0-(Sec. II)Statcsinan; Salem -OrerrL,' May 18, '56 1.., s ,'t i r . , ' i!fr Crlefa f J L rMsaThe Sherldin wonv tm Study Club will ipontor the mobile X-ray unit in Sheridan June 18, 20 and 21. Mrs. B. C. Swalls is chairman. School books, needed In Korea, nave been col lected among member! of the club and tent, to a college In : Korea. r ; -.; v ; : Marquam Mothers honored at cnurcn services nere on aioioer Day Included Mrs. Pauline Swart- out u ibe eldest; n, tnariei Anderson, youngest) jure, uarea i rinr larmri famll ill chulth! Mri. Frank Points, largest fam ily, art. nan juaings. Tn ntWrs filrhard Paul wasthe eldctt mother and Mrs. Wanda Granara was we youngoi at Talla City Christian Church Sunday. Five mothers had three children eacn ana so na hmu mt-wmrm n mMM Wrhfl WAft tllC RlOSt - children" contest Mrs. Joe True- ex won and wi awanreu -.... m Un PauL Mrs. Graham, and the pastor's wile. i.n Th!Wt Is on! display in the Western Auto Sup- hr wmaow. a. snow im btaytoa wmr "IT 'l.y lair held at SUverton May 8-1Z Julia BaUey won a urn .nui ihip from the Tint National Bank of Stayton and Bonnie Btj ent won a one-halt scholarship from the Stayton Mail and one ' hill scholarship from the Stayton number of Commerce. . These awards will entitle the girls to attend the t-H bummer scdooj at Oregoa State college. Marqnam Thomas Extension TJnlt nill meet at the borne of Mrs. Pauline Swartout May 22 for all-day session. Subject by the project leaders, Mrs. Omn Rice and Pauline Swartout, will be "flower arrangement" LS.larsen, Boone Road Resident, Dies SUUsaua Ntwt torrlce DALLAS Services for lewald Rkyold Larson, H, a resident of Salem for the past 10 yean, will be at U a.m. Friday at BoUman Chapel in Dallas. Tha in. DUf Tonnlnf will of ficiate, and interment will be at . Iraen died of a heart attack ni at Mi home at 1510 tLanam Rd . Salem. Ha had been in health hout mvm veers. A member of the Apostolic Faith rhin-rh ha waa bora March IS. 1901, in Denmark. He was married to Jean Drossart en July 29, 1930. at Waukeegan. 111. The couple lived at Racine, Wis., from 1930 to 1941 Surviving in addition to the widow In Salem are two daughters, lonne Mar anger, Salem, ana rairteia Mangis, Dallas: two brothers in Denmark, and three granacnuaren. 3Irs Lawrence to Head Home Unit At Brush College Itateeaaa Nws Barries BRUSH COLLEGE -The Brush College Homo Extension Unit gathered at the grange hall for ita May meeting which featured elec tion of officers. Mrs. Theo Law rence waa chosen as chairman; Mrs. V. K. Burton, vice-chairman; and Mra. Robert E. Wright, secretary-treasurer. . They were in stalled by Mrs. Oliver Sargent The retiring officers, Mrs. Wil Bam Gibson, Mrs. Draw Michaels and Mrs. Burton, were presented , with floral gifts. Mrs. Thee Wacken will be representative to Oregon State Extension council meeting in June. A plant sale and ailent auction Betted $11 for a 4-H scholarship to summer school for Karla Brad rick. The group made plans for a picnic to be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glens Martin on May 24. Catholic Group Elects Officers SUUiaua Ntwa Itrrka MT. ANGEL - Mrs. Joseph Seiler was reelected as grand regent of the Mt. Angel Court of the Catholic Daughters of America this week. Other