ltd up to the cook. which comes firs CHICKEN or the chicken salad i - i Bt MAXINE Bl'REN No matter how chicken it nerved, it i bound to draw forth ex clamations of pleaiure. Perhaps your favorite chicken la tried, or orouea, or siewea or roasiea. juayDe you love it picked right off the bond, or you have a special taste lor cnicken salad or chicken lost. But no matter how you serve it serve it fre quently, for this is one of the best possible meat buys. You get a lot of servings for your meat dollar here- Fried chicken has gone modern and happily so. smart coons now "try" tneir cnicken in tne oven and find it so much easier, so much better. The fryer may be dipped in seasoned flour and placed in a pan of melted butter long enough to coat the chicken with the fat, then put into :Tt C , ' This luscious creation is chicken loaf served with mushroom sauce, an ideal dish to serve com pany at lunchtime or in the evening. Here it goes witn a mushroom sauce on top, and aspar agus salad alongside. mm sm Nothing much can be better than chicken salad with lots of almonds, and served with spiced peaches. Here sesame seed rolls, piping hot, are a contrast for the cold foods. Svj&et Cherry, RRPbarb Pie One of Best Sicilian Style Beans Popular This is a recipe for one of the best pork main dishes ever. Since cubes of pork roast are used, this is an excellent way to use the rest of that pork roast. Onions and gar lic are cooked until the onions If you can't make up your mind, turn yellow. Tomatoes, catsup (for J cooked rice over a platter. Pour which to favor, fresh rhubarb pie i spicy flavor) and thyme (for in- the pork, gravy and beans over the heat but leave the lid on until ready to serve, at least 10 min utes. After the pork cooks, stir in the green beans. Cover and heat thor oughly. To serve, spread the hot or canned cherry pie, combine the two then you've a pie so extra ordinary that even husbands most nostalgic dreams of the pie Mom triguing flavor) are added along with the pork. All this is simmered to blend the seasonings and heat the pork. Last of all. tender cooked and the rice. crf t mkp" uil not bee n to K""" eans are surrca in .. i (ha nnrlr Brai'tf an1 luian, a r a compare icy canned cherries are the per fect complement, both flavor wise and texture-wise, to the pink, tangy rhubarb. In case you've never tried a pie made with canned sweet cherries rather than the tart pie cherries, you're in for a real eating ex perience. Once your family has experienced that thrill you can get them to do anything with the promise of a canned sweet cherry pie. Of course, canned dark sweet cherries arc delicious any way they're served as a simple sauce, in cocktails, salads, both molded and tossed, and in all sorts of pastries from sweet rolls and cof lee cakes to delightful cobblers, upside-down c akes and puddings served over white fluffy rice SICILIAN PORK AND GREEN BEAN'S 2 tablespoons cooked fat 1 clove garlic, minced 1 cup sliced onions 2 tablespoons flour 1 No. 303 can tomatoes 2 cup water 'i cup catsup 1 1 a teaspoons salt "i teaspoon black pepper h teaspoon thyme 2 crps diced cooked pork 1 cup uncooked white rice 1 teaspoon salt 2 cups water l'i to 2 cups cooked fresh or frozen or canned green beans Melt the 2 tablespoons of fat in a large skillet. Add the garlic Curry Flavors This Tuna Pie A dash of curry gives this tuna pie extra good flavor. TUNA Cl'RRY PIE 1 10-ounce package pie crust mix ' i cup finely chopped onion la cup finely chopped celery ' cup finely chopped green pepper 6 tablespoons butter 1 ' teaspoons salt ' teaspoon pepper 1 tablespoon curry powlier (or to taste) Vi cup toasted almond slivers (optional) 2 hard cooked eggs, coarsely chopped 1 7-ounce can tuna 12 cups milk i cup flour Prepare pie crust mix as for 9-inch double-cust pie. Line a 450 desree oven and leave for about 20 min utes on each side until done. The lowl cooks in a surprisingly short time and is wonderfully good and tender. Or if you want to broil it, with fresh or iresh-lrozen