f- SHSec. Up-Statesman, Salem, Ore. Fit, May 18, 5g ' ,. Trojans to Open Defense Ov PCC Trade Title Today j DON IABGER Wildlife couamtiM U bow betnf recognised by the U. 8. Port tXflc Department with the Usuini of I series W three Wildlife Cos aervatloa Postal SUmpc during 19U. Tbe firit stamp (ibown here) la the wild turkey. Ton wui M (allows by Um aroofbore antelope Md Um kinf ulmoa. Alt et the stamsa 1U bt tt tbt three-cent tienomi ratio. . . Upland bird anowers WW p uuerrsiea 10 nni that from ell todicaUoM.ttt iag a splendid' Job ot getting IW ly established. Vie Maim. cbi( mt M manamnant lne the) Oregoa Cirae CommiMioB at Herrnistoa reports that UN adult emikara vera released ia March followed by 1.M0 birds la early May. Be thf end of this summer nearly all sections of eastern Oregon .ui.fr i.h mi rkukar habitat will have been stocked at least oca silica liberations begai la 151. ta Oregon r bert to etay. Na bint aa open season hat oeen given. ... ' '1 Every year dwrlng iMs ieaderfn. sariig sea assay aersans reaailu Ika weeds aad HeUs are led astray by the apaareBi --. aaaadennKat ef a liar lawn. The llrst hKllaaUea Is le -rescae" Ikt May aalmal aad lake R beaae. U Is beat te Hmtt the laterest to a dees ebeereatiea ealy. Natara has provided fawae with tpeated eeata far caaMeflafe aad eeasetseat preteetiea. The aaether aftea toavaa the bwa while she ferafee. The fawas, do peadeat apea thetr ceaMoJUge. win aOew renews to eeeae very ear aad tvea pat theas. Mather has pnhahly heea IrighUard way by the approach at haaaaaa. fecUaf that her affspriag la safe aad she will preaaptly retora aaea the daagar hat passed. Take eJese-aa photograph K yea waat to. bet leavt the (awa where It to. Why break ap a happy beaae by walking eft wHh a "tost" child who bat last at aUT ... Chinook Taken Intida Bar at Newport According to reporU from reliable sources there hsve been four Chinook token Inside the bar at Newport during the early part of May. One, a U lb. salmon was taken last week. However, the wind hss beet) a deciding factor ia keeping many boats off the bay and more salmon might bavt beea boated bad anglers beea able to fish. With the newt of only few salmon having beea taken at Newport, the interest ia summer salmon mooching It already an the up-ewlnf snd It will not be too long before the boat anglers again swarm the salt for tot finest fishing la Oregon. . . ,,. Treat flshlag has beea peer far the pa week with ealy scat tered eatchea take by aaglera trying le Bad aease geed aagllag. High, Bulky water are eaastag the peer flshlag with ealy the UMuer strains eflerlag dear water. Ctose to galea we hear that eeaele af aaglera beaked lata talsaea aear Eela while flshlag far beat. Thla et tarprlalag anaeafh a bit aaasaal. The eatoea gelag el ap fhs wmaaaetto eertalaly have to awlm hs Salens. Rarely tst aayeat fish lef the spriag chlaeek la the Willamette bat there Is ae reason to believe tt night net pay off at tints. There aaay eeasa a day whea we lean that geed flsblat; tor to ha bad wtthla walklag dlsUace at galeae. ... Wa were asked the other day 1 the retriever trials this year. Deek says that since he hss )ust recently sired eleven future champions t?) he Is a bit too settled dawn te romp around like a young pup. ' The truth la. Deek ta no longer a derby dog and must learn a lot men before he can be expected all-agt dog should do. The old man laaaont. By the way, anyone Interested In a good registered Labrador pup can get Information oa same by calling "Deek", or contacting him through your writer. . rmisAY ( BaaakUt) Naetk Siltaa at st iuaw, S:Jt. IhIi Saiaai at Lakuaa, 1:M. Alhaay tt Sn4 1, l:M. Parrtik Cuia t Latltt OaMt, S:M. Laalla Bli at Parlt Orajn, 