lleadsGroup New York Closing Stocks llaportad by MrmU Ljrnca. Piatt, ftnnar and Ban Babson Reports 2S-Sec: III)-Statesman, Salem, Ore Fit, May 18, '56 Transcontinental Railroads to Grow Copyrlshl ISM Fubltahars Financial Bunau. Inrorptvatrtl BABSON PARK. Man. - Railroads arc still considtmi as a ratber undesirsble stepchild la this country. Abused, browbeaten, dis criminated sgsinst Uy seem U be o the receivinf end o( what ever fll fortune caa be throw their war. Doe this mea that railroads win ultimately disappear from the Americas scene? , BAIL! 8TILL NCCESSA1T Despite the heavy Uiatioe of the rails to finance highways far eompetlnf track and bus lines; despite m lauure time and again to increaie fares and frtignt rates so that the roads' expanding operating exocrines could be covered: despite union restrictions which encourage "make work" Jobs, the rails hive man aged to survive. ti joager-a transportation monop oly, Its roadbeds are paralleled by last-moving buses and autos. Huge trucks race beside freight cars, mile after mile. In the air, passengers and freight move aver tremendous distances at five times the best rail speed. : But two world wars showed the necessity for a tnuw rail network. In World War L the govern ment found ft necessary la take over the job of placing the rail system la a sound condltioa. By World War II. managements had completed several yean ef building up the physical property of the rails. They were ta a good position to handle the sudden sharp expansion la passenger and freight traffic which followed our entry into the war. v,- '--...-". COW-CUTTING PROGRESS Voune blood is currently lacking in most rail managements. ! ""!'' In several cares, however, virile managements have succeeded in cut- Met (Byym, ling costs, inroucn mecnanoauon ana ummut " j -l. kx4 fcalM Mrs h aJ lHrnnira In fraiffhi claisi- : are sow being made ta put new life Into the passenger business by developing ultra-modera kigb-speed trains. I forecast, however, that these efforts will (ail to recapture mors than a relatively small per centage of the business lost to other forms of transportation. la the matter of finances, also, aggressive managements have succeeded la cutting down unwieldy high-interest bond capitalizations. Corporate reorganixitions. reduced inventories, and the dropping of small, money-losing branch lines also have boosted Income. Finally, the ICC has lifted the rails out of the poor stepchild class by au thorizing mora reasonable rate increases during the past few years. f CERTAIN RAIL SOUND The "bread-and-butter" activity f the rails continues to be in k hMntmrmriiivM fre'eht. Efforts to oromote paseri?er and Jhr- tnmma with ripcts sort door-rime niwrotions wm m pm pTTr-W pnww.. nose roars wn"-n r, i" u...... - i( tw (ime fh ,,, wtr, ; , i n1n,la rin hmi urnf with the rates oroflt. wilt win out in the long ..thered at 1 cm. v,i.rdav; ,3I0Cks ail(l DOtHlS run. Management success win riest be cemonsiraieo oy now wen n controls total labor and material costs. The faster growth of the Southern are! of the United Ststes has been the principal; factor la the Impressive gain shown by the roads operating In that region. There Is nothing in sight to