 412 Fruit & farm Produce RHUBARB Sc LB. Now Is the time to can A- freeie ) GRF.EN APPLE MKT. 5005 Portland Rd. MILK: State Inspected. 65c. Fresh eggs Wilson Dairy. l'i mi. E. of 4-Corners on State. Ph. 4-1 U 1 . PASTEURIZED whole milk. 73c gal. Homogenized. 79c gal 4nc delivered Cleary Dairy, 2-3035. Cleary Dairy. 2-3033. 413 Fartiliztr AGRICULTURE lima for lawn 4- garden. 100 lhs. for II VALLEY FARM STORE FRESH or rotted manure. Ricn. fine manure by sack or yard. Delivered or at farm. Phillips Bros. Rt 5 Box 493Ph.4-3081 MULCHING material, straw for a goodtorgnic mulch. Call for price Ph. 4-3061. ROTTED sawdust for mulching vd. load 513, 4 yds 110. 3 yds l. or 12 a vd or 50c sack at farm. Also Reaver Dam Soil, II sack. 6 for 15 Phil lips Bros.. Rt 5 Box SCO. Sa lem. Ph. 4-3081 414 Farm Equipment For Sale 2 School Busei For Berry Picking Phone 4-036 400 Agriculture 425 Auction Soles MITTS AUCTION HOI 4840 Center St., Salem ON SAT, MAY 19 -10 A. M. & 7 P, M. BIG STORAGE Auction Sat. Nite Beautiful household furniture going to the highest bidder, don't miss this 1952 General F.lec 9 ft refng. 1053 Croslry Flee, range Trash burner 'fnamelrdi G K elec. water tank Ulackstonc E. clnlhes dryer, Blackstone f. Automatic washer. Bendix auto matic washer. Coron.Klo Automatic washer. J Pc Solid walnut bedroom set 5 P. Blorde bedroom set. 2 IS sels Box Springs v Malts.. Maple finish bur.K bed sets. Box springs malts. Twin beds Box Sp A- mMts. M-iple drop leaf table. Maple knee hole desk. Mahogany, airline comb, radio, Brunswick comb, record player, organ in a piano oak ca.se Mahng cock tail table. Maple' book case. 2 Mahog step tables, ;i Swing Rockers, Davenport & chair 3 Pc Early Amor. Daveno. rock er & chair maple wood Foam rubber Box Sp A- Matt Floor lamps, tah'e lamps, silk shades, mirrors .i pc Grev chrome set. chest of drawers. Maple S drawer chest It-Drawer Mr Mis. Chest. Rollaway bed A ma'! 30 in High rhair. play pen. 2 yr enh Torchier lamp swivel chair. Power mower. Lawn mower. Barrell T V. chair 2 oeras rim 2 T. V rockers Tan Daveno, Silk quilts pillows, & cumlorters, shrubs. I lowers. A all kinds misr items LIVESTOCK SELL '2:30 P.M. Cov - frederv ve.ijs. ha by calve, vwai.rr pigs, chickens, hens fryers, ducks. RPese. or what have you to sell? Consign to Scottv'g every Sat. & Tue niie. Kip Comntiimty Auctions. Big Crowds. Good prices to you Eveiyone welcome. AUCTIONEER COL. ERNEST E. SCOTT PH. 4-fi:W WANT AD WHOPPERS ' iiihewl " ' . :. ': ' l P .!! lt . "EVERYTHING WAS DOING SO POORLY UNTIL I READ THAT CLASSIFIED AD FOR BUST0-GUS-T0 FLOWER C0AXER." For Make Life Easier - Read & Use Want-Ads Daily! APPLIANCES WISTINGHOL'SI Woodry Furaitur C 474 So Coir! Ph 4-Jill CAPITOL Bedding Mattress re novators New mattresses 3-4040 BR IC K V BLOC K M A SO N BRICKTamTblock Work guar anteed Ph 4-S43S. tKAM WORK &-lon Lorain moto crane Sa lem Sand A Gravel Co 3-341 DRY CLEANING tIRVICt Foreman's Cleaners Ac Dyers Fur Storage: Complete Dry Clning A- Lndry Srv. Free pick up A Diver. 1070 S. Com'l. ph 3-9448 SAH Green Stamps. FLOOR COVERINGS NORR1S WALKER Paint Co Floor-covering Division Qual ity installations Linoleum. As phalt A Rubber Tile Wsll tile Free Estimates 4-22"t GRADING AD07.ING dozing at Leveling Ph 2-0352 0 PANTOV1CB Bl'LLDOZING. clearing roads. ponds. D-4. D-8 carryall. V. Huskey. Ph. 2-3146. ROAD GRADING Roy Hancock. Ph. 4-3353 HOME PLANNING EXPFRT home building it re modeling. Phone 4-7577. 1100 Asrirulture 1 414 Farm Equipment PRACTICALLY new model G Allis-Chalnif rs tra;-tor. culti vator fit By-Berg duster. 2-30B9. 450 .Merchandise 451 Machinery & Tools "4" Bench sander. swing saw drill press, 10" table saw. 6" jointer & grinder. 1843 S. 12th. 200 Amp. Marquette AC. welder A realjiuy at1253-9755. MODEL "M7, Allis Chalmer crawler tractor, other farm machinery. Mrs. Laura Men-denhalPh4-1927. T. D. 6 cat. portable saw milL Ph. 2-2734. HAVE several used welders AC at DC. Call 4-7544 455 Houso Goods for Sal FOR SALE, Solid Mahogany chair with rollers & reclining hack. 515 Ph4-4345. INLAID" Lino.. II SO per so,, yd. R L ElMrom Co. 2M S Lib erty USKD daveno bed $29 73. Hogg Bros. 248 State St. NOW I!i9 50 New 72" chrome dmete sets wfl foam rubber chairs inc. host chair. Save st Salem's lowest overhead store Glen Woodry, 1805 N Summer. 400 Agriculture 425 Auction Sales EE Save time - Save money Um Bett Prrrfrxsional Service mm LAWN MOWING LAWN MOWING. POWER MOWER. PHONE 4-2301 LAWN mower sharpening: lose prices, worn guar Pti. MW LOCKER ICE CREAM LOCKER meat rut A wrapped, quick froic, 3720 Silverton Rd Vista Troten Food Lorkers 1095 S. Com ! Ph 2-1737 Lockers Now Available Custom Meat Cutting and Sales lea (.ream for All Occasions. Packs to Take Out MACHIM WELDING MACHINING at Welding. Night service available Ph. 4-ootu. Globe Machine Works. 