1:M. irr Track) tats A-l aai A-S aasnrrtaf at Oraa State Calli, CarvaUft, l:IS, State aoaUfrtas at larlasttaM, , llW. (CalUfa Baatkall) " " Oraiaa al Waahlaitaa Stat. Onsaa Stata at Waihiailaa. SATURDAY CII Bawkain orataa at Waihlntwa stata. Oraiaa stata at washtRflaa. (Callasa Track) Martkwatt Cmlaraact Maat at Mc Callack Stasia. I s.at, Pacific Caaat CaaJartaea Maat at Barkalcy, CaMt. (ra Track) . State A-l aaaf A-l chaaplamkiat ' at Orafta Stats elli, t:M. Suw ciaaa B ckaaialauhlaa at . aarlasHaM, HSS. (Auta Baaias) - (tack Taaa at Ballra4 Bawl, Uaaa trUla IsU fm. , SUNDAY ' (era BaaakaU) Partlaal llalvarnty n. Salraa Sea Stan, Waters riclS. I a a. (SWwIlai) Itatnataa-Caaltol Allan Dauklei laanwy satani rauaS SaaSllac at Caaltal Alley. . Angels Upset Cascade Nine MT, ANGEL - (Special) - Mt. Angel upset Cascade High M in a baseball game here Thursday. It wu Mt. Angel's first Cspital Con ference win of the year and closed wt the season for both teams. The loss left Cascade with a 4-3 final league mark. Winning hurler was Tim Bu'.sch, Winning Hurler was Tun Butsch, freshman, lie was the last of three ww. tk. AnMi.nrl Mt in..i kurlers the Angels used. Mt. Angel collected four hits and made two errori. Cascade got seven hits and made one boo-boo The winning run wu walked in by Cascade hurler Jerry Pflug with the butt loaded In the aeventh inning. Cascade J20 OCO 0-4 7 1 MtgaU- 004 000 1-S 4 I Smith, Pflug f and Whitehead; Owings, Traeger U), Butsch (5) and Sprauer. , American League Bnelon . ... 1 1 00 1-S 4ar ". a .. nrt nnA f fl 1 t Brewer. Kiely (S) and White: Her- X... r.i-.,.- (1 r., ia, .nrf Thompaon. Wew York 0M SOS 001 IS 12 I Chicago - loo ao ooo s s a ford snd Berra; Hanhmaa. Dahl- 140 (BO 000 1 I a k (4), Si ' Cenauena (4), M. Martin leoa, (I) an Lollard, Moat a IMielia aoetoonad. X. li ,. , , rata. A 1 4 I - h .C. I - ...... . From an Indications the chukars as to when sportsmen may expect why our dog, "Deek" was taking to do what'a qualifying or open hasn't had time to give advanced State Tennis Meet Today OREGON STATE COLLEGE, Corvallis'SpeciaD-Some 121 high school tennis players will compete Friday and Saturday on the OSC eourte In the annual state high school tennis, championships for boys and girls. Meet Director Irwin Harris, Beaver net mentor, said that 66 boys will be entered, as well as H girls, itb perennial powers agala expected to take home most of the hardware. Entered and an odds-on favorite SfBi22" '?Urlh !"''' tingles crown Is smooth-stroking Diane Peterson from McMinnville. i Miss Peterson led the Grizzlies to' the girls team title last year. Medford and South Salem, co- j champions In the boys team dlvi- sion in 1955, again have strong I outiits, as flo urant ot Portland 1 and Klamath Falls from southern Oregon. The Pelicans lost only to the OSC Rooks this season, and Grant always has been tough right from the time state tour neys originated. Preliminaries start at I a m. Friday, with contestants gaining the semi-finals that afternoon. The semi-finals will be staged Saturday morning, with finals in the after noon. Meadows Results Track; Clear and rant Hint (art, 350 yarda, quarter hnran. purae SM0. La Blv (Dirk ton I 4 49. 3 20. 110; Kick Thrm (Boas I 6 70, 4 OS; Cat Clam iHerrl 5 91. Qu.n. Ida UM) Time ISU puree asoo. Bun oak, oiimneri Second race. 8 furlongi. 9 year nidi, :7.io.4jw.iso: Jewel Offerins onui s lo. no. Lllly'a Chief iHen- ihaw) 100 4uinlela so.70. Time I 13- Vi. Tina H I SI menu l 4 30. S 90, 2 50: Mill Kratl Sherman ) 2 81. 2 30; Qulckfeal (Lambert) 1.70. Qulnlela 30. Time l:13-4S. Fourth race, I furlonfi, 4 up, Puna S00. Honey Run (Hldalfo) XJJO, 10 10, ( It; laser Retardi I Ell en) ( JO, 11. SO; kidney Lleht (Lam bert) t.lO. Qulnlela IS0.40. Tlma 1:00. . fifth race, I furlonsa. 