r-(Spr. HI)-Statesman, Salem, Ore., Fri., May 18, '58 Scil Bank Pay ft This Year V i Sr.id 'Lollipop' - Br WILMOT BEXCBC1 J WASHINGTON '(President Eisenhower's proposal to jive former 500 million dollars in advance loll bank payment this war wu derided m -a peiiucst lollipop" In thf aenate Thurs- 7 BeBinnln debate on M ' farm bill. Sen. Blender (D.-U) ttacked the president plan t ",. . t ta...t wilt jiL - mnfi m an trrirniLuru wiirv 1 t "" - ' tbe-wisp" and added: : , , : " "I do not bellevt it either eommon ien or sound policy r for congress to offer our fnn- tra political iviuyp r.:t the coat ot paying jot ui lolliooD next year," t , .$ , The new legislation, passed in ' riightly different lorm by the fcouae, would replace a eaUh-all farm .bill Eiaennower www ..; month ago., I: " i - ' It doeint provide for nuking t. 105S eoil bank pajrroenta w larm- tra who promise to withdraw cropland from cultivation ana place it in tha "bank next fear, but Repiiblicana are expected to push hard lor an aavanca, pay anenta amenamem. r - s v laaMdmcflto Develso ' f A ahower of miscellaneous m ' ...mlnullll ifavclnTMUt ShOrtl I after tha debate lot under way. - jn an anon to rracn imai vote on the bill before the week- 1 end, the aenate agreed to meet at I a.m. j (EST) ; Friday, two boura ahead of the uiual time, and to limit debate to an hour ' en each amendment Three boura were allotted to diacuasion of the bill at a whole. - ? Elsenhower naked, congress 1 for authority to advance farmer I vp to 80 per cent-or about 800 million, dollar of the benefit they would receive from a aou Z. bank program next year. J The aoll bank theory la to pay grower for cutting down on the S production of crop already in aurplua and devoting the with J drawn land to conaervation pur t po Without advance payment, the administration contend, few ' farmer could benefit from the " aoll bank this year because the J growing aeiton is so far ad- vanced. "- r -. I tnreder Say m'rt , Ellender, chairman of thf sen r ate agriculture committee, aald the argument, for; pre-payment , ae "hokum." , I The farm program we tormn- late this year muat be pro- tram baaed npon our best )udg- sent a to what la sound policy. not merely what ia the moat ex I tedient elfctloo-year "policy," El- Under aald. I J ." 1 Anong the new amendment were three by Sen. E Alexan der. Smith H.-MJ.) that would knock nit toe two-pH rice plan bow in the bill and apecial aee- - tlona to limit Import of Jong- k. U pie cotton and to direct e ; porta of aurplua U. S. cotton at reuuecu prices. , Sen. Aiken (R.-Vt.) moved to atrike out a aectlon aponiored by Sea Young (R.-N.D.) that would prevent drop in the level of t government price rapport for wheat, com and peanut. .' s i . . Sen. Stheeppel (R.-Kan.) fought authority to tell up to t- 100 million buahela of govem- ment-held lurplua wheat at live- atock feed grain price. Wteld Laooeb an IKI - : ' - Tb tanate bill would eatab liih a aoil bank plan but with " the Idea of launching H in 1997 I instead of thia year. v - 4 It alio would boost price sup- port levels for feed trains rye. J oat, barley and -wain lorghum - and ail corn grown outiide the deiignated commercial trowing j treat. A major floor battle waa . I Drosoeet aver this nmiHiInn I Aiken, who vaually ipeak for k the admlnUtration on farm poll- cy, aaid he expecta the aenate to r modify the feed gralna section "ao that President Eisenhower . can aim thia bilL" House Committee OkeW Hunting of Bull Walruses I WASHINGTON III - Tb Rouse Interior Committee haa decided that atepa should be taken toward reaping the economic benefit pro vided by walruses. .- -. , It N-?p roved a bill to permit the issuance of walrus hunting licenses te non-pat Ives of Alaska and per jniUmt Alaska natives to export walrue hide under restrictions te . be imposed by the secretary of the irVsrior. T "WaJrtae are pohgamoua ani mals, and we believe that the reg ulated hunting of the bulls will Dot imperil the resource," the depart ment wrote the House committee. - !; mom I 1 iooit:' ilffj f ; HAPPY I , I . fthA tat Aiiat (JSC 11! 