1010 N Commercial SI Ph. 2-0622. PAPERING A PAINTING EXPERT brush or spray paint ing. Hr or contract. Ph. 4-3900 Painting and paper-hanging Free estimstes Ph 1-0313 Exp paper-hanging at painting Jerry Johnson Ph 4-6534 Painting 4 Decorating Dirt Cheap Price 3-7552 ROTOVATING ROTOVATING work eve., week ends. J Hathaway Ph 3-329 Howard Rotovator Work Call Bill Bevens. Ph. 4-2526 GARDEN it lawnwork wanted with rotovator. Vincent Krem er 2150 Lansing Ave. Ph 2-3150. 4.0 Merrhandise 455 Houie Goods for Sole BE T: USED " FURNITURE $30 Down will buy a Complete Household of Furniture Including Appliances SEE our fine selection of ranges, refrigerators, and washers. Every one guaranteed. EASY TERMS. 8 piece living room group, includes bed daveno, swing rocker, coffee table, 2 lamp tables, 2 lamps, console radio, terms all for only $89.50 7 piece bedroom outfit, consists of large chests, book case headboard, 'Birds eye maple 2 bed lamps, mat tress box springs, set of hollywood legs $89.50 3 piece sectional grey frieze, excellent condition . $129.00 8 piece dining set, incldes 38"xM" table extends to 90" buffett, S side fc 1 host chair terms $79 50 Westinghouse food mixer 'for mother) $M,95 Radio Phonograph combination, changer . THRIFTY USED FIMI1E 115 S. COMMERCIAL ST. PHONE 4-3319 Open' til 9 Mondays & Fridays i-pc. curved sec tional reg 359.50 now on sale at 288 00. Save at Salem s low est overhead store Glen Woodry. 1H05 N Summer. WALNUT antique Italian Hen saree dining nn. set. 6 chairs. Thayer babv buggy like new, 125. Ph. 2-9!ll. 8 Cushion settee, nice for a rental. $15. PhJl-5369 DA VF.NOS," 19 50 24 50 ". Glen Woodry, 1605 N Summer. ZENITH elecrstove T10 IX. refng , Simmons Hide-a-bed. Sleep air mattress Sc box springs , exc. cond. ph. 2-9595. "lB9"Gal PAINT PAINT PAINT Glen Woodry, 1605 N Summer. BIRDaes, 15.00. Used Mer chandise Mart. 270 .S. Liberty, Open Fri. night til 9. No down payment (O.AC.) USED refrigerators, $19 25 it up. Al Lane App., 2.150 State St. sim lib New modern Mr A- Mrs bed room set whookcase bed, even al these low prices we take Hades Glen Woodry, llillf N Summer OPKN FRIDAY EVES TIL 9. GLEN WOODRY. 1605 N. SUMMER WALNUT dining table w pad tt chairs. J1!!. 3-973H. PAINT guaranteed 189 gal. Glen Woodry. 1605 N Summer. USED Innerspnng mattress $8,95. Iloge Bros, 248 State St. CHOSI.FY deep freeze, Cold Spot refriRerator, Mavtag au lomatie washer, Kerbv vacu um cleaner, Okeefe-Merltt gas ranee, chrome set fi chairs, hedrni suite 2640 Portland Rd. .IAYIIAWK TRAILER SALES NEW tilt-bark rerliner chairs wfonl rest 49 50 Glen Woodry. 1605 N Summer. RANGES in good condition $1500 to $50 00, Heiriers 36:1 N, High. '4543 ewinq Machines SEWING MACHrNE Rrposseed Singer console. $59 bal. Take over for $1 25 wrek. Ph 4-iini (Dealer! herf: are some BUYS CABINET ELECT. Late Model $57.40 CABINET-ELECT-- Mahogany, like new $82 50 SINGER PORT. Full sire, lightweight ... $69.50 SINGER AUTO MATIC s SEWING CENTER 3-3513 Woodhurn 3-791J Dallas 3-4473 CP (AND AND GRAVEL SALEM SAND it GRAVEL CO Ready mix concrete, crushed and round gravel, sand and top soil. 1405 N Front St 1-241 VALLEY SAND GRAVEL CO Crushed at round grsvei Sand A con mix 1-4002 WALLING SAND AND GRAVEL 1(25 McCllchnst Crushed quarry rocks and grav el. All sites for roads, drive ways and parking lots. READY MIXED CONCRETE Garden sand, bull-dosing, shov el and dragline work. 2-0240 W.PTIcTTKimci " HOWARD'S Roto-Rooter. sewers. septic tanks cleaned 3-5337. "HIKE S Septic service larks cleaned D rooter cleans sewers drsins Phone 3-0460 Burners septic tanks cleaned, line service Guaranteed work Phone 2-7404 or 2-0771 TREE SERVICE De Rosta Tree Service Trees, Shrubs, Hedges. Insured 173 N. Liberty St. Ph. 3-6661 TRUCKING A HAULING WANTED to haul short logs anywhere Ph. 4-607:. UPHOLSTERING UPHOLSTERING Professional: guar work, free est . pickup, deliver. Ph. 2-4290 TO PLACE AD IN THIS GUIDE PH. 4-6811 450 Menhandise 455 House Goods for Sale 3-speed. Multiple ... $69.50 NEW wool. 9x12 rugs. 59 50 Glen Woodry. 1S05 N. Sum mer. MAYTAG washer looks and works like new. $49 95 Heiders 363 N. High. GOOD customer unable to con tinue to pay for washer it dryer on lay-a-way. Reliable party may assume balance, (will accept terms. I S&H Stamps. BATDORFS H it A Supplies. 1430 State St. Ph. 3-95H2. NEW 2-pc. 120'' sectionals 17S0O. Glen Woodry. 