3 up. puna oe. Paldt fhldalro rYk totr SOOr labrlna (Proutyl Vf SO, 13.70; Imaia (Zollinger! MS. Qulnlala 70M. Tlma :M-lS. ' Sluth raca, - S'i furlnnri, 4 up. rim asoo. Amis iHidaiso) mio. 10, 4 70; Aaaualn (Ihlenl 4 10. 3 10; S.ibunow iCavallardo) 3 JO Quintela . ,l:ilXX.lVW8;. si 1M; VM-ntlna Joe (McDnweiii 340, aa w. nme i.oa. ISO; Gabardine iMilleri J io. Q'iH- I.I. Illfl Tl. I MORR MORE MORE Elshth race: tlx furloni; U Unity (Henihaw) 4.M, I SO, S.H; Jernmey iCIfford) 109, 1.70: feudln' rrank (Dixon) 4:40; qulnlala 22 SO; tlma 1111 Ninth rare: 1 110 mllet) Contender ! Dixon) 103 00, MOD, 17; Plpi Pup Henshaw) 4, ISO: Flra Ja (Searey) ,J0: qulnlala 111 M; tlma 1:411 Attandanca S7as faandla (lOO.Ut, Bailey Rated High in Meet BruW Threat May Topple Mighfy USC BERKELEY. Calif. -South- era California'! powerful Trojans open defense of their Pacific Coast Conference track ana neia uue Friday, but their strangelhold could be broken by UCLA and Ra tr Johnson, the Bruins' man of sll trades. Such a result would hsve no precedent since t'SC hss been un defeated in the meet since IRS, winning 1 times in slL while UCLA never has won a confer ence track crown. Bailey revered Oregon's Jim Bailey, who set sn Americsn mile record of 1 5t in his victory over fellow Austrslisn John Landy at Los Angeles, na turally ranks the favorite. The same holds for Csiifornia's sprinter Lesmon King who tied the world 100-yerd dssh msrk of 1 3 seconds st Fresno last week. Bailey snd King, with Johnson, hesd the list of potentiel PCC rec ord breakers. The conference mile best is 4 M and Bailey rsn faster then that in the northern division race last week sfter his Landy victory. King, given good conditions, could break the conference stsndsrd of 1.5 for the century. New Mark gald Clack UCLA's Johnson appears a cinch to leap past the conference broadjump record of IS feet set by Jackie Robinson in 1940. Preliminaries will start Friday at 4 p. m. with finals slsted Sat urday afternoon. The mile, with Bailey and UCLA's Bobby Sea man drawing most of the Interest, starts Saturday'a running events at 2:30. Foxes Beaten, But Hold Title SILVERTON (Special) -Ger- vals detested Silverton here Thursday in a makeup Capital Conference baseball game, (-1. Leading Gervais hitters were Dan-ell McCall with two hits, a triple and single; snd Jack Burg ett with s bases loaded double in the seventh Inning, driving in three runs. Winning hurl.r was McCaU who only allowed one hit while trikln nut m. ..",, , , d-vui wa ar only man to hit for the Foxes; be smacked angle In the third frame, The red-hot Foxes nevertheless win the Capital Conference crown with a record of 12 2 and play Csnby here Fridsy In a olav- off series to determine the Dis trict 4 A 2 champion. Second game for the two will be played Monday at Canby; and a third, if needed, will probably be played at Gervais Tuesday or Wednes day. Gervais 002 000 4 5 2 Silverton 100 000 12 1 4 McCall snd Funkhouser; Lynch, Olson (7) and Monson. Tennis Meet Today at WU Continued from preceding page) , ... r .. " Lapp Krohn vs- Myers-Mclver; Donaca-Sninseki vs. Cays Car- michael; Axen-Wilson vs. Young- Knorp. Second round, 4 p m , Ellerby- Peterson vs. Baker-Hayes; Berg- lvaiapus vs. winner of first doubles match; Mull-Butler vs. winner of match 2; Kil-Minifie vs. winner of match 3. Drivers Set for Race Bee at Bowl Saturday The driving roster for Saturday I entries have been tuning up on the night's Capital Auto Racing Associ-jbowl oval during the evenings this ation stock hard tops program at week. Hollywood Bowl was announced Time trials for the program will Thursday by Ron Ail. Valley