'rrSt: 7 W mJ IL Lite' E (6jEc , Vgf-f ' - "'-- -ip l eiM i-ka W k. ' V twaar, Iraah ad whalawaia If p-a ' "l--!'"" 'r afl 1 lalaPIl IIT " U,,M t 'V . ar w fcak-t. r ' 7 ' ,n i flit' s. eiJ A J"I"1I I I 1 V """ r M " ' "S TH yaw gr JZ&St&L. WlmMi Cl lWl I - l"Ur """H' n,4r H "k- y V ' cifcaar 1 law, law prka. y -gpffTrx HgfcwojrirantJ-Broken Jegmenfi I , X'C ?t y r.ktJ a. waMr. alifhily twaataaaJ. If y.a feO Timer fllfl, Roinrf rV(lfl VVA-11 Kka frtfaln, ya' ana tMa tea aM-ty 1 'jy jV IT 11 A -TFT " wT,A T,MI" J A I ft L ,"tk' kw h ",'T-f" axkttil f stPllarlVIl lack taWaa, maa" crackar ai KfRt ana- flaky M Ika tiaatt ptry. y Luncheon Meal X. y .You couldn't help but notice signs o( spring are everywhere ! Best signs of all are the Spring Bargain Days at your Safeway. Value's are blossoming on every , . shelf here... in our meat section and Garden Room, too. Nothing like this event for putting new pep into your savings ! Give yourself the spring tonic of a Safeway shopping trip today . . . and watch your savings grow faster ! Money-Back Guarantee On Every Item Safeway Sells Safeway makes this uncondition al guarantee If for any reason your purchase at Safeway fails te satisfy, we will refund full pur. chase price. GREEN BEANS Santiam Cut 9f I Ptpphf )f flteJte) ypfMN IpMftS art tttrt , few fKkft. Rf . Il IM. DETERGENT Paroit, Double Duty Vfnhief Detergent eneM m iir 'iii I torgeE C'mt ? wt Pkgs. & h n9u II PwaSt't ptn.Mfwi t4t fU.t al kia'dan a'irtl Many waiMty praMN ramava anly ika tarfaia aail. Parada warka a gaally Iktt W karmian ta avaa Ika fiaart ia. Everyday Low Prices at Safeway R0XBURY SUMMER CANDY Peppermint Chews Spearmint Leaves Jelly Strings Marshmallow Peanuts 9-oi. Pkg. IO-oi. Pkg. ox. Pkg. 14-os. Pkg. 29 19 19 29 SPRING PRODUCE AT ITS BEST NOW AT SAFEWAY o)ELiljill aft JJ-ieasTi. " . Polaloes jr'" Bananas a-ti; Grapefruit Luscious With Flavor-Sweet and Ripe ArbtM Setden flump, fuff-red straw burnt, each one real taste cfofigfif . . . Don't miss them now ot Safeway, 5.4V 3 .25' 24t Pineapple Fiatil Fancy Ntwiliii Asparagus, No. 1 fancy lb. 23c Green Onions ar Radishes.. 3 bun. 19c Crisp Carrots, sweet, firm a . . 2 lbs. 25e Ripe Tomatoes for salads . . 13-ox. 33c .15' Garden Fresh com Golden fenrfer kernels, a real taste delight i Mrs (r Crisp Cabbage, medium heads . . lb. 9c Artichokes, fresh, flavorful . . each 15c Rhubarb, local field grown . . 3 lbs. 1 9c Oranges, Valencias .... 5-lb. bag 69c Also Available - Romaine Lettuce, Cucumbers, Watercress, Mushrooms and Endive SNO STAR BRAND FINEST CEOEM1 Qwrt Carton Half Gal. Strawberries Orange Juice Frozen Peas 10 i. Pkf. i u. CM I O .i. Pk. 27c 21c 19c Pus Many Othr horn food Items Also FRESH BREAD 4 Mrs. Wright's - w... 26c Butter and Egg 23c PotafBred teT 23r Iriargate, whole No. 303 can Green Beans Sweet Peas SSTT Pork & Beans IT"! Pork & Beans ItSn. Chopped Ham 12-oi. can Duchess oti"' Praise SSr Dill Pickles "5LSr Peanut Butter Ritz Crackers Mb. Pkg. Soda Crackers S!f Cottage Cheese 5!rm Fresh Eggs Per Dexen Fresh Butter p'2Um 0 tWm.rn.mm. Chatham, Sharp uieese pound "Best" Beer OVcan Pack Blitz Beer K'"" Gelatin Desserts 'C'" Reddi-Whip 5 Choc. Dairy Drink Ti., Pizza Pie Mix SCft. Kool Aid Z """" Liquid Starch Clorox Half Gallon Paper Napkins Package of SO Fauntlsroy Quart ine lives No. Vi Csn p la Cubes or Meal rriSKieS 5-Pound Package G.E. Yellow Cat Food nn: Friskiessu Insect lamp tach- 25 20 19 23 AO 57 59 43 59 33 28 29 llOC 17 - 69 79 89 1.10 429j! 53 Alt 49 625 23 29 227 9 J Price In thi advertisemsnt are effective until close of business Sunday, May 20th at Safeway in Salem. We reserve the right te limit quantities. No sales to dealers.