1605 N. Summer. USEDwa7hersTl5iupMo ern Appliance Center, 1141 S. Commercial. Ph. 4-9353 USED 5 pc. blond bdrm. suite $118 50. Hogg Bros. 241 State St. TWIN bed. springs, mattress, 19 50, Glen Woodry, 1605 N Summer. NEW Admiral 30" range dial A He.lt controls Reg $249 95 R Special SlW:i5 Urd Merrhan-iUSED oise Man .u . Lioeriy. upen Fri. nmht 'HI 9, No down pay- ment lO.A (' I NEW round wrought dinHtM now 89 50 Glen Woodry, 1H05 N. Summer UPED 8 pc. oak dining suite $29. Hogg Bros. 248 State St. WINE color davenport act, good condition, At complete maple twin bed Very reasonable. See at 1715 S Winter. USED trashhurner, 24.50. Glen Woodry. 1605 N. Summer. INLAID' L7no.7Ti.aT per"sq7yd. R L. Elfitrom Co. 3A0 S Lib erty MODERN used appliances are less nt Salem's lowest over head store -Glen Woodry. 16115 N. Summer. USED 8 pc Walnut dining set. 379 95. GOOD HOUSEKEEP ING. INC.. 487 Count St. MAPLE hunk "beds "vimatt . 4144. Glen Woodry. 1605 N. Summer. USED daveno and" chair $.19. Hosg Bros. 248 State St. NEW garbagecanT'lg . 4 89,"Gle7i Woodry. 1605 N Summer. SIDE draperies lined, floral pat tern grey background. 2 pr. 48" wide. 84" long I. ike new. Reasonable Ph 4-7094. LOVELY, large, modern blonde chest-o-drav, ers. 850.00. Glrn Woodry. 1605 N Summer. G E. auto, washer 845 Daveno $25. Kenmore elec. roaster like new. with grill $25. G. E auto, washer $:ifi. Pvt. partv. See st 259TPortlsndRd. Ph.3-8723 NEW Admiral Freerers inft. Jll!t9 95HeMers 383 N. High 2 'STUDTo couches ea. 44 44 Glen Woodry, 1803 N Summer. INLAID Lino 31.89 per sq yd R L. Elfstrom Co 260 S Llb- - trry.1 NEW 9x12 linoleums. 489. Glen Woodry. 1605 N Summer. USED wal. chest of drswers 816 50. Hogg Bros., 248 SUte St. NEW 9x12" "tweed rugs". 28 Glen Woodry. 1605 N Summer USED lounge rhair $14 ,50. Hn Bros. 248 State St 21 -In. Packnrd-Bell console TV 11 ft. deluxe Admiral Duo Temp, refng it 30-gal table top nearlv new electric water hesUr. Ph . J-5823. uim BUYS new Roto-rock risveno set. 3 end tshles, 2 table lamp, cocktail tables at Salem's lowest overhesd store, i Clan Woodry. Mot M Summer. 450 Merchandise 431 lyiUim Moteriehi TO BEAUTIFY QUALITY SCREENS A SCREEN fHOTICT THE FAMILY BEAUTIFUL PREFIN1SHED BIRCH KITCHEN CABINETS CEDAR SHINGLES TO BEAUTIFY THE EXTERIOR CAPRt SLIDING GLASS DOORS TO BRING TUT OUTSIDE IN SIDE CABINETS MILLWOF4K BUILDERS HARDWARE Anything for tlx builder or borne owner. L'SE OtR CONVENIENT REVOLVING CREDIT PLAN TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OPERATION HOME IMPROVEMENT '54 THE YEAR TO FIX " Serving Salem and Willamette Valley For Over 50 Years OREGON PULP & PAPER CO. RETAIL LUMBER DIVISION Ample Free Parking CORNER OF FRONT A FERRY DOWNTOWN SALEM Bargain Buys st The Co-op Toilet IC4 Bath tube camp . 063 52-gal. wster hester. 10 year, 065. Loomex. 4c ft , 3-in. wsll boxes, 25c ea. Light fix tures 25". off. ALSO: W0 power mower. 4-cyrle BS. USU.el. Lawn seed. 75c lb. Hardware At supplies. FARMERS UNION CO-OP JS15 Silverton Rd. Ph. 4-3756 PRE FAB GARAGE 1 only, size 18x20'. com with 16x7 overhead door $183 BLDG. SUPPLIES 4' Fluorescent lights 310 ea. Used elec. boxes 15c es. Used V conduit ...Sc ft. Steel lockers, 12x15x60". 15x15x60" $7.50 ea. 1x12 Shelving shorts 5c ft. Bsthtubs $17.50 ea Wash Basins $7 50 Used 1x4 flooring $45 per M Used No. i and btr. lumber t45 per M Reject hardboard, 50x100" tl 75 sht 4" drainage pipe 30c it. All Kinds Used Pipe. Fittings and Valves ALSO Cabin Windows k Doors E.S.RITTER&CO. 6740 Portland Rd. Ph. 4-8311 4 Ml. No. of Salem. 2 Ml. No. of Totem Pole on S9E Open All Day Saturday NEW vent fan for kitchen or bath $22 95 Judsons, 179 N. Com'L 455 Houm Geedt for Sale LARGE selection of outdoor furniture all sale priced. Used Mdse. Msrt. 270 S. Liberty. Open Frl. night til . No down payment IOA.C.I LESTER piano, antique marris chair It side board w large mirror. Firestone 0 cubic ft. upright deepfreeze. Ph.4-e309 USED Zenith console radio $29. Hogg Bros.. 348 State St. OPFil FRIDAY EVE'S 'TIL t GLEN WOODRY, 1806 N SUMMER., UNFINISHED furniture. H. L. Stifi Furniture. 175 N. High. Linoleum rugs $.195 Valley Turn, Co., 311 N Com'l 83000 DOWN Buys complete household of furniture and appliances at Salem's lowest overhead store. Glen Woodry, l0S N. Sum mer. DAVENPORT tt chair maroon color, good cond. occasional chair. 3 way lamp, coffee table, reasonable. 3471 Lansing any eve after 8 p.m. NEW swing rockers. 24.50. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer OPRN'" FRIDAY FVE S 'TilT" 9" GLEN WOODRY. 1605 N. SUMMER. NEW 5 pc. chrome dinette sets. Reg. $83 90. Choice of colors. Special $59.95. Used Merchan dise Mart. 270 S. Liberty, Open Fri. night 'til 9. No down payment (O.A C. I CLOSEOUT of all Gym Dandy play gym sets; 8' slides. 