Sports ! get under way at 7:45 o'clock, auto racing promoter. Twenty-nine j Trophy dashes, heat- races and Dilots are on the list, and there main events will follow. may be a lew late entries to ninei me total to over me m mara. t Leading the pack is Ray Hiebert, the Dallas pilot who drove his lord. 1 , ";,,. , .. ' heatinu out meet iere this season. Dealing , om the first t. AKA Stan Died. Les McBeth and Dale Collie, in that order. It was a thrilling finish, with Hiebert being'" naa gone on.y . Laaa caup only a few jumps ahead of the other three. All four will be in harness Sat urday night for the CARA'a first are light program of the year. They'll be joined by such others as Paul Richard, Fay Ledd, Red Weitman, Ted Howe, Glen She deck, Irv Braun, Rich Lawrence, Wes Smith, Roy Vibbcrt, Morris Gilchrist, Vern Will, Rick Simons. Mike Ramp. Larry Will. Wayne Mnnr Harlan .Inr'ltenn Wnn'dv'JVs, 5-0. in a baseball game here Woododa Buck ta. I iVerne Davis, Roy Kennedy, Monte Rust - Jtarold Anderson Rabh As- mii.ii, I oikhi imuiiwh, 'lair" bury. Don Rickard and Ron pinver. The CARA last appeared in a rousing card at Jantzen Beach in Portland, and have had two full weeks In which to get their mounts back into) top running shape for Saturday'a meet bar. Host of the SPORM'SlFatliers TAILING4' TROUT TAIUNBr'as UB80 TO PISCMM A TROUT WHOM TML Mt OUT OS TM WArBft WMU Mt NUCMCS ' ottom aocscs at tcAKH op NwMS, BTC- M 8MAUOW SeV TtSta. TMrt MS Tf U A M.V 1 PISHCRMAN TO PHN AN ASms OAL KYMrV CACnM UTSTIWAM M A KXrURAL BfJlFT TUMBLES rr Deep and mam- to tm TROUT. ANOLKR SHOULD KB PovvwrReAM prom pish to AVOIO DSCOVCfty M SHALLOW a if LTAOCR IS BEST. RCPCAT OettFTS UH- .th. mm wxea or Moves awak Leslie Slaps Parrish High Leslie downed Parrish yester day in sweltering 95-degree beat to win the last dual trsck meet of the season between the two and close out the cinder season for both. The score wu 59 to S3 Vs. Leslie made a clean sweep of the meet, winning the JV com petition with 51W points; to Psr rish's 33 'i snd Keuer's 12. Psrrish could get soma aatie faction however for it emerged as tm season's dual meet cham pion by virtue of having won two previous contests. In the vsrsity meet yesterday Jim Todd aet a new record in the low hurdlet with a time of 13.7; the old mark was 14.2 set by himself earlier this year. In the jayvee romp, Kim Clark of Leslie lied his own record in the low hurdles with a mark of 13 fist. Highpoint man for the jayvees was Delbert Sheldon of Leslie with 13 points, including firsts In the 50-yard dssh; 100 yard dash; and broad Jump. Tom Johnson paced the varsity meet with 12 points snd tied the 50-yard dash record with a time of 9.1. VirlltT rtiultt: Low hurdlet. Todd. Uill. 1: Staf tk. Lnlie, 1: Graham. Parrlih. 3; tim I3.T iw word 1. Hlfh hurdlri. Todd. Lrtlit. 1; Ol ton, Ptrrlih. 2: Rltchit. ; tlmt 10 4. MO. Btrllund. Uillt, 1: NtUon. l.filif. I; Chancey. Ptrrlih. 3; tlmt II.H. SO-vd dath. Johnson PirrliK 1: :mJ2?! Slfinbock, Lull. 2; BlUinst, Par- lOO-y'd. dath, drad hal twtwMn SSl"-; tfUfTr tima 101. 40-vd dath. Glaifow. Lftlla. 1: Evtnt, Parrith. 1; Chancty. Parrlih. j; tlmt SS S UO-yd. deih. Gllberteofl. Parrltli, 1: Harp, Ualta, i; Bart let t, LeeUe J; time 141. 444 relay, won by Leillf. McCarf- er, Bowaa, Bartlett, Whtlchel; tlma a. Pola vault, won by Klmpel. Par rlih; mark S', S"; Ceaner. Leille. Todd, Leille. and Bamea, Parrlih, tied for aecond. Shot Dut.Chencey, Parrlih, !; Harp, Leilie, 1; Harter, Pamih. J; mark jr. lJi". . , . Broad lump, nartien. Leiue. i; Johnaon. Parrlih. t. GUbertaon, Par- ruh, .1; mark IS, . Hleh lumo. tie for lit. WKelcnei, Lealie, and Wood. Parruh; Olaon ot Parrlih. third. Mark 9', 4". DIhui, won by Sebum. Pamiit. Hede, Lealie. J; Rlchardion. Par rlih, J; mark 106', i". Jawee reiulta: Low hurdlei. Clark, Lealie. 