' , . - . ' Statesman, Salem, Ore, Fri., May 18, 56-(Sec. HI)2T 4 Sports ar Campaign Stump for.Esta raHMBBl rmPAPElTl Ikt f. . -v; i I . . OualiW lrich,d r. . uf. vh n I Diamoni u BhtHibbon Brand ;X T ' V- I finest QuaiiTj i Oubcoii Hmei-IVIirti, Mow, Cfcocooft L V i - P' il V - 11(0)c . Pvf X , " ' Hwt't t ifwU viIim yM wmI wMrt I m Tim tny ft rwrt. MMiftrf "fe't- ' . tnJwlk"ir' V p W w ' f AW Mt kMk rith irU h . T V i wdr) Dwnm HiMt Mfc mum priw . . . Kp Mwrj hid. ? j' yet ' h-Ml , 1 Fluffest brand - packed In ., JCT C r-?T' liilaFliiilSllll(Q)0 - 3) pWi III . ni inin . m. . iifmr- lmjuuivii uj ii m ft i I nr a1 ... ... ..... ii 1 1 1 1 i iWITanflva ffifnin,? M(&s(?L 1) c "r iK'l i:UU UvUlJvijjLlVJ LiUV&l2JVJilW Tke tttt af a aanrif tar breama Um famaalf Tkanaay far ttttt Kcfnvar wkM W tUpa4 a Salfra la apeak at Um Caartkaaat aaaara. Lack M Haaiaeakiag lauuira aa law CaartaaaM awM mwfa Krfaavrr to rarbiMc wbrra at atoaa la a ktattai aaa alaag wllk iMaa 4M aaraaaa aa tanM4 wit la krar kirn. The araalar la aUa wriU4a vatot la kM far Orcaaa't M actegalca far tat Draaa rratie Natiaaal caarratlM la a caatoat ltk AaUl Shmaaaa. (Stotcaaiaa Fkata.) Kef auver Campaigns Across Marion County in Vote Quest Tlii Greofuf Nam in fin Pickks featured in Our Baked Goods Section Zippy Mies Polly Ann Pastries Zippy a thair nama-full af flavor and fraahnata. Thara'i ilppy for avtry pitkla lavar. Ukti 22-u. r Whela lakad in Portland and ruhad to your Saf away tier' guarantaad froth. Youll find a homo bakad flavor in oath ona of thosOPolly Ann favoritat. Dill Pickles Koshir Dills "'""" Cucumber Chips SweetChips1'"0" Zippy Sweet Relish : 37c 21-ox. Jar. 37' Raspberry Twist FLEET MIX I! 19c Snappy Fraah OCl 22-01. Jar L J 16-i. Jar 12-oi. Jar Cinnamon Super Rolls M" X 30 Fruit Coffee Cake ""' 30' Fresh Butter Horns . 20' Raisin-Date Snails M't. rk, 25 iO-z. sjK j . D U ItfuUfty 1H, l Mck. WmmifhA fw v 3.t Rgufor or Homogenized Milk Bonos Qualify in fvcry Dropf fliiarl , 1 WHUII ) farlnn www Skim Milk Nonut Half and Half Flavorful $0ur Cream For Salads I Whip Cream 21' S 43' Half Gallon 33c 49c Quart 36 Rich Half Pint Tint 29c 59c COFFEE FAMOUS NOB HILL The Coffee That Tastes As Good as It Smells 1 Pound Bag tit 1 rPl 1 2-Pound Bag . . . AjrvayToffee 89c !m $1.77 Edwards Coffee - 97c Hills Coffee UJ-'ta 99c Nescafe. m " 1.29 Instant Coffee 1.23 CHOICE GRADE BEEF ... TRIMMED BEFORE WEIGHING o)nr6) STANDING RIB CUT Aged tor tenderness and flavor by Safeway to insure perfect eating steak -Always trimmed before weighing Round Steak 69' Pot Roast --49'- 39' Corned Beef : ' 49' Sliced Bacon ' 45' AAeat Pies 27 TENDER YOUNG FRESH $7' WHOIF ('MMdllrf Brain WonoVW for i a LOCKER BEEF a HlndOatrttr I Frl Quarter Full Sid I Nof Plaits . 49c I 32c 39c I 19c Cut and Wrappad at Na Additianal Coat Cut-Up Fryers 49 Turkeys 13 to 17 1. Hew (hta-rMrfr 49 Evary cut of maat Safaway tall if guarantaad uncon ditionally or your money chaorfully refunded. CIRCUIT COURT Robert Weekly vi Mary Weekly: Divorce decree granted to plain tiff; defendant granted custody and $40 monthly support for two minor children; property settlement con firmed. Mary Penrod vs William Pen rod: Divorce decree granted to plaintiff aa well as custody and (70 monthly support for two minor children; property settlement con firmed. Lois Elaine Barrow vs Douglas C. Barrow: Divorce decree granted to plaintiff including 110 monthly support; defendant granted custo dy of one minor child; plaintiff granted custody and $90 monthly support for one minor child; prop erty settlement confirmed. Donovan T. Kcllry and Western Pacific Insurance Co. vs Leo Hee- Han: Civil auM: plaintiffs awarded judgment for tlOS. Murray C. Wolf and Betty Wolf vs Robert A. Knight and Elsie I. Knight: Civil suit based on alleged failure of defendants to comply witn terms of a certain promissory note and mortgage; plaintiffs seek judgment totaling $2,520 and the foreclosure and salt of a certain real property. State va V. C. Dumon: Grand jury cleared defendant after inves tigation of a charge of obtaining property by false pretenses. State vs PB. Cunningham: Grand jury cleared defendant aft er investigation of a charge of obtaining money by false preten ses. State vs Robert Carl Mollenhour: Grand Jury cleared defendant aft er investigation of a charge of buying stolen property. PROBATE COURT ' Estate of Dora M. AtweU. de ceased: Order sets June 18, 1950 as time for hearing estate's final account. MARRIAGE LICENSE APPLICATIONS Elmer Elbert Linn 41. farmpr Estacada. and Myrl Smith Garrett, 58, nurses aid, Oregon City. Fred E. Zimmerman lal im porter, 573 Statesman St., and Ma ria Marta Buck, legal, nurse, 660 S. Summer St. MUNICIPAL COURT William Gilbert Stallinir RAfl . 