12.80: gvm set asltde 29 80; wout slide 19 80. Glen Woodry, 105 N. Summer. USED play pen large size 89.75. Hogg Bros. 248 State St. 2 METAL single beds, one single Innersprrlng mattress, double laundry trays. All In good cond. 125 E. Rural Ave. RCA radio, phono comb $.19 50. Hogg Bros. 248 State St USED wing back chairs, "12.50 Glen Woodry. 1005 N Sum mer. NEW Simmons Spa.-e Savers and hide-a-beds 168 00 and 229 00 Reg. 59.50 innerspnng mattresses now 39 95. Trade in your old mattress set now on a new Beautyrest. Glen Woodry, 1605 N Summer USED Electric ranges from $1995 Used refrigerators from $39 95 Used Automatic washers 319 95 GOOD HOUSEKEEPING. INC, 467 CourtSt. USED 4 pr. wal. bdrm. suite $69 50 Hogg Bros. 248 State St NEW 25 ru. ft. upright food frerrer Natlnnallv advertiser! full guarantee, advertised price $699 93 while thev last $50.1.00 Used Merchanrl'se Mart, 270 S. Liberty. Open Fri nieht 'til 9 No down payment lll.A (I APT raneesT- 24 50to 95 00 Glen Woodry, 1605 N Summer USED kneehnle desk $27 50 Hogg Bros, 248 State St. SEWINGMACHINE Save $184 nn this beautiful Zlg Zag desk model REG. $298 NOW $114 50. $.1 down it $1.25 week. Ph 4-7102. (Dealer l USED Hoover vac. cleaner w attach $18 50. Hogg Bros. 248 State St. 19.W IMPERIAL washer A dryer $475. Modern Appliance Cen ter, 1141 S. Commercial USED nainted rhest of drawers $10. Hogg Bros. 248 Stste St 456 Wonted Home Good's TOP CASH RICI - FIIRNI TURE. APPLIANCES ETC USED MFRCHANDISF MART 270 S LIBERTY PH 4-8371 CASH FOR FURNITURE VALLEY TURN CO. Ph 2-7473 Need at Once Late model E - Appliance Pay cash premium for HI Grsde Electric Rsnge Refrigerators. Automatic Washers Driers A Late Model used Furniture Ph Glen Woodry 3-5110 right Now for Pleasing Results! ' 1 457feodio and TV MOTOROLA TV works like new 21 In. $79 95 Heiders 383 N Higiv RCA. comh. radio it phono graph console. $80. Jerry Pat terson. 4-0734 altar 1 p.m. 430 Merehradise 451 MoHrteh THE HOME DOORS MADE TO ORDER TO STS. PH I-J421 FREE ESTIMATES Keith Brown Specials j SCREEN DOORS 3-0x1 9x1-', 3-X-Bar 50 ea. DOORS: 2-0 ft 2-4x6-1x1 a Fir Flush 300 ea. 1-4 4 2-xSxl a 10-Lt French 71 n 1-0 to 2-8x6-8x1 , Mahog. Inds 4.00 It up LUMBER . LUMBER: Redwood Weave Fencing x 10' 054 Lin. ft. txS-RL 3 Com. Knotty Cedar Panel 90 00 M MISC.: 8d It 16d Box Nails . 25 keg 2fixl20 Alum. Roofing, 2 75 sheet Pivmolite Panels . .63 per ft. O S White Paint : 50 gal. PLYWOOD - PLYWOOD -4 x I x Service Ply 2 50 pc, 4 x 8 x Service Ply 3 00 pc. 4 x 8 x ! BG Mahog. Pan 40 pc USE OUR BUDGET PLAN. No cash needed. $10 00 or $1,000 Oil Make your own terms. Noth ing down, 34 months to pay. LUMBER YARD 233 North Front St. Phone 3-9111 "We Give S&H Gren Stamps" ELEC. wall Heater. 31 off 21" x 33' sink con.p 843.93 Garbage Disposal. $5 Fibre pip. 30c 34c ft. 14-3 Loom ex. 4c ft Door chimes, 30 off. 13-3 Loomex. 4W, ft Light fixtures, 25 off. Out let boxes. 35c. 3 DC. bath set. 1135. 53 gaL elec. water heat r. $65 We thread pip and rent Galger Counters. Apex Electric at Plumbing, - 1410 Broadway. Ph. 3-1866 Open Fri eves at Sat till 5 (WHO NOSE!) Plywood dropped (no foolinl) NEW LOW PRICES In effect. Selection whopping! Thousands of smaller aiaes cheaper. NO CHARGE for cutting. FLO. 59.50: NAILS 1.25 keg: HARDBOARD reject 1.75 WALLBOARD 1.40; ,, RGH FLG PLYWOOD (Clesr Faces ll',c ft.; OS. WHITE PAINT 3 50 gaL BEAUTIFUL EXTERIOR WOOD STAINS for ahakes. sdgs, it fences I Cedar fence weave (to go witn atain Hoi) Cedar Posts too 1x12 CEDAR BOARDS 104 00 upl CEDAR inverted 1x10 Sdg. Hundreds of Items to suit your needs I SCREEN DOORS Lotsa Stuff! NO DOWN PAYMENT ON APPROVED CREDIT 38 MONTHS TO PAY to build patio, fence, garage or extra room What aay We're located Just fifty miles this side of Portland at Portland Road Lumber Yard 3543 Portland Road Ph. 4-4433 OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY" ROOFING ft Siding Installed Highest Duality Material ap plied by Licensed Workman. 10 year Warranty. FREE ESTIMATES MONTGOMERY WARD Call 3-3191 Salem. Ore. Dry 12" Cedar Boards 3120 M Tite-kr.ot 10" sprue siding . . $130 M 10-' Inverted cedar hoards snd batts 8130 M Good 18" painted cedar shakes it under- course $8 95 Sq. Heavy gauge Iron roof ing $10 50 Sq 4x8"'," birch "A" grade plywood .... 42c sq ft 4xflV' service ply $2 3.1 sheet 4x8l'2" service plv $100 sheet 4x8'i" service ply $3 43 sheet "A" grade birch doors $7.70 each FREE DELIVERY CREDIT GLADLY OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY C & K LUMBER YARD Lancaster and Center Pn Salem 2-1 .W0 V 4x3 Birch. 