1; Kln. Uille. 1: Oiborn, J; Hender- on, iine. ; ume is. SO-vd daih. Sheldon. I.eine. i; Enter. Leslie. 7; Taylor, Parrlih, J; Kronier. Parrlih. 4; time S t. 100-vd. daih. Sheldon, Lama, l: Knier, Leihe. J. Elliott, Parrlih, 3; Pierce. Keller, 4; time II 8. 44U-vd. relay, l.enlie, 1: Harrlih. 1; Keirer, 3: winnml team Jonei, Morrow, Hendennn. Clark; lime 50 4. Broad lump Sheldon. I.etlie. 1; ' BaaHaBBBaaaaaaavwaaaaaaaaaaaaapsBVBveaK'vi w ' CAT jcras !? Kv'rr r'"""':if I have to be one myself, as this Hlfh lump, won dv jarma, r ar-1 rougn stun ouisiae me ring nas rlih: Clark Lealie. 1: tie for third -ot , ,, fore some fan gets Speentra l-eille, Jonei. Lealie. and J r Lov Parrlih Mark 4 10" hurt. ,D'lr,u- nwon uby, Nr'wom. J Owen will announce the com Gleckler, Parrish. J: Trieien. Parrlih,, J: Kins. Uilie, 4, Mark S3", 10" PlHcd card Sunday. Pole vault, won by Penrod. Kelr-! er; Frieaen, Parrlih, 2; tie for third Lovelietle. Lealie: fitch. Leslie Lealie: men. Leslie: T al 1 uh; and Chapin. Pr"jV(Q I lLrgkl won hy Jarms. Parrlih: ; Oil ufll LillVCll lie, 1: Bartruff. Kelzer, (J Lynch. Parri run. Mark S Shot put. v N twiom. Lei S; Anderion, Parrlih. 4; mark 41' 10' a special rnaicn race, lor yThey mU5t fiz,lre bolh (jghtcrs !. ' "u """" f,s result. of he recent met at ,"anul r '"1 i . many n that main event. The . ' "",M,a n1" 'p ' "i' 'f " l " DUl,w" J!l and passed him in the extra lap and was declared winner of the rsce. The mistake was not found until later. Perrydale High Kicks Amity JVs PERRYDALE (Special) Per- rydsle High defeated the Amity 1. "''r as Larry wassey, wrim a dntih e and single in two tries u.r:i ow Cl.u, ' Lc r"u " r "'"I hep-;.""'V," "';"" ,r'"Aa.,"Z ' rr," u" Amity's R. Freemen struck out 10 Perrydale men. Amity 000 000 0O 1 1 Perrydale ..211 10O x-4 6 2 Freeman and Shelton; Stewart, Chapin (S) and Rosenheim. OfPCC Huddle Probe Renewed On Infractions SEATTLE (ft Their axea ttul dripping the athletic blood af Washington but still sharp official af the Pacific Coast Con ference were gathering in Seattle Thursday night for a voyage to Victoria. B. C. Friday and a re newal of their probe of rule in fractions. This will be the regular spring meeting of the conference. Nor mally a four-day junket, the ses sion is starting a couple of days early this year because ot the Jammed schedule. The faculty representatives who run the show held tn emergency meeting in San Francisco May 5-4 and slapped a two-year proba tion on Washington. It bars the school from consideration in any sports standings and from taking part ia any championship play offs of post-season activity. It "fines" the school its Rose Bowl shares for the next two years about I52.0OO. First Caaslderallea The first order of business at Victoris is expected to be the scrutiny of Commissioner Victor 0. Schmidt's report on the eight other member schools. He found that sn off-campus fund had been used to pay off Washington ath letes. If he has similar evidence on other schools they can expect similar treatment. It is known that the conference bosses had planned to discuss meeting, ran out of time and post poned it until the regular spring confab. Jelat Sessioa Set Heading for Victoria with the faculty men will be the athletic directors and the two groups are planning to open the program with a joint session as soon as the boat docks. But the four-hour voyage is likely to find the faculty men closeted in s stateroom while the Puget Sound scenery floats by unnoticed. The football coaches who are regarded as poor relations at these meetings also will have a meeting at Victoria but they are