officers named for the coming year include vice-grand regent, Mrs. Henry Geek; prophet ess, Mrs. Harold Dieker; monitor, Mrs. Wilbert Schaecher; treasurer, Mrs. Quin Beyer; financial secre tary, Mrs. Alfred Bernt; historian, Mri. Ben Ackerman; lecturer, Mrs. Joseph Bernt; sentinel, Mrs. Joseph C. Schmidt; organist. Miss Patricia Connell; trustees for three-year terra, Mrs. Ed Hammer and Mrs. Vincent Smith; two-year term, Mrs. Victor Hoffer; one-year term, Mrs. Arthur Gooley. Mrs. Charles Bochsler and Mrs. Ed Hoffer are holdover trustees. W. A. Cummings, T .f T Resident, Dead i 1 Hmi lAWlea ALBANY Services for William . Irlav rrnnmlnn. 01. BroWflSVllle retired farmer, will be held at 10 a.m. at risher Mortuary nere. in terment will bo at Kiversiae ceme tery. Cummings had lived at Browns ville for U years, also at Halaey for IS years and at Newport at an, lima Survivors include the widow; a brother, Barney L. Chambers, Sa lon, and a sister, Elizabeth Ster aaaon, Santa Cruz, Calif. . rTOIEf II Y Salem, Oregon 11 f- 7r7n, AToirnTn li i i i linn niiii n ii n ill i 1 1 1 y l Vm V i t J I vi y tf in v w 11-11 : tMx'e VALUE BaaWJSaWaWt-BBWjHt .. ' u J -1 I . T a fl ! I "1 Tnor rm-w& hiiitf )Ml iy mi ii ii ii w j in vmjr u QUALITY! oU cbeut G A VTTVa0 C t cat kJIX T 111 vFO 0 TOPS EVERYTHING! Store Horn's: Mondays & Fridays 9:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. OTHER DA YS 9:30 A. M. to 5:30 P. M. For Your Shopping Convenience . . . SPECIAL WASH W WEAR SPORT SHIRTS FOR MEN! 133 Sanforized t e o tt o n broadcloth shlrta with the new, work-saving wash V wear finish that requires little or no ironing ... at a one time price! New fashion prints, Penney'i regular tailoring and full cut lit. MAIN FLOOR sites null, mediant, large tWea't shrink more thaa 1. p-mmiiwmqppmmim aiaiajfaBw I " .' Feature! Men's Nylon V Cotton Stretch Socks 2 r $1 sizes small, medium Nylon V cotton! The newest in men's stretch socks at a special Penney price. Soft, ab sorbent combed cotton and perfect-fit, long-wear elastici zef nylon. MAIN FLOOR Feature! Boy's Wash 'n' Wear Sport Shirts l oo Sizes 2 to II Penney'i specially priced wash 'n' wear sports shirts for boys! Gaily printed cotton with the new finish that needs little or no ironing. Machine washable, too. MAIN FLOOR . - via Feature! Girls' And Boys Bare foot Sandals $1 77 Sizes 5'i to J . . . they're top-notch quality, even at this tiny price! All lea ther uppers, hard-wearing syn thetic soles. Sanitized. Brown, white or red. - DOWNSTAIRS STORE Feature! Wo's. Twin-Strap Casuals . . . $977 Sites 4 to They're light-as-air, supple, smart fashion! Made of fine leather with medium wedge heel . . . Sanitized for day long freshness. White, light beige, red. DOWNSTAIRS STORE First time SjzA allhi8 SrA & incredible Penney M3lm?M x price! mmm Penney's Decorator Barkcloth FULL 45 INCHES WIDE! If you're looking for a versatile fab ric in smart prints . . . priced with a thrifty tag . . . Penney's special barkcloth is for you. Moderns, florals, scenes many gold touched. All vat dyed, sun-resistant, machine washable. DOWNSTAIRS STORE 66" 1 4 v4 I I1t "' an ft . i ' i m I J V. lt SB 1 I I l Urn. I : II M l i Feature! Infant's ii ' kttM wro.1 a ssT sm mlw, Training Pants Pairs' For your baby, Penney'i so-sot infanta training pants at a scoop-em up pricel Double thickness combed cotton body ' for extra long wear , . . triple i thlpkneaa erotch for more. more. 2 more absorbency. 