3 sides 40c 12-2 wire.' roll st 4'iC. a 8 In. ceiling fsns 31173 Cedar shingles $3 00, $5 . $8 6) aalv. Iron roof'g. - CHEAP Jrtab roof., lowest price. Nail per keg $8 95 4" cist soil pip 75c ft Is gal pip 12c, 'V-16 IH7' 29c. Hi" 38c 800 esl. steel sep tsnk $51 50 300 gal. steel sep tank $31 50 4" black sewer pipe 30c 14c Door lambs pood ones. s2 75 Bldg. paper 500 sq. ft. $2 33. 6) Fibre glass blanket Insul - CHEAP 4x8 plsster board $1.40. II 60, $1 83 Ceiling til. 18x33. 10c sq. ft Shake moid king length, inc Garag door. ll sires cheap Barb wire 80 rda $5 95 $7 45 O itside white oalnt gal $2.50 New window saihes $2 00. W strip crystal windows 6) 21x12 kitchen sinks cheap. Toilets t seats tai 50 New bath tub complete $63 50 Strictly Cash - U-Haul Closed Sunday as Monday C. G. LONG & SONS J Ml H Reiser - Ph 4-8051 Overhead Heel gang door with hardware. $.19 $6 In stalled 849 50 Gnlvsnlred tve trough I3ve per ft EPPING LUMBER CO. PH 46123 3740 SILVERTON RD. USED plumbing flxt.. tubs. Ink, basins bargain. Jud ton a, rt M. Corel ill HOPPENED ? ? ? ? BARGAINS 450 Merchandise 451 luiWisif, Materials RECONDITIONED aateasrlr watee heaters. Jksdaoa a, ITt N. Com'L S00.809 FEET No. rrask-aniUad old as seraac growth lumber 2x4 la 2x12 ir I sa 14-foot kHUftha. Oelieered prices Saarm. $J pee thou snimmsUK. Ted Muller 1-1 Its 459 i It YottrMlf CHANGE YOO OWN OIL Bus bulk all at wholesale Eastern ll'.c qt H.D detergent in qt 1 gala- oe more in your container Wa base all weights FRINC OIL COMPANY 320 S Lancaster Dt U-Kix-It-Uarape Repair your own ear Phone 4-satl TTM h Curl HOW-to-do-it advice, planning aid. complete material sup tly. plumbing, heating, wlr ig see Judsoo a 179 N. Com 1 460 Muiicol InitrumtfiH ACCORDION. Lady's white 140 base Art ordiana". Like new 1550 Bell Rd For the Finest In Organs & Pianos ZOBEL'S 911 Court St Ph. 4-1252 462 S port. Equipment It's Boafin Time 1$' TOIXYCRAFT IMS MODEL WITH CABIN HARDWARE. EXCELLENT CONDITION. CANT PF TOLD FROM NEW, ONLY $SW 18' CABIN BOAT USED 1 YEAR. 54 25 H P EV INRUDE. EI.FCTRIC START ING. ALL STEERING ft CON TROLS FOR MOTOR. ALL OF THIS FOR ONLY $1095. USED 14 FT BURCHCRAFT WITH TRAILEti, 25. Many Other Used Boats 53 JOHNSON 35 H. P. .. 8295 55 EVINRUDE 35 H. P. . $493 Electric with remote controls. Ilk new. 13 H P. SEA KING 8110 54. 3'i H. P. MARTIN $69 Many Other Used Motors from 2- hp. to 40 hp. - CREDIT GLADLY OPEN SUNDAYS i! m 280 Wallace Rd. Ph. 2-2476 14 Ft. Runabout, trailer. 22 hp. motor, rontrnlls. Fh. 4-4811. USED trailer wtop it lean-to -nt. 3950 Marhrt Ave. 4-Cor ners. 12' Birchcraft At 3 hp. Johnson motor. Ph. Stayton 3-F52. CAMPING TRAILER. Sleeps two. $45, but make an offer. 360 W. Lcfcllc. Ph. 3-0443. NEW 308 Custom rifle. Call at 1140 S. 13th St. apt. 1 after 8 p m. RAINBOW fingerllngs to stock your pond 3t3 per 1000. Marlon rorxs Loage nwy. 22, ii mi. E. of Detroit. FOR SALE or trade lor 33 rifle or pistol car top luggage car rier it tarp. 2750 Sedona. 4-5438 13 FT. metal trailer house, exc. condition, reaa. 170 W, Brown ln. Eve, or week ends. '58 10 HP. Evlnrude motor, with link. Just broke In, Too heavy for me to handle. A Jood buy. $275. Ph. Silverton. -7984. NEW It used boats It motor. Scott-Atwiter sales It servlc Shrock's 1378 Highland. Ph. 2-1423. FOR SALE Merc. Mark 5. Out board motor new, 8149. call D. Taylor, Taylor's Drug. Independence 69. 14 FT. boat at trailer, $73. Ph. 2-3518. FOR SALE or trade. 12 plywuod Skiff. Ph. 2-ei2 or 2-3195. CASH paid for used guns, mod em and antique Cascade Merc. 1230 Broadway. 464 Bicycles GIRL'S 28" bicycle, good cond. new iires. jwi m. uiwu 1927 Baxter Rd. GIRLS 26" bike. $18, 2715 Fisher Rd. 4-6237. 468 For Rent, Mite. FOR RENT or leas, is, wara nous spac cement floor brick bldg.. downtown. In quire H L. Stiff Euro . 3-9185 470 For Sole, Mite. MISCELLANEOUS tools camp inc. fishing, rubber boat, girl's bike 981 N. 15th TEETER BABE, stroller, plav pen, bathinette. collapsible huggv. car, bed It Jr. en Ph. 3-7525. 1048 N.5th. TOP SOIL FILL DIRT .PHONE 2-4763 CEDAR post, bean post, shed poles, all types tt Deny wire f'h 4-3081. USED truck tlrs. Lytle's Tire Mri. 2.iu com I TOP'SOilf PlfRUN GRAVEL. PH. 2-8553 HM ENTLY purchased Sammy Taylor record collection. Port lam!, over 2.000 rerords. Mostly Ja77 rlasstcs All 78's. Can be seen st Tavlnrs Drug, Inde pendence, 61. DEEP FREEZE.-$65 Phone 2-BS98 PLTNUM 34 diamond engage ment 8c wedding ring set. Sell for less than cost for quick ssle. Price $500. Ph. 4-1338 after 6 p m. FRESH Do-nuts 29c doi. In quantities for parties, freezers. 