not due to arrive until Sunday. Donovans Get Tas Rematch u Hold onto your chairs, as here we go again. Matchmaker Klton Owen an nounced Thursday that he is re matching the Donovans (Doug and Red) with Herbie Freeman snd Lespin' Larry Chene at the Arm ory come Tuesday night, for an other tag team battle. And if it's anything like the one of this week, blood will spill snd chairs will fly. The riotous corker of this week turned into one of the wildest ever seen in the Armory ring. Both Chene snd Red Donovan were cut severely in the face, the former by having his head rsmmed into s steel ring post by Doug Donovan, and the latter hy getting in the way of flying furniture. Two custodians were conked by the chairs also in the warfare accom panying the end of the regular match. It took every available Armory attache to get the victorious Dono vans out of the place, as irate fans tried hard to get at the mat mean ies. "There's plenty of heat between these two teams," Owen added Thursday, "and the rematch ought In he a lulu t'l! h.ive twn rffprrrs Against Bobo (Caa'd. from Preceding Page.) will televise the fight nationally, with Los Anseles and surrounding area, 2.V) miles to the north, ViO south, blacked out. There will he no restrictions on the NBC radio broadcast Thirteen thousand fans are ex pected to see the bout in person. Las Vegas gambling people quoted Robinson as a 7-5 favorite, with not too much interest evi dent in the actual betting marts are too much of a rash rislt-Roh- in,on at 3, paM hjj prjmf. Olson a three-time locr already 0 Robinson. T.T .1 a nw fjfin I HIHOlS Whop Saxons North Salem JVs defeated South Salem JVs in a baseball game at Waters Field yesterday, 11-4. Pac ing the Vik attack were Jim Rei man with two singles in two tries; snd Harvey Haller with two hits n f0Ur. includine a trinle. For the Saxons. Tom Serine socked a Hnihle Winning hurler was Darwin inrms who snirk out six whiiP vieldina five hits. Th's was the third meetinij betwen the two JV teams this year with North Salem winning all thre. This game ended the series. N. Salem 201 400 411 I 4 S. Salem 10 000 0 4 S 2 Phillips, Harms (S) and Darling; Geddia and Kimball. ThcyH Dolt Every Birr WHEN MS DID MEET HIS M4TCH AttD got belted arrvrHEy S4N0TWIS TUNE"" Cards Edge Phillies, 54 (Cea'g. from Precedlag Page.) Cubs Anally snspped their "road jinx" and defeated Pittsburgh 4-1 behind Russ Meyer after losing their first 10 games away from home. Brooklyn and Cincinnati were idle, along with Cleveland and Washington in the Americsn League. Rain forced postponement of a scheduled nijht game between Baltimore and Detroit, limiting: other AL activity to a night game ! between the A'j and Boston Rod Sox at Kansas City. Boston's Tommy Brewer was in sight of his second successive shutout over Kansas City when he pulled a leg muscle in the ninth inning. Reliefer Leo Kiely gave up a run as the Red Sox took a 6-1 decision. Top Savings on Riverside Deluxe Wards Finest Rayon Tube-Type Tire Some quality as original equipment tires. Strong super rayon cord non-skid "cold rubber'' treo Save on Riverside Deluxe Tubeless with Special Safety "Inner Liner" All the quality of "inner liner" that blow-outs to "slow greater blow-out (iii A 1 m CAR OWNERS - ELIMINATE YOUR PARKING PROBLEM! DRIVE INTO WARDS SERVICE STATION AT TRADE & HIGH - HAVE YOUR TIRES MOUNTED BY FAST, EFFICIENT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE MEN, WHILE YOU WAIT. SHOP WARDS TIRE STORE OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY 'TIL 9 M. Time ,yw- If Ot i Oiurch Softball Title Goes on Tap First Baptist ((-2) and First t.U.B. (7-0) will vie for the Senior Church Softball League title in the best ef a two-out-of three aeries be ginning Tuesday, I p.m., at dinger field. With E.U.B. having only one league make-up game left to play, both squads have been assured of a playoff berth. The winner will be presented with an award at the annual YMCA sports award dinner. 