1 SECOND FLOOR 1 sW. WTsf.. Jt T i-iw-jij-irtmi-' jW Feature! Girl's Boxer Waist 'Denim Jeans 88 C Sizes t te I All 'round boxer waist jeans of sturdy 10-ounce sanforized t den- 1 im. Sues 2 to 0 st a colorful little Penney price. Stock up now! Blue . . . SECOND FLOOR '.' Women's No Iron Cotton Plisse P. J.'s $100 JL Slsrs 32 to 31 Girl's Such pleasant dreamers Pen ney's no-iron plisse p j.'s spe cially purchased to give you wide-awake savings! The necks a scoop ... a square ... a V ... in prints or aolids. Ma chine washable! MAIN FLOOR tv-rfvi j-. j Vis. .--. Af .... mt. fS i.vV.'. . BK 1 Ta 'V- Special! Velvety Deeorator Chenilles $eoo t 77 7 HIV- 4 Twin or Full Size Special closeout! Penney's vel vety decorator chenilles! Medal ion overlay motifs! Others in smart hobnail effects! In radi ant shades for color-conscious home-decorators! Machine wash able. MEZZANINE Penney's i 4 first in their doss.. waauation mns from pu:::srs! 7 Graduation Charmers . Sub-Teen Fashions in "Regulated" Cottons Sub teensll love this figure flattering long-torso dress in the wonderful printed cotton broadcloth which "never mis behaves." A crease-resistant beauty la Summer garde a prtnta. , SECOND FLOOR 90 Sah-Teea lsee tie 14 Flnffy, Flonncy Avion fan-Can Petticoats Ulu'te, pink, blue Easy to wash C90 Sizes S, M, L O MAIN FLOOR tJ' nui Whisper Sheer Seamless Gajmode lons "Glowing shades, proportioned f Q s sizes 8 to 11 yO pr. MAIN FLOOR iu Graduation Gift! 4 r A J v.- 7;7 a FLANNELS . 7 -; 1 7 ' I "77 -:?' By Gentry mm f iJ 7; I ST If ,fi. J s . - 1 a 1 f 11 . Tie Suit . rr 35 Conrnsfng Sacitt $Q pair Yes, everywhere . . . because for fashion and versa tility Penney's color and style-coordinated Gentry Trio ranks second to none. You get a handsome 2 button auit of wool flannel beautifully touched with rayon sparkle nubs ot other equally smooth new effects. And you also get an extra pair of elegantly tailored con trasting slacks of all wool sheen gabardine ... key ed for perfect casual blending with the suit. Sizes 36 to 42 . . . MAIN FLOOR ?7,77S:'hx 1 Boy's Broadcloth Dress Shirts $198 Sites 4. ta, IS Penney's hi-count, sanforized broadcloth in whites and pas tels. Complete with king-sized cuff links. MAIN FLOOR r:W1y---..vniW a m. aaj 4 r A - i "' Boy's Wool-Orion Flannel Slacks 590 790 Rites 2 to I Sites II ta 18 Soft wool and long wearing or Ion blend that resists wrinkles, retains its crease. Handsomely styled with pleated front, con tinuous waistband. Fully mach ine washable, too. MAIN FLOOR Graduation Feature Ravon Acetate Splash Weave SuitS a a a Sizes 12 to II S15 Light tone flannels with a beautiful boucle splash over plaid. A meticulous blend of butter smooth rayon and ace tate, Penney tailored in style boys' like so well. Just right for importsnt occasions. Thriftily priced too! MAIN FLOOR Sizes rvMI 4 to 10 5 Boy's Stretchable Cotton-Nylon Argyle Socks 59' Sites S, M, L Comfort snd fit In nylon and cotton argyles for boys! Pen ney's soft, absorbent, long wear ing blend that gives a perfect fit every time. MAIN FLOOR