3792 Silverton Rd. Ph 4-4731 RUMMAGE SALE 495 N. Cottage Ph4-73O0 RUMMAGE sale. 1460 Olive. Fri 18th 9 10 to 4 00 Sat 19th 9 'til 12. Mangle, deep fryer, heit offer takes. MERCURY Inbosrd 11 H P. mo. tor it Neptune 1 HP out board motor. Also Rendlx ironer it auto washer. Ph. 2-8473, inquire 8H8 Thompson FOUR 670x15 tires, vacuum cleaner it household goods Ph. 2-88.16 TOP SOU $11 for 10 yd load Pit-run gravel. Ph 4-6083. 8 FT FR1DRICK meat case, $4O0 9 ft. Super cold egetahle case $5(Hi (oca tola machine, fa 1 Bayton Hobart scales. $75 1 cold meat slicing machine. $50. I candy case. $50 Ph 4-1808. R I C H TOPS OIL DEL. $111 A YARD PH. 4-2463 TOP SOIL PH 4 2463 RECAPS 600x16 670x15 Ejtch t8.tt. Lytl t Tlr Mart. 600 Employment Ml Htl Wtufsi WE ARE NOW REGISTERING HHP FOR PACKING STRAWBERRIES 450 Merrhandise 470 For Salt, Mite. TOP SOIL Phone 8-1375. !-sl TYPFWRITERS aetfiag ma chines, cask re filters dupli cator, desks, chair. Ill sup plies Roen's 45 Court 3-87U Pit Run Gravel TOP SOIL, PR. J-O10 Top Soil Orchard Loam River Loam Oial 3-1749 Prompt Delivery Keirer Sand Gravel Co. OREGON Agste. moss at jasper. beach agate, tumbled or raw. 249U Broadway Ph 3-3390 GUARANTEED Reconditioned auto washer. drvers. range refng. :l II A, un YEATER APLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa St window fan. 3-speed. 30 in. reversible. 835. Ph. 4-1881 . 8' trailer, good cond. Ar rubber. 2 sets metal chicken nests, feeders it water containers. 1 arched rose harbor. Ilk new. Rotovator. 1 yr. old. 'i pric. 340 Liberty Rd., ph. 3-7317. FOR SALE Power spray, excel, cond. 80- gal. tank, tractor nitcn. w-n ooth test hose. Divlllbes spray gun. All good as new 3 rubber tired wheels. This spray only slightly used. Will demonstrate. Address 7V0 Wheatland Rd., l'i mile No. Keirer school. F. A. Brew tier. USED TIRES TRUCK PASSENGER Lytle's Tire Mart 3303 N. Com! Ph. 4-8033 SLEEPING BAGS. Good aelec lion In wool it darron, from 88.95 up. ARMY it NAVY STORE. 233 N. Com'L Ph. 3-4343. ELEC. range, dining set. Bed room set. Heauiyresi maiires. S Club Chairs. DeWalt type table saw, 3 electromod heat ers, many other article. Ph. 3-8801, 874 N. Church. ONE standard toilet. Ilk new. 850 Thompson Ave. NEW it Used Garden Tlllets VALLEY FARM STORE 32 FT. Housa trailer, cheap, 37 I wii.i.k, niini nwui u i. u- tptlllef. 1 Ideal lawn mower shsrpener. Misc. articles. Ph. 2-7351. 1025 Fabry Rd. WAR SURPLUS. Shelter half Rup tent wpoles It stake, ew. ONLY $7.95. ARMY At NAVY STORE, 323 N. Com'L 3-4343. GUARANTEED Reconditioned automatic wash ers, drvers. rsnges A refrlgs. a.io. la Be up. YEATER APPUANCE CO, 371 ChemeksU St 472 Wonted1, Mltci WANT second hand weather van. Ph. 4-6811 day. WANTED everal thousand corda of wood, all specie Ph. 3-7731. Night 4-533 474 Mitcellaneout SAVE on Clary combination add. machine A cash register style 303, like new. HURRY, must sell quick. Firestone Stor. M5 N. Liberty. DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 3-HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES. DR HARRY SEMLER. Dentist Adolph Bldg.. SUte At Com'l Its SALEM fit. J-Wll ADDING machines, cash regis Clary. 1(7 Fairgrounds. 3-8375 476 Fuel SAWDUST for ssl. 3 unit load, bush out, $13. Ph. Gervals 3211 Capitol Fuel Co. DRY SHAVINGS SAWDUST FOR MULCHING Planer Ends Choice slab and block mixed 1420 Broadway Ph. 3-7721 HIGHWAY FUEL CO. SA W DUST It WOOD 3-6444 ANDERSON'S sis b wood. Ph 3-77H or 4-3654. Sprinp Special Mulch Sawdust. Fertilizer Block it Slab Wood West Salem Fuel 1571 Edgewater Ph 1-4031 WANTED aeveral thousand rorde or wood all sneclei Ph 3-7731 Nights. 4-3633. 500 Bus. & Finance 510 Mortey to Loon PRIVATE MONEY lo loan, buy contracts and mortgages. 341 Chemeketa St Ph. 3-8841. WE HAVE rash buyers for real estate contracts snd 2nd mort gages Ohmart A Cslsb. Retiior 477 Court St Phone 3-4113 $1500.00 Now you cm borrow $1500 from tin. on furniture, autoi. traltr hountpi and equipment. Wa art hippy that after 28 years we are able to extend thlf additional service to you. M 8. Tnm'l Salem, Orefon General Finance CORPORATION PHONE 3-9161 COI.ON1AL Investment Co Res! Property Loam Contrscts Purchased 681 Court 4-2283 LOANS $50 00 to $1500 00 Buy Whst You Need Consolidate ynur hill. Finance throMfh WILLAMETTE CREDIT COMPANY 182 S Church St Ph 3 3487 PRIVATE money to loan. 6 interest. Ph. 2-0794. $2S to $2500 Pacific Industrial Loans 111 ft. Liberty Ph. 4-3301 Statesman, Salem, Ore, Fri, May 18, o$-Sec. IV)-37 600 Employment tS02 Hlt WersHsj ' APPLICATIONS are Hf kln taken foe Statesman bievel route Several route will Be open Applicant must M ac companied by their parents r have their written permis sion Apply t the Ctreutattos) Department the tuatsams Journal WANTED Teacher wit train ing in pre-srhnol education In Nursery School. 