Indicate an and to this superior growth factor. The Eastern "gravity" coal roads also have had an impressive year. I forecast thai in the light of world conditions, the outstanding rail group will be the transcontinental roads, especially those with major operations ta the South, Southwest, West, and Northwest. Their froiffht tmffle k heavv and well diversified. Their finances are strong. thoir irUr lima. veil nrateded. Management. In most Cases, is im- B.nlc of California proving. I forgot that some transcontinental railr, especially trwCha, Manhattan with suDstonliai holdings of land, mineral rights, and securities, will 'fj NY ;; prove to be sound Investments. They are In a position to benef't u. s National from any sharp expansion in busiret s activity. At the fame tim good managemem saouia rnaoie uk . -v . r. I. ik. lMKM.li.rm arowlh trends. , UHCagO (JniOflS AJiiau i uiuvaa im iuj anwu " i w I I A Admiral Corp .... 18'i Al Cham Dya r. lH Aiiira sira Allli Cham ,. S', Alcoa UV, Aluminum Ltd .w..rns Am Can 44i Am Crrn TJH Am Motnra at Am SH rrd ', Am TAT 1SIH Am Tnbaaco TS'i Am Vlci Anar Copper Sfl'i Armra S4'i i Armour Jl Atrhnon Top Avco Bandit A via Ran Fooda NEW TORE Edwsrd Staley, Jh sresideat af W. T. Crsat Cans- Jfc paay, Which operates the aa- "or- warn ifsawid. ehato W. T. Grant m stem, lacladlag one la Salem. c Ore, has aeea elected wresi- r,,(f p,rk -deal ef the Commerce and In rimph sn,o "" dastry Asseclatlon ef New fj "v -Terk, lae, service chamber af cim Trac T eesisseree far the New Ywt r.i.wi ... t; .. M'i . iV. . 1M - V MttrtpoliUa Ares. Salem Quotations Al M laU rrltartirl BUTTtarAT Pramlum No i : UTTll WhnlrMla prirra rana frum ta I rrajla evar sujrins prtrai Larle Mrdium A amail POULTR1 Colored Hrna Laahorn Hrna .. .. Colored Fryara Colored Routers Old Rooitera Calotex Certalntrrd Chei O By . .. Chi M Sr St P Chi NW Br .. Chi It Ii By inryiier Clliei Srrv Cllm)i Moiy rin. it pi X. Coo Cola . Colet Com Crdit J Cor-w rdt'-on Coniiir Con' r-n . Ifont 0" SS Crrf Cn 31 Crown 7ll .a CurtlM Wr n . M Deere Co ... .IS Dla M.trh . .20 i rw.it All, M I Dow Cham .1', tl T4IJ lS'i V, M'i 41 a.v, Sd'i, IT. M 34 Can Dmamica .. Celt Kla Can rood Cr-m Motor Oe Tlra Cm Pac Ply . Clllrtte Goodrlrh Goodyar , (Trrc- W Cr ! Bt Grt WhI Sua Crrrhound culf Oil lH'i n Komaataka M U, I Int Rarvaat M'i Int Nickel as lnt Papar I.U 1 I Jonaa A M St I Kaiarr Alum . I Ken"cott .. KernLand . ' I. J Phil Morrii 4S't 4T"fc I Pr.il aPtrol Wi M!, iKiiMDury S'4 - j Proe Cam -....104'', 4ri ru pit r & L n .. 87', Pura Oil l W, -4T. a .. . V!a iBadlo Core a4' SI iBayonier Ine 37 'i ... , Bapub St! .. 44', ... ' waynokti Met 7.V MH Brvnn)d Tob S4 I 'k ! Blchllald O ', ' i noyai uuicn ios", t.lhbv MpN .... Liaa Mvrra LOF Clat .. Lockheed Air Locw'!i Ino Lonr Bell A . Lorlllard M Mairnavcir Manh Field MAM Wood Merck Co . Mont Cham Mont Ward Motorola V NaM P'r-uH Natl Cn.h Bra f, , Na'l Dlr r", l Dt't'.ll TV, I" Natl C-vnaum wati uaad Natl Suoply NY Central ......... No Am A via ... No Par Rv NW Airline 0 Safrway Slr . yii i t jo iao 4a 1st l a sr rt son j ! St Baals Pper M", j Bchniev Ind, !', I... . . i i in ,. Sram Roe . . . Shall Oil I Sinclair Oil . ISkallv Oil tSocony-Mnh .. 