orange juice try it this way Broiled Chickea with Fresh Frown Orange Sauce 2 broiling chickens, split in Va teaspoon powdered ginger half (or equivalent chicken M teaspoon salt parts) 1 can (6 oz.) orange juice un 4 tablespoons butter or mar- diluted garine, melted 2 tablespoons water Brush chicken with melted butter or margarine. Place skin 'side down in broiling pan and sprinkle with V teaspoon powdered itnger and V. teaspoon salt. Broil under moderate heat unti golden brown, then turn and sprinkle with remaining ginger and salt. Pour orange juice into small pitcher. Pour over cnicken and continue to broil. Baste frequently with orange juice and broil skin side up, until flesh is tender. Small broilers1 or parts, require about 30 minutes to cook, larger chickens 40-50 minutes. One cup of diced cooked chicken, left from Sunday dinner can do a lot toward making another delicious dish. Chicken salad with blanched almonds is one of the many ideas for making the leftover cnicken even more desirable in its second appearance. A rich chicken loaf will make another dish, suitable for the nicest luncheon or supper. This time the chicken loaf goes with mushroom sauce lor extra goodness. Chicken I-oaf 3 tablespoons chopped pimien 10 1 teaspoon salt teaspoon pepper teaspoon paprika 2 eggs, slightly beaten 1 cup broken spaghetti 1 cup soft bread crumbs 1 cup cooked diced chicken lVt cuns milk, walried ' 2 tablespoons butter, melted 1 cup grated American cheese y cup diced green pepper Cook spaghetti in boiling, salted water and drain. Combine cook ed spaghetti with remaining ingredients in a large bowl and mix well. Turn into a buttered loaf pan or a 14 quart casserole and bake in a slow over 300', in a pan of hot water for about 1 hour, until loaf is set. Turn out and serve with mushroom sauce. Makes 8 servings. Mushroom Sauce 2 cups chopped mushrooms teaspoon salt 4 tablespoons butter lVa cups milk 3 tablespoons flour Saute mushrooms in 2 tablespoons butter until tender. Melt re maining butter in saucepan, add flour, blend. Add milk and stir constantly over low heat until sauce thickens. Add salt and mush rooms, if canned mushrooms are used instead of fresh ones it is not necessary to cook "until tender" before adding sauce. Then comes chicken salad, one of the best uses for chicken in summertime. Great chunks of chicken, with plenty of almond (salted ones if you want to really have flavor). This salad com bines with seedless grapes (fresh or canned) and some of thone very good sweetened dill pickles that you can get at the grocer's Almond Chicken Salad 3 cups cubed, cooked chicken cup seedless white grapes 'i cup mayonnaise teaspoon salt quartered, l' j teaspoons apple cider vinegar i cup chopped candied dill strips j cup blanched, toasted almonds Combine first 4 ingredients. Blend mavonnaise. salt and vineear. Mix lightly with chicken mixture. Chill. Spoon into lettuce cuds: garnun wun watercress. Manes vo servings. Waldorf Chicken H cup diced, unpeeled red 1 teaspoon salt apples l'j teaspoons lemon Juice 3-cups cubed chicken Vi cup mayonnaise h chopped sweet pickle 1 cup chopped celery Combine all, moistening with dressing as desired. Cinderella Act Varies Sandwich :j 1( kninit " II you pnue vuuiocu uiiub . :. ,-,, (ll ,., ; - , i OIIU VUVR Ulllll UIC llllltMI.- " prepared for any emergency, keep . . .. fi. . . . .,0(,om of pie pan with pastry a few cans of sweet cherries on folr &)ok severa, mmutes stjr.! saute onion, celery, green pep hand, and youU never be caught !rjn(, constanty Acd tne tomatoes, per in 2 tablespoons butter. Add without a scrumptious dessert that , ratsim. l'i teasooons salt. i remaining butter and allow to everybody loves! Cherry Rhubarb Pie 1 No. 2'i can dark sweet cherries 1 No. 303 can or 1 lb. package frozen rhubarb Vi cup cherry syrup i, cup rhubarb syrup 3 cup sugar l'j tablespoons cornstarch h teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon butter Pastry for double crust 9-inch pie Drain and pit cherries, save 'i