3 30 am. to 12-00 session. For term starting 8-34-M Box $L Steteoman- Journal. CAPITAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Phone 7-0.H 354 N Winter Adjoining Presbyterian ehurek Free parking In rear Exclu sive listings m all types of employment. 604 Hlp W.fittd. Mtit CAREER POSITIONS OPEN Large National Insurance re porting Agency has permanent salaried career position open. Good chance for advancement. No selling involved. Outside investigative work for lnsur anc it Employment purposes. Salary plus te per mil for ear. Typing essential. Age 33 30. Must be High School grad uate, clean background. Work la in local area, no overnight travel. Writ qualifications to P O. Box 130. Portland 1 Ore gon. WANT aeveral 'wood cutter Apply Capital Fuel Ca, 3900 n. stiver no. iU Help W.wtW, UJt MIDDLE aged woman my horn. law Market l, pn. l-.vu daya or 4-9531 eve. lc weekend EXPERIENCED waitress wanted Apply la person Tim I pa. WJ State. i BEAUTICIAN wanted for high class establishment. Excellent opportunity for right pen Apply I rick of New York at upmans. EXPERIENCED car hop 4k wait .u .....hm-. ui. ana 1 -i van Mwiiwui. win;, - Wallace Rd.. next to Xfnary'i rood Market. CAR HOP for Saturdays and Sundays only, must b IB, young marrsM woman Br- ferrd. Earmera Drlv-In, 0678 Portland Rd, SITTER It i light housework, ft rati. Box U States- Give see man-Journal, REGISTERED nurse, full time II to J. Regulation salary a. afl fling benefits Ph. for appointment Albany WA 3-3138. 608 Picker. Wontetl REGISTER for ,trwbrry bean nicking, clesa. heavy yield, fms. turn. Haslebacher. ttarei ureen District, pn 4-9700, Leader Brooks!. REG. now for Marshall Straw berry picking. Boon Rd. Ph. i-ezDi. STRAWBERRY PICKERS WANTED tnd year Northwest. JCasw pick ing. 1 block west of Keirer school. Ph, 3-8417 for re trstion. STRAWBERRY picker, Trans portation, close in, register now Ph. 4-1 13, Ed sproed, RECISTERfor strawherTy"plca inf I weeks' work, 1 miles West A North of Keller School. Jorgensen -Evan Berry Farm. i. Ph. 4-11 -1906, REGISTERING now for Mar shall (2nd yean At Northwest (1 yesrl. Congenial patch boss, b u 8 transportation. Pierre Saury. 8850 Portland Rd. Ph. 4-4071 REGISTER now for strawberry picking at Lauderhark ft Ar rell. Northwest at Marshslls Ph. 4-1153. STRAWBERRY pickers, high srh. age It adult for 36 acre field of Northwest berries. 3 ml. out on Wsllacs Rd., surf ing shout June 10. 3 busses picking up on State.. Center A Market Sta. Call Mrs. t. V. Downey 3-4878. CALL Mrs. Bsrnett 4-3451 or Mrs. Robinson, 3-8833 for bus transportation to 40 acre of clean N.W. berles In Kelter. REGISTER now for Mrs. Bad- gett platoon. Traneportatlon fum. Clow In, Steady picking Ph. 3-9033. 13 YRS or older register now, food picking Hen Goldsmith. Bus trsns. Call Mrs. Comer, 3-6353. STRAWBERRY picker register for oak crest farm s-iatoon Adults It children. Heavy nicking cloa in transp. turn. Ph. 4-6268; BERRY pickers, reg. now. 13 A patch located out t-nir ' mile. E. ol Scotty Auction house to curve, turn right. Ph. 4-382 eve. L, A. Tunnall. STRAWBERRY pickers register witn Jo Lucas. J-5WS I ml out Orchard Hgts. Rd. Very good fields, t wka. pick ing REGISTER now for Strawberry picking with LaVerne Frank platoon, adults preferred, or children over 12. who reslly wsnt to work. Alan Wlesner's large acreage of Marshsll It Northwest berries. Exception ally good yard. Transportation furnished. Ph. $-2741. 616 Solet Help'Wrd ATTENTION SCHOOL TEACHERS Do you wsnt to add to your Income during Summer Vara tinni.7 W need representa tives In Public Relations work with fast growing Frs ternsl Society. No travel re quired Commission. Direct your reply to Statesman-Journal. Box 58. FOR Immediate employment, Itno mo. guaranteed com. ap ply 325 F. Bush. 8 30 to 9 A M. Only. WANT resident salesman for Salem area to sell wholesale randies, tobacco. It fountain supplirs. Must have car. Salary or commission basis, write box 5fl, Statesman-Journal EXPERIENCED Real Estate salesman or woman. Ramery. Realtor. 427 Ferry. EXPEDIENCED REAL ESTATE SALEMAN for destrabfr down town office. Guaranteed amount of advertising. Bsat working conditions SALKM PROPERTIES 387 N High Ph4-0331 I NEED 4 aggressive experi enced salesmen or salesladies that wish to earn $.500 to $800 per month selling one of the world s finest pronucis services. Ph. 2-3639 ask for Al Rrown. ' TO PLACE AD CALL 4-6811 1 600 Employment 410 Utt Hl W.rrtW Dr5T7UBUTOR wasisi (M hi own transpoetatraa. ss tart Joobee route of Kerstena products la automotive tina, Writ W. D. GniMs. 