5", Sou 5el rt . l"Si, Sru P'c Rv 40', Sou Bv ' STr Bind std Brand? "a 47 "H Std Oil Cal Zl "''a Std Oil Ind ' (Std Oil NJ yelStuda-Park . iSunray Oil s : Sunshine M . 19'. 34', - 3?', 3", 45', SB', 4S'. IS' . ' . Swift & Cn 71', .11 1, 7'i . 40', . .in. I-W' -rv- 4T, 107". . ss . S,! . Z?'i .. S'i 4V, Sylcania El S3', Texaa Co Texa, Cult Textron Tlde-Ao Tranaarr v Tram Wo Air Twen Cen Fox W 40' Sli .11 Du P da Na J15' flait Air LI Western Securities z: : iZUsa. amlthar Co. Inc.) ! hca "o"" ZZ Then bid and aik auotatlona rap- i filrrhlld resrnt prtcaa at which one or mora I Fllntkntp dealers, mrmbrn of the National Aa ' FnrH Mntnr kiM-,, aim aadaola anrf Hnrirlt Brntrotions will not Drove locution of Security Dealer Inc.. T. S 0 . ' " " ' .1. ... -In. h. hov wuW trade with the l-n-r.l public . . 4S'i SS',1 . 51V . W, "! 12', j 3S'. 53', 75' l 41 . , 40", SO1, Olln Math SS'i Otia Elav P Pasco Pac G & El Pac T & T . Pan Am Air Pannay J C . Penn Bv . Papal Cola Phelm-Dodre Phllco Corp . 43 . Jt'. 50', .137', .. 1' . SS-, . sv. Vnton Ca'h ... l!fl Vmon Oil 37s, nion Per Rv IS", :Vni Airi-nifl SS, I IJnt Air Line, SV tlni Co-n S-, ; us pivwood 41', ;l'S Ruhber W, I US Steel 37', W Warner Pic Wash Water P 37, We-t Air Br 33 Wantarn Air J0, Waatarn Elec 53 Western I'nlon SO'j Woolworth 47', Powtr Calif-Ore soi Caacade Flywood Conwl. Freight Iron fireman Jantian Inc. Com Malar Jr Frank . Morriion-Knudacn Ora.-Port. Cement Pac. P. Sr L. Coin Popa a Talbot Portland Gaa At Coka . Port Can. Elec. BANKS Bank of America Bid Aakrd 33', 3S, ...344a. 39', ..IS 17', IV, 14, '. 14', 15', . 17', .43', 4SI, .63'j tr, ' 31, .tft 30', .33 34, 23'. J4', 37 40 75'J SO". 4S'i !', S3 7 i S7', !', 75 IV j I Compiled by The Aitorlated Pre,, May 11 BOND AVERAGES JO - 10 Nat chanf ... Thuriday Prev. day Week aio Month ago Year ago 19M High 10M Low IMS IJIih 1965 Low D4 51 Itf 4 93 5 Hi MS DS.3 93 4 m MS Ml SSI 963 95.7 98 S 97.7 8:! 94 Portland Produce Portland Livestock - PORTLAND W Butterfat Tentative, subiect ta immediaU chaniePremtum truality, deliv tred la PorUand, M43 lb; first auality 17-10; second tuaUty bw. Butter Wholesale, f o b. bulk rv.bes ta whoiesaWrsGrade AA, tn arm. snVa! A trade. score, HVi; B Fade N score s7;C Fade aj score 85. : Chees-Ta wbolesalers-Oregon singles, U4$ lb; Oregon l-Ib loaf 4340. PORTLAND W-USDA)-Csttle salable MO; early supply largely cows; market rather slow, about steady; weak-50 cents decline on cows; choice fed steers Wednes day II .; smaU lot low choice 171 lb fed hellers Thursday It 00; csnner and cutter cows 00- 1000; lew to 10 50; beef type cut' ten to 1100 sod shelly cows downward to 3.00; few utility cows 11 00-11 with odd head commer- CHICAGO lAPl- Ooan Hlf h .. Low Clone Nov. old I . - 1.5S Nov. (new) 1 75 I TS 1 73 1 77 Jaa. IM 2 01 1JS 3 91 Chicago Grain CHICACO (APt- open WHEAT May July September December March CORN May July September December March cial 13.00; Utility bulls I5.S0-1S.M; rn-T. holesalers-Csndled cutters down to 12.00. f ob. Portland. A lane. 44-454;! Calves salable 33; markel rather; nTT. A medium, 40404; A small, 30- slow, about steady; choice vealersiMav )'. ; 3J.M . 