13th St.. fined S250 on a i-hiro of driving while intoxicated, gave notice of appeal in open court. A perspiring Sen. Estes Kef au ver campaigned through Marion County Thursday in quest of Dem ocratic write-in endorsement for president at today'i Primary elec Some 400 persons heard the Ten-; nessee senator bombast the Re publican administration under a blazing sun at th Marlon County ftHirthouse Thursday afternoon. Other groups greeted Kefauver In stops at Canby, Aurora, Hubbard and Woodburn enroute. The stopa brought Kefauver to Salem almost a half hour late, but despite the hot sun and Jobs, most of the crowd stayed on to hear his campaign speech. A planning mixup found Kefau ver without a loudspeaker so when the sound truck couldn't come to him. he went to the sound truck. making his speech from the seat of a curb side auto in front of the Courthouse Instead of from the tP. . Asia rlaaalag "I don t want us to ba living on a war economy forever " Kefau ver said, la a plea for planning to take ud the slack when deienaa soendini declines. "W ah a a Id have plans for hospitals, schools and other public works," he said. Kefauver spoke out for his grad uated farm support program baaed on Income, a broadened social se curity program calling lot pay to totally disabled persons over so years of age, federal aid to edu cation and a desegregation policy. He deplored what ho termed ad ministration failure in our quest Anglers Hike Road Travel If the United Slain still hH th 1900 tuberculosis death rate, about 300,000 more Americans would die of the disease everv year than do actually die of it. Traffic on Highway 22 Just east of Gates was more than tripled April 28, the first day of trout season, according to figures released Thursday by the atate traffic safety division. A recorder in that area tallied 3,641 vehicles opening day. Av erage daily traffic is 1,156, the division said. Traffic volumes on Ore eon highways increased slightly more than nine per rent during April with all but two of 32 recording stations in rural areas reporting highest average daily volumes so far this year, the division report ed. April traffic claimed 33 lives, an increase of IS over April a year ago, safety officials said. for peace, loss of small farms, lota of high dam site at Hells Canyon. and the Al Sarena deal which ba uid allowed stripping of timber ' on mining claims with a loss to ,' tht public. ; , . Never Stgaed r - Ob civil rights nt laid "1 never signed the southern manifesto, -cvei though I'm a southerner my - sell. If we are to make our con- stitution meaningful and have m flenct la the world, wo must pand our Democracy." ' Kefauver waa introduced by Dr. John Radamaker, professor of so- -ciology at Willamette University. He was accompanied on his tour by his state committee co-chairmen William L. Jraulin and ..act Bain, both of Portland. Following his Salem talk he left by plane lor " Redmond where ht spoke Thurs day afternoon. Other eastern Ore- ?;oa engagements were schedules ., or him before ho left Thursday alght lor Washington. ,. Contract Let . .- 1 v. -. V J: For Addition to Salem School ; E. K. Batterman construction firm of Salem Thursday night was awarded a contract to build a four-room addition at Washing- , ton School. The firm submitted low bid of $92,132 at a special meeting of tht Salem School Board. " " Dr. Walter Snyder, eity achool superintendent, said a provision of the contract is that the addi tion be completed by next August 20. Construction will begin im- , medistely. , . The Washinstoa project is last of 1956 school additions planned by the district this year to take esre of growing enrollment. Dr. . Snyder said the lour new rooms at Washington School will accom modate approximately 125 pupils, many of whom attended over crowded Hoover School this year. Current enrollment ,at Washing ton ii 397. Projects already underway In the district's battle against con gested classrooms include a tour-" room addition at Four Corners; two class rooms and multl-pur-pose room at Middlt Grove; and a Morningside School addition comprising five complete rooms, rest rooms and. two auxiliary toom. James L. Paynt is architect for the Washington project 'van- gpplf Fresh Shad Roe Silverside-By tht Piece For Fryino. Salmon , t Prawns ,M Stripped Fresh Deep Sea Bass , 3S'l CRAB ,t. 3' By the Piece LING -COD---M- Freih FRYERS Oven Rtedy HENS ,.49' MattaeeaaMaoaeattttMaasiai Fresh Seafoods and Poultry FITS 21( N Ceml Ph. 144:4 Free Delivery Thurs. P.M. Fri.-Sot. A.M. Minimum $1.00 Order