147 - at Springfield. Oregxsei. IAN to distribute It aacH a Fuller eVusst estslstJ IK weekly eaisssa. atari t-U57. il Welt W.Rtwj. Mi OPERATOR af (maB (usIioto wania v week. Capabte, bonest. hard working. Pis. -3-4511 after 8. BLACX A Bhck Masosv. aleo man w mixer for htm. 4V7asn. . LAWN mowing, spading It ad) job. Ph. 2-W. NEW building or remodeling, set. ire, e-eje a nee JS pliasi. YOUNG married man wouui hk nra. wora moraines. Will consider anything. Ph. I . SPADING, mowing, yard rieaa up, snruo trimmed, i-aaan. SITUATION wanted aa ant- nous ianitor manager. e pert A experienced la maiao (ensnce A Janitor aervica. Good reference 3-3438) v. EXPERIENCED Sorvtra Statioa aiienoaat needs work. x-a453,. 3-437. i SPADING, mowfng. yard work. m. a-vtu. WOOD CWINQ " JREAS RATES. PH. 4-ltat. roto-tillingTwork 4 per kaur. p. JJ-rtaj. GARDEN PLOWING at DISC ING PH 3-3133 W A. LA. FLEMalB I5tt LANCASTER DR PAINTING - Fred EitimatM Reasonabte. Ph. 3-aMI tea CARPENTER WORK, dsy a contract 3-1843 oe 3-I45. ROTOVATING PH. 1-4783 PLOWINO discing. Ph. 3-3T7I ' Ainen t-ren jin Monro HOWARD P.otovallng. garden. - new lawns prepared. 3-MM J tuirog roiovatlnt. rora equipment fields, lawn, oe chard s, gardens. Ph. -aan at 3-47T8; HOME building remodeling' housa framing sr any Una at carpenter work Ph. -4H7t. ROTO-TILLING PH. ttsa or S-2SU " CEMENT Work. Ph. 4-83J Suae, walk, patios, ret wall. ga rages, bsmta. Fre astlmatag. HOWARD rotovstlng. mw lawna re pa red, fre eUmataa, 8698 or 8-1381. R0TO-TI1XTN0 RICHARD HAS. PH. 3-47V8 EXPERT carpenter, 'remodeUnj all kind Cabinet work raaa. go anywhere, falln 3-711 TILUNO: Howard totovstoe. ' Ph. 4-383S se 3-33. Ha aalld at pieaao. LAWN mowing don by waek. Ph. !- " VINCENT C NEAL Excvatln Co. Excavating Grading; Ph. 3-1888 . CARPENTER work day at cfinf. Also ouisio painting. 4-4171, PRUNING, spraying, topping r . naval L W Caudl. 4-Tl ' ROTOVATING So. Salem Area. Ph. 4-3303. LOU'S ra srvl'eo" Spray, tajp pi prune, caoung. -3i. . t 614 Work WonHt, ledy CHILD ear, my noma, at I to i. days, W w. prawning Ph. 4-7838. IRONING my horn, pick ua si deliver, Ph, 3-0276. V HOMEMADE pit or cookie "' ' Baked to order. Ph.3allsar-tgit W' - - -'c. - urriL work xprincwi r reptlonlst, PBX It general of fir Ph. 3-3771 afiee 3: Mam. WELCOME wee folk who need country horn wtaacherg family. 1-890. 3600. 4-04, CARi of Infante It up to I yr. Wk. ends, night as day my home. Ph. 3-6631. . - CHILD ear, my horn by .. CTienreo mntnar. im n. win r. Ph. 4-0657. Poe, 665 N 16th '3843 IEWINO Drassmaklnf. In my nom. an lypw. rn i-kwi WANTED Ironing In my horn. 191 N Itn 3-llit EXPERT child car. My boom. 1545 Trade, Ph. 4-6666. . WILL car (or elderly persoa in my nom. pn. 8-aoen. EXPERIENCED Brhool Ctrl wishe baby Uttlng Jab sr nines. Jan Nelson, Ut W. Browning Ave. LOVING supervised child car. my home, go. Ph. i-3i. CHILD CARE my homo 31 da. 3ae hr. carnart. vn. 1-B971, EXCELLENT CHILD CARS My hem. W. Salem. Ph. -tt3t) TAILOR mad dip covers mad . In my noma. aMnna Handler, , formerly of Roberta Bra. Ph. 4-6403. ?M Highland. 615 SituoHos Wonfe Lawn Mower Sharpened 3-784t L. V, ghsfer, 1230 14. 31st EXPERT sprsy. bruah painting. paper hanging, your paint or mine. Free ut Tertna. fh. Nelson 3-8493, 3-3343. LIGHT crawler dour. Icvellnc grading, i-tosx u nurtn SCHARFT BROTHERS Installation. Repair Sewer, Septic Tank, Drain Flelda. power Ditching. BaektlU Ph. 3-35l or 3-5073 PaTnTING. papering. Free emit mates. Don Lucero, 3-5533. CARPENTER work, any kind. reas 4240 Macleae Ha e-awi. NEW lawn complete, fro t 3-3443 mom, 4-2941 rt. LAND CLEARING D-l Hr H C Mltchell Ph 3-5337 PLOWING it discing Msr shall, 2-1343. .. Is. yd shovel, crane, hot, drg. Itn. 2Vton mobil ersne. D4, D7 cau. carry all clear ing blade Rental eentraet a unit prices. SALEM SAND GRAVEL 1405 N Front SJ Ph 8-3461 Cl'sYovTDISClNO A PLOWINd RKAS. PH. 2-2348 carpe'nter CONTRACTOR Tramlng. remodeling, founda tions, retaining walls, cement or pumice block Fre esti mates. Ph. 3-6280. 618 Education If You're Just Drift- ing or Passing Through, Don't Let Us Detain You. BUT If you can follow Instruction If you ran work conscientiously 8 hours day If ynu'r looking for an oppor tunity with advancement If you have transportation If you ran use $150 lo 3233 In come per week (commission!- We ran use you to your ad vantage and our. See Mr. Fugltt. Marion Hotel Monday. May 31. 3 to 4:30 pn. or 6 lo 3 p.m. YOUR driving lessons call 4-0656, Bonded It Insured trained la tlxuetsw. Dual control aag. I. -.1