cup syrup. Drain rhubarb, add i tup liquid to cherry syrup. Mix together sugar and cornstarch, stir in small amount of fruit liquid until smooth, then add remaining liquid and salt. Cook until thick and clear. Remove from heat and stir in butter. Line 9-inch pie pan with paslry. Combine cherries and rht rb. Pour syrup over and mix ligiuiy. Pour into prepared pan and cover top with lattice crust. Press edges together. Bake in hot oven 425 dcg. F. for 30-35 minutes or until crust is done. Makes 6 servings. FOR PARTY 8 Chocolate angel food cake- make it from your favorite mix is very partyish when split into 4 tayere nd - ptrt-tegether-Jgain with whipped cream and chop ped roasted almonds. ADD NITS You can make some wonderful tasting chocolate cookies from naekaee of brownie mix. Stir in some raisins and chopped wa nuts to make them extra specia CAKE DESSERT - Squares of unlrosted white or yellow cake become party fare with a topping of butter-scotch tauce and canned peach slices. pepper, thyme and pork. Bring to melt. Add v3 cup flour and blend a boil. Turn the heat down. Cover well. Gradually add iv cups and simmer 15 minutes. milk, and stir well until mixture While the pork cooks, put the thickens. Remove from heat, add rice, 1 teaspoon salt and 2 cups remaining ingredients and blend water in a 2-quart saucepan. Bring! well. Turn into pie shell, cover to a vigorous boil. Turn the heat as low as possible. Cover with a ltd. Leave over this low heat 14 with top crust, pricked to allow escape of steam, and seal and flute pie. Bake at 425 degrees minutes. Remove saucepan from, (hot oven) for 30 to 35 minutes. 0030313 ODC033B Jlmi ENRICHED! I mm FOR A VARIETY OF DELICIOUS MEALS Fril-leti Medium Egg Noodles Homtitylt Egg Noodles Kurle-O Chirm Egg Noodles Fin Egg Noodles If you're entertaining for lun cheon following t ham dinner, you might like to do a Cinderella act on that leftover meat and use it for sandwiches au gratin. HAM SANDWICH AU GRATIN 14 cups coarsely ground cooked ham 2 tablespoons bottled meat sauce 1 can lOVi ounces) condensed cream of mushroom soup, undiluated 4 cup all-purpose flour V cups water 1 cup milk Vt cup chopped green pepper 2 hard-cooked eggs, chopped Dash pepper t slices toast 8 slices process American cheese Heat oven to 375 degrees F. (moderately hot). Combine ham and sauce. Add soup to flour grad ually, blending well; mix in water and milk; cook, stirring constantly, until thickened. Add green pepper, eggs and pepper. Spread ham mix ture on each piece of toast. Place toast in shallow baking pan or 2 8-inch square baking dishes. Cover with hot sauce. Top each sand wich with slice of cheese, Bake at 375 degrees F. for 8 minutes or until cheese melts. Serve immedi ately. Makes 8 sandwiches. The children's favorite version of the ham sandwich is certain to be Minced Ham and Bean Sand wiches. The beans come from con densed bean soup with pork. India Relish is the third ingredient for these hearty sandwiches. Old-fashioned Peach Pie -f ,r " J 'K v iUlenan, faltm, Oft, frk, It, 19SM be WM1 ' i i" ' 4? .-..,,. , , , i. s . .'x Yv? ' ' ' Give your fried or Broiled chicken the gourmet touch, with orange flavor. Here young chicken was cut up, dipped In flour and oven tried at 450 degrees. If desired, brush with orange uice after it has been turned once and baste with the orange after done. Neighborhood Folks Enjoy A Sandwich Sari "Come over fcr a sandwich, and , . . " How often have we heard that phrase between homemakers interested In sharing the neighbor hood news over a light lunch be tween teenagers eager to share the later "platters" over an after school snack, or couples looking forward to an evening of bridge followed by light refreshments. In fact, the sandwich is one of the most papular and versatile forms of food as we know It today. Good-sandwiches can be fat and juicy, thin and crisp, baked with a sauce. or chilled in the refrigerator, but the common denominator for a good sandwich is fresh bread and real butter and the