34.00; food mostly WOO-I Eus-Ta retaflcrs-Grsde AA,ll w; cuU calv tai vealers sal- : Decajnber bin m-50: A lane. 4M7: AA1''' lo 1.00. rvi medium, 43-43; A. medium, 4Jr A Hogs salable ISO; market active. jju'I hiu w aiiviif, uinantra ao-ou ; aeniwmirr cents higher; No. 1 and 3 butch ers 1BO-33J lbs 19.00-19.50; negligi-, M BEANS ble lots No. I 19 75 and 30.00; few July 11.50-13.75; sows 300-500 lbs quot- January aoie uoo-16 oo. sntalL 31 Cartons, 34 cent add! lions! ,,".y'j Pgfs-To consumers AA large, , 14-M; A large, 32-37; AA medium, 30-58; A medium. 43-M; A small, 11-44. ' ' Live poultry No. 1 quality, f o b. PorUand-Frvers. 14-4 1 b s. 34: at (arm. 23: US' hens. 17-13 eratelv active: sDrinf lamhi nhnnt at farm- bin hens. 20-21 at steady with WinlaU'. u,l, . CHICAGO (API lUSDAI Butter' Natl. See Series - :. ' -. ' " " atciav: I9',-2S 10S',-, 1 10',-', 113',-U J13', 1 49',-'i 13',-'i 1 .U',-51 l.37i, 1.40 7-7' S7', SS', 71', I M', 1 23-J3', I 24 , 1 21', 3 19'k 3 19-11', 273'.-73 JM-53', 137-5SJ, CIom 1 28', JOS',-', J 10',-', 113', 1 13', 1.44 l?,-S 1 S2',-S3 1.37,-i 1.40, SS 7', C9 -2't 1 I.MJ, 1 2d'.-'i 1.30', 3 S3',-', 3 22 ',-73 1 74'i-73 2 V',.', I 57', Net riiange Tnurnda.v Prrv. diiv Week aan Month ago .10 IS Indunl RaiIi Al 9 AS Mn 145) T 25S S 1411 9 2fi3 5 142 2 2F..V3 140 S Year o 218 3 1.12 5 19IS Huh .... 275 1 155.1 1PM Low 244 0 129 8 1965 Hieh - 257 S 143.4 19(5 Low 203 1 114 9 10 IS UU1 l-fn Unch Dl 94 9 S40 4S S4.2 95.0 S41 95 4 S49 97 7 S4S 98 0 S3 2 94 9 S3 9 inn i sn 5 9 0 84 0 15 KO 1 I'tll St (S A2 All 71' S 18.5 5 72 8 184 4 72 9 187 9 7.1 7 187 4 72 9 182 4 751 1915, 7i s 171 a ! 75 7 181 5! S7.1 1481 Dow Jones Averages Sheep salable 150; market mod- j Chicago Butter-Eggs NEW YORK (API Dew Jonaa eloiinf itoelc averaiea: Hllh Low Ooea 30 Ind, .... 497 93 492.22 498 S3 20 RRs 178 09 114 35 175 37 13 tltll 88 17 85 87 86 02 85 Slock, 179.34 177 49 178 M Stock Market Prices Climb NEW. YORK -The stock mar ket advanced Thursday in one of the most undistinguished sessions of the past three months. The Associated Press average of 60 stocks was up $1.10. That compares with a net loss of $3.50 in the averag' tr Ihc its! three The list was composed of 1.131 individual issues, lowest since Feb. 14. There were 598 gainers and 319 losers with 17 new highs and 33 new lows for the year. Richfield 3Ien At Seattle Meet SEATTLE C. T. Myers, W. R. McBride and G. C. Stephenson, Richfield Oil Corporation's field Tn vnettiiPiit True! a representatives, attended the an- lMTl9a.Ia.Clll 1 I USIS j a.day msrketing Kssion iziika. smtther i Co. tnc I conducted by Richfield at the I Norway Center here. Affiliated Fund . Canadian Fund Centur Shares Trust Chemical Fund Delaware Fund Diver. Invest. Fund Dlvitiend Shares Eaton k H. Bal. Fund Gat. Ind Croup Tobarro lncorp. Inveatori .... ... Key Cust. Fundi: B-3 B-4 K-l S-l S-4 Man. Bond Fund Mast. Invest. Trust .. Bid 6 18 19 49 2.i 92 17.54 .1131 .. 53 282 , . 22 40 .14 32 4 S3 20.00 . 19 21 10 97 ... 9.8S 12 80 . 10 83 SOS 3502 Asked 688 21 09 5 6a Chicago Livestock 18 I ISO cent decline mostly on unfin-i chanje'd; aa vs -core 59 25-59 y a 82 farm: old roosters. 