6:30 p.m., next Thursdsy st First Christian Church. REWRITES DARTMOUTH MARKS HANOVER, N H. -Ron Judson set three basketball records for Dartmouth last season. He scored most points in s game for the Big Green when he made 37. set a new Dartmouth scoring mark of 240 points in Ivy League games and scored the most 1151 field goals in one game. He also tied the mark il3 for most free throws in one game. "VS, WHJTDID J TWty OOfT Yf3t JZ J I TELL rOU?? y C4I?6 4 BOUT 4 V JlZ I TWIV RUSHED I WtfS WELMRE- ff'X C FV I PWrnN' HrM IM 1 OUT FOR THE J TIBE STOBE body. Deep CI A7A the Deluxe, plus a special changes - outs" for 1 protection, Plvt exene (ox ond your trod in fire. i50 ajjfj 4.70.11 Truck Tires For Every Trucking Need Wards Riverside truck fires ot 30 off list during this month-long event. Built with deep long-wearing non-skid tread and rugged rayon cord body. In 15"-16-20"-22" sizes. Econ omy without quality sacrifice. 20 downterms. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED NATION-WIDE Bfoy B4CKS TUSV PUT JMXE P006RES5 A&AtHST MIM? r FlStfTtNG MCftE u-n EXPERIENCED GUVS-' TIME THEY WT HIM L H VVTTVJ 4 W4ME FIGHTER New Softball Loop Formed A new Willamette Valley League men's softball team was formed last night at a meeting at the home of Eldon Thompson, 3371 Dallas Road. Thompson was elected pres ident and play is to get underway May 2. . There will be five teams in the leagues Sheridan, Aumsville, Dal las, Independence and Hubbard. Another meeting is scheduled next Thursday to formulate more plans. Managing the teams will be Les Glover, Sheridan; Al Cox, Aums ville; Mel Lehto, Dallas: Rex Davis, Independence; and Warren Grim. Hubbard. Church Softball: Church Softball League results Thursday: First EL'B won over Englewood EL'B by forfeit; and Turner Christian won over First Christian by forfeit. 2 m Allowafice fl "fl f4-- , ft .? 1 Wards Biggest Savings of the Year Baseball Playoffs Count 4 College CroHn Prize at Stake NEW YORK 1 Four teams already have clinched places in the tint national collegiate base ball championship playoffs and a half dozen more may make it this weekend. Bradley (19-5) won the Missouri Valley Conference championship this week by beating defending champion Oklahoma A . M in a playoff and joined Texas Chris tian !9-6. Mississippi t-S and Arizona 'U-1 among the quali fiers. Arizona was named as at large entry from District (. Twelve conference champions will qualify automatically for the eight NCAA district playoffs and probably li at-large entries will be selected. The eight district win ners will clash in the double elimination college world series at Omaha. Neb., June HI Duke clinched a tie for the At lantic Coast Conference title by beating North Carolina but must await the outcome of a rained out game between North Carolina State and Virginia. Duke is 11-3 in conference play and State 10-3. , The ACC winner will meet Missis J sippi. either George Washington j or West Virginia of the Southern j Conference and an at-large team, j probably Florida Stale, in the dis i trict 3 playoff. Flam Victor In Net Test PARIS 'jp-llerbie Flam of Bev rrly Hills, Calif , eighth ranked tennis player in the I'nited Slates, trounced Tony Vincent of Miami, Fla . 6-2. 6-2. 6-1 Thursday in an All-American second round match at the Tarts International tennis tournament TRADE AND HIGH PHONE 3-4201 Extras! on Riverside 1085 10 e.50 IS 4 Hf SeSef 55 F kW K Mr a Plus excise tax. . f - . -