filling will just "come naturally." To illustrate the versatility of the sandwich, we have three sand wich recipes each made in a dif ferent way. Deviled Cheese Buns will make a hit with the young crowd. Cheese-Sausage Casserole can be made ahead and chilled in the refrigerator before baking- perfect for lunch with your fa orite neighbor. Broiled Crab wich will make a grand slam in flavor as an after-the-game snack. Don't forget that talL cold glass of m'lk with every sandwich you serve! ' Deviled Cheese Baas 1 Xa. grated Cheddar cheese 1 green pepper, chopped K cup stuffed olives, sliced 4 hard-cooked eggs, chopped 1 teaspoon Worcestershire V cup catsup 2 Tbsp. melted butter , wiener buns Combine all ingredients. Slice buns in half; spread with butter. Spread with cheese mixture. Toast under broiler until cheese Is melt ed. Serves I. Cbeew Saasage Sandwich Casaerele 4 eggs 1 quart milk V teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon dry mustard , slices white bread 1 package brown 'a serve sausages , 1 sliced tomatoes 1 cup grated Cheddar cheese Beat eggs slightly; mis in milk, salt and mustard. Make three decker sandwiches, using sausages (or first layer, tomato slices sprinkled with grated cheese for second layer. Cut sandwiches dia gonally. Arrange In a 12x8x2" bak ing dish with cut sides down. Pour milk mixture over all Bake t and V hours at 325 degrees, or until set in center. Serves I. Breiled Crab Sandwiches Toast I slices of bread on one side. Butter untoasted side. Com bine H lb. crabmeat, I tablespoons mayonnaise, S or t drops Tabasco sauce, and V teaspoon Worcester shire sauce. Spread on bread slices. Heat under broiler 10 min utes. Sprinkle grated cheese on top of crab and return to oven Blossom to Ripe Cherry Long Way It's a long interval between the cherry blossom ea the tree and the ripe, red cherry that ends up in a pie! To help you through this season, here's a scrumptious Creamy Spiced Cherry Pie that can be made with cherry presavta so delicious that you 11 .enjoy a au year round. Like every good, home-made Die. this proud beauty deserves the fis est coffee yon know bow to make. ' Let's have another cup of coffee- let's have another piece of piet CREAMY SPICED CHEEKY PI 3 pkgs. vanilla pudding mix 1 teaspoon cinnamon ' h teaspoon mace W teaspon cloves 1 quart milk 1 9-lnch baked pla shell ' " -1 cups cherry preserves H pint sour cream ? Combine pudding mil and spices. Add milk slowly, blending wtlL Cook as directed on package. CooL Pour Into pie shell. Chill. Spread cherry preserves over top. Make a vide border ct tour . cream. Just long enough, for cheese to spreading thinly so cherry pre roeiu serve not. i serves snow tnrougn. quick and easy with instant fruit pie Fillings Nothing to mix. Nothing to add. Just spoon lucky Leaf right from can to crust. Cover with top crust. Bake until golden brown. One-crust pies are easy, too. You get oil the fresh fruit jukes end flavor, An oxtiusive Lucky , process seals them in keeps fruit plump and firm. Bake your family's favorite tonight. Choose from all these fruits and berries: APPLE BLUEBERRY CHERRY STRAWBERRY BLACKBERRY RAISIN PEACH PINEAPPLE BLACK RASPBERRY APRICOT Enjoy Lucky Leaf appli uuct, apple sliest and apple juici, toi GET-ACQUAINTED OFFER the complete dog food with concentrated nourishment by the makers of MILK-BONE DOG BISCUITS. $ o f" L. Jlfl 4 4 'aisap Now for a limited time it costs you even less to treat your dog to new PAL TINY bits I The makers of milk-bom bring you this money-saving offer so that you, too, will discover how quickly dogs take to pal. It's the complete main-meal dog food that con tains Concentrated NourUhment. PAL has every food element dogs are known to need for nourishment and energy. There's no excess bulk! For trimness, health and vigor, your dog deserves nothing less than PAL. Get several packages or bags of PAL tiny bits now during this "get acquainted" offer I A ykiW vigor, your dog deserves nothing less than II n f I I L I s 0 TIIMV BITS