11-13. Turkeys-To producer i-L I v e Wished lambs; old crop lambs about ' "i" B , " " !; c M K'M igM fryers, n-33; breeder tur- steady; good and choice slaughter uFJft$' wei Portland Grain PORTLAND i -Coarse grains, 15-day shipment, bulk, coast deliv ery: Oats No. J, 38 lb white 58 50 Corn No. 3, E. Y. shipment 69 75. Wheat (bid) to arrive market, basis No. 1 bulk, delivered coast: Soft white 3.18; soft white (exclud ing Rex I 2.13; white club 2.18. Hard red winter: Ordinary 2.18; 10 per cent 2 20; 11 per cent 2 24; 13 per cent 2.27. Car receipts: Wheat 7; barley 2; flour 3; corn 14. A J nmaiDAiiASTi DtptniabU profectiot) you'l injoy vsiogf Income Sriei Stock Series Pref. Stork S Natl. Div. Serlei key hens, eviscerated, 35; breeder spring lambs 24.00-25 00; few lots""ner nd. 1 luw,r; minimum So Pioneer Fund tomS 37-38. -- - - food and choice wnnled nM .r,m "nt A'" 's lre 37.5-39 5: Tel.-F.lec Fund . , STO ana cnoice WOOlea Old cropixtr,i medium 37; tttndardt J7.S: Value Line Inc Fund Rabbits-Average to growers- lambs 18.00-19.00; with No. 1 pelt i m-m. 'weiimc ton Fund Llvs whiU, 34-4 lbs, 23-20; S4lambs Wednesday 18.50; slaughter " " " "" tua. t-at, mu vviw cj pciia si Lena ewes scarce less; old does, 1M4. few higher' Fresh killed fryers to retailers, SS- 1; cut up,,aS. Wholesale bressed Meats Beef carcasses Steers, choice, SOO-700 lbs. 32.50-35.00; good, 31 00 34.00; commercial, 29.00 32.00; Utility, 27.00 30.00; commercial cows. 3S.0O-30.00; Utility, 25.00 28.00; canners and cutters, 23.00 30.00. ' Beef cuts (choice steersiHind quarters, 42.00-40 00; rounds 39(43.00; full loins, trimmed, S1.03 17.00; (orequarters, 30.00 3S.00; . chucks, 23.00-31.00; ribs, U0t4C.O0. Pork cuts-Loins, choice, HI i . lbs, 40.00-54.00: shoulderi. 1 lbs. I down, 38.0O-20.0O; spsreribs. 30 00-1 M arL H, rianri, ii no trA k.n. 1A.U tk. ni 3rsris " uiance 82.00. Veal and calves-Good-choice, al weights, 33.00-47.00; commer cial, 28.00-40.00. r lamb-sCholce-prime, 40 4 00-53.00. Lambs-Choice, 41-St lbs., 41 00 44 00; food, .00-4: 00. Wooi Norninsi, clean basis, Vi Mood, 1.00-05; blood, 1.03-08; V, blood, 1.12-13; fine, 1.17-23. Cwitry-dretaed Meats, f.a.k. rerttaatl: BeefCows, utility, 14-27 lb; cutters, 30-32 Veal-Top quality, lightweight, 23-35; rough heavies, 22-30. Hogs-Best light blockers, 24-25; leas light sows, 13-30. . .Lambs Good yearlings, 33-36; . S 3S 8 78 B 84 . 4 90 8 33 14 18 II 93 . 8.21 13 73 12 10 44 3 10 23 95 13 85 4 88 21 71 20 98 11.97 10.33 13.73 11 82 8 83 37 8S S97 9 57 SS 3.38 69J 15 41 13 04 6 79 1499 ruimnrt vt,. u hdi ircnti llo'jt 7.500: steady tn 25 hlcher butchers; A 46 head lot 17 83. another new high aince July 1955; mixed 1 and 2 190-220 lb. 1715-17.75; mixed arade Inta 2 and 3 IW-280 Ih. 16.78- 17 25; 290-320 lb. 18 00-16.75; ow 13 00-15.50. Cattle 2.000: calves 200: steady; a tew hi eh ichoice tn low prima atrers 21 50-22.00; bulk choice ateera 20 00 21.00; aood and choice ateers 19.25 19.75; commercial nnd food steers 15 00-18 IS; moat fond and choice heifers 17.00-20 23, utility and com merclal cows 11.75-14 DO: canners and cutters 10.50-12.50; hulls 13 75-13.50; Sood and choice vealert 22 00-26 00; load of choice 922 lb. feeding steer! 18 75 Sheep 000: steady to itronf ; mottlv food 100-102 lb No 1 and 2 Dcl's 21.75-22.50: Rood and choice spring Iambi 23 23-28 50: shorn slaughter ewes 4 00-5 30: a few at 6 0O NIW YOHK. May 17 IAPI Slocka Hifhar, tradmi quiet. Bonds Mixed, fovernmenU Im prove. Cotton Lower; liquidation. CMICAOO: Wheat- Mostly itetdy; alow trade. Corn Steady; email price ehanaet Oata Firm, food demand lor casli oatt Roybeana Mixed; eld crop firm ew easy. . Hof.Vt,d'' M c,nt higher; top 17 S5 Caltle-Steen. heifari steady; top 122.111,. The First Dependable Deodorant Soap! PR0TEX protects you a day long lap grade springers, 45-43. Mutton Lightweight twes and wethers, 12-14; rough heavies t-l. Freeh Fndace Onion Ore. Dsnvers, No. 1 rred, 200-50; Texas yellows, lge, J.7S-3I.S. Potatoes Central Ore. Russets, No. 1A. 10S lbs, 3 00-75; No. 2, SO lbs, L75-2.10; bales, No. Is, 5-10 lbs, 3.00-25; Klamath district Rus sets. No. 1A. (.00-50; Idaho Rus sets. 100 lbs. (.00-50, some to 7.25; bales, 3-10 lbs, 2.50-4 00. Hay New crop, No. J green ilfslfa, baletl, Job. Portland, 41J0-4 M too, some sales higher. sa,v i r Kajoy the Extra (aodaess M the Northwest's Very Own Brand MARGARINE Producid In Salsrrt Protects ssainst body odor. Mikes colored, chemical amellini deodorant soaps out of date. Yet dependable rROTEX a WHITE and fraaruily perfumed. PtOTHC-acts oo contact Used dafly and exclusively, FROTEX sreatly reduces the skin bacteria that tause body odor. For PROTF.X contains MS-9, one of the most effective antiseptic insredicnts knows to Kienc. PHOTEX baths make you feci to clean PR0TEX- truo beauty soap PftOTEX is oral shaped pure, nild, frntla to most tenai tir skint, Ideal for dairy beauty baths and compkeiioa cars, too. (id MOT EX todty-rrfular ao4 kail tus. Til Dependibli mu 1 Deodorant Soap "XT L ' 1 ! w A , : I : i I l 1 ti 'Vy THIS WEEK AT .... mn 4? 44 1940 MISSION PHONE 2-7661 MAN 0' LIVE! Y'ALL HUSTLE OUT TO NAMELESS AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE HYAR B0DCIOUS BARGAINS. Fisher's 015(111 MIX Fisher's Can't Spell But Their Biskit Mix Shore Makes Tarnation Good Biscuits 40 oz. Pkg. Land 'O' Goshen Look at This Hyar Bargain Big Value lb- o V Want the Gang in the Cookshack to Holler for More? Use Fisher's Hotcake MIX 27 fit.. Old Shep Will Waggle His Tail When You Buy Collage Dog food n tins i2C I Bet You'd Think We Squooshed These Tomatoes Ourselves at This Bodacious Price. Cottage 46-oz. If lib) Juic 15' 89' Fisher's Lickin' Good Cereal ALA 14-ox. pkg. (LhtzJ Wol Fry Ma Hida... if fan this ain't bityt 50-lb. bag Fisher's Flour 9 2 COME ON OUT TO NAMELESS THIS WEtK. ALL YOU GOTTA DO IS PICK OUT WHAT YOU WANT. WE'LL PUT IT IN A POKE AND TOTE IT TO YOUR BUGGY FER YE. It 'pears likt tha boys in ths meat dept. went out end rustled some steers to sell meat this cheap. LOCKER BEEF FRONT END ALL OF IT HIND END ib. 33' ib. 3H' ib. 39' Fresh Outen the Smoke Shack Polish Sausage ib. 29 Mity Leon 'n Tasty CHUCK Blade ROAST c" Been Hangin' These Hyar Critters Just Proper to Get a Dondy Tender T-BONE STEAK :. M Steaks of Nice White Fat Runnin' Through These oTsty RIB STEAKS , 59 Big, Fat, Tender FRYERS Each W ki ... i. t - i - . 1 1 ii -i i "TT I Radishes and Gr. Onions U 3 Bunches 1 1 1 ii LEMONS Full ol Juice (ole 2 a Doz. GRAPEFRUIT 8-lb. Bag 3c Mity Leon Sliced BACON lb. 33